80 gift ideas for a leather wedding. Choose what to give for 3 years of marriage

The first and second wedding anniversaries are behind us. Chintz and paper - their symbols - recede into the past, the family “organism” acquires skin, merging into a single whole.

The first inevitable adjustments are behind us, compromises have been found on the most important issues; if an heir has appeared, then the worries about him are in full swing - after all, he is still just a baby. And in the series of these days, I suddenly remember that the third family holiday is on the doorstep.

And it’s time to talk about what the three-year wedding anniversary is called and what they give for 3 years of marriage.

How the young family will celebrate it is up to them to decide: a modest dinner, a reckless party, or maybe a trip together? The idea of ​​a gift remains unchanged, which, according to tradition, should correspond to the material of the wedding anniversary. Of course, you can give whatever your heart desires, but it would also be appropriate for another occasion. It’s so interesting to try to choose something original and useful that can please your loved one or a married couple, while observing the restrictions on the material.

It's like a game with certain rules. Well, shall we play?

Gift for a leather wedding: interesting ideas

For the anniversary, leather products are traditionally chosen, in accordance with the name of the anniversary. But this does not mean that you cannot go beyond accepted norms. Sometimes creative and imaginative gifts come in handy.

What is traditionally given?

As a rule, a symbolic gift is chosen that reflects the essence of the name of the anniversary.

In this case, it would be appropriate to give something made of leather. This will emphasize the importance of the event and become a symbol and talisman of a happy marriage.

Check out some gift ideas for your 3rd wedding anniversary that will help you make your choice.

To my husband

A suitable gift for your husband would be:

  • Purse;
  • Belt;
  • Purse;
  • Folder for storing papers;
  • Case for phone.

Remember that gifts are usually made of leather. If you are looking for an expensive souvenir, it would be appropriate to give a man a leather coat or fashionable boots.


An excellent gift for a leather wedding for a wife would be a little thing that emphasizes the femininity and beauty of a woman.

Gifts for the wife's third anniversary of marriage:

  • Gloves;
  • Handbag;
  • Boots;
  • Wallet;
  • Case for mobile phone;
  • Cosmetic bag.

Remember that gifts should be given to each spouse. The exception will be something that can be used by both husband and wife.

Spouses to each other

As a rule, spouses also give each other gifts for a significant event. Traditionally, a man gives his wife some jewelry. Now craftsmen create original accessories that will pleasantly surprise your beloved.

It could be:

  • Ring;
  • Pendant;
  • Wrist or ankle bracelet;
  • Earrings.

A product made using leather and natural stones will be a luxurious gift.

Make sure the mineral matches your wife's date of birth.

Then he will become not only a memorable symbol, but also a protector and patron of a woman.

A husband will be pleased to receive something small but pleasant from his wife.

For example, a great gift option for a leather wedding:

  • Case for cufflinks (don't forget about the cufflinks themselves);
  • Watch with leather strap;
  • Business card holder;
  • Flask;
  • Alcohol in a bottle decorated with decorative leather elements.

Giving gifts to each other is not only pleasant: it emphasizes the importance of the moment and indicates that the event is significant for each of the spouses.

Children from parents

The question remains relevant: what do parents give children as wedding gifts?

Relatives can afford to pool their finances and give the family an expensive gift:

  • Some furniture. It can be a sofa, an armchair, or a desk covered in leather.
  • An alternative to a souvenir for the 3rd wedding anniversary will be a little thing that will decorate the interior of the newlyweds’ joint nest: a leather wall panel, vases, a calendar.

DIY present

Recently, it has become fashionable to give gifts made with your own hands.

In this case, we recommend that you take a look at the master classes and build:

  • Flower pots made of leather cords or create an original decoration.
  • If you don’t have enough time to make a complex craft, buy a bottle of high-quality alcohol and decorate it with ribbons (made of leather). You will get an attractive souvenir associated with the anniversary date.

Original surprise

An original surprise for a marriage anniversary can be a congratulation written using embossing on leather.

You can arrange it in the form of an ancient scroll. Tie the unusual card with a cord and give it to the spouses.

Such a gift will remain as a keepsake and will remind of the donor for many years.

To young friends from friends

Friends can also join forces and give a common souvenir intended for the couple.

What to give for a leather wedding:

  • Wall clock decorated with leather elements;
  • An antique bound book;
  • Photo album with a cover from the symbol of the event;
  • Bar made using leather.

You can also give small gifts for each spouse.

Cool (comic) gifts

A cool gift for spouses would be a paid visit to a tattoo parlor.

Invite your husband and wife to get memorable tattoos (temporary, perhaps) in the form of each other's names or declarations of love.

Such an unexpected surprise will be remembered for a long time.


An interesting option for your anniversary could be organizing entertainment.

For example, pay for horse riding. The couple will spend time together and remember the donor with gratitude.

And so that the gift is related to the name of the anniversary, give an invitation to a walk in a leather envelope (folder, cover).

Practical and useful

Leather clothing will be a practical and useful gift for spouses.

It is important to guess the size here. Therefore, it is better to present the certificate to a leather clothing store. Then the husband and wife will choose their own costumes.

Unusual gifts

It's always nice to receive unusual gifts. After all, they become a real surprise.

In this case, consider the following options:

  • Animal skin in the form of a rug;
  • Interior items (“dream catchers”);
  • Magical talismans made of leather;
  • Paired rings or bracelets.

An unusual holiday surprise would be an old, rare item (a book, a case for glasses, an album for stamps).

Three wedding years: what it means and how it is celebrated

Over the three years they have lived together, the couple have already become so close that they began to feel each other’s “skin.” They have already learned to adapt and take into account mutual interests.

According to tradition, before a leather wedding, a couple must forgive all people who have offended them, pay off all debts and put their house in order, throwing out the old, cracked, torn and no longer needed.

Why is a wedding called a leather wedding?

The anniversary received this name because of the properties of the skin, which are compared to the relationship of a married couple.
Leather is both pliable and resilient material. However, if you handle it carelessly, it can easily break. So, a married couple, who in three years managed to face difficulties, passed all sorts of tests on the ability to correctly react and survive the challenges thrown by fate to strengthen family ties.

From a psychological point of view, three years is a rather difficult period of life together, when a couple is immersed in real family life with all its serious problems. And this is another reason to celebrate such a significant day so well that all difficulties become a thing of the past and do not interfere with living in the future.

How to present it in an unusual way?

Choosing suitable gifts is not enough, it is important to present them correctly.

Think through everything down to the smallest detail:

  • You can, for example, write a comic telegram on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation and congratulate the couple on their anniversary.
  • Or pack the gift in a parcel and indicate the return address of the Queen of England.
  • Accompany the presentation of a surprise for the 3rd wedding anniversary with a song, a comic poem, the husband can be given a gift by an oriental beauty (his wife or relative in disguise), and his wife - by a pumped-up macho man.

Show your imagination and take action.

What wedding is celebrated at 3 years old?

Traditionally, the name wedding anniversary symbolizes the relationship between spouses after several years of marriage. The first two weddings - chintz and paper - are named after materials that cannot boast of durability. At the same time, people who have lived in a union for more than 15 years celebrate anniversaries whose names include words such as silver, beryl, jade or stone. What kind of wedding is celebrated at 3 years old and what to give for this wedding?

Where would we be without sweets – a masterpiece of culinary designers, the “Leather Wedding” cake

What can be said about the third anniversary of marriage, which is sometimes called a leather wedding? Leather is a fairly durable material that is used in the production of clothing, shoes, accessories, jewelry, interior items and other beautiful things.

With proper care and respect, leather can serve the owner for many years, remaining shiny and elastic. If the product does not receive proper care, the material begins to fade, crack and become unusable.

The same thing happens with our relationships. Three years is enough to get used to and get used to each other, but this does not negate the constant work on the relationship.

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Spouses who have spent 3 years together already know each other's characters well, are aware of the weaknesses and strengths of their spouse, their strengths and weaknesses. The ability to be flexible and find compromise ways to solve problems is one of the main secrets of long-lasting relationships. This is why the name of the third anniversary refers to a material known for its elasticity.

On the other hand, spouses should be the most reliable support for each other, and their devotion and fidelity should not raise any doubts. Leather is a strong material, even if it looks soft and fragile.

Under no circumstances should you treat your soulmate as a given that will not go anywhere. Without tenderness, trust and mutual love, relationships will quickly fade and fall apart. Like leather, they require constant care and polishing.

Stylish leather heart on the wall - a spectacular unusual gift

Bad gift ideas

Unsuccessful gift ideas will be things made from leatherette.

If you don’t have enough money for a genuine leather product, it’s better to give a neutral gift.

It is also not customary to give one of the spouses an expensive item and the other a symbolic gift.

A leather gift is a symbol of the anniversary. It doesn’t have to be expensive; it’s more important to give the gift to the spouses from the bottom of your heart with kind and sincere wishes.

How to celebrate this anniversary

It is customary to celebrate the third year of a wedding in a narrow circle of the closest people. Among the prepared dishes there must be meat. As for alcohol, red wine is best.

If your wedding anniversary falls during the warm season, then organizing a picnic in nature would be an excellent alternative to home gatherings.

What to wear for the holiday

Ideally, spouses should be dressed in leather.

But in extreme cases, they can wear leather accessories: a belt, bracelet, pendant, handbag, leather jewelry.

How to give a gift correctly

After the gift is chosen, the woman must present it correctly. When presenting a gift, a woman should be:

  • in a good mood;
  • prepare words of love in advance so that the spouse understands that everything was created for him;
  • wishes should be warm.


Don't neglect kind words. Sometimes they are the best gift you can give to your loved one.

One of the beautiful options for presenting a gift is a festive dinner. But for this you will have to prepare in advance and try to set the table with the dishes that your spouse likes.

To add solemnity to the event, you can prepare a certificate of honor or diploma in advance, which you can present at your wedding anniversary. You can write beautiful wishes on the letter, confess your love and fidelity.

Congratulations on your 3rd marriage anniversary

To congratulate you on your third wedding anniversary, you should choose warm words coming from the depths of your soul. After all, sincere wishes are sometimes more expensive than the most expensive gifts.

Congratulations in prose

If you have no inclination to write poetry, and you don’t want to use templates from the appropriate resources, just express in your own words what’s on your heart.

According to the law of the Universe, a sincere wish, expressed with a piece of the soul invested, will surely come true.

Examples of congratulations in prose:

  1. “Dear lovers! 3 years have already passed since your wedding. And the fact that you have walked this path means that you were able to overcome disagreements, resolve everyday issues, and maintain relationships. We wish you to wake up every day with a feeling of happiness and continue to love each other until your skin crawls.”
  2. “Happy anniversary, dear spouses! We are very happy for you. Cherish your relationships, take care of love, be a support for each other. We wish peace and harmony to reign in your marriage until your golden wedding.”

Congratulations on your leather wedding in verse

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