Congratulations on graduation to a mathematics teacher in verse

This issue is versatile, but there is one goal - beautiful congratulations to the mathematics teacher in poetry and prose. These are the best congratulations for last bell, birthday and teacher's day. Each category is labeled and highlighted. And the cool congratulations selected in this article can be learned for graduation. We also recommend that the teacher express words of gratitude for his work. By the way, April 1 is Mathematics Day, so don’t forget to send a short SMS to your mentor.

Congratulations to the math teacher in prose

We wish that everything in your life always works out as simply as 2+2. We wish that even the most difficult life situations find a logical solution, but always with a positive result. Let your dreams come true. Let your work bring great pleasure and good income directly to you, and to our state, and may new mathematical minds educated by you bring you. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to your Math teacher! We wish that happy moments grow exponentially. So that success, luck, joy and love are in perfect proportion. And all the hardships and troubles tended to zero. Congratulations to you!

You teach children to think logically; the science you teach is subtle, most important, wise, and strict. Congratulations, we wish you to easily impart knowledge into the minds of children, helping to understand the darkness of equations, functions and graphs. It is important that you always have enough potential, pressure, and enthusiasm. Be happy, healthy, always energetic and sweet.

We wish you only positive numbers and results, good health, respect from students and loved ones, love and mutual understanding in the family. Well, where would we be without happiness cubed and joy squared! Happy holiday!

Congratulations to a great math teacher! Thank you very much for your patience and attention, ability to explain the most confusing formula, creative approach and love for work. We wish you great happiness, good health, patience, only positive changes in life, comfort and warmth in the family, prosperity and prosperity. Happy Teacher's Day!

Mathematics is a serious subject - it is the basis and support of all sciences, dear teacher, congratulations, we admire your ability to present the material. We sincerely wish you success in your work, so that your students quickly learn the program and skillfully derive formulas. Let your children love you, let your parents respect you, let every lesson bring you joy.

Dear teacher, we hasten to congratulate you on your holiday! Mathematics is an exact science for which only correct solutions are acceptable! You teach us to find them, not only in studies, but also in life. You are a true role model. We wish you health, prosperity and happiness! Stability and success!

Beautiful poems for a math teacher (40 pieces)

Poems for a mathematics teacher Mathematics is a very important subject that is studied from the first grades. In our life, counting is one of the main skills that mathematics teachers instill in us. Teacher's Day is a great occasion to congratulate a teacher on his professional holiday! After all, teachers give us a lot and it is important to show them your attention and respect. This collection contains the best poems for a math teacher, with which you can congratulate your favorite teacher.

You always taught us persistently to “test harmony with algebra,” and with you the students were able to believe in the magic of numbers not without difficulty.

Let’s say thank you for Newton’s binomial, Also, for “Pythagorean pants”, Accept my bows as confessions, For the knowledge that is so important to us. *** Heading the row of numbers, Mastering the formula exactly, Mathematician, you are a fairy, Counting us like chickens.

A circle from a flat oval You asked to differentiate. Congratulations, mathematician, number correct fanatic! *** You have invested everything in us in full, Proving year after year, That mathematics is needed Not only to calculate income; Let a pair of your kind hands rule the Queen of recognized sciences without tension! Let there be peace and harmony all around! We all congratulate you today! *** There is poetry in mathematics! Not always listening to you diligently, We often daydreamed during lessons And the spankings were deserved, Now we carry out any operations without delay With numbers; Please accept our congratulations and our humble ovation! *** Mathematics is an exact science! There can't be a yes or no here. Here the solution is always unambiguous No matter how someone tries the task.

Now we will find him quickly and competently. And all because it was you who taught us. We want to sincerely congratulate you and wish you happiness with the whole class. *** We extract the square root of X instantly. And now we can solve the 5 by 4 matrix perfectly! We know how to find the factorial. And all thanks to what you taught us!

Thank you for your knowledge of this science. Thank you for never stopping teaching us. Please accept congratulations from us on this holiday. We wish you well with all our hearts. *** You taught us how to solve problems. Although life will puzzle us more than once, we will not forget your lessons and we will solve all problems correctly.

On this holiday we want to wish you order, So that everything in life can be solved as in a notebook, Everything works out, it comes out on time. Thank you, teacher, for the lessons! *** Mathematics is a complex science, but, of course, it is possible to understand it. If you have a math teacher with you, you will solve all the problems perfectly.

How many complex things you helped to understand - Multiply, add, divide, and subtract. We want to tell you these words: let everything work out for you like twice two! *** It would seem that in the age of calculators, In the computer age of computing, Why do we need denominators, Cotangents or numerators? But without multiplication and division, you can’t even become a janitor! We wish you that mathematics becomes everyone's favorite subject! *** Not everyone comes to school as a Lobachevsky, but your talent can make a miracle. Not everyone will connect their destiny with mathematics, but they will definitely know the basics. We congratulate you with all our hearts, Let integrals with logarithms rejoice. Thank you for your hard work, the students will definitely not forget you. *** We learned immediately that mathematics is a very precise science as soon as we arrived in class. Theorems and axioms are firmly lodged in our heads, Mathematics is not difficult for us. We solve equations like nuts, Let the X's be angry - we will still solve it! Long live the math teacher! We thank you for science! *** You taught us how to quickly divide, subtract and multiply by “five”. Thank you very much for this! Believe our sincere words! And if they gave you flowers on a holiday Based on the proportion of kindness, the school couldn’t fit in the flowers, Because it’s impossible not to love you! *** Any good mathematician is necessarily a poet And the rigor of algebra does not mean that there is no lyrical content in it!

Since you showed us Her harmony and rhyme, We are not afraid of integrals, Inequalities and logarithms! *** Mathematics is a science, We will tell you without embellishment, it is not an easy thing at all - our whole class knows this.

And thank you very much. We would say for that. No one could explain to us what it is better than you. *** Thank you for your talent. What helped you to invest in us is that only a giant of the exact sciences could understand what is what.

Mathematics is important to us, we will need it, that’s for sure. It was not in vain that it was passed and studied overtime. *** For the queen of sciences, you are a comrade and friend: You will prove to everyone the correctness of the theorems, the beauty of the axioms and Newton’s bin! Your speeches are true - Those speeches have no price! May there be success in all your actions! *** Solve any identities, measure the volume of a figure... You taught us everything here - We have not forgotten those lessons. And we will never forget. After all, mathematics is always needed, it is always in place. And with her it’s always interesting for us. And this is your only merit - we have found a friend in you! And we will also offer our friendship to you from the heart forever! *** The Queen of sciences, which cannot be found anywhere else, We can say without any calculations at all. We wish you health and love in your life, so that you are constant and cherish your happiness. You yourself are a match for the Queen of Mathematics, you were able to convey your love for the subject to us. We firmly declare that in order to become literate, you need to devote time to calculations every day. *** We are a friendly team. We came to congratulate you. Our entire class wishes you health and happiness. We love your subject very much and we know in advance that those who know mathematics are lucky in business. *** You recently discovered an amazing world of numbers and numbers for us. Our class expresses its gratitude to you immediately from the bottom of our hearts.

Let everything work out in your life, let all sorrows go into minus. Never be sad, never worry, Let there only be peace and comfort! *** From “twice two” to complex equations We have come a very interesting path. You brought this science to us from ancient teachings to this day.

Thank you for everything you have studied, for the load of knowledge conveyed to us. We wish you that in your life there will be all numbers only with a plus sign. *** We are ready to learn mathematics, let us even dream of a series of natural numbers at night.

Non-standard solution We will be able to find the Multiplier - the product... Why bother?

Divisible is a divisor, This fact is known to everyone, But today, our TEACHER, Let's live without theorems.

We congratulate you as a whole class on Teacher's Day! We wish you new creative ideas! And talented children! — — — — — — The numbers have turned our heads, The notebook is replete with examples. We can solve, count and calculate correctly and quickly.

And I would like to say thank you for this knowledge on your holiday. I wish you success in all your endeavors, smiles and happiness! *** Happy Teacher's Day, we congratulate you, you are a genius of numbers, accuracy, and calculations! We sincerely thank you now for your patience, strength and care!

And may they always thank you on this Earth. Teaching is hard! You are a mathematician in your heart and soul, so let everything become possible for you! *** My head is swimming with numbers and signs, And calculations are swarming in my thoughts. We say thank you today for teaching us to understand them.

On Teachers' Day we wish you extraordinary patience. Just teach understanding children, so that work brings only pleasure! *** Here formulas hover in the office, Fermat and Euler argue in silence, More precisely, there is no algebra of science, For a mathematician, calculation is valuable!

You give science a strong foundation, Teacher, cube happiness, Let us give luck a powerful acceleration, Happy holiday to you, cool hyperboles, friend! *** We think better than a calculator, we can solve the problem and example. We know all the rules and all the laws, and we will be able to apply all this.

Today we want to congratulate you on Teacher’s Day with all our hearts. Let everything be as you can’t imagine in a fairy tale, Let happiness rush to you as quickly as possible! *** This has long been clear to us, That two and two equals four, What’s great about mathematics is that you taught it to us!

And not just bare facts, numbers or theorems: Life itself has become clearer! We are immensely grateful to you! *** You are an excellent mathematician, After all, in life you are a pragmatist! And the profession is wonderful, If it’s interesting!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart, Learning the secrets of numbers, Every day you only get smarter! Many loyal friends! *** I congratulate you on Teacher’s Day, So that everyone knows mathematics, I wish that each of your classes is almost brilliant, So that the goal is always achieved perfectly!

I want to count, but not only in the abstract, But also what is really nice to hold in your hands, put in your wallet, Then to buy a car, an apartment! *** Numbers and signs, the magic of numbers are fraught with sacred meaning, And you, like a mother, Teach us to understand them!

Your efforts are precious, your work will not be appreciated by many, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, and we want to wish you happiness! *** Mathematics is an exact science! There can't be a yes or no here. Here the solution is always unambiguous No matter how someone tries the task.

Now we will find him quickly and competently. And all because it was you who taught us. We want to sincerely congratulate you and wish you happiness with the whole class. *** It would seem that in the age of calculators, In the computer age of computing, Why do we need denominators, Cotangents or numerators? But without multiplication and division, you can’t even become a janitor! We wish you that mathematics becomes everyone’s favorite subject! *** We defend the theorems, And cram all the rules, Thanks to mathematics, For correcting our brains! And thank you too! And our congratulations! Without Pythagorean pants, you can’t cook porridge at school! *** From “twice two” to complex equations We have come a very interesting path. You brought this science to us from ancient teachings to this day.

Thank you for everything you have studied, for the load of knowledge conveyed to us. We wish you that in your life there will be all numbers only with a plus sign. *** Solve any identities, measure the volume of a figure... You taught us everything here - We have not forgotten those lessons. And we will never forget. After all, mathematics is always needed, it is always in place. And with her it’s always interesting for us. And this is your only merit - we have found a friend in you! And we will also offer our friendship to you from the heart forever! *** Mathematics is a complex science, but, of course, it is possible to understand it. If you have a math teacher with you, you will solve all the problems perfectly.

How many complex things you helped to understand - Multiply, add, divide, and subtract. We want to tell you these words: let everything work out for you like twice two! *** You “test harmony with algebra” You always taught us persistently, And with you the students were able to believe in the magic of numbers not without difficulty.

Let’s say thank you for Newton’s binomial, Also, for “Pythagorean pants”, Accept my bows as confessions, For the knowledge that is so important to us. *** Mathematics is a science, We’ll tell you without embellishment, it’s not an easy thing at all - our whole class knows this.

And thank you very much. We would say for that. No one could explain to us what it is better than you. *** We learned immediately that mathematics is a very precise science as soon as we arrived in class. Theorems and axioms are firmly lodged in our heads, Mathematics is not difficult for us. We solve equations like nuts, Let the X's be angry - we will still solve it! Long live the math teacher! We thank you for science! *** We extract the square root of X instantly. And now we can solve the 5 by 4 matrix perfectly! We know how to find the factorial. And all thanks to what you taught us!

Thank you for your knowledge of this science. Thank you for never stopping teaching us. Please accept congratulations from us on this holiday. We wish you well with all our hearts. *** You have invested everything in us in full, Proving year after year, That mathematics is needed Not only to calculate income; Let a pair of your kind hands rule the Queen of recognized sciences without tension! Let there be peace and harmony all around! We all congratulate you today! *** Let English be nice to some, Chemistry is important to some, Without mathematics we all need Well, neither here nor there!

Equations are like poems to us, And integrals support our spirit, Logarithms are like songs to us, And formulas are soothing to the ear.

Your strict mind is not indifferent, we like your clear mind. And we are happy and glad that they have been faithful to us for many years!

We chew on mathematics, we don’t notice other sciences, and as a result we know for sure: we’ll probably become Einsteins!

Words of gratitude to the life safety teacher

Today, on the day of the last bell, we can say with confidence that we are ready to leave our native school walls and plunge into the sometimes dangerous adult world. We do this easily and boldly, because we know how to take care of ourselves perfectly and know how to act correctly in any, even the most difficult situation. This became possible thanks to the invaluable knowledge that we received in life safety lessons. Thank you, our dear teacher, for understanding that there is a way out of any difficult situation, for the ability to stand up for yourself and help others in an emergency, for the ability to quickly navigate changing conditions. We know that we can take care of ourselves and maintain our presence of mind even during such a serious test as final exams.

Songs for teachers for “Last Bell”

Song for a math teacher

: The numbers in front of me are fading. Doubts crept into my heart - How does she solve this? But when you realize everything is bad, then she comes to the rescue. It explains and is immediately clear - the theorem here is clearly not the same.

Chorus: Extraordinary, affectionate, gentle! Like a boundless ocean, Galina Pavlovna. Extraordinary, sweet, priceless! You are the whole universe! She is extraordinary!

Song for a chemistry teacher:

Copper oxidized, I know it turned out to be an oxide. I select a reaction and cry bitterly. Nadezhda Vasilievna is always in my heart! Hydrogen with oxygen makes water. I'm leaving for the exam, I remember everything I studied. For a whole year I stubbornly crammed chemistry! Isotopes are almost always incomprehensible to us, but the teacher will never leave us in trouble.

Chorus: The most mine is mine, my favorite chemistry! Alkalies and acids are neutralized. Nadezhda Vasilievna! Tender and sweet! My most - my, most beloved!

Song of Russian language and literature:

And here we are again in magazine 2! And I can’t decide everything correctly, probably... And I shouldn’t expect any more miracles! But I study everything hard - At least I want a C, But suddenly I get a 4! I love Russian so much! Chorus: She is beautiful, She is wonderful, And during the exam she warms my heart. He will hear a song and shed a tear. And how can we not fall in love with someone like that.

Song for a geography teacher:

Do you know how interesting it is to teach geography? We listen, we listen, we listen greedily. Slowly, without breathing and delicately! We tried to conquer mountains, rivers, plains! Incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, Cool, but confusing and incomprehensible! We looked for countries on the globe, learned to draw maps. I counted latitude and longitude, we can make routes!

Chorus: The road led me from the south to the north through unknown lands. The world was changing, what was missing in it! For the knowledge - thank you!

Song for a history teacher:

I've been studying history for a long time. I can list all the rulers And with my eyes closed I can say When Peter the Great will set out on a campaign, And what awaits him on this campaign. That Napoleon's wife was the Constitution, as the people believed.

Chorus: Thank you for the knowledge, Oleg Bogdanovich! You have been messing around with us since childhood. We sing in gratitude, not for appreciation. Well, if you suddenly put it on, we will be pleased.

Song for a physical education teacher:

Okay, wait, we're getting knocked up. We love our local gym. Wow Wow. Who's meeting us? Our commander. We were unable to hit this terrible ball for half an hour, but then Mikhalych came out and the game began. The guys are like, wow, wow. Girls too: wow, wow. We wanted to serve this ball just as beautifully and forcefully. Our Anatoly Mikhalych explained everything to us very well.

The lesson is over, everything is clear, we are left exhausted.

Song to the life safety teacher:

Every Tuesday in the sixth lesson We come to study, to the classroom, To our favorite bright classroom. We are so tired after physical education that we want to run away as soon as possible. Well, the door is already closed. But someone managed to get out and immediately changed his mind about the decision. Svetlana Nikolaevna hovered, And then she threw chalk at you.

Song for the class teacher:

We would like to say thank you, for 4 years you replaced our mothers. You have always saved and helped, now, to be honest, you are the second one for us. Chorus: Mommy, she will always listen and give us advice, But how could it be otherwise. Mommy, we are your boats, and you are our river, We are sailing away forever.

How to write words of gratitude

First of all, you should decide on the format of your congratulations: will it be a written text or oral speech. If you choose the first option, then pay attention to the fact that it is more official and therefore requires compliance with a number of certain rules. These include the mandatory use of an address that indicates the name of the teacher, as well as your signature completing the letter of gratitude. Also, this option is more businesslike, and therefore provides for some severity of style.

Oral congratulations are not limited to official frameworks and represent a wider space for creativity. However, the choice is yours.

Next, you should determine whether the text (or speech) will be presented in poetic or prose form. The second is, of course, brighter and more interesting, but it should be remembered that it is better to write your own, author’s congratulations, but this is more difficult to do in poetry. In addition, when using a text that was previously written by someone and posted in books or online sources, you must be aware of the risk that someone else will say the same word of gratitude.

The main recommendations for writing a thank you speech for a mathematics teacher include the following:

  • the uniqueness of your text (no one else should have exactly the same text);
  • manifestation of originality and resourcefulness (when writing a text, it is better to take into account that this is a congratulation for a specific person, try to focus on his distinctive features or favorite things);
  • following the rules of decency and politeness (still, you should not overdo it with inventions, under no circumstances should you be insolent and try not to be familiar, because this is, after all, gratitude for the teacher);
  • simplicity of presentation (if you chose a letter of gratitude, then most likely there will be more so-called general phrases and words of politeness, but this will not prevent you from writing the main original part; in poetic form it is better to adhere to the easiest rhyme system - simple. Here is an example:

We can solve any problems,

After all, you taught us to prove theorems;

The word "mathematics" for us

Now means the highest class.

  • in a congratulatory poem, it would be appropriate for a mathematics teacher to use educational terms from this area, for example: logarithms, integrals, addition, subtraction and others.

Thank you speech for biology teacher

The last bell opens the door to a new life for us, future graduates. After passing the exams, we will plunge into the unknown world of new acquaintances, fresh knowledge and concrete jungle. It will all be bright and amazing, just like our biology lessons. Thank you very much to our dear biology teacher for making the world of living nature and plants around us more understandable, close and dear, for helping us, his students, to feel like part of an incredible and amazing community of living beings and to understand the intricacies of their existence . We will try to put all these feelings and knowledge into practice during the exams and always remember you with respect.

Social studies and sociology teacher

The last bell is not only a farewell to school, anticipation of exams and graduation, it is also an opportunity to evaluate our knowledge and realize how much our teachers have invested in us. One such teacher is undoubtedly a social studies teacher. This subject and your competent attitude to its teaching helped us set our life priorities correctly, taught us to navigate the twisted corners of the law and developed the ability to stand up for ourselves. We are very grateful to you for your sensitivity, attention and deep knowledge of the subject taught. We are confident that this knowledge will serve us well not only in exams, but in later life.

greeting card

X's, games', tasks! Everything was easy with you! But now it's time to say goodbye - We're going far away!

We will never forget what you did for us! We wish you good luck... Your 11th grade...

With you, we are always able to form a harmonious series of complex numbers. We have loved mathematics for many years in a row. This rigorous science is interesting to study. This is your only merit - Honestly, we must say. Happy holiday to you. Our motto is: dare, decide! Let Lagrange and Riemann argue in your class from the heart. ©

Numbers, powers and fractions, And examples, and problems. Mathematics roads We will pass at your suggestion.

Thank you speech to geography teacher

Our beloved parents, when they brought us to first grade, showed us how to navigate the school, but our dear geography teacher helped us master the geography of a huge planet called Earth. Thank you for opening up to us not only various cities and countries, but also the mysterious depths of the oceans and the vast breadth of the continents. There is no place on our planet to which we would not make an imaginary journey under your sensitive guidance. We will try very hard to please you with our results in the upcoming exams and carry through life all the invaluable knowledge that we received thanks to you.

Words of gratitude to the algebra and geometry teacher

One of the most important disciplines for every student is algebra and geometry. Thanks to them, we learn not only to perform various operations with numbers, navigate the construction of geometric figures and their angles, but also begin to better understand the space around us, learn to think logically and increase our IQ. Today, at the farewell ringing of the last bell, we are beginning to fully understand the invaluable work that you have put into us, our dear teacher, the importance of the knowledge acquired and the huge role of the exact sciences in the life of every person who strives to achieve success in this life. Thank you for your patience, responsiveness and sincere love for the subject. We will try to please you in the upcoming final exams and promise not to lose the knowledge received from you in the upcoming new life.

Wishes to the labor teacher

Today, thanks to the Last Bell, we are given a great opportunity to express our deep gratitude to our respected labor teachers. This subject is undoubtedly one of the most important, because in it we learned that we can create things necessary in everyday life with our own hands, we learned how to cook deliciously and sew beautifully. Thank you very much, our dear teachers, for your golden hands and bright heads, who were able to pass on important knowledge to us and taught us how to master various household tools. We are sure that these skills will be useful to us in the future and we will always remember you with gratitude and love.

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