The best poems about a history teacher (for last bell, teacher's day)

On Teacher's Day, last bell or graduation evening, children memorize congratulations to their subject teachers. We decided to help the students and selected the best poems about the history teacher. These are cool poems and beautiful words of gratitude to the history and social studies teacher. These are new congratulations in verse to a teacher on a holiday. You just need to select the options you need and copy them to your bookmarks. Good luck, our dear girls and boys.

Congratulations for the physics teacher

“I’m late - read poetry”: stories from the lives of teachers

Illustration: DeAgostini / Getty Images Elina German, teacher of Russian language and literature

It happened with one fifth grader - now he has become a fairly famous singer. His mother gave him food to take to school, and for some reason he ate it right during class in the back desk: he unwrapped the foil, took out the chicken, and poured tea from the thermos. I asked: “Why are you doing this during class, Marat?” He answered: “My mother told me to have lunch at 12, it’s not my fault that there is a lesson at that time. And then, it’s uncomfortable to eat in the dining room: everyone is watching.” Over time, I got used to it, began to attribute it to its “alien” origin, and did not pay attention, which was also facilitated by my visual impairment.

One day I came to school wearing a new light blouse made of luxurious silver satin, I was very proud of it. During class, I again noticed something on the back desk. I was young, I didn’t understand well how to build communication with such children, I went up to Marat and began to scold him: “How long will this last?” Out of surprise and excitement, the lid of the thermos jumped out of his hands and coffee and milk generously splashed my blouse and everything around. The whole class gasped. The blouse, of course, was a pity. I sent Marat for a rag: “It’s hanging on the pipe in the toilet, take it to wipe everything here.”

Marat left and did not return for a suspiciously long time, about five minutes, although the toilet was nearby. I had to send a second student there. He comes running two seconds later shouting: “Flood!!!”

In general, it turned out that Marat, out of fear, did not notice the rag hanging in a visible place and began to unwind the plumbing rags, pulled it, the tap came off, and water gushed out. And all these five minutes he tried to plug the tap. When we arrived, the water was gushing out, reaching the corridor, everything was wet, and we, too, instantly got wet.

But that is not all. The director, whose office was nearby, came to the screams. Marat began to find out what happened, how it happened, and began to cry: “They will kill me at home.” To calm him down, we take him to the director’s office, but even there he cannot stop crying: “I let everyone down, my mother will scold me.” The director decides to show his participation, takes a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator and offers it to Marat. He, hiccupping, smearing tears across his face, begins to unscrew the lid, and this time a fountain of mineral water splashes not only me, but also the director, and the entire director’s desk with papers. By the way, the papers were redone for a long time.

It turned out to be such a wet affair. It seemed that we were all caught up in another episode of Jumble.

Mikhail Belkin, literature teacher We don’t have bells at the New School. We teach children to keep track of time themselves, because in ordinary, out-of-school life we ​​don’t have bells anywhere. Last year, when school just started, the children had difficulty following the rules and were always late for class. I had to come up with something to teach them to be on time. Freedom is fraught with responsibility, but what kind of responsibility can there be in the fifth grade? You can’t be allowed to go to class; stomping your feet and convulsing is weird. Therefore, I made a purely methodological decision: I was late - read poetry. At first the children were nervous (and the parents too), but they stopped being late. And only the boy Vanya came specially each time later and recited poems. But which ones? No, not Agnia Barto, not even “At Lukomorye”, but Brodsky, Yevtushenko, Khodasevich. In general, the entire repertoire of the Moscow intelligentsia. At some point, I stopped asking him and just sat him at his desk, but pretty soon I received a message from my mother: “Let my son read Rilke, he tried, he taught.”

Natalya Ilyicheva, deputy director for educational work Several years ago, when I was a first-grade teacher, my children and I went to the fairy tale museum. We arrive, unload from the bus, and the children say to me: “Natalia Gennadievna, do you know that Antosha married Masha on the bus?” When did you have time, I think? Indeed, they show me some wire rings. “Well, congratulations,” I say, “advice and love.” The excursion through the fairy tales of Charles Perrault begins, Puss in Boots greets us, wiggles his mustache, and the children tell him from the doorway: “Do you know that Masha and Antosha got married on the bus?” The cat was surprised, but quickly got his bearings: “Well, since you, Antosha, are already such an adult, answer questions about the household.” Antosha answers. We go to the next room, the Cat continues to lead this line: “But let’s ask your wife a question.” And then Antosha says: “Actually, I have more than one wife.” Before the guide has time to come to his senses, the children pick up: “Yes, yes, that’s right, there is also Milana, she just got sick and didn’t go on the excursion.” The cat couldn't find anything to say to this.

Lena Matsa, teacher of Russian language and literature

At the school where I taught, a young teacher, Veniamin Sergeevich, worked. All the teachers called him Venik among themselves. Once, seventh-graders on duty in the classroom came to their class teacher and said: “Help us, we don’t know where the broom is, there’s no one in the tenth room, we searched everything.” “Why were you looking in the tenth room,” the class teacher was surprised, “if Venik works in the fifth office?”

Another funny story happened when my children and I went on an excursion to another city. We arrived at another ancient monument, got off the bus and were greeted by a huge stray dog. She slowly got up from her seat, came up to me and put her paws on my shoulders. Autumn, a cloak covered in mud, tenth-graders began to giggle: “How she greeted you!” To which I, out of confusion, forgetting about lexical responsibility, answer: “Yes *****, as if we ate from the same garbage dump.” The children pretended that they had not heard anything.

Ichiro Kanikawa, English teacher

There was a funny moment in my school practice when one of the students was very tired of passive and active voices and decided to take a nap. I, of course, noticed this and whispered to the whole class: when he wakes up, let’s pretend that we have just finished an extremely important test on pledges, on which the final grade depends. The boy slept for about five minutes. When I woke up, we began collecting notebooks. The guys pretended to be very worried about the last assignment, and I said that I would announce the results at the next lesson. He approached the sleeping man. He did not understand anything, but said: “Landan from e capital situ ov great britain.”

Kirill Medvedev, school director One day, first-graders came up to me and said that they were preparing a concert and really wanted to invite me to it - it would take place on Wednesday at such and such an hour. I said I'll come. However, on Wednesday morning I received a touching explanatory note.

Photo courtesy of the director of the New School

On Friday the concert actually took place.

Prepared by Anastasia Stepanova

Congratulations to the history teacher

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Congratulations to the history teacher - congratulations sometimes work wonders and make people better people. Effective congratulations deserve to be copied and sent to the right person.

923 41

There are many different stories in the world, But only for you is history a calling. I wish you happy and wonderful days, And many more years of bringing knowledge to children. I wish to share my wisdom, so that there is no empty space in the classrooms, and so that the enthusiastic faces of schoolchildren listen to you with great interest.


989 85

Happy Teacher's Day, beloved teacher! I remember every lesson you taught in history. All stories are about battles, about science and about adventures. I thank you again for your work, I sincerely want to wish you. May everything be wonderful with you, May everyone listen to the class.


389 97

Congratulations to the excellent History teacher on Teacher's Day. I wish you great knowledge and important discoveries in the development of our world, I wish you diligent students and great interest in the subject, I wish you good health and great happiness in your personal life.


396 61

Our dear historian, congratulations! Thank you for your hard work. Let kindness and joy surround you, May happiness shine in life like an emerald. Let the students do everything perfectly well, let them NOT break school rules. Salaries will increase decently And sadness will disappear forever.


543 21

An important subject is the entire history of the world! Teach it with courage! Everything that happened is irreversible. Everything was written down on paper pages. We sincerely wish you to successfully study everything and tell the children. After all, for children it is twice as important, To know everything and respect the country.


817 149

On Teacher's Day, we congratulate you and want to wish you love and happiness, thank you for your knowledge! Now we know the history, From the Vikings to our age. We wish you creative success, live joyfully and not know troubles.


900 86

On this wonderful Teacher’s Day, we all want to tell you, We sit with our mouths open in your history lessons. Interesting and accessible You explain everything. We feel in our own skin What happened a long time ago.


Congratulations and birthday wishes to a history teacher

History is stories about people who lived many years ago and about events that happened in the past. The lessons of history are knowledge useful for the life of mankind, which is based on the experience of past generations. A history teacher is a keeper of invaluable information about people and events of the past, which helps a person live today.

When congratulating your history teacher on your anniversary, be sure to tell him that you appreciate and respect his high mission - to pass on knowledge about the history of civilization to the next generation.

How can knowledge of history be useful in a person’s everyday life?

History teaches: “Unite!” Large states have always been stronger than small ones (history of wars). History teaches: “Be strong and smart, then you can achieve a lot.” The development of science, culture and industry made the state practically invulnerable and prosperous. “Know how to get along with your family and you will get a strong family.” A people who are satisfied with the structure and rules of their state will not organize a revolution. “Don’t covet someone else’s.” Wars of conquest never ended in a stable peace. The examples given will be useful to anyone. Our dear hero of the day! Thank you so much for the history lessons that teach us how to live!

The history teacher knows a lot. He could suggest reading the textbook and then answering questions on the topic. But is it really possible to write about everything in textbooks? How many interesting stories a teacher can tell if he wants. Thank the hero of the day for the interesting history lessons that you still remember.

The lessons of history teach that a person can handle a lot. He can become a great traveler, commander, philosopher, scientist. His words will be remembered for centuries, millennia. His descendants will admire his victories. Streets, cities, planets and galaxies will be named after him. This has already happened in the past, and will happen many more times in the future. Dear hero of the day, thank you for believing in our strengths and capabilities! Without your lessons there would be fewer victories in our lives!

1 September is the day of knowledge. October 5 is Teacher's Day. These are the dates of teachers' professional holidays. But also the students. A person learns throughout his life. First - breathe, then - walk, talk, read, write, wait patiently, persistently achieve, endure, love, hope, believe. If he learns all this, then life is good. If he is supported by competent, friendly teachers, then life will be successful with their help. Thank you for your help in mastering the science of life, dear teacher!

A teacher's anniversary is another lesson for his students. Learn to be grateful!

Cool birthday wishes for a history teacher

Happy birthday to a wonderful history teacher. I wish that your life is written with the greatest dates of happy accomplishments, that your knowledge and imagination turns any day into an amazing journey of past years and past triumphs.

To the history teacher Today, on his birthday, We give admiration, Love and respect.

We humbly call you the ruler of times, And in lessons we go back in time with the whole class.

We wish that history reveals secrets to you, And that luck in life does not leave you.

Happy birthday from the bottom of our hearts! We love and respect you very much! And we will easily prove our love, We will tell you a story today About what a wonderful teacher you are, Each of your lessons is very interesting! We wish you a lot of vigor, patience, smiles, strength, colorful mood! Let your work give you joy, so that happiness can be seen in your eyes!

We simply adore history as a subject. Well, we consider you one of the best teachers. On your birthday we would like to congratulate you and leave good wishes.

So that students in your subject pass the Unified State Exam without difficulty, And also so that you are valued at work And your salary is increased more often!

With you we learn important dates, you open the world to us from the other side, we now live by history as a whole class, you simply inspire us to learn everything.

And on such a special, important day for you, we would like to wish you joy and happiness, let the shadow of sadness and problems recede from you, and all misfortunes end overnight.

Happy birthday, and we shout “hurray” to you three times, We wish you good health, kindness, fun, We wish that your cherished dream comes true, So that you do not lose luck, happiness, inspiration!

We send congratulations to the history teacher, We wish you to open the ancient Mysteries on your birthday.

Through invisible paths, take us into the past, teach us to see the good and the bad.

With history, you teach us to admit mistakes, so that we can avoid them in the future.

Happy birthday, our teacher, Our dear historian, Lead us along an interesting, Historical path.

We all wish you happiness And thank you for everything, We hurry to your glorious lessons together as a class.

Happy birthday, Incomparable teacher, Through the pages of history you have already walked a hundred roads.

I wish you inspiration, happiness in life and work, and a good salary in a bright, colorful banknote.

We wish you that this date becomes part of your “history”, that you always live richly, that life brings only joy!

Let your smile shine more often like the sun! We wish you real love and high-five mood!

Happy birthday! Let the dust of centuries give you inspiration, May life please you with success, May it lift your spirits in a moment.

Let there be more discoveries, And patience will not leave you, Luck awaits you at home, at school, And beckons you to bright victories!



put your ears up, listen carefully. Funny ditties We will definitely sing for you!
Every day my friend Kolya goes into battle. But my studies are not going well, the reason for this is Olya!

Nikolai set the example, but Sergei interfered with him. Here, guys, is an example of how you can’t solve an example!

We asked Ignat: “Are you familiar with a grenade, Ignat?” He replied: “Be calm!” I drink pomegranate juice!

I got a bad mark on the test today. Oh, dear teacher, give me at least a C!

I can't learn the multiplication table. With this mathematics there is only torment.

My diary, like a faithful friend, tried for me. I didn't learn my lesson, he stayed at home.

They say I'm a fighter, but what nonsense is this! I'm mute in class, combativeness is to my detriment.

Don't stand at the board, don't wave your arms. You'll still get a bad grade. What will you tell your mom?

We are very tired of studying every day. Let's make our life a little easier!!!

Everyone at our school is an artist and loves to sing and dance. Well, of course, in class we answer with “five”.

Teachers moan, cry, They are not given salaries. I walked into school one day and they were chewing notebooks.

In our school everyone is equal, all girls, boys. If you get a bad grade in class, take off your pants under your belt.

Everyone sings at the music, Dimochka is shy, But during recess her mouth doesn’t close.

The bell has now rung - the lesson is over. We run quickly to play, to gain strength for lessons.

We all love to go for a walk, we love to have fun, but we don’t have enough equipment for physical education.

I'm sitting in class, looking at the teacher. I like the teacher when he doesn't swear.

The office rattles, the staircase shakes. This is the quiet fifth “B” going down to the wardrobe.

We were in a hurry from the cafeteria, We were late for class. While they were looking for the office, the lesson ended.

Vanya teaches theorems, he tries very hard. It's been two weeks now that Dad hasn't sworn.

I have a two in my notebook. Very nice. I'll get a decent headache for it.

For the test, Petrusha received a bad mark again. He got scared and lied: “I forgot my diary at home!”

During a math lesson, a UFO flew to us. They looked at my notebook - They were blown away by the wind!

We made a little noise - The school windows rattled. We said: “Silence.” The wall at the school cracked.

I go to school in the morning, the teachers are waiting for me. They will torture you in class - I will torture them too.

Katya took a long time to get ready and took a lot of things. And as it turned out later, I came to class without a briefcase.

Mathematics is difficult - everyone knows it. We will think and guess how we can solve problems.

Our school is the best, And everyone is fed in the canteen, And we have a gym here, And we have countless kids.

Yesterday our class in the office broke a window. We told the teacher: “A midge flew by.”

My friend and I were walking, we forgot about everything. When the deuces were given, their mouths only opened.

Well, that's all, finish the verse, - We decided with a subtle hint. Learning is light, learning is light! And ignorance is darkness.

The best poems about a history teacher (for last bell, teacher's day)

On Teacher's Day, last bell or graduation evening, children memorize congratulations to subject teachers. We decided to help the students and selected the best poems about the history teacher. These are cool poems and beautiful words of gratitude to the history and social studies teacher. These are new congratulations in verse to a teacher on a holiday. You just need to select the options you need and copy them to your bookmarks. Good luck, our dear girls and boys.


You taught us to think deeply. You introduced us to many heroes, both positive and negative. You opened the doors for us to the world of the simplest stories, beautiful poems and verses, disturbing novels and ballads, intriguing comedies and dramas, funny fairy tales and fables. From each character and from each page, together with you, we drew something interesting. We experienced stories together and were imbued with the feelings of different times and a specific character. Thank you for the exciting program of each lesson. Thank you for your understanding, patience and insight into each of us. We wish you to always remain such a wonderful, sincere, kind person. We wish you happiness, respect and love!

Congratulations on History Teacher's Day

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Congratulations on History Teacher's Day - make congratulations on any occasion. Every congratulation on our website is worth its weight in gold. Yes Yes.

355 37

Let us congratulate you on Teacher's Day now! And with all my heart we add that we appreciate you very much. Let everything go smoothly, Let everything be the best! Let luck not leave you, And success often pleases you.


881 152

In the lessons of all of you, Holding your breath. Listening to stories We are storytelling. Congratulations on your important day, we wish you joy. And forgive students pranks and weaknesses.


571 131

Your lessons are always interesting, You can learn everything about the distant past, There is no free space at the desks, And there is simply, well, nowhere for an apple to fall! History - how we all love it, She will always put everything in its place, She knows everything, remembers everything, she will not forget, All those who wrote its pages!


452 115

Historical dates I teach from memory, I want to give you a gift on Teacher’s Day. You taught me to appreciate History, Without the past there can be no Future.


430 68

To the history teacher We send congratulations. We wish you good luck in everything on Teacher's Day. We wish that we know all the memorable dates, so that we never confuse Lincoln with Bonaparte.


740 64

Happy Teacher's Day. Let all the students know the story with a solid A, let the story of your life be fun and happy, let the story of the past take you into the world of magic and incredibly interesting, let the story of the present give you true success and joy.


581 43

We are in such a hurry to congratulate our beloved history teacher today, We love and appreciate your lessons so much, After all, you give knowledge from the heart! All great dates and events Now we know for sure by heart, We wish you good luck and patience, And don’t let grief enter your doorstep.


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