Texts of official congratulations for the last call to graduates

Here is a collection of congratulations in an official business style (from the chairman, director, university representative, head of the education department, etc.) on the last call, addressed to graduates. All first and last names, names of organizations (institutions) and localities were used only for clarity - do not forget to replace them with the ones you need.

Recommendations are waiting for you at the end of the page.

Option #1

Dear graduates!

Today is one of the most exciting days in your life - the day when you say goodbye to school. I know that today many will have tears in their eyes, and these are tears of joy and sadness at the same time. Now you have become an adult, and you are faced with the task of continuing your education and obtaining a specialty.

Our city is changing. Behind all these changes are specific people, specialists, production foremen, doctors, managers, cultural and social workers. spheres... The more success you achieve in your further education, the more you can do for the benefit of your hometown.

Guys, we are counting on you! On your determination, on your fresh look, on your ideas. Youth is characterized by a desire to change the world. Well, change it! But change for the better! Only positivity bears fruit, only a focus on benefit and goodness.

This is what you were taught throughout your school years by teachers and parents, to whom I want to express my deep gratitude for their work - it cannot be overestimated.

On behalf of the municipality “city of Vyborg” I congratulate you on your graduation from school. May all your ideas be embodied, plans realized, hopes justified, goals achieved, and the reward for your efforts exceed all expectations. Good luck!


Chairman of the Committee

education in Vyborg

N. I. Kuptsova

Option No. 2

Dear graduates, dear teachers and parents!

The Education Department of the Taganrog City District Administration congratulates you on the traditional holiday that ends each school year - the “Last School Bell”!

There are different meetings in a person’s life... But 11 years ago you had one of the main meetings, which became a discovery, a revelation, an epiphany... a meeting with school. The school, like a patchwork canvas, is created by the joint efforts of teachers, students, and parents.

No matter how many years pass, the place where unique moments of childhood and youth were lived becomes especially dear and close. After all, it will remain bright classrooms, a blackboard covered with chalk, strict and wise teachers, parental anxiety and care, a ringing and loud last bell.

Dear graduates, the long-awaited moment has arrived - graduation from school. That very last call brings you closer to a new meeting, whose name is life. Take with you faith in yourself, in your dream, the desire to be the first in your business, an inexhaustible desire for knowledge, love for your small homeland. Let will, patience, and courage help bring your plans to life, and let the strength of spirit help you resist obstacles, doubts, and failures. The Russian people have always been famous for these qualities.

It is you who will have to multiply the power and wealth of our country with your deeds. Don't stop there. Wherever you study, no matter what heights you conquer, remember your home school and teachers.

All these years, your parents and teachers taught you to feel, be friends, love, instilled hope for the best, faith in a bright future, put into your minds and hearts all the most important and valuable things in this world. It is important that in the future the hearts of your mentors are filled with a sense of pride for your successes.

May all your endeavors end in success, and may the future be kind and generous to you with sincere love and true friendship! Good luck!


Head of the Department for

Education Administration

Taganrog urban district

P. E. Klimentyeva

Option #3

Dear graduates!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the successful completion of school and the beginning of adult life.

The school years are left behind. During this time, you received high-quality knowledge, developed creative abilities, learned to defend your views and beliefs, and love your native land. All of this is invaluable capital that will help you cope with life's challenges and achieve success in life.

Carry the memory of those who taught you and with whom you studied throughout your life. Always be honest and principled, humane and fair, as you were taught at school. Take care of your dignity, never stop there, constantly expand your knowledge, remember the wise advice of your mentors.

Courage, strength of character, compassion of soul and generosity will help you correctly navigate this diversity of an endlessly changing world.

I sincerely hope that you will be worthy successors of the labor traditions that your parents started and strengthen the good glory of your native land. Remember that the city of Tula is your father’s home, here are your roots, here are your mentors who have bright hopes for you and believe in you.

I wish you to find your professional purpose in your native land, realize your talents to the fullest, and make a significant contribution to the development of your native city. Happiness, prosperity and peace! Good luck!

Head of Department

education administration of Tula

O. M. Voitova

Option No. 4

Dear graduates, our dear children!

For some, all 11 years at school flew by in an instant, while others had to wait a very long time for today’s event. And this day has come - in just a couple of hours you will begin the path of an adult.

My teachers and I calculated: during your studies at the gymnasium, you attended 13,500 lessons. The same number of bells rang for you here and they were all different. Some of them were joyful, some were alarming, some were life-saving and saved you from unsatisfactory grades... And there were also those that interrupted an interesting story from a teacher or an extraordinary answer from a student, and brought you a feeling of disappointment and dissatisfaction , sparked curiosity, left doubts in the soul.

Today's call will be special - sad and joyful at the same time, because a new life begins and one that will never happen again ends. You will remember it forever, because this is your last school bell.

Each issue is unique for us. As unique as each of our graduates. Your graduation is significant because for the first time we are graduating the President of the gymnasium. It was Maria Marinina. They finished the last academic year with “excellence” and are contenders for medals: Elizaveta Ivanova (from 11 “A” class), Petr Petrov (from 11 “B” class), Ivan Ivanov and Sidor Sidorov (both from 11 “B” class) . At the same time, each of those gathered here is given the opportunity to become a medalist. If you score 100 points in the upcoming exam in at least one subject, you are guaranteed a medal. Go for it!

Also, your issue is highlighted by those who have high merit:

  • Mikhailov Mikhail - winner of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in literature;
  • Timofey Smirnov – winner and prize-winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in English;
  • Daria Sevastyanova is the winner and prize-winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in History.

The winners of the All-Russian Olympiad, for the first time in the history of the gymnasium, students of this graduating class received a grant in the field of education. Our students were: M. Mikhailov, T. Smirnov, D. Sevastyanova, M. Marinina, E. Ivanova, P. Petrov, I. Ivanov.

As part of the “Medical Class at School” project, our students participated in the first open scientific and practical conference “Future Researcher”. The winner was the work of Semyonova Elvira and Moiseeva Larisa. These students are awarded 10 points for winning this project, which are added to their Unified State Exam score.

In addition to the above, your graduating class also has significant sporting achievements. For the first time, the combined team of the Tomsk city district, which included students from our gymnasium Denis Bystrov and Yuri Zakharov, took third place in the city in the final competitions of pre-conscription youth. Those who took the GTO gold badge were: D. Bystrov, Yu. Zakharov, A. Luchnikov, M. Sinitsyn, M. Kashirin, P. Voevodin. Those who passed the silver GTO badge were: N. Pavlov, G. Makeev, O. Zhirkov, B. Yudin.

As you can see, graduates and teachers have reasons to be proud. But there are exams ahead. This will be a test of the strength of knowledge. I and the entire teaching staff of the educational institution sincerely wish you happy tickets, successful options and endurance. And may luck, optimism, health and happiness always be with you!

Dear teachers! I sincerely thank you for your teaching prowess, patience and professionalism. The next issue is a certain milestone in your life. All these years, you have done everything possible to make today’s graduates smarter, more intelligent, and more civilized. I’m sure time will show that everything worked out great for you!

I express my gratitude to the parent community. You, along with teachers, tirelessly took part in the upbringing and education of children. Thank you for the sleepless nights, for your patience and worries, for the support you provided to the guys and to us. May the reward for your efforts be generous, and may your children’s Unified State Exam results exceed expectations.

You guys don't rest in peace! To you, parents and teachers - satisfaction from your work! Good luck!

Director of MAOU "Gymnasium No. 19"


M. R. Chebotareva

Congratulations on the last call 2021 in prose

Dear graduates, congratulations on your very last Last Call. Now desks will be replaced by classrooms, lessons will become pairs, explanations will turn into lectures, your diaries will become notebooks, and your fun school years will be replaced by student years. And I wish you all that your youth is full of beauty, good luck, joy, luck and great success, so that you have the power to change this world for the better and conquer any peak.

Today we celebrate the last call and rejoice for those who will no longer hear it! Dear graduates, you are the face and pride of our school! Congratulations and good luck on your journey!

Dear 11th graders, congratulations on the Last Bell. I would like to wish you all the best, bright and joyful in the future of your life. May you have everything: your favorite profession, your favorite job, your favorite family, your favorite business, your favorite places and your favorite people in this world. Good luck to you on the path to your dreams, confident aspirations, strength and hope.

Congratulations on the Last Bell, our dear graduates. May your adult life begin with successful admission, may the kindest memories of school remain in your hearts, may great events and joyful days await you ahead, may luck and love always be with you. Good luck, children, safe and happy journey, graduates.

Our dear children, you are such adults, you already have years of diligent study behind you! Today you are graduates and we are proud of it! We wish you reliable friends and life in full swing!

Dear graduates, I congratulate you on the Last Bell in our school yard. This is truly the last call for you, because you are saying goodbye to school. And I want to wish you to always remain brave, cheerful guys who have a great future ahead of them. May luck walk in step with you, may there be many happy achievements and victories in your life. I wish you good professions, easy further studies, interesting achievements and brilliant successes!

We are your faithful replacement, we are the new generation of this schoolyard, and it’s time for you to set sail, dear graduates. Please accept from the young first-graders wishes of great luck, great happiness, great success and great joy too. We wish you to become the best programmers, teachers, economists, logisticians, engineers, designers, stylists, builders, actors, directors, photographers - in general, the most talented craftsmen and the nicest people.

For you, dear graduates, this day is special, this Last Call is the very last for you. Congratulations on your graduation and with all my heart I wish you a fabulous graduation party with a magical waltz, kind farewells and sincere wishes for happiness to each other. May all your planned peaks be conquered, may all your cherished dreams come true, may all your days be wonderful, successful, bright, eventful and fun. Good luck, graduates, and good luck to you.

Dear graduates, incredible pride bursts our parental hearts when looking at you. Quite recently, it would seem, we brought you by the hand to first grade, and now serious independent people stand before us. You are looking forward to big changes in your life with joy, trepidation and excitement, and we, in turn, want to wish this life to be very successful and successful. Let every step lead you to prosperity. Let every decision you make be meaningful and correct. Congratulations on your graduation.

Dear eleventh graders, today the final point of your stay within the walls of the school will be the iridescent voice of the last bell. From the minute it sounds, the door to childhood closes for you, and the wide road of youth begins. Let it never become a narrow path, but lead you to success, knowledge, and the development of yourself as an individual.

Option #5

Dear graduates!

On behalf of the Education Department of the Krasnouralsk City District and on my own behalf, let me congratulate you on the most exciting, bright, memorable event in the life of any person - the day of the last call!

Today's holiday is unusual in that it symbolizes both the beginning and the end. The beginning of adulthood and the end of school years. And the last bell is reminiscent of a factory whistle, calling for heroic deeds. And above all - to self-improvement. I sincerely wish that you have as many such feats as possible, and that they do not require great sacrifices from you.

For the school, today’s celebration is the main event of every academic year, and for graduates it is one of the most important points of growth. Behind this holiday are your many years of work and persistent movement towards mastering knowledge and skills, the experience and skill of teachers, the work of all services of the educational institution that ensured the educational process. It is these common efforts, common goals and aspirations that determine the significance and enduring value of our holiday.

Today new life horizons are opening up before you, let them be clear. And let the future not only seem bright, but also be understandable. You are destined to live during a time of great change; great prospects and opportunities are opening up before you. I wish you to use each of them for the benefit of yourself and your small homeland. At the same time, you have a great responsibility for the future of your family and your country. I wish that it does not become a heavy burden for you, but that it is feasible and pleasant. Be happy, success and good luck to you!

Head of the city administration

Krasnouralsk district

L. B. Smolina

Beautiful congratulations for school graduates

Time has flown by unnoticed, You have grown up for serious things. A glorious and victorious path awaits some, and a simple earthly destiny awaits others. You will scatter throughout the world, But you will all have this last bell forever, And your friendly class will be remembered. I would like to wish you so much: Goodness, happiness, and victories, Without bumps in the road of life, With the benefit of beautiful, long years lived. And also so that you can calmly look into your own eyes, live life beautifully and with dignity, be lucky in your destiny. And also, so that you don’t forget your dear classmates, so that they call, invite you to visit, don’t spare time for them. And also, so that they remember the minutes, Those that we all spent together, And more than once flew from everywhere From different corners of the big Earth. The years flew by unnoticed - Goodbye, school forever! Know that you will never be able to forget this moment of parting! Try to make your dream come true and go boldly into a great life! Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself - Success and happiness lie ahead! From the school threshold There are many roads in the world, Which step to take - the decision is yours: Whether to continue studying, Whether to go to work, You control your own destiny. Just one wish: Effort is needed in everything, no matter what path you choose in life. You said goodbye to childhood, Now you should find a way to comprehend the main essence of life! Don’t be sad that you won’t return to school, Youth is a wonderful time, All we can do is wish you happiness, peace and goodness.

Last call

Such a holiday will not be spoiled by the weather, Sharikov flies a wreath into the sky... So the school years are over, Today is the last bell at school. Today they come to school without laziness. Joy - the painful period ends Girls, boys, with liberation! At school today is the last call. Rejoice! There will be no more school for you! Why don't you run away as fast as you can? The bell rings loudly for you: Today is the last bell at school. They won’t give you homework, You won’t wake up for the first lesson, It just makes you feel sad. At school today is the last call. School is now a thing of the past for you. You have summed up a very important conclusion. School will be remembered only for good things. Today is the last bell at school. Good luck to you, graduate, happy fate and good luck! Let the magical spring of knowledge help you solve all your problems! Let the dream become accessible, Let a sea of ​​desires come true! May life, beauty please you, and may your calling be found!

We invite you to view and download free postcards for the last bell to congratulate graduates on graduating from school.

Option #6

Dear graduates, our dear children!

Congratulations on completing a multi-year training marathon!

Every year, at the end of May, I stand in this place, at the “Last Bell” holiday, and I need to say some words. And every year I want to say something new, but I can’t say anything new, because human values ​​do not change from year to year - they are constant.

Time flies quickly, school grievances and anxieties will be forgotten, the Unified State Exam and parting with classmates will be forgotten, and the warm memories left by today's holiday will last a lifetime. I want to wish that this fast-flying time will always be enough for you to do everything: work and relax; learn a profession; build a career and personal life; Tell your loved ones that you appreciate and love them.

And for the near future, I wish you: to successfully pass the exams, get high scores and enter the universities you planned to attend. Good luck to you, a harmonious and happy life!

Dear parents! Thank you for all these years you have participated in the life of our teaching staff, in the life of the school, for being with us and your children, helping and supporting. I wish that all the good hopes placed on your children come true, and that your plans come true. And since you are happy when your children are happy, I once again wish a happy future for your children!

I also express my gratitude to the teachers. For increasing the reputation and rating of our educational institution year after year, preparing worthy participants in municipal, regional, Russian and international Olympiads, competitions and other competitions, releasing worthy members of society into big life. I wish that after some time you and I will proudly observe the professional, creative and personal successes of our graduates, stating with satisfaction that our labors were not in vain. Happiness, prosperity and prosperity to all of us!


Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 21


V. Ya. Zhigalova

Touching poems for last call: 24 best

Website “Mom can do anything!” I collected the best touching poems for the last call. Very soon the time for last calls will begin. We offer you a selection of the most beautiful and touching poems dedicated to this solemn event.

*** The moment of farewell to school. He approached unnoticed. I wish that everyone finds success in their new life.

Let the memories of the years when you were happy and carefree only, children, warm your hearts and souls.

Good luck to you, high ups, Love so that it lasts forever. May happy eyes always glow joyfully, always cheerfully.


School years, like fast birds, flew by in an instant, it’s time to part with childhood, say goodbye to school, and take flight into adulthood.

And no matter how sad it is, the day of parting will come soon, that hour is not far off. Like a congratulation in moments of farewell, our last call sounds with sadness


Well, school is behind us! And you're almost a university student. The stage of study is ahead, May the muse be happy and good luck

Always accompanies everything, Everything will be fine in the record book. May the school memory of the year live in a girl’s soul forever!


Farewell, cozy, bright class, Farewell to you, dear school, Life is calling us all forward, A pack of other children will arrive!

We are parting forever And the road lies ahead of us, So why are our hearts beating and anxiety reigning in our souls?!

Today is just graduation - Fun, dancing and jokes And my eleventh grade will leave its school forever!

So let it be all oh, okay, Let your dreams come true, Let the crowd of my friends return here for meetings!


You were born, raised, Once brought to school, Believe me, we didn’t know then that children could grow up

So fast. Our dears, don’t lose face, you, dear ones, will achieve everything to make your mother and father proud.


As we see off into adulthood, our last bell rings. And what immediately comes to mind is how the school gave us a “lesson.”

How we sat down at a desk for the first time, And the first backpack on our back. And here we are in suits and dresses, saying goodbye to school.


Girls and boys, my dears, how you have changed, how you have grown! Where are these funny, timid guys, Who sat at the desk for the first time?

The years have flown by, time has flown by. You have become big, you have taken to the wing! Fly away soon, the road awaits you! Good luck guys, keep moving forward!


Eleven grades - neither more nor less, And the school years are already behind us. Let school be the beginning of something good for everyone, ahead!

Now, before choosing the main road, remember about your school, don’t forget! And may all obstacles, any worries, easily bend around your life path!


Our parents! Today is our day and we want to congratulate you. 11th grade – we are not too lazy to count! You believed in us, we know.

We congratulate you, because we are graduating, and you have always understood us. Accept the words, even though it is sometimes difficult in our studies.


Farewell, eleventh grade, The sad hour has come today, When we say to everyone: “Bye”! And all the friends will run away!

We promise to be kind, We promise to live correctly, We promise to miss school, But never to be discouraged!


Today is school graduation. And we, the eleventh grade, came here for the last time, dressed up for our holiday.

Teacher, we thank you with all our souls for the fact that with your patience you have made us smarter once in 100!


Well, the last lesson is over. Now it will ring - the last bell. There is a lump in my heart. At the fork in the road, And you can’t stop your pulse, Listen, buddy, the last call, And don’t slouch from melancholy. You are not very familiar with life yet, You are still your father’s and mother’s. You, stunned by the last bell, went out for the first exam.


Children grow up imperceptibly And leave their home... We are on this magnificent day, On the most important holiday - graduation -

We wish you happiness, freedom, Find your calling, your path. Move forward, drive away adversity, It’s easy to step into the adult world!

Problems click like nuts, Even though there will be a lot to do. We believe in you. And we love you dearly. May you, children, be lucky!


Today is a special day - it is a milestone on the way. And you, friends, were able to pass it with dignity. Now we bless you and send you off to a “bigger” life.

We wish you to take care of your honor, Happy “roads” and meetings to everyone. Don't forget about us, dear eleventh grade!


Thank you for your care and patience, for teaching us goodness. You instilled inspiration in our hearts, a love for learning, for the schoolyard.

May you be lucky with your students: The time has come for us to step beyond the threshold. You remember us from time to time - Let our last bell ring.


Well, here you are saying goodbye to school. Your lessons are over. Be kind, sweet, mischievous, cheerful! May fate protect you, girl!

You enter adult life very bravely. May success be your friend! Live wisely, brightly and skillfully, so that your ringing laughter can always be heard!


Once, many years ago, on the threshold of the school, I met the first class, noisy and cheerful. Little girls, Naughty boys, There are bouquets in their hands, And books in their briefcases. The first class, the third, and the eighth rushed by in an instant. Before we knew it, graduation was here! How much you have changed, you won’t even be recognized! First-graders, how did you manage to become adults? Each individual would like to whisper: It is important to be, not to seem. Don't forget!


The hour of parting is coming, Your youth is calling you on the road. The school releases you like chicks on your long-awaited, free flight!

Good luck, dear ones, fly! No more standing at the board! And today you will accept congratulations from us, graduates!


Graduated from school and the university is waiting for you. We wish you from the bottom of our hearts, dear, that you move only straight forward, not knowing fear, not knowing obstacles!

Let all your golden dreams come true, May all problems be solved without a hitch, May you love, happiness, good luck, beauty and life, like from the most beautiful picture!


11 grades are already behind us, and we congratulate each other on this. And the world is beautiful, look at it, And good luck awaits us, we know that for sure.

We congratulate ourselves on this day, and those who helped us study for 11 years. One day we will come here together again, May the blue bird of good luck visit us too.


They rustle with silk and velvet dresses, and the young men, each in a tailcoat. We will no longer have classes, a wardrobe where there are eternal fights,

Changes, bells and tests, The art of cheat sheets has been forgotten... It would be just right for us to dance - after all, it’s our will! Just...sad, desperately sad.


Well, congratulations, graduate! At seventeen years old, you read a lot of books, learned the teachings of the world.

And how much further you still have to find out... For now, take on a worthy appearance in order to celebrate the holiday!


Yes, the story of childhood is coming to an end, Chapters have been written, dreams have been finished. No longer relying on anyone's tips, you must solve all the problems yourself

Not every path will be smooth, Not all trials will be easy, And life lies before you like a notebook, In which there is not yet a single line...


Make the right choice, have a bright path! School "Goodbye!" say quietly, If you want to cry, just straighten the bow, And forget your childish doubts, leave them alone!

There are classmates nearby, all the teachers - And you suddenly have to leave lovingly. Ahead of you, adult life is calling you. May you always be lucky, my dear!

Option No. 7

Dear graduates!

I sincerely envy you and would gladly trade places with any of you. Today you are standing on the first steps, and are ready to overcome the next step, that amazing staircase whose name is life. I would like to remind you that you can not only climb up this staircase, like any other, but you can also go down or mark time.

Therefore, I wish to successfully and without difficulty overcome all the steps of this ladder, to move only forward - towards my goals, along the way to tirelessly learn, develop and not stop there.

I extend special congratulations to those boys and girls who decided to take the Unified State Exam in computer science. I would like to shake hands with each of them and invite them to receive higher education in applied computer science at Voronezh State University at the Faculty of Computer Science (Department of Information Systems and Technologies). It is here that the results of the Unified State Examination in computer science are accepted as entrance tests. We will be happy to welcome you within the walls of our university, we will wait and promise that at our faculty you will receive a high-quality higher professional education.

Happiness, prosperity and good journey!

Head of the Department of Information Technology and Technology,

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

professor at VSU

E. I. Lekhov

Option No. 8

Dear graduates, respected teachers, parents and invited guests!

I am glad to welcome you to the last call celebration. Today, another regular, 37th graduating class will leave the walls of our school and go to a big life.

Guys, we are all very happy that everything ended well, and despite the difficulties, educational and life vicissitudes, you have reached this milestone, beyond which an independent “journey” along the roads of fate awaits you. I hope that the joy of school discoveries, the loyalty of school friends, the care of your parents and good memories of your teachers will follow along these roads next to you.

I promise you will have everything: joys and downfalls, anxieties and victories, small and big achievements... I think the school taught you to firmly take any blow. You should know that at any moment, be it a moment of joy or defeat, the doors of our school are always open for you.

I really want you to take with you from school today such concepts as: responsibility, mutual assistance, decency. This is something that cannot be taught. This is something that can be educated. We taught you, but we also educated you and were sincere with you.

Perhaps it sometimes seemed to you that we were finding fault, criticizing groundlessly... But we tried never to pass by, not to be indifferent. Because every member of our school team understands with all our hearts that we are responsible for you. You have become a part of our soul, our children. Therefore, I repeat once again: we were sometimes too strict, but we were never indifferent to you.

Dear Parents! Thank you for such children. Perhaps not yet mature enough, but quite decent. We are grateful to you that we never had any significant troubles with these guys. Because they approached difficulties with a fair amount of humor, they showed that they were capable of being creative and proactive, and knew how to make friends. We wish that your children will continue to bring you only joy and reasons for pride.

I want to express my gratitude to the teachers for the fact that together with today’s graduates, not only a piece of your experience, but also a piece of your soul will leave this school. Thank you for giving the future members of our society the light of your soul.

I wish you all good luck in your exams. May the last school test before your new life end with the results you have always dreamed of, and may luck and luck be on your side. No feather or fluff to you! Good luck!

Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 91


K. O. Dorokhova

1. Last bell It’s the last lesson at school, The guys are sad in their souls, It’s the last bell at school, A new milestone in fate!

So spring has passed, Tomorrow June will come, Soon our young friend will meet at the farewell ball.

The last stage has been passed, Childhood is already behind us, We have now become adults, This means our whole life is ahead.

The joys of first love, Strict teacher tone, Old tape recorder, Songs of farewell moan.

My school years have passed, They will never be returned, I only remember the warmth of the friend I met then.

It's almost dawn, So a new day is coming, Every last bell is a lesson for our youth!

2. Breakup

The 11th grade is leaving, And we can’t hear our native voices, We looked into each other’s eyes, Maybe we understood without words.

A decisive battle went on for a whole year, Goodness and love won, But the notebook was forgotten on the desk, A few words were written in it.

I keep those words in my heart, They contain pain, longing, and sadness. A lot of grievances have accumulated, We don’t know how to forgive - it’s a shame!

When you meet, you avert your eyes, Or you simply don’t recognize, Apparently you can’t forget the top three, You can’t get back what happened...

Parting will come soon, Don’t lose everything good, Childhood, youth, and your school, And don’t forget your friends!

The 11th grade is leaving, They will be replaced by others, They say life goes on, But I believe, I hope, and I wait!

3. The Last Teacher

I remember my youth, the schoolyard flashed with a light, and the girl with a brown braid, about whom I secretly dreamed.

And life goes away drop by drop, Leaving only coals, But you haven’t even lived yet, Even though your years are great.

Attributes of today: Player, chewing gum and cigarette smoke, I just want warmth, A lot of noise, but still no happiness!

The bell in his hand quietly sang a song, So childhood comes to an end, And the disco sparkles like daylight with fire, Instead of a waltz, it spins like a wheel!

The chalk on the board no longer creaks, There is no note in which “I love you,” We drew energy from a spring, Like our memory from space.

I wish you to live not by lies, Do not lose hope over the years, Remain yourself, Do not burn the bridges between us!

The battles of learning have died down, We will carry everything that is in us to the end, And the last teacher will no longer ask the Theorem about your childhood.

4. Message to graduates

We worked together for two years, And there was everything, both laughter and sadness, But the good things end quickly, And, alas, we are sorry to part!

Here the last call pauses, The voice trembled, a tear flashed, What is going on in the souls of the parents, It’s not difficult to guess, friends!

When we meet, we will recognize each other, I hope there is decency, If one of you turns away, Let's wish you to read Shakespeare!

Before the ink had time to dry, the seal of the certificate had not yet been sealed, when some of your comrades began to spit on the teacher!

We do not expect any gratitude In our cruel, immoral age, What we have sown is what we have grown, This is how, alas, man is made!

Someone will change their wife or husband, Someone will change their job and look, But the teachers from your youth cannot be changed like gloves!

After all, you can’t rewrite history, What happened can’t be taken away, But if your memory is short, That means there’s something wrong with your conscience!

If even one of the students at school just drops by to see me, It means I didn’t live in vain, Let others envy me!

Those who often skipped classes, And those who always studied honestly, Will live in the teacher’s memory, All of you are my children forever!

5. It's time to part

Now the time has come to part, The last diary has ended quickly, Someone may breathe a sigh of relief, Someone is sad and hangs their head.

A strict teacher will no longer ask you, You no longer have to stand at the blackboard, Formulas and graphs will quickly be forgotten, And there will be no longing for tests.

I dreamed that you would act, And as a reward - a fascist cross, So that I could silently look at idleness, So that I wouldn’t get into your soul!

Someone wrote insults on the desks, Someone gave us flowers for the holiday, If you didn’t become a person at school, Then you won’t become a human being, don’t wait!

I learned what betrayal is, the lads shouted to me, hit me, save me! I’m not the Messiah, I didn’t save their souls, No one will save them, you know that!

Only grievances will remain in someone, In those who threw snowballs like stones, Only there will be noble hearts, Who will not betray and will not flinch on the way!

To those who suddenly smile at me when they meet, I address these verses to you, I have forgiven everyone, and you will forgive me, Do not hold any grudges for our sins.

We will meet together someday, Happy days will flash in our memory, Childhood and youth are quickly ending, The best years that we spent at school have passed!

We will remember everyone by name, Who went where and where, Everyone will find their place, If only they lived according to their conscience!

6. Last days

The school days flew by, flew by like the wind in the ocean, And the last exams passed, And the farewell ball with the graduates.

There is silence in the empty classroom, The monitors remember your faces, And the old notebooks lie like frozen grains of history.

You are in a hurry to leave quickly, To quickly forget the difficult moments, We understand you like no one else, Everyone is tired of experiments!

You are tired of teachers, You just want fun, freedom, Only at the university it will be harder, Have a good student years!

We will not meet someone at all, The time of parting is very close, I look at you for the last time, And my family see your faces.

There is nothing left left, Not even photographs for memory, But I remember your names, And the flowers of smiles will not fade!

7. Farewell

Another year has flown by, And you are leaving, My last 11th grade, We will never meet someone, Maybe someone will remember us.

I probably couldn’t reach you, The light in my heart quietly went out, But the question remained, And the answer was not heard, The hour of separation is not far away.

He taught you something, he himself learned from you, what is the result? As before - a mirage. It often happens in life that they were building a house, but they built a dilapidated hut!

We live like moles, In parallel worlds, Beer, chewing gum and cigarette smoke, But the soul remains, As before, alone, From love to love without victories.

The one who is faithful to the dream, Who will not betray you, Let at least one person look into your eyes, He will not say goodbye, And will remain in your heart forever!

Maybe for his sake, I live, I breathe, What I have, I’m ready to give, If only there was something, If only there was someone, I would still like to understand.

I don’t know who he is, This student of mine, It’s unlikely that he’s the one who gave me “five”! He will look at me in a few years, and we will understand that we are together again.

And not a laser disc, And not an old album, It will preserve our friendship with you, And it will remember the good, It will forgive the bad, Time, the healer, flies so quickly!

8. Bus

The day is slowly ending, Night will soon fall, Childhood is ending today, Nothing can help here.

The night ahead of you is not easy, Dancing and laughing until the morning, You can leave on the bus, So it’s time to say goodbye.

So, of course, it’s more convenient, I took it and left completely, Where there’s a comma, there’s a period, Fewer unnecessary problems.

The police will arrive soon, the fireman will arrive soon, What are you saying, they are not parasites, in general, they are the right people.

Only for a simple teacher, It’s always somehow awkward, They’ve already done everything they could and it’s time to leave.

Wedding generals, It doesn’t suit us, friends, You’ve already got everything, You don’t need us anymore.

That’s what the parents decided, They were supported by the teachers’ council, The holiday is not for the teacher, What do you tell them in response?

And they didn’t answer, Those who taught for a whole year, Silently, left quietly, So as not to embarrass the round dance.

A tiny photograph, a signature, and not always, is all that will remain in the end, and will fly through the years!

9. Come

You come to my lesson, The last bell will be soon, We solved problems with you, After all, exams are just around the corner.

Remember the happy days of childhood, They flew away like ships into the distance, And now there is a certificate ahead, And a column of grades in a row.

And someone got a medal, And it’s heavier than steel, Someone is holding a diploma in their hands, Tears of joy are in someone’s eyes.

The teacher has many problems, and you won't be good to everyone. Someone will remember you and come, Someone will pass by on the sidelines.

Don’t rush me, don’t judge me, come to my lesson, Oh, the teacher’s bread is not easy, And the coat of arms shone over the capital.

Three years have flown by like a dream, The class is not a company or a battalion, It is more like a platoon, And to the board, as if on an attack, forward!

10. Choice

New views and new trends, We take off to new heights, They hit the programs and hit the teacher, Those who don’t teach science.

Here the student chooses the teacher, The market is everywhere, a free approach, But when you don’t want to study, This strategy will not let you down!

Nowadays, physics is probably not in fashion, It’s a complicated thing and low income, There are often problems, tests, Of course, every lazy person will understand!

So they give up their studies, They will be given a piece of paper in external studies, Everything is fine, but they lack knowledge, And they will be accepted into the institute through connections!

For those who are used to getting money without working, It is now very convenient to prosper, The floodgates are open to all ordinary people, And you can not give a damn about the teacher!

Unfortunately, we have lost a lot, Again we took a step towards ignorance, But we don’t need to deceive ourselves, Laziness and idleness are our worst enemy!

This is called differently now, However, a humanitarian approach, A flexible line in education, Only in the end there is a sad outcome!

But I still want to hope, It’s too early for us, friends, to retreat, Only through hard work will you gain knowledge, You don’t need to look for easy ways!

11. I live in wonderland

I live in a wonderland, Our children know a lot, How many wives Napoleon has, But they don’t know their own country!

The Poles are great! They brought us liberation, Yes, Susanin interfered, And doubts were dispelled!

Well, the Turks are also brilliant, They attacked Russia, But nothing came of it, It’s a pity, the Cossacks got in the way!

And I learned about witches, This is also interesting, But our children don’t know about their homeland!

And at the holidays of eras, Egypt is very important to us, Victory Day can wait, Here is such a parallelepiped!

From the history of the country, only myths remain, As if we live in Africa, And all around us there are only Scythians!

Maybe I’m not in Moscow, Maybe I’m in a French school, Or I ended up in Greece, Confused involuntarily?

We would like to become citizens, let's join hands together! Let's stop lying to ourselves, and we will return to Russia!

12. Why say hello to the teacher?

Why say hello to the teacher, When you graduated from school, After all, he is not a member of the Government, To give way!

When everything is calculated so precisely, the Teacher is no longer needed, And you pass by, The computer is overloaded!

There must have been something wrong with my memory, my childhood has gone somewhere, the teacher is not prestigious, and my conscience is beyond my means!

We now have such values, You were raised this way, And in the school team, They probably didn’t know you well!

13. Six strikes

The teacher is like Hercules, He takes six blows, After all, it’s hard to survive the Chubais and Gaidars!

Strike number one, Inflicted by the state, The teacher is not a banker, Do not accumulate wealth!

Decisive blow, Delivered by the ministry, Of bureaucratic reforms, A sad legacy!

The Methodists are delivering another blow, They are in command, Like the Communists before!

The Directorate deals another blow to him, The teacher owes everyone, Whoever asks for anything!

Another blow, Parents deal, Who writes a complaint, Who brings trouble!

Our children deliver their final blow, But we carry our own cross, And we endure everything in the world!

14. Ungrateful student

An ungrateful student, As often happens, when he leaves school, he no longer notices you!

The days at school flew by quickly, We looked into each other's eyes, But we didn't see the sly man, And now the mask is torn off!

Either he forgot his notebooks, or he was late for class, the teacher forgave him everything, and protected him from shame.

So he received a certificate, And he entered the institute, There is no need for a teacher anymore, For such a student!

15. I wish I could live until the holidays!

I wish I could live until the holidays, the student dreams, I wish I could throw my diary away with the two!

The teacher dreams of living to see the holidays, because what the teacher couldn’t do, even God can’t do!

They throw us to extremes, Now into the cold, now into the heat, They test our strength, And they do it out of spite!

Of course it is easier to break, And we are moving backwards, And what we have destroyed, Who will collect it?

The ministers have gone crazy, And they act brazenly, With their reforms, They will finish off the teachers!

16. Schoolgirl

You walk along the corridor, your heels are clicking, and the guys are furtively looking at you.

You look like an actress, Even though you’re a schoolgirl, There are only A’s in your diary, You’re not a slacker!

During lessons you reach out your hand, you rush forward, you drag the rest of the people along with you!

And you win at project competitions, And you could be the first Beauty Queen!

I had such a student, And she graduated with a medal, She went to college!

17. On this day

On this day I am sad all evening, Because my boys are leaving, We say goodbye at dawn, And in our eyes is the light of the distant moon.

I won’t hear their laughter in the corridor, I can no longer hear their steps, Except for pens and old notebooks. Everything has disappeared, like the ghosts of darkness.

Thirty years since I graduated from school, Thirty years of my first spring, Before me you are again in a white dress, Years have flashed by like dreams!

You reminded me of my youth, And my dream lasted like in a fairy tale, And another boy passed the exam, The most important one, like the law of life!

18. Virtual execution

The student worked on the mistakes, and suddenly he had a piquant idea!

Teachers on the website He decided to order, What moved the boy, But it’s hardly grace!

And on the site, the boy executed the Teacher, he beheaded him, and attached pictures!

Even if virtually, He chopped off the head, But he killed the Teacher in a non-trivial way!

And I designed all these pictures as best I could, And added nasty things, Sent them by e-mail!

And the affectionate, fluffy, Good student, Approved of this business, Cheerful mischief-maker!

Having sent an anonymous letter, they quietly parted ways, and then the guys began to study!

19. Let's dance with you!

Let's dance with you, Fortune has given us a chance again, I will press you to my chest, And let the romance sound for us!

We danced tango with you, When it was graduation night, Then we parted for a long time, And here you are next to me again!

You became a beautiful woman, And at school you were a girl, You were born to become happy, But life floated by!

Let's dance with you, I'll take you by the waist, and I'll burn you with a kiss, loving you so sincerely!

20. It's time for us to say goodbye

The time has come for us to say goodbye, And now the solemn moment, It’s hard to part with friends, Like in the frames of past films!

In ten years you have become wiser, And you even quit smoking, Since then you have matured a lot, You can forgive each other!

The trace behind the desk is almost invisible, And my office is empty, The soul is burning with a trump card And searching through the fog for an answer!

We looked into each other's eyes, Some are sincere and some are not, We couldn't see face to face, And somewhere there is a light of teaching!

Let failures not remind you, The teacher is not a lumberjack, I hope they will remember you with a kind word, At least a couple of people!

It's time to put an end to it, The grades in the diaries are sad, And I'm adding a line, In my ingenuous poems!

21. Don’t renounce your teachers!

Don’t renounce your teachers, With whom you were once together, Who loved you like their own children, After all, you can’t throw words out of a song!

Do not pass by those who opened the ways of knowing the Universe to you, When for the first time you, reading syllables, Learned about ordinary love!

The country that betrayed its teachers is doomed, lives without prospects, And the oil wealth of the kings is Dead when the assets are empty!

Visit your teachers, They will help with deeds and advice, And bring your children to them, On the Day of Knowledge, warmed with wisdom!

Option No. 9

Dear graduates, dear teachers and parents!

Today the last school bell will ring and mark the beginning of a new journey for yesterday’s schoolchildren. And then - another, new life, where everyone will have their own path.

Throughout all your years of study, your parents and teachers rejoiced with you in your successes and experienced your failures. Now they look at you with hope. Many thanks to them for their wisdom and knowledge, understanding and sensitivity, patience and help.

There are exam tests ahead of you. I am confident that you will endure them with honor, and in the future you will develop and improve your hometown, region, and region. And also - to preserve and enhance cultural traditions.

I wish you to always remain faithful to your school friendship, set the most daring goals for yourself and achieve them! Good luck, health and new discoveries!


Administration Manager

MR "Vagaisky"

D. L. Safin

Response speech from graduates to the last bell in 9th grade

The last bell is an exciting event for every student. But it evokes the most acute, unusual and ambivalent sensations among graduates. The pre-holiday bustle, armfuls of flowers, symbolic bells, ribbons and other important little things are replaced by slight sadness and the bitterness of saying goodbye to everything that was so dear in recent years. And at the most crucial moment, when it is the turn of graduates of the 9th and 11th grades to go on stage with a response speech at the last bell, the feeling of inevitable parting with the school “home” intensifies a hundredfold. In such emotional moments, heartwarming phrases and words of gratitude bring tears to the eyes of not only graduates, but also teachers, parents, and the class teacher.

Response speech from 11th grade graduates at the last bell

The response speech from graduates at the last bell in grades 9 and 11 is always touching and heartwarming. In their address, the guys remember the brightest moments, thank their parents and teachers for their patience and daily work, wish their followers to remain themselves and stubbornly follow their dreams. It’s not easy to compose the ideal text for a graduates’ response speech on your own, so you can use standard templates and supplement them with personal emotions and experiences.

Congratulations to you, our dear teachers, who have endured and loved us for so many years, on the Last Bell. We are sincerely grateful to you for the knowledge and work you invested in us. And although we sometimes upset and sometimes offended you, we want to say that we appreciate and remember every word you uttered! Thank you for your love, for your support and important advice that we will remember for the rest of our lives! A new, bright future awaits us, but we will never forget you, our dear teachers! Thank you for telling us everything you knew, putting a special meaning into each word, we really appreciate it! It was you who directed each of us in the right direction and thanks to you we now know which path we will go! Happy Last Bell to you, our beloved teachers!

Dear teachers and dear friends and classmates. Today we, graduates, have to take one of the most important steps in our lives, parting with school. The best years are behind us - a carefree childhood, adolescence, and further study and work lie ahead. I think that the best gratitude for teachers on our part will be the fruits of knowledge and life wisdom that we have grown from the seeds that they have sown in our hearts. One Latin proverb says that we study not for school, but for life. These words are deeply imprinted in our memory. And today we are parting with the building to which we owe so much, with the teachers who, with dedication and devoted all their strength to our education and upbringing. Therefore, on behalf of all today’s graduates, I say: thank you, school, thank you, dear teachers.

Today you and I are graduates, no longer children, but not adults either. Tomorrow we will take a step into independent life. There will be both sorrows and joys. Sometimes we will meet good and sympathetic people, and sometimes we will meet quarrelsome and angry people. But we must remember that our parents and teachers raised us to be kind, decent and cultured boys and girls. I would like to thank all my relatives and, of course, those who taught us over all these years. Thank you, teachers, for your help in difficult times, for the good advice and knowledge that you shared with us.

Option No. 10

Dear graduates, dear teachers and parents!

I sincerely congratulate each of you on a significant and symbolic event - on the “Last Bell” holiday!

The last call is the end of an important life round and the beginning of a new, no less exciting one. This is a symbolic moment of farewell to childhood and the beginning of a long journey that you have to go through on your own.

I wish the graduates today to cross the threshold of school - boldly and confidently, to go into adulthood joyfully and fearlessly. And may your aspirations be high and your life happy.

This moment is extremely exciting for your teachers, too, but I am sure that every student will graduate from school with dignity. I express my deep gratitude to the teachers for their caring attitude to work, patience and daily dedicated work. It was thanks to you that students achieved victories in their studies and overcame difficulties.

Today, the regional and city authorities are doing everything possible to ensure that Tyumen boys and girls have a quality education, are purposeful and harmoniously developed individuals with a broad outlook, moral principles and a moral core.

Graduates of over 70 secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums in Tyumen will soon leave the walls of educational institutions, taking with them the warmth and love given by their teachers. I am sure that our teachers have raised people who are capable of being responsible and solving complex problems that adult life sometimes poses to you.

I wish you a positive attitude towards life, good luck, vigor and health. Good luck, dear graduates!

Department Director

education administration of Tyumen

Y. T. Norkin

More options →


1.When creating your own text, the following plan will help you:

  • Introduction. This part includes a greeting and an address to the audience, and names the full name of the event that served as the reason for congratulations (in this case, it is a school graduation celebration). This may also include the name of the institution (organization, government body, etc.) on behalf of which the solemn speech is made. If the text is used orally, the speaker introduces himself and the persons (if any) on whose behalf he will speak to the audience.
  • Main part. In this part they mention what the holiday is dedicated to, what it symbolizes, what it serves. This also includes words about the years lived at school (what they were like, how they should have been remembered, what benefits they brought to all participants in the educational process), what impression they left in the hearts of the school community. They also mention the future: they set guidelines (for schoolchildren leaving the institution), give instructions and advice, add parting words, include motivating phrases, indicate the further vector of movement (development), talk about the importance of choosing a profession (and/or university for further education). Here (in this part) a report on the successes achieved during study can be included, the most significant successes of students are listed (victories in Olympiads, the number of successfully completed projects, etc.).
  • Conclusion. In this part, they express hopes for the future, say words of gratitude to the parents of students and teachers, report news (if any) about upcoming examination tests, and voice information that should be brought to the attention of all those present. End the speech with good wishes.

2. If it is decided to include a statistical report in the text (about victories, successes, merits of schoolchildren and the number of students with special awards) - the information should be relevant for this issue (and not for the whole school, district, region, country). The statistical data presented on this page are conditional and serve only to visually demonstrate the design of such a text (they must be replaced with your own, relevant for a particular school and a particular issue). For an example of a text that includes a statistical report, see sample No. 4.

3. All texts on the page are suitable for oral and written use. If you choose the written version, adhere to the following design guidelines:

  • After the header (the top of the sheet), the main text is laid out in the center of the page. If the design (drawing) of the sheet does not allow for a centered layout, lay it out along the left edge or along the width.
  • After the main text, the position of the responsible person is indicated on the left.
  • Opposite the position, on the right edge, indicate the initial letters of the name and surname of the (fully) responsible person.
  • If there are several responsible persons (people), positions and surnames are listed one under the other (see as in sample No. 12).
  • In this case, the seal of the institution (organization) and the personal signature of the responsible person are not mandatory and are placed on the page at the discretion of the author of the text.
  • The words “You”, “You”, “You” are written with a capital letter only when addressed to one person. If the text is addressed to a group of people (in this case, all school graduates), the pronouns “you”, “you”, “you” are written in lowercase letters. Often these pronouns are written with a capital letter (addressing a group of people, a team, etc.) in order to emphasize a special attitude towards them (respectful) - this design is not correct, but does not cause sharp criticism, due to the festive content text.

Speech from parents to 9th grade graduates at the last bell

It is difficult for parents to give a solemn speech to 9th graders at the last bell: sometimes they are overcome by excitement, sometimes tears blur their eyes, sometimes a big lump rolls up in their throats. To avoid embarrassment and awkward pauses, it is better to compose a speech from parents to 9th grade graduates on the last bell in advance, carefully read the text several times and try to remember the main part. And the rest can always be seen.

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