Wedding forfeits for guests: how to choose comic tasks for a wedding?

Competitions and skits for weddings

  • Forfeits for wedding guests
  • Task “Guess the song”
  • Task “Continue the saying”
  • Fanta "Question - Action"
  • Fanta “Get to know the guest better”
  • Tasks for the bride and groom at a wedding
    • Assignment “How well do partners know each other”
    • Quest “Gift for the Bride”
  • Wedding forfeits in verse
  • A wedding is an important event in the life of every couple in love. To properly prepare for the celebration, it is important to decide not only on the host, but also on the competitions. Recently, forfeits with various interesting tasks . They will help diversify the atmosphere of the celebration and allow guests to show their imagination and ingenuity.

    It is interesting that the word “Fant” itself is of German origin and in full translation means “Pledge”

    New Year's forfeits for a fun company for 2021

    The New Year's feast covers almost all age categories, and therefore in this section let's look at examples of tasks for forfeits, with the participation of children.

    1. To recognize fruits or vegetables blindfolded and without hands, you can only taste or smell.
    2. Sing a New Year's song like a pig.
    3. Perform a New Year's dance at the Christmas tree like a mouse.
    4. Show the symbol of the passing year, only with the help of gestures and facial expressions.
    5. Show the symbol of the coming year, only with the help of gestures and facial expressions.
    6. Swap one thing with the neighbors on the left and right and stay like that the whole evening.
    7. Unwrap it, and then eat the candy with your hands tied behind your back.
    8. Draw a rat, holding the pencil with your mouth only.
    9. Demonstrate dancing snowflakes.
    10. Show a baby elephant releasing water from its trunk.
    11. Answer the question - what is the rat pups’ favorite treat and why.
    12. Show a monkey asking for bananas.
    13. Draw a holiday tree with your left or right hand, depending on which hand is the supporting one.
    14. Show a hen that hatches eggs.
    15. Show your dog for training.

    The wisest philosopher

    Since philosophy is taught in all faculties and sometimes helps students in life, you can just check which of the guys is better versed in philosophy. For this competition, you need to prepare statements from different philosophers, for example, 1. Any human knowledge begins with intuition, moves to concepts and ends with ideas. (Kant); 2. To speak well about virtue does not mean to be virtuous, and to be fair in thoughts does not mean to be fair in practice. (Aristotle); 3. A capable person suffers from the desire to become even more capable. (Confucius). There are a huge number of these phrases in any philosophy textbook. So, the presenter reads the phrases one by one, and the students guess who these words belonged to. For one answer - one point, and whoever has more points wins, and accordingly is the wisest philosopher.

    New Year's forfeits for adults

    Often New Year's holidays are held without children, and therefore you can diversify the tasks, for example, include alcohol or slightly explicit topics.

    1. Create one or more alcoholic cocktails yourself from the drinks on the table, and then drink them.
    2. Say a celebratory toast, imitating the head of state.
    3. Dance with lit sparklers, to light music.
    4. Tie festive tinsel around the girls' waists.
    5. Call an unknown person and bring Happy New Year greetings.
    6. Draw a blindfolded boar.
    7. Eat a fruit or vegetable with your hands tied.
    8. Remove the candy from the container filled with flour or sour cream.
    9. Throughout the feast, imitate the laughter of everyone who laughs.
    10. Tickle your neighbors to make them laugh in one minute.
    11. Imitate animal sounds, such as goats or horses, through an open window.
    12. Show how a simple kettle boils.
    13. Stand up like a swallow, say a toast and drink a glass of champagne to the bottom.
    14. In belly dancing, pester the opposite sex.
    15. Drink a strong alcoholic drink and snack on large lemon slices with a straight face.
    16. Raise a toast loudly using Georgian or Armenian accents.
    17. Show a man a light striptease; if a girl gets a forfeit, she gives it to her other half or just to the nearest man.
    18. Tie a pencil to a long stick and draw a Christmas tree.
    19. Copy the neighbor across the street for an hour.
    20. Depict a mouse dance.
    21. Feed your neighbor blindfolded.
    22. Sing a children's song in a child's voice.
    23. Make a promise to fulfill the wish of the neighbor on the left tomorrow.
    24. Transform yourself into a fairy-tale deer, ride those who want for two minutes.
    25. Try to explain all the positive and negative qualities of the next year from the perspective of a mouse or rat.



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    New Year's forfeits for colleagues

    A corporate party is a great time to bring the team together, and therefore a game of forfeits will fit perfectly into the entertainment program of corporate fun.

    1. Draw a boss blindfolded.
    2. Show one of your work colleagues without words, the rest guess.
    3. Explain to your boss how much you love him in several languages.
    4. Hug as many employees as possible, for example two, three, four.
    5. Take a photo with the organization’s management to create an unusual photo.
    6. Make an unusual snack from the products on the table.
    7. We dress up the neighbor on the left like a Christmas tree, only from what is in the room.
    8. Rhyme the boss's name.
    9. Tell a funny incident or anecdote, tell it until the neighbors on your side laugh.
    10. Bow to greet six employees, but words and movements should not be repeated.
    11. Voice the four stupidest excuses for work or excuses for being late to work.
    12. Pour the alcoholic drink into a saucer or shallow plate and drink three toasts from them.
    13. Stuff your mouth with nuts or grapes and then sing a congratulatory song.
    14. Regardless of gender, hug or kiss the leader.
    15. Apply makeup to the neighbor on the right, regardless of gender.
    16. Explain your feelings to the employee sitting opposite you, regardless of gender.
    17. Eating a banana or cucumber sandwiched between the legs of an employee of the opposite sex.
    18. Get as many kisses from women as possible, and you can only wash off your lipstick at the end of the evening.
    19. Blindfolded, you need to guess who is standing in front of you.
    20. Dance on the format with an employee sitting next to you.
    21. Within a certain time, it is necessary to hug all employees and say something good.
    22. We inflate one balloon as soon as possible, after which it is necessary to burst it without arms and legs.
    23. Apologize to colleagues with whom there is a conflict; if there are none, then you should ask the director for forgiveness for bad thoughts.
    24. List the negative qualities of company employees.
    25. Praise yourself publicly in a questioning tone so that those present can confirm or deny it.
    26. Promise a few colleagues to help you throughout your first day of work.
    27. Perform a well-known song or part of it, replacing the words with animal sounds, for example, woof-woof or meow-meow. Those present guess the melody; if no one recognizes the melody, the participant must change the song.
    28. Remake the fairy tale “Turnip” yourself, replacing the characters in the fairy tale with work colleagues.
    29. Taking the headdress in your hands, walk through everyone present, begging for money.
    30. Walk through the hall and beg at least one thing from everyone, then put it on yourself, and stay in that outfit for some time.
    31. Climb under the table pretending to be a cat.
    32. Start a rumor about your colleague; gossip should not offend the employee's feelings.
    33. If there are balls with gel, then take a deep breath and convincingly prove that Grandfather Frost, as well as the Snow Maiden, really exist.
    34. Help the employees of the establishment clear the table.
    35. Depict the leader in the image of Father Frost or Snow Maiden.

    Wishes for spin the bottle: intimate tasks for a couple

    If you couldn’t or don’t want to get together in a big group, then you shouldn’t think that there are no interesting wish games for two. The best option for you is a game of spin the bottle for two wishes. This is not boring at all; on the contrary, it will perhaps open you up to a new side of each other and even lead to a new stage in the relationship.

    We are not exaggerating at all. Perhaps this will even be a good tradition for your couple. So, these are the wishes we offer for playing spin the bottle together.

    1. Forget modesty. Feel free to tell your wildest fantasy and bring it to life, even if you didn’t dare to do this before;
    2. Remove your partner's clothes with your teeth or other body parts. Hands cannot be used;
    3. Invite your partner for a slow dance to the most romantic and gentle melody. And don't you dare step on his feet;
    4. Kiss your partner anywhere he points;
    5. Get an erotic massage;
    6. Come up with a role-playing game and implement it;
    7. Call your partner Mr./Ms. for a week;
    8. Name 50 compliments addressed to your partner;
    9. Dance a striptease;
    10. Give a passionate kiss.

    Fanta on the street

    After a long feast and hearty food, the body simply needs a shake-up, so we suggest going outside and getting some air so as not to freeze, and also having fun, you can play forfeits.

    1. Pretend to be beggars or homeless, walk around passers-by, ask for money or food.
    2. Invite three passers-by to have a small drink with you.
    3. If there is a spruce nearby, then, depicting the symbol of the next year, walk around it several times.
    4. Make a snow woman in ten minutes.
    5. Near a large spruce tree, where there are a lot of people, sing a New Year's song as loudly as possible.
    6. Gather as many strangers as possible around the New Year's tree and persuade them to dance in a circle.
    7. Exchange phone numbers with the opposite sex.
    8. Invite the first passerby of the opposite sex to dance.
    9. Persuade several passers-by to sing a New Year's song with you.
    10. Go to the store wearing unusual makeup or dressed strangely.
    11. Make riddles to passers-by.
    12. Ask members of the opposite sex to fill in the missing link in the Spin the Bottle game.
    13. Ask a passerby to ride down the slide together.
    14. Find and bring coffee or tea for everyone present.
    15. Before the holiday tree, I congratulate everyone, imitating the head of state.

    Bottle funny wishes

    Dumb desires are a great way to relax and not think about something serious. There is no need to pretend to be smart and well-read, literate and experienced. A game of spin the bottle with stupid desires will give you contagious laughter and a charge of good mood. Carefully, to fulfill such desires, you need to try.

    1. Find an unkempt person (Bum), take a photo with him and post him on social networks;
    2. Go to the store and buy a banana, saying at the same time: “Today I will be naughty”;
    3. Dial 10 different issues of magazines and with a serious face ask to purchase products of your own production;
    4. Put a blanket on yourself, a saucepan on your head, and run around the entrance shouting “Freedom for parrots”;
    5. Repent to the players of three sins of your past;
    6. Portray a drug addict trying to inject himself with a cucumber;
    7. Imagine yourself drunk and talk all sorts of nonsense, slurring your tongue;
    8. Wrap yourself in a sleeping bag and crawl like a worm;
    9. Clean the toilet with your toothbrush;
    10. Go to your neighbors and borrow 5 thousand until 2070.

    Dance and song tasks for forfeits

    Creative assignments are great for groups with a lot of people. Tasks can be duplicated, so not just one participant, but several pairs will dance or sing a song.

    1. Waltz with the person you like.
    2. You can perform a square dance; you can choose your opponent yourself.
    3. Perform the “dance of the little swans”, the number of participants must be at least three.
    4. Invite Father Frost or Snow Maiden to dance.
    5. Perform the “dance of the little ducklings”; you can choose the number of participants yourself.
    6. Invite the leader to dance.
    7. Sing a song about a Christmas tree, howling like a wolf.
    8. Play a few ditties.
    9. List and sing five songs about the New Year.
    10. Invite your boss to sing a song related to the New Year together.

    Friends, when you come up with a task for new forfeits on your own, remember that all tasks selected by you should not conflict with the moral principles of the guests, are physically easy to do for everyone, and also bring bright smiles to those around you, and not the bitter smile of satire.

    Battle "Truth or Dare"

    To make the game more fun, play truth or dare in the form of a battle. The goal is to score the most points. The company is divided into an equal number of participants and each team member is given tasks. Actions must be difficult and almost impossible to complete. For example, drink a cocktail that the other team will prepare. Completed the task - points for the team. No, that means no points are awarded. There can be as many rounds as you like. After the game, the points are calculated and the team that scored the fewest points pays for the order in a cafe or restaurant. The punishment can be absolutely anything.

    You can play truth or dare anywhere. This is a great opportunity to relax and unwind with the help of a game.

    "Pull the ticket"

    It happens that a student studies only a few topics before an exam, hoping that they will be included in the exam. And although this happens rarely, it still happens. If this happens, it means that the student is extremely lucky.

    For students' day, you can play a similar game. To do this, you need to prepare your tickets in advance. Most of these tickets require you to write down all sorts of tasks, such as singing a song. But in some of them, instead of tasks, you can write the name of the prizes, for example, chocolate. That is, just like in an exam, this game invites students to test their luck.

    "Reason for being late"

    When students are late for classes, they can come up with the most incredible reasons for their lateness. Sometimes these made-up “reasons” can be so incredible that they can make even teachers laugh.

    An excellent competition for Student's Day would be to come up with incredible stories to explain being late. You can come up with the most unusual and implausible stories. The more incredible, funnier and more original the student’s story, the better. The winner is the author of the most unusual story. This history is determined by popular vote.

    "Get to the hostel after closing"

    Those students who live in a dormitory know from their own experience that it can be difficult to go home after closing time. The fact is that there are guards who at certain times close the dormitory and do not allow absolutely anyone into it, including the students who live there. They claim that they follow the instructions, that's why they don't let anyone in. However, even such principled watchmen can find an approach and get into the hostel after it closes.

    Based on this peculiarity of the behavior of watchmen, it is possible to hold a competition on Student’s Day, the essence of which is that one participant acts as a principled watchman, and the second as a student who is trying to get into the dormitory. The student must use different methods to allow the guard to let him through. For example, he may flatter, threaten, plead, and bargain. The winner is named by a team of judges who choose whose argument was more powerful.

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