TOP 31 ideas of what to give a cat for a birthday

Almost everyone in the family has a cat or cat, these cute pets fill life with joy and warmth. Many people note that cats are real family members. Like all family members, cats have birthdays, and there is also a holiday in the world called “Cat Day.” And on holidays it’s supposed to give gifts and create a cheerful mood, so cats should also choose surprises.

To please your pet, you should choose in advance what to give your cat for his birthday. If you also want to surprise your pet with a pleasant surprise, we recommend that you look at our selection of various gift ideas for pets. We will help you find a wide variety of surprise options that will please even the most picky pets.

Milk crispy pads

A treat with milk filling will delight any cat! The pads contain chicken meat and delicate cream. In addition, due to the high fiber content, this treat helps the cat remove hairballs from the stomach.

The cat will not look at the cost of the gift: the main thing is that it likes it.
Take care of your cat as a full-fledged member of the family. Remember that the best gift for a pet is your love and attention! Did you like the article? Share with your friends!

TOP 15 ideas of what to give to a cat

Choosing a gift for a cat can be very difficult; unlike people, they have special preferences and hobbies that people are not even aware of. Our team of pet experts have compiled a list of the best gift ideas for your beloved pet. The TOP 15 ideas for a surprise include interesting and useful gift options for a cat:

  1. Fluffy pets really like to frolic with various toys; usually their role is played by balls or candy wrappers. However, on this special day it is worth choosing a truly interesting toy made from quality materials. This could be a set of toy animals with feathers or glowing objects. If there is a desire and free time, the owner can independently make a toy for his beloved pet according to an individual project. Use your imagination to surprise your cat with an interesting and entertaining toy.
  2. Pets must have a veterinary passport, which contains basic information about the health of the cat. On your pet's birthday, you can please him with a new cover for his official document. The design on the cover must also be chosen in accordance with the theme of the holiday and the preferences of the family member. The image can be your favorite toys or your favorite cat food. It’s also worth signing the cover with your pet’s name.
  3. If your cat likes to relax, create all the necessary conditions for this. A soft and comfortable hammock for your pet’s comfortable sleep and relaxation would be a suitable option for a birthday. When choosing a hammock, it is important to evaluate the quality of the material used to make the structure. The item must be of high quality and safe for animal fur.
  4. All members of the cat family often have the habit of sharpening their claws. They usually do this on interior items, so they use furniture, walls and floors. To ensure that your pet has a specially designated place for this activity, purchase a scratching post with a special coating. And if you already have a scratching post in your house, you can update it by making a pleasant surprise for a family member.
  5. Every pet wants to have its own home. We are not talking about a person’s home, but about a cat’s own small house. In a specialized store you can purchase a high-quality multi-story house with scratching posts inside. Additionally, you can place your animal’s favorite toys inside.
  6. Often in everyday life, owners feed their pet regular food, rarely changing the animal’s diet. A cat's birthday is an excellent occasion for a delicious gift. Choose high-quality food or prepare your own treat using recipes from the Internet. However, as practice shows, pets prefer elite food.
  7. Despite the fact that representatives of the cat family do not like water, this hygiene kit will be an excellent holiday gift option. The set may include mild shampoo, conditioner, wool moisturizer, bath toys, combs and bows. The presented set will be especially relevant for cute domestic cats. If you wish, you can create a set yourself or purchase a ready-made gift in a store.
  8. Representatives of the cat family love to fill various containers, and their favorite place is a cardboard box. For a birthday, it is worth purchasing a special bedding with soft sides, into which your pet can climb and hide. It is also possible to equip your pet’s favorite place with soft sides and places for sharpening claws.
  9. If your cat likes to play with shopping bags, you can purchase an eco-friendly pet carrier to keep your pet entertained. A special case will allow your pet to do what he loves, without causing harm or creating unnecessary noise effects.
  10. If you are rarely at home, but want to create comfortable living conditions for a family member, consider a massager as a gift idea. The kit may contain various attachments for massaging the back, head and paws. Also, as an addition, you can purchase rubber attachments for the point of your pet’s teeth. The best option would be to purchase a multi-level massager.
  11. Cats and cats, despite their love for a domestic lifestyle, also love to walk. To make every walk enjoyable and fill it with unforgettable impressions, choose a set of decorative clothes for your pet. It is worth choosing clothes for different weather conditions so that you can walk together even in the cool season.
  12. There is nothing better than visiting a professional pet beauty salon, where your pet will get a new haircut, massage, create a unique hairstyle and take care of its claws. Even the most picky family member will like this gift. Before visiting the salon, you should read reviews about the company and choose specialists.
  13. A really good and at the same time useful gift for a cat would be a house-shaped toilet. Such conditions will allow the pet to retire at the necessary moment, and a special design will prevent the spread of unpleasant odors throughout the room. It is worth taking care of environmentally friendly pet litter.
  14. An indispensable thing for your beloved pet will be a collar with a special connector for placing a note with the address where the cat lives. If the animal gets lost, people can return it to the address specified in the note. You can also leave a phone number in the note to contact the owner. This gift will be especially relevant for those pets who often go for walks on their own.
  15. An unusual and interesting gift option for a real family member would be a tunnel with numerous entrances, exits and bends. The structure can be placed inside the room, and the tunnel can be folded and removed to save space. Such a gift will be an excellent option for active pets who love to play at home. If you wish, you can independently prepare a tunnel project to create a unique gift for a cat.

What to give to a cat lover?

Don’t forget about the owner who takes care of the pet; he also deserves attention on this wonderful holiday. If you have friends or acquaintances who can be called real cat lovers, you should prepare them a themed gift. This can be a useful thing for a pet or an interesting gift for the owner himself. Below are ideas for choosing a suitable gift:

  1. A pet carrier will be a useful gift for a cat lover.
  2. Certificate for visiting an animal beauty salon or veterinary clinic.
  3. Photo album with photographs of the best moments from the life of the owner and pet.
  4. A sign with a paw print of the pet and the owner’s hand, reflecting their inextricable connection.
  5. A practical gift would be to purchase a certificate for making a purchase at a pet store. The owner will be able to independently choose the most suitable gift for a family member.
  6. A souvenir plate or mug with a picture of a pet will be a bright addition to the collection of memorable gifts.
  7. T-shirt with a bright photo of a furry pet.

Delicious gifts

The best thing you can give a cat is food. Of course, you should pay attention to your pet’s taste preferences.

On the shelves of pet stores you will find many interesting treats: salmon rolls, cheese and fish balls, mice with taurine and cottage cheese, chewy sausages and much more.

It is important to choose the right manufacturer (it is better to study the company’s reviews and recommendations in advance) and carefully study the composition; the pet’s health directly depends on this.

Cats, like people, love gifts, they feel warmth and affection from their owner, so why not pamper your pets with delicious food and beautiful accessories. And even if they won’t be able to say thank you, you will see gratitude in their eyes.

Home and entertainment center

Everyone knows that cats are very independent creatures, so they will be happy to have “their own corner.” There they sleep, play and spend most of their leisure time.

A network of variations trimmed with fur or fabric, you can choose a model with your pet’s name embroidered, or order your own design. Of course, an individual order will cost much more, but nothing is a pity for your beloved cat. For beauty lovers, you can offer to give an original pendant with the name of your pet. As a rule, an entertainment center for cats is a kind of vertical structure covered with a rope, there are houses and hammocks that are located at different levels. This gift would be a great gift for a birthday or New Year.

Note! When choosing, pay attention to the stability and integrity of the structure; your cat will not only sleep there, so it is important that it does not break after a few days.

DIY gift for a cat

Do you think that the cat will not appreciate your work and ingenuity? In vain! Cats love original toys made from scrap materials. Watch the cat, each has its own preferences:

  • boxes and crates;
  • balls and spools of thread;
  • plastic bottle caps;
  • paper bags;
  • transparent plastic boxes;
  • newspapers.

You can use all this to create toys and entertainment for your pets. It is not recommended to use plastic play bags as cats tend to get very tangled in them.


You can make a gift for a cat with your own hands from plastic water pipes of the largest diameter and corners for them. You just need to connect them to each other so that a closed circle or square is formed. It is necessary to drill holes the size of a ping pong ball along the entire perimeter and process the edges. The final step is to fill the pipe with balls, candy wrappers or mice. Rest assured, your cat will spend more than a single sleepless night trying to catch all the contents of the toy.

Rattle ball

The simplest rattling “ball” can be made from plastic Kinder Surprise containers or capsules from medical shoe covers. It’s enough to fill them with peas, rice or something that rings and your cat’s gift is ready!

Window sill rug

A more complex gift to make. You will need thick fabric, fleece or faux fur. Cut out two rectangles from the fabric so that the smaller side is equal to the width of the window sill. Sew and turn the pieces inside out. If desired, you can fill the resulting lounger with filler (sintepon or holofiber) and make funny appliqués on the outside of the rug.

Fur wrapper on a string

A kind of updated version of the most famous kitten toy. A simple piece of natural fur serves as an imitation of prey. By tying it with a string to a door handle, table, house or entertainment center, you will bring your pet to indescribable delight. Cats are predators and that is why they are so partial to everything fur, even if it is the owner’s hat or the owner’s new fur coat.

To summarize, I would like to repeat myself - every cat is unique. When choosing a gift, remember what toys she prefers and where she likes to relax.

“Time spent with a cat is never wasted.” Give yourself and your pets a wonderful mood.


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Sunbed on the windowsill

The main favorite places for cats are a warm chair, heating radiators and windows. All cats spend most of their free time on the windowsill. There is nothing more interesting for them than watching cars, birds and people. Considering the urgent need of domestic cats for such a pastime, a lounger was invented that was attached to the windowsill. Now your pet can calmly bask in the sun, “catch” flying birds and flies, and all this on a bed made of soft fleece or faux fur. Well, the stylish design of the couch and original colors are what will bring pleasure to their owners.

scratching post

If you are an experienced cat lover, then you probably already have this item in your home, perhaps not even in a single quantity. If you just got a kitten, then this is the first thing you should give to your ward. We are talking about a scratching post - an item that will help preserve wallpaper, carpeting, furniture and the front door in your home. The choice of scratching posts is huge and, perhaps, these are the best gifts for cats. When purchasing, evaluate the strength of the rope, the solidity and methods of attaching the scratching post, as well as the absence of metal elements that can injure the animal.

Hammock with battery

Since cats sleep most of their lives, sleep aids are very important. The hammock will provide comfort and warmth for your pet.

You can attach it to absolutely any battery. The base of the hammock is often made of metal, which ensures reliable fastening and durability of the product.

Caring for such a gift is easy; you just need to remove the fabric base from it and throw it in the washing machine. You can make such a present with your own hands.

To do this, you will need a solid base, soft material for “shelter” and devices for fastening. Step-by-step instructions are easy to find on the Internet.

Toys for cats

Does your cat have too many toys? This doesn't happen. Cats are amazingly able to hide toys even in a small apartment with a minimal set of furniture. Therefore, you should buy all the balls and mice in 3-4 pieces at once.


The most popular toy. Pet stores always have a large selection of mice made from artificial and natural fur, with squeakers, rattles, wheels, filler and even feathers. It’s up to your cat to decide what to choose; some will prefer something exotic with feathers, while others will be happy with an ordinary fur mouse. Buy several different toys and offer them to your pet.

When choosing mice, pay attention to the strength of the materials from which they are made. Toys scented or filled with catnip, contrary to popular belief, are not liked by all animals.


Especially suitable for kittens who do not yet understand how to play with balls and mice. In addition, they save the owners' hands from scratches. The designs of teasers are simple - as a rule, they are plastic tubes with imitation mice, jingling balls, fur and feathers attached to the end. The only downside of the toy is that the plastic tubes cannot withstand the pressure of cat paws for long. Therefore, you will have to buy teasers in large quantities or make such a gift for your cat with your own hands.


Cats love them. Advice, do not buy balls made of material similar to foam, it is not suitable for cats at all. The ideal option would be a plastic ball trimmed with fur and filled with special bells. In second place are rubber or polymer balls that have good jumping ability.

Try different options before purchasing a dozen jingle balls for your cat. The simplest version of this toy is ping pong balls. For some reason, most cats are just crazy about them.


These toys are a pendulum in the form of a mouse or fish figurine attached to a spring. Cats are especially attracted to the inertia of the toy and the illusion of prey escaping. As a rule, devices are additionally equipped with rustling or ringing parts and even rotating mechanisms. It turns out to be a kind of mouse on a disk, which begins to rotate with each touch of the cat's paws.

When choosing a toy of this type, check its stability, since the cat is unlikely to follow the rules of use.

What to give a cat for Cat Day?

Another holiday was created especially for the youngest members of the family, which is not inferior in importance to a birthday. Cat Day in our country is celebrated on March 1, and on this holiday you can also please your pet with a surprise. Among the most successful gift options for this holiday are the following:

  1. Furry pets will love this professional hair brush with a massager function.
  2. Waterproof clothes for walking even in rainy weather will be a good surprise for cats who love to spend time outside.
  3. A personal toilet with an automatic flush function will be a real gift not only for the pet, but also for the owner, since it will eliminate the need to constantly clean up after the animal.
  4. A high-quality collar will never be out of place in the house. Such a gift will allow the owner to take his pet for walks more often.
  5. A tunnel toy with a ball inside will keep your pet busy with an exciting game.
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