Corporate event in space style. Space party for employees

Space is a universal birthday theme. It can be arranged for both a child and an adult.

And if the birthday boy or girl is interested in this topic, then design in this style will definitely cause delight.

Rockets, the mysterious darkness of space, planets - all this attracts big and small researchers.

In our article we will tell you how to organize and decorate a birthday in the style of Space: invitations, decor, cake and sweets, photo zone and other details. We are sure that you will see many options that you can turn into reality.

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Decorating a space for a space party

After choosing the hall where the theme evening will take place, you should worry about the style of its design. Ideas can be completely different: on board a spaceship, the interior of an alien cafe, the fictional surface of an alien planet. When decorating a room, it is better to use shades that predominate in space: blue, black and purple. Elements with gold and silver plating will look good.

It is also worth putting away “earthly” household appliances and interior items.

Ideas for decorating a hall for an event:

  • curtains, walls and tablecloths can be decorated with applications made of colored paper, stickers depicting astronauts or distant stars;
  • if the tenants allow, posters with an imitation of outer space can be glued to the glass, so that guests will be pleasantly impressed by the view from the “porthole”;
  • the ceiling will look ideal, when looking at it you can admire the bright colors of galaxies and nebulae;
  • garlands and papier-mâché from comets, space rockets and various planets.

It is recommended to attach all the decor to a thin fishing line; this will create the effect of floating and weightlessness. Lighting design will also be an important element. This can include garlands, glowing star stickers, neon sticks and wristbands that can be handed out at the entrance. Along with all the illumination, it is appropriate to use foil, rain, and sparkles. These glossy decorations will reflect light and beautifully disperse in space.

Heartfelt congratulations on Cosmonautics Day in prose

While exploring outer space, I wish you not to leave the ground! May heaven always receive you with love and let you go with gratitude, and may the earth greet you more tenderly than a caring mother or beloved wife! Let flights inspire, inspire and enrich!

Here it is - a bottomless height. A space liner makes its way among hundreds of thousands of celestial bodies. The only thing that takes your breath away is the fact that in this endless Universe a person is flying towards his goal. On this significant day, I wish every conqueror of the cosmic depths to find their brightest star in life and conquer the heights of their most unattainable and lofty dreams. Happy Cosmonautics Day, gentlemen!

Each of us is a piece of the Cosmos. Please accept my congratulations on Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! May all expanses submit to your perseverance and intelligence. In every new endeavor, feel like Yuri Gagarin! Go!

Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day! May the sky above you be clean and clear. May your dream come true and the stars become closer, and may the vast space and distant planets submit to you.

On Russian Aviation and Cosmonautics Day, we congratulate all workers in this field, and wish that your determination and hard work never leaves you! Let your favorite profession always remain in first place among your life priorities! We wish you that what you love brings you great spiritual pleasure and material wealth! We wish you to unravel the mysteries of space, and let your stories on earth take your breath away, because you can listen for hours about the secrets of space! We wish you that the heavenly expanses will submit to your efforts and intelligence! Move persistently towards your intended goal, do not be afraid to be a discoverer of something unknown! People like you make our country good! We wish you to achieve great feats and feel like Yuri Gagarin! Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day, Russia! Today there are fireworks in your honor! Hooray!

Congratulations on your professional holiday - World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. I wish you to discover something new and interesting every day, to always find new planets that are full of happiness, love and goodness. And so that your wishes always come true, and that the stars and planets always help you with this. Be the best, be confident in yourself. Learn always and everywhere, and pass on your life experience to your children.

On this wonderful day, I wish you the sparkle of stars in your eyes, pride and delight in your soul, happy and valuable moments. Let happiness be the size of space, love like a huge galaxy, and let your mood be airy and light. Happy great holiday, Happy Cosmonautics Day!

On this unearthly and interplanetary day, I would like to say thank you to the pioneers of space and everyone associated with astronautics. We wish you success in their difficult task, high technical equipment, coherence of the crew on board, and good health. We look forward to seeing you on Earth.

Congratulations on World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. I wish you to successfully navigate the spaces of the sky and space, make new discoveries and achieve unprecedented success, gain new knowledge and interesting information, develop this industry and make a significant contribution to it.

On World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day, we would like to congratulate all specialists whose activities are closely related to the exploration of space! Your work is a contribution to modern science, fresh knowledge that we can bequeath to our descendants. Thank you for doing this responsible and dangerous task in the name of an information breakthrough that can make our lives especially interesting.

Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day, and I want to wish you all the best! May happiness in life be as vast as space, may love become your eternal companion, may joy and dreams never cease sending you their signals, and may your health only get stronger every day!

Happy Cosmonautics and Aviation Day, happy day to all the most fearless people! You are conquerors of the sky and space, revealing new possibilities for humanity. Generations will be proud of you, thank you for your work and aspirations!

I wish you a cloudless sky, easy exploration of the most cosmic heights and overcoming any barriers. May all your dreams and desires come true as soon as possible, and may new, even crazier and more fantastic ones take their place. I wish you to grow! Strive, achieve and don’t stop. Let the Universe reveal all its secrets!

Party Invitations

Postcards can be made in the shape of a rocket, a spacesuit, or a star, which should contain the inscription that the guest is invited to an intergalactic flight. These can also be certificates with a design developed specifically for this event. It is better to distribute invitations in advance, because the audience will need to take care of the thematic dress code.

Party Costumes

  • you can copy the image of an extraterrestrial inhabitant from a science fiction film or cartoon;
  • design and make a costume yourself using interesting and brilliant decor;
  • order the option you like from the online store;
  • pick up unusual weapons, lightsabers, blasters in a children's toy store;
  • The look will be completed with an unusual hairstyle and bright makeup, which is inappropriate to wear in everyday life.

Astronaut spacesuits with a large number of pockets and stripes would also look appropriate. They can be easily made from ordinary overalls.

Photo zone for the holiday

Each guest plans to take many memorable photographs, which are subsequently published on social networks. Or simply used to watch and immerse yourself in pleasant moments. For the photo zone, you can use a model of a fantastic ship, rockets from large boxes, flying saucers, or a dark background with glowing stars glued on.

Our team includes a professional photographer and cameraman who will not only take high-quality photographs, but also process them. The edited video is recorded on a disk, flash card or uploaded to cloud storage.


Prepare space equipment for your birthday boy and guests. For example, helmets, cylinders and protective overalls are useful for spacewalks.

What can you do at a cosmic birthday? Of course, travel around the planets. Of course, fly in spaceships. Of course, collect moon rocks and meet Martians. Save (or purchase) large boxes for flights. They will turn into excellent space vehicles.

For moon rocks, foil or painted rocks work well. And for aliens - balls or masks. Adults are sometimes perfect for the role of inhabitants from another planet.

At the beginning of the holiday, preparations for the main storyline usually take place. Guests can be offered to participate in various game libraries. One group of guests can make small paper rockets. They are strung on a cocktail tube and fly out when you blow into it.

For another group, you can place different elements of space on a stand, wall or board - stars, planets that will move. Let children shape their own space.

Ask the third group to find and label the constellations, so that later at the birthday party the teams can easily navigate in outer space.

Before setting off on a long journey, everyone needs to undergo training and a medical examination, learn about the mission of the flight and the main goals and, of course, start visiting different stars, planets, galaxies and learn something new and interesting every time.

Menu and table setting in space style

When choosing a menu, it is better to stick to a classic buffet or organize a full dinner. The dishes can be absolutely any, but it takes a lot of effort to dress up to serve them. Guests will clearly be surprised by the dishes in tubes - a familiar format for astronaut food. It is better to cut sandwiches in the shape of stars, rockets, circles that convey the shape of the planets. You can also come up with interesting, enticing names for all dishes and drinks.

Extraordinary molecular cuisine, which you cannot try in everyday life, is very well received. The star of the evening will be a cake, in the style of the evening, decorated with fondant, colored icing, shiny edible beads or space-themed images.

Scenario and entertainment at the space festival

When preparing a script, you can use the plot lines of films and come up with an entertainment program based on them. It is also important to adjust the scenario to the direction of the company’s work.

If you are planning a children's party, then the program must be clearly organized and thought out. A professional presenter will think through all the details and will conduct the event in the right direction. Incendiary dances and cheerful songs are well received. After each competition, it is appropriate to present the participants with a prize. These can be unusual souvenirs, made with your own hands or ordered from themed stores. No one should be left behind.

For adults, strict adherence to the program is not necessary. You can hold a competition for the best costume, prepare interesting speeches (but this will take more time), come up with fun competitions and quizzes. It is at this festival that laser shows, scientific experiments and virtual travel are well received.

If you plan to organize the New Year in a space style, then this is a more than good idea. After all, shiny tinsel, balls in the form of decorations, garlands and laser illumination are more than appropriate.

The DoctorTeam event team will take over all stages of organizing the space odyssey. An event in this format is well received by guests of all ages. Children will have fun and interesting participation in entertaining competitions and receive unusual prizes. Quests and quizzes will be relevant. A corporate space party will be a great way to bring your team together and spend time in an informal atmosphere. Such team building will significantly increase work productivity.

We are ready to answer all your questions by email. This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone.

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Competition "Let's go!" alcoholic


  • 4 people


  • Glasses - 4 pcs. Volume of glasses as desired.
  • Vodka (can be replaced with beer or other drink)
  • Sandwich, cucumber or other snack for the winner

Task: Players drink at speed at the command of the leader. The last one is eliminated from the competition.

The winner is determined after the third round.

Presenter: Real fans of the hero-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and fans of C2H5OH and H20 solutions in a consistency of 40% and 60%, respectively, are invited to the launch pad (stage). The winner will become a member of the Alconaut Cosmonauts! It is known for certain that a real astronaut must go on a wheel in his life, experience an overload and say “Let's go!”, waving his hand. You can do a cartwheel in the toilet, experience overload on the dance floor, and for “Let’s go!” I suggest arming yourself with glasses and at the command “Let's go!” drain them to the bottom! I'm starting the countdown! 10, 9, 8... 2, 1... Let's go!

Players on the command “Let’s go!” They drink half a glass of vodka at speed, the losers leave the starting area.

Host: Dear cosmonauts, have you already felt the first signs of weightlessness? Then we will proceed to the second phase of testing.

The glasses are filled to a third.

Host: Is everyone ready to start? I'm starting the countdown! 10, 9, 8... 2, 1... Let's go!

The players drink, the last one is eliminated from the competition.

Host: So, we have two of the strongest alconaut cosmonauts left. After the finale, one of you will go to Baikonur, and the other will stay here at the bar and continue connecting to space!

The two players who make it to the finals each receive a glass one-quarter full of vodka.

Presenter: 10, 9, 8... 2, 1... Let's go!

The players drink. The presenter determines the winner.

Presenter: The winner receives the main prize - a trip to Baikonur and back and a small snack!

Hands the winner a plate with a sandwich or a cucumber on a fork.

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