Birthday in the style of My Little Pony

Holiday decoration in My Little Pony style

The room in which the celebration will take place must be decorated so that it resembles the magical Ponyville. Decorative details will help you with this - posters with ponies from the animated series, as well as painted clouds and rainbows. Hang colorful flags on the wall, decorate the room with ribbons, colorful balls, candies, etc.

And yes, be prepared for bright colors in the interior. Make your own paper garlands from colorful paper, make pom-poms from paper or tulle, inflate balloons or decorate the walls with corrugated paper garlands.

Game equipment

Let's start thinking about games for a rainbow birthday. Of course, it's worth using a color palette to create activities. You may need paints, pencils, colorful ribbons, balloons of different sizes, balls from a children's pool, etc.

What to do with children? You can place colored ribbons on the floor in a mixed order. If they assemble it correctly, they will be one step closer to some surprise. You can draw a rainbow on paper in advance and cut it into puzzles - either for each person or for a group. For older children, make it more challenging and hide the puzzle pieces in different places. You can quickly sort the balls into colored bags or buckets.

You can prepare materials for creativity - white T-shirts for coloring, sets for decorations, you can even make rainbow candles.

For active games - give the names of the colors to the children, they sit in a circle, you name two colors - the children must change places, whoever did not have time or got confused becomes the leader - now he names two colors.

You can play another well-known game “I was born a gardener,” but just not name the flowers, but the colors.

Let me remind you the rules:

One driver (“gardener”) is selected. In a whisper, he names (assigns) to the players sitting on the bench the names of the colors of the rainbow (usually they are called plants). Then he says a little rhyme.

I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the colors except...

and calls the “name” of any player. He must immediately respond, and the following dialogue ensues:

Player: Oh! Gardener: What's wrong with you? Player: In love Gardener: With whom? Player: In Green

The player names any color that comes to his mind. He can also name the gardener, and he must respond to his name. The dialogue continues ad infinitum. The one who made a mistake (did not respond on time, mixed up the name, responded to someone else’s name, etc.) gives a forfeit (any personal item), and at the end of the game “works off” it.

At the end of the game, forfeits are played: the gardener turns away, they show him the thing, and ask: What should this player do? The gardener assigns him a task (sing, jump on one leg, tell a scary story - who knows what), the player works off the forfeit and takes his item.


The photo zone is an integral part of a fun, beautiful and memorable holiday! Especially something as important as your princess's birthday.

Children love fairy tales about ponies and magic. And it's so easy to have a truly rainbow birthday with magical ponies! The girl will be infinitely happy from such beauty.

And if your daughter has a holiday coming up very soon, and fairy-tale ponies are on the list of gifts, it’s time to make your child’s dream come true. We invite you to consider options for decorating a birthday photo zone in the My Little Pony style.

Festive table decoration

To make the celebration memorable for everyone, not only the festive table, but also the dishes should be decorated in the style of ponies and magical unicorns from Equestria. Rainbow pizza, colorful toast, jellies and cupcakes, and colorful spaghetti will attract children's attention and whet their appetite. Other dishes and sweets should also be decorated in the colors of the rainbow and ponies to maintain the overall style of the holiday.

Parents should not worry about bright colors in food, as these rainbow colors can only be obtained from natural dyes.

A sweet table or Candy bar for a children's birthday is an original, colorfully decorated dessert area where every child can enjoy delicious sweet treats. The candy bar came to us from abroad, but very quickly gained popularity thanks to its original themed decor and unique treats. Try Sugar Clouds from Rainbow Dash or Caramel Apples from Applejack, colorful Macarons from Rainbow Dash or romantic Cupcakes from Pinkie Pie.

Holiday decoration

Let's start with the decor with fabric. The most wonderful fabric in this case is organza. Especially if you want to decorate in soft colors. Chiffon emphasizes the transparency of the rainbow. But this is optional. If there is a desire, do it in bright colors, if there is a desire, do it in calm colors, and if there is a desire, mix bright and rich elements with bed shades. The fabric can be used on walls, under the ceiling, on upholstered furniture... You can sew a long ribbon of rainbow colors and pass it through all rooms and corridors. You shouldn’t stop only at arc-shaped elements. You can simply hang multi-colored pieces of fabric from top to bottom, and a festive atmosphere will already appear. Sew pieces of colored fabric to a white tablecloth or run elastic trimmed with shreds along the sofa, hang satin ribbons from the chandelier - all this will emphasize the rainbow surroundings of the holiday.

Don't stop at just the fabric. Make garlands: paper garlands made from rings or just stripes, garlands from gel balls and from balls of thread will come in handy. The main thing is to maintain color consistency. Children can be very attentive to details.

About other details.

Use all the rainbow colored details for the holidays. And colored pillows (can also be useful for entertainment), and colored photo frames, and colored towels - hand napkins, and colored glasses, vases, colored ping pong balls and even colored flowers.

A rainbow outfit would also look good on the birthday boy. All a girl needs to do is tie together colorful pieces of fabric with an elastic band and she will get a great skirt. And for a boy, you can draw a rainbow on a white football shirt or sew a rainbow tie.

My Little Pony Birthday Cake

The most important treat at a My Little Pony themed party is a rainbow cake. You can bake it at home or order it from a pastry shop. Multi-colored cakes are a very tasty and unusual treat. In addition, in the cartoon the pony Pinkie Pie prepared cupcakes, so it is very difficult to imagine a holiday without them. The menu will be complemented by snacks on skewers, fruits and other sweets in a rainbow design.

Outfit of the birthday girl and guests

This is one of the most important points of a birthday celebration, which should be taken care of in advance. A rainbow unicorn costume that you can make with your own hands will create a fairy-tale image for your girl and put her in a great mood for the whole day.

Invite the hero of the occasion and guests of the holiday to transform into their favorite characters - horses Spike, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy. You can wear T-shirts with a picture of a pony and give each participant in the event a crown.

A stylish addition to a festive costume are medallions with portraits of characters in a bright frame on a ribbon. By the way, during the holiday everyone can make the same decoration with their own hands.

Fun and Games

Prepare modeling balloons - they can make beautiful inflatable horses if you help the children make them a little. A popular entertainment for children today is face painting. It will help you have fun and transform into a hero from a fairy tale.

The main pony heroines will become the initiators of competitions and entertainment at your holiday. Adults can transform into these fairy-tale girlfriends and lead competitions on behalf of each of the heroines. Between competitions there are musical breaks of 15-20 minutes - those who want to dance, let them dance, those who are tired, will rest and refresh themselves with treats.

From the fashionable pony Rarity

Organize a competition for the best image of the cartoon character “Friendship is a Miracle.” Warn guests about this competition in advance so that they have time to prepare their costumes. Girls can dress up in their favorite ponies - wear headbands, wigs and stylized ponytails. Boys can dress up as Spike the dragon, a friend and assistant to fairy-tale ponies, as well as Prince Shining Armor and other heroes.

Participants with numbers in their hands take turns to parade in front of the guests. After the fashion show, guests write the numbers of their favorite looks on pieces of paper and put these sheets of paper in a basket. The winner is chosen based on the number of votes. It is better to hold this competition first, so that children do not worry about their costumes during outdoor games and dances.

Competitions from Apple Jack

Who lives on an apple farm. Who can eat an apple suspended on a thread faster without helping himself with his hands? Who will collect the most apples in a basket: symbolic apples cut out of colored paper are laid out on the floor, one team collects green apples, the other - red apples.

Competitions from the sports Rainbow Dash

Of course, for speed and agility. This could be a sack race, a relay race, or throwing a ball into a basket.

From the smart princess Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle)

Erudition tasks. This could be a word game similar to the city game, where you have to come up with a word starting with the last letter of a word invented by your opponent. Players stand in a circle and name the words one by one; those who make mistakes leave the circle. The last remaining participant receives a prize.

Flutter Shay competitions

Which at the same time finds a common language with any creature, can also offer an idea for entertainment. For example, a competition to see who can best draw a pony (or other animal) on a large sheet of whatman paper, but blindfolded.

Attach the tail to the pony

Two players are blindfolded, given a stylized ponytail in their hands and placed at some distance from two posters depicting a pony without a tail. The winner is the player who approaches the portrait of the pony and most accurately attaches the tail to it (using plasticine).

Competition from ringleader Pinkie Pie

A piñata is a three-dimensional paper figure filled with candies and glitter. The piñata is hung from the ceiling. To open the hole in the piñata and shower guests with a “rain” of sweets and confetti, the figure must be hit with a stick, sometimes while the player is blindfolded. The little hero of the occasion or the winner of previous competitions is assigned to break the piñata.

A children's event should be memorable and original. This is exactly what a girl’s birthday can be like according to the “My Little Pony” scenario, if the hero of the occasion knows a lot about “ponying.” Give your children bright impressions using our little tips.

Over 100 party themes and styles!

Today you can find a large number of party themes on the Internet. Some of them are described, while others are given a brief outline of the idea.

If you are planning a party and you have a question about its style that you just can’t decide, this article is just for you.

  1. Caribbean party
  2. Hawaiian party
  3. Desert Island Party
  4. Style party
  5. pajama party
  6. pirate Party
  7. African party
  8. Arabian party or "1000 and 1 night"
  9. Tropical Party
  10. Cowboy party, wild west
  11. American party
  12. Party angels and demons
  13. Party in the style of "Moulin Rouge"
  14. Japanese party
  15. Party in the style of surrealism
  16. End of the world party
  17. Military party
  18. Party "Back to the 90s"
  19. Party “No money holiday”
  20. Children's party for adults
  21. Egyptian party
  22. Cuban party
  23. Antique party
  24. Medical party
  25. Sea party
  26. Primal party
  27. Beer party
  28. Pioneer Party
  29. Party "Russian Fairy Tales"
  30. Hippie party
  31. Gypsy party
  32. Party "Around the World"
  33. Asian party
  34. Avatar themed party
  35. Biker Party
  36. Hollywood Party
  37. Party in Can-Can style
  38. Casino style party
  39. Chinese party
  40. Party in the style of Disco party
  41. Cinema Legends Party
  42. Party "Fire and Ice"
  43. Football party
  44. hat party
  45. Party-Horror
  46. Indian party
  47. Indiana Jones themed party
  48. Irish party
  49. Italian party
  50. Greek party
  51. Spy party in the style of James Bond
  52. Jazz and Blues Party
  53. Jungle themed party
  54. Party "Magic and Enchantment"
  55. Girls' Party "Sex and the City"
  56. Star Wars themed party
  57. Superhero themed party
  58. cocktail party
  59. Coffee party
  60. Zombie themed party
  61. newspaper party
  62. Retro party "Terrible Sweater"
  63. Party “Everything but clothes”
  64. Party "Rubik's Cube and other puzzles"
  65. "I'm Happy I'm Not..." Party
  66. Alphabet Party
  67. Party in the style of medieval Europe
  68. Party in USSR style
  69. Circus themed party
  70. Color Party (Rainbow)
  71. “Rock and Roll forever!!!”
  72. Knight Party
  73. Thematic “Folklore Party”
  74. Venice Carnival
  75. Party in Russian style!
  76. Party "Call of Space"
  77. Detective party
  78. Retro style
  79. Black and white party
  80. Party "Coffeemania"
  81. Party in English style
  82. Book or movie party
  83. Party in the style of “Topsy-turvy”
  84. Party "Advertising Show"
  85. Party "Travel"
  86. Karaoke party
  87. French girls party
  88. Bath party
  89. paper party
  90. Vampire themed party
  91. Party "Madhouse"
  92. Virtual Reality Party
  93. Freak Parade Party
  94. Formula 1 Party
  95. Mexican party "Oh la la, Tequila!"
  96. Beach party
  97. Gangster Party
  98. Mafia party
  99. Alice in Wonderland themed party
  100. Prison Party
  101. Breakfast at Tiffany's themed girls' party
  102. Harry Potter themed party
  103. Ecological party
  104. Halloween party
  105. Fruit party according to the type of fruit (strawberry, cherry, orange and any other fruits and berries)
  106. cocktail party
  107. Flower party by type of flowers (sunflowers, ackee, roses, daisies and any other flowers)
  108. Anti-Valentine
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