A fun table game for adults - “Reveal your secret.”

A table game of who we really are. Answer options

A table game of who we really are.
Possible answers Very often, even at holidays, guests find themselves leaving the table to take part in competitions. And we won’t force them, but we’ll play with them right on the spot. After all, there is an interesting table game - who we really are. We invite you to look at the answer options for the game and print them. The essence of the game is simple: funny poems are written on cards and the guests take out one card at a time and read the verse. And the poem contains the answer to who he really is! See answer options and play games.

"KVN: come up with an ending to the joke"

Participants: guests.
Props: pre-prepared stories and questions.

The host invites the guests to participate in KVN: he will read out to them the beginning of a funny story, and the guests must come up with a continuation. Whose continuation turns out to be the funniest wins. The following stories and questions can be chosen:

  • At a bachelor party the day before the wedding, the groom got drunk and ended up in a sobering-up station. For the first time on the morning of the wedding day, the bride had to ... (bathe the groom).
  • Before marriage, I loved all women. And after the wedding...(one less).
  • At the wedding of the prosecutor's daughter, the guests who stole the shoe received... (eight years with confiscation of property).
  • The groom did not have enough money to buy the bride, so the wedding was postponed until ... (payday).
  • How can you make your husband go crazy in bed?...(take away the TV remote control).

Table game - who we really are. Answer options in verses

Table game - who we really are. Answer options in verses

It's no secret that guests at a celebration don't really like to leave the table and take part in competitions. Therefore, games with cards have long been invented, which absolutely everyone enjoys playing. A new table game called Who We Really Are will help you cheer up bored guests and give them new energy.

Options for men.

1. I don’t sit still, I jump here and there. I'm very nervous sometimes, Because I'm a cowboy!

2. I am a parking attendant anywhere, I have a lot of cars! I drive them here and there, I’m a parking attendant anywhere!

3. I am very, very modest, believe me! But how sick and tired of you are today!

4. I love to write poetry, and I love to knit socks. I am very versatile, After all, I am a guy no matter what!

5. I forgot what happened yesterday since the very morning. You are not friends with me, I am not friends with my head!

6. Don’t give me a loan, I won’t pay you back. I’m not reliable in this regard, I just love money!

7. I am the first guy in the village, Everything here rests on me. All the girls run after me, Because that's who I am!

8. I write poetry in the evenings for lovely ladies. Romeo is my second name, And the first, you know what it is!

Options for women:

1. I’m a firebird, I’m shining, I adore myself so much! I take a bath three times a day - yes.

2. But I’m not beautiful at all, I’m not any kind of diva! No one feels sorry for me, Eh, my longing is sadness.

3. I paint my nails with varnish in the morning. Because at work I don’t dig the Earth!

4. I’ll let my lips down, I’ll go hunting! I hunt men, I am the Black Panther!

5. I'm back and forth all day, I run and don't rest. This is all my soul, I help everyone!

6. We live in such a time that we can’t get through without cronyism. I'm sitting here racking my brain, where can I find this kind of blat?

7. And I keep walking, wandering, looking for a sponsor. And so far everything seems to be small.

8. I love to gossip, I talk about people. My tongue is itching, talk to me!

Who knows the young people best?

The toastmaster asks all the necessary questions to the bride and groom in advance, writes down the correct answers and keeps them secret “behind seven locks” until the end of the competition.


  • What flowers does the bride prefer and which ones does she hate?
  • Where are the lovers going to go on their honeymoon?
  • What size shoes does the bride have?
  • How tall is the groom?
  • How many children are the young people planning?
  • What color are the eyes of the cat (any other pet) of the newlyweds?
  • Where did the bride meet the groom?
  • How old is the bride?
  • How long have young people been dating?
  • Who proposed to whom?
  • Favorite series of the bride's mother (father, grandmother, etc.)?

So everyone will find out with whom young people most often keep secrets. The winner receives a joke prize, which is also prepared in advance.

Table game cards for close

Games for a close group differ from others in that you can allow yourself to be a little mischievous, forget about your inhibitions for a while, laugh heartily and have some fun. A close company is, as a rule, a kind of brotherhood of old, faithful friends who can allow some jokes on the edge, some spice in the jokes, or simply not be afraid to be frank in their manifestations.

We offer a table game option for close-knit games . This table game is one of those that helps the whole company quickly escape from everyday worries and tune in to a festive atmosphere and fun. For fans of this type of entertainment at the table, we also offer a game with cards “I’ll tell you a secret. "

Host: Every person has a hobby, that is, an activity for the soul. But there is a hobby that a person talks about openly, indicating it in applications and resumes, and there is one that only the closest people know about. This is a hobby for myself. Today we will lift the veil of secrecy and tell each other about our deepest hobbies, which have been kept silent until now.

Your task is to take a card and voice them expressively. If what is written on the card contradicts your moral principles, you can, of course, select another option, but it is best to treat the option you come across with humor, especially since your close friends have gathered here and they will not betray you, right?

(The first line, as in a similar table game with cards “I want to wish you”, is the same for all guests, and the second, as it falls)

Cool table competitions for fun

Many competitions involve solving mysteries in the face of a lack of information. A person at any age loves riddles, especially if the winner receives a gift!

Tentacle forks

The essence of the game is simple: recognize an object blindly.
The guest's eyes are blindfolded, and he cannot touch the object with his hands! The player is armed with only two forks. In 2 minutes he must probe and guess as many things as possible. The organizer should select in advance ordinary household items such as a comb, toothbrush, pencil, candy, orange, etc. To make the task easier, the player can ask questions like: “Is this edible?”, “Is this a hygiene item?”, “Is it made of wood?” ? and others who can help solve the problem.

You are allowed to answer “Yes” and “No”, no more. The one who guessed more and more accurately wins. You are guaranteed to laugh until you cry!

Who am I?

Each participant has a piece of paper with an inscription attached to their forehead using tape. This can be any noun: a living creature or object, but for convenience you can limit yourself to famous characters from cartoons and movies, famous personalities. People sitting in a circle see all the inscriptions except their own.

Each player takes turns asking a leading question (“Am I an actor?”, “Am I a woman?”), to which you can only answer “Yes” or “No.” The first person to guess his character (or another word) wins. Anyone who guesses incorrectly is eliminated from the game or receives a comic punishment.

If the competition turns out to be too complex, you can simplify it - give more detailed answers-descriptions without explicitly indicating the object.

Mysterious ball

For the game, prepare a small gift, foil and short riddles. The latter are written on pieces of paper. The gift is wrapped in the first layer of foil, and a leaf with a riddle is attached to it with tape.

The procedure is repeated several times, at least 6-7. More complex riddles should be placed closer to the center, and simpler ones on top. Someone reads the inscription. The first person to guess the riddle has the right to remove a layer of foil and read the next one. The process is repeated.

The gift is given to the one who solved the most difficult riddle and removed the last layer of foil.

Game "Killer"

The number of participants is unlimited. To draw lots you will need coins and an opaque bag. The coins must be identical, and only one must be marked (of a different color or with some symbol).

All players take out a coin without showing it to others. That participant. whoever comes across a marked coin is considered a “killer”.

Participants try to look into each other's eyes in search of the "killer". Ordinary players cannot independently remove other participants from the game. The “killer” “kills” in a random order - he blinks, meeting the victim’s gaze, trying to ensure that his actions are not noticed by other players. The killed participant immediately declares loudly, placing his coin on the table: -Killed! And leaves the game. The participant who suspected the “killer” said (pointing at him): “I suspect.” But only two suspects together can catch the “killer”. Until the second suspect shows up, the “killer” has time to take the first one out of the game. The goal of the participant with the marked coin is to “kill” all participants before he is exposed.

Guess the prize

The game is perfect for birthdays - you can use the name of the hero of the occasion as a basis. It’s good if it’s long and more or less corresponds to the number of guests. For example, the name Anton has 5 letters.

The treasured bag contains 5 gifts for each letter. A - orange, H - scissors, T - plate, O - postcard, N - handkerchief. If the prizes are intricate, guests can be given small hints. Whoever guesses the item first gets it.


A simple game that requires no props and will delight any crowd.

Participants are divided into pairs - by lot or at will. Everyone gets small pieces of paper and pencils. One word is written on each piece of paper, whatever you want. Ideally, you need to write 10-20 words - nouns and non-fictional ones. The papers are folded into an opaque container or bag. The game starts with any pair in a circle. One participant receives the coveted bag and takes turns pulling out pieces of paper. He must explain to his partner what the object is without naming it. For example, “casket” is “a small box made of wood.” When your partner has guessed the word, you can take out the next one.

The difficulty is that each pair of players only has 20 seconds, and then the bag goes to their neighbors! During this time you need to guess as many words as possible. The rush causes people to jabber, gesticulate and stammer, which causes a storm of laughter!

Life credo and status - what is the difference?

Modern principles correspond to the character of our times. They are cartoonish, fast-changing, usually cheerful, carry a share of healthy cynicism, and gravitate toward comparison and a humorous form of expression. "Take everything from life!" - consumer slogan. “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always,” an accidental phrase that has taken root to characterize the discrepancy between desires and possibilities. “No matter what is done, everything is for the better” is an excuse for the inability to manage life.

What is the difference between a newfangled “status” and a life motto? The difference is in the content of the concept itself.

Status is something that does not contain development. This is static, lack of movement. Apologetics for what is. essence - a person’s desire to realize a dream, goal, desire.

Create something eternal

Seneca said that it is important for a person to create something eternal. His life path is limited by time, so he needs to leave something behind. Each of us is the creator of our own destiny, or, as Paulo Coelho said:

Every person on earth, no matter who he is, plays a major role in the history of the world.

There is a huge potential hidden in a person, which he is not even aware of. Someone says that they have no talent, abilities, or strength. But if only these “incompetents” knew how much time and effort they spend on their “talents” in order to achieve results. If only they knew what it’s like to say to yourself “It’s not all yet,” when the brain already refuses to work and meaningfully hints that it’s time to sleep.

Pushing forward: nothing in the world can replace persistence. Talent will not replace it - there is nothing more common than talented losers. Genius will not replace it - unrealized genius has already become the talk of the town. A good education will not replace it - the world is full of educated outcasts. Only perseverance and perseverance are all-powerful. (Ray Kroc)

The people who are now at the so-called peak did not fall there from the sky. They climbed up there on their own. And to be honest, most people have the same resources: they have arms, legs, a head on their shoulders and 168 hours a week to achieve success. For some, this is enough; such people have a simple rule: “I’ll die, but I’ll do it.” But for some, this is not enough; it is easier for them to blame everything on the political situation, the economy, other people and aimlessly indulge in dreams of a successful life, by inertia switching TV channels in the long evenings.

  • ... and so he seduces everyone, to which his heart is more inclined....
  • If I don’t stand for myself, then who will stand for me?
  • So do it!
  • Don't drag out your problems for the rest of your life.
  • Think about the upcoming victories!
  • There are no limits to making your dreams come true!
  • I am the first!
  • I know what I'm worth and what I want from life!
  • The most amazing thing in this life is that you can sculpt yourself the way you want.
  • The best way to get rid of fear is to face it, not every tiger can handle it.
  • Either you control your consciousness, or it controls you.
  • Remember, the strongest defense is the absence of fear. And in order to lose it, you need to be sure that you are the strongest person. Every person should love and respect themselves.
  • I can do anything, I just have to want it!
  • You are the architect of your own happiness.
  • Yes! I want this!
  • Never lose respect for yourself!
  • Success requires no explanation, failure requires no excuses
  • Take responsibility for your life.
  • A person should always set goals for himself in life and strive to achieve them. He must only go forward.
  • Learn to look people in the eyes.
  • Those who succeed in life do not blame others.
  • It's hard for you, I know, but you can handle it.
  • Set yourself a goal and go towards it firmly.
  • Do the wrong thing. What you like and what you need.
  • Obstacles exist to be overcome.
  • Learn to control yourself, do everything in the best possible way...
  • Be your own strictest judge.
  • You stumble more when you run away.
  • You have choices and power you don't even know you have.
  • The future is today, there is no tomorrow, and don’t wait for the day of deliverance to come, it has already arrived.
  • Before you can learn to control the power contained in the grain, you must learn to control yourself.
  • A person is paid for his ability to do something. And from here the consequence is that they pay a lot of money for the ability to produce something that has even greater value.
  • Shall I try just once?
  • If you don’t know where you are going, you need to be very careful, otherwise you may not get there.
  • Follow the intended path persistently and consistently.
  • Act as if...
  • When you work hard and put your soul into your work, you achieve success.
  • I realized that if you want to achieve success, you have to work hard and that those who only complain will never reach the top.
  • Try your best and you will achieve your goal.
  • With effort you can achieve anything you want.
  • Life is a fight.
  • A good deed is never done in vain. Sooner or later it will return to you.
  • Courage lies not in the absence of fear, but in overcoming it.
  • The soul strives for selflessness, the body is filled with selfishness. We ourselves must establish the balance.
  • Perseverance brings success.
  • To conquer the world, you need to conquer your will.
  • I!!! Want!!!
  • There is a law in human relationships: how we present ourselves is how we are perceived.
  • I can’t believe that while remaining a slave to his weaknesses, a person will be a fighter in life.
  • Self-control is a person’s power over himself - this is the suppression of his habits, fears, laziness, reflexes in order to achieve a goal - this is the ability to suppress the sensual side of his psyche, the ability to resist temptation.
  • Is the choice still mine?
  • I am the master of my world, and only I can change it.
  • I live in a world of limitless possibilities!
  • When striving for something, you must believe in yourself.
  • Oh life you are beautiful, oh life you are beautiful, believe me.......
  • I want, I will, I must...
  • I am a winner!!!
  • I have a choice now, don't I7
  • Away!!!
  • If you do not conquer yourself, you yourself will be conquered.
  • Life is the only reward in the evolution of the soul...
  • Consider yourself lucky.
  • Don't shy away from making decisions
  • Love yourself
  • Consider everything achievable.
  • Consider all events as favorable.
  • Always finish what you start...
  • Live large, allow yourself excesses...
  • Don't compromise...
  • Don't share your secrets with anyone.
  • Be patient.
  • Stand up for your rights.
  • Focus on what you have achieved.
  • You are always the best.
  • If you want to be happy, be it!
  • In this life it is not difficult to die, but to make life much more difficult...
  • Live in a compartment for one day.
  • Don't waste all your energy looking at the outlines of distant horizons.
  • Hourglass: grain of sand by grain of sand, case by case.
  • Today a new life begins...
  • Where the spirit goes, the body follows.
  • “He understands that he had no life, that he passed by it, and now nothing can be changed...”
  • Today is the only thing we own. Only in him can we be completely sure...
  • First understand, then decide.
  • Convince yourself that you can succeed and success will come to you.
  • An essential element in life is unshakable faith in yourself.
  • Qualities necessary for the development of hypnosis: - self-confidence - self-control - will - firmness - patience
  • When things get hard, the spirit is the first to give up, not the body.
  • You are a frank person, you have serious obligations to yourself and your loved ones. Make a commitment - study the problem in detail and begin to act, using your full personal potential.
  • I won't be afraid, I won't worry. If I have at least one chance, I will not miss it, I will live!
  • It is better to burn out from work than to wither from boredom.
  • Life is too short to be petty.
  • Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
  • It is not the blind man who is unhappy. And the one who cannot tolerate blindness.
  • Our way of thinking has a striking effect on our physical capabilities.
  • Let's fight for our happiness!
  • We live the way we deserve.
  • The body is stupid and you shouldn’t forget about it.
  • Stop apologizing for no reason.
  • First you need to try to love your bodily shell.
  • You are your body, and aversion to it means not accepting yourself as a human being.
  • In fact, the happier you make yourself, the higher your intelligence potential.
  • No complaints about circumstances that we cannot change.
  • If you repeat something often enough, it will become part of you.
  • The basic law of possession: use it, otherwise you will lose it.
  • A person has limitless energy at his disposal, if only he knows how to get it, he will achieve everything.
  • Life is not worth a penny if you live it like a worm.
  • Anyone who believes that he does not have enough time for exercise will sooner or later have to make time for illness.
  • It is impossible to please everyone.
  • There are two types of people: some enter the room with the words: “Here I am,” and others: “Here you are!”
  • Too late we realize that the meaning of life is to live it, enjoying every day and hour given to us.
  • It's a disease. The disease is severely advanced if you change your position at the slightest sign of disapproval from the outside.
  • Everything that a person can imagine, everything that he believes in, it is all achievable.
  • A person does not suffer defeat until he admits defeat.
  • Don't drag out your problems for the rest of your life.
  • There are no limits to the mind except those we set ourselves.
  • Repeating an order addressed to the subconscious. The only way to consciously develop faith.
  • Self-discipline is the hardest and most important of all the jobs in life.
  • Do not wait. The right moment may not exist. Start immediately and act with all the means you have.
  • If you know what you want, you will achieve it
  • It is well known that if a statement is repeated many times, you begin to believe in it, regardless of whether it is true or false. Each person is what dominates his consciousness, what he allows to dominate. The thoughts that a person consciously introduces into his consciousness constitute the driving force that directs and controls every movement of a person, his every action and deed.
  • You have to fight. You must believe in yourself. You must know what is really hidden within yourself.
  • Every mental impulse that repeatedly enters the subconscious is eventually perceived by it and converted into a physical equivalent.
  • Never give in.
  • I will achieve my goal! I won't give in to anything or anyone anymore. I will fight and victory will be mine.
  • Inaction sets you back. Start your fight right now!
  • Whose life am I living, exactly?
  • People with courage and character are always inconvenient for others.
  • Life is either a risky adventure or nothing at all.
  • Think about it, you are free! You can go wherever you want! Everything is available1 Everything is real! So what are you waiting for?
  • Now I'm the head of everything!
  • Beware of your own indecision. After all, lack of determination always leads downward!
  • Don't shift responsibility for your life to others.

Fun competitions for older people - wedding guests

So that the older generation of guests also does not get bored with nothing to do, we recommend using the following examples of competitions:

  1. Like it, don't like it. The conditions of the game are as follows: each guest must say what he likes about the neighbor sitting next to him and what he doesn’t. Participants can name body parts and clothing items. For example: lips, hair, ring, shoes. So the chain must go a full circle clockwise, after which the leader announces that the place you like needs to be kissed, or the one you don’t like must be bitten.
  2. Song competitions. Rarely is a wedding complete without drinking songs. To somehow control the choir, you can use elements of competition. Divide the guests into several teams and tell each team a condition that must be present in the song. For example, the first team should sing a song in which the name of a woman appears, the second - about the season, the third - about love.

Work is creativity

Each of us is a skilled creator. One problem: some realized this, while others decided not to bother with such a question. It doesn't matter what a person does, whether it's healing others or repairing cars, he's doing something creative, which can be good or bad. Successful people are a small handful of those individuals who were able to turn their work into socially useful creativity.

They approach their work with full responsibility and try to do it better than others. This argument should definitely become a life motto for those who want to succeed.

Take a step and the road will appear by itself. (Steve Jobs)

To become a successful and expensive specialist, you need to decide for yourself what you can do that others will appreciate. Do you have that notorious desire to create?

for the pros

The well-known motto of doctors is “Do no harm!” - a vivid example of the professional credo of doctors.

The Hippocratic Oath, which is taken by graduates of medical universities, fortunately, has been and remains the norm of behavior for a professional doctor.

The well-known life motto of a teacher, “I give my heart to children” (Sukhomlinsky V.A.), is adopted by many young teachers who find themselves in education by chance.

Modern journalists, do they have a creed? In the modern world, when many fundamental things are devoid of value, but endowed with a price, for many representatives of the ancient profession the principle “He who pays the piper calls the tune” has become a life credo.

Unfortunately. Because back in the last century, the famous publicist A. Arganovsky wrote: “It is not the one who writes well, but the one who thinks well,” who writes well. Fortunately, there are professionals who follow this civic position.

Walk at the wedding

The toastmaster invites two formed pairs to participate, and men and women do everything the host says.

Leader's words:

“So, imagine the two of you are walking along the sea coast. Warm summer evening, soft breeze blowing. You are all alone on the beach pier, you start hugging and merge in a passionate kiss. But suddenly the guy notices a shiny gold piece floating past, and his eyes immediately sparkled like the shine of this coin. He tells the girl about his find, shows the place, but she doesn’t notice anything. The guy speaks, but she doesn’t see... He points with all his hands and feet, but she won’t notice... For a long time the girl doesn’t see the chervonets, but finally she saw the coin. She was very happy, jumping and clapping her hands. The young man tries to get the chervonets without going into the water, but nothing works - the coin has floated far from the shore.

Then the guy rolls his trousers up to his ankles and takes off his shoes, but this doesn’t go deep enough. Then he rolls his pants up to his knees and goes into the water. The beloved enthusiastically encourages her daredevil, but suddenly the young man stumbles and falls into the depths, beginning to drown. The girl dives headlong into the sea to save her beloved and carries him out of the abyss in her arms. Having laid the guy on the white sand, she gives him artificial respiration and presses herself to her chest, completely forgetting about the ill-fated gold piece!

The presenter pauses and asks the participants to freeze in this position without moving. Then he addresses the guests:

Life mottos - what are they?

Historically, life mottos had different purposes and forms of expression. The capacious principles of the Roman emperors still serve as a measure of responsibility for an action: “The bridges are burned.” A decision has been made that is not subject to further discussion and irreversible in time.

In modern times, it is sometimes transmitted in statuses, the fashion for which came along with the Internet resource. Such “life principles” are more a characteristic of a person’s views than a real standard for behavior. However, if a modern person now talks about his life motto, he will most likely give away his Internet status...

Know your weaknesses

No matter how bitter it may sound, everyone has their own weaknesses, people are imperfect, even if they don’t want to admit it. But the first step on the path to success is to know your weaknesses and accept all the negatives. This is the only way a person gets the opportunity to work on himself and change everything for the better. And you need to stop thinking that you still have a whole life ahead to improve. Time passes much faster, so the sooner a person decides on himself, his principles and purpose, the better for him.

If you want to do something great one day, remember: that one day is today. (George Lucas)

We are given few days to be offended. (Vera Matveeva)

Great things must be done, not thought about endlessly. (Julius Caesar)

Life mottos of great people - rules for guiding the mind

The great Guy Julius Caesar immortalized his name in his life motto “He has come. Saw. Won". The principle of a winner in life. Stanislavsky’s saying “The theater begins with a hanger” ordered that, while thinking about the main thing, we should not forget about the little things.

Perfectionism is hidden in the famous words of the composer Franz Liszt: “Good or nothing!” Great pathos is contained in the words of Goethe: “Only he is worthy of life and freedom who goes to battle for them every day!”

These are not just beautiful words, these are the principles of people’s lives that they personified. The great meaning of a life motto is not only to proclaim an idea, but to follow it in the practice of life. The life mottos of great people are “rules for guiding the mind,” as the no less famous Rene Descartes wrote about.

Quality work

The life motto of a successful person can be the most unpredictable. Some may be guided by the slogan: “You only live once,” while others prefer the saying that you need to take everything from life. And someone is guided in life by the principles of successful people and also achieves success. But not everyone is able to move from dreams to decisive action. It is for them that we need mottos that would help them wake up in the morning and force them to work.

To achieve success, you must first do your job well. In this case, the life motto for a successful person will have the following content:

The only way to do outstanding work is to truly love what you do. (Steve Jobs)

Even sitting in an office with a minimum salary, you should not work carelessly. First, when hired, the employee accepted certain obligations. Secondly, only those who work equally well for thirty dollars a month and for a hundred dollars an hour are able to achieve success.

It is necessary to maintain your brand at all times, and not just when management is looking at you. It is important for the rich to be surrounded by high-level people, be it a maid, a butler or a janitor. Employers tend to invest money in people who respect them and, regardless of the situation, do their work on time and efficiently.


The rules of this game are extremely simple: the company sits in a circle so that all participants can clearly see each other's eyes. The first person says the word “I”, and after him everyone repeats the same word in turn.

Initially it is simple, but the main rule is not to laugh and not to miss your turn. At first, everything is simple and not funny, but you can pronounce the word “I” in different intonations and lines to make the company laugh.

When someone laughs or misses their turn, the whole company chooses a name for this player and then he says not only “I”, but also the word that was assigned to him. Now it will be more difficult not to laugh, because when an adult man sits next to you and says in a squeaky voice: “I am a flower,” it is very difficult not to laugh and gradually all the guests will have funny nicknames.

For laughter and for a forgotten word, a nickname is again assigned. The funnier the nicknames are, the faster everyone will laugh. The one who finishes the game with the smallest nickname wins.

And now a game for parents “20 years later”

At almost all weddings where the parents of the newlyweds are present, this entertaining game is played. The presenter should ask one of the spouses (most often the father of one of the newlyweds) to leave the hall for a few minutes; in extreme cases, the participant can put on headphones and turn on the music.

At this time, the mother is asked the following questions:

  • Where and how exactly did you meet your father?
  • What dress (or other outfit) were you wearing?
  • How many guests were present at your wedding?
  • Was the weather outside good or bad at the time of the long-awaited wedding?
  • Was there a wedding gift that your husband liked more than any other?
  • What was the witness's name?

How the rich and successful think

Those who have achieved success have thoughts of a completely different kind in their heads than those who are just about to take this path. Speaking on behalf of ordinary people (the so-called gray masses), successful people are strange. Their thoughts can become excellent short mottos for life:

I control my destiny.

I create my own luck.

The economy doesn't affect me at all.

Health helps me earn more money.

Our education system only teaches people how to become good employees.

The government wants employees, not business owners.

Every dollar I don't spend is another dollar I make.

Negativity creates poverty.

Poverty is a temporary condition.

I always knew that one day I would become rich.

Most people don't really want to become rich once they find out how hard it is.

If you want to get rich, you need to change most of your relationships.

Self-education is the key to success in life.

Anyone can become rich.

Being a voracious reader is one of the keys to success in life.

Success is built on a mountain of mistakes. The more mistakes, the higher your mountain.

Everyone has the potential to be a genius.

Happiness and poverty are habits.

The only valuable education in life is the education you use to make money.

As we see, these people are a completely different Universe, a different world and our era. They believe in themselves and never rely on luck. Old Lady Fortune changes her favorites like gloves, and only effort guarantees a person stable support under his feet.

For girls and more

Life mottos for girls and guys if they want to succeed are no different. In business, it makes no difference what gender you are, you must make decisions, lead and move forward with purpose. As for relationships, you can give some practical advice that will come in handy for everyone sooner or later:

To love means to stop comparing. (Grasse)

If you want to be loved, love. (Seneca)

To love means to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. (Leibniz)

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