Competitive game program “Fun Seekers”

Force of gravity

The guys are divided into pairs. Each pair performs in turn. The pair members stand with their backs to each other. Participants are tied at the waist using tape. On one wall hangs a sheet with simple examples for one participant, and on the second there is a sheet with the same examples for the second participant. The couple stands at the same distance from the walls. Each participant has a pen in their hands. At the command “start”, participants begin to overcome the force of gravity and try to overpower their opponent, reaching their wall to write the answer to the example. The participant who can answer all of his examples the fastest will be the winner. Then it’s the next couple’s turn.

Just a finger

Participants stand in a row (next to each other). All participants are blindfolded. The presenter announces the rule: you can only touch the object with your index finger. The presenter, in turn, approaches the first, second, third (and so on until the last) participant and takes out one item from the bag, for example, a kiwi, a woolen sock, a wig, a bill, a jar of Nutella, and so on. The presenter takes out an object for the participant, who touches it with his index finger and guesses what it is. The leader walks 3-4 circles around the participants, after which the game ends. The winner will be determined by the largest number of items guessed using the index finger.

Fashion connoisseurs

4 participants come to the board. The board is divided into 4 parts. Each part of the board contains the same list, for example: Song - ... Men's hairstyle - ... Women's hairstyle - ... Men's clothing - ... Women's clothing - ... Advertising - ... Profession - ... TV series - ... Clothing brand - ... Perfume brand - ... Children's toy - ... The verbal expression of young people is ... Hobby - ... and so on. At the “start” command, participants begin to fill out the lists, writing in everything that is most popular and fashionable, that is, what song is in fashion now, for example, the song “The Wind Blowed from the Sea”; men's hairstyle - shaved sides and a pigtail on the top; women's hairstyle - bob; men's clothing - low-waist jeans, T-shirt and jacket and so on. After participants have filled out the lists, a vote is held. Whose list “in fashion” receives more applause will be the winner.

Non-standard test

All participants are given a piece of paper and a pen. Without suspecting anything, participants must name any number from 1 to 10. Only then do participants learn that they will write a column of the multiplication table for exactly the number they named. The second oddity of the game is that at the command “start” the participants move their arms back (behind their backs) and in this position write the multiplication table, holding a piece of paper in one hand and a pen in the other. The participant who completes this task faster (and does it correctly) will be the winner.

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