Farewell to elementary school: we are organizing a 4th grade graduation

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There are so many holidays in the year, but September 1st is a special day. After all, each of us went to school for the first time. Therefore, we all remember this bright event, we remember our first teacher and the atmosphere that was at this celebration. I propose not to deviate from traditions and to beautifully decorate not only the stage, but also each class separately. To do this, use a variety of attributes. And also windows that can be decorated, because they will create an even greater festive atmosphere.

But how to do this? To do this, use stencils and templates, which you can download completely free from this site, and then cut out and glue to the windows. Remember, this is how we decorated the New Year. It turned out fabulous and magical.

Since Knowledge Day always comes in the fall, so not only school paraphernalia can be popular, but autumn leaves can also come in handy.

In addition, decorating a classroom with patterns and templates is a fairly creative process; involve the children and they will be very happy. Give everyone a positive outlook for the entire school year. And for this you only need a sharp stationery cutter.

Well, let's go...

Where to hold graduation in 4th grade?

First of all, it is important to decide on the location of the holiday. As a rule, there are several options for graduation in the 4th grade: a school assembly hall (class), a restaurant or cafe, an outdoor celebration. Writing the script and holding the graduation ceremony itself will depend entirely on the chosen location. Next, we invite you to consider each of the options in more detail.

School graduation day

So, if graduation in the 4th grade is celebrated jointly by the entire parallel, then the ideal option would be an assembly hall with enough space for both graduates and guests of the evening. If every fourth grade celebrates separately, then you can spend the holiday in your own class. Among the advantages of this option:

  • free premises
  • minimum costs
  • familiar surroundings
  • school atmosphere

Disadvantages of school graduation:

  • limited possibilities for decorating the room
  • parents preparing treats
  • pretty standard holiday scenario

Cafe, bar, restaurant

This graduation option is more expensive in terms of material investments, but much easier in terms of organization. In fact, all the worries about refreshments and decoration of the hall fall on the shoulders of the establishment’s employees, and parents and teachers can only take care of an interesting scenario.

Pros of graduation in a cafe:

  • celebration atmosphere
  • beautiful room
  • delicious treats


  • high price
  • more organizational issues (searching for a location, resolving issues with personnel, compensation for material losses, etc.)

Nature, boat trip

A very interesting option that will certainly appeal to both children and guests of the holiday is a graduation ceremony in nature. But at the same time, it is considered the most labor-intensive in terms of organization. In order for an outdoor holiday to be successful, you need to take care of many nuances: choose a quiet, beautiful place, think over the stage and places for guests, take care of decorations, and a festive table. In this regard, it is a little easier to organize a graduation on a ship, because at least there is already a kitchen, furniture and a place for performances.

Pros of graduation in nature:

  • fresh air and beautiful scenery
  • freedom for active competitions and dances
  • vivid impressions of what he saw


  • dependence on weather conditions
  • more organizational issues
  • the risk of injury to children is higher
  • increase in material costs

Stencils for Knowledge Day on school windows

Well, then I would like to demonstrate the faces of the children who are going to school, as well as the names of the classes.


Name of classes

Scenario for graduation in 4th grade: interesting ideas

Once the venue for the prom has been decided, you can begin preparing the festive scenario. And it must be based on an interesting idea related to school topics. In fact, there may be a lot of options for scenarios for graduation in the 4th grade, but in general they can all be divided into several large groups based on similar themes. So, let's look at some of the most popular options that will always be relevant at prom.

See also interesting ideas for organizing a graduation party here

Idea #1: Goodbye childhood!

This is a traditional version of the scenario, which plays out the transition of graduates from junior schoolchildren to mature fifth graders. As a rule, such a scenario is filled with erudition competitions, nostalgic songs and touching congratulations. This type of scenario is best suited for graduation, which is celebrated in parallel.

Idea No. 2: Graduation in the style...

A stylized graduation ceremony based on any fairy tale, film, or even an entire historical era is another very interesting and original option. Of course, it is also more expensive in terms of financial investments, because you will have to spend money on appropriate costumes and props. But such a graduation will definitely be remembered for a lifetime! The following themes can be used as popular options for graduation in 4th grade:

  • hipster graduates (50s era)
  • space crew
  • Oscar-themed graduation ceremony
  • fairy ball
  • graduation based on a children's book (for example, “Treasure Island”, “Narnia”, “Harry Potter”)

Idea No. 3: Graduation with animators

This graduation option is the most controversial. On the one hand, by entrusting all organizational aspects of the graduation party to professional event agencies, graduates, parents and teachers can safely enjoy a bright and interesting holiday. On the other hand, animators are another significant expense item in the graduation budget, which can seriously hit parents’ pockets. But if you put aside the material costs, then a prom with good animators can really be called an excellent option. Firstly, the agency can take care of all organizational aspects, including finding a room, decorating it, etc. Secondly, the holiday will be hosted by professional presenters and animators, which will have a positive impact on the overall atmosphere of the graduation. And thirdly, both children and adults will enjoy vibrant competitions and exciting challenges, again prepared by professionals in their field.

Beginning of the school year

It will not be difficult for Internet users to find master classes on interesting drawings from the school. One option would be to depict a school in the fall. For this creative activity you will need: a landscape sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser, a ruler and a set of colored pencils.

Having prepared everything you need, you can start working:

  1. Draw a simple version of the main part of the future school. From its entrance, mark the boundaries of the path.
  2. At the front end of the path, sketch a few children.
  3. Draw trees and bushes on the sides of the building.
  4. Draw the details of the children's silhouettes, add two more people a little ahead. Finish all the details with more expressive lines and remove all unnecessary lines with an eraser.
  5. Color the drawing, starting with the path. Mark the grass on its sides with a green pencil. The trees are painted yellow and orange. Make the trunks and branches brown.
  6. Draw a blue sky. Color the building and people.

All of the drawings given are not very complicated, but it is advisable for beginners to adhere to the basic rules of drawing. Over time, real masterpieces will begin to emerge.

The best songs for prom in 4th grade

But if we talk about what is really important to prepare for the prom, even if it is organized by an event agency, it is a song, or better yet, several different musical options for graduates, parents and teachers. These can range from traditional graduation songs, which have remained popular for decades, to modern school-themed re-imaginings. The main condition is to sing the graduation song with soul and sincerity. Then she will certainly touch the hearts of all participants in this wonderful holiday. Below you will find several interesting texts that are perfect for graduation in 4th grade.

See even more prom song lyrics here

A song about elementary school to the melody of the song “Little Country”

Farewell song to the tune of the Olympic song “It’s getting quieter in the stands...”

And in this video you will see a beautiful video for a very touching song about mom, which will also be relevant at school graduation.

How to draw a teacher at the blackboard with a pencil - master class with step-by-step photos for children

Choosing among the many options for what to draw on the theme “school”, many children want to portray their class teacher. This kind of work is quite complex and painstaking. But it is not necessary to accurately redraw the teacher’s portrait. You can simply draw a smiling teacher, your class. The following master class will tell you step by step how to make such a drawing.

Materials for creating a child's drawing of a teacher near the board with a pencil

  • colored and regular pencil;
  • sheet A4;
  • eraser.

Step-by-step master class with rules for drawing with a teacher’s pencil at the blackboard for children

  1. Draw the “skeleton” of the figure: head and dress. Mark the location of the eyes, mouth, and nose on the face.

  2. Complete the board behind the figurine and add a table next to it. Conditionally draw hands.

  3. Draw the chin and neck.

  4. Draw a face for the teacher figurine.

  5. Add a hairstyle to the figure.

  6. Draw the sleeves of the dress.

  7. Carefully draw the hands.

  8. Draw the bottom of the dress and legs.

  9. Carefully draw the table and cup on it.

  10. Draw the board. If desired, you can write “Cool work” on the board or depict some other inscriptions or educational posters.

Graduation competitions in 4th grade

One of the most anticipated parts of the entire prom in 4th grade for children is competitions. Their theme largely depends on the main idea of ​​the script, but most often the competitions are active and fun. As a rule, at elementary school graduations there are tasks for ingenuity, blitz quizzes, and sports competitions. Parents often take part in competitions along with their children. Here are some simple examples of competitions that can be played under different graduation themes.

Competition #1: Changelings

Sayings and catchphrases familiar to children are selected, preferably on a school or similar topic. Then each word in the saying is replaced with a synonym, which ultimately results in a phrase completely different from the original source. The task of the children, divided into teams, is to quickly and correctly decipher the original version. For example, “It’s bad if it starts badly” (All’s well that ends well) or “Hours of idleness mean a year of tears” (Time for business means an hour of fun).

Competition No. 2: Fun relay race

Graduates need to be divided into several teams. Each team member takes turns performing one action at speed. An individual task is pulled out of a big hat by each child. For example, you need to quickly put together a simple puzzle, solve an example from the multiplication table, or fill in the missing letters in a word. After successfully completing the task, each participant returns to his team and passes the baton to the next one.

Competition No. 3: School Quiz

The presenter divides the children into two teams and asks them questions about school topics. The team that answers the most questions quickly and correctly wins. The tasks themselves can be humorous and unexpected. For example, you could ask participants what eye color their first teacher had or how many windows there are in the hallway outside the classroom.

Drawing my school

We've dealt with the previous pictures, but let's not stop. This time, for the creative process, prepare a pencil, ruler and a set of felt-tip pens.

Have you prepared? Then let's start:

  1. Starting from the top of the sheet, using a ruler and pencil, create a large rectangle.

    The dimensions of the future image depend on its size. We go up and draw another horizontal segment. We detail it with corners.

  2. In the middle of the image we outline a thin vertical line. Focusing on the mark, we draw the attic space in the form of a wide triangle without a bottom. Selecting the details of the attic.

  3. In the foreground we make a schematic sketch of two schoolchildren. We draw the heads in the form of an oval. We add auxiliary lines to it to create the body. We complete the sketch of the limbs with curved lines. We use ovals to show the torso and shoes of schoolchildren.
  4. We draw in detail the arms, legs and torso and backpacks. We detail the head and face. We finish drawing the guys and start working on the details on the building.

  5. At the top of the school, find the middle and highlight it with two vertical segments. We draw the details of the porch and complement the sketch with the front door. Above the entrance we draw windows in the form of three identical squares. We draw more windows on the side parts. Here is a drawing of the school with a simple pencil.
  6. Now let's color the image. Use a yellow felt-tip pen to paint the walls.

    We make the windows blue. We decided to paint the roof purple and used the same color to highlight the canopy over the entrance on the building. We shade the place for the inscription and the steps with gray. We write the inscription in brown and highlight the window frames. Finally, we color the students. You can repeat after us or paint everything in your own colors.

The picture is ready. For beginners, this creative process is difficult, but by following our step-by-step instructions, you will cope with it.

Elementary school graduation dance

You can't have a prom without dancing . We recommend putting on several dance numbers with the participation of children and parents. You can see examples of beautiful graduation dances in 4th grade in the video below.

More prom dance options can be found here

Prom dance with ribbons

A very beautiful dance number in which children use pieces of airy fabric as additional props.

Incendiary dance at graduation in 4th grade

This option is suitable for the beginning of a prom or its opening. Especially if the whole holiday theme is fun and energetic.

Prom dance with parents

This version features a touching graduation dance that children perform in partnership with their parents. It is also suitable as a thank you number to parents.

Congratulations from parents to 4th grade graduates

An important moment at graduation in any class is the congratulations that parents prepare for their children graduating from school. Words of pride and admiration for the successes of little graduates from parents can be heard both in poetry and in prose. An important point is to choose congratulations that will be understandable to children. Such, for example, as poems with wishes for elementary school graduates, which we have prepared for you.

You can also read beautiful congratulations on your graduation party here

Beautiful image

The subject of school drawing is very interesting, because every student would like to learn how to draw pictures of their school. To understand the general principle, let's start the creative process with an easy option. Before you begin, prepare a simple pencil, paper and markers.

If you're ready, let's begin:

  1. Almost at the very top of the sheet, draw a horizontal segment in the middle.

    We add inclined verticals to this sketch on the sides. We connect the bottom side with a segment.

  2. We retreat from the edges of the silhouette, heading towards the center of the figure, and outline the boundaries of this part of the building. We connect the lower section. We rise above this drawing and create a triangle shape in the middle, but without the bottom side. Making the silhouette voluminous.
  3. At the bottom of the image we draw a rectangle with sloping sides. We turn the element into steps, as shown in our image. We erase all unnecessary strokes.

  4. We rise to the middle of the building and draw a long rectangle. We complement it with bulges and sides. On a figure that looks like a triangle, we display a window in the form of a circle and show arrows in the middle. Detailing the upper part of the building.
  5. Using horizontal segments we visually divide the silhouette into floors. We create windows on all floors, they are in the form of rectangles, and we depict the front door. At the very top corner we finish drawing the flag.

  6. We apply a ruler to the bottom border of the sketch and mark a level on the sides of the sheet to create other parts. We add walls to the edges of the marks. Then we specify the roofs of these elements. We connect their tops with the main building and select the lower part.
  7. We divide the sketches into floors. We display rectangular or square windows. Now you have learned how to draw a school, but now the silhouette needs to be colored.
  8. We paint the walls of the picture with light brown. We shade the roof with blue and draw the contours of the details. In green we show the grass near the building. We paint the flag red or another color and outline the boundaries of the clock. If desired, write words in the space left and use black to indicate the hands on the clock.

Ready. You see, everything is not as complicated as it might seem. The main thing is to adhere to the instructions.

We also recommend that you read the instructions for drawing the book.

Congratulations to the teacher on graduation in 4th grade from students and parents

Saying words of gratitude to the first teacher at the 4th grade graduation party is also important. In addition to traditional congratulations from students, parents also say beautiful wishes. Touching poetic lines and simple emotional prose are suitable as suitable congratulations. The main thing is that the words of gratitude to the teacher sound from the bottom of your heart.

Decorating a school for September 1 using stencil pictures

We continue the topic and propose to consider ready-made stories on how you can decorate school classrooms with your own hands.

4th grade graduation gifts for teachers and graduates

The final part of the prom evening will be an awards ceremony for all participants of the holiday. The cost and number of gifts can vary depending on the budget. We recommend preparing thematic memorable surprises that will resonate with the evening’s scenario. For example, if the 4th grade graduation is held in the style of the Hollywood Oscar Awards, then you can prepare symbolic figurines similar to the real award. These can be either miniature souvenirs or chocolate figurines.

Another interesting option is personalized gifts with photo prints. So, for example, for the first teacher you can prepare a large collage with photographs of students or significant moments in the life of the class. And for the graduates themselves, you can order commemorative T-shirts with photos of classmates. Similar prints can also be applied to cups or plates.

Here are some more great graduation gift ideas:

  • alarm clock with radio
  • board game
  • big encyclopedia
  • umbrella
  • organizer
  • Night Light Projector

You can also give your teacher:

  • photo album
  • small household appliances
  • decor item
  • memorable souvenir

We hope that our ideas will help you organize a bright and interesting graduation in the 4th grade, which everyone will remember for many years!

Simple example

The topic of drawing an educational institution is very interesting, since any student would like to learn how to draw the building of his school. To make it easier to learn drawing techniques, it is advisable to start creative work with a simple version. To work, you need to prepare a sheet of paper, a simple pencil and felt-tip pens.

Step by step image process:

  1. Draw a horizontal line closer to the top edge of the sheet, leaving space on the sides. From the ends of the line, draw downward segments with a slope. Connect them at the bottom with a long piece.
  2. Under the resulting trapezoid, mark the boundaries of the building with a rectangle. Above it in the middle, draw a triangle with the base on the lower side of the trapezoid and the upper corner protruding beyond its upper side. Give thickness (no more than 0.5 cm) to this “attic” and the parts of the roof located on its sides. At the top of the triangle, draw a circle with arrows (a clock).
  3. Draw a trapezoid in the bottom center and line it horizontally, then form steps from this. Erase all extra lines.
  4. Draw a rectangle above the steps and, at your discretion, transform it into a front entrance.
  5. Next, you need to visually divide the building into floors and draw windows on them. Draw the front door. You can add a flag to the top of the roof.
  6. Add extensions to the main building; the drawing principle is the same as for the main part.
  7. Detail the image.
  8. Color the resulting building complex.
  9. It is advisable to paint green lawns near the building. On the central part of the school you can make an inscription indicating the institution.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. The main thing is to follow the instructions and use your imagination.

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