Comic congratulations and gifts for a woman on her anniversary.

If desired, similar scenarios can be found on my page:


Well, hello, Andrey! How to measure time? Are you 50? Never believe it! Let me take a closer look at you: Yes, it looks good! Nice to look at! If you continue in life in the same way, then you will live for another hundred years!

We received an invitation to a holiday - a birthday. Immediately they began to split hairs: What should we give you? So that the gift is needed, so that it can be useful. We thought together, amicably, How not to disgrace ourselves.

We thought for a long time, trying, sweating. And then, finally, an idea appeared. A gift is needed and will not be unnecessary, Or maybe even a couple - we will not miss it!

We are not giving you a car or a boat: Walk - you won’t spoil your gait! Fishing gear? Do you need it? Sit somewhere by the river until you drop?

We’re not giving you a cruise ticket either: You traveled the world when you were younger. You have a wonderful view here in the garden: a hammock hanging between the trees under the window. And if you’re lucky, apples fall from the tree into your mouth.

We don’t give away skis, skates or sleds: And rollerblades too - for a slender posture. After all, my dear, you are an athlete even without a sled! At 50, you are a Superman hero!

We don’t give away a ticket to the Pavarotti concert: Well, what’s wrong with that? You sing better! The wife starts singing, and you follow her, you make the guests laugh with this duet.

We didn’t give you a bike either: You’d hardly appreciate such a gift: You’re 50, you’re already quite an adult, And where can we find a three-wheeled one?

We wanted to buy you a balalaika: We would ask in unison: “Come on, play!” But you have neighbors close by. What if they accidentally beat you in retaliation?

We were trying to buy you a saw: You seem to like cutting wood? Even though you seem to be the head of your family, your wife would saw you up for firewood!

We didn’t give you a vacuum cleaner: Why aggravate your “family issue”? “Come on, clean it up!” my wife would shout. You don't need this kind of hassle!

We don’t give a book so that you can read: After all, it seems you already have a book? You can buy a newspaper yourself. No, we won’t give this to you!

If we don’t give flowers, the daisies will wither. And trousers and shorts, and even shirts. - You can’t count such goodness in your house: You have all sorts of clothes in your closet!

We don’t give away shoes either: are you waiting for felt boots? But now you won’t find them here, Andryusha. Maybe we could order them in Russia, but that won’t happen soon. And there is no time to wait: Parcels arrive from there every year. It’s easier to make them yourself here.

Perhaps you are expecting luxurious linen? But you are good even without these trifles! You don’t need socks either, dear: One is on your leg. Well, where is the second one?

We will give a gift: neither drink nor eat: You already have food and drinks. No, not a saucepan, not a cup, not a rolling pin: After all, a rolling pin is a weapon! We feel sorry for you!

We don’t give away dishes – wine glasses, glasses: My wife is tired of washing them every day. We don’t give pillows, but a blanket with them: So that the thought of your spouse will warm you.

Not a razor - why do you need a razor? Your wife can replace her! Are you not used to it, Andryusha, That your wife has a sharp tongue?

We don’t give out pills, following the fashion. “Don’t you still need Viagra?”

Are you a fan of cleaning the garden? But we don’t give you a rake – you, of course, also know how to step on them very well. And you definitely have a couple of your own.

We don’t give you a broom: there’s already one at your entrance – from tops from the garden. We won’t give you a hoe or a shovel: We won’t bend your back from morning to sunset!

So what kind of gift do we have? Have patience, wait, dear! We won’t give away nonsense and rubbish: Do you want to tinker with it every day?

Now comes the cherished moment, Let us finally tell you a secret: We invested our whole soul, loving immensely, As a solid gift, we assure you!

Both friends and enemies need this thing, young people need it and old people need it. It is absolutely necessary: ​​after all, no matter how you turn, you cannot do without this little thing!

We read in your eyes, dear, the question: “What kind of thing did your team bring?” Well, let’s stop mocking you: It’s time to get serious about the gift.

Open the package and show everyone! And know that the gift is from a pure soul! You are a knight, Andryusha, although without a sword -

Bookmark funny poems about gifts for children! They will definitely come in handy, be it just a spontaneous visit and presenting a small gift to the owner, or a dinner party on the occasion of a holiday. We have collected both universal options for a congratulatory speech that can accompany the moment of giving, and quatrains for specific surprises that are popular - souvenirs, soft toys, balloons and others.

Of course, you can silently hand over the treasured box, but believe me: it will be more impressive to present the hero of the occasion with a gift with a verse read with expression. Sincere emotions and the desire to please will be a wonderful addition to your speech, which means the gift will be appreciated and remembered for a long time!

I give you a fruit basket, I chose it with all my heart, I bought it in the best store, so that the treats would be delicious.

I wish to be like an apple, ruddy, so that my character is strong, like the peel of an orange, beckoning, like this spicy plum, and the brightness is the same as that of a tangerine.

Accept my fruity gift, It’s full of vitamins. Let everything be bright and cool and let your home prosper.

Of course, may your health improve, may you have strength for everything and everywhere. May your cheerfulness never fade, and may sadness rather flee from you in fear.

In life, in order not to know about diets and not to gain weight, you just need to eat fruits.

Forget about sweets, About cakes and sweets, I give you fruits For benefit and for joy.

I'll give you pears, bananas, apples and cherries, pineapple and grapes. Also not superfluous here.

I want to wish you to fully enjoy the gift, so that you can stand on the scales without fear.

To increase your tone and absorb vitamins, I present fruits today, let them lower cholesterol.

Let the fruits give you these heavenly moments. To improve your complexion, eat fruits as soon as possible.

Take the fruit as soon as possible, I present the vitamin, the fruit is fresh and tasty. There are a lot of important reasons.

Let the glorious fruits bring you only benefits, let them charge you with health, let them help you with thinness.

I give you sweet fruits, Look, there are so many of them in the basket! They are better than chocolate, because there are vitamins inside for you!

Eat fruits and enjoy, After all, there is no tastier food on earth! Eat fruit more often in your life, That’s all the advice for today!

I give you a still life as a gift - Receive a bouquet of fruits for joy, They are healthier than halva and cake, They contain vitamins, and not just sweetness!

They will give you energy, provide you with a natural blush, as if they will take you to the Garden of Eden and there they will instantly cure you of all ailments!

I give you fruits, ripe and juicy, I know that you will definitely like my gift.

They look beautiful and taste pleasant, decent in size, fragrant, aromatic.

They are given to us to enjoy Nature, and are also full of useful vitamins.

Let the gift bring health benefits, given from a pure Heart and with love.

Fruits are a gift, Useful in everything, After all, vitamins are contained in it.

Fruits will give you Health and strength, Taste, aroma - Everything about them is beautiful.

Fruits are always a wonderful gift, they can decorate any holiday.

Each fruit is warmed by the gentle sun, so let my gift suit your taste.

Fruits are a storehouse of vitamins, Everyone has known for a long time, And let this wonderful gift please your eyes!

Let their magical aroma caress your sense of smell. These fruits will satisfy all your taste desires!

I want to give fruits, To improve your health, Vitamins to the body, To add more to you.

Eat them with gusto, They have maximum benefits, They will improve your complexion, They will sweeten any moment for you.

To improve your health, I give you fruits, with them I convey a charge of enthusiasm from my heart.

Vitamins strengthen May your immune system Give only admiration This joyful moment.

To get vitamins, you need healthy foods! I want to present you these delicious fruits!

Let them bring you one continuous pleasure, health, reserve strength, giving wonderful moments!

Everyone knows that the best foods that you get to eat are, of course, rainbow fruits, and they will never be of any use.

An immeasurable storehouse of vitamins These wonderful fruits are stored, They will heal better than an expensive vaccine, They will rejuvenate faster than living water!

I bring fruits as a gift, To please you, These necessary products should be consumed by everyone.

They contain vitamins and benefits, such a bright, juicy color, to be cheerful and strong, eat a large bouquet of fruits!

Vitamin boom today, I give you fruits, Let these cool products only be of use to you.

Let them improve your complexion and your digestion, Enjoy them as sweetness, Seize the delicious moment.

I entrust you with a whole treasure of vitamins, Everyone is very happy with fruits, The taste inspires them.

And strengthen your health. Fruits help, I am pleased to give you the necessary products.

Money surprise: how to make a money launcher and what it is

All of us remember the old cartoon about Scrooge McDuck, who was so rich that he could dive into his money, shovel it and sweep it with a broom.


The simplest of them can be easily repeated, and now to do this you need to scatter coins all over the house and sweep them with a new broom with a green ribbon tied on it.


The swept coins should be placed in a jar and, if not touched, they will serve as money bait. You need to buy a sweeper for this plot only when the moon is waxing.


It is for this reason that such a gift was often given to newlyweds at a wedding to take money into the house and sweep out evil.

You can attach a sign with words like “loot launcher” to the handle, in case the purpose of the gift is misinterpreted.

You can also use a modern mop with an auto-spin for such a present; you just need to attach banknotes to it.

It would be more correct to call such a gift a “money sucker,” but the essence does not change. If you are planning to give someone a vacuum cleaner, then you can play with it in this funny way.


In this case, bills can be attached to the brush that comes with each vacuum cleaner. The main thing is that money does not accidentally fall into a working vacuum cleaner!


It is better to accompany such a gift with an original congratulation with poetry or a ditty. A poem for such a surprise can easily be found on the Internet.

When are joke gifts appropriate?

People close to a woman usually have the right to give such gifts. First you need to make sure whether the hero of the occasion has a sense of humor, because not everyone has this sense of humor. A serious business lady may not appreciate an unusual approach to a gift. Not everyone understands jokes and perceives them adequately.

The main rule for choosing non-standard funny gifts is that you cannot offend a woman on her name day. There are concepts that are not meant to be joked about, for example, problems in your personal life or career.

We must remember that a frivolous joke can ruin not only the celebration, but also lead to a break in relations with the birthday girl.

The best gifts for a bath - choose wisely!

A bathhouse is a universal way to relieve fatigue and stress, improve your health and simply have a good time.

Bath traditions exist among many nations, but in our area you rarely see a Turkish hammam or a Japanese ofuro, so the word “banya” usually means an ordinary Russian bathhouse (or, in extreme cases, a Finnish sauna).

A visit to the bathhouse requires the presence of a towel, brooms, a bath cap and many other things, without which it is inconvenient and simply unhealthy.

When visiting paid baths, these things can usually be rented, but this is expensive and not very hygienic - especially in the case of towels and hats.

Therefore, a person who regularly visits the bathhouse should definitely acquire his own set of bath accessories. In this article we will tell you how to choose the right gifts for baths and saunas.

Making a list

So, what can’t a steam bath lover do without?

Bath cap

A must-have accessory to protect your head from overheating. When choosing a hat, you need to pay attention not to the shape, but to the material of the model. Under no circumstances should you buy synthetic models - they will only increase overheating of the head and will not absorb moisture.

The best choice would be models made of felt or felt. These hats perfectly allow air to pass through and absorb moisture, providing excellent thermoregulation.

If a person is allergic to wool, you can buy a cotton hat. Cotton is a hypoallergenic and hygroscopic material suitable for baths.

When choosing a gift, you can get by with a neutral model, or you can show a little creativity by buying a hat with a cool inscription or design.

A bath towel

It is traditionally believed that the best towels are made from cotton - they are soft and absorb water well. However, their disadvantage is that they take a long time to dry and become harder after washing.

Therefore, in recent years, towels made of bamboo or microfiber have become more widespread. They are no less soft than cotton, but retain their properties much longer.

An excellent option for a bathhouse would be a towel with Velcro - it’s convenient to wrap yourself in it without fear that it will fall off at the most inopportune moment.

A comfortable sundress towel is also available for women. It has special straps that make it comfortable to wear during bath procedures.

Such models are practically unlimited in size, so you don’t have to worry that your gift will be small or large.


Wearing special shoes protects your feet from fungus and burns.

Many people prefer to make do with rubber “slippers,” but this is not quite the right choice - for all their advantages, they are very slippery and easy to get injured in. Therefore, the best choice would be fabric or wicker models.


A mat is needed for sitting in the steam room - it protects against burns, and in public baths it also protects the skin from fungi.

Bath cosmetics

An excellent present for a woman who loves to spend her free time with light steam and the aroma of oak brooms.

This category includes various types of oils and skin care products that are applied to the body in the steam room. The best bath cosmetics are those containing natural honey or medicinal clay. For example, you can choose one of the options:

Bath attendant set

This surprise is suitable for a person who has his own bathhouse or sauna. The set includes a set of tubs, washcloths, brooms, watches, gloves and many other useful little things.

Of course, it’s difficult to call such a set cheap, but it will be a really practical and pleasant gift for someone who loves saunas.

To present your surprise, prepare a suitable congratulation with a beautiful speech or poetry - this way your gift will be remembered even better. And of course, don’t forget to wish the hero of the occasion a light steam!

Gifts for a friend's anniversary

The anniversary of my best friend is approaching. You should think about a good, memorable gift. If your financial situation allows, you can purchase an expensive, luxury gift. Although this is not necessary. The main thing is that the item pleases the recipient and brings positive emotions. The following gift options are appropriate for an anniversary:

  • Smartphone - give the hero of the day a gadget of a modern model if you give each other worthy gifts.
  • An e-book is for the birthday boy who loves to read, constantly look for new information, and keep abreast of all events.
  • A laptop is a technology that is associated with many areas of human activity, perhaps even your friend’s profession.
  • Radio-controlled helicopter . Radio-controlled toys are a weakness not only for children, but also for adult men, regardless of their age.
  • An action camera is compact, convenient, and allows you to shoot at high speed in extreme conditions. You can take it with you always.

  • Men's wristwatch from a well-known brand with a memorable engraving indicating the initials of the recipient and the date of delivery of the gift.
  • A home brewer is an elite, expensive gift for a friend. He will be able to brew a delicious foamy drink on his own and offer it to guests.
  • Portrait of the hero of the day . A professional artist will depict your friend using his best photograph. You can draw the hero of the occasion in the image of some hero.
  • Bicycle, hoverboard, Segway, roller skates , other modern means of transportation - the choice depends on the age and personal preferences of the birthday person.
  • Globe bar elite model . Such a gift will remain as a keepsake for the hero of the day; he will always remember you when treating his friends with alcoholic drinks.

Tabletop globe bar with name engraving

Poems about gifts

1. You are a tough nut to crack, which means good luck awaits you! (peanuts)

2. Whoever receives a can of beer will live happily all year! ( Beer)

3. Eat bananas and coconuts and expect rewards from fate! (Banana)

4. While the boss is “taking the shavings” off us, calmly brew a mug of tea! ( Mug)

5. Receive this tube as a gift, so that every tooth shines in the sun! (Pasta)

6. Since you got a chocolate bar, it won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet! (Chocolate)

7. When you drink cranberry jelly, forget about the merry-go-round! Let the world, as they say, wait! And you will be healthy all year round. (Kisel)

8. You may have decided to run away, but your lot is to continue your work! ( Soap )

9. Although this cream is inedible, the smell is simply incomparable! (Coconut cream)

10. The one who receives this candle will have to travel around the world! (Candle)

11. To write down where your pay went, this pen will be very useful to you! ( Pen)

12. You will have to live with the work of grief, And forget about the days of the calendar! ( Calendar)

13. And great love awaits you And kisses all year round! (Set of sponges)

14. Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is? Life will be joyful and bright! (Felt pens)

15. And you are “in the juice”, in the prime of life! Among your friends you have no equal! (Juice pack)

16. You are well-versed in your work and will be held in high esteem by us all year. (Horseshoe)

17. A treat for your heart awaits you - a big increase in salary! ( Yogurt “Uslada”

18. You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle, captivating everyone with your thick, fluffy mane. (Shampoo)

19. You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore the whole year will go great! ( Coffee )

• Here’s a lighter for you, use it, don’t mind. (A box of matches)

• Massage brush. To make your boyfriend happy, we give you a massager. Lead them here and there, and please the suitor.

• Number three? Here you go! A bottle of wine for you!

• Medical gloves. If you're going to work, feel free to put on your gloves. If our prize helps, you will give us half.

• Don't be sad, five, you'll get a pack of tea!

• For an overgrown baby A wonderful pacifier!

• The Magnificent Seven – here’s a grater for your dishes (Dish sponge)

• Plastic bag. And there is no better gift than a plastic bag. You will receive the prize sooner and take away whatever you want!

• Shoehorn. It seems that you are sober now, But if you drink too much, You’ll definitely fall into her shoes in difficult times.

• Icon. We ate a lot, drank a lot. They deserve this badge. You are a drummer of the Komtrud - Congratulations to the toastmaster!

• Envelope. Suddenly you get rich - you don’t have an envelope. We want to give it to you. You will keep the money.

• Beet. Our gift without a flaw - Natural blush.

• Lot 13, what a surprise! You have won a service! (At the same time they hand over a cup and saucer).

• Straight from the department store - toilet paper.

• You are a welcome guest with us. A valuable nail will be given to you as a gift.

Congratulations to the bath attendant

Congratulations in verse to the bathhouse attendant

A clean body is the key to health. Many people know this truth. And in order to comply with the law of hygiene, We only go to the bathhouse (such are the genes)! After all, our great-grandfathers did not know the bathroom, We all heartily congratulate the bath attendant And say “Thank you” for the fragrant broom, For the gangs and steam, so that we are clean. Let the health that he gave us preserve you so that you can be a great-grandfather!

Clever congratulations to the bathhouse attendant

“The bathhouse is a means of preventing and treating diseases, born from nature itself and successfully borrowed by man. Western Europeans do not understand what is so good about a bathhouse. So, they say, the Russian people have found something to do: sit in the stuffiness, in such heat, hitting each other with brooms as hard as they can: and then drink hot tea! And they, foreigners, cannot understand that the real beauty lies in making the body breathe as it should. When the bathhouse was treated with disdain, illnesses revived, epidemics broke out” - We read this short lecture on the day of your holiday, our friend the bathhouse attendant, to once again respect you and express admiration for your life’s work - to give us the joy of a healthy body! Let's drink to you and drink to the charm of a real bathhouse, which can only be understood by being a Russian!

Good congratulations for the bathhouse attendant

What Russian person doesn’t like to go to the bathhouse, where you can relax, unwind, have a real manly conversation, and finally have a drink!? This is the only place where a man can go with a clear conscience and not get a beating from his wife later. Moreover, what he gets from staying in the bathhouse, regardless of which one, cannot be reproached, since going to the bathhouse, after all, is simply good for health! Therefore, our dear benefactor, thank you for this outlet in our lives, for liberation from mother-in-law’s supervision, for the pleasure of a glass of beer after the bath! Thank you for the fact that our hearts are always open to each other in a good bath!

Congratulations to the bathhouse attendant

We congratulate you with all our hearts...! We would like to wish you purity not only of body, but also of soul, as you have always been distinguished and will always be distinguished! Let there be only bright and joyful moments in your life, let your heart overflow with happiness, because it gives you a smile every day!

Congratulations in prose to the bath attendant

From the bottom of our hearts (and this is thanks to you) we congratulate you on this bright day! Let every day bring only the best sensations and the most incredible experiences! We want to wish you excellent health, which can only be enjoyed by bathhouse lovers, and longevity!

Original handmade gifts

To be honest, most men don’t particularly value handmade gifts. Therefore, such presentations should be made only in three cases:

  1. When there is no money. Yes, there are situations when there is absolutely no money for a gift even for your best friend and, as a rule, close friends know about each other’s financial situation, and in this regard, a gift made with your own hands will be very highly appreciated, because you have wasted the most valuable thing you have - time.
  2. When you are a master of your craft. If you are a professional in something, your work is highly valued by a friend and there is no shame in giving such a gift.
  3. When you are a girl. Men often keep such a gift for a long time and treasure it. Therefore, put your soul into your creation, and it will definitely be appreciated.

What kind of handmade gifts can you give to a friend? Here are some options:

  • a professional caricature of your best friend (if you have an art education);
  • a song dedicated to your best friend (if you are a beginner singer);
  • original hand-made postcard (if you are a guy’s girlfriend);
  • cake or other dish (you can invite a friend to a barbecue in his honor);
  • product made of clay, wood, metal;
  • a case for the device (both a girl and a young man can make a case from an old leather jacket/bag on their own by searching the Internet for relevant master classes);
  • a personally painted removable mobile phone case of the same model as a friend’s (if you are a tattoo artist or a novice artist);
  • a T-shirt with your unique design (you can either apply the design yourself using special paints on the fabric, or order a T-shirt with an individual print on the Internet for yourself and a friend, for example, for playing football on the same team);
  • knitted product (a craftswoman friend can knit a scarf or warm socks for an ice fishing trip);
  • photomontage. Take photographs of the birthday boy and “send” him to paradise islands, the highest mountains, the streets of Western cities, or make him the hero of blockbusters, etc. A friend can post such photo collages on his social network page.

Comic congratulations and gifts for birthdays and anniversaries. Ideas from the Internet

247 messages


We put the items in a beautiful box, and as we read the congratulations, we take them out and give them.

In the box: - sugar; - tea; - crackers/bread; - powder; - toilet paper; - textile.

I sent you a package for your birthday. As president, I know for sure that it is very difficult for the entire country, but Lyudmila and I shook up all the chambers in our Kremlin. After all, the crisis has also affected us. And now it’s not easy for me either. I.O.... I decided to share with you, to tear something from my heart. Perhaps after this parcel we will starve for a month. Here are three spoons of sugar for you, you will drink tea with it for a week, and my wife and I will have to live without sugar for a little while. What if you are not rich in tea, I send a bag of tea, And I myself shed tears - After all, I share the last with you. I heard they say something there: You don’t have enough money to buy bread? So I decided to share the last cracker with you today. And a little powder for you, I couldn’t send a box, Because, you know, I don’t have anything to wash Lyudmila’s shirts with. I once dropped in to see Chubais - He lives here! What a red-haired miser! I stole this toilet paper from him in the bathroom. I’m sending it to you, You have to share it with the people, But what about me? And I’ve gotten used to doing without her for a long time! And I walked around Vneshtorg, I saw a lot of fabric there. Let me think, I’ll cut off a piece for a handkerchief. Look at yourself, I robbed myself, While I was collecting the parcel, I hope it became more fun In your circle at the anniversary? I wish you to live well. Treat your family with love.

Gifts for a beautiful lady celebrating her anniversary with meaning and humor

If you wish, you can make comic gifts for your anniversary with your own hands, order them from specialists, or look for them in stores. Presentation of a three-liter jar with the inscription “Bank”

will amuse not only the hero of the occasion, but also all the guests. You can throw a jar at those present with the words: “help me open a bank account,” so that the guests will put small money there, at least purely symbolically.

If a woman is a math teacher, you can give her a pointer or a compass, a cap

with written mathematical formulas and laws, and for the chemist -
rubber gloves and a flask

For those with a sweet tooth, it’s good to give transparent jars of original shape with multi-colored sweets, dragees and lollipops

. The inscriptions “For positivity” and “To lift spirits and mood” should be glued to each jar.

Now it is possible to print almost any design, even on fabric. You can order a T-shirt or sweatshirt with a cool design

and a funny inscription.
An original sofa cushion
with a printed pattern “Have a nice holiday” will also delight and amuse the hero of the day.

You need to find out what the hero of the day is interested in and what she dreams of, so that the gift really turns out to be non-standard and unusual.

Recording a song in the studio is a great gift for both a creative person and someone who likes to sing in the shower

Aura photo - will help you better understand your inner world and personality traits

A hot air balloon flight is a journey into a fairy tale that will be remembered for a lifetime

If the hero of the day has an aquarium at home, then presenting her with a goldfish

- an excellent option.
You need to write a text for the presentation that this fish is not easy, like in a fairy tale, it is ready to fulfill her wishes. This type of gift will be obtained if you present Aladdin's magic lamp
. When giving such items, you need to create an effect so that funny anniversary gifts are remembered for a long time.

Giving money as a gift is trivial, but sometimes the birthday girl herself expresses a desire to receive a gift in cash. The hero of the occasion had long ago decided what she would buy with this money. If you decide to give cash, you should try to make the presentation fun and funny.

There are the following delivery options:

  • You can give money by making an interesting panel, a bouquet out of it,
    or carefully attaching banknotes to a money tree.
  • You can sew each banknote separately into transparent plastic film, like letters for first-graders. You will get a cape with banknotes
    , you can throw it over the shoulders of the birthday girl or put it under her feet in front of her.
  • It will be funny if you mix real banknotes with souvenir ones
    . You need to take a large bulk bag. And to avoid confusion, you need to use different currencies, real rubles with souvenir dollars.

To get an original congratulation, you need to choose the right and correctly present a cool gift to the birthday girl.

Watch the video: an original cash birthday gift:

TOP 17 cool and extraordinary gifts for a girl, in the video:

Inexpensive gifts for a friend on his name day

Budget items and items can be given as a gift to a friend. You just need to dream up and remember what the birthday boy likes. You can cook something with your own hands or buy it in a store. The following gifts are relevant in this category:

  • a year's supply of socks in a tin;
  • a bag of good coffee or a package of tea;
  • high-quality fashionable T-shirt with a pattern;
  • thermal mug or thermos with personalized engraving;
  • heated lunch box for food;
  • whiskey stones in a gift box;

Whiskey Stones Double Pack

  • a set of beer mugs with pictures and inscriptions;
  • small shot glasses for vodka in original packaging;
  • wall lamp, table lamp or floor lamp;
  • running alarm clock - will wake up a friend in time;
  • shaped metal wine corkscrew;
  • pocket multitool – multifunctional tool;
  • notebook and pen included;
  • cover for documents - passports and driver's licenses;
  • keychain for finding keys if they get lost;
  • backlight for bicycle wheels, it will be useful at night;
  • touch gloves for smartphones for the winter;
  • desktop mini fan – will create convenience in work;
  • vacuum cleaner for cleaning the keyboard;
  • laptop mouse, backlit keyboard, flash drive;
  • personalized smartphone case or set of cases;
  • an illuminated ashtray for a smoking friend;
  • sofa cushion made in the form of a log;
  • bean bag chair – you can sit back and relax on it;
  • durable cane umbrella from a trusted manufacturer.

Folding umbrella “Protect” with engraving

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