COMPETITIVE - GAME PROGRAM New Year's holiday for grades 6-7, 2015

1 Look and remember Prepare a tray on which you place various objects: a pencil, a screwdriver, a watch - whatever comes to mind. Items can be either removed or returned to their place during the competition. A blindfolded person must guess everything that is on the tray.


Competition "Dapper".


And now we are again inviting four young men. The next joke is called: “One thread at a time.” It is necessary to beg as many different accessories as possible with which to decorate yourself. The one who does it the coolest will win!

Fun game "Smart Journalist"

Graduates with a well-functioning imagination should be invited to participate in this game. We divide them into two teams and give out pre-prepared clippings from newspapers and magazines with different names and article headings. Of all this, the guys must do it in 5 minutes. write a short text. What is assessed is not the volume of what was invented, but how well all these headings came together, and whether the new text makes sense.


Guess the secret word Children are divided into two teams. In front of each hangs a Whatman paper with cells drawn on them. Each cell corresponds to one letter of the word. Teams receive the same number of balls, inside of which riddles related to the sea and pirates are written. By popping the balloons, the children must guess riddles. The initial letter of each answer will form an encrypted word. They need to be written on whatman paper. Whoever completes the task first wins.


Draw a ponytail. For this game you will need a large sheet of paper, a pencil, and a blindfold. First, the presenter draws an animal (cat, dog, pig) with a pencil on a piece of paper. Draws everything except the tail. One of the players is blindfolded. He should try to draw a ponytail blindly. Then other players try to do it. The one whose drawing is more accurate wins.

Generals of the world

For this competition, the presenter (teacher) prepares either portraits or a little more complex descriptions of the great commanders of the world, for example, a commander with the surname of Salata (Caesar); a commander who was called a genius (Napoleon); the commander who conquered and conquered everything reached Asia (Macedonian); a commander who became the National Hero of Russia and the harsh surname did not bother him (Suvorov) and so on. The presenter makes a guess, and the guys guess. Whoever guessed the most is recognized as the best expert on military leaders and receives a prize.

By country and island

The class guys are divided into teams with the same number of people, approximately 3-4 participants. Each team receives a task sheet with pictures (they can be printed or drawn) of flags of different countries and islands of the world. Opposite each picture is written the first letter of the name of the country or island and then dots that correspond to the number of remaining letters that need to be entered. At the “start” command, the teams begin to familiarize themselves with the flags and guess the countries and islands. And the first letters will help even if you are seeing the flag for the first time (you can guess the letters by the letters). The team that is the first to correctly enter all the countries and islands on their task sheet will be the winner and receive a prize.

Fast mathematicians

The presenter will give commands, and the team members, having completed the mathematical commands in their heads, will quickly answer. The guys are divided into teams of equal numbers. The leader sets the rhythm of the game, and the teams take turns responding. For an incorrect answer, the participant is eliminated. If the team takes too long to think, the member also leaves the team. So, the leader calls any number, for example, 5. Then he turns to the first team and gives the command “multiply by 2”, the team gives the answer, then the leader turns to the second team and gives the command “subtract 4”, the command is from the resulting number after the previous action performs this action and gives a response, and so on. You need to answer quickly and correctly, otherwise you won’t win.

Ebony wand

The guys are divided into several teams with the same number of people. At the same distance from each team there is a chair with pieces of paper in the same quantity). Teams line up in separate rows. At the “start” command, the first participants each take an ebonite stick and forward to the chair with leaves, rub the stick along the way, generating electricity, run to their chair and, using the stick, lift one piece of leaf, put it in their hand and run back to their team, passing the baton to the second participants. The team that transfers all the pieces of paper using an ebonite stick faster than its opponents will be the winner.

Competitions on March 8 for junior classes

For primary school children, games are selected at a level so that the child can easily complete the task. If you offer a younger student a task of increased complexity, the child gets lost. And instead of a good mood and a charge of vigor, the younger student becomes upset and loses confidence in his abilities.

We propose to hold the following competitions for primary school students on March 8:

  • "Flower extravaganza".

8–12 people participate. The guys are divided into two teams and lined up. The first student stands with chalk near the school board. The last participant is shown a graphic drawing of a flower. He must draw it with his finger on the back of the person in front. The child on whose back the flower was drawn guesses the picture and draws it on the back of the next one. The last participant draws a picture on the board. The team whose drawing most closely matches the given image wins.

Photo: UGC

  • "Guess what it is."

Two participants are chosen and blindfolded. A container with soft small toys is placed in front of them. At a signal, children are asked to take turns taking out a toy and determining what it is. The one who guesses the most toys wins.

  • “Dress up the hostess.”

Choose 4 pairs of boys and girls. On chairs at a distance they place a scarf, an apron, a flower and some extra item of clothing (jacket, jacket, dress). On command, the boys must run up to the chair, choose one of the necessary items for the hostess and put it on the girl. When the necessary items of clothing are on the girl, the boy takes a flower, gives it to his partner and shouts “Happy Holidays!” The winner is the couple that completes the task faster and chooses the necessary items of clothing.

  • "Collect pollen."

10 balloons of different colors are scattered on the floor. Two pairs are chosen. Children are told that they are bees who need to collect pollen. On command, children begin to collect balls of the same color. Only the boy can hold the balls; the girl helps him collect and secure the balls. They can be hidden under a jacket, held in your hands, between your legs. The team that can lift the most balls in two minutes wins. If the ball bursts, a point is deducted.

Photo: UGC

  • “Make a girlfriend.”

The game involves 3-4 pairs. According to the number of pairs, chairs are placed at a distance. They put a balloon, a scarf, and a marker on them. At the leader’s command, the boys run to the chair and draw one element of the face, then return back. The next element of the face is drawn by the girls. This is how children turn the ball into a face. The task is considered completed when a scarf is tied to the “head”. You have 2 minutes to complete the task. The couple whose face turns out to be funnier and more interesting wins.

When organizing a holiday in primary school, all children should be involved. We must not allow the more active ones to participate in the competition while the shy guys remain on the sidelines. If you involve parents, games on March 8 will become more interesting and fun for children.

Exact sciences

The guys are divided into teams of 4 people. At the command of the leader, the first 4 participants (one participant from each team) come to the board, divided into 4 parts. The leader notes the time and gives the command “start”, names the subject of exact science, for example, Physics, and the first team members begin to write symbols from the field of this subject (force, energy, mass, acceleration, etc.) with chalk on the board. After a minute has passed, the presenter stops the participants and counts the number of points: one term - one point. Next, the second team members are invited to the board, the leader again gives the command “start” and names the subject - Chemistry, and the guys write designations from this area on the board (any elements that they can remember, volume, density, designations of gas or sediment, and so on) . After a minute has passed, the presenter stops the participants and counts the points, adding these points to the points from the previous stage. Then the third participants take part, who get the subject - Algebra and the fourth participants, who get the subject - Geometry. And the team with the most points after all 4 stages will be the winner.

Games and competitions for grades 7, 8, 9

Inflate and burst

It’s not always the time to study; sometimes you can fool around. There are little bags (whole ones!) on the desk for the kids. At the command “start”, each participant takes a little bag, inflates it and bursts it. Whoever inflates and bursts the bags more than others in half a minute wins. And you don’t need to worry, you won’t get a bad grade for your behavior.

This doesn't happen

The guys are divided into several teams of about 3-4 people. The presenter (teacher) takes turns reading out a kind of question, starting with the phrase: what doesn’t exist? A)… B)… C)… or D)… Whichever of the guys raises his hand first is responsible, and for the correct answer receives a point. At the end of the game, the winning team is determined, which has scored more points than the rest. Examples of questions could be the following: What doesn’t exist? A) Guatemala B) Macedonia C) Lebanon D) Piñama (d); What doesn't exist? A) raccoon dog B) echidna C) flying squirrel D) dwarf elk (d); What doesn't exist? A) croquet B) curling C) sharnards D) underwater hockey (c); What doesn't exist? A) “Woe from Wit” B) “Light in the Dark” C) “War and Peace” D) “Idiot” (b) and so on.

Ebony wand

The guys are divided into several teams with the same number of people. At the same distance from each team there is a chair with pieces of paper in the same quantity). Teams line up in separate rows. At the “start” command, the first participants each take an ebonite stick and forward to the chair with leaves, rub the stick along the way, generating electricity, run to their chair and, using the stick, lift one piece of leaf, put it in their hand and run back to their team, passing the baton to the second participants. The team that transfers all the pieces of paper using an ebonite stick faster than its opponents will be the winner.

Countries by continent

Children are divided into teams of several people, each team receives the same list with the names of countries of the world. At the “start” command, the guys must correctly distribute the countries by continent, that is, write the name of the continent opposite each country. On which this or that country is located, for example, China - Asia, Sweden - Europe, Namibia - Africa, Brazil - South America, Canada - North America, Mary Byrd Land - Antarctica, and so on. The team that finishes it faster is the winner.

I won't tell you, but I'll show you

Sometimes students do not like to learn poems, but they can easily show the whole meaning in their gestures. So, each student takes turns pulling out his own phantom from the hat, in which lines from a poem will be written. When everyone has received their forfeits, the guys begin to perform in turns, only the poems should not be told, but shown. One shows, and the rest guess. And prizes can be awarded to several participants: for artistry and for the largest number of poems guessed.

Exact sciences

The guys are divided into teams of 4 people. At the command of the leader, the first 4 participants (one participant from each team) come to the board, divided into 4 parts. The leader notes the time and gives the command “start”, names the subject of exact science, for example, Physics, and the first team members begin to write symbols from the field of this subject (force, energy, mass, acceleration, etc.) with chalk on the board. After a minute has passed, the presenter stops the participants and counts the number of points: one term - one point. Next, the second team members are invited to the board, the leader again gives the command “start” and names the subject - Chemistry, and the guys write designations from this area on the board (any elements that they can remember, volume, density, designations of gas or sediment, and so on) . After a minute has passed, the presenter stops the participants and counts the points, adding these points to the points from the previous stage. Then the third participants take part, who get the subject - Algebra and the fourth participants, who get the subject - Geometry. And the team with the most points after all 4 stages will be the winner.

Determine by taste

It's no secret that schoolchildren of this age are passionate about chips, crackers, and nuts. Therefore, the children will certainly enjoy this competition. Participants are blindfolded and, in turn, are offered to try chips (crackers) with different flavors: salami, chicken, jellied meat and horseradish, onions and sour cream, crab, cheese, cheese and onions, bacon, and so on. Whichever child can name all the flavors correctly will win.

Savvy from history

The guys are divided into several teams. The presenter takes turns showing a specific object or picture, based on which the teams must name the period or hero of the story. Whoever raises his hand first gets the answer. A correct answer gets a point, and the team with more points wins. Examples of pictures and objects: 1. Stone - Stone Age 2. Picture of Napoleon cake - Bonaparte Napoleon 3. Picture of a thunderstorm - Ivan the Terrible 4. Picture of Caesar salad - Julius Caesar 5. Picture of the "thaw" - the thaw period, the reign of Khrushchev 6. A picture depicting a Trojan virus - Troy and so on.

5 candies

The contestant holds five candies in his hand. He throws one of them up, and at the same time puts the rest on the table. Then he throws the first candy up again and, while it flies, takes one candy from the table. Then he tosses it again and takes the next one. And so on until he collects all the candies. The most dexterous and fastest wins.

Quick geographic crossword

The guys are divided into teams and each team receives its own crossword puzzle with questions on geography. Whoever solves it faster wins. An example of a crossword puzzle: Horizontal: the highest waterfall; Men wear skirts there too. Vertical: longest river; American unit of measure; second largest Indian city. Answers: Angel, Scotland, Nile, state, Delhi) and they need to be arranged so that one or more letters are included in several words at once.

I won't tell you, but I'll show you

Sometimes students do not like to learn poems, but they can easily show the whole meaning in their gestures. So, each student takes turns pulling out his own phantom from the hat, in which lines from a poem will be written. When everyone has received their forfeits, the guys begin to perform in turns, only the poems should not be told, but shown. One shows, and the rest guess. And prizes can be awarded to several participants: for artistry and for the largest number of poems guessed.

Games for students in grades 5-8, aimed at team building class hour (grade 7)

Games to divide the audience into several groups

1. Lot

Students choose cards with numbers, pieces of paper of different colors, figures, etc., and then groups are formed according to their similarity.

2. Artists

Students are asked to finish drawing something (a ship, a house, a car, etc.). Then, 3–5 completed elements are determined, according to which groups are formed (sail, oars, roof, windows, wheels, etc.).

3. Making a mosaic

Each participant receives one part of some photograph, document, quatrain, famous saying and must find those who have other missing parts of the divided material.

4. Celebrities

Students receive names of historical figures. Then they should unite into groups depending on the sphere of public life, on the historical era or on the country in which historical figures lived.

5. I need support

As many leaders are selected as there are groups to be formed. The presenters take turns choosing their assistants, saying the phrase: “I need support today... (name is called), because he (she) is... (positive quality is called).” This is how the required number of groups is recruited. Each next participant, pronouncing the key phrase, is called by the one who was chosen last in the group. We need to encourage kids to choose not their friends, but those with whom they have little contact, since in every person you can find positive, valuable qualities that are very important to notice.

Group bonding and emotional warm-up games

6. The place to my right is free

All participants sit in a circle on chairs, with one chair remaining free. The essence of this exercise is a simple sentence: “The place to my right is free, and I would like to take this place...”. This sentence is said out loud by a participant who is sitting next to an empty chair. He must explain why he wants the classmate he named to take this place. You can't use clichés like "because he's my good friend," but rather more specific descriptions.

7. I am John Lennon

Everyone writes the name of a celebrity, but at the same time he must be absolutely sure that this person is known to everyone. It could be an actor, athlete, singer, writer. The name is attached to the back of a randomly selected participant. Everyone turns into famous people, but no one knows who exactly. Then the players walk around the room and ask each other questions to find out their identity. The answer to the question should only be “yes” or “no”. After four or five questions, the player approaches another participant. The game continues until everyone figures out who they are.

8. Blind

The players are divided into pairs. Then the partners agree on which of them should be blindfolded. After this, the partner leads the “blind” person around the room in such a way as not to hurt him, but so that the blind person can identify the objects around him. There is one important condition in the game: partners are not allowed to talk. The “blind man” is completely dependent on his partner, who decides where to go and how quickly. After five minutes they switch roles. At the end of the game, you can have a discussion, first in pairs, and then in general:

  • At what point in the game did I feel most comfortable?
  • Which was better for me: leading or following?
  • When did I feel discomfort?
  • What did I like about my partner?
  • What advice would I give him?

9. Hear me

Select one player and ask him to leave the room. With others, pick up a proverb (for example, “They cut down the forest - the chips fly”). Then assign different participants to say one word from the proverb at a time. Rehearse and say the proverb at least three times. Then invite the player who comes out and ask him to recognize a famous proverb in the chaos of words you have spoken.

10. Swinging in a circle

Place 5-7 guys in a circle and one in the center of the circle. The latter crosses his arms over his chest and freezes. He needs, without moving his feet, to fall in any direction - with his eyes closed. Those standing in a circle put their hands in front of them and gently push it away, throwing it to each other. The goal of the game is to learn to trust people.

11. Charade about feelings

Participants in the game are given strips of paper with the names of feelings written on them.

The presenter says: “Everyone has feelings! Feelings cannot be good or bad. They become bad or good when we translate them into actions. It is sometimes difficult for each of us to express our feelings.”

Ask those participating in the game to think alone about their word and think of how this feeling can be played out. Let everyone play their feeling, and the rest will guess what kind of feeling it is. Then you can discuss the following questions:

Does everyone express their feelings the same way? Are there some feelings that are more difficult to express than others? What are these feelings? Why is this happening? Why is it important for people to express their feelings?

List of feelings:

Proud Shy Happy Jealous Pleased Bored
Scared Charmed Distraught Tense Suffering Embarrassed
Angry Lonely hopeful Confused Satisfied Sad
Excited Disappointed Tired

12. Hat of questions

Prepare strips of paper with questions written on them and put them in a hat. The hat is passed around the circle, and each participant draws out a question and answers it. The hat goes around in a circle until there are no more questions.


  1. What was your favorite time spent with your family this past year?
  2. What are you planning to do with your family in the coming six months?
  3. What three qualities do you admire in your dad?
  4. What three qualities do you admire in your mother?
  5. Name one of your family traditions.
  6. Name one thing that you expect from life.
  7. Name one of the best books you have ever read.
  8. What day would you call perfect? What would you do?
  9. Name three things that terribly upset you.
  10. Name something that makes you happy.
  11. Name something you are afraid of.
  12. Tell us about one of your happiest memories. Why exactly this?
  13. Name one of the places you most like to go with friends.
  14. Name two things you would do if you became president of the country.
  15. What are the two secrets to a strong and long-lasting friendship?
  16. Tell us about a day last year when you had a lot of fun with your friends.
  17. Name something edible that you can't stand.
  18. What three qualities would you like to see in your friends?
  19. What do you think life on Earth will be like in 100 years?
  20. How would you describe heaven?
  21. What advice would you give to parents who want to raise their children better?
  22. Do you agree that using punishment is the best way to get children to obey? Why "yes" or why "no"?
  23. Name one of the gifts that you would like to receive.
  24. If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Why?
  25. Was there a day in the past year when you felt especially close to your parents?
  26. Name three things that make your family laugh.
  27. My favorite animal is...
  28. I feel afraid when I think about...
  29. My friends and I really have fun when...
  30. When I have free time, I like...
  31. My favorite television program is... because...
  32. I like to eat...
  33. I like school...
  34. I like people the most who...
  35. In 10 years I see myself...

Add your own questions.

13. Praise me

Option 1. Players are given pieces of paper on which they write their names. Then, after collecting and shuffling the papers, distribute them to the participants. The guys must write what they like about the person whose name they received, and then bend the piece of paper so as to cover what they wrote (“accordion”), and pass it to another until everyone leaves their own note. No need to subscribe. Collect the papers and read aloud what is written on them. (Be sure to review each description before reading to make sure it is positive.) The person receiving the praise is sure to say, “Thank you.”

Option 2. Players stand in a circle. Each participant, in turn, tells his neighbor on the right what he likes about him. Then the same is done, but in relation to the neighbor on the left.

14. How good I am!

In just one minute, players must write down a list of all the qualities they like about themselves. Then give them another minute to write down the qualities they don't like. When both lists are ready, let them compare them. Usually the list of negative qualities is longer. Discuss this fact.

15. Dare to say

Participants sit in a circle. They are given a bag of paper strips with unfinished risky statements written on them. The package is passed around the circle, everyone takes turns pulling out their strip from it, reading what is written on it, and finishing the phrase.

Example phrases:

  • I really like to do...
  • I'm doing pretty well...
  • I'm worried about…
  • I'm especially happy when...
  • I'm especially sad when...
  • I get angry when...
  • When I'm sad, I...
  • I introduce myself...
  • I attract attention with...
  • I have achieved...
  • I'm pretending... when in reality...
  • Other people make me...
  • The best thing about me is...
  • The worst thing about me is...

Continue the list of phrases yourself.

16. Lonely Heart Blues

Hand out questionnaires and pencils. Give players 10 minutes to answer the questions, then gather the group into a circle. Go around the circle, ask each person one question and listen to the answers. Allow other participants to ask clarifying questions. Listen to the answers to all the questions in the questionnaire. If there is an issue of interest to everyone, discuss it as a group.


  1. Describe a time when you were lonely.
  2. What helped you cope with loneliness?
  3. What have you done to help those suffering from loneliness?
  4. What did the days of loneliness give you?

17. Three truths and one lie

Each participant receives a pencil and a piece of paper with the inscription: “Three truths and one lie” and writes down three true statements about himself and one false one. What is written down is brought to the attention of the whole group, and everyone tries to decide which statement is false. The author then states the actual false statement.

18. Guide

Group members stand in a line, holding hands. Everyone except the guide-guide has their eyes closed. The guide must lead the group safely through the obstacles, explaining where they are going. You need to walk slowly and carefully so that the group gains trust in the leader. After 2-3 minutes, stop, change your guide and continue the game. Let everyone try themselves in the role of a guide. After the game, discuss whether the players were always able to trust the leader; In the role of whom did they feel better - the leader or the follower?

19. Give me your hand

Each group member receives a piece of paper and a marker. They need to trace the outline of their brush. Moving from one piece of paper to another, all members of the group write something on the “hand” of each of their comrades. Remember to emphasize that all entries must be positive. All players can take the sheets home as a souvenir.

20. Do you love your neighbor?

The players sit in a circle on chairs, one person in the middle. The one in the middle comes up to someone sitting in the circle and asks: “Do you love your neighbor?” If he answers “yes,” then everyone, with the exception of the two closest ones, jumps up and rushes to take some other chair from those standing in the circle. The driver also tries to take possession of the chair, so that someone else will be in the center. If the answer is “no,” the driver asks: “Who do you love?” The person being asked can answer anything, for example: “Everyone in red.” Everyone wearing red remains seated, and the rest, together with the driver, rush to occupy other chairs. The one who is left without a chair becomes the driver.

21. Heart of the class

Cut out a large heart from red cardboard in advance.

The teacher says: “Did you know that our class has its own heart? I want you to do something nice for each other now. Write your name on a piece of paper and fold it so that everyone can then draw lots with someone else's name. If someone takes out his own name, he must change the piece of paper.”

Let everyone come up with a friendly and pleasant phrase addressed to the person whose name they drew by lot, and write it down with a felt-tip pen on the “heart of the class.” The teacher must control what the participants are going to write down. Hang the heart on the wall so that it can be approached from all sides. The heart of the classroom can be a wonderful decoration for the room.

Wise thoughts

  • To have freedom, it must be limited. E. Burke
  • It is easier to descend into slavery than to rise to freedom. Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
  • The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. D. Curran
  • Only fools call self-will freedom. Tacitus
  • Our life is what we think about it. M. Aurelius
  • Life is like a play in a theater: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played. Seneca
  • Life is what people strive most to preserve and protect least. J. Labruyère
  • Why am I making a friend? To have someone to die for. Seneca
  • In relation to friends you need to be as little burdensome as possible. The most delicate thing is not to demand any favors from your friends. Hegel
  • Hiding the truth from your friends, to whom will you open up? Kozma Prutkov
  • Do not have friends who are inferior to you in moral terms. Confucius
  • A friend loves at all times and, like a brother, will appear in times of misfortune. King Solomon
  • To be free, you must obey the laws. Ancient aphorism
  • The will in us is always free, but not always good. Augustine
  • Freedom is not about restraining yourself, but about being in control. F.M. Dostoevsky
  • To be morally free, a person must get used to controlling himself. N.V. Shelgunov
  • Freedom is only that which never harms anyone’s freedom. Iranian-Tajik saying
  • Freedom is the price of the victory that we have won over ourselves. K. Mati
  • Intoxication is nothing more than voluntary madness. If you prolong this state for several days, who will not doubt that the person has gone crazy? But even so the madness is no less, but only shorter. Seneca
  • Fate and character are different names for the same concept. Novalis
  • What people usually call fate is, in essence, only the totality of the stupidities they have committed. A. Schopenhauer
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