Fun outdoor party: interesting ideas for decoration

Spring is coming, and we all want to quickly get out into nature, lie on the grass, breathe in the fresh air, warmed by the first rays of the warm sun. We will organize corporate events in nature, cozy outings with friends and children. To make such trips memorable for a long time, I found interesting ideas for decorating a vacation spot and a picnic table.

Fun party in nature

Decoration of the place

In nature, most often you have to do without comfortable tables, chairs and benches. You can build a tent of sorts from translucent fabric draped over a tree branch, or you can take a real garden tent with you. If there are going to be a lot of guests, then you can set a buffet table in the tent, and lay soft rugs and throw pillows around it.

Outdoor party

Somewhere in the forest or in the garden you can build a table and chairs from stumps. It's also a good idea to make a table out of pallets and lay rugs around it.

Simple outdoor party decor

If you are planning to rent a gazebo, or are going to a place where there will be a table and benches, then you can take care of decorating this place. The simplest thing is to hang several garlands and make candlesticks from glass or tin cans. You can hang homemade flags, garlands, paper tassels and lanterns on trees. How to make all these decorations, you can look for master classes here on

Decoration of a holiday in nature

Ideas for a holiday in nature

Summer is a wonderful time in every way. And I have sincerely always envied people who have a birthday in the summer (mine is in February), because they can celebrate this wonderful day in nature. So my mother decided to celebrate her birthday at the dacha this year. I don’t really want this wonderful day to turn into “standard barbecue,” so I thought about decorating the holiday. I scoured and looked for different ideas. I summarize and publish.

Photo booth idea. These days you can increasingly see them at weddings. Many people neglect them and consider them unnecessary. But I think a photo booth adds a lot of life to the celebration. Plus, in the photographs you are guaranteed not to have any flower or tree growing out of your head, this is a great opportunity to fool around and take real photos. It's expensive to order. That's why we do everything with our own hands. The simplest option is tape. We buy ribbons of the desired color and tie them to a tree branch, a crossbar, a rope on which clothes are dried at the dacha, well, you understand what I mean. Simple and beautiful! This option is suitable even for a country picnic.

You can also use a piece of fabric - white or colored, paper or wallpaper to decorate the backdrop of the photo booth. Picture frames also look good.

Pompom idea. Pompoms of different sizes and colors made from tissue paper will help you decorate the holiday. They look amazing and are incredibly easy and quick to make. You can hang them according to the measurement, put a heart and a number out of them (according to the number of years of the birthday person), hang them from the ceiling in a tent, or add them to a photo booth. First, a short master class on how to actually make them, and then variations of ideas. Let me just say that I made them for my sister’s wedding and secured them in the center not with wire, but with floss threads. But I think it’s convenient for everyone.

Step one: the larger the ball, the more sheets you need. For a small one – 2-4 sheets, for a large one – 4-8. Accordingly, the more sheets, the fluffier. Once I didn’t use tissue paper, but a stiffer one, and it didn’t turn out bad either. In general, no one prohibited experiments. Choose the width yourself depending on the desired diameter. The rectangular sheet needs to be folded like an accordion, just like fans were made in childhood. If the ball is large in diameter, then the width of the accordion is about 3 cm, if it is small - 1.5 cm. But this is also all approximately, it is not necessary to measure using a ruler.

Step two: trim the edges. If you want, make it a corner, or if you want, make it round, as shown in the photo.

Step three: straighten out each fold. Be careful not to tear the paper.

So our pomon is ready. We rejoice and attach it where we intended.

The idea is “for fooling around.” To make the photos more fun and not like the photos from your last birthday, add accessories. You can also buy them ready-made, but making them yourself is quite simple. There are many templates on the Internet.

Here, perhaps, are a few simple ideas that will help make this holiday different from others. A good mood and delicious treats will make it unforgettable. I hope these ideas give you some interesting thoughts too!

Serving drinks

I really liked the ideas for serving drinks in nature. For this you will need zinc basins, buckets, troughs. Simply fill the containers with ice and serve your drinks.

Serving drinks at a bathtub party

If a large number of people are expected, then you can even install an old bathtub or garden wheelbarrow.

Serving drinks at an outdoor party

If there will be drinks at the party such as homemade lemonade or fruit juice, then make sure that all these drinks are in closed containers, as annoying gnats, flies and other insects can ruin everything.

Moscow: Inspiration Festival

The open spaces of VDNKh will host the International Arts Festival “Inspiration,” dedicated this year to experimental theater. Groups from France, Germany, Italy and Russia will present performances combining information technology, circus acts, ballet steps and rock music. Participants in the Spectator's Theater project will be able to transform into their favorite characters and take part in amateur performances. The program also includes screenings of documentaries about the connection between theater and cinema.

Read more about the Inspiration festival.


In nature, most often you want to relax on the grass and listen to the guitar being played. But this is more suitable for the evening, when a fire will be lit.

In sunny weather you can play, for example, Twister. Moreover, you don’t have to look for a special canvas for the game; you can draw circles on a sheet or directly on the grass.

Outdoor fun

You can also play a Tower game, but not the one we usually play on a table, but one made from wooden blocks. I think that the one who collapses this tower will deeply regret it, in any case, he will have to run away quickly so as not to collapse. But unusual and fun!

Picnic decoration

A picnic is not only a wonderful opportunity to have fun, but also a great idea for any celebration. At a picnic you can celebrate a birthday, an anniversary, a new purchase or just gather friends for mass fun.

To prevent a picnic from turning into a banal drinking session, treat its organization as if you were preparing for a classic party. Consider a picnic design that will allow your guests to enjoy not only nature, but also interesting little things.

First, choose the time and place of the picnic, because its design directly depends on the time of year and day. If you prefer to celebrate in the evening, then you need to think about lighting - bonfires, light bulbs or torches.

When setting the table, do not forget that the tablecloth, napkins, and tableware should be made in a picnic style. Use a classic check or stripe, blue or red.

You can also use dark shades, because if there are children at the picnic, then there will be some “pigness”.

You can also use nature to create a table - hemp, logs, etc. A great option would be to use rugs, blankets and blankets for comfortable sitting.

Also, when deciding how to decorate a picnic table, you can use the following ideas.

Do you want to celebrate your birthday outdoors? Take advantage of a couple of interesting ideas.

This is what decorating a party for a princess might look like.

And this idea is a great option for a birthday in cloudy weather.

Also, the design of a picnic includes various attributes that will help maintain the cheerful atmosphere of a holiday or party. To begin with, you can prepare interesting invitations.

Various forms of decor will be appropriate - decorative jars of jam, baskets with pastries, flags and funny attributes for a picnic where there will be children.

Hang a hammock - it will become a favorite entertainment for adults and children at your picnic.

Dried or fresh bouquets can also be an excellent decoration.

Don't want to think about how to decorate a picnic table? Perhaps a clear division of food into baskets would be an interesting and original solution? There is no need to set the table and everyone can find a place in the clearing to their liking.

You can also decorate your dishes in a fun way by decorating cookies with smiley faces, straws with mustaches, and trees with flags.

Would you like to decorate a picnic for a birthday? Then we recommend you interesting solutions that will make your holiday unforgettable.

When making a picnic for a girl’s birthday, you can give preference to pink, green and blue shades. This picnic design will not only please the guests, but will also make the picnic a little princess’ day.

This design of a picnic can turn it from a banal outing into an interesting and exciting journey into the world of things. In addition, you are provided with beautiful and bright photographs as a keepsake :).

Looking for something to feed your guests? Read our article “Interesting dishes for a picnic” :).

Improving lung function and cardiovascular system

Normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and lungs is a guarantee of long life. To live longer, it is important to walk in the evenings. And just walk, and not sit on the balcony or in a room with an open window.

Nighttime calorie burning

If you take a walk before bed, your body will diligently burn calories at night. In addition, during rest he will spend even more energy than usual to recover from the past day.

Energy, as is known, is taken from subcutaneous fat during the breakdown of fat cells. Therefore, those who want to lose weight are recommended to walk in the fresh air every day. The result will be noticeable within 14 days.

Human attractiveness

Thanks to walking, the body receives oxygen, and this is important for the functioning of the circulatory system. The face becomes ruddy, the skin looks fresher and more beautiful, and the person becomes more cheerful.

Normalizing metabolism and removing toxins from the body also improves appearance. This can also be achieved by walking in the fresh air.

How long to walk

Initially, walks can be short - 10 minutes daily. Then you can gradually add time. Once the body has adjusted, walking should take at least 30 minutes.


Experts advise walking for 1 to 2 hours every day, regardless of whether it is morning or evening. However, each person decides for himself how much time he will allocate for festivities. The most important thing is to do this every day.

Street outdoor activities have a positive effect on human health, and this is an indisputable fact. All people who take care of their body need to walk outside as much as possible. A dose of energy and good health will be ensured, and the best incentive for this is the awareness of why it is so important to walk in the fresh air every day


St. Petersburg: street theater festival “Elagin Park”

Professional and amateur street groups from Russia, England, France, Spain and Chile will perform at the festival in the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after S. M. Kirov. The repertoire includes experimental performances lasting from fifteen minutes to three hours. The clown trio “Klava” will tell a story about female friendship without a single word, the Teatro Pavana troupe will present a night show on stilts, and artists from Gandini Juggling will act out scenes using a hundred red apples.

Read more about the street theater festival "Elagin Park".

Improved mood, relieve stress

An effective way to relieve a bad mood is walking. Helps cope with fatigue and severe stress, which is very important for modern people. Fresh air relaxes and improves your mood. The aroma of trees relieves stress and fatigue.

During a leisurely walk, a person calms down and becomes happy. Thanks to solitude with nature and your thoughts, it improves the functioning of the nervous system.


The most suitable place for walking in the fresh air is a park.

Voronezh region, Ramon village: summer theater festival “Ramenye Opera”

The Voronezh region will host an open-air theater festival of opera music for the first time. On August 18, guests of the historical and cultural theater will enjoy Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “Il Trovatore,” and on August 19, Carl Orff’s stage cantata “Carmina Burana.” The festival program will be complemented by a theatrical parade-defile in stage costumes, an exhibition-fair of handmade goods and a drawing master class “Mood - Opera”.

Read more about the summer theater festival "Ramenier-Opera".

Belgorod: festival of street performers "Belgorod Arbat"

The festival of street performers will be held in the park of culture and recreation named after V.I. Lenin for the fifth time. It will be attended by dancers, musicians, portrait painters, poets, martial artists and acrobats from different cities of Russia and neighboring countries. The festival program includes concerts of Russian folk and contemporary music, exhibitions of decorative and applied arts, performances, master classes and fire shows.

Read more about the Belgorod Arbat street performers festival.

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