Table games for accountant's day are fun. Competitions for corporate events

All corporate companies work differently. However, they are all united by the fact that not every employee wants to organize a special event. Moreover, sometimes they have to do it under duress. Therefore, it is not surprising that many corporate events are boring and monotonous. This is especially true for all kinds of professional holidays, for example, Accountant's Day. But even a corporate party on such an occasion can be made truly fun and memorable if you take the choice of games and competitions for Accountant’s Day seriously.

"Guess the number"

Accountants have a mathematical mindset. Based on this, you can ask them to exercise their brain and guess a simple math problem. To do this, you need to guess a number for any corporate party guest and multiply it by three, and then divide it by half. The resulting number must be multiplied again, but this time by six. The result must be reported to the accountant and asked what number was guessed.

Finding the answer is quite simple because all you need to do is divide the result by nine. If an accountant guesses it, then it means he is a good specialist.

Preparation for the holiday

Preparations for the holiday will begin as soon as all invited guests receive their invitations. It’s worth starting with the fact that only those people who are directly related to mathematics will participate in the holiday. Namely, accountants will participate, because this is their holiday. To make the holiday look bright and pleasant, gel and regular black and white balloons will be hung throughout the entire event area. There will also be a large "Happy Holidays Accountants" sign pinned to the top in the middle of the room. If everything is done correctly, then everything will be in the best possible way.

The emotion of the holiday: joy, spontaneity, everyone needs intelligence. A brief description of the ideas of the holiday “Know-it and Dunno or find the right answer” The main idea of ​​each holiday is to fill all participants and those present with warmth and happiness. This time, the additional idea was to show that it is much easier for an intelligent person to live in this world. And also the holiday should prompt many to the idea that this accounting profession is no different, and can even bring joy and its advantages. You just need to learn to notice them.

"The fastest accountant"

Several accountants must participate in this competition. Each of them must be given a roll of toilet paper, which will represent their salary. After this, you need to ask the guests of the corporate evening of celebration to go into the hall and stretch out two hands in front of them. Accountants must accrue (rewind) each employee's salary. The winner is the one who uses up the entire roll the fastest.

Tip for accountants: Ask participants to spread their arms as wide as possible, and reward them generously with a “bonus.” Then your roll will probably end faster.

A frivolous scenario for the “Money Day” holiday.

Presenter: Money, Money, Money - multi-colored pieces of paper and hard coins that have fantastic energy and powerful potential. And also - rejected, slandered, cursed... Remember, “money is evil”, “you can’t earn a lot of money with honest work”, “money spoils a person” and the like. But why then do we secretly lust after these very banknotes? And even in quantities that are inconvenient to even talk about in polite society? Education, my friends, education! I propose to restore justice and celebrate Money Day. I note that the menu for today's holiday corresponds to the stated theme. On our tables there is everything that is useful for increasing the money supply in our wallets.

The first competition “Currencies of different countries”.

Presenter: First, we’ll arrange a warm-up based on the “Auction” principle: whoever says the last word on a given topic wins. And the theme of our Auction will be “Currencies of different countries”.

(Hint for the Presenter: ruble, dollar, pound, euro, Afghani, dinar, peso, franc, lev, dong, lari, real, tenge, koruna, yuan, won, yen)

There is a song about money from the film “Matchmaking of a Hussar” Oh, money, money, rubles

Host: Have you ever noticed that some people, who are quite uncertain about counting their expenses, become more agile and confident when they have to count income and free cash, or their own “ringing possibilities,” as Nikolai Gumilyov poetically called money? Perhaps our first dropouts from the previous competition were among them?

The second competition “They love money.”

(see the competition in the script for this)

Competition "Money loves counting - 2".

Presenter: Two people are invited to the podium (one from each team), who were somewhat... “hesitant” in the last competition. So to speak. Now you will have a unique opportunity to show your abilities in full brilliance and earn start-up capital for your team. A long time ago, money was kept in chests, basements, hiding places, now, as a rule, savings are trusted to banks, however, some people, in the old fashioned way, hide money under a pillow or in socks. These socks, filled with specie, will become the starting capital of your team, but for this, you have to count how many coins we hid in this rare cache.

Conditions of the competition:
There must be a different number of coins in the socks - the difference is 3-4 coins. The presenter must know exactly how many are in which sock.
The first one to count wins. After the end of the competition, the starting capital is equalized, and the winner receives an additional bonus. Let's say 5 coins. Competitors consider “starting capital”.

The fourth competition “Keep your money in a savings bank!”

Host: Many people probably remember this Soviet slogan: “Keep your money in a savings bank.” And we, as modern people, store our savings, of course, not in socks, but in banks. But not everyone knows how to make deposits “correctly” and how to protect their savings.

A competition is being held
“Keep your money in a savings bank”
Presenter: I’ll ask you to go “on stage” 1-2 at a time (depending on the number of participants)

men - these will be our BANKS.
We will give each Bank one client, who, in a certain amount of time (for example, 1 minute)
, will have to make as many deposits as possible in her banks.
Deposits are candy wrappers (clients must have equal amounts of “cash”)
, safe deposit boxes - pockets, sleeves, socks, finally! Begin. Time has passed!

The timer
sounds. After counting the remaining funds on hand, the first winner is revealed.

Host: And now I ask clients to change BANKS and try to withdraw the deposits of their rivals. Everything about the same 60 seconds. Time, gentlemen!

The winner is the participant who managed to withdraw more of her opponent’s deposits.

Mobile competition “Mad money”.

Host: And now we will briefly return to childhood. Remember how fun it was to shout: “Ali Baba!”, “What is the servant talking about?...” And then run, breaking through the chain of the opposing team with your chest? Keeping the rules of that children's game, we will catch money, or rather “grandmothers”, or more precisely money. Something like this:

Mani-mani! - Yes Yes Yes! - Dollar-Petya is here for us!

(Organizers: you can prepare signs with the sign or name of any currency and hang them on each participant)

The “Mad Money” competition is being held. The team that catches the most “money” wins.

Team relay race “Store eggs in different baskets, or develop new markets”

Host: They say that eggs should be stored in different baskets. I don’t know who came up with this thesis, but there was no such proverb in Russian folklore. Nevertheless, the phrase turned out to be tenacious, and therefore, we will now deal with just such packaging of eggs.

(The presenter picks up the egg, “accidentally drops it, thereby showing that the egg is raw. Agree in advance with the assistant so that he quickly removes the results of the “demonstration”).

Presenter: As you can see, the eggs are fresh and fragile, and therefore, try to preserve your goods. The relay conditions are as follows: Participants line up at the starting line. There are spoons in the hands, eggs in the spoons. In front are chairs on which there are baskets (buckets, pots, basins, in short - containers).

One team member stamps the eggs.
(This could be a children’s toy stamp (seal), or just a felt-tip pen on which the team sign is placed. Let’s say, for one it will be “P” - from the ruble, and for the other “E” - from the euro. Or simpler: felt-tip pens of different colors ).
On command, the participants move to their basket, leave an egg in it, return, pass the relay spoon to another participant, who carries the egg to another “basket”.
Please note that teams can use absolutely all “baskets” (markets).
The relay race “Store eggs in different baskets” is held. The team that has “mastered” the most “markets” wins.

(Option 2
of the competition “We store eggs in different baskets, or develop new markets.” In a close friendly company, you can make the competition more extreme. In this case, men will act as “baskets”, or rather their pockets and hands, where the “raw” ones will be sent eggs, but it will be more convenient to carry them in your hands).
Seventh competition “Money, how I love you, my money!”

Host: It's time to rest. We are holding another auction. We name proverbs, sayings, popular expressions about money and money. We remember, we replenish the treasury. Every proverb is a coin. The team that “cuts down” the last one wins.

(Hints for the presenter: There is never too much money; Money doesn’t smell; Money loves counting; A penny saves a ruble; Happiness is not in money; Think don’t think, but a hundred rubles is not money; There wasn’t a penny, but suddenly it’s altyn; You can’t earn all the money ; Money like dirt; Money - chickens don’t peck; Your money will become ours; Money on a barrel!; Money to money; Our money cried; Finance sings romances; An agreement is more valuable than money; Eh, ma, if only there was darkness of money!; A penny saves the ruble ; etc.)

Eighth competition
“Happiness is not in money, but in its quantity, or Excitement is a serious matter.”
Presenter And now the teams will have the opportunity to significantly increase their team capital. For this, friends, you will need ingenuity, the ability to think logically, and simply Her Majesty - Luck. Once upon a time, a very long time ago, our great-great-grandmothers played a simple game called “Danetki”. Most likely, it was called differently then. Nowadays, having received a new modern name, the game is becoming popular again. This is what we will play. The conditions are simple: I ask a question, and the teams ask me additional questions that can help solve the problem. I will answer only “Yes” or “No”, but you must find the correct answer through logical conclusions. So let's begin. The first “Danetka” guessed will bring the team 10 (20) full coins.

The first "Danetka"

They did their job well, and Sveta began to speak better because of them. What's happening?


Sveta is learning a tongue twister: “Four little black little devils drew an extremely clean drawing with black ink.”

The first round of the game is underway.

Host: Is the task clear? And now the conditions are changing a little. More precisely, only one team will answer the question. For example, command "N". If the answer is correct, she will receive her 20 gold, but!!! Team "M", if desired, can repurchase the right to answer. To do this, she must bet a larger amount - 25 - 30 coins. If the answer is correct, the team receives the amount they bet. Both teams can take part in the bidding.

Danets "for sale":

1. To test her theory, Lisa harmed the environment. What's happening?


Lisa used a chamomile to tell fortunes - “loves, doesn’t love.”

2. Baba Klava was walking from the market, climbed a tree along the way, climbed down from it and moved on. What happened?


She crossed the stream on a fallen tree.

3. In the store, Irina was attacked by an animal that wanted to get to her neck, but she managed to emerge victorious. What happened?


Oksana was “choked by a toad,” but the girl overcame her greed.

Ninth competition “Money doesn’t lie under your feet.”

Host: All good things come to an end: youth, vacations, and money. And ours is gradually coming to an end. I ask for commands to take the stage. What do you think, my rich friends, is the proverb “Money doesn’t lie under your feet” true?

Answers follow.

Host: Well, I suggest checking it out. Now a unique attraction will be presented to your attention: “Money Rain”. This is a very useful action. It is not for nothing that newlyweds are showered not only with rose petals, but also with wheat and small coins. We are far from getting married here, but experiencing the grace of the ringing and rustling rain is always useful and pleasant. But after the financial cloud flies away, you have to collect what attacks from it.

It's raining money from souvenir buffets. You can add a few hailstones (coins) to the “precipitation”. Teams collect money. The team that collects the most bills and coins wins.

Alik Farber's song "Money, how I love you, my money" is playing.

The final. "Distributing elephants and gifts."

Host: While the life-affirming song is playing, the teams count their capital and calculate how much they earned this evening, not forgetting to take into account that the initial amount was NN.

The ABBA Ensemble's song "Mani-mani-mani" is playing

Host: So, the money has been counted, the results are impressive. During our short evening, team N earned nn banknotes in hard (wooden) currency and took an honorable second place. She is given an irredeemable ruble.

There is applause and a gift is given.

Presenter: With a slight margin of mm characters, team M became the absolute winner. In this connection, she is presented with a check in the amount of the capital earned today, and all team members receive the honorary title “Money Bag”.

(For organizers: Costumes can be prepared for the winners: bags with cut holes for the head and arms, with appropriate inscriptions and decorations. One of them can be tried on and demonstrated.)

There is applause and gifts are given.

Advice from the author:
In a small company, or at a fun seminar, you can arrange a tea party with meaning and benefit.
To do this, place a small sheet of paper under each cup. Stir the tea with a simple pencil. (You can determine the number of stirrings in advance. For the Merry Wizards, for example, the number 27 is considered magical. But you can also use your own lucky number). After that, everyone writes on a piece of paper: TEA, THERE WILL BE MONEY! The piece of paper must be placed in your wallet. Let him work as bait for money. And don't forget about the heroes of the occasion. You can “feed” your wallets with semolina. And scatter the temptation at the door. Let the money know where to go))) We wish all our users wealth and prosperity!

All corporate companies work differently. However, they are all united by the fact that not every employee wants to organize a special event. Moreover, sometimes they have to do it under duress. Therefore, it is not surprising that many corporate events are boring and monotonous. This is especially true for all kinds of professional holidays, for example, Accountant's Day. But even a corporate party on such an occasion can be made truly fun and memorable if you take the choice of games and competitions for Accountant’s Day seriously.


For this corporate event in honor of Accountant's Day, you need to be well prepared. However, if the celebration takes place in the office, then this will not be difficult. To conduct this competition, you need to prepare two office chairs, two stacks of paper, four pens, and two wastebaskets. Chairs must be placed in the middle of the hall. Opposite them at the same distance, approximately three meters, you need to place empty waste baskets.

After all preparations are completed, it is necessary to divide the workers into two teams of four people, each of which will include one accountant. It is accountants who should sit on chairs, holding a pen in their hand. The remaining participants should line up next to the chairs. The last participant should hold a pack of beeches in his hands, and the middle one should hold a pen. The last employee gives the sheet to his partner with a pen, he writes the word “Order” on it and gives it to the first. He reads what is written on the sheet and gives the sheet to the accountant sitting on the chair. The accountant puts his signature on the piece of paper, crumples it and throws it into a basket standing three meters away.

The competition lasts three minutes. The winning team is determined by the number of crumpled sheets in the basket.

The progress of the holiday

In fact, the course of the holiday will be completely ordinary, and there will be nothing special about it. But, nevertheless, it will contain something that was missing in other holidays, the desire to be first. The celebration will begin with an opening speech with errors. This speech will help everyone present to feel relief and relax a little. After this, the main characters will begin to hold contests and competitions for intelligence. After all the competitions have been held, participants will enjoy a fiery dance of invited people who will be dressed in numbers. After this small demonstration performance, all participants and guests are invited to the festive table, where they can fully enjoy the holiday and feel at their best.

1. Distribution of roles: This time there will be no special distribution of roles at all. And all because the main roles had already been given to Dunno and Znayka. All the other participants will simply be those who will make the holiday more fun and interesting, and without whom it would be completely impossible to do.

2. Costumes and makeup: All participants will wear those costumes that fully convey the feeling of the holiday. Everyone must have numbers on their clothes. Also, numbers are painted on the faces of each participant with special paint. The drawing will be beautiful and therefore it will be nice to see it on your face.

3. The main part of this thematic holiday will be the holding of various interesting contests and competitions, which will once again make everyone understand what a smart person they are. At the same time, none of the competitions will strain them. So those who really want to have a lot of fun and have a good time can easily do so. You just need to try to put in as much effort as possible and do everything better. And only in this case the result will begin to be seen and it will become clear that everyone is pleased to be at this theme evening. Each competition will bring only pleasant moments and endlessly give the brightest and most pleasant emotions, which are so often lacking in ordinary life.

"Salary from paper clips"

To conduct this competition you need to prepare two packages of paper clips. The host divides the guests into two teams of eight people. If the team is small and does not allow creating such large teams, then each of them can include four people. The presenter hands the teams paper clips and asks them to create the word “Salary” from this stationery. If there are eight people on a team, then each participant creates one letter, which must consist of at least ten paper clips. If each team consists of four people, then each participant needs to create two letters and paper clips. When all the letters are ready, participants must lay out the treasured word. The team that manages to do this faster will win.

"Count the money"

For this competition, you need to prepare a Whatman paper on which you need to draw banknotes of different denominations. Whatman paper must be placed on the table, to which everyone must be called to participate in the competition. The participants' task is to count the amount of money drawn on whatman paper as quickly as possible. Having counted the amount, the participant must whisper the number in the presenter’s ear so that the other competitors do not hear. The presenter writes down the time of the first participant and the amount he named, and then calls the second. The participant who was able to name the correct amount of money in the shortest possible time wins. This competition can reveal who can count money faster than an accountant at work.

Festive table

No holiday can do without a festive table. After all, this is a component of every holiday, which reminds us so pleasantly of ourselves. After all the participants have completed all the competitions, they will finally be able to enjoy feasting on their various delicacies. Everyone will be seated at a large table, on which there will be a wide variety of goodies, decorated in the form of mathematical numbers and signs. On the table there will be a cake and numbers, cupcakes, pastries, cakes, jelly, juice, tea, compote and sweet water. Everything will need to be beautifully designed so that everyone can enjoy looking at what exactly characterizes a holiday themed party. Also, all participants will be able to have a good conversation at the table and feel a friendly mood towards each other.


This competition is ideal for any corporate event in the sales department, but it can also be held on Accountant’s Day. The essence of the competition is that all guests are given the same amount of play money and a set of balls at the beginning of the evening. During the evening, participants must sell and buy balloons. At the end of the evening, the host will count the amount of money each participant has and announce the winner. It is up to the participants to decide which scheme to use for selling and buying balloons. For example, you can lower the price for them, or you can sell all the balls together at a wholesale price. Accountants may also like this game.

The plot of the holiday

Everyone should know the story of Dunno and Znayka. A Know-Nothing is a person who has never thought about the correctness of his answers. He's used to everyone calling him stupid. And that’s why I’m not used to worrying too much about what I said. But Znayka has always been smart. He knows about everything, and can always give a smart and intelligible answer. Looking at Dunno, Znayka cannot tolerate his stupidity. And therefore he always tries to do everything so that this time his friend can understand and do everything right. Dunno and Znayka often find themselves in those funny situations that make them friendlier. After all, in order to get out of them, they have to use not only intelligence and knowledge, but also ingenuity and ingenuity.

"Small coin"

To conduct this competition, it is necessary to prepare a large number of coins of different denominations. After this, you need to distribute coins in equal quantities to two participants, which can be two accountants. Then you need to blindfold them and exchange money with each other for three minutes by touch. That is, one contestant gives another a coin of a certain denomination, and he must give him the same amount of money, but in several coins. After three minutes, it is necessary to count the number of coins for each participant. If the amount of money for both contestants is the same, then both participants have won. If someone has more money, then none of them wins.


Everyone loves gifts, and that’s why they are expected so often. They are the ones who can bring so much joy and happiness to any home. That's why no holiday party can do without them. There will also be gifts at the accountant's holiday. They will be placed on a special table on which beautifully packaged boxes will lie. All gifts will be packed in small boxes, which will be decorated according to the holiday. The gifts this time will be bracelets, keychains, stickers and figurines.

If everyone tries to do everything to enjoy the holiday they are at, then everything will work out. After all, only if everyone is interested, only then will a pleasant atmosphere of celebration and happiness appear. That's why everyone needs to try their best and remember everything from the best side, while keeping all the memories in their memory.

There are many different holidays in the world.
There are local and international holidays, traditional and unusual: Hug Day, Blonde Day, Egg Day, Dormouse Day, Chocolate Day, Spontaneous Kindness Day, Cucumber Day and even Toilet Day. So, there are a wide variety of holidays, but there is no Money Day! It's time to restore justice.
The proposed “Money Day” scenario can be used for a home party or corporate holiday (for example, Accountant’s Day or Financier’s Day).
Such a ringing and rustling holiday can be arranged on a birthday or on any calendar holiday by adding appropriate toasts and slightly changing the eyeliner. After all, this day is not tied to a date, and therefore you can celebrate it on any day, and as many times as you like. This can also be used to conduct fun seminars on the topic... “Happiness is not in money, but in quantity!” It has been noticed that after such parties there is always more money in the pocket, and wallets become heavier.
Preparation: First, let's set the festive table, the menu of which will delight the heroes of the occasion. (Let me remind you that the heroes of our celebration are MONEY).

Prepare a beautiful menu where you remind guests of the importance of this or that dish on the festive table.
Additional materials and musical inserts are included. Tips for organizers are in italics.
Required details:

— Small money (coins) in large quantities - some of them will serve as incentive tokens, others will be starting capital for teams;

— Socks (2 or 3 according to the number of teams), which will contain the “starting capital” of the teams;

— Printed “Money Menu”. The menu can be read out; you will find the text in the first words of the Host.

— Souvenir money or candy wrappers, acting as banknotes;

— Plates with signs or names of currencies for the “Mad Money” competition;

— The irredeemable ruble is a banknote in denomination of one ruble, which was in circulation in the USSR (if you don’t have it, you can draw or print a copy of it from the Internet);

— Costumes “Money Bag”, for the finale “Distribution of Elephants and Gifts”

Money menu:

Pancakes with cabbage - so that there is a lot of cabbage Mushrooms - to bring everyone to you Fried fish with a golden crust - to fulfill material desires Pork in any form - a symbol of prosperity and wealth Various greens - for green dollars Grapes - a symbol of abundance Kiwi - green fruits that for money, and they are also shaggy, therefore, for big money Tea - for aspirations Lemons - for millions Halva - for freebies Chocolate - so that everything is in chocolate Well, and, of course, semolina to lure MANY You can wash it all down LEMON-to-the-house - so that millions will fly to your home.

Don't forget about money scents: orange, bergamot, cinnamon, patchouli, rosemary and others.

(Those who are familiar with the OXYMORON technique will probably supplement the menu with their “own” dishes. If you use this scenario to conduct a fun seminar, then “sit” purses (open) in the center of the festive table, let them inhale the aromas and eat - treat and fill up)

"Tax audit"

An ideal competition for celebrating Accountant's Day, in which the whole team can participate. The participants stand in a circle, and the driver, who acts as a tax inspector, comes into the center. The participants' task is to pass a coin behind each other's backs so that the driver does not notice. At any time, the inspector can stop the game and check who currently has the coin. If he guessed right, then the participant who had the coin in his hands changes places with the inspector.

Participants compete in twos. Each of them holds a roll of toilet paper in their hands. Other players approach them, extend their hands forward, and the “accountants” wrap several layers of paper around their hands. The winner is the one who distributes the entire “salary” faster, that is, unwinds the entire roll of paper. The winner is usually the one who first guesses to ask the “recipients” to spread their arms wider, and also gives out generous “bonuses” and “extras”.

Quarterly report

Participants are given identical sheets of paper. Each of them rolls them as many times as possible. Then the “reports” are signed and handed over to the presenter. The presenter unfolds each sheet, counting the number of folds. The player who managed to make more folds than the others becomes the winner of the competition.

Finance sings romances

A musical and mathematical competition in which participating teams are asked to remember as many songs as possible that contain references to money or numbers in the text. The numbers are summed up to calculate points. In this case, “100” and “1000” are counted as “1”, that is, without taking into account zeros. The team with the most points wins. And the participant who names the song “A Million Scarlet Roses” is given an incentive candy.


Participants stand in a circle. One of the participants is appointed as a “tax inspector” and is located in the center of the circle. He turns slowly and carefully watches the players, and they pass a coin to each other behind their backs, trying so that the “tax office” does not notice this. If the coin has made a full circle, then the inspector continues to lead. If he notices who has the coin, then this particular participant becomes the new “inspector”.

Debit with credit

Participants are divided into two teams, each of which receives a marker. A sheet of Whatman paper is hung in front of the teams and divided into two parts. At the leader’s command, participants take turns running up to whatman paper, drawing a figure (one team draws crosses, the other draws zeros), then return and pass the marker to the next participant. The winners are determined by comparing the number of zeros and crosses. The team that drew fewer figures fulfills as many wishes of the other as there were not enough figures to reach an even count (balance).

Spin as hard as you can

At the very beginning of the holiday, each participant receives the same set of game notes and balls. During the event, participants try to buy as many balls as possible from each other, as well as sell their stocks at a higher price. At the end, “commodity and cash balances” are calculated. The “richest” one becomes the winner, and the “poorest” one inflates all his balloons.

Hundreds of thousands of people will celebrate Bank Worker's Day and Accountant's Day. And almost all companies and banks will have corporate events and parties. And to make your holiday fun and funny, we offer you our competitions. We bring to your attention competitions for Accountant and Bank Worker Day. Competitions with money, for money and for money. Because both accountants and bank employees work with money.

1. Competition - Best Employee of the Month.

The essence of this competition is to identify the best employee of the month, or any other period of time. For this we need willing people. On the table in front of each participant are piles of coins in denominations of 10 and 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5 and 10 rubles. But each coin is in a separate pile. Team members must start counting the money in each pile, and then add up all their counts, so to speak, balance. The one who is the first, and most importantly, to accurately say the amount in each of his piles and the total, is declared the winner of the competition. In order to prevent the presenter from having to count the coins behind the players, it is better to put the same number of coins on each table for each participant.

2. Competition – Money in the Bank.

And again, we need everyone to participate in the competition. Again, jars or glass containers are placed on the tables. But such that you can stick your hand into them and move it into the jars. Each jar contains paper money of any denomination. And the greater the number of bills, the merrier. Participants are blindfolded and, by putting their hand into their jar, they must determine by touch how much money is in the jar. The one who says more accurately will be the winner. Well, if anyone guesses the exact amount, he can take the money for himself.

3. Competition - Money for free.

This is a team competition. Determine the number of people in teams yourself. For this competition, you need to buy fake banknotes from your country's bank in advance from souvenir shops. And it is important to buy an even number, for example, 10 bills of 10 rubles, 10 bills of 50 rubles, 10 bills of 100 rubles, 10 bills of 500 rubles and 10 bills of 1000 rubles. Each team is given a rope, on which they hang your purchased money again on the rope. And each team needs to put up the same amount of money to make it fair. Money needs to be hung in disarray. Each team member in turn is blindfolded and given scissors in their hands. And they go to the rope and cut off two or one bills. Just make sure that after all the participants have cut off the money on the ropes, the bills must remain hanging, otherwise there will be a draw in the competition. That is, if there are 5 participants in a team, and the bills weigh 20, then each person cuts off 3 bills. And thus each team will have 15 bills, and 5 will hang on the ropes. The team with the most money wins. If there is a draw, then you can start one more participant so that they cut off one bill each. And it is important that in the competition they don’t tell each other, let them remember where and what the banknote weighs.

4. Competition - Emblem made of money.

This competition can be held in teams or one person at a time. And for the competition you can use both real money and money bought in souvenir shops. The essence of the competition is to lay out, or rather, come up with, an emblem for your holiday on the table using money. It could be a person, it could be a circle, it could be anything. Whoever makes the most beautiful and original emblem wins. And if the money is real, then, according to tradition, you can take it for yourself.

Key tags:

Some people crossed paths with them, and this is how a comic skit came out: “Congratulations on Accountant’s Day.” A young accountant, Sofia Shesternenko, advised and helped. Everything that is right and decent is from her, the rest is from me. Today I'm being a little naughty.

For congratulations, you can stage this scene in person or simply come out with sheets of paper and read, so to speak, the manuscript. Go. And then look into

Comic scene

“Congratulations on Accountant’s Day”

The day of an accountant in an average company is a kind of motley collective image. It is no longer socialism, but not yet capitalism either, so there are signs of both systems. A meeting room with employees as a support group, and accounting as heroes of the occasion. On the makeshift stage there is a table for guests of honor and some kind of podium. Two men are sitting at the table, the third place is empty.

A local entertainer in the role of host of the holiday announces:

Dear friends! Today our guests specially came to congratulate our accountants on their professional holiday. An accountant is an interesting profession, and as your cash flow grows, it becomes more and more interesting. True, it is both more dangerous and more dangerous. “Our service is both dangerous and difficult” - this has long been a song not about the police, it is a song about accountants. And if it is useful for an ordinary person to have a doctor, a judge and a lawyer as friends, then for an accountant, in addition to this, a couple of inspectors in different authorities.

One of them came to us today for a holiday. The floor is given to tax inspector Marina Anatolyevna Shapoval!... And where is Marina Anatolyevna?

A lady with glasses and a briefcase quickly flies into the hall, goes to the table, rummages through the briefcase, takes out a pile of sheets and exclaims:

(Congratulations to accountants

from the tax inspector)

I understand it’s a holiday and all that, but reports must be submitted on time! You are 4 days late with your report and 2 days late in paying your taxes! Of course, I’ve already charged you penalties and fines, but it’s still a blatant disgrace!

No, we did everything on time!

Inspector: — ?

From the audience: - No, “SuperBukh”!


Oh, well then, okay, I ran to them. And I congratulate you all on Accountant’s Day, and may your VAT only be refundable, and may the tax holidays last forever for you. (Cries of “Hurray” and applause rang out from the audience.) Just kidding, can't wait! But you will still pay the fine - well, for prevention. I left the order with the secretary.

The lady grabbed her briefcase and rushed away like a whirlwind, leaving confused faces in the hall.

Coughing quietly, the next guest came out from behind the table - a thin man in an expensive suit and glasses with equally expensive frames.

(Congratulations to accountants from the creditor bank)

My name is Roman Albertovich, I represent your creditor bank.

The confusion on the faces of the employees gave way to horror.

The line of credit that our bank provided to your company has become an unbearable burden for both you and us. You are systematically delaying loan payments; The new equipment for which the loan was taken out was never shown to us. The cash flow statements we requested from you are more like old wives' tales, and classic double entry is the basis of accounting! – you have turned into blatant double-entry bookkeeping. And just don’t need to tell me here that they teach this at school - we write 2, 1 in our mind - I know it myself!... Well, today is your holiday, on which I congratulate you. Okay, we'll talk about it after the holiday. But you can’t even count on factoring! And we will revoke all acceptances too!

The speaker busily returned to the table, from where another guest slowly began to emerge - a large man in a slightly rumpled suit. In one hand he had a piece of paper, which he looked at as if it were a cheat sheet, in the other, a folded handkerchief, with which he kept blotting his red face.

Debit with credit

Participants are divided into two teams, each of which receives a marker. A sheet of Whatman paper is hung in front of the teams and divided into two parts. At the leader’s command, participants take turns running up to whatman paper, drawing a figure (one team draws crosses, the other draws zeros), then return and pass the marker to the next participant. The winners are determined by comparing the number of zeros and crosses. The team that drew fewer figures fulfills as many wishes of the other as there were not enough figures to reach an even count (balance).

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