How to organize a birthday party for a 10-year-old child at home: step-by-step instructions

I want to celebrate my child’s 10th birthday in a special way: on a grand scale or not in the same way as always. But what to do if you don’t want to settle for a banal children’s sweet table, but you don’t have enough money for fashionable entertainment. Take matters into your own hands. After all, for sure, the mother or grandmother of the hero of the day already has experience in organizing significant dates: children’s christenings or anniversaries, 5th birthdays. Therefore, we will celebrate the child’s 10th birthday at home. The opinion that home children's parties are boring and monotonous is wrong. If you follow our instructions and recommendations, you will have an unforgettable 10th birthday.

Celebrating a child's 10th birthday: theme of the holiday

To decide how to celebrate a child’s 10th birthday, you need to choose a theme for the celebration. And not because themed holidays are fashionable and interesting, but to make it easier to come up with ideas and play out situations.

It is around the theme that we will spin the plot and act out skits, select decorations, costumes and treats, add entertainment and games, select musical accompaniment and prizes for participation in competitions.

What could be the theme for a child's 10th birthday? You can choose a classic theme for children of this age: a pirate party or a sea festival, princess gatherings or a trip around the world.

Or deviate from the standards and choose a topic that interests your child.

The boy is interested in football - feel free to choose a football quest.

My daughter loves the cartoon about Masha and the Bear - this is also a good theme for a children's party.

There are even more themes for a 10-year-old child’s birthday in this material.

If you don’t like the idea of ​​dedicating an anniversary to a specific fairy-tale or cartoon character, take a historical, fantasy or cosmic story as a basis.

You can choose a specific profession or field of science. Celebrations for young cosmonauts, firefighters, as well as parties for chemists, circus performers, and biologists are very interesting.

If you don’t like themed celebrations, choose the main color of the holiday. A sunny or striped birthday is also cool.

Outdoor games

Without games where you need to run, jump and even be cunning, it is difficult to imagine the childhood of a real man. Let's look at the options suitable for the premises.

"Get the Town"

Age of participants: 4 and older.

Number of players: 2.


  • gymnastic stick;
  • pin.


  1. The boys stand opposite each other and take hold of the end of the gymnastic stick.
  2. A “town” is set up a couple of steps from each participant.
  3. At the signal, the guys begin to pull the stick. Task: to pull the opponent to your side and get the “town”.

Outdoor games instill in boys initiative, independence and responsibility for decisions made

"The mice dance in circles"

Age of participants: 3 and older, possible with an adult as a driver.

Number of players: more than 4.

Props: chair.


  1. The driver, “cat,” is selected using a counting table. The rest are “mice”.
  2. The “cat” sits on the “stove” - a chair.
  3. The “mice” run around, saying rhyming words.
  4. At the last words, the “cat” wakes up and begins to chase the “mice.” The prey becomes the new "cat".
  • Rhyme for the game: The mice are dancing in a round dance And the cat is sleeping on the stove Don’t make noise to the mouse Don’t wake up Vaska the cat When Vaska the cat wakes up - He’ll break up our round dance.


Age of participants: 6 and older.

Number of players: more than 6, possible with an adult.

Props: ball.


  1. Players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other.
  2. The one who missed the ball is fined - the server takes a part of his body (leg, arm, eye, mouth) of his choice. The penalty kicker continues to play without using the “loss” - standing on one leg, receiving the ball with only one hand, closing an eye or closing his lips and not saying a word.
  3. If, after throwing a “cripple,” the player does not catch the ball, then the missing body parts can be returned at his expense. The “cripple”, who could not cope with his “loss” and missed the ball, is eliminated. The last one standing wins.


Age of participants: 4 and older, adults can also play.

Number of players: more than 2.

Props: wooden sticks according to the number of players.


  1. The players place a stick vertically on their palm and say the rhyme: “Kalechina-malechina, how many hours until evening? One two Three…".
  2. The winner is the one who was able to count to the maximum number while holding the stick in the palm of his hand.

"Kalechina" is often held in the form of a competition between boys and girls for the title of the most dexterous

Organizing a 10-year-old child’s birthday: choosing a place for the celebration

The choice of where to celebrate a birthday largely depends on the time of year. In the summer, there are many more opportunities even for a home party. After all, you can have a picnic in the garden or get-togethers with games and quests in the courtyard of your own or country house.

It is more difficult to choose a place for those living in apartments.

But even in this case, you can organize a birthday party in the gazebo or move part of the program to the playground.

If you are forced to spend the holiday in an apartment or house, immediately determine areas for a “banquet” and games.

There should be no clutter of furniture or sharp corners in the room. It is better to completely separate the place for active games and the table with treats in different rooms.

A few words about the gender approach

The division of games into “boys” and “girls” is quite subjective, unless, of course, we are talking about playing with dolls or car service. Although even here the doll may have a “dad”, and in a car service center a cute creature in a dress may work as a dispatcher. Therefore, when considering options for gaming leisure, we will take into account the fact that these games are defined as “mainly” (!), and not “exclusively” for boys.

The list of ways to organize gaming activities includes:

  • Board games;
  • word games;
  • role-playing games;
  • mobile games that can be played indoors.

Growing up boys do not sit still, they are ready in a second to join an interesting and new game

First anniversary of 10 years: we invite guests

Inviting guests to your 10th birthday is an important stage in organizing a successful celebration.

On the one hand, I want to invite as many friends, classmates, and relatives as possible so that everyone can please the hero of the day.

But remember that the number of invitees is limited not only by the financial capabilities of the parents, but, first of all, by the place to accommodate the children.

If you gather 10 classmates, 4 brothers, 6 sisters, and even housemates in a one-room apartment at the same time, it will be a disaster.

Also keep in mind that one adult will not be able to organize leisure time for a large number of children.

If more than 20 people will be present at the celebration, then the presence of 3 adults is required.

If the children's group is of different ages, or the holiday is planned to be held on the street, the number of adults present may have to be increased.

It is better to send out or hand out invitations for a 10th birthday 7-10 days before the planned date of the holiday.

It is not enough to issue an invitation beautifully; be sure to indicate the time, date, location, and duration of the holiday. If necessary, the dress code is specified in the invitations.

10th birthday decoration

It is very convenient to buy ready-made sets for decorating a room.

Typically, such kits include not only decorations, but also printing, candles, accessories for a fun holiday, postcards, balloons, etc.

But if you buy all this separately or decide to make some of the jewelry yourself, use our cheat sheet so you don’t forget anything.

To set the table you will need:

  • tablecloth;
  • disposable tableware;
  • napkins;
  • straws;
  • chocolate labels;
  • cups for sweets;
  • toppers;
  • boxes for bonbonnieres;
  • popcorn baskets;
  • juice labels;
  • cupcake stands;
  • candles for cake.

To hold a children's birthday party for a 10-year-old child you will need:

  • holiday caps;
  • "Happy Birthday" garland;
  • invitations;
  • confetti;
  • firecrackers;
  • serpentine;
  • pipes;
  • postcards;
  • gift bags;
  • balloons;
  • volumetric numbers and letters;
  • gifts and souvenirs for guests.

Decor to choose from:

  • large flowers;
  • checkboxes;
  • Garlands;
  • house;
  • cardboard figures;
  • inflatable toys;
  • honeycomb balls;
  • fans for decoration;
  • paper pompoms;
  • volumetric stars;
  • pompom tassels;
  • thematic pictures.

Whether you buy decor or decide to make it yourself, print out the cheat sheet to ensure you don’t miss any necessary items when preparing for the holiday.

If you wish, you can order jewelry from a decorator - in this case, you will receive an individual, unique design. By the way, it is not as expensive as it seems at first glance.

Today, the services of decorators for children's parties are offered not only by online stores and companies, but also by freelancers.

The main thing is to get acquainted with the portfolio of such designers before ordering.

Preparing a photo shoot

Photographing a children's party is also an important moment. Here you need to take into account several important points if you decide to deal with this issue yourself.

Firstly, the photo zone. Of course, pictures at the table, during games, and entertainment turn out to be lively and fun.

But the children will definitely pose and be photographed in groups, in pairs, one at a time. If you do this against the backdrop of cabinets or just a wall with floral wallpaper, the idea of ​​a photo shoot will simply be ruined.

Create a photo zone on the same wall. To do this, just print out cool thematic pictures or purchase a special wall sticker.

Secondly, who will film. The principle often works here: either everyone or no one.

Therefore, after the holiday there are often no memorable photos left at all, or they are all kept by different people.

It is best to assign one person responsible for photography.

Let the older brother or uncle or aunt take pictures of the children during a photo shoot, at the table, during games.

If, after all, the invited parents take the photos themselves, ask everyone to send them via social networks in order to make a high-quality selection and send them to the guests.

Preparing the children's table

If you are planning a long holiday, you definitely need to feed the children - in this case, you won’t be able to get by with just a sweet table.

You shouldn’t expect that children don’t eat well, are shy when visiting, etc.

After outdoor games, and even in a cheerful company, everyone eats. The main thing is to prepare the right dishes, decorate them in a fun way and serve them on time.

What exactly to cook? The choice is huge: pizza, chicken skewers, tartlets with various fillings, sandwiches, salads.

The full menu and recipes can be found in the article: Menu for a 10th birthday.


The presenter prepares a description for the cartoons that the children must guess. Children are divided into pairs or teams, the leader reads the description, and whoever raises their hand first gets the right to answer. Examples: in this cartoon there is a SIM card, but not a phone number, a zero, but not a mathematical one, their parents and even grandfather are “Fixies”; this cartoon about wild animals and one human child - “Mowgli”; a fairy tale about a girl whose name is associated with the color white and about 7 small boys - “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs”; a cartoon about a lilac bee not from our planet - “Luntik”; in this cartoon, one character is toothy and green, and the second is fictional and with big ears - “Gena the Crocodile and Cheburashka” and so on. Whoever has the most points wins.

Guests are gathering

A rather important moment is the preparation of guests. Even if the invitations indicate the exact start time of the holiday, children can gather for up to 40 minutes. Moreover, someone will arrive earlier than the appointed time, and someone will be late.

By the way, it is not customary to wait more than 15–20 minutes from the specified time on invitations.

Often the time is associated with the start of animator performances, show programs or serving hot dishes.

And yet, what to do with the first guests while the latecomers arrive.

Of course, you can just turn on cartoons. But children will quickly get bored with this activity.

Therefore, we are thinking about how to organize children’s leisure time before the start of the main entertainment program for their 10th birthday.

It’s better to come up with collective activities, for example, ask the children to design a congratulatory poster for the hero of the day.

Another interesting option is coloring houses. This design is large enough so that several children can access it at the same time. Give the guests pencils and crayons - let them draw before the main part of the holiday begins.

Important! You should not experiment with paints, or you will have to additionally wash the kids and their holiday outfits of the drawings.

Competitive game program for students aged 10-12 years

In the bag…

Competitive and game program


  • Nurturing the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, a sense of responsibility for the team and leadership qualities.
  • Activation of cognitive activity of students and team building


a multimedia projector, sheets of paper and pencils, a spacious hall, two tables (according to the number of teams), chairs, posters with images of hats.

Student age

: 10-12 years

Preliminary work

: In the class, two teams of players and one jury team are formed. The competition program can be conducted by the class teacher, teacher-organizer, or class leader.

Progress of the event


Each of you would like to be a leader in a team. But our team consists of “leaders” - parts of one large team. Today we will see which of you is more inclined to leadership and how friendly you are in the team.

They often say, “You are greeted by your clothes, you are escorted by your mind.” And how much a headdress can help our friendship - that’s what we’re about to find out. So...(slide1)

Competition “Warm-up” or “Hat Shootout”


An unusual battle will begin any minute. Today, for the first time in the history of our institution, there is a “Hat Shootout”. A

I will command the firefight! (Puts on an officer's cap). In order not to screw anything up, I appoint assistants - a jury, who will also perform the functions of a computer.

Well, teams, attack! Forward!

Whose team will name the most hats? Name one by one and cannot be repeated.

For each correct answer, the team receives a token in the form of a small hat.

Competition “Assignment from a fairy-tale hero”


Dear Guys!
Look at the next task (side 2). You see four different hats in front of you. Guess which fairy tale characters they belong to? ( Answers: Pinocchio, Tsar, Puss in Boots and Pirate)
. Well done! Thank you for your answers!

Beneath each hat lies a mission. Now we will recognize them one by one. So, the first task is “Questions from Pinocchio”
slide 3, click on the picture).

We look at the screen and choose a cap with a question to our liking.

  1. What did Papa Carlo make the headdress for Pinocchio from? ( From a striped sock).
  2. What did the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street put on his head? ( frying pan


  3. Which state can you wear on your head? ( Panama)


  4. I’m sitting astride, I don’t know who. ( Hat)


  5. Where the sun, cotton, and melons are all still worn today. Be able to name the hat - All in patterns...( Skullcap


  6. This foreign cap came to us from across the seas. You decided to take up sports - put it on quickly. ( Baseball cap).
  1. It can be made of silk, or it can be made of chintz, and it suits girls very well, round-faced, decorated with flowers or with polka dots, the girls in it look like nesting dolls. ( Kerchief


  2. With a long cap, so combative, Of course, we met with you more than once. She is like a girlfriend to any soldier, And he wears her dashingly on the top of his head. ( Cap



: Amazing! Let's move on to the next task!

Competition "Royal hat salon" GRACE

»» (Slide 3 - click on the picture).


Before hearing the task, listen to one story. Once upon a time there lived a Tsar. He became bored. He heard that fashion does not stand still, everything changes at the speed of light. He is the only one sitting on the royal throne wearing the same crown. He decided to keep up with fashion and open the Tsar’s hat salon “Grace”. He thought and thought about what kind of unusual hats he could sew and go out to the people. I thought for a day, thought for two, and finally came up with names for the three hats: Tsilillotka, Furalyapa, Kepkanama. But the question is: “What will they look like? And for what celebrations will the Tsar wear them?”

And now the task:

Each team will draw a hat they like and think about what special occasion they are wearing. 10 minutes to complete the task.


Great! The hats turned out just amazing! (Teams receive tokens in the form of hats). Moving on, pay attention to the next task on the screen.

Competition “Questions from Puss in Boots”

(slide 3, click on the picture).


Puss in Boots invites you to solve puzzles (slide 13, click on).

Here are the cat's friends - mischievous mice (slide 14). Behind each mouse is a puzzle that you have to guess. Choose any! (click on the pictures with mice and a rebus opens.). Forward! On a mouse hunt!

1Mouse Answers: Wolf, Family, Sleeve

2 Mouse Answers: Fabrics, Pumpkin, Canary

3 Mouse Answers: Ox, Gate, Thunderstorm

Great! Well played! We receive tokens from our jury and move on!

Competition "Tricky riddles from Pirate Jack" (

Slide 3, click on the picture).


: Pirate Jack has 12 parrots and each one can talk.
They will ask you tricky riddles, click on the parrot you like and answer the question! Good luck! ( For each correct answer, the jury gives out tokens in the shape of hats).

  1. Which month is the shortest? ( May)


  2. What is between the window and the door? ( Letter I


  3. What can you cook but can't eat? ( Lessons


  4. What will happen to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? ( He'll get wet


  5. Which hand is best to stir tea? ( It is better to stir tea with a spoon).
  6. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? ( On wet


  7. What can you see with your eyes closed? ( Dream


  8. What are we eating for? ( At the table


  9. Why does the cow lie down? ( She can't sit


  10. When a car is moving, which wheel doesn't turn? ( Spare


  11. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? ( By gender


  12. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? ( From empty


Great, now let's count all the tokens and determine the winner! The jury members additionally determine the team leaders and present them with “Our Leader!” medals.


Well, our imaginary battle is over! Everything turned out amicable and fun, but because “It’s all in the bag”!


The easiest way is to invite animators to a 10-year-old child’s birthday party at home. With them, you can discuss the theme of the holiday in advance, familiarize yourself with the script and, if desired, make your own adjustments.

Amendments to ready-made animator programs are not always allowed.

And the duration of the service is limited. Typically, animators at a 10-year-old birthday party entertain children for about 1.5–2 hours.

Next, the task of the holiday organizers is to deal with the guests. But usually 2 hours is enough for active fun, then the children simply get tired.

If you decide to create a script yourself or choose a suitable program, take into account a number of nuances. Suitable for this age group:

  • energetic sports relay games;
  • quest programs;
  • themed team competitions;
  • solving riddles, puzzles, charades;
  • solving logical problems;
  • soap bubble show;
  • theatrical performances;
  • interactive programs;
  • performing tricks;
  • making figures from balloons;
  • face painting;
  • creative master classes;
  • Board games.

The main thing is to play up any entertainment in accordance with the chosen topic.

Princesses boarding a ship, or primitive hunters who receive tasks on a mobile phone will look ridiculous.

Competitions and other entertainment should be designed not only for the birthday person, but for all guests. This is especially difficult to achieve when children of different ages gather.

In this case, you can alternate games for older and younger children, and involve older guests in holding competitions for kids.

To keep children's attention, structure the program in such a way that each subsequent competition is more interesting than the previous one.

It is necessary to alternate active games with calm competitions. It is the change of activities that helps maintain children's interest.

The main principle when choosing quizzes and games is that all children should participate. If the program is designed correctly, children almost never refuse to participate in competitions.

Correctly calculate the necessary props for games. There should be enough attributes for all children.

For example, if you invite children to make funny dogs out of balloons, then prepare at least 20 balloons for 10 participants in case someone ruins theirs.

Board games

For schoolchildren, these games can be an excellent substitute for computer strategies, and for preschool children who, due to their age, are not familiar with computers, such games will be an excellent trainer for logical thinking and attentiveness.


This game belongs to the group of strategic and economic games in the German style. Its essence lies in drawing up a playing field and placing subjects on it, who, depending on the territory they occupy, can become monks, knights, peasants or robbers.

Participants age: 8 and older, including adults.

Number of participants from 2 to 6.


  • 72 square plots of land;
  • 40 chips of five colors;
  • scoring scale field.


  1. At the beginning of the game, a “starting square” is laid out on the field. The starting square contains all possible terrain elements, which eliminates the problem of squares not matching together.
  2. After this, the players determine the turn order and begin to lay out the playing field. Squares can only be placed so that they touch adjacent squares. Moreover, the terrain on them should be connected (roads with roads, cities with cities, fields with fields).
  3. Each player has 8 subject tokens (one of them is used for scoring). After a player has placed the next “square” of the field, he can place one of his subjects on this square. In this case, the player cannot place the figure on an object (city, road or field) already occupied by another player. But during the game, objects can combine into a single whole. The figures are returned to the player after their object is completed. Accordingly, a chip can bring points several times during the game. The exception is peasants - they remain on the field until the end of the game.
  4. Chips placed on the board score points as soon as the object they occupy is completed. That is, as soon as the road has reached some end, the city is completely surrounded by walls, and the monastery is completely surrounded by any squares. Unfinished objects are worth points at the end of the game, but in some cases less than completed ones.
  5. The game ends as soon as all the squares not placed on the field are finished. After this, points are calculated for the remaining chips on the field. The player with the most points wins.

Today, Carcassonne is published by many world board game publishers, and, as of 2021, more than 10 million copies have been sold worldwide

"Young Pig"

Age of participants: from 4 years, can be accompanied by adults.

Number of players: from 2 to 10.

Props: 2 decks with 56 cards.


  1. The goal of the game is to get rid of the cards in your hand before your opponents. Players are dealt 8 cards; any card with a number is placed face up in the center.
  2. On his turn, the player places any card from his hand of the same color or value (number or pig) on ​​an open card. That is, on the red 5 you can put either any red card or a 5 of any color. You can put any Tikhohryun or any blue card on the blue Tikhokhryun.
  3. If you don't have a suitable card in your hand, you need to take one card from the deck. If it fits, we post it, if it doesn’t fit, then we keep it.

Time relax

Inevitably, children will get tired of outdoor games and fun.

It would be logical to have a small snack at this stage. But children, unlike adults, will not engage in small talk at the table.

Therefore, you need to think through this part of the program, when guests become not participants, but spectators.

As an option, you can hold a science show with guest animators. But if you take on all the stages of the holiday, plan to show interesting videos, for example, from previous holidays.

Gifts for guests

Why did we leave the topic of gifts for guests until last? Because it is better not to give children prizes during the holiday.

Inevitably, guests will open, unwrap, drop, examine, break, and exchange gifts. Conflicts or unfounded grievances may even begin.

Therefore, think about other awards for competitions - let them be “golden doubloons” at a pirate festival or shells at a sea birthday. And give incentive prizes to the children at the end of the holiday.

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