The bride price is ready with a speech. Cool competitions for bride price in verse. Competitions for the groom and witnesses

A wedding is the first holiday for every family, because it is with it that a new unit of society begins. Therefore, the bride and groom want to make their celebration as bright, rich and memorable as possible.

A wedding script helps them with this, in which the whole day is planned, starting with the arrival of the makeup artist and ending with the farewell of the young spouses. But the first memories together will be those of the groom passing the ransom test. Therefore, it is necessary to create original bride price competitions, which, with their diversity and symbolism, will set the mood for the entire holiday.

Who does she look like?

  • Participants: groom.
  • Props: box, various toys (doll, car, crocodile, rose, etc.), blindfold.

An original and funny competition for the groom can be a blindfolded test. He is blindfolded and given a box containing a variety of toys, prepared especially for the bride's ransom. His task: to find the toy that most resembles the bride, and tell him why he made such a choice when his eyes are opened.

Organization of redemption

It will not be difficult for creative people organizing the event to come up with a poetic scenario with competitions. The easiest way is to use a ready-made option, change some phrases in it in accordance with the theme of the holiday, or take a script in verse that has already been tried at the weddings of friends.

When choosing a poetic theme for the holiday, you should not saturate the traditional event with numerous rhymes, but focus on holding competitions. To explain to the groom the rules for completing tasks, 1-2 short poems are enough. For a full-fledged holiday, you need to come up with an introduction and a logical conclusion.

In addition, the decoration of the bride's house is provided. You can hang posters, colorful ribbons, balloons, flowers, various garlands, etc.

The clothing of the organizers of the ritual with competitions must correspond to the chosen theme. If there is no certain style, then you can do without a dress code.

Responsibilities of the future husband

  • Participants: friends of the groom.
  • Props: cards with words, bag.

To conduct this funny competition, you should write the words on cards in advance: toilet, socks, sink, plates, mop, vacuum cleaner, coffee, etc. Before the actual ransom of the bride, the cards are placed in a bag, from which the groom’s friends take turns pulling out pieces of paper on which the words are written , for example, plates. They should come up with this word for a duty that the groom will perform after the wedding, for example, washing all the plates after dinner.

Such a competition is quite universal, because it is suitable for any celebration, no matter what kind of redemption scenario you want for your wedding: classic or ultra-modern.

Popular and funny

As a rule, the presenters meet the groom at the bride's entrance, blocking the road. With each competition passed, the young man and his groomsmen (who help the hero of the occasion throughout the entire event) approach the bride’s apartment. Options for tasks can be very different: from funny and comic, to “monetary” ones, implying material rewards for the participants in the celebration.

Fake husband

For the “Lime Husband” competition you will need a person unfamiliar to the newlyweds (preferably artistic), a bouquet and a classic suit. When the betrothed arrives at his destination, the bride’s friends should already meet him in the company of a man with a bouquet, dressed as the groom. At the same time, the fake husband loudly asks the girls about the whereabouts of the bride, calling her by name. The presenters, noticing the arriving husband candidate, ask him his name and purpose of arrival. When the real groom answers, the girlfriends join in the conversation:

—Can one wife have two husbands? One of you is an impostor! But it doesn’t matter, we will find a real groom. Whoever answers questions about our beautiful bride, we will send him to win her heart.

Next, the girlfriends begin to ask the contestants questions about the bride. Examples of what you can ask:

  1. eye color;
  2. favorite movie;
  3. pet name;
  4. shoe size;
  5. favorite dish.

At the same time, the fake groom is constantly trying to avoid answering or falsifying the facts, which is why he is given the title of loser.

Man's word

This is an original, slightly gambling competition that will help test the dexterity and honesty of the groom.

A dartboard is mounted on the wall. It can be purchased or homemade, but preferably in large sizes. Along the entire perimeter of the board are the words of the groom's promises or similar pictures cut out from magazines (car, apartment, fur coat, flowers, ring).

At the beginning of the competition, the groom says the phrase: “I promise to give my wife a gift in a year of married life...”, after which he throws a dart. The target that the dart hits is loudly announced by the presenter.


The presenters present the groom with an apple, into which toothpicks have previously been inserted (one shortened one and about 15 regular ones). Taking out one toothpick from the apple, the newly-made husband must compliment his wife until he comes across a short toothpick.

Exemplary father

This is a well-known competition that is rarely overlooked when writing a ransom script.

Every wife wants to see in her husband not only an ideal spouse, but also a wonderful father. You can test his abilities through a competition. It is necessary to prepare a large toy baby doll and clothes for it in advance. The host strips the doll down to her panties, while the bridesmaids blindfold the groom. A box with clothes is placed in front of the subject, which must be quickly and carefully put on the toy.

You can complicate the competition by limiting the test time or adding completely inappropriate wardrobe items to the doll clothes (a woman's dress, a man's sneaker, an army belt).


For this competition you will need a long kitchen towel or thick rope.
The bridesmaids hand the groom a towel with the offer to tie it in a knot as strong as his love for his new wife. And when the knot is ready, the girlfriends will have to set a new task: to untie the knot as quickly as the head of the family solves the problems that arise. Help: the towel can be kept as a family amulet.

Photo blende

To prepare this competition, it is necessary to involve a person who understands photo editing. A portrait photograph of the bride is copied, after which new details of appearance are added to it using computer processing and old ones are corrected. You can disguise a scar, draw a mole, change eye color. In total there should be at least 10 distinctive features.

During the ransom, the groom is shown the original and the processed photograph. The subject’s task is to determine which features have been changed and where the real photograph of the bride is.

Rainbow Salvation

the groom and the groom can save her . To do this, they need to collect 12 things from the guests in the color that the kidnapped hero of the occasion loves.

For the competition, you need to ask the bride in advance what colors she considers her favorite. The groom will not have to guess, since his main task is simply to get a “tribute”. Therefore, the host tells the future husband and his friend two different colors, after which the young people, accompanied by music, begin to quickly go around the guests in search of suitable things.

Portrait in words

For the competition, you need to prepare leaves with words of a romantic theme: flower, candles, moon. Then the leaves need to be folded in half and thrown into a hat or a beautiful box. During the ransom, the groom pulls out the agreed number of pieces of paper, reads them out loud, and then, using these “clues,” tells others about his beloved. For example, if the groom draws out the words “caramel”, “oasis” and “evening”, then he can say this: “My wife has a character as sweet as caramel, an attractive look like an oasis, and a hug as cozy as evening.”

Dancing with an Elf

The bride was kidnapped by an elf (one of the guests, dressed in a costume with horns and wings from a prank shop). The main condition of the kidnapper is to dance heartily with the guests. Therefore, five couples are chosen from among the guests to draw forfeits from the elf’s bag. And in the bag there are already prepared pieces of paper on which various dance styles are written:

  1. hip-hop;
  2. lambada;
  3. tango;
  4. ballet;
  5. jazz.

Each pair performs their part in turn.

Drunk Key

The competition has two options: with alcohol and without alcohol.

It is necessary to prepare a three-liter jar and a key in advance. The groom has to get the key to his bride's heart. But the difficulty is that the key is at the bottom of a can full of Coca-Cola. Therefore, together with his friends, the future husband must drink cola and get the treasured key.

If the groom has many close friends who can help him complete the task, you can add alcohol to the cola (everything needs to be calculated correctly so that none of the groom’s retinue gets drunk and all friends successfully participate in further competitions).


By searching the bride's archives, you can find many interesting photographs. And joint photos with your future husband will be just a godsend for the ransom competition.

The bridesmaids greet the groom with printed photographs depicting memorable moments for the newlyweds: a joint picnic, a relationship anniversary, a first trip to the sea.

During the entire ransom, the groom must be told the stories of these photographs (one story for a certain period of time or path). If the groom copes with the task, then you can move on to the next tasks. If not, friends pay a fine in monetary or comic form (dancing, singing, ditties).

Sweeter than honey

As a prop, you need to prepare two glasses, one of which contains a very sour and the other a very salty liquid. The presenters invite the groom to drink from the cup of predictions. Based on the man’s face, the “fortune teller” (any girl from among the bridesmaids) will determine how pleasant life with his young wife will be.

Thus, the groom’s task in this competition is to maintain a satisfied and happy appearance, emptying the glass to the bottom.

Sleeping beauty in the castle

All you need for the competition is a photo of the bride, clothespins and twine. The photographs are attached to a string that is pulled by the two tallest guys among the guests. The presenters tell the groom the sad news that his betrothed was imprisoned in the tower by an evil witch, who also sent a dream to the girl. You can wake up your chosen one only with a tender kiss. Therefore, the groom needs to kiss each photo, jumping up or using the help of a friendly retinue.

For growth

The bride's height is measured using a colored tape or rope. After this, you need to cut 4 more multi-colored ropes of similar length, but slightly shorter/longer than the main one. The groom must guess which of the ribbons corresponds to the height of his betrothed.

By analogy with height, you can make the groom guess the waist circumference or the length of any part of the bride’s body.

Hush, there's an exam in progress!

In order to host this competition, you will need several guests. Each student has a piece of paper with the name of their school subject on their chest. Now the ransom participants turn into teachers who must take an exam from the groom.

The young man must tell the geography teacher about 10 places where his fiancée likes to go for walks. The history teacher asks the groom how he met the bride. The literature teacher invites the subject to express his love for his future wife in literary form.

The number of teachers and tasks can be changed at your discretion, coming up with interesting and suitable “exams” for a given situation.

Beloved's handwriting

  • Participants: groom.
  • Props: Whatman paper, pen.

A boring classic has already become a test for the groom, during which he must identify the lips of his beloved among the many prints of lips. A similar version of this cool competition for bride price is to determine what word his betrothed wrote. To do this, the bride and other girls write the same or different words on whatman paper in advance, for example, “I love,” and the groom must determine which handwriting belongs to his beloved.

Cheerful declaration of love

  • Participants: groom.
  • Props: helium balloon.

A funny competition for the groom can be a declaration of love to the bride, but he will have to do this only after inhaling the helium from the balloon. After this, his voice will be so funny that none of those present at the ransom will be able to hold back their tears of laughter.

The role of wedding traditions

Even when the culture of each nation was just emerging, there was already a place for weddings in it. Since ancient times, this has been one of the most significant events in the life of an adult, so it used to be clothed with many signs, superstitions and traditions. People experienced in such matters tried to help young lovers conduct their wedding in such a way as to please higher powers.

It was believed that if the gods and dead ancestors liked the marriage, they would protect the newly-made spouses and attract prosperity and well-being into their lives. To achieve this, traditions that were developed over years and even centuries in accordance with folk wisdom and religious beliefs were strictly observed.

Now such traditions are just touching rituals that are usually performed at a classic wedding. Nobody invests sacred meaning in observing old customs, since other priorities have appeared. Despite this, the framework of any wedding consists precisely of traditions, both old and new.

I believe/don't believe

  • Participants: groom.
  • Props: a piece of paper with stories.

The groom is asked to prove that he knows his beloved well. They will tell him various incidents supposedly from the life of the bride, and he must say whether it is true or not. For example:

  • As a child, the bride loved to climb trees and play war.
  • While studying at the university, she played in KVN.
  • The bride jumped with a parachute in her second year, etc.

Without words

  • Participants: the groom and his team.
  • Props: wife's costume (skirt or kitchen apron).

The groom is asked to show how he will behave in different family situations, but this must be done without words. The role of his future wife can be played by a friend dressed as his wife. The following situations can be imagined:

  1. A husband meets his wife from the maternity hospital.
  2. My husband brought home a small salary.
  3. The wife swears at her husband for scattered socks.
  4. The wife spent her husband's entire salary in the store.

Tell me about the bride

  • Participants: groom.
  • Props: card, pieces of paper, bag.

To hold this competition at the bride price, you should prepare the props in advance: write adjectives on pieces of paper (sparkling, graceful, big, sexy, thick, etc.), and on a card - text about the bride, intentionally putting dots instead of adjectives. The text could be like this: “My fiancee has these.... eyes, …. ears, …. lips, …. hair, ... eyebrows, etc.”

The groom's task is to take pieces of paper with adjectives out of the bag one by one and read the text about his beloved. It will turn out very funny and positive, because the bride can have “big eyes, sexy ears and thick eyebrows.”

The portal has collected for you ten fun competitions that you can offer the groom to go through in order to get to his beloved. Don't use all of them for the bride price, but choose the ones that are most suitable for your event. After all, if the redemption is fun and relaxed, then you are definitely guaranteed a great mood and a charge of positivity for the entire holiday! If you want to hold a wedding without a ransom, then you can replace these tests with alternative options, for example, a secret date with a photo shoot, or use these competitions on the first or second day of the celebration.

To the groom

The groom, in turn, needs to show his best side.
Once again, remember “your” dates, all her parameters (height, weight, foot size), food and drink preferences, favorite movie and book. Stock up on money to buy your loved one. Treat the ransom as a game, don't be offended by the bridesmaids for their difficult tasks. After all, this is a tribute to traditions, a cheerful start to the holiday. If you don't know the correct answer to a question, come up with an original answer. The most important thing in a ransom is imagination. Counterfeit money, souvenir dollar bills, and photocopies can be used. You can make a “doll”: put paper money on top and bottom, and simple candy wrappers inside.

You can cut up huge pieces of paper with the inscription: “money”, “a lot of money”, “well, a lot of money”. Moreover, you can use trap phrases for ransom.

For example, the Witness says:

We give you a hundred hryvnia, will you take it?

Witness: “We’ll take it.” They hand over counterfeit money, saying:

We offered it to you, you agreed, now take it. And if you don't like our money, it's not our fault

You can repaint the coins gold and offer a ransom in gold, having received the consent of the bridesmaids, pour this change onto the table.
Remember that the more effort you put into achieving it, the more desirable a goal is. Therefore, try, achieve, pay off! After all, the reward for all your efforts will be the most beautiful smile of your bride!

And most importantly, the ransom is needed not to mock the groom, but to relax a little, laugh, set yourself and your guests up for a successful, happy, cheerful and good day!

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