Funny scenes for Teacher's Day - a selection of cool miniatures

Teacher's Day is approaching and the children have the task of preparing a festive event for the class. This year, we wrote modern and funny skits for high school students, starting from the 5th grade, for Teacher’s Day to be staged at school; there are also short ones for primary grades, but in this case the children will have to try hard with rehearsals. For grades 6–8, you can dramatize the life of a teacher or her dreams. We have the newest and best options for congratulations on their professional holiday for teachers, which will easily fit into the ceremonial part of the event.

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Scenario with songs adaptations for Teacher's Day

Mini skit for Teacher's Day from 9th or 11th grade graduates

The physical education teacher stands in the corner of the stage and looks at the magazine. Two students in wigs come out, pretending to be students Lena and Alena. The teacher blows the whistle.

Fizruk: So! The lesson has begun! Run two laps around the hall! Knees up!

Students hold release slips in their hands, but start running.

Fizruk: Now stop! Sit down! Get up! Sit down! Get up!

Students quickly follow commands.

Physical teacher: Now take the lying position! Let's do push-ups, girls! Work harder!

The guys don’t have time to rest and do exercises. They do a couple of push-ups and get up, but the teacher insists on working through the program.

Fizruk: Now let's go single file! One-two, faster, faster!

They squat down, go to the edge of the stage and come back.

Fizruk: And now...

Lena hoarsely: Wait a minute! We have it!

Alena exhales tiredly: Liberation, Andrei Petrovich!

Both hand over the certificates and fall to the floor. The teacher looks at the pieces of paper and shakes his head.

Physical teacher: Yeah, all sorts of people come here at the end of the year, and give them good grades! So, Lena and Alena, get up!

They barely get up, holding on to each other.

The physical education teacher, pacing in front of them: I’ve never seen you in my lessons! How can you give high fives to those who didn't come?

Lena: Or maybe...

Fizruk: Tsits!

Alena: But we...

Fizruk: Shut up! I know only one way out of this situation. You should enroll in my volleyball section and work on your grades next year.

The students look at each other, smile slyly and agree.

Fizruk: But first I have to check how worthy you are. Perhaps only one of you will get into the section!

A sad song plays, Lena and Alena look at each other with sadness.

Lena: Well, since fate decreed it... You're finished, you cross-eyed goat!

Alena: Oh, right! Let's see who wins, bony witch!

Two girls come onto the stage with pieces of paper in their hands. Each one has the word "Board" printed on it. Lena approaches the leaf while singing “Eye of the Tiger” and punches it with her fist. Alena hits weakly, recoils and falls. Lena runs up to her.

Alena mutters: I saw space!

Lena helps her get up.

The physical education teacher laughs: So be it! I'll take both! From now on I am the boss in this room! I am your father and your mother

Lena: Yes? Then give me money.

Alena: I need to wash my T-shirt.

Lena: I broke my headphones, buy new ones.

Alena: I think I'm in love.

Fizruk: Stop! No, I'll just be your coach. So, I give it five stars.

Opens the magazine, looks for names in the list. Alena and Lena peek.

Fizruk: But next year you will plow like horses! All clear?

Alena and Lena see how they are being graded and give each other a high five.

Alena: Andrey Petrovich, so we...

Lena: Graduation class. There won't be a next year.

They hold hands and jump backstage together, and the confused physical teacher indignantly calls out to them, blows his whistle and runs after them.

The audience laughs, the actors come out to bow.

“Commandments for a young teacher from experienced colleagues” with demonstration

Funny skits will be very creative if the rules that are included in them are not only read, but also acted out. For example, it might look like this.

Presenter (experienced teacher):


By division, Tamara Stepanovna!

More specifically, Natasha, how?

With a shovel, Tamara Stepanovna!

Okay, Natasha, God bless them, the worms... Tell me ten animals that live in Africa.

Four crocodiles and six monkeys!

That's it, Natasha, my patience is over! Give me your diary, I'll give you a D in it!

But I don’t have it now... Vasilisa took it from me for a while. Today she will scare her parents with it.

“TELEPATH” - a funny skit about objects for Teacher’s Day

A hilariously funny skit on what can come of combining two incompatible school subjects. And also about what will happen, if it happens, if His Majesty Chance intervenes in the pre-thought-out plan.

Neumnov (sings with joy). Well, Copperfields, you came up with a great idea. Telepathy! Thoughts at a distance! Come on, tell me something.

Copperfields. He spreads his hands like a psychic.

Neumnov. The storm covers the sky with darkness... Why are you telling me literature - we have biology now. Here, take the textbook - paragraph 36. Look, inspire stronger.

Copperfield sits on the edge of the stage, puts a textbook on his knees, looking at it, sending thoughts.

Call. Start of the lesson. The literature teacher enters.

Teacher. Hello guys, Irina Ivanovna got sick, so instead of biology there will be literature. So, the novel by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. Who wants to answer? As always, a forest of hands. Neumnov, to the board.

Neumnov (clears throat). The image of Evgeny Onegin. Onegin is a socialite from St. Petersburg, a metropolitan aristocrat. Drawing the image of the hero, Pushkin says in detail... (telepathy begins) that his body, the thallus, consists of a mushroom and algae, which are in close relationship. He is very unpretentious. Lives in deserts, rocks, tundras. When it dies, it forms humus. This is his main role... in the novel.

Teacher. Neumnov, what's wrong with you?

Neumnov. Can I tell you better about Lensky? Lensky has many excellent inclinations; the author points to his inherent “noble aspiration of the feelings and thoughts of the young.” It blooms in mid-summer. Insects visit its flowers poorly - they have neither nectar nor an abundance of pollen. (Shakes his head.) Lensky is an educated, cultured person. It is planted in the spring; before planting, the tubers are germinated in a bright room.

Teacher. Neumnov, are you sick by any chance? Or not ready to answer

Neumnov. Ready, ready. Can I have a female image? Tatyana is a sweet ideal for Pushkin. She is a whole person. By nature, Tatyana is gifted with a lively mind. In autumn, she lays eggs in a cocoon woven from a thin web. She weaves a cocoon in secluded places: under stumps, stones. Externally, Tatyana is larger than the male.

The teacher looks puzzled.

Neumnov. No!!! No!!! I prepared the image of Olga.

Teacher. Well, Olga is Olga.

Neumnov. The complete opposite of Tatyana is her sister Olga. Olga has a lot of cheerfulness, energy, and playfulness. Her body is covered with scales. When shedding, the skin comes off in one piece. She moves by twisting her body along the ground. Its toxicity is well known.

Teacher. Enough! Sit down. Col!


Neumnov (runs up to Copperfield). Well, Copperfields, well, he made friends. Thoughts at a distance. So much for telepathy. (Hits him on the head with a textbook.) Here you go - an A is guaranteed! (Hits.) Here you are - you will become an excellent student!

Musical skit “What our teachers talk and think about”


“What our teachers think and talk about”

(Slide 1)

They say that students, having reached the graduating class, begin to possess the gift of clairvoyance, that is, the secret thoughts of teachers are no longer a secret to them.

Dear teachers, let's check if this is true or not?

Anna Nikolaevna

Anna Nikolaevna, remember how before the exams you threatened us that if we don’t pass, then you will always... (slide 2, cut “Live in your head”)

and if we pass on 4 and 5, something completely different awaits us
(slide 3, cut “I will kiss you”)
Lyudmila Alekseevna

Lyudmila Alekseevna, remember, this school year, on Teacher’s Day, when you were still getting to work

(slide 4, video),

We assumed that you have a cherished dream

(slide 5, cut “I want a car”)

As you can see, your dream has come true, which means we read your thoughts correctly.

Natalya Nikolaevna

What does Natalya Nikolaevna think about when she comes to the painting exhibition?

(slide 6, cut “I’m not touchy”)

Mikhail Vasilievich

Mikhail Vasilyevich, you lived a wonderful life. They built a house, raised children, and planted a garden. It seems you have everything you need to feel happy. Or is there still something missing, some small thing?

(slide 7, “Million Dollars” cut)

Gennady Alexandrovich

Guys, have you noticed that Gennady Alexandrovich often walks around in thoughtful thought. I wonder what he's thinking about?

(slide 8, cut “Oh, I wish someone would lend me a loan”)

Vyacheslav Nikolaevich

The time has come for Vyacheslav Nikolaevich to reassess his values, and more and more often one can hear reasoning from him...

(slide 9, cut “I want to be a shareholder”)

Oksana Vladimirovna

Guys, you know, when I get an A in society or history, well, this really rarely happens, Oksana Vladimirovna

looks at me
like that

That’s what he seems to say now...

(slide 10, cut “And I like him”)


We are confident that during the academic year, at every teachers’ meeting, Olga Vladimirovna authoritatively declares...

(slide 11, cut “Mathematics is the queen of sciences”)

Ekaterina Viktorovna

Guys, have you noticed how strict Ekaterina Viktorovna can be in class? But in ordinary life she is completely different, especially since she is the youngest of all the teachers. You won’t find her at home in her free time, because...

(slide 12, cut “Dancing and singing”)

Anna Aleksandrovna

But you won’t see Anna Alexandrovna at dances anymore, because this fall Anna Alexandrovna had a very important event in the life of any girl, on the eve of which she heard...

(slide 13, cut “My Bride”)

We sincerely congratulate Anna Alexandrovna and wish her to hear as soon as possible...

(slide 14, cut “Top-top, baby is stomping”)

Larisa Vladimirovna

(slide 15, cutting "")

Olga Petrovna

(slide 16, cutting "")

The final

As you can see, dear teachers, by the time we graduated, we really learned to read your thoughts and we are very pleased with this talent, because your thoughts are always bright and positive.

We wish you happiness, health,

So that there are no limits to plans,

For many years to come with love

You would mind your own business!

Sketch “Pumping up muscles” for teenagers

You will need a group of talented guys who can sing, dance and joke at the same time.

To make the production a success, you will have to practice a lot! A scene with funny jokes should turn out to be coherent, funny and mega-groovy.

So let's begin! To the chic composition Boney M - Gotta Go Home, guys and girls in bright tracksuits take the stage.

Voice-over : Are you smart, educated and read a lot? Now let's see how athletic you are!

Girl athlete in a loud voice: Yes, yes, you have already stayed too long! Come on, get up from your seats and train with us!

Gotta Go Home sounds and voiceover : Let's pump up our muscles! The guys do several simple exercises.

Sports guy : Imagine that you scattered coins! We bend over and lift, one-two, one-two. Now imagine that someone is collecting your coins. We push aside competitors (wags our hips), collect coins! One-two, one-two (at pace)!

Girl athlete : Well done, and now...

Gotta Go Home sounds and voiceover : Let's pump up our muscles! The guys do several strength exercises.

Sports guy : Cool! Now the slopes. Forward - hand points to (name), left - hand points to (name), right - hand points to (name), back - hand points to exit. Well done! We finished the exercise and stopped pointing at everyone!

Girl athlete : Well done, and now...

Gotta Go Home sounds and voiceover : Let's pump up our muscles! The guys perform several dance steps.

Sports guy : Great, let's not slow down! Let's start stretching! (the guys are doing deep squats with their legs extended, and one awkward guy in the second row did the splits and can’t get up, they help him, the audience laughs).

Girl-athlete : Just well done, and now...

Gotta Go Home sounds and voiceover : Let's pump up our muscles! The guys perform several gymnastic exercises.

Sports guy : Do you sit at the computer a lot? Then the next exercise is for you, take your butt off the chair one or two times! (The athletes turn sideways to the audience and pretend to be looking at the monitors, tapping the keys, but lifting their butts off the chair). One-two, one-two!

Girl athlete : Great, now...

Gotta Go Home sounds and voiceover: Let's pump up our muscles! The guys do several exercises for the fifth point.

Athlete guy : We've finished the warm-up, let's move on to yoga! (They turn on a beautiful melody, the guys sit in the lotus position and close their eyes). Imagine that you are walking along a forest path, birds are singing and the wind is playing in your hair (the girls are smiling and shaking their curls). But what is it? Some shadow on the path! Oh my god, it's a huge bear! Let's run!

The guys, without opening their eyes and without getting up, pretend to run.

Sports guy : Phew, looks like we've had a blast! Let's change our position and continue! (The guys take different yoga poses, a relaxing melody sounds).

A guy-athlete in a monotonous voice: Connect to cosmic energy, open the chakras. (The wind howls behind the scenes) Someone’s chakras are wide open, cover them, otherwise you’ll catch a cold! Ommmm, when space opens its doors to us, release your desires into the heavens! (delicious slurping sound behind the scenes). So, everything is clear, someone dreams of fried chicken and potatoes. (A woman's giggle is heard) And someone about the first date?

So, where is Masha?

The guys, without opening their eyes, are worried. Second athlete : She disappeared when we met the bear! Let's run to the rescue! (Athletes, without getting up, pretend to run).

Sports Guy : Wow, look, she ate a bear! And she said she was a vegetarian! This is what diet does to girls! Finished the exercise!

The guys get to their feet, it sounds like the athletes are performing a cool dance. The audience cannot sit still, they dance and applaud.

Miniatures based on stories from jokes about Vovochka for a boy

What is two and two? Tanya, answer!

Five thousand, Mary-bath!

Wrong. What do you think, Petenka?

I think it's Tuesday!

You don't think at all, Petenka. And if you do think, it’s not with your brains... Vovochka, maybe you know the right answer?

Of course, Mary-Ivanna! Twice two equals four!

Absolutely right, you’re so smart, Vovochka! How did you guess?

So, if you subtract Tuesday from five thousand, you get four!

The second sketch can be based on Vovochka’s conversation with her parents. Mom asks her son what happened at school today. Vovochka proudly answers:

Mary-Ivanna praised you for your friendship!

How is that? - asks the surprised mother.

She said just that: “Well, Vovochka, thank you very much to your parents, they were very friendly to me! She also asked everyone to say if they had siblings. I was the first to answer!

What did you say?

Well, he said that I am the only child in the family! And Maria Ivanovna wiped the sweat from her forehead, raised her hands to heaven and joyfully exclaimed: “Glory to you, Lord!”

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