100 interesting quiz questions with answers on different topics

Incredible facts

Would you like to test your knowledge in a family quiz or in an intellectual game with friends?

If you like mind games, then this quiz is for you.

Here you will find simple and difficult multiple choice questions.

This quiz is mainly based on general knowledge, but some questions will require you to have more specific knowledge of geography, literature, cinema

and other topics.

At the end of the test you will be able to find the correct answers to all questions.

Don't forget that all these questions can be used in a home or school quiz

, or get
together with friends
and play so everyone can test their level of knowledge.

Intellectual environmental quiz

Environmental issues are relevant to everyone today: be it a child or an adult. You can systematize and organize children's knowledge with the help of an interesting test about nature. The purpose of such a game is to summarize the existing knowledge, as well as a way to acquire new knowledge about the world and ecology, so that children remember important facts in a playful way.

  1. What are our feathered friends called? (Birds)
  2. The thinnest natural thread is... (web)
  3. What is the name of the collection of rules that must be observed in relation to nature in order not to receive a fine? (Environmental Code)
  4. A large area where rare animals live is called... (reserve)
  5. Which flower is truly fun for children when it blooms? (Dandelion)
  6. This tree has purple leaves in the fall. Name it. (Maple, rowan)
  7. What tree's fruits are used as slingshot bullets? (Rowan)
  8. What do plants breathe? (Oxygen)
  9. The process of plants processing oxygen for life is called... (photosynthesis)
  10. What flower appears first after winter? (Snowdrop)
  11. A berry that can be of different colors: yellow, red, and black. What is it called? (Currant)
  12. Which tree is called a weeping tree? (Iwu)
  13. What does a boat need to keep sailing with the wind? (Sail)
  14. What do you add to the ground to make fruits grow better? (Fertilizer)
  15. What is the name of the profession whose task is to care for plants? (Gardener)

Riddles for children 12 13 years old

Older children can also test their erudition; we have selected the questions presented below for them.

Quiz about animals and plants for preschoolers

The atmosphere of flora and fauna, the processes of the living environment, changing periods of time, the ability to take care of the Earth - this is what worries children and their parents. Love for native nature is formed not only at school, but also outside it. We are guests on Earth, so the guys must help those around us so that any person strives to protect nature and can educate the younger generation to do the same. Answer the questions and find out how well you know the animal and plant world.

  1. When does a bear hibernate? (Winter)
  2. Which animal is most similar to humans? (Monkey)
  3. Who is extinct today, but lived before our era as tall as a high-rise building? (Dinosaurs)
  4. How many legs does a spider have? (8)
  5. Who is the king of beasts? (A lion)
  6. Which animal has a bag for children? (Kangaroo)
  7. An animal with a hundred spines is... (Hedgehog)
  8. What breed did Artemon have? (Poodle)
  9. What wild animal hunts chickens? (Fox)
  10. Which animal has a horn on its face? (Rhinoceros)
  11. What plant was recommended in childhood for all scratches and abrasions? (Plantain)
  12. Which herb is popular and most bitter in medical practice? (Sagebrush)
  13. What are bath brooms made of? (Linden, birch)
  14. Where are endangered species of plants and animals brought? (To the Red Book)
  15. A popular soup is made from this plant. What is this? (Sorrel)
  16. What plant is the ancestor of roses? (Rose hip)
  17. From which tree do bees collect the most delicious honey? (Linden)
  18. Beautiful blue eyes are called eyes of the color... What flower? (Cornflower)
  19. The longest living tree is... (oak)
  20. What is the name of the science that studies animals? (Zoology)

New Year's quiz for the whole family

When the long-awaited holidays have arrived and the whole family is gathered, we suggest everyone play a quiz together, it’s very fun and interesting. While answering some questions, adults may have to think back to their childhood.

  1. A beauty stands in the forest and dresses up in the house. (Christmas tree).
  2. Which artist creates only in winter (Frost).
  3. At this party everyone has two faces (Masquerade).
  4. What did Soviet schoolchildren ride on if they encountered a hill on the way home? (on the briefcase).
  5. Which tower is not complete without a New Year (Without Spasskaya, the chimes on it strike on New Year's Eve).
  6. Who is Joulupukki? (Santa Claus from Finland).
  7. In this country they don’t serve chicken and other poultry at the New Year’s table? (In Hungary, it is believed that happiness will fly away with her).
  8. What are the sleds equipped with a motor called? (Snowmobile).
  9. When did the New Year begin before the reign of Peter the Great? (September 1).
  10. What do Hindus decorate for the New Year? (Mango tree).
  11. How many rays does a snowflake have? (6).
  12. In which country do they ring a bell on New Year's Day? (In Japan).
  13. Who is the first to celebrate the New Year in our country? (residents of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and Kamchatka).
  14. From which country did the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree come from? (From Germany).
  15. In which country do they throw old waste paper out the window on New Year's Day to say goodbye to old problems? (In Argentina).
  16. What kind of sculpture is made from natural materials in winter? (Snowman).
  17. In which country does Santa Claus wear a cattle breeder's costume? (In Mongolia).
  18. Champagne for children (Lemonade).
  19. Which tree has branches that have paws? (At the Christmas tree).
  20. Great Britain chimes (Big Ben in London).

And these are unusual riddles, they are in poetic form and those answers that rhyme are not suitable. But, all members of your family will easily guess what their compiler meant.

poetry quiz with answers

riddles for children in verse with answers

riddles poems with a trick with answers

Quiz about nature for schoolchildren

School experts, together with the teacher (leader), should easily cope with children's questions for primary and secondary classes. Some questions and riddles will arouse interest even among teachers. Let's try to find the answer to the 20 questions below. The importance of the quiz is that it helps to summarize knowledge and promotes respect for nature.

  1. What can strike in the middle of a clear sky? (Thunder)
  2. What is a small river called? (Creek)
  3. The place where a river flows into another body of water is called... (mouth)
  4. What is a cliff line called? (Edge)
  5. The name of a shallow section of the river where you can cross it... (ford)
  6. The long roar of thunder is called... (roll)
  7. What is between night and day? (Morning)
  8. What remains on the grass in the form of condensation? (Dew)
  9. What are illegal hunters called? (Poachers)
  10. Why do forests suffer greatly in the summer? (From fires)
  11. Where were flax cultivated? (In Egypt)
  12. Who brought the potatoes? (Peter 1)
  13. What do porcini mushrooms grow in? (In the moss)
  14. What is the name of the alligator pear? (Avocado)
  15. What plant is used to make a wreath for the winner? (From laurel)
  16. Is it possible to eat sakura fruits? (No)
  17. What is another name for sesame? (Sesame)
  18. Give another name for burdock. (Burdock)
  19. What is the largest berry called? (Pumpkin)
  20. The most common tree in Russia is... (larch)

Questions for the quiz “What do we know about Russia”

Have you ever wondered how much you know about Russia and its history? Read these Russia quiz questions and answers to test yourself and learn some interesting information along the way.

  1. How many time zones are there in Russia? (eleven)
  2. What color is the top color of the tricolor flag of Russia? (The Russian flag consists of three horizontally equal fields: the top white, the middle blue and the red bottom)
  3. Who became General Secretary of the Communist Party after the end of Leonid Brezhnev's 18-year rule? (Yuri Andropov)
  4. Can you name the largest island in Russia? (Sakhalin)
  5. Which mountain range runs from north to south through western Russia? (Ural)
  6. Total number of republics in Russia? (22 republics)
  7. Which of the Russian republics is the largest in area? (Republic of Sakha, 3083523 km². This is 18.01% of the total area of ​​the country)
  8. In what year did the collapse of the Soviet Union happen? (In 1991)
  9. Which freshwater lake in Russia is the largest in the world? (Lake Baikal contains more water than the Great Lakes of North America combined)
  10. The name of which Russian newspaper is translated as “pravda”?
  11. Which river is considered the national river of Russia? (Volga)
  12. Can you name the highest mountain in Russia? (Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe).
  13. What Russian three-stringed musical instrument features prominently in the music and plot of the film Doctor Zhivago? (Balalaika)
  14. Can you name the Russian exclave between Lithuania and Poland on the Baltic Sea? (Kaliningrad)
  15. Who is considered the founder of the modern Russian literary language? (A.S. Pushkin)
  16. Which composer wrote the first opera known in Russia, “A Life for the Tsar,” in 1836? (Mikhail Glinka)
  17. One of the largest museums in the world, which is located in Russia, what is it called? (Hermitage Museum)
  18. What Russian word means “fortress in the city”? (Kremlin)
  19. Who was the first Russian to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature? (Ivan Bunin)
  20. Which university is the oldest in Russia? (St. Petersburg State University)

Bird Quiz

Birds are our smaller brothers, to generalize. Regardless of age, children should respect the culture and instead of shooting at birds with slingshots, it is better to deepen their knowledge and pay attention to the little “pilots”. The quiz contributes to the formation of a general concept of ecology and is a way to consolidate knowledge. We will conduct a short survey for you to reveal important aspects of the bird world. Let's remember everything together!

  1. Who is White-sided? (Magpie)
  2. The largest bird is... (ostrich)
  3. A bird that throws its young into other nests. Who is this? (Cuckoo)
  4. What bird can't fly? (Penguin)
  5. Which bird arrives first after winter? (Rook)
  6. What are chicken babies called? (Chicks)
  7. Which bird has the longest wings? (Wandering Albatross)
  8. Which bird has the longest neck? (Flamingo)
  9. Who is a forest doctor? (Woodpecker)
  10. “The number of times you cast your voice is the number of times you have left to live.” Who is this? (Cuckoo)
  11. What bird has a leather bag under its beak? (Pelican)
  12. Which bird has a heart on its front? (Common barn owl)
  13. What bird used to carry letters? (Doves)
  14. Who is the king of birds? (Eagle)
  15. Many people have this little parrot at home. Which? (Wavy)
  16. What parrot is there a cartoon about? (Kesha)
  17. Which bird breeds its young in winter? (Crossbill)
  18. The fastest bird is... (swift)
  19. Which bird did Thumbelina save? (Swallow)
  20. What does an ostrich do when it needs to get rid of parasites? (Hides his head in the sand)

Trick riddles for teenagers with answers

Teenagers are assigned more difficult questions. We hope they answer correctly.

PS This ends our quiz. We hope that you refreshed your memory and had a good and interesting time with your children and loved ones.

Quiz about planet earth

A general quiz about the Earth will help children develop their worldview. Children must understand the importance of the fact that all the resources of the Earth must be used rationally. The development of the material occurred regardless of age. The content of the questions is varied. The cognitive test is suitable for conducting a quiz for both preschool children and adults.

  1. What does the Earth revolve around? (Round the sun)
  2. What is the shape of the Earth? (Ball shape)
  3. How many parts of the world are there? (6)
  4. What race do most Russians belong to? (Caucasian)
  5. What natural phenomenon can strike a tree and knock it down? (Lightning)
  6. How many kilometers has man been able to explore deep into the Earth? (12)
  7. What science studies the structure of planet Earth? (Geology)
  8. What percent of the Earth is covered with water? (71)
  9. How old is our planet approximately? (4.5 billion years)
  10. The stratosphere is... (part of the atmosphere)
  11. How long does it take for the earth to rotate around its axis? (23h56m)
  12. When was the first photograph of the Earth taken? (1959)
  13. What are both the Earth and Venus covered with? (Clouds)
  14. The highest point in Russia and Europe? (Elbrus)
  15. In which direction does the Earth rotate? (To the East)
  16. The type of trees that are most abundant in Taiga is... (coniferous)
  17. The smallest ocean is ... (Arctic)
  18. The largest ocean is ... (Pacific)
  19. Which author dealt with the issues of evolution and human life? (Darwin)
  20. The line that divides the Earth in half is called ... (equator)

Quiz questions with answers

For the quiz, we divided these questions into sections based on different topics, such as world geography, history, fashion, pop culture or music. Take your fun with these questions to the next level and make your quiz fun.

25 questions for a quiz on various topics

These questions will test your general knowledge. How many of the 25 questions do you think you can answer correctly in this part of the quiz? Test yourself!

  1. In what year did the European Union first introduce the euro as a currency? (1999) (You can formulate your questions by reading some facts about European countries)
  2. What is the national flower of Japan? (Sakura)
  3. How many stripes are on the US flag? (13)
  4. What is the national animal of Australia? (Red Kangaroo)
  5. How many days does it take for the Earth to revolve around the Sun? (365)
  6. Which of the following empires did not have a written language: the Incas, the Aztecs, the Egyptians, the Romans? (Inca)
  7. Before 1923, what was the name of the Turkish city of Istanbul? (Constantinople)
  8. Who discovered penicillin? (Alexander Fleming)
  9. In 1952, Albert Einstein was proposed as president of which country? (Israel)
  10. Which lake is often called the pearl of Italian lakes? (Lake Como)
  11. Where is the smallest bone in the human body? (Ear) (We are sure that you do not yet know some interesting facts about the human body and organism).
  12. What is the name of the capital of the American state of California? (Sacramento)
  13. Which is longer, a nautical mile or a geographical mile? (The geographical mile is longer, its length is 1855.3 m compared to the sea mile at 1852 m)
  14. Which element is represented by the chemical symbol Sn in the periodic table? (Tin)
  15. What grain is Japanese sake made from? (Rice)
  16. What is the currency of Denmark? (Crown)
  17. What is the opposite of matter? (Antimatter)
  18. In what part of your body will you find the cruciate ligament? (Knee)
  19. How many elements are there in the periodic table? (118 elements)
  20. Which Grand Slam tennis tournament is played on clay? (French Open (Roland Garros))
  21. What is the name of the person who started eBay in 1995? (Pierre Omidyar)
  22. What does "www" mean in a website browser? (The World Wide Web)
  23. How many permanent teeth does a dog have? (42 teeth) (Read more interesting facts about dogs)
  24. What animal can be seen on the Porsche logo? (Horse)
  25. Which language has the most words? (English, more than 1,000,000 words)

Questions and answers for the game "Blitz Creek"

Category: facts

  • In Japan, elephant feces are used to make beer.
  • The “Old Wife” fish got its name because when it is caught, it begins to (grumble and grind its teeth)
  • Elizabeth II is the only one in the world who managed to enjoy British (chocolate)
  • The first clowns in history were (drunkards)
  • Predators in nature can be easily distinguished from their prey by their shape (pupils)
  • Before Prohibition came into force, the rich began to buy for personal use (alcohol stores)
  • Cats eat from the center of the bowl because they (protect their whiskers)
  • In fact, Barbie and Ken are (brother and sister)
  • Rich woman Josephine Cochran got tired of servants breaking her plates and invented (the dishwasher)
  • In Ancient Egypt, it was customary for servants to cover themselves with honey in order to (distract insects from the pharaohs)
  • Adolf Hitler was one of the inventors of rubber (female)
  • Wolves are the only animals capable of (revenge)
  • In ancient times, watermelon was (bitter)
  • If dogs could talk, they would all (lisp)

Category: quotes

  • Christina Asmus: “Sometimes I can’t resist and eat food straight from...” (pot)
  • Miyagi: “People like to put their legs on this or that…” (stories)
  • Sergey Shnurov: “An artist is one who has the will to say that he...” (artist)
  • Charlie Chaplin: “My laughter should never be...” (the cause of someone else's pain)
  • Anthony Hopkins: “The best of people develop late, so at school I was...” (an idiot)
  • Ivan Urgant: “Life is like tiramisu. Sooner or later it will end, but I still... “(I love him)
  • Nastasya Samburskaya: “I will never turn on the TV and watch “House 2” because I’m afraid...” (to become dumb)
  • Olga Buzova “Grandfather said that he would not die until …” (I give birth to his son)
  • Diego Maradona “Don’t be afraid to get dirty...” (ball)
  • Ivan Urgant “Choosing friends is stupid and useless, it’s much more interesting for me to choose...” (vegetables at the market)
  • Pelageya: “When something goes wrong, you can always…” (cry)
  • Emilia Clarke: “My father always said: Never trust a guy who has a TV bigger than...” (book shelf)
  • George Bush “I think war is...” (dangerous place)
  • Ivan Okhlobystin: “There are people like a drug - you know you can’t, but you’re drawn to it... and there are people like cake - sweet, tasty, but...” (nauseous)
  • Eddie Murphy: “I’m not a racist, but you can’t argue with the facts: blacks have thick lips, and whites...” (can’t dance)
  • Verka Serduchka: “A star, not a star, but life now is such that you should always have your own…” (vegetable garden)
  • Takeshi Kitano: “They say. children learn by looking at the back of their father, who…” (leaves for work)


  • The Navy uses Britney Spears' songs to scare away (Somali pirates)
  • Before his death, Bob Marley bequeathed that the following be placed in his crypt: a Bible, a football, a guitar and ... (marijuana)
  • Loud music can cause you to (get drunk)
  • There are people on Madonna's team who are responsible for making sure no one steals her (DNA)
  • Australian Matt Waller used AC/DC music to lure (sharks)
  • In the USSR they used (old X-rays) to make illegal music records.
  • Members of the group “Kiss” added (their own blood) to the ink to promote the first comic about themselves.

Category: Animals

  • The birds sing to their eggs about (the weather)
  • Male dolphins give gifts to females in the form of (shells)
  • Cows from different parts of the world have different mooing sounds
  • In stressful situations, the female armadillo can delay...(birth for 2 years)
  • The closest descendant of the Tyrannosaurus rex that has survived to this day is ... (chicken)
  • Pigeons nod while walking to (stabilize the image)
  • The cow can go up the stairs, but she can't (go down)
  • All monkeys laugh if you (tickle) them
  • If you feed red peppers to canaries, they will (change color)
  • To free yourself from the crocodile's jaw, you just need to press (on the eyes)
  • If you scratch a shark's nose, it will (go into a trance)
  • Dogs detect that their owner is scared by smell (sweat)

Category: People

  • When trying a new fountain pen, 97 percent of people write (their name)
  • One person in 200 has an extra (rib)
  • A person does not smell while (sleeping)
  • By the age of 60, a person loses half of his (taste buds)
  • Every year, more than one and a half million Americans suffer from poor health due to (illegible doctors' handwriting)
  • The tallest (male) people live in the Netherlands
  • Some dark-haired men grow a (red beard)
  • Low blood cholesterol levels provoke (aggression)
  • The heart rhythms of people in love will synchronize if they (look into each other's eyes) for 3 minutes.
  • According to statistics, 1.6 percent of people can feel pain in their body when they see how (another person is experiencing pain)
  • Men with shaved heads appear taller and stronger
  • The average person spends 6 months of their life waiting (for a green traffic light)
  • Once upon a time, instead of parks, people rested in (cemeteries)
  • Having sons reduces the likelihood (of divorce)
  • Acne slows down (aging)
  • People who constantly complain (live longer)
  • Ancient Romans used dried and crushed mouse brains to clean their teeth.
  • 90 percent of women after entering a department store (turn right)

Category: Random

  • In your life you meet about 16... and don't know it (murderers)
  • Multiple tattoos on the body can (strengthen the immune system)
  • The chainsaw was originally intended to help with (childbirth)
  • Road signs in an Austrian village called Fucking are made of ... to prevent them from being stolen (cement)
  • Librocubicularist - a person who loves (reading books in bed)
  • Tablecloths were originally also used as (towels)
  • Earwax was once used as a lip balm.
  • The pretzel shape symbolizes (hands folded in prayer)
  • Heroin was originally advertised as a cough medicine
  • Eating too many carrots can (turn yellow)
  • 15 percent of the air you breathe in a subway station is (human skin)
  • Flowers grow faster if you are near them (music plays)
  • One in five office mugs contains excrement (insects)
  • Pyrosoma – hollow transparent 30-meter long (worm)
  • Remains of (sea creatures) can be found at the top of Everest

Category: Weird Asians

  • White is considered a color of mourning in China.
  • Long nails for a Chinese man are a symbol (of status)
  • In Japan you can adopt (an adult male)
  • A Chinese woman named Ma Xiuxian became a (first-grader) at 102 years old.
  • When Eskimo children have a cold, their mothers suck (the snot out of their noses)


  • In Los Angeles it is illegal to lick (toads)
  • In Delaware, it is illegal to try to pawn (your own denture)
  • In Indiana, it is illegal to open cans with a (firearm)
  • In Iowa, one-armed pianists are required by law to (play for free)
  • In Oklahoma, it is illegal to take a bite of (someone else's hamburger)
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