Teen Party: original party ideas for teenagers

Adolescence is the most active age in human life. Therefore, when a teenager has a birthday, it is clearly not enough for him to simply set a good table and provide a spacious room for dancing. Interesting competitions for teenagers' birthdays will help to fully satisfy the needs of young people, because you can collect a whole basket of interesting games in which boys and girls, classmates, and unfamiliar guests can participate.

First Letter Party

It's time to let your imagination run wild and have a costume party. The rules are simple: each party participant chooses the image of a hero, character, famous person, object, profession - anything, whose name begins with the same letter as his own. For example, Pasha is Peter Parker or a pirate, Dasha is the Tinker Bell fairy, Sasha is a superhero. The main task of the guests is to make their costume bright and recognizable.

Dress code:

  • Costumes of selected characters.


  • The “First letter of name” party rule will be needed here too. Create a menu in which the names of the dishes begin with the same letter as the names of all guests. For example, Masha - raspberries, ice cream, tangerines, Katya - caramel, cupcake, potatoes, Vova - vol-au-vents, waffles, grapes.
  • Also select drinks according to the first letters of the names (l - lemonade, t - tomato juice, etc.).


  • Visually divide the table with food into several parts according to the first letters of the guests' names. Place cardboard letters on the table to represent each segment. You can buy them at a specialty store for the holidays or decorate the letters yourself: make them multi-colored, cover them with small voluminous balls, or use different textures for the base.


  • Make a list of tasks, following the rule of the First letter of the name (for example, Tanya - dance, etc.). Distribute the tasks into a large table and draw it on a marker board or regular Whatman paper. Cover the tasks with a small piece of paper with the first letter of the name of this task, but so that later the piece of paper can be easily peeled off or torn off.

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Rules of the game: the participant stands at a short distance from the board with his eyes closed. At the leader’s command, he goes to the board and points to any part of the table that he wants. After this, the presenter or the participant himself peels off the paper with the letter and reads the task out loud: sing, dance, recite a poem, portray an animal, etc.

Additionally: for completing a task, the participant can receive a small gift as a reward. The gift must also begin with the same letter as the participant’s name. You can decorate gift boxes separately by wrapping them in paper with the desired letter on it.

Nightlife for young people in Moscow

The capital attracts not only with its sights, museums, and exhibitions. After these establishments, night bars, cabarets, discos are lit with myriads of lights, attracting visitors. Only many are not easy to enter: you need to have a dress code and go through face control.

Recently, another innovation has appeared: “entry by lists,” which makes entry inaccessible to ordinary guests. It is difficult to name the best nightclubs, but you can single out the most visited ones.

Here are the Top 3:

1. Soho is a club that is inaccessible due to its exclusivity and luxury. Prices in Soho are quite high - for a cocktail you need to pay from 450 to 1700 rubles, for a Mojito - 750 rubles. The club is open from 21.00 until the morning. Address: Savvinskaya embankment, 12/8.

The club area is divided into sections:

  • Bar: An evening with a friend over a friendly conversation will be amazing.
  • The second floor is a restaurant and a library, where real luxury reigns.
  • On the terrace during the day you can admire the city below. In the evening, beach parties take place in the garden, terrace, and pool.
  • The dance floor is a platform where it is more courageous to step on as a waiter, musician or cheerful guest.

2. The Ikon club has become the most visited in the capital since its opening, but you can’t just get there: face control will not allow visitors with empty wallets. The evening costs 10 thousand and it is not customary to demand change. For guests there are two large dance floors, around which there are three tiers of boxes, where you can enjoy a cocktail, smoke a hookah, and at the same time watch the stage.

The service is at a high level - the waiters strive to satisfy the desires of every client. The prices are the same as in Soho, they do not surprise anyone. The club “until the last client” is open. Address: Bolotnaya embankment, 9/1.

3. Cloud Club is a real luxury. In summer, visitors sit on the verandas, in winter in the halls by the fireplace. There is not much space in the hall, but guests dance right next to the tables. The club welcomes regular customers, but it is quite difficult to become a regular. The club has excellent cuisine and high service. Prices are higher than in Icon. Address: Kutuzovsky pr., 48, shopping center Vremena Goda.

Interesting events in Moscow for young people are non-standard entertainment that allows you to test your strength and experience a real flurry of emotions.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

K-Drama Party

If the names Lee Min Ho, Lee Jong Suk, and Ji Chang Wook sound familiar, then it's time for a themed K-Drama Party. Such a party can be held either at home or at a special event site.

This is on topic

All event venues in Moscow Diverse spaces for every taste and budget.


  • height figures of popular Korean actors;
  • posters of famous dramas that are familiar to guests;
  • a screen where you can show clips of your favorite moments from dramas;
  • photo zone with funny props for a photo shoot - for example, headbands with ears and horns, hats with moving ears, cardboard signs with phrases in Korean, cute toys.

Dress code:

  • Korean style clothes.


  • Korean milk in boxes or jars;
  • teokbokki (be careful with the level of spiciness);
  • kimbap;
  • pianse;
  • fried chicken;
  • punoppan.


  • guess the dialogue from the drama (use SoftBox voice acting so that the dubbing voices are the same and it is more difficult to determine which drama the fragment is taken from);
  • arrange Korean karaoke and sing your favorite OSTs from dramas. Even if you don't know the words, what matters is the atmosphere!
  • Come up with your own idea for the plot of the drama. And the one who tells the most original idea will receive one of the life-size figures as a gift.

TikTok party for teens

It's time to take the online party offline and throw a cool TikTok party. Popular tracks, guests full of ideas for new videos, delicious snacks - what else could make this party cooler?


  • order a banner with the TikTok logo.
  • Use the main colors of the application in the design - raspberry, blue, black and white. For example, you can order balls, tablecloths and some tableware in these shades.

Dress code:

  • For such a party, casual clothing is suitable, in which it will be convenient to move a lot and shoot videos. But don't forget that TikTok values ​​creativity and originality in everything.


  • sandwiches;
  • mini-pizza snack bars;
  • puff rolls with cheese;
  • muffins. If you wish, you can make the muffins multi-colored by choosing the colors of the TikTok logo as a base - black, raspberry and blue.


  • master class on mobile installation;
  • meeting with a popular TikTok blogger who will tell you how he was able to achieve success thanks to his videos;
  • shooting trend challenges.

Poster for 2019. Top 10 events in Moscow for young people

In 2021, the capital of Russia will host a lot of interesting things:

1. World Youth Festival. The most significant event will be the World Youth Festival. Moscow has hosted young people from all over the world three times. The most significant festival was in 1957, which attracted over 30 thousand people.

The festival program included:

  • grand opening, presentation of delegations;
  • seminars and discussions, lectures with a political bias;
  • sport competitions;
  • concert programs.

The exact opening date of the new festival, the program, and ticket prices for the concerts are still unknown, but the upcoming grand event is already beginning to excite all residents of Moscow.

2. Universiade. Sports fans in Russia, especially Krasnoyarsk, are eagerly awaiting the opening of the Winter Universiade, which is being held in Russia for the first time.

The Universiade poster is as follows:

dateMarch, 2 – 12
placeKrasnoyarsk, Russia
program11 sports
participants3000 athletes

The price of tickets for the competition and the opening ceremony is from 1000 rubles.

3. Journey to Christmas. From the end of December to mid-January of the new year, the Journey to Christmas festival is organized in Moscow parks. Each park has its own program, including street performances, free master classes, concerts, sports competitions, and ice performances.

4. Muse concert. On June 5, the British group Muse will perform on the stage of the Luzhniki Stadium, which combined various styles in its songs and created new rock music. The band members have already announced a world tour, which will begin in February. Russia is the tenth country on the list of the famous rock band. The price of tickets for concerts is from 7 thousand rubles.

5. Stars of the 80-90s. On January 3 there will be a performance of “Stars of the 80-90s”. The groups “Gone with the Wind”, “Ladybug”, “Gems” are preparing for concerts. Ticket price from 1000 rub.

6. Theater night. On the night of March 26-27, the doors of all Moscow theaters will open. Theater Night takes place all over the world and is dedicated to World Theater Day. There will be plays and performances, lectures, seminars, excursions to Moscow theaters, and meetings with actors.

7. Performance in memory of Vysotsky. On January 25, admirers of V. Vysotsky’s talent will be able to come to the performance with the lyrical title “Vysotsky. The Birth of a Legend" (produced by Sergei Bezrukov). The performance was created based on the memoirs of contemporaries, letters and diaries. The performance will take place in the Great Hall of the Moscow Provincial Theater. Ticket prices range from 2000 to 5000 rubles, installments are available for a period of 3 months.

8. Moscow Bulgakov. From May 18 to May 3, Mikhail Bulgakov's excursions around Moscow do not stop. It is advisable to re-read Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” before the excursion in order to understand the characters. While traveling on foot, you can try to imagine how Ivan Bezdomny catches the “foreign consultant” and his assistants. But a black cat sat down on a bench, waiting for Woland. If you're lucky, you'll also meet Margarita, who flew out of the window of a Moscow apartment. The duration of the excursion is 3 hours, the cost is from 700 rubles.

9. Ortega Exhibition. Until February 28, 2021, citizens coming to the Garage will be able to admire an exhibition of Art Nouveau sculpture by Mexican artist Ortega. Three-dimensional image as a modernist technique, plywood, concrete, metal as a material form the basis for the creation of 300 unique exhibits.

10. Concert “Apparat live tour 19”. On April 13, May 17, the “Apparat live tour 19” concert will take place at the Izvestia club. Apparat's music is complex, beautiful, and memorable. Each new performance of the song is an experiment by Sasha Ring, who accompanies himself on various instruments. Tickets cost from 18,000 rubles.

Party with master class on beatmaking

Slava, what did you do?

This party option is definitely suitable for those who want to make music like Slava Marlowe. In fact, it’s not that difficult: you can write a full-fledged beat in one lesson. Plus, you can split up into pairs and make a beat with your best friend, and then write the lyrics. What if it turns out to be a tiktok banger?

Don't forget about technical equipment: each guest or pair of guests should have a laptop. They can be rented or borrowed from parents, and the beat-making software is free to install. But there are also advantages! No need to bother with the playlist: you can just turn on what you got at the master class and dance!

No special registration is required. Moreover, if you choose this loft: images of rappers on the wall will complement the atmosphere of the music studio.

What do rappers and beatmakers eat? Of course, street food. And it’s okay that you have to eat indoors rather than outdoors. Below we provide an approximate list of dishes that can be changed and supplemented in every possible way.


  • hot dogs and corn dogs;
  • taco;
  • burgers;
  • french fries;
  • pizza.

Dress code:

  • casual and oversized in everything: large hoodies and wide jeans.

Why do you need to develop creative thinking?

The thinking of an adult is replete with patterns and stereotypes. They make life much easier when you need to act according to an already known scheme. Reactions and actions are practiced to the point of automaticity, so we spend much less effort and time on them.

The working day of the average person consists of familiar actions and manipulations. We come to the office, sit down in our own chair, look through email, and perform a number of routine tasks. And so on day after day. For all these actions, strong neural networks are formed in our brain.

But life doesn't always go according to plan. When a situation arises that does not fit into the usual pattern and requires qualitatively new actions, we fall into a stupor. It is incredibly difficult to move away from the usual stereotypes. It's like driving off a deep rut on a country road.

A person who is able to quickly rebuild and adapt to changing conditions turns out to be several times more effective. Therefore, it is necessary to develop creative thinking. It makes the mind more flexible, plastic, and variable. And it allows you to successfully solve not only familiar routine tasks, but also qualitatively new ones.

Developed creative thinking is an integral characteristic of a person whose activity is related to creativity in one form or another. And these are not only artists, writers and musicians. Many modern fashionable professions fall under this category: marketer, PR manager, designer, copywriter, content manager and others. The world is changing and requires a person to be able to quickly adapt to these changes.

Swap party

What will you give me for this pop it?

Swap (from the English swap - exchange) is a party at which participants exchange things. It can be anything: clothes, books, pop it, notebooks and even drawings or crafts. Remember to consult with an adult when choosing what to exchange. Most likely, they won't be happy if you bring home a homemade squish instead of a Nintendo Switch.

For a swap party to go well, you need to choose a spacious room with several tables or one large one. Explain to the guests in detail the essence of the party, so that it doesn’t happen that only half of them brought things. But it’s worth thinking in advance about what those who have already exchanged everything they wanted will do. For example, you can make an area with board games. Or, if space allows, play a cartoon or video clip on the projector.

If the party is being held for a birthday, then as part of it it would be appropriate to send the guests a wish list - a list of the birthday person’s wishes. This way, guests will definitely get the gift right, and they won’t have to exchange them at the next swap.


  • flag garland;
  • posters from markets or simply downloaded from Pinterest;
  • Don't forget about tables for things! It is not good if they have to be placed on the floor.


  • board games: Imaginarium, Ekivoki;
  • active games: Twister, Crocodile. They will require free space, don’t forget about it;
  • watching movies on a projector - check if there is one and whether you need to pay extra for it;
  • photoset to immediately show off your finds from the swap.


  • bento cakes are small cakes, weighing 400-500 grams, designed for two. The main advantage is that you can put funny inscriptions or decor on them. For example, frogs or some meme from Tiktok;
  • sandwiches with different fillings.

Communication games for the company

The ability to communicate with different people in different situations is very necessary for teenagers; it is for this purpose that psychologists invented communication games. Such events teach children to cooperate and interact not only in everyday life, but also in solving problematic issues. You can play anywhere - at a school camp, a children's center, at home, in the yard or at a birthday party.

Game activities are suitable for any age, and the experience gained as a result of the game will help the teenager quickly get used to any group.


A game for large groups of children aged 7-12 years. Develops communication skills and increases adolescents' self-confidence.

Rules of the game:

  1. A presenter (the editor-in-chief of the magazine) is randomly selected.
  2. The teenage presenter chooses his team of journalists.
  3. Candidates will be given paper and pens. Then each of them for 10 minutes. should interview as many of the remaining children as possible.
  4. They ask 4-5 questions on various topics (first and last name, dream and goal in life, do you have any pets).
  5. The magazine's editor-in-chief selects the winner. Usually this is the teenager who made it in 10 minutes. interview a larger number of children in a qualitative and detailed manner.

When the game is repeated, the teenagers change roles - those who previously answered the questions become journalists.

Two truths and one lie

The game is suitable for a large company. Develops logic and intuition, promotes rapprochement between group members and the development of communication skills.

The rules of the game are as follows:

  1. All participants sit in a circle and come up with three facts about themselves, two of which are true and one of which is false.
  2. Each person takes turns stating their facts.
  3. The group tries to determine where the lies are by discussing their guesses out loud and voting.
  4. The goal of the game is to recognize as many false facts as possible.

Information about yourself needs to be carefully crafted to force the group to think twice before voting. The fact that the teenager was on another planet is immediately recognized as false. It's too banal and uninteresting.

For example: “I’m Anya, I like to ride a bike. This summer, our whole family vacationed in Sochi.” In this case, you need to think carefully, because any information presented may turn out to be a lie.

Party outfit for teenagers

If the party is not thematic, where it has already been discussed in advance what guests should wear, then it’s time to dive into the world of trends:

  • Let's remember the 2000s. Thick soled shoes, leather jacket, crop tops, hoodies, polo shirts, cargo pants, dresses over jeans.
  • Country style. Checkered shirt, lace dress, fringed jacket, leather boots.
  • Cottagecore is an internet aesthetic that idealizes rural life. Natural cotton and linen fabrics, beaded and shell accessories, knitted cardigan, floral print.
  • Sport casual. Oversized hoodies, bicycle shorts, leggings, straight jeans, sneakers with thin soles, puffy vests.

Makeup for teenagers at a party is also very important.

  • Korean makeup is light, relaxed, requiring a small amount of decorative cosmetics. There are many video tutorials on YouTube that will help you create beautiful makeup suitable for any event in a few steps.
  • Makeup in the style of “Euphoria”. Glitter and rhinestones are still in fashion. Create a unique look that will allow you to shine.
  • Makeup with transferable tattoos. Give free rein to your imagination and use small transferable tattoos - butterflies, fish, stars, freckles, etc. - as part of the original image.

Let's move on to the next important component of the party - food. If you're tired of pizza and burgers, then it's time to turn to our ideas bank for help.

Teen Party Food

  • Meatballs with different sauces.
  • Argentinian fried pies, empanadas, filled with chicken.
  • Quesadilla with vegetables.
  • Tacos with crab and spicy salsa.
  • Mini oven-baked potatoes with parmesan cheese.
  • Potato croquettes with cheese.

Once your party look is put together and the food is served, it's time to really have fun.

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