Interesting games and competitions in nature for adults, part 2

Link to the first selection of outdoor activities

Everyone loves outdoor recreation. Fresh air, delicious food and fun entertainment will make a simple picnic a great time. If everything is clear with the first two points, then you will have to work hard with the third. How to choose and organize leisure time correctly in order to have fun and not get discouraged? This is what we will talk about now.

In order to properly organize your vacation and choose suitable entertainment, you need to decide how exactly you want to spend your time. There are many different variations of outdoor recreation.

The first option is the simplest - relaxation without entertainment. It is enough to organize a picnic and just enjoy the surrounding beauty and clean air. But only after all the goodies have been eaten and there is nothing to do - the vacation will quickly become dull and will not bring bright impressions. However, such a pastime cannot be ruled out - after all, everyone has different tastes and sometimes you just want to relax.

The second option is suitable for lovers of active recreation. It is enough to dilute your leisure time in nature with various sports games. You can play volleyball, football or badminton.

The third option is somewhat unusual, but very interesting. Various quests, paintball and airsoft will give you unforgettable emotions and vivid impressions.

The fourth option is the most popular and interesting. Diversify your leisure time with competitions. Absolutely everyone can take part. It is enough to prepare an exciting program.

It is the last option that we will talk about in more detail. Below are some interesting outdoor competitions for adults that will be a pleasant addition to your picnic.

Competition "Guess Who"

Perfect for a noisy and cheerful company. The competition goes like this. One of the guys needs to be blindfolded. Girls are hardly lined up. The guy must determine who is in front of him using any means available. Girls, in turn, are not allowed to say a word or do anything that could give them away.

All the guys are blindfolded in turn, and the girls are swapped. After all participants have voiced their answers, the number of points for each player is calculated and the winner is determined.

Then we do the opposite - we blindfold the girls.

Competition "Beer Checkers"

To carry it out, you need to draw a kind of chessboard with chalk or paint on the asphalt or grass. In each cell you need to place a small glass of beer (for the more daring, you can put cans or bottles of beer). Of course, the packaging should be different.

The players take on a real game of checkers, where the checkers themselves are beer. And when one of the players hits the checker, he must drink its contents as a reward. You cannot refuse your prize - this is perceived as a personal insult.


This is a Russian sports game with a two-century history. Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Chaliapin, Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Lenin and other famous people enjoyed playing gorodki.

In the 20th century, the game was wildly popular: there were sports clubs in towns, and all-Union competitions were held. In the 21st century, this fun has almost been forgotten. Representatives of the YAYA generation prefer bowling to small towns, but maybe they just haven’t tried it?

The goal of the game is to knock out the pieces with the least number of throws. Number of players : any. Playground size : city - 2 × 2 m; the far distance from the throwing point (kon) is 13 m, the closest distance (half-kon) is 6.5 m. Equipment : gorodoshny ryuks and bats.

Rules of the game

The towns use 15 figures: “cannon”, “fork”, “star” and so on. The rules for constructing figures and their sequence are described here.

Gorodoshnoe field and figures

You can play one on one or in teams (at least five people in each). The maximum task for the player is to knock out a piece from the city (and suburbs) with a minimum number of bat throws. The first throw is made from the stake. If it was not possible to knock out a piece with one blow, then they throw it again, this time from the half-kon.

Towns are a democratic game. You can play on any flat surface: asphalt, dirt, lawn. Markings can be made with chalk or spray paint. In this case, the size of the site can be reduced, and the rules can be simplified. For example, you may not draw the suburbs or use only the simplest shapes.

DIY tent game

This game is perfect for playing somewhere in the forest. All those present must be divided into two teams and given the task of building a real hut. The time should not be stretched, but it is better to limit it to 20-30 minutes. The hut must have strong walls and a roof. A prerequisite is that all team members must fit into it. You can use any materials - sticks, leaves... The team whose hut will be more stable, stronger and can accommodate all participants will win.


This competition is held if a mixed-sex company goes to nature. The presenter goes around everyone present and assigns a letter to the men, and a number to the women. Now a blanket is spread on the grass, the psychic sits there in the lotus position and begins to shape destinies. HE shouts out a combination of letters and numbers, for example Zh9. The girl, who is assigned 9, runs to the screamer and kisses him on the cheek. But the young man who is assigned the letter Z must react even faster and intercept the girl even before the kiss. If he succeeds, then he kisses the lady himself and a “couple” is formed. If he didn’t make it in time, then now the latecomer will have to drive.

“Pass the bag” relay race

Good old-fashioned relay races can also be a great way to have fun.

You need to prepare a small bag of peas or sand. At the venue, draw two parallel lines at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other. Or simply designate them conditionally, where two trees can become the starting point. Next, you need to divide everyone present into 2 teams. Players from both teams line up next to each other near one of the lines. The first participant is placed on his head. Players from both teams start at the same time. The participant must walk with this small bag on his head to the second line, sit down, turn around three times around his axis, return to the team and pass the bag to the next player. If the bag falls during the task, the player returns to the team and performs all the actions again. The team whose members complete the task first will win.

It is interesting to conduct a relay race when everyone present has had a little drink and it will be more difficult to complete the task.

Game "Bring it whole"

For this fun game, you need to divide everyone present into teams of 2 people. One of them will be a cook, and the other a courier. Roles can be assigned by drawing lots. The chef's task is simple. He needs to stand with a conventional frying pan (or a real one) and wait for the courier. But for a courier the task is more difficult. He is given a spoon and a raw egg. The task is to bring the egg, lying in a spoon, which is clamped in the teeth, intact to the cook. The distance between team members must be at least 5 meters. But the more, the better. The team whose courier brings the whole egg first will win.


Nick King/
This is an ancient game, known back to Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. In those days, round stones were thrown, thereby practicing accuracy. In the Middle Ages, authorities placed a taboo on petanque: fencing and archery were considered more useful activities. But despite everything, the game has survived to this day and is very popular in Europe, especially in France.

Goal of the game : score 13 points. Number of players : two teams, each with no more than 3 people. Playground size : 15 × 4 m. Equipment : wooden ball with a diameter of 3 cm (cochonet), 12 metal balls with a diameter of 7–8 cm.

Rules of the game

The game uses no more than 12 metal balls. If a team consists of one or two players, then each of them plays with three balls. If teams have three players, then they have two balls at their disposal. Team balls must be visually different.

The lot determines which team starts the game. She draws a circle with a diameter of 30–50 cm on the site and throws a wooden ball - a cochonette. After this, the players stand in a circle and throw their balls, trying to place them as close to the jack as possible. You can touch and knock down your opponents' balls, as well as change the position of the jack, but you cannot go beyond the boundary of the circle.

When all the balls are thrown, the points are counted. The team whose ball is closest to the jack wins. But to find out how many points the winners earned, you need to count how many triumphant balls are in the radius limited by the ball of the losing team closest to the jack. How many balls are in the radius - how many points the team earned in this round. The game goes to 13 points.

Once you master the rules (you can find them on the website of the Russian Petanque Federation or in the video: part 1, part 2), you will understand how exciting petanque is. It has both a sports and an intellectual component. It is necessary not only to accurately throw rather heavy balls, but also to build game tactics.

Game "Time to Jump"

This entertainment is analogous to jumping over a fire. But if jumping over fire is quite dangerous, then jumping over a “log” is very simple, and most importantly, safe for health. For the role of a log, you can choose a person who is fast asleep, who will definitely be found not far from strong drinks. Just remember that you definitely need to jump over the newly made “log” an even number of times, because otherwise it won’t grow J

The main thing in the game is to have time to capture each participant during the jump.

How to prepare for a picnic?

Usually spontaneous decisions are the most successful. But, unfortunately, this does not apply to going out into nature. It is better to prepare for such an event in advance so that your vacation does not turn into a search for a replacement for those important things that you forgot to take with you.

When planning to go outdoors with friends, discuss what you can take for a picnic, and at the same time check the exact number of participants in this event. This will make it easier to calculate the amount of food and drinks, as well as take into account all preferences.

If you are going to relax with a small company or in a narrow family circle, you can take on the organizational issues yourself. But if there is a large number of trips, it is better to appoint several people responsible for the organization.

Advice from make an exact list of people and a list of dishes, and according to this, calculate the number of products you need to buy.

Raffle game “Let’s get into formation together”

Before the start, one leader is selected. Next, all players line up in one line with their backs to the leader. The presenter must walk along all the participants and pat each one on the back or shoulder with his palm. The number of times a person claps is the serial number of a person. After everyone has received their share of claps, the participants must line up in a row, following their serial number. At the same time, no one has the right to utter a word. The whole catch is that the presenter can give the same number of claps to some participants.

It looks very funny when all the participants, winking, stamping their feet and whistling, try to create a formation. So be sure to film it - it will be interesting for the players to watch themselves later.

The most fun outdoor recreation. 100 best ideas

Modern picnic

Nowadays, for a modern picnic, everything you need for an easy and carefree trip outside the city is on sale. In order not to have to worry about chopping firewood, you can stock up on birch charcoal for ignition, stainless steel skewers and a barbecue in advance. Instead of an old unnecessary blanket, it will be much more pleasant to sit and enjoy the surrounding nature in a waterproof chair, which often comes with a blanket. And to prevent food from spoiling, you don’t have to wrap it in several layers in newspaper; it’s much easier and more practical to purchase a thermal bag or a portable mini-fridge. Now you don't have to put things like a compass, flashlight or small portable radio in your pockets. In modern stores there are “five-in-one”, “ten-in-one” devices, etc. In some small-looking box there will be a flashlight, a compass, and a radio; and in the barbecue set you will also find a “super smart” fork, which will tell you whether the meat is ready, and a spatula will indicate the mass of meat...

Thanks to science and technology, our lives are becoming easier every day. Therefore, now a modern picnic is distinguished by its simplicity and ease of implementation.

So, a picnic involves relaxing in nature in the company of friends, loved ones or just acquaintances. However, it doesn’t matter who you are with whom you went on vacation, the main thing is that a picnic is not possible alone. The main conditions for a picnic are fun and communication. The picnic must be organized so that no one gets bored. The atmosphere should be informal, friendly, conducive to communication. Each picnic participant should receive not only pleasure from communication, but also emotional release. A picnic is the same celebration, only nature is chosen as the place of celebration. In V. Dahl's dictionary you can find the following definition of the word picnic: “A treat for a club or a country feast of fraternity.” “Brotherhood” came to us from the everyday life of Ancient Rus'. Even in those days, people began to hold gatherings in nature. Various entertainment games were planned. The most common thing was to make a fire and jump over it. Our ancestors carefully prepared for outdoor recreation. It was usually planned several days before it took place. It was customary to celebrate various holidays in nature, such as Maslenitsa or Ivan Kupala. Weddings were also usually celebrated outdoors. Traditionally, a large table made of wood (usually oak) was placed in the center of the courtyard. Long benches, also made of wood, were placed parallel to the table. The table was covered with a tablecloth (usually white). Honey and bread were integral elements at any such feast. For such a celebration, outfits were carefully selected. Girls and women wore elegant sundresses and decorated their heads with festive wreaths. Men and boys wore bright caftans and tunics. After the meal, it was customary to dance in circles and sing ditties. Dancing was also common. Men and young people staged fist fights.

The tradition of outdoor recreation has not lost its relevance in our time. Picnics can be organized either for a specific reason (holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) or for no reason with the goal of simply relaxing. The most important thing is to agree with all participants in the fun about the time and place of the meeting. Naturally, we should not forget about the issues of collaborating, but more on that later. The question is who will organize the picnic. If it is organized by one person, then he will have to be responsible for organizing, planning and distributing financial expenses. It is best to go on a picnic with your company. There are some very important advantages here.

1. You are going on a picnic with people you know well. Therefore, it will be easier to get together.

2. It will be much easier to resolve purely organizational issues: who contributes how much (or is everything financed by one person, as happens in the case of a birthday), choosing a place and time for a picnic, deciding what is easier to get to the holiday site.

3. The most important thing is relaxation with friends. Guaranteed opportunity for mental relaxation.

Family picnics are common - trips to nature by one or more families. Picnics are also held to resolve business issues. Outdoor recreation encourages closer communication and helps to establish contact with business partners. However, picnics are most often held with a group of friends or loved ones.

How does a picnic differ from other types of recreation?

4. A picnic involves relaxing in nature. No matter how quickly technological progress advances, and with it the development of the entertainment industry, people always feel the need to unite with nature.

5. A picnic excludes hunting or fishing. Hunting and fishing are so-called professional recreational activities. Going hunting or fishing does not mean just catching game or catching fish and, after roasting it over a fire, enjoying the taste of the catch in the company of friends. Both hunting and fishing require the use of carefully thought-out tactics. They are a kind of ritual that hunters and fishermen repeat year after year.

3. A picnic should not be equated with such types of recreation as, for example, a hike. In fact, a picnic excludes a wide acquaintance with the area where it is taking place or various attractions. A picnic is a social getaway that involves socializing and enjoying food.

4. A picnic requires careful planning. It is necessary to decide in advance on the place and time of the event, menu, transport, list of participants and everything that you need to take with you when going on a picnic.

Organizing a picnic

How to organize a holiday in nature? The easiest way at first glance is to contact an event organization company. Real professionals will help you not only decide on the place and time of the holiday, but also create a menu, organize entertainment and, of course, provide delivery to the picnic site and back home. Contacting such companies is absolutely not difficult. You can find out phone numbers and addresses both from the help desk and using the Internet. But isn’t it more interesting to organize your own vacation? Naturally, this requires creativity, ingenuity and organizational skills. Planning a picnic is not the easiest task. But it's worth it. As mentioned earlier, there are two types of picnics: with and without reason. Before you start planning your vacation, you need to choose a leader, a responsible person who will organize the holiday. Nothing can be missed. Every detail must be thought out to the smallest detail. Let's start with what the essentials are.

1. Dishes.

It is best to take plastic or iron utensils, as they do not break. The danger with glassware is that if you or someone in your party breaks a glass plate or cup, there is a risk of cutting yourself from the shards. Most often, vacationers prefer plastic dishes. Firstly, it does not break, and secondly, upon arrival home you will not need to wash it (plastic dishes are not expensive and are used as disposable ones). So, for a picnic you will need plates, spoons, forks, cups, plastic bowls, pots, skewers (if your plans include cooking barbecue), a pair of steel knives for cutting meat and other products.

2. Napkins and towels.

Take with you towels that you will no longer need, because it is easy to guess what condition they will be in after the picnic, and a container of clean water (for washing your hands).

3. Firewood, coals and paper

for making a fire. Naturally, a lighter or matches.

4. Garbage collection package.

5. First aid kit with medicines and bandages.

6. Blankets,

on which you will place the products and position yourself.

Then you need to decide on the place and time of the picnic.

It is best to have a picnic in a proven place. If you decide to have a picnic in the forest, then it is best to choose an open clearing for the location. Since a picnic is most often held in sunny weather, you can do the following to avoid overheating in the sun: sit under the shade of trees or under a large sun umbrella.

A picnic, in fact, can be organized at any time. However, it is completely inconvenient to have a picnic at night (this type of recreation is usually accepted in children's camps). In order to set the time for a picnic, it is necessary to calculate the time spent on the road and on the fun itself. Usually people gather for a picnic from 11 am to 6 pm.

One of the main questions is how to get to the picnic site. The answer is a taxi. Naturally, you can choose a person from your company who has a car. However, there will most likely be alcoholic beverages at the picnic. The driver, of course, looking at his comrades, will also want to try alcohol. Therefore, it is better to abandon such an idea. So, in order to get to the picnic site, you need to:

1. The picnic organizer should call all the participants and agree to meet at a certain time in a certain place (at the organizer’s apartment, at a bus stop, or somewhere else). Call a taxi in advance and agree with the driver both on delivery to the picnic site and on the trip back.

2. Having gathered in advance with the picnic participants, check whether you have taken everything.

3. Charge cell phones before leaving home.

Upon arrival at the picnic site, before “laying out” the table, you need to carefully examine a small piece of the area where you are going to sit. There should be no glass or sharp objects on the ground (grass or sand). The ideal option would be to use a small folding picnic table. However, if you do not have such a wonderful invention, you can use ordinary oilcloth and a thin blanket: first lay the oilcloth, and then lay the blanket on top of it. Remember that the oilcloth and blanket must be large so that not only food, but also picnic participants can fit on them. You can use several blankets.

A fire, as a rule, is an integral element of any picnic. You also need to choose a suitable place for the fire. In this case, you should take into account which direction the wind is blowing. The main thing is that when you light a fire, you are not disturbed by its smoke coming in your direction. The main thing is that before making a fire, do not forget to make sure that there is no anthill nearby.

When preparing barbecue, it is recommended to build two fires: one for the barbecue itself (here it is best to use a barbecue) and the second for cooking the rest of the food. At the end of the picnic, do not forget to clean up the rest area. First of all, extinguish the fire and cover the place where it was made with earth. Don't forget to pick up trash after yourself. It's best to bag up the remains of your vacation and throw the trash in a trash container while you're already in town.

One of the most important points is preparing food for a picnic. First, you need to call all the participants and decide who and how much money will allocate for the purchase of food. The next step is to make a list of products and everything you need. When compiling a list, it is also necessary to take into account the culinary preferences of the picnic participants. Then, having collected the required amount of money, go to the supermarket and buy groceries. It is not advisable to take foods that spoil quickly (animal products) unless you or your group will eat them almost immediately. When packing food with you, pack it in foil or paper. You should not use plastic containers and packaging - they do not allow air to pass through, and the food may simply go rotten. Having packed the food in this way, put it in the refrigerator (the food needs to be cooled, since you will have to travel to the picnic site in transport). After this, you can put your blanks in a large bag. First, the most chilled foods (meat, fish, which will be cooked at the picnic) are put into the bag, and then everything else. If you need foil to cook meat products (fish or chicken), it is better to take with you foil that is much denser than regular foil (the one you use for cooking in the oven). The temperatures of the fire and the oven are completely different. Using foil will protect food from burning.

Please note that products must be prepared properly. As a rule, traditional picnic products are meat (chicken, fish), vegetables and bread. Let's look at how food is prepared and prepared for a picnic.


Almost no picnic is complete without cooking meat or poultry (most often chicken). Meat and poultry are used to make barbecue. It is also customary to cook fish kebab. Meat for barbecue should be purchased on the day before the holiday itself. Remember that the meat must be fresh. So, you bought meat (chicken, fish) and brought it home. The next step is to marinate it. The cooking method depends on taste preferences.

Some people prefer fish soup to shish kebab. The most common mistake among fish soup lovers is that, when going on a picnic, they try to catch the fish themselves and cook it over the fire. Often such intentions do not justify themselves in practice. The fish are not biting, and the mood is ruined for all the picnic participants. Why You Need It? You can also practice fishing at other times, when no one is waiting for you or when you are in the company of fishermen.

Don't forget about cold cooked meat. Fry chicken, meat or fish at home in advance (boneless fish is best) and, after allowing the prepared dish to cool, take it with you on a picnic. Believe me, such treats will be in great demand.


As a rule, no picnic is complete without vegetables. Usually, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, and onions are taken for a picnic. Don't forget to bring a cutting board with you. So, upon arrival at your vacation spot, you can prepare a vegetable salad. Chop the tomato, cucumber and onion into a plastic bowl. Season with salt and mayonnaise, stir. You should not take already prepared salads with you. You can also just cut the vegetables into large pieces and let everyone take what they want.

Boiled jacket potatoes are one of the favorite dishes of outdoor vacationers. Naturally, potatoes can be baked in the oven at home. But it is unlikely that it will give you the same pleasure as the same potatoes, but cooked over coals. Cooking jacket potatoes in nature is very simple. Place unpeeled potato tubers on the coals of a burnt-out fire and let them bake for some time. Potatoes are very tasty if you eat them, season them with salt and mayonnaise and eat them with black bread.

Porridges are a hit with vacationers. Usually porridge is cooked at home. But porridge cooked over a fire is completely different. There is a feeling of Russian antiquity, when, going on a hike, good fellows cooked their stews and heroic porridges over a fire. Children especially like these porridges.

It is also customary to take boiled eggs with you on a picnic. They are usually eaten seasoned with salt and mayonnaise.

As you already understand, you should not go on a picnic without a good supply of salt. Salt is essential for any table. However, it should be noted that it is also impossible not to take bread for a picnic. Bread can be bought directly on the road to the vacation spot itself. Remember that the bread must be fresh. If you bought bread the day before the picnic, then keep in mind that it is better to slice the bread at the picnic. If you slice the bread at home, it may simply dry out on the way to the picnic.

Almost no picnic is complete without chips and crackers. Despite the fact that this food is not the main one, it is still difficult to do without it.

All kinds of canned goods are usually in demand. Sandwiches made from bread and fish roe are especially popular. You can also take pickles and tomatoes with you.

You can take sweet rolls, sweets and chocolates with you on a picnic. It is best to break chocolates into small pieces and place them on a plastic plate. Put the candies in a small bag - let everyone who wants to help themselves. Cut the rolls and cover with a paper napkin. Cookies, buns and buns will come in handy. It will be great if you take homemade cakes to your picnic, because such delicacies are always in demand.

Very often they take sausages, smoked meat and cheese with them. These products are used for preparing slices. The picnic cuts go pretty quickly.

If you have fruit lovers among you (and this is the case in most cases), you can also prepare fruit slices. But fruits are fruits, but you can hardly do without lemon. Lemon is an excellent seasoning for meat dishes.

Don’t forget about all kinds of seasonings: sauces, mayonnaise and spices. You may also find vegetable oil useful. So it would be a good idea if you poured some vegetable oil into a plastic bottle before going on a picnic.

You can take coffee, tea leaves and sugar with you. You might want to drink tea or coffee in nature with a bun.

What to drink and in what quantities?

The question “what to take to a picnic” concerns not only food, but also what you will drink at the holiday. Naturally, almost no picnic is complete without drinking. Alcoholic drinks, so to speak, are a necessity on any vacation. Here is a list of drinks that are most often stocked up on a picnic.

1. Beer. It can be called literally an omnipresent drink. Almost no celebration is complete without beer. Beer is popular among both men and women. There are different types of beer: for men and for women. Non-alcoholic beer was invented, with zero percent alcohol content. Beer goes well with almost all dishes, especially barbecue.

2. Wine. If there are ladies at the picnic, then most likely they will request something elegant and sophisticated. What is this? Of course, wine. The wine also goes well with barbecue and meat snacks. But it’s unlikely that wine will go well with chips and crackers.

3. Vodka. Vodka is also in demand at picnics. However, you should not buy this alcoholic drink in large quantities - after all, as you know, vodka is stronger than other alcoholic drinks.

Some people like to feel sophisticated and take a martini or champagne with them. Well, as they say, “there are no comrades according to taste.” Still, wine and beer are the most preferred.

If you go on a picnic with your children, don’t forget about them. Children first of all need to feel the joy of communicating with others. For children, going out into nature is always something surprising and wonderful. They have the opportunity to admire the scenery, play to their heart's content and, most importantly, feel like part of an adult company. As you know, nature inflames a serious appetite. Fresh air and plenty of food contribute to this. The child’s first desire upon arrival at the picnic site will be to “eat.” This is where sandwiches prepared at home and vegetables, fruits and other products chopped at a picnic may come in handy. As you know, children love everything sweet. In this case, you will need to stock up on chocolates or sweets. You can collect a special “baby bag” at home. You can put chips, waffles, candies, lollipops, fruits and so on in it. This way you can keep your child busy and save yourself from constant questions like “when will the kebab be ready?” For drinks, it is better to take natural juices or homemade compotes. Coca-Cola and other carbonated waters can irritate the stomach lining and cause problems.

You should also not prevent children from taking the initiative in preparing a barbecue or distributing food on a blanket. Let your children feel important and feel that you need them. However, at the same time, be vigilant and watch them closely. Remember, children need to feel like they are part of an adult company.

A great idea would be to prepare a special children's table for children. You don't need much effort here. Place the children's table next to yours. If a decent group of children gathers, they will feel equal to you. It will be much more fun for them to sit separately from adults, and it will be much easier for adults to communicate with each other. However, if there is only one child in the entire adult company, then he should in no way be forgotten. The child needs to feel like part of the company. He needs attention and interest in his person. A picnic means it should be fun and good for everyone, young and old.

Game "Pass it to someone else"

You can play it during a meal, when guests are already starting to get a little bored. All participants sit in a circle. One of the players is given a button. He places it on his index finger. Next, he must pass it to the next player without touching this button with his hands - only from finger to finger. And so on in a circle. The participant who was unable to pass the button is eliminated. The game continues until one winner is determined.

At first glance, the game is simple, but in reality it is quite difficult to pass the button. Especially in a noisy, cheerful company that whistles and shouts trying to knock down the players and distract them.

Game "Who's missing?"

It is best to play when the company is large and people in it are unfamiliar. But even when everyone knows each other well, this will not make the game any less interesting. One of the participants is blindfolded. At this time, someone present is hiding. Next, the person who was blindfolded has their eyes untied. He must guess which of the participants is missing, and when he succeeds, he must also describe what he was wearing. You can make the task more difficult. While guessing the missing guest, everyone else should not stand still, but constantly move in order to distract the guessing player.

Game "Unusual Figure"

This game is a variation of the well-known charades. One person is selected to be the judge. All those present are divided into teams of two. One of the team members must draw a figure on the back of another participant with his finger. You can make the figure simply imaginary, or you can glue a regular piece of paper on which to draw the figure with a pen, and then simply trace its contours with your finger on the player’s back. Reporting what is depicted is strictly prohibited. Next, the participant must dance, or simply step forward, to depict this figure. All other players must guess what was depicted on the participant’s back. The team whose figure is recognized by the majority of those present wins.

Game "Spin the Bottle"

You will need a regular bottle and several small sheets of paper. It is desirable that the number of leaves be slightly greater than the total number of all participants. Each player writes 1-2 tasks on a piece of paper, rolls it up and puts it in a bottle. Tasks should be interesting and funny. For example, climb a tree stump and depict an animal drawn in a picture or depict your friend who is present here drunk, etc. Next, spin the bottle and the one to whom it will point must take out one task and complete it.

See more cool tasks here.

Game "Lucky"

Suitable for a company that loves strong drinks. The participant is blindfolded. Take three stacks or plastic cups. Vodka is poured into two of them, and ordinary water into the third. The player's task is to drink the contents of one glass and wash it down with another. It’s very funny to watch these, because not everyone is able to drink water with vodka.

If you don’t have enough time to prepare, but you want to entertain your friends and family with something more than just a competition or a game, a quest will be an excellent solution.

12 ready-made various tasks will help you spend an hour and a half with fun and excitement. See more details here.

A universal quest for a summer house, a personal plot or in nature

Making family holidays with children safe

Each family chooses a safe place differently; it should be as far as possible from industrial structures, factories and roadways. It is best to study the surroundings of the proposed vacation spot in advance.

Don't forget about safety:

  • On the beach

Throughout the rest, make sure that the child is wearing a hat . Purchase sun protection cream in advance. The lighter the skin, the higher the level of UV protection the cream should have. For little ones, the level of protection should be maximum. If you have a large umbrella, it will come in handy to protect yourself from the sun.

Make sure everyone in the family drinks plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Try to drink more at the beach than at home. As the ambient temperature rises, the amount of fluid needed by the body increases.

Do not allow them to sunbathe on sand or pebbles or walk barefoot as there is a risk of insect bites. Babies should lie on a mat or blanket and wear shoes.

  • On the water

You can only swim in places equipped for this. Choose a clearing near the rescue point. Under no circumstances allow your child to swim without adult supervision , as he will not be able to independently determine the strength of the current. To prevent babies from getting hypothermic, they need to spend no more than half an hour in the water.

Forbid the children to drink water from the pond . Before bathing children, an adult should go into the water and check the bottom for glass and stones, and also assess the depth. Enter the water carefully, as the pebbles are slippery and you may fall. Do not allow children to go too far into the water ; encourage them to swim along the shore.

  • In the forest

When going into the forest with children, adults need to know the rules of behavior in the forest. By following these rules, you will truly enjoy your vacation.

  • Notify your loved ones or friends about where you are going. The route should be well known, do not go far from the chosen place, so that when leaving the forest you can go in the right direction.
  • In the forest, watch your children, even if they are adults. Your child should always be in sight.

  • To avoid cases of poisoning, explain to children in advance that any gifts of nature must be shown to adults before they are eaten.
  • Prohibit children from destroying anthills and bird nests.
  • In the forest, you need to dress so that ticks do not crawl under your clothes. Closed shoes, trousers tucked into socks or with elasticated cuffs, a turtleneck, a hat (outer clothing can be treated with tick repellent).
  • Instill in your children the correct behavior in nature by your example: do not make noise, do not litter.
  • Be sure to put garbage that does not rot (plastic bags, plastic bottles) into bags and take it with you.

The most important rule in any place you stay is do not leave children unattended!

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