TOP 150+ ideas for what to give a doctor as a thank you for treatment

Basic recommendations for selection

A gift to a doctor is a great token of appreciation for his quality work. When choosing a gift, you should take into account the gender of the doctor, his specialty and the price of the item. It is believed that the optimal gift for a doctor should be up to 3000 rubles, otherwise it can be regarded as a bribe. Pay attention to the size of the item; it should fit comfortably in a small package or gift bag. Most often, patients give alcoholic drinks to men and sweets, flowers to women, but if you want to surprise a person, you can come up with something more original.

For a colleague

For such an occasion, you should choose interesting ideas for business gifts, after which the person will not feel obligated for your “gratitude.” It is better to present it in person, without prying eyes. A good addition would be a postcard with kind and cheerful wishes and compliments.

  • Notebook. A good present for any workplace. Information must be recorded on paper, so such a gift will be used with pleasure. The notebook can be replaced with a diary, which will look more solid.
  • Flash drive. A necessary gift for a modern person. If your colleague works with papers, numbers, documents, then such a gift will be useful for her work. But in everyday life, a flash drive will find use for storing and transferring important information.
  • Chocolate. Sweets are a pleasant bonus for any woman. You can present chocolates or sweets. For solidity, you can opt for high quality chocolate. To add positivity to your gratitude, give preference to candies with wishes.
  • Bakery. Desserts are a great way to thank the fair sex. Even if you want to say “thank you” to a colleague for his kind disposition and responsiveness, sweets will be very helpful. “Thank you cookies” would be an interesting option.

It’s wonderful when a team becomes a second family, you always support each other in difficult situations, share joy, and rush to help if necessary. Small signs of attention, such as a kind word or a nice gift, strengthen relationships even more even among colleagues.

By specialization

When choosing a gift, it is advisable to take into account the specialty of your treating doctor, because the profession directly affects a person’s preferences. For example, a surgeon will definitely appreciate a small decoration in the form of a scalpel, and a desk calendar-diary in which he will mark current affairs is suitable for a therapist.

Gift for a gynecologist

It is the gynecologist who accompanies a woman’s pregnancy and helps cure diseases of the reproductive system. As a sign of gratitude, you can safely give traditional flowers, sweets, a basket of fruit or a set of honey. You can also give a brooch with a newborn's foot or a toy in the shape of a stork.

Certificate for SPA treatments

Doctors in gynecological departments work a lot, so they don’t have enough time for their own beauty. Cosmetology services are a great way to give a few hours of relaxation.

Pros: the ability to visit the salon at a convenient time, choose your own procedure, as well as the SPA - these are pleasant and beneficial sensations for the body.

Cons: high cost of the gift, one-time use.

Large terry towel

Almost every home is constantly short of towels, especially when friends come to visit. In addition, this item needs to be changed regularly due to wear and tear, so the towel will be an excellent gift for a gynecologist.

Pros: range of colors and materials, possibility of applying an inscription or drawing.

Cons: you may not be able to guess the color scheme, size or density of the fabric.

Set of cupcakes

All women love sweets, so you can give not the usual set of sweets for doctors, but cupcakes (small cupcakes).

Pros: a wide variety of options and the ability to make to order, combining several cupcakes in a set.

Cons: risk of not getting the taste right, high calorie content and limited shelf life.

Gift for the head doctor

Although the head physician does not participate in active treatment, he often makes important decisions and helps with assistance in other clinics. As a thank you, you should not give a cheap gift; it is better to choose something that will correspond to the position. A bottle of expensive alcohol, a leather belt, cufflinks or a tie holder will do.


An expensive and beautiful pen is a status item that is used in special situations, for example, for signing important documents.

Pros: gift pens already come in beautiful packaging, versatility and durability.

Cons: high price, in recent years people write less and less.


A diary or notebook with white pages is a useful and very functional thing. You can use it to mark important meetings, write down your thoughts, or draw in your free time.

Pros: a wide variety of solutions, the ability to order an individual notebook made from premium materials.

Cons: There are smartphone apps that can replace any type of notepad—not all doctors still write with a pen.


Today, each of us has dozens of plastic cards to receive discounts or special offers in stores, or pay via terminal. The cardholder allows you to store them in one place, and the small size is convenient for storing in your pocket.

Pros: compactness, frequent need and the ability to make a custom card holder.

Cons: you may not be able to guess the design or number of card slots.

Gift for dentist

You can give a dentist an original souvenir gift.
We often visit the dentist for dental treatment and prevention. What to give to a good dentist? Of course, standard gifts are suitable: a painting for the wall, a pendulum for your desktop or a photo frame. You can give something original: a bookmark with a decoration in the shape of teeth, a set of sweet jaws, or replacement toothbrush heads.


An excellent puzzle that is fun to assemble at any age, suitable for spending time with loved ones. For those who like something more complicated, you can give a Zen puzzle - its elements are completely white or black, which complicates the task.

Pros: you can pick up almost any picture, the completed puzzle can be hung on the wall. Suitable for any age.

Cons: not all doctors like these types of puzzles; they take a lot of time to assemble.

Plant in a pot

A houseplant creates coziness and has a beneficial effect on indoor air. When choosing a flower, give preference to unpretentious species so as not to bother you with complex care.

Pros: plants fit into any interior, you can choose an original pot. On sale you can find already flowering species.

Cons: requires care, not all hospitals allow you to keep flowers in the office.

Mask for sleep

This is a simple and very useful gift that is suitable for both women and men. The mask makes it easier to fall asleep and makes sleep deeper, which is especially important for doctors who work shifts.

Pros: a large assortment of masks with different designs and the ability to create things to order, small sizes, benefits for sleep.

Cons: even the most comfortable mask takes some getting used to; such an item often gets lost.

Gift ideas for doctors as a thank you gift

A gift for a doctor should be simple, small in size and not very expensive. When choosing, take into account the season, as well as the specifics of the specialist’s activities. Of course, the best gift is one that is made with your own hands, but not all people value such things, so you need to be very careful with such products.

Traditional gifts for a doctor

The simplest gifts for a doctor are sweets. This could be chocolate, a box of chocolates, cupcakes, a pie or a cake. However, not everyone loves sweets or watches their figure.

Another classic solution is stationery. For example, a pen, notepad or notebook. This gift also has a downside - many people switch to doing business on their phone or tablet.

As a thank you for the treatment, you can give flowers in a cut or pot. This is a nice sign of attention, but is more suitable for women than for men.

Gift for a doctor for a man

If you know that the doctor smokes, you can give something related to this process: a beautiful lighter, a cigarette case, good cigars or pipe tobacco.

Doctors often give alcohol to men. It is best to stick to high-quality cognac or whiskey, as they are the most versatile. Don't give cheap drinks or champagne.

It is always important to give various accessories: a tie and a clip for it, cufflinks, a leather belt or a purse. When choosing a gift, it is recommended to purchase genuine leather, as well as choose accessories in beautiful original packaging - this way the gift will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Gift for a woman doctor

A bouquet of flowers is an excellent gift for a doctor of any specialty. In addition, you can take a closer look at the plant in a pot. Recently, edible bouquets, for example, made from fruits or nuts, have been gaining popularity.

Various certificates would be an excellent solution as a thank you. This could be an open-date ticket to an exhibition or cinema, or an invitation to visit a cosmetic clinic. You should not give cosmetics, but you can give a gift certificate to a specialty store.

Many women value comfort, so you can choose various interior items as a gift: a painting on the wall, a frame, a stand for jewelry or a board for storing keys, a soft blanket.

On Doctor's Day

Every 3rd Sunday in June is traditionally celebrated as Doctor's Day. On the occasion of this holiday, it is better to give the most neutral gift possible (as on March 8). For example:

— subscription to a medical journal;

- sweets;

— a set of aromatic oils;

- Massager for head;

- a set of tea or coffee.

You can also take a closer look at original solutions. For example, you can give a cooling towel or a decorative heating pad, a piggy bank for wine corks, or a salt lamp for the table.

On discharge from the maternity hospital

At the birth of a child, you can thank not only the doctor, but also the rest of the medical staff.
The discharge of a mother and child from the maternity hospital is an important event for any family. Of course, at this joyful moment I would like to thank everyone who helped the baby be born. As a thank you gift, you can give something simple and classic, such as a cake or a large bouquet of flowers. More interesting gifts for a doctor from a maternity hospital are a decoration in the shape of a child’s foot, a soft stork toy, as well as warm woolen socks with an interesting pattern.

Women in labor are helped not only by the doctor, but also by his assistants - nurses and brothers. They will also be happy to receive a gift as a sign of gratitude. For example, you can give a certificate for visiting a quest, paintball, or a rope course. Or just give good tea.

For a birthday

If your treatment occurred on the doctor’s birthday, it is good form to give a gift, and not necessarily an expensive one. This can be a simple interior item: an hourglass or wall clock, as well as a personalized figurine with the name of a specialist, or a digital thermometer for the room. You can focus on the benefits by giving a flash drive with an interesting design or an individual portable charger for your phone.

How to thank mom and dad

Parents are the closest people who do not require reciprocal gratitude for their help and care. Most often a simple “Thank you, I love you!” quite enough. But if you want to complement your words with a pleasant and memorable gift, then it’s useful to know how to thank mom and dad:

  1. Give something they have long dreamed of. Let it be an electric generator or a steamer, the main thing is that one of their wishes will come true.
  2. Provide them with the opportunity to have a good rest (buy a ticket to a resort, book a table in a restaurant, buy tickets to a theater or concert).
  3. If children rarely visit their parents, then a joint meeting, trip, or pastime would be an excellent gift.
  4. Buy a certificate for a photo shoot, professional courses or massage sessions.

You can attach a letter with words of gratitude to the gift:

"Dear Mom and Dad! All my life you always help me, always with an open heart and completely free of charge. I really want to please you too, so I put all my feelings into this gift. Together with him, I give you my endless love. I am always ready to help, to lend my not yet strong but reliable shoulder.”

Often words of gratitude to parents are heard at the wedding of their children. In this case, it will be more effective to make a video presentation with touching words and cute photographs. You can get inspired by the example below.

Useful gifts for a doctor

A gift can be not only pleasant, but also useful. For example, you can give a compact humidifier or a USB-powered fan.

Various indoor reading meters are also useful - a climate station, a thermometer or a barometer.

The present can be useful for work, for example, an organizer, a wall calendar, a pen stand and an office storage system. For reading, it is convenient to use bookmarks, which can be purchased with any design or accessory.

At the beginning of winter, it is useful to give gifts related to the New Year. For example, a small Christmas tree in a pot, toys or a garland.

How to thank your boss

To appropriately thank a manager, you need to start purely from the professional sphere. If the manager is the head of a department or director of an enterprise, then you can thank him with a leather-bound diary, a branded pen or a briefcase.

If he is a cook, then it would be appropriate to give him an apron with his image, a cookbook by a famous chef, or kitchen paraphernalia.

The main thing in this situation is not to go beyond the professional and not to get personal.

By price

When choosing a gift, you should always consider the price. It is optimal if the gift costs up to 3,000, but you must take into account your level of income and the quality of the assistance provided. Examples of gifts:

If there is no money

Various handmade items: knitted scarf, socks or hat. Homemade perfume or soap, delicious vegetable preparations.

Inexpensive up to 1000 rub.

This category includes chocolate, candy, tea, coffee and other edible gifts.

1000-2000 rub.

Within this price you can purchase various interior items or a nice bouquet of flowers. It could be a painting, a souvenir for the table, an hourglass. You can also choose something from the office, for example, a beautiful diary.

2000-3000 rub.

This is the optimal price for purchasing simple gadgets: thermal mug, powerbank, digital weather station. You can also purchase leather accessories, a store certificate and small jewelry.

3000-5000 rub.

With this budget, you can purchase one gift or put together a set. This could be a visit to a master class, a gym membership. Also pay attention to a fitness bracelet or an air humidifier - they are good for your health.

Expensive from 5000 rub.

This includes various equipment: tablet or smartphone, e-reader. If you want to give the doctor emotions, you can give time to drive an ATV or buggy, or go parachute jumping with an instructor.

Congratulations to your beloved doctor

Gratitude in the form of a congratulation can be written on a postcard or spoken in words. Here are some options:

  • “I am very grateful to you for my health. Only thanks to your “golden hands” my recovery became possible. Human thanks!”
  • “You are the best doctor. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help and attentiveness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
  • “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a true expert in your field. Who knows what would have happened to my health if I hadn’t gotten to you in time.”

Even a simple “thank you” and a gift as a thank you from a patient are valuable moments in the practice of any doctor.

How to thank a teacher

Teachers help children adapt to society. It depends on their professional and human qualities whether the child will be able to relax, find friends and feel at home.

When this happens, parents feel an extraordinary sense of gratitude. You definitely need to tell your teacher about it. He will be pleased to hear positive feedback about his work.

You can also thank your teacher by:

  1. Colors. In a pot or in a bouquet. First, you can find out exactly what varieties the teacher likes.
  2. Professional supplies. This profession involves constantly making plans, filling out questionnaires and other things. Therefore, a beautifully packaged, high-quality pen or notebook will come in handy.
  3. Sweets. Nowadays there is a wide variety of beautifully decorated goodies in boxes or in the form of a bouquet.

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