Extracurricular event for grades 7-8 “Mother’s Day”

Extracurricular activity "Mother's Day"

- Mothers give their children all the best they have: their beauty, kindness, strength, their mind and their sensitive heart. Listen to the legend of the two mounds (with music)

It was a long time ago. A mother had an only son. He married a girl of amazing, unprecedented beauty. But the girl’s heart was black and unkind. The son brought his young wife to his home. And the daughter-in-law did not like her mother-in-law and said to her husband: “I have no life from your mother. Tell her not to come into the house, let her sleep in the hallway - and she won’t bother me, and she’ll be calmer there.”

The loving husband sighed and groaned, but listened to his wife - he settled his mother in the hallway and forbade her to enter the hut. The mother was afraid to appear in front of her evil daughter-in-law.

But even this was not enough for the daughter-in-law. She says to her husband:

“You know what, I can’t do this - she’s bothering me. Well, what is this family life, when every day you feel as if someone is always spying on you or even eavesdropping on you. Let's move her to the barn. And it will be more free for us, and there will be more space for her.”

And although the young husband resisted such a proposal for a long time, he was forced to give in to his beautiful wife again - he moved his mother into the barn. And the son began to walk with his head down.

One evening a young beauty was resting under a blooming apple tree and saw her mother come out of the barn. The wife became furious and ran to her husband: “If you want me to live with you, make sure that she is not near us - send her somewhere so that my eyes cannot see her. She bothers me, I can’t live with her!” - “Where will I take her? After all, she is my mother, and not someone else’s aunt. And this house is her house,” the husband objected. “Are you the boss of the house or is she? - the beauty screamed. - In the end, a normal family is one where there is one mistress and one owner in the house. And it turns out that we have two housewives. That is why there is neither peace nor happiness in the house. Choose: either she leaves home, or I!” - “Where should she go? We don’t have any relatives who could shelter her,” the husband answered. “In that case, get rid of it another way.” - “How is it different?” - “How stupid you are, my hubby. Otherwise, it means kill her and bring her heart as a sign of love for me.” - “Are you out of your mind? How can you kill your mother? - the husband was indignant. “And kill as you want. And bring me her heart as proof of fulfillment. Or I'm not your wife anymore! That's it, the conversation is over! - said the beauty, slammed the door and went back to rest under the apple tree.

The foolish husband thought and thought about his wife’s words and decided that he must listen to his wife. “Probably my wife is right,” he thought, “after all, I should live out my life with my wife, not with my mother; I should raise and raise my children with my wife, not with my mother...” And he decided to take his mother to the remote steppe and kill him there, and tell people that his mother died on the road - she got sick and died...

And so they came to the remote steppe. They walk and walk, and the son keeps tripping over bumps - that’s understandable: he doesn’t want to kill his mother. He glanced sideways at his mother walking next to her - old, thin, stooped... And then such pity awoke in him that his son could not restrain himself, fell face down on the ground and began to cry.

- What happened, son? - the mother got scared, sat down next to him and began to stroke his head: - What’s wrong with you, my dear?

And her son told her about the conversation with his wife.

The mother was silent for a minute, gathering her feelings. Her heart, full of love for her son, trembled and beat faster. But not a single vein on her face betrayed her excitement. With a gentle smile she said to her son:

—My beloved son, a person experiences life through love. All living things in the world are shrouded and imbued with it. But the road of love is full of dangers. Were you wrong in your choice, son? Has female beauty blinded your mind?

“No, I love my wife more than life itself,” answered the son.

“It’s sad for me to see how grief eats you up.” There is no point in my life like this. Take my heart and carry it to your beloved!

With these words, she tore her heart out of her chest and handed it to her son.

With tears in his eyes, the son laid his mother's still beating heart on a maple leaf and carried it to his wife. He goes and looks at the mother’s heart - but it keeps beating, beating, and still does not calm down. From immense excitement, my son’s legs gave way and he fell. And he hit his knee hard on a stone and groaned. And then suddenly he hears a whisper:

- My dear son, didn’t you hurt your knee? Sit down, rest, rub the bruised area with your palm... - the mother’s heart whispered with trembling excitement, then shuddered... and froze. Cold sadness shackled the soul of the orphaned son. And then he realized what an irreparable mistake he had made.

- Oh, mom! - the son shouted. - What have I done!!!

And the son sobbed at the top of his voice, so that the whole steppe was filled with his weeping. The son grabbed the hot mother's heart with his palms, pressed it to his chest, returned to the mother's body, put the heart into the torn chest and doused it with his hot tears. He realized that no one had ever loved him as devotedly and selflessly as his own mother.

And so enormous and inexhaustible was the mother’s love, so deep and omnipotent was the desire of the mother’s heart to see her son joyful and happy, that the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her son’s curly head to her chest.

After this, the son could not return to his beautiful wife; she became hateful to him. The mother did not return home either. The two of them went to the steppe and became two mounds. And every morning the rising sun illuminates the tops of these mounds with its first rays...

Class hour. Mothers Day. My dear mother.

Topic: My dear mother

The purpose of the class hour:

Contribute to the unity of the children's team through the inclusion of all children in joint activities, creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.


  1. Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and parents from celebrating the event together.
  2. To form moral and aesthetic values, respect and feelings of gratitude towards mothers.
  3. Develop attention, imagination, thinking, memory, auditory perception and creative abilities of students.
  4. Develop communication skills in direct interaction between students and with the teacher.



Stand up, everything is as it is! Receive standing, Preserved in simple beauty, this Word is ancient, holy! Get up!.. Straighten up! Stand up everyone! How the forests rise at dawn, How the blades of grass rush towards the sun again. Stand up, everyone, having heard this word, As if love itself had come to you! This word is a call and a spell, And a prayer in the far side, This word is the first ray of consciousness, The last groan of those perishing in the fire. In this word is the power of unselfishness, Kindness, with which life is bright, That which leaves barely whisper, That which bells ring. This word will forever remain And, having broken through any congestion, Even in hearts of stone it will awaken a hidden reproach of conscience. This word both heals and hurts. There is a being hidden in it. It is the source of everything. There is no end to it. Get up!.. I pronounce it: `MOM!`

1 led.

Good afternoon, our dear, dear, our affectionate and gentle ones! Good afternoon, our dear and beloved mothers and grandmothers. Today we give these beautiful and warm words to you. There are words in this world that we call holy. And one of the holy, warm, affectionate words is the word mom. Because this word carries warmth, the warmth of a mother’s hands, a mother’s soul. Today, on this holiday - Mother's Day, the day of the dearest person, we congratulate all women who have had such a happy and at the same time difficult fate of being a mother.

2 ved.

May your day be Sunny and beautiful. And your path will be strewn with roses. And every evening - starry, clean, clear. Oh mom! Always be happy!

Student performance.

1. Our dear mothers! We tell you without embellishment Honestly, sincerely and directly We love you very, very much! 2. Our mothers are our joy, There are no words dearer to us, So accept gratitude from your loving children! 3. We wish you health, joy, mental strength in reserve, thank you, dear, for everything you have done for us. 4. For tireless worries, For the world of family warmth, May God grant that you will always be the same in everything!

5. There is an eternal word in our world, short, but most heartfelt. It is beautiful and kind, it is simple and convenient. It is sincere, beloved, incomparable with anything in the world: MOTHER!!! 6. We want our mothers to become even more beautiful! To make everyone happier, our dear mothers! 7. All mothers, like flowers, are always beautiful, Each has its own unique scent... As long as there is a Mother, there is happiness on the planet! As long as there are children, there is peace in the world! 8. There are many kind words in the world, But one is kinder and more important than all of them: A simple word made of two syllables: “mother” And there are no words more valuable than that. 9. Childhood is a golden time. How wonderful it is to know that Mom is with me - like an angel of goodness, My best friend, dear.

10. I love you mom, I don’t know why. Probably because I breathe and dream. And I rejoice in the sun and the bright day, For this, I love you, dear. For the sky, for the wind, for the air around. I love you mom, you are my best friend!

11. Your kindness is endless, And care knows no fatigue, The beauty of a mother’s soul Is not subject to adversity and old age, Let the years go by in succession, And wrinkles stubbornly appear, May you be healthy, mother, always, May you be happy, dear mother.

2 ved.

Song "My Mom"

1 ved

.- Dear mothers! Happy Mother's Day. Many nights have passed without sleep, The worries and worries are countless. All my dear mothers bow to you for the fact that you exist in the world!

2 ved.

Mother! We wish you, dear, Health, warm days, goodness! And know: we need you like a ray of sun, like air, like water!

1 led.

Mother! The most understandable word on earth. It sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the most affectionate and gentle hands, they can do everything. Mom has the kindest and most sensitive heart. It does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old a person is, 5 or 50, he always needs a mother...

2 ved.

Mother's Day in Russia was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1998 and is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.
You can talk about your mother always and forever, without ever getting tired. 1 led. Sketch “How I help my mother.”
A girl is sitting at a desk in a room. There are textbooks, notebooks and pens on the table.

Then her phone rings, the girl picks up and starts saying:

- yes, hello. - What? No, I won’t go outside! - Yes, we were assigned to write an essay. - yes, the topic is how I help my mother. - Do I know how I’m helping her? — should I ask her? No really. - okay, let’s write.

Puts down the phone. Walks around the table:

- so how do I help my mother? How?

Mom enters the room:

Daughter, have you done your homework yet?


Not yet, mom. (and sits down at the table)

Mom starts sweeping under the table.


- Mom, I’m doing my homework, and you’re disturbing me!


- I’ll just sweep and leave!

Daughter in a low voice:

- yeah, that means I’m helping mom sweep!

Mom begins to clear the dust from the table.

Daughter in a low voice:

- So, that means I’m wiping off the dust?! Great!

Mom approaches the table on which her daughter’s things are scattered.

Daughter in a low voice:

- wow, I also arrange my things myself!


- oh, what a dirty dress, wash it immediately!

Daughter in a low voice:

- yes, washing is a whole science! Only I can do this, because I am educated, I study!


Oh, I forgot what I was cooking. Now the soup will be overcooked! (and runs away)


- this is my talent, I also cook!

The girl wrote all this down in a notebook, as if she were writing an essay. Then he raises the notebook higher, looks at it and says:

- yes, helping mom is a whole science!
We need talent here! 1 ved
. Mom is the sun, Mom is the light. There is no one in the world better than mom

2 ved.

Every second three people are born in the world.
From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. The child needs the mother. This is the meaning of her life. Loving your baby is as natural as lilacs blooming in the spring. Just as the sun sends out its rays, warming all living things, so a mother’s love warms the whole life of a child. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the kindest and most affectionate hands that can do everything. In her sensitive heart, love never fades, it does not remain indifferent to anything. 1 led.
The song “The Best Mom” will be played
Mother! Mommy! How much warmth this magic word conceals. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, passes on her songs, protects us.

2 ved.

In many countries about.
People congratulate their mothers and come to visit them, give them gifts, and arrange a holiday for them. And we will dedicate our today’s holiday to you, and we will speak all the words of love and tenderness not only now, but throughout our entire lives. 1 led.
Now we will sing you ditties about mothers. 1. Would you like to try on these balls on a string? For all your tastes There are beads in my mother's box.

2. Mom’s ears sparkle and play with the colors of the rainbow. Drops and crumbs of jewelry and earrings turn silver.

3. Its edge is called fields, the top is decorated all over with flowers. Mystery headdress - Our mother has a hat.

4. Name the dishes: The handle is attached to the circle. Damn baking for her is nonsense, it’s a frying pan.

5. The water in his belly began to bubble from the heat. Like an angry boss, the kettle boils quickly

6. Mom will cook this dish for everyone for lunch. And the ladle is right there - He pours soup into plates. 7. Finds dust and swallows it instantly - brings cleanliness for us. A long hose, like a trunk-nose, cleans the rug with a vacuum cleaner.

8. Irons dresses and shirts, irons our pockets. He is a faithful friend in the household - His name is iron.

9. Here is a cap on the light bulb that separates light and darkness. Along the edges there is an openwork - This is a marvelous lampshade.

10. The striped animal will beg for sour cream from mother Saucer. And, having eaten it a little, our cat begins to purr.

2 ved.

Sketch. Children come on stage and start a conversation among themselves.

Child 1:

Yes, here they are, adults, they’re just fed up with us, they don’t understand us at all!

Child 2:

This is correctly noted - they do not understand. And most importantly, they want to deceive us, as if we are so stupid and unintelligent!

Child 3:

Yesterday I sat down to dinner, and for dinner there was fish. After all, they know that I don’t like fish, but they still cook it for me! And the main thing they say is this: eat fish, it is good for the mind. But I’m already smart! And then they add - fish is good for bones! Yes, I’m already bony!

Child 1:

And I was punished for nothing at all!!!

Child 2:

How is that? For no reason at all???

Child 1:

Well, yes. I was late for lunch, and my mother told me not to say a word during lunch. I just open my mouth, and she immediately doesn’t say a word! And so the whole lunch. And when we ate, she asked me – what did you want to say? And I answer - my little brother is spilling condensed milk on his shoes in the hallway! And I was punished for not saying so right away! And keep quiet throughout lunch! Shut up!

Child 2:

No, well, sometimes there is a benefit in the fact that you are still small.

Child 1:

For example?

Child 2:

My parents force me to play the violin twice a day - morning and evening. But I do not want. So they buy me ice cream for playing. And my neighbor buys me three ice creams so that I don’t play. So I can manipulate both my parents and my neighbor, which is three adults at once!

Child 3:

Yes, adults themselves can come up with such things! Here, for example, is how to understand the sign in the zoo: do not feed the animals. But how do they live if they are not fed?

Child 1:

And my dad always tells me: why do you need this computer? Why do you need this phone? Why do you need this game console? This was not the case in my childhood! I even think my dad saw dinosaurs!

Child 2:

And my mother was cleaning fish, and I was playing nearby and constantly swearing a little. My mother tells me: if my father is not at home, this does not mean that I will not give you bream for him. And then it hits me on the head. Well, here’s how to understand her - after all, my mother was cleaning crucian carp, but she threatened to give me bream? Yes, adults themselves lie all the time!

Child 3:

And then my dad recently told me what the difference is between a man and a woman.

Child 1:

Very interesting, and which one?
Child 3:
My dad says: I have a man's foot size 44, and my mother has a woman's foot size 36.
That's the difference between the legs! Child 2:
Okay, we have to go. Soon the flower stall will close, and we won’t have time to buy flowers for mothers, because today is Mother’s Day.

Child 1:

Indeed, it's time to go!

1 led.

Alexei Maksimovich Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero. All the joy in the world comes from mothers!” If you want to make your mother the happiest person, act in such a way that she is happy and can proudly say: “You know what good children I have!” .

2 ved.

Mom not only doesn’t get enough sleep at night, she worries and takes care that the child is healthy, well-fed, cheerful, and happy. Mother is a window to the big world. She helps the child understand the beauty of the world

1 led.

Mother! Listen to how proudly this word sounds! People have many kind words about their mother.

In the sun it is warm, in the presence of mother it is good.

There is no better friend than your own mother.

Without a father, one is half an orphan, and without a mother, one is all an orphan.

There are many fathers, but one mother.

2 ved.

Dance "Umbrellas"

1 led.

Now the moment of farewell has come. Our speech will be short: We say to you: “Goodbye! See you happy next time!”

2 ved.

We wish everyone health and happiness! Good luck and patience! Mommy, smile! And we firmly promise that we will not let you down. It’s great that we are all here today!

Giving cards to mothers.

Additional material

Lyrics of the song "Far from Mom"

1 There are wonderful places in the world, Both adults and children are looking for them, We fly far from home To strange and unfamiliar cities, We flutter above the earth like butterflies, And we know almost everything about everything, And we write for my mother’s birthday SMS and telegrams, But still -


And the biggest elephants, And the smallest gnomes - We get bored when we go too far from mom.

2 Who will lovingly put on a Panama hat for us, Who will love you as much as your mother? We ourselves almost have a mustache and we tie our shoelaces ourselves, but still -


Recitative (rap):

Run quickly to your mother, That's what fast legs are for, And you, citizen, don't flap your ears: Children don't lie on the road! Do you hear, this concerns you too - Moms don’t lie on the road!


Lyrics of the song "The Best Mom"

1 I love you, my dear. I love you, my darling. For me you are an angel on the wings of love. My mother is the best, you are my joy and my dawn. A native of our planet Earth.


You are my sail, I am your boat, I will never part with you, My mother is a symbol of eternal love. There will be a holiday just for you, my precious star. You are the goddess of our friendly family.

2 I will give flowers just for you, dear to my heart, my love. You are protected by God, who looks at us. You sing the song of the night cradle, Your soul floats across the sky like a swan. I need you forever, always and now.



Poetry. 1. There is an eternal word in our world, short, but most heartfelt. It is beautiful and kind, it is simple and convenient. It is sincere, beloved, incomparable with anything in the world: MOTHER!!! 2. Today we will play games. We will sing and dance for you. It is a pleasure for us to be here. Thank you, mothers, for existing!

3. We want our mothers to become even more beautiful! To make everyone happier, our dear mothers! 4. All mothers, like flowers, are always beautiful, Each has its own unique scent... As long as there is a Mother, there is happiness on the planet! As long as there are children, there is peace in the world! 5. There are a lot of kind words in the world, But one is kinder and more important than all of them: A simple word made of two syllables: “mother” And there are no words more valuable than that. 6. Childhood is a golden time. How wonderful it is to know that Mom is with me - like an angel of goodness, My best friend, dear.

5. I love you mom, I don’t know why. Probably because I breathe and dream. And I rejoice in the sun and the bright day, For this, I love you, dear. For the sky, for the wind, for the air around. I love you mom, you are my best friend!


1. From the bottom of my heart in simple words Let’s, friends, talk about mom. We love her as a good friend Because we have everything together, Because when things are tough for us, We can cry at our own shoulder. 2. We also love her because sometimes her eyes become stricter in the wrinkles. But as soon as you come forward and confess, the wrinkles will disappear, the tears will run away. Because we can always trust her with our hearts without concealment and directly. And simply because she is our mother. We love her deeply and absurdly! 3. Your kindness is endless, And care knows no fatigue, The beauty of a mother’s soul Is not subject to adversity and old age, Let the years go by in succession, And wrinkles stubbornly appear, May you be healthy, mother, always, May you be happy, dear mother. 4. In the house she is busy with good deeds, Kindness quietly walks around the apartment. We have a good morning, good afternoon and good hour, good evening, good night, it was good yesterday.

5. And where, you ask, is there so much kindness in the house, that from this kindness flowers, fish, hedgehogs, chicks take root? I’ll answer you straight: This is mom, mom, mom!

Lyrics of the song "My Mother"

1 You will wake me up at dawn, You will touch my hair tenderly, As always you will kiss me, lovingly, And your smile will warm me.

When you are next to me, I feel warm, my soul is calm and light. In the whole world there is only us - you and me. And I sing about this, my mother.


My mom is the best in the world. She shines in my life like the sun. Mom is the best friend in the world. How I love the warmth of her hands. Mom, mom, my mom. Mom, mom, my mom.

2 You will always understand and forgive everything. I know you don't sleep at night. Because you love me. Because I am your daughter.

When you are next to me, I feel warm, my soul is calm and light. In the whole world there is only us - you and me. And I, my mother, sing about this.


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