Extracurricular event Student's Daymaterial on the topic

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a wonderful occasion to celebrate

  • Use elements of any themed holiday, the main thing is that boys become its heroes and none of them are left out of attention.
  • Prepare a personalized medal for each boy: the smartest, the kindest, the most sympathetic, the most athletic, the most active, etc.
  • Invite the girls to write poems dedicated to their classmates and include them in a holiday concert or in a special issue of the class wall newspaper.
  • Organize a raffle when presenting gifts that differ in no more than color or packaging.
  • Invite a “fortune teller” who will tell you who and what everyone will become in 10 years: be sure to be strong, purposeful, a true defender of the Fatherland! Just don’t go overboard with giving away secrets!

Article provided by the magazine

The most difficult problem that any person faces is the problem of choice, the problem of self-determination and adaptation in the world around him.

But for a child, the problem of choice is simply an insoluble task. How to determine what will be interesting for you to do day after day, what business will you be up to? We, teachers, adults, must help him. For this purpose, you can conduct conversations, lectures, consultations, tests, but you cannot limit yourself only to theory; you must give the child the opportunity to try his hand at various things. Therefore, in a modern school all conditions must be created for self-determination and self-realization of the individual.

One of the events that allows us to involve schoolchildren in active activities at our school is Student Day.

In the process of its preparation and implementation, the following tasks are solved:

  • identification and development of potential creative abilities;
  • development of communication and general cultural skills;
  • formation of information culture;
  • developing public speaking skills;
  • creating conditions for a situation of success;
  • creation of a unified sociocultural space at school;
  • instilling a sense of pride in one’s school and a sense of patriotism.

Student's Day is traditionally held on the first day of spring. The date was not chosen by chance. March 1 is the International Day of Socially Active Schools, when its participants are given the opportunity to sum up interim results, share achievements and findings, try themselves in a different role, and expand their circle of contacts.

The day begins with an awards ceremony, which is held in three stages on school lines: for grades 1-4, 5-7, 8-9. If a student took an active part in school life or achieved certain success in any area (sports, studies, creativity, independent Olympiads, competitions, conferences...), his achievements will not go unnoticed. The award ceremony takes place in a friendly and solemn atmosphere. The guys are proud of their victories and the results of their comrades, feeling a sense of pride for their classmate, class, school. This is how the awareness of your Self begins, the understanding that your contribution to the affairs of the school, city, and country is significant and necessary. High assessment of success by the student and teaching staff contributes to the formation of a certain value system.

Rewarding students necessarily continues in the classroom, where class teachers thank them for their active work in the class team. On this day, teachers find something to celebrate each child for. Therefore, most schoolchildren return home with diplomas, certificates or commendations.

Further work for high school, primary and secondary school students on this day is organized differently.

Schoolchildren in grades 8-9 who have been involved in project or research activities during the school year take part in the student research conference “Step into the Past.”

A number of sections are being formed. Listeners (parents, classmates, members of the public) have the opportunity to get acquainted with the topics of the work in advance and choose something interesting for themselves. As the results of the survey show, the most popular section is “My Motherland-Russia”. For some, a presentation is the “last rehearsal” before presenting work at higher-level conferences; for others, it is an intermediate stage in research activities.

Preparation is carried out in several stages:

  • working on a research topic or project;
  • writing abstracts;
  • drafting a report;
  • preparing a presentation;
  • psychological preparation for public speaking.

At the preparatory stage, teachers who are leaders of research or project activities and a school psychologist who conducts special trainings work closely with students.

The results are active participation in the annual interregional local history readings named after Vera Balandina and independent competitions (“Festival of Crafts”, “Praises”, “Green Planet”, etc.). Many graduates of the school (current students of universities and technical schools) note that their school educational and research work helped in the creation of coursework, and the skills acquired during creative tasks at school allowed them to quickly adapt to the educational system at the university.

Simultaneously with the conference, thematic, unusual lessons are held in all other classes (1-7), aimed at the formation of moral and general cultural values: a creativity lesson, which allows you to reveal abilities that are often not in demand in the educational activities of students; sports and entertainment, giving the opportunity to actively move and participate in fun competitions and others.

Volunteers act as teachers in these lessons. They, together with the deputy director for educational work, a school psychologist, additional education teachers, and a physical education teacher, preliminarily formulate the main ideas, develop a script, determine the structure of the upcoming lesson, but each of the volunteer students contributes their own content. To do this, they talk in advance with the class teachers and the classes in which they will work that day.

Thematic lessons are always conducted in the form of dialogue using role-playing and communicative games. The theme of the day is never imposed by adults, but is determined based on the wishes of the children themselves. For example: “The art of giving gifts”, “The art of communication”, “The art of giving compliments”.

A creativity lesson is a kind of continuation of a thematic lesson - a dialogue, where students in the class, under the guidance of senior comrades, carry out their collective task. The expected result can be both individual and collective works, which at the end of the school day take their rightful place at the exhibition of children's applied art.

I remember, for example, the theme of the class hour “Gift”. The result of this day in grades 1-2 was a “Box of Joys”, which they made themselves and in which they put letters with good wishes to each other. By carrying out such work, the children learned the main thing: a gift can not only be material, sometimes a kind word is better than the most precious gift.

During creative lessons, students in grades 3-4 prepared a gift for the whole school using the origami technique, and by the end of the day wonderful trees “bloomed” up.

On the same day, students in grades 5-7 discussed the “circle of hobbies”, which necessarily included sports, science, and art, and talked about the possible choice of their future profession (the “Know Your Abilities” test), and in creative lessons they advertised their hobbies. Subsequently, these advertisements formed the basis of the project “Sports and Science, Dance and Work – a Circle of Hobbies, a Lifeline.”

Students remembered Student's Day as a day of cooperation and lively dialogue on important issues: mutual understanding, relationships, range of interests and hobbies. An exhibition of creative works and a good mood are a wonderful end to this day.

Thus, Student’s Day is not only an unusual day for school students and teachers, it is a day that gives high school students the opportunity to try themselves in new roles: “Research Scientist”, “Master Teacher”, “Volunteer Leader”...

This day is not easy for both some and others, but everyone gains their own experience, which, in our opinion, is very important for modern man.

Public speaking skills, the ability to convey your point of view to listeners, engage in discussion and the ability to creatively approach any task - this is not a complete list of qualities that students must master in order for this day to be successful for them.

Contact Information

Selyukova N.A., Deputy Director for Educational Work, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 16 named after D.M. Karbyshev”, city of Chernogorsk, Republic of Khakassia.

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