Scenario for a children's birthday party in the Little Pony style

I admit, I’m glad that my daughter fell in love with a kind and sincere cartoon about little ponies living in a magical land. Therefore, I gladly took on the task of preparing a “My Little Pony” themed party for her birthday. The girl was turning 8 years old, and, of course, the birthday girl deserved the most cheerful and rainbow-filled holiday. I hope I succeeded.

HOLIDAY DECORATION for Little Pony's birthday

The main color combinations that can be used at a birthday party are a rainbow of pastel shades. You can also use a rainbow in the design.

Use these colors in balloons and compositions made from them, decorative pom-poms

, in paper garlands, streamers and banners.

As a background, a rainbow background or a spiral background are perfect. On the background you can place other decoration elements, large figures of cartoon characters, and a logo. A poster with the characters of the cartoon “Little Pony” or a poster-figure decorated with the cartoon character(s) is always relevant.

Cartoon characters, drawn or printed, are perfect for decorating doors, walls, and sweet tables.

and, of course, for a themed photo zone. Additional decor can be foil balloons, balloon figures or piñatas in the form of cartoon characters and/or with their image.

Birthday in the style of "My little pony": ideas on how to organize a children's party

Invitations. To make your guests immediately immersed in the atmosphere of the upcoming birthday, make them original invitations in the form of a rainbow, along which, as you know, magical unicorns and little ponies love to walk. Anyone who receives such an interesting invitation simply cannot ignore it.

Room decoration. To decorate the room where your child's birthday will be held in the style of the cartoon "My little pony", use everything related to the rainbow and ponies. And yes, be prepared for bright colors in the interior. Make your own paper garlands from colorful paper, make pom-poms from paper or tulle, inflate balloons or decorate the walls with corrugated paper garlands.

Birthday girl outfit. This is one of the most important points of a birthday celebration, which should be taken care of in advance. A rainbow unicorn costume that you can make with your own hands will create a fairy-tale image for your girl and put her in a great mood for the whole day.

Accessories for guests. You can also take care of the appearance of the guests at the birthday party so that everyone remains in the style of everyone’s favorite cartoon “My little pony”. Cardboard masks of little ponies that can be printed and cut out, headbands with a unicorn horn or cardboard caps will create festive images for guests. And from threads you can make cute tails for everyone.

Treats. To make the celebration memorable for everyone, not only the festive table, but also the dishes should be decorated in the style of ponies and magical unicorns from Equestria. Rainbow pizza, colorful toast, jellies and cupcakes, and colorful spaghetti will attract children's attention and whet their appetite. Other dishes and sweets should also be decorated in the colors of the rainbow and ponies to maintain the overall style of the holiday.

Parents should not worry about bright colors in food, as these rainbow colors can only be obtained from natural dyes.

Birthday cake. This main hero of the celebration is awaited by everyone without exception: both adults and children. Figures of little ponies from the cartoon can be made from mastic if you or the pastry chef are skilled in the technique. If not, simply decorate the frosted cake with toy ponies from Ponyville.

Entertainment at a birthday party. Games for children at the holiday can be very diverse, but the main thing is that the main theme of the day is preserved. So you can invite children to glue a pony tail with their eyes closed, speed paint a unicorn, or make colorful bracelets with their own hands. And so that after the holiday everyone has funny photos, arrange a bright photo zone for children, decorating the wall with multi-colored fabric drapery, garlands or balls.

Inspired by these ideas, you can make an amazing birthday for your child in the style of the favorite animated series “My little pony”, which will be remembered for a very long time by both the birthday girl and her guests.

Children's birthday in the style of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"


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Welcome to a fabulous birthday in the land of Equestria, where friendship, magic and fun reign! Here you will find many interesting activities, fun competitions and exciting games!

let's get acquainted

First, let's get to know the residents of the city of Ponyville. To do this, children need to name as many pony names as possible. The one who remembers the most ponies wins the competition.

For the competition, you will need to print out a list of the names of the characters from the cartoon "My little pony" to check the correctness of the names. Also remember to count how many names each participant gave.

"Sugar Corner" Pinkie Pie

In the cartoon, the pony Pinkie Pie works at the Sugar Corner bakery. In this competition, children will have to help Pinkie Pie and make a lot of cupcakes for her birthday in a certain period of time.

For this competition you can use children's candy making kits. You can also bake cupcakes in advance and prepare various sweet sprinkles, sugar cream, berries, fruits, marmalade, marshmallows, and lollipops for children. Once the cupcakes are ready, all participants are invited to try their own creation.

"Apple Alley" Applejack

Whose family grows apples at Apple Alley Farm? Applejack's pony family, of course. And in this competition, children will have to help Applejack and collect as many apples as possible to create apple sweets. But it is important to pick only ripe apples.

For the competition, you need to prepare a basket for future apples and use red, yellow, green paper in this way: cut the colored paper into pieces in advance and roll small balls from them; Draw small black circles inside some of the balls - these will be wormy apples.

Accordingly, participants will need to check each apple by unwrapping it, and if it is not wormy, put it in the basket. The task can be carried out in two ways: as a competition, where the participant who collects the most apples wins, or as a game, where in a specified period of time all participants need to collect 20 good apples in a basket.

Clearing up the clouds with Rainbow Dash

Pegasus Rainbow Dash controls the weather and clouds over Ponyville. But today there are so many dark clouds gathering over Ponyville that she will need help.

To play you will need several gray balloons. Several children (Rainbow Dash's helpers) stand in a circle, and other children each take a balloon and, on command, simultaneously begin to throw them into the circle. Rainbow's assistants must disperse all the clouds (repel all the balls). After all the clouds have cleared, the children can change places and the game begins again.

Looking for jewelry with Rarity

Unicorn Rarity needs to find hidden gems. The children need to help her with this activity.

For the competition you need to prepare toy plastic gems and scatter (hide) them in various places in the selected room. The participant who finds the most jewelry is awarded a sweet prize. As a reward for the search, all participants receive a precious stone.

Lighting up the fire of friendship with Twilight Sparkle

In order to rekindle the fire of friendship, everyone needs to sing together their favorite song from the cartoon “My Favorite Pony: Friendship is Magic” under video karaoke. Fun dancing is also encouraged.

Looking for insignia with Fluttershy

It so happened that the balance in Equestria was upset, and the insignia that was painted on the thigh of each pony disappeared. This happened due to one wrong spell. Children need to help the pony Fluttershy and determine who owns each insignia.

For the competition you need to print out cards with the insignia of a cartoon pony drawn on them.

After balance has been restored in Ponyville, the children are invited to a festive banquet with original desserts and delicious cocktails.

I wish you a Great Holiday, Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, scriptwriter.

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Girl's birthday in the style of "My Little Pony"

The presenter is the ruler of Equerestia, Princess Celestia. This is a unicorn pony, so you can recreate the look with the help of a small horn on the forehead, as well as a colored mane made of threads, made in blue, light blue and pink.

Celestia: Hello, beauties! Today is an unusual day for us - the birthday of a beautiful girl. Therefore, today we should expect miracles. I, Princess Celestia, will guide you through the magical world of Ponville. You are ready? But first, I'm going to ask you to try on these adorable manes!

Children choose the ones they like most from the pre-prepared manes. We had both plain and colored options.

Celestia: Great! I really like the way you look now. And look what I have. The ponies have handed over tasks for you! So, let's start, the first envelope we have is from Sparkle. She wants to give you some good cheer and invites you to make each other laugh.

Game "Nesmeyana"

One of the guests sits on a chair and is not allowed to laugh. But the rest of the guys have to make the contestant laugh. The one who succeeds takes the honorable place of Nesmeyana.

Celestia: It was fun! May laughter and joy continue to accompany us. And I open the next envelope. Who is it from? Wow, this is Rarity who writes about how you shouldn’t forget about fashion while having fun and suggests making your own jewelry.

Game "Collect beads"

Various beads are poured into several bowls. Children are given threads on which to string them. You can also make bracelets.

Celestia: How great! I love beautiful jewelry and you did such a great job. Rarity will be pleased. Are you tired of sitting still? Rainbow sent her assignment, most likely it is something moving and fun. Are we opening?

Game "Flip the ball"

A rope is stretched in the middle of the room, and the children are divided into two teams. There are the same number of balls on each side. The task for each team is to throw the balls into the enemy’s territory and at the same time keep their half clean.

Celestia: Cool! I see you've had a lot of fun. I have an envelope with an order from Pinkie Pie. Oh, our little cook pony is asking you to bake cupcakes! Let's jump into the kitchen, let's show what we can do.

Celestia: While we are waiting for the result of our labors, I think I’ll look into the next envelope. I wonder what task awaits us next? An envelope from Fluttershy. What does this animal lover have in store for us? I open it... Hurray, we will draw!

Game "Draw in a team"

Children are divided into teams of 5-6 people. The task is to draw a specific animal (cat, pig, giraffe, penguin, goat). Each participant has the opportunity to make only one line, which greatly complicates the task. The winner is the team that gets the picture that is most similar to the hidden beast.

Celestia: I thought it was very funny! And what do I have! This is a message from Apple-Jack. Well, of course, she came up with an apple competition.

Game "Eat an Apple"

Apples are hung on strings at the level of children's heads. We stretched the rope across the room and hooked it to picture nails. Children must bite into the apple without using their hands.

Celestia: Hmm, interesting, the envelopes from Pony are out, but there is still one more. Who could it be from? Wow! It's the dragon Spike who hasn't forgotten about us!

Game "Dragon"

Children stand one after another, holding their waists. The first child is the head, the last is the tail. The head wants to bite the tail, but he, in turn, does not allow this and dodges. The task of the other guys is not to get unstuck.

Celestia: Oh, what a pity that the holiday is coming to an end. But I hear the magical aroma of cupcakes that are almost ready. And something tells me that the holiday wouldn’t be complete without a rainbow cake! Sit down at the tables and have a good time celebrating the birthday of a wonderful Girl Name!

Birthday in the style of "My Little Ponies"

Necklaces are elements of harmony, easy to find on the Internet, printed on thick paper with a density of 300 g/m2, cut out and pasted ribbons on the sides, which are convenient to tie at the back. For Twilight the pony, they made a crown instead of a necklace. necklaces

Cutie stamps - found on the Internet, printed on paper that is adhesive. If you don’t have one, you can print it on a plain one and attach it with double-sided tape. Cutie stamps

Ponytails are simple satin ribbons 2.5 cm wide, matched to the color of the mane on the masks. I sewed a Velcro belt from a ribbon of the main color, and sewed the rest of the ribbons onto the back. How to make it is described in detail at the link below (there is a tail made of fleece) how to sew tails

The caps were made separately for each guest. I printed it on 250 g/m2 paper, simply folded it and glued it with a glue gun. At the bottom I made holes on the sides and attached a thin rubber band to hold it on the head. caps extra caps

We packed all this property in a separate package for each guest; my daughter herself chose and presented this package to each of the invited children.

4. Seating areas for guests.

To make it more interesting and have an element of play, we came up with the idea of ​​designating the seating areas for our guests in the image of a ponies using the appropriate cardboard dolls, which we printed and made together with our daughter.

We printed the layouts for all the guests + for the birthday girl herself from the source indicated below on thick paper 250-300 g/m2, cut them out, glued them together and that’s it! We had to tinker the most with the only male pony (we only had one invited boy), the figurine was a little different for him. pony figures

link to pony - royal guard Flash sentry from 2 pages: 1 page Flash 2nd page Flash

5. We prepared gifts for each invitee (both adults and children), each with a “Thank you for coming...” card attached.

For children we made boxes from metallized cardboard, inside were sweets from the candy bar (toffees, small candies in the shape of a rainbow, etc., as well as a sticker that corresponded to the mask and figurine of each pony). The stickers were simply cut out from a coloring book, which can be bought at any store.

Here is a link on how to make boxes boxes

I made the “thank you for coming..” cards myself, after looking at a couple of ideas on foreign websites.

For the adults, we just prepared a couple of sweets, which they wrapped in organza - leftovers from a skirt for a dress, and also attached a card “Thank you for coming...”

6. Additional entertainment

For each child we prepared a horseshoe for luck, which had to be decorated, as well as coloring pages on the theme of my little ponies.

Horseshoes just went with a bang! When the children ran around in the maze, you cannot imagine with what enthusiasm they began to decorate their horseshoe. We bought wooden horseshoes at a craft store. They put each one in an individual bag, in which they also put rhinestones, stickers, colored gels with sparkles, and the bag was sealed using a themed label.

We prepared a coloring book for everyone - we took a themed coloring book bought in a store, and put stickers from it in gift boxes. The coloring book itself was reduced in size, the appropriate number of copies was made, and it was designed using a themed personalized cover.

And here is the coloring book itself for printing in the form of a small coloring brochure

7. Book of wishes

I made a thematic book of wishes, each page is a separate pony. The book was printed, the cover was laminated and sewn together using a spring.

A book of wishes, as well as pencils for coloring, lay on a separate table, where you could draw or draw a wish.

8. Table decorations

We bought themed plates, napkins, whistles, cups, and caps (for adults) at a simple store that specializes in holiday decorations.

But I made the small personalized decorations in the shape of hearts that were placed around the perimeter of the table myself

To do this, I chose a background, selected a suitable design of a pony, made a congratulatory inscription and printed it out in 4 copies. Next, cut it out in the shape of a heart, glue 2 copies together (you get a double-sided pattern). We do the same with the 2 remaining copies. Then we fold each of the double-sided patterns in half and glue 2 double-sided patterns at the fold. The result is a heart that looks like a cross from above and at the same time stands well on the table.

9. Stands and posters

Poster - I took a drawing of Canterlot Castle from the Internet and wrote an inscription. I did the same with stands. Next, using the program, I chose the size I wanted for the stand and printed it on A4 sheets on the printer in parts. After which I glued them together, and it turned out to be a large poster and stands. The stands were additionally reinforced at the back with cardboard from boxes. I used the box halves as legs and a base on which they stood.

There are a lot of programs on the Internet for printing large posters in A4 format.

OK it's all over Now !!! I hope my notes will help you create a real holiday for your child. If you have any questions, write comments or direct messages, I will definitely try to answer everything and help if you need anything.

Scenario for the holiday “Journey to the Land of Pony Ville”

Presenter - mother:

Every person has a reason in life at least once a year to gather together friends and relatives, those whom he is always glad to see, for his personal holiday - his birthday. Today is Katyusha's birthday. Today you turn 9 years old. Infancy and early childhood passed. There is childhood ahead, but already “adulthood”; there is a whole life ahead and I want to say:

I wish you at nine years old to live cheerfully, brightly, without troubles. Useful gifts, surprises, Less insults and whims! Let everything be wonderful at school: Pleasant, understandable and cool! I wish you a cheerful laugh, more luck and success!”

"Friends! Today I found an unusual envelope in the mailbox!”

After that, she takes out from the envelope “a message from the country of Pony Ville from a pony named Sparkle” and reads it to the children: “Our dear Katyusha! Happy birthday! We (Rainbow, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Spike and all the inhabitants of the wonderful country of Pony Ville) really wanted to personally congratulate you on this significant date, but, unfortunately, we have an emergency here... The moon bewitched all the inhabitants of Pony Ville and in order to disenchant they need to gather all the ponies together. We need to find them urgently. We wish you success in your studies, good mood and good health! Celebrate your birthday properly!”

"Friends! Let's help sparkle find her friends! It will be so much fun if he joins us! To do this, we will have to go to Pony Ville, but rest assured, it will not be difficult. Real adventures await us! Obstacles may appear along the way and, from time to time, it will be necessary to solve difficult problems, but I am sure that luck will accompany us, because we are confident in our abilities! Forward! We will find the magical fairyland of Pony Ville!

Then I invite everyone to go to a beautiful fairyland, where fun adventures await you. And we will go there by special transport - in a hot air balloon! (all party participants receive balloons). Whoever inflates the balloon first will be the first to enter the magical land. The only condition: you need to make sure that the ball does not burst. So, let's fly!

Here we are with you on the island of fabulous adventures. Got there first... (Name). Let's give him a big clap! It's time to take part in fun adventures!

How will we find our friends in such a big country? For this we need a map.

Look, there's something written in that ball. This is a message from the Moon. (Those who have 4 gold coins can earn a card. But coins can only be earned by actively participating in competitions.

  1. The moon mixed up all the words to confuse us, let's restore them.

Cards are distributed, each with one set of words. You need to arrange the cards with letters so that you get a word. And you also need to name 15 words on the theme of Pony Ville. The first part of the card is awarded.

  1. The next task is from Luna and we will receive the second part of the map.

“I BELIEVE - I DON’T BELIEVE.” I ask a question, you answer “Yes” or “No”.

1. In Japan, do students write on the board with a brush and colored ink? (Yes) 2. Was the fountain pen invented in Ancient Egypt? (Yes) 3. In one Chinese circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz? (No) 4. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, they can't fly) 6. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots? (Yes) 8. Do spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes) 9. In Africa they produce fortified pencils for children who have the habit of gnawing on anything? (Yes) 10. Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America) 11. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)

12. In some countries, fireflies are used as lighting devices? (Yes)

"Hooray!!! We have the second part of the map!!!" 3

. To get the next part of the map, we’ll complete another task from Luna. I suggest you play the GAME “FANTS”. The children are given a hat containing forfeit notes (for example: “Tell a joke”, “Dance an oriental belly dance”, “Sing the song of Gena the crocodile”, etc.).


And the last part of the map is almost in our hands. "QUESTIONS FOR INTELLIGENCE." 2. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't speak) 3. What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons) 4. According to etiquette, which hand should you stir tea with? (Tea is best with a spoon) 5. What tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (On wet) 6. What kind of dishes should you not eat anything from? (From empty) 8. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream) 11. Why do we eat? (At the table) 12. What stones cannot be found in the sea? (Sukhikh) 13. Which word belongs to you, but is pronounced more often by others? (Name)

Presenter: “Here we received a map. Now we need to glue it together in order to find all the ponies that will help us disenchant the inhabitants of the country of Pony Ville."

You are probably hungry, and we will need strength to overcome all obstacles. Please take everyone to the table.

Presenter: Birthday has arrived! Today is a holiday, there are treats, there are candies, there are cookies! But congratulations are not enough. And now we will fix it. Each person (in a circle) will now wish something good to our beloved birthday boy on this wonderful day

  1. Tell me, can you draw? Can you draw a portrait of our birthday boy? But the task is not simple; you need to draw a portrait of Katyusha with your eyes closed and only one part at a time. Well done! You have completed the task and now I will give you a hint. The first pony is in the first area shown on the map, there are pencils and an envelope there. The next task is on the envelope. 2. Your task is to find the marked place on the second section of the map.

So we saved all the ponies, now we can be happy for the country of Pony Ville..

Well, friends, it’s time to return home from this unusual land of adventure. Take your air transport (balloons familiar to everyone), and on my command burst it! This balloon fireworks is dedicated to our birthday girl! Happy holiday to you again!

Who are Little Ponies?

Every child can easily answer this question. Little Pony are the main characters of the cartoon, small and cheerful pranksters. The animators of My Little Pony will take children to a magical wonderland, talk about friendship, make them smile and let them have a lot of fun.

If you want an ordinary children's birthday in Moscow to turn into a bright holiday from a rainbow fantasy land, then be sure to invite the entire team of Little Pony animators. After all, each heroine is endowed with special fairy-tale abilities.

Pony Pinkie Pie is a real leader in games and fun at birthday parties. She will find an approach to everyone and give a good mood. By inviting this charming horse to a party, you don’t have to worry about your child getting bored even for one minute.

Pony Rainbow will bring with her from a magical land not only positivity and a feeling of celebration, but also real magic. After all, Rainbow Dash is a real mistress of the weather. She will take you on her wings to a land of fantasy and adventure. A journey into a magical world with an animator is full of pleasant surprises and fun games.

Our animator Pony Sparkle teaches kindness and true friendship. She and her faithful assistant dragon Spike will organize fun competitions and relay races at the children's party, where the children will learn mutual assistance and team spirit. And the reward for passing the tests will be prizes and a good mood.

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Scenario for the birthday party “Little Pony”

Twilight Sparkle and pony farmer Apple Jack meet the children in the music room. The music is from the cartoon of the same name.

Twilight Sparkle: Hey guys! Today is an unusual day for us - the birthday of the beautiful girl Margarita. Therefore, today we should expect miracles. I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my farmer pony friend Apple Jack from Ponville. But on the way to your kindergarten, we decided to visit the magical country of Equestria! Do you know what country this is? Magic ponies, unicorns and pegasi live there. So, the residents of this country need help, because today, in the country of unicorns and little horses, which our birthday girl loves so much, the unexpected happened - the elements of harmony were stolen! And only a miracle can bring them back, and friendship is a miracle! Margarita, are you ready to help the inhabitants of a magical land? What about your friends?

After each completed competition, children receive an element of harmony. So they will help the inhabitants of Equestria together.

Apple Jack: Great! The ponies have prepared tasks for you! So, let's begin, our first task is from Sparkle. What have you prepared, Sparkle?

Twilight Sparkle: I want to give you some good mood and invite you to make each other laugh.

Game "Nesmeyana"

One of the guys sits on a chair and is not allowed to laugh. But the rest of the guys have to make the contestant laugh. The one who succeeds takes the honorable place of Nesmeyana.

Apple Jack: It was fun! You receive the first element of harmony. May laughter and joy continue to accompany us. The next competition from the sports Rainbow Dash, of course, is for speed and agility.

Game "Kangaroo"

Participants are divided into teams. Each team is given an apron with a pocket in front. The participant's legs are tied, so he will have to jump to reach his cherished goal. At a remote distance there is a stool with any objects; you can put fruits, toys or other things there that can fit into your apron pocket. The participant’s task is to jump to the chair, put an object in the apron, with this object, without dropping it, jump back to his team and hand over the apron. The winner is the team that completed the task faster and did not lose a single item along the way.

Children receive the second element of harmony.

Twilight Sparkle: I wonder what task awaits us next? Oh, this is a task from Fluttershy. What does this animal lover have in store for us? She invites us to save the poor fish that are dying in a dirty pond. They will need to be transferred to clean water bodies. But not in a simple way.

Competition “Save the Fish!”

Team game. There are bowls with small paper fish on the chairs. At some distance from them there are empty containers. You need to transfer fish into them using tubes. To do this, participants run up to a chair, draw in air through a straw so that the fish rests on its tip, and quickly transfer it to an empty container. If a fish falls, you cannot lift it with your hands, only by sucking in air through a tube. Having completed the task, the participant passes the baton to the next player. The team that transfers the most loot in the allotted time wins.

Apple Jack: what kind and friendly guys you are! Now get the third element of harmony. And here is a competition from me. You know that I live on an apple farm, so the competition is called “Pick Apples.”

Competition "Collect apples"

You will need two teams and two baskets containing yellow balls. The goal is to get to the chair and bring the ball, but you need to do this not just like that, but by jumping in bags.

Children receive the fourth element of harmony.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie Pie is a big fidget and loves fun games. And she also has a task. If you play together, you will receive the fifth element of harmony, which is so necessary for all residents of Equestria.

Game "Horseshoe"

Children are divided into two teams or in turns. Horseshoe game - everyone takes turns throwing horseshoes onto a peg, similar to a ring throw.

Children receive the fifth element of harmony.

Apple Jack: Hmm, interesting, the tasks from Pony are over, but there is one more. Who could it be from? Wow! This is a task from the dragon Spike, who has not forgotten about us!

Game "Dragon"

Children stand one after another, holding their waists. The first child is the head, the last is the tail. The head wants to bite the tail, but he, in turn, does not allow this and dodges. The task of the other guys is not to get unstuck.

Twilight Sparkle: Guys, look! We have collected all the elements of harmony. Now the inhabitants of the country of Equestria are saved! Well done! Friendship is the miracle! Let's all loudly say our motto: FRIENDSHIP IS A MIRACLE!

Apple Jack: Oh, what a pity we have to go back. But I can hear the magical aroma of the sweets that the birthday girl prepared for you. And something tells me that it’s time to follow them!

How we prepared for our birthday

First, I decided on the design of the room. I have prepared:

  • balloons of all colors of the rainbow;
  • clouds made of cotton wool on a cardboard base (glued with PVA);
  • posters with cartoon characters;
  • small pictures that decorated the table: rainbow, clouds, sun, pony.

As for the menu, it was decided to limit ourselves to a sweet table. Since in the cartoon there is a heroine who grows apples, she made a little emphasis in this direction and served apple pudding, juice, and baked a pie. In addition, on the table there were multi-colored sweets, a lot of fruit (fruit skewers were popular), marshmallows and marmalade. During the celebration, we baked cupcakes with the children. And of course, the highlight of the evening was the cake. I made it from seven cake layers of different colors so that the cross section would look like a rainbow.

All that remains is to prepare the props for the game program:

Ideas from the best gift store

  1. Gifts for the New Year 2022
  2. Inexpensive gifts up to 1000 rubles
  3. from 1000 to 2000 rubles
  4. from 2000 to 3000 rubles
  5. from 3000 to 5000 rubles
  6. Expensive gifts (from 5000 rubles)
  7. Unusual gifts
  8. Cool gifts
  9. Personalized gifts
  • mane and horn for the image of Princess Celestia;
  • pony manes (made from colored yarn attached to a hair hoop);
  • colored envelopes with tasks inside;
  • colored beads, laces;
  • balloons, long rope;
  • several sheets of Whatman paper, markers;
  • apples on strings;
  • ingredients for muffins (2 eggs, 0.5 tbsp. sour cream, 200 g sugar, 100 g margarine, 200 g flour, tsp. quenched soda, a pinch of salt).

The birthday scenario for an 8-year-old girl is designed for 12 people. The celebration lasts approximately 2 hours. It is best to celebrate in an apartment or country house, but you can adapt it a little for an open area. The approximate age of the participants is 8 years.

Pony Scenario


The ponies Flattershy and Rainbow came to visit.

R: Hello! How glad I am to see you all! I found out that today is ———-’s birthday and I was very happy. They also told me that you know about all the ponies in Ponyville. This is true?….

F: Oh, Rainbow, how long can we wait until you talk here, let’s go already...

Look, you see what’s happening to her! I'll tell you what's going on here.

(Twilight reads Celestia's message)

“Dear Sparkle! My old enemy Discord has awakened again. There is an urgent need to find and combine all the elements of harmony. This is the only way to defeat the spirit of discord.”

Princess Celestia.

Once he already awakened, the most important thing in our victory over him is not to quarrel and be friendly. Thanks to our friends, we will save the city from Discord!

That's why all the ponies quarreled among themselves. And first we need to return our real and kind Flattershy. And in order to bring her back, we must remind her what she was like in the country of Equestria, what kind of life she lived and what she did. Next we will save Flattershy - again, let's remember everything we can about her.

A pegasus who is afraid of heights.
She has a soft pink mane and yellow coloring. She has a natural talent for communicating with animals, and also has a unique “Gaze” that can stun and frighten any living creature. She is very shy and timid, lives near the forest, in a separate house. Fluttershy is trying to be more persistent and brave, as her friends ask, but so far she is not doing it very well. Fluttershy embodies the element of kindness. So let's draw all possible flowers, maybe birds or animals and write our best wishes to our birthday girl. That is, we'll make a postcard.

Animators also do face painting here.

They receive the following envelope: I am Flattershy, I am very, very glad that you reminded me what kindness and friendship are.

Guys, what can you tell her, what she is like, what she does and who her best friends are?

That's right, Rainbow

- She is very brave and courageous. She is sometimes lazy, but nevertheless she conscientiously does her job - she disperses the clouds. Dreams of joining the famous team of the best flyers in Equestria - the Wonderbolts. She flies at high speed and clears clouds easily. Rainbow also has a signature trick in the air: “Sonic Rainbow,” during which she breaks the sound barrier. The rainbow embodies the element of fidelity...

R: I don’t need anyone, leave me alone!

So, words cannot bring her back. Let's show her how to disperse the clouds. A game:

Balloon. 1 team with Rainbow, 2 with Sparkle.

Or we run under thunderclouds - Wave.

You can leave the balls up on the umbrella and not let the “raindrops” fall to the floor

You can also make some bright ribbons, like fairies’, so that children run around with them to create a colorful rainbow.

Great! It seems to me that we did a great job with this task. But we will finally know if we look into this envelope. It is magical, if the tasks are completed correctly, then elements of harmony will appear in it for each pony. Well, let's see?

(Having received the envelope, the girls do not touch it for now, they will glue the elements at the end of the program, when they have saved everyone....)

R: What happened? Sparkle? Girls? What's wrong with Ponyville? (rushes first to one girl, then to another), where are the elements? Have we defeated Discount?

Unfortunately, it’s too early to rejoice, we must save our friends

Well, again, let's remember a little who she is and what she does.

That's right, Applejack.

“She is very kind, attentive and reliable, you can rely on her.” Applejack is wearing a cowboy hat. Her extended family, the Apple family, lives on Apple Alley Farm on the outskirts of Ponyville and is primarily engaged in growing apples, selling them, and baking delicious apple sweets. This is why Applejack bakes quite well. She always wears a cowboy hat, speaks with a distinctive Texas accent, and is also skilled with a lasso. Applejack embodies the element of honesty.

Now, we need to complete all the tasks associated with it. We already know that Applejack grows an apple orchard. And now we will collect as many apples as possible into bags. But the apples must be correctly sorted, small into small, large into large (blue into blue, red into red, etc.)

A game

— 2 teams. We collect balloons in large bags. Who is faster.

Again they hand over the envelope and check if there are any elements. The envelope says: Hello! I'm Applejack. You have worked hard to save me, but Discount has not yet been defeated. I wish you good luck! Sparkle gives all the envelopes, because she has magic.

A unicorn fashion designer who runs her own boutique, Carousel.
She has a purple styled mane and a white body. She loves to sew and does not like to do hard and dirty work. She likes cleanliness and order. She is always happy to give her friends something nice. I sewed costumes for my friends for a grand ball - Gala Concert. Rarity embodies the element of generosity. Games:

Fashion show using ribbons, pieces of fabric, clothespins, maybe some hats, beads...

or a photo theater of lips, glasses on sticks.

Pinkie Pie.
She has quite a lot of talents, she is great at composing songs and singing, baking sweets (Cupcakes in particular), throwing the best parties, masterfully skating, can play ten instruments at the same time, and so on, but her main talent is giving to others. fun and laughter, she considers this her main task.
She will find a way to make friends with any pony, she is friends with absolutely every pony in Ponyville, and remembers absolutely everything about everyone. Embodies the Element of Harmony: Laughter. And her favorite game is pin the pony's tail. Games:

Pin the pony's tail (a pony is printed on a large sheet of paper; children with their eyes closed pin it.)

You can arrange a dance with some pom-poms or balls,

Also, as an option, we can decorate the room with ribbons for flowers (pre-twisted into spirals), Pinkie Pie’s favorite pastime.

It’s a pity that our friends are not here, but we have their magical silhouettes. Therefore, let's all stick to them our extracted elements of harmony, each pony has its own.

Well, the task is completed! It's time for us to return to the country of Equestria. In the meantime, you can color these wonderful drawings. See you!

At the end of the program, we blow out the candles on the cake, give out prizes to everyone, and also give the birthday girl a sticker medal with her favorite hero.


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My Little Pony Program

The plot, content and price of a children's holiday program depend on the number of guests and the age of the child. For kids, animators will organize simple competitions and hold a soap bubble show. There are also entertainment options for older children: fun quizzes, dancing and relay races.

The program with the participation of Little Pony includes:

  • musical accompaniment;
  • dancing
  • balloon animals
  • original props;
  • children's face painting;
  • thematic plot.

Every child in Moscow will be delighted to see the magical team of Little Pony animators appear at a children's party. In our agency you can order participation in the birthday party of either one character or all cartoon characters.

Disposable tableware and decor for holidays and birthdays in the My Little Pony style

DIY children's party My little Pony.

Throw a bright children's party with colorful rainbow ponies. Bright colors and favorite characters from the animated series “Friendship is a Miracle” will certainly give a sea of ​​emotions and impressions to the birthday girl and all the guests.

We offer you several colorful ideas for organizing and decorating a holiday with your own hands in the style of Rainbow ponies (My Little Pony).

To decorate your holiday, choose any decor in all the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and pink.

Rainbow garlands made of paper, flags and tassels, colored balloons, pompoms and ribbons - a colorful fireworks display of colors will help create a festive atmosphere.

For the decoration of the play area and the buffet table, you can use banners with images of colored ponies, colored ribbons made of satin or crepe paper, garlands, pompoms and paper balls - honeycombs.

Combine all materials and colors, add balls or shapes in the form of colored ponies and your holiday decoration is ready. On the table you can put My Little pony toys and colored disposable tableware with images of Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash and other characters from the cartoon series.

Modern disposable tableware is great for children's parties and picnics; the colorful design perfectly complements any holiday decor. Disposable tableware is practical and convenient, it is safe, takes up very little space during transportation and is easy to dispose of. Colored disposable cups and plates, with thematic designs, and plain ones, are easy to combine and complement each other. The collection, with disposable tableware, includes colored disposable cutlery and napkins.

To decorate cakes, brownies, cupcakes and cupcakes, use colored toppers with images of ponies, clouds, colored rainbows and each pony's symbols.

You can make canapés from colored fruits, and also cut carrots and cucumbers into convenient slices, as a favorite treat for horses.

You can prepare a pleasant surprise for your guests. Make colorful rainbow tails in advance from crepe paper or ribbons, and a colored mane with ears that can be attached to a hair hoop. These fun accessories will look great in photos and add fun to your celebration.

Prepare a compliment for your guests in the form of sweets, souvenirs, decorations or other pleasant little things. You can pack gifts for guests in gift bags or boxes. You can buy gift wrapping ready-made or make it yourself from colored cardboard, paper, glitter and stickers with images of colored rainbow ponies. Such a surprise for guests will remind you of your holiday for a long time and give positive emotions.

A bright holiday is an event that will be remembered for a long time. With a little patience and a few simple and original ideas, you can create your own holiday decorations.

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