Outdoor games: what to do while barbecuing

Outside the city, you can turn off your phone and brain from the Internet, calm down, and find harmony. But what to do on a picnic if you’ve already eaten and taken pictures? Options like mosquitoes. In the spring, for example, you can collect birch sap and fish, and in the summer you can look for berries and swim. If you're having a romantic picnic for two, you can fly a kite, read aloud to each other, or set up an impromptu open-air cinema.

But large groups need more active activities to run, compete, and have fun. Here are some options.

Cleaning backwards

Guests are divided into pairs. One participant in a pair is given a broom, and the second is given a large dustpan. The first participants sit on brooms so that the main part is at the back. And the second participants bend over and push the scoop between their legs. Cleaning will be done backwards. The leader scatters garbage around the yard (clearing), for example, crumpled sheets of paper or some kind of cereal. At the “start” command, the pairs begin cleaning: the second participants in the starting position adjust to the first, and the first participants sweep backwards, trying to collect more garbage. The winner will be the couple who, at the end of the competition, will have collected more rubbish than the rest.

Competition "Copy Paper"

This fun competition is both easy and challenging. Everyone can draw a house, a butterfly, a flower or a bunny. So everyone can take part.


  • album sheets of A4 format;
  • markers;
  • scotch;
  • pieces of paper folded in four with simple pictures. For a relaxed group, the pictures can be piquant.

Rules : We invite two participants from each group. We attach a piece of paper to the back of the first one with tape. The second one pulls out a piece of paper with a picture and draws the received image on the back of a friend. The person on whom they are drawing must copy the picture onto their piece of paper as accurately as possible.

You need to draw simply and clearly so that it is not difficult to repeat. Example: drawing a house. First of all, we draw a square, and the participant repeats the lines. Then the triangle - the roof, then the windows, the door...

The couple whose pictures are copied better and convey more details are the champions.

If there is any doubt about who should win, the teams vote for their team with a deafening shout. A loud, friendly roar will unite the teams and charge them with positivity for the next competition.

Play along

For this competition you will need a bag with various items - absolutely anything (a shoe, a comb, a teapot, an umbrella, a rope, a fork, and so on). Each guest, in turn, goes to the center and selects one item from the bag, then stands in any pose he can think of. As soon as the participant has taken his position, the rest of the guests take turns approaching him and “playing along”: everyone says his own invented phrase “on topic”. The funnier the phrase, the better. When all the guests have tried themselves in the role of “poser” and “playing along”, the results are summed up - the funniest and most talented are chosen based on applause, and they are awarded prizes.

Mom, dad, me and the ball

Usually every family, going to the forest, takes a ball with them. But often he remains bored all day, completely unclaimed. Meanwhile, besides the well-known beach volleyball, there are many other fun ball games that kids will be able to play. Even the most ordinary football will bring kids a lot of joy. Especially if mom plays the role of goalkeeper. Try teaching your children to play volleyball, although this is too difficult for most kids. A game where the ball needs to be caught rather than hit is suitable for them. For example, this one. All the big and small players stand in a circle and begin tossing the ball around. The pace gradually increases. If any of the players drops the ball, he is eliminated from the game - leaves the circle. The remaining players remain standing in their place. So, gradually, the distance between them increases, and catching the ball becomes more and more difficult. The last one left wins. This game is not only fun, but also a good workout for dexterity and coordination.

You can play a little differently. All players stand in a circle, two players facing each other have a ball in their hands. On command, players begin to pass the balls in a circle in one direction, trying to get one ball to catch up with the other. The one who has two balls receives a penalty point. You can come up with some funny task for him as punishment.

If your group wants to get a little active, play a great yard game called “stand-up.” And at the same time, tell the kids how you once played it yourself, when you were the same mischievous boys and girls. So, all players stand in the middle of a flat area or clearing. The driver throws the ball up, calling the name of one of the participants in the game. The player whose name was called tries to catch the ball, and everyone else scatters in different directions. As soon as the player catches the ball, he shouts: “Stander-stop!” Everyone freezes in place. Now the new driver must hit one of the players with the ball. The one who is hit becomes the driver. If the thrower misses, he remains the driver. While playing this game, don’t forget in the excitement that your kids are with you. Give them the opportunity to become equal participants in the game. When calling your child, do not throw the ball high and do not run too far so that little hands can throw the ball to you. But with what joy children’s eyes will shine! After all, nothing brings parents and children closer together than playing together. It is the participation of an adult in the game on an equal basis with the child that gives the baby the opportunity to feel that mom and dad are just like him and can be trusted. Here's another fun game using a ball. Hang a ball on a rope from a tree branch so that it almost touches the ground (the ball can be placed in a net, and a rope can be tied to the net). Place several small objects under it (pine cones, pebbles, matchboxes, apples). The player takes the ball to head level, then releases it and runs to collect what is laid out on the ground. You need to collect as many items as possible and return to your place so that the swinging ball does not hit you. You can play this game in turns, and then count the collected objects and determine which of the players was the fastest and most dexterous. Or you can play the same beach volleyball with the kids, just change the rules a little: you don’t need to hit the ball, but catch it. Those who don't catch sit in the center of the circle. You can “help him out” by hitting him with a ball.

Waiters in nature

Guests are divided into teams of 3 participants. Two participants will be waiters, and the third must be “served.” So, a couple of waiters for each team are at the start. “Clients” stand at the same distance from each pair of waiters. Near each pair of waiters there is a glass of beer and a plate of crackers (nuts). It is better to take plastic dishes. Waiters must clasp their hands: raise their palms up and clasp their fingers (groove to groove). The right hand of one waiter and the left of the second are connected. At the command “start”, the waiters place a glass of beer on the “tray” - on their clasped hands - and bring it to the client. Important: you can’t open your hands, you can’t spill beer, you can’t spill snacks. As soon as the waiters bring beer to the client, he immediately drinks it, after which the waiters return to the start and put the snack on the “tray”, after which they deliver it to the client. Once delivered, the client eats and raises his hand up. The fastest team with the customer raising their hand first will be the winner.

Gatherings by the fire

Having run around, jumped and gorged on barbecue, it’s time to take a break and sit with the whole honest company around the fire. It's great if one of the adults plays the guitar. Then you can sing a few songs with the kids.

There are games that are good to play this way, sitting in a circle. And, despite their apparent simplicity, they are very useful for children: they develop attention and teach concentration. Play, for example, “damaged phone”. The first player quickly says a word in his neighbor's ear. He, in turn, passes on what he heard to the next player. When the word goes around the circle, the last player calls it. Very rarely does a word correspond to the original version. There is a similar game called “association”. It can be played with older preschoolers. Just first clearly explain to the kids, using specific examples, what associations are. So, the first player pronounces a word into the neighbor’s ear, and he must quickly pass on his first association with this word. Let's say, “elephant is Africa” or “coffee is black.” So, from player to player, the word will transform, and the final version may be quite unexpected.

Do you remember the cute children's game of “gardener”? For this, kids will need some knowledge of botany. Each player is called a flower. The driver says:

I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, Except... the tulip.

The named flower should quickly respond:

- Oh! - What happened to you? - In love! - In whom? -To the rose!

Now the “rose” responds in the same way, and the game continues.

Jump and jump to the cellar

Guests are divided into teams with the same number of participants. The participants of each team stand in separate rows (one after another). The game will be held in the form of a relay race. There is an empty bucket next to each team. At the same distance from each team there is a bucket of potatoes (can be replaced with stones or small balls). The quantity will need to be calculated according to the number of team members (5 each). The first participants are given a bag. At the “start” command, the first participants jump into the bag and jump to their bucket with potatoes, then jump out of the bag and pick up 5 potatoes, after which they run to their team and pour the potatoes into an empty bucket, then pass the bag to the second participants. The team that moves the potatoes into their bucket the fastest will be the winner.

Treasure hunters

This game can be classified as intellectual. Both players and organizers need to use their brains. Especially the organizers. If you take on this mission, then you need:

  1. Come up with what will be a treasure (for example, a keg of beer).
  2. Decide where to hide it (it’s more interesting to play in the forest).
  3. Come up with clues and draw a map.

Purpose of the game : find the treasure. Number of players : any. Playground size : any. Equipment : map, treasure, tips, healthy adventurism.

Rules of the game

The rules depend on your imagination. Here are just a few tips.

  1. Cut the card into several pieces. To find the treasure, you will first need to collect the entire map.
  2. Divide into two teams: one - treasure hunters, the second - organizers. The latter should meet treasure hunters at intermediate points and give out parts of the map.
  3. Come up with tasks. Giving away a card just like that is boring. Let treasure hunters fight for every treasured scrap.
  4. Hide the treasure better. For example, bury it in the ground or hang it on a tree. The more difficult it is for players to get a prize, the more valuable it will be to them.

Escaped Prisoner

Guests are divided into pairs. One participant from the pair will have to work hard, the second will have to show sleight of hand. So, the first members of each pair stand at a certain distance from each other, and the second members of the pair stand opposite the first (at the same distance). For each first participant, an obstacle course of bottles is built (possibly in a zigzag). In front of the first participants are two skates (you can use old wheels from a bicycle or ask for unnecessary ones at a tire station). The first participants have their hands tied with a thick rope in the same several knots. At the command “start”, the first participants “jump” into the ramps: one foot in one ramp, the other in the other. In this position, the “prisoners” overcome their obstacle courses. Having reached their partners, the first participants ask to be released. And the second participants, in turn, try to untie the hands of the “prisoners” faster than their rivals. The couple that finishes it faster will be the winner.

Isn't it time to run?

You can run in the fresh air in the forest. The game of tag, or tag, has many varieties. Here is one of them, called “house tags”. It’s good to play it with kids, because they always have somewhere to hide from the driver and take a break. Draw two circles on the ground with a stick. This is home. The driver's goal is to catch up with and touch one of the players (to smear, to tarnish). When running away, you can run into a circle where the driver cannot stain the player. The game is active and fun. Just be sure to adjust to the pace of the kids, giving them the opportunity to catch up with the adults.

How do you like the tags called “baskets”? We choose two drivers - a tag and a runaway. The remaining players sit in pairs on the clearing and join hands, forming circles-baskets. Fifteen is chasing the second player, who, running between pairs, calls the name of any player. The one whose name was called runs away, and the running player takes his place.

Here's another fun version of tag, only Brazilian. It's called "sick cat". One of the players tries to tarnish the others; he pretends to be a “healthy cat.” Players who are spotted must place their hand exactly on the spot that the driver touched. They also become “cats,” but “sick” and must help the driver in catching, and they can only spot with their free hand. The last player remaining wins and becomes the "healthy cat" for the next game. And in the Russian version of this game, called “pike,” the spotted players cling to the driver like a train and so they all continue the game together.

Another simple and fun game is “crap by the tree.” Before starting the game, select a driver using a counting rhyme. Kids will be happy to tell you their favorite rhyme they learned in kindergarten. But you can surprise them by remembering the rhymes of your childhood or introducing them to beautiful folk rhymes:

The car was walking through a dark forest, looking for some kind of interest. Inte-inte-interest, come out with the letter “s”.

Bells, bells, Little doves flew along the morning dew, along the green strip. We sat down on the barn. Run, catch up!

The player who gets the last word becomes the driver. He stands in the center of the clearing. The rest are near the trees. Mark each tree where the player is located with bright ribbons. Only these trees will participate in the game. Then the players begin to run from tree to tree. The driver's task is to occupy the tree without a player. The one whose place at the tree is occupied becomes the driver.

Kids will certainly enjoy the game of cat and mouse. This is an old Russian game, very easy and fun. First, two drivers are selected - a cat and a mouse. The remaining players stand in a circle and join hands. The “mouse” runs inside the circle, the “cat” runs outside. The “cat” is trying to break into the circle and catch the “mouse”, and the players are trying to stop it and not let it pass. The “cat” can get into the circle in any way: break through the chain of players, crawl under clasped hands, or climb over them. If she succeeds, the players quickly release the “mouse” from the circle, and try to detain the “cat” again. If the “cat” managed to catch the “mouse”, new drivers are selected. Select one of the kids with the “mouse” and dad with the “cat”. Unforgettable fun is guaranteed!

Picnic furniture

Picnic furniture is a very optional thing

. You can sit right on the grass or sand on a blanket and don’t have to take chairs and a table with you. Of course, it is much more convenient to sit at a small table.

Folding furniture comes to mind first.

When choosing one, you should remember three important things: it should be durable, easy to fold and unfold, and easy to use. To do this, when purchasing, you should carefully check all the fastenings
, lay out the chairs, and determine whether it is comfortable for you to sit on them. Here are some examples of picnic furniture:

An original set of picnic furniture: chairs and a table in one suitcase:

Regular folding chairs with an iron base and cloth seats.

By the way, such folding chairs can be found with additional pockets for bottles and personal items:

If you're lucky, you can find a chair like this without legs, but with a comfortable back:

An original idea - a table-suitcase built into a bicycle:

Instead of a chair, for example, you can use a hammock, strengthening it between the trees:

Quiet games for children 5 years old

When the kids are running around, you can invite them to play fun, quiet games.

Preparing for such competitions captivates the kids so much that they forget about pampering and completely surrender to the process.

Building a monster

Invite the kids to build a real monster. Definitely, for such construction you will need available materials.

But in the field, let the monster be unusual. Therefore, any sticks, twigs, newspapers, buckets, toys, stones, flowers can be used as building materials.

You can build one big monster or individual monsters.

To make sure your little one isn't so bored, turn on some upbeat music. By the way, it is with the help of music that construction time can be limited.

And at the end of the competition, let each creator present his work, giving his monster a name and telling what unusual abilities it has.

Noise orchestra

Where else, if not at a picnic, can you make a lot of noise? Therefore, the idea of ​​organizing a noise orchestra will appeal to children. Moreover, the orchestra will not be simple, but from improvised materials.

You can, of course, take musical toys from home such as a drum, tambourine, whistle, or musical hammer.

But it will be much more interesting if creative ideas are used.

Pots with lids, glass bottles filled with different volumes of water, whistles made from blades of grass, sticks and branches - everything can sound.

All that remains is to choose a conductor, put butterflies on the orchestra members for credibility, and you can turn on your favorite song, which the children must play on their instruments.

Watermelon construction set

Was there watermelon as a treat at the picnic? Collect all the peels. They can be used to hold an interesting competition.

We give the children watermelon rinds - these will be parts of the construction set. We use regular toothpicks as connecting elements.

Each kid receives a task that he must build.

It can be any animal, car or monster. It is not forbidden to use improvised materials in creating compositions.

When all the crafts are ready, be sure to organize an exhibition. And give sweet prizes to inventive builders.

Picnic snacks


- another irreplaceable dish for those cases when you go on a picnic without intending to fry kebab there.
However, sandwiches can also be useful for those waiting for grilled meat
, since this is a very long process: after all, you need to prepare everything, collect firewood, light a fire, wait until the wood turns into coals and only then fry the meat.

To avoid starvation while waiting, you can take ready-made sandwiches with you or make them on the spot.

An interesting recipe is offered for a large company

. This sandwich can be prepared at home and simply cut at a picnic. It is convenient to transport.


For this miracle sandwich you will need: A loaf of bread (preferably round and tall), your favorite sandwich fillings (sausage, cheese, mayonnaise or pesto to taste, green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, boiled chicken or turkey meat).

Cut off the top of the bread loaf and scoop out all the flesh, leaving only the crust


Then start layering your ingredients, coating them with sauces.

When the bun is full to the top, cover with the top

. Your picnic puff sandwich is ready!

By the way, sandwiches will be especially tasty if you grill the bread

right over the fire. Before cooking the meat, place a few slices of bread on the grill and fry them until crispy:

You can also try filling sandwiches with cheese, vegetables, meat

, and only then bake them over coals. You will get a great hot sandwich:

Picnic sandwiches can be made into canapés

, cutting a large sandwich into small portions and pinning them with toothpicks. To do this, you can take a long French loaf, cut it in half, and then fill it with your favorite ingredients. Cover with a top layer and cut into pieces.

Pinch each piece with toothpicks or skewers so that they do not fall apart and place in a suitable container.

If you would not like to make the usual sandwiches with sausage and cheese, you can use other healthy recipes

. For example, this unusual sandwich can be made with avocado:


You will need: French long loaf of bread, pieces of boiled chicken breast, ripe avocado, onion rings (pickled or fried), pesto sauce, arugula, soft goat cheese.

Cut the loaf lengthwise into two rugs, grease the bottom one with cheese and place all the ingredients on it in layers

. Then cover with the top of the loaf.

Cut into portions.

Excellent sandwiches can be made in the form of lavash rolls

. All ingredients can be prepared at home, wrapped in pita bread, and then warmed slightly on the grill before serving.

But these rolls with grilled vegetables



You will need: Raw chicken breast, soy sauce, a couple of spoons of honey, eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, bell pepper, salt, pepper.

Cut the chicken breast into pieces about 1 centimeter thick, pour in soy sauce, honey, salt and pepper and leave to marinate for 15 minutes. Cut the vegetables into thin rings (0.5 centimeters). Fry everything on a grate greased with vegetable oil over coals until golden brown. Place everything on pita bread and wrap it in a roll.

the finished rolls back on the grill for a couple of minutes.

and fry on both sides. You can add fresh herbs and sauce to the roll.

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