Happy birthday inscription 12/30/2020 Congratulations, Happy birthday

A birthday is a special day for every person, and for some it is one of the most important holidays of the year. As you know, the most important holidays happen only once a year and birthday is no exception, which means that you need to be well prepared for it.

The most important stage in preparing for a birthday is the festive decoration of the room where the birthday person will be “forced” to accept congratulations. To make the holiday feel until the end of the event, you need to try. An example of decoration and the topic of this article is the “Happy Birthday” banner, at the sight of which the hero of the occasion and the guests will remain in a good mood.

The “Happy Birthday” banner is perhaps one of the most important and large-scale decorations. In addition, this is one of the easiest ways to decorate the place where the holiday will take place. As a rule, the standard inscription is used: “Happy Birthday!”, but sometimes flags with the name or age of the hero of the occasion are added to it to personalize the holiday and emphasize the importance of the event.

Nowadays, specialized stores sell various ready-made stretch marks, but what could be better than a homemade product? And now we will not go into the depths of a long creative process, but will simply offer you a very simple, but at the same time creative way to make an original “Happy Birthday!” banner. with your own hands using special templates prepared by us.

Printable "Happy Birthday" banner

After you become the owner of your template, the resulting .PDF document will need to be printed on a color printer. Before you start printing, you need to decide on the size of your stretch. This can be a stretch consisting of flags the size of an A4 sheet, the second option is the placement of one flag on half a landscape sheet (in this case, the template is printed with the parameter applied when printing 2 sheets on one). It is recommended to print on matte or glossy photo paper with a density of at least 160 g/cm.

Life hack “How to attach a garland without damaging your walls”

December 30, 2020

How I want the holiday to be a success, to give a lot of pleasant emotions and leave beautiful pictures in my memory.

Some turn to decorators, while others want to put their own efforts and imagination into decorating the upcoming holiday.

If you are from the second group, then these instructions will help protect your interior from improperly attaching balloons and garlands to the walls.

Let's begin.

1. Scotch tape (regular and double-sided).

Pros: The easiest and most affordable way.

Cons: Not safe for your surfaces. When removed, it can tear off wallpaper or leave an adhesive layer on smooth surfaces (tiles, furniture, plaster, etc.).

Use very carefully or if you don't mind the surface.

Attach the garlands evenly in several places so that there is no more than 50cm between the fixation points.

2. Pins (studs, etc.).

Pros: They are less traumatic for soft wall coverings (various types of wallpaper, decorative foam tiles, etc.) than adhesive tape.

Cons: Not suitable for hard surfaces (plaster, paint, etc.). Spicy, NOT SAFE for children.

If you attach balloons this way, be extremely careful and use pins with a round tip. It is better to attach it behind a decorative element (ball, garland shape) so that it is not visible. The distance between fixations is 30-40cm.

3. Tape (fishing line, thread, ribbons, etc.)

Pros: Safe method, reliable.

Cons: Limited in mounting options.

Suitable for fastening, for example, to cabinets located at a distance from each other, through which a garland can be pulled on a ribbon. Or battery pipes, which can be located near the window in opposite corners; you can also hook a ribbon with a garland onto them.

To attach it to the battery with a satin ribbon, you need some kind of limiter so that your decor does not “slip” down.

4. Self-adhesive mounting pads (plastic mounts with one side adhesive and the other with holes for tape).

Pros: Some models have a special tab for safe removal.

Cons: Cheap mounts like these stick very strongly to surfaces and can leave sticky marks or damage.

5. Blu-tack adhesive mass.

Pros: Does not leave marks even on wallpaper, can be easily removed. Great for paper garlands (for example, “Happy Birthday”), piece decorations (snowflakes, flowers, butterflies, etc.). Economical.

Cons: The only thing is the color. The adhesive mass has a bluish-blue tint and can be noticeable, so it is worth considering the possibilities of masking it.

You can buy it at construction stores.

7. Universal hooks (KREPS or Command from ZM).

Pros: Transparent, miniature, neat, made of plastic and secured with self-adhesive tape. Suitable for all surfaces.

Cons: None.

You can also purchase it at construction stores.

Let your holiday become a magnificent embodiment of the most daring ideas and a bright congratulation to the hero of the event.

Taking care of you and your holiday, the Charlotte team.

Universal stretch “Happy Birthday”

Cool banner “Happy Birthday” A4

Stylish banner “Happy Birthday” A4 and A5

Using our templates, you will get a beautiful stretching made by yourself. Having seen such a stretch, it will be difficult for others to distinguish it from a store-bought one, and when asked: “Where did you buy such a cool stretch?”, you can proudly answer that you made it yourself, and our website FILE-SHOP.RU helped you with this.

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