Riddles for children 8 years old: 100 exciting tasks

Looking for a way to pass the time with your kids while you're waiting for food at a restaurant or on the road, but don't want to resort to using your smartphone to keep them entertained? Or perhaps you just want to spend quality time with your child. Let's remember the good old - riddles for children.

Below you will find many riddles for children 8 years old. Some of them are classics, while others may be new to you. Here is a good selection of easy, funny, difficult, short, logic and tricky riddles. We are sure you will find puzzles here for children aged 8 years of different abilities.

Funny riddles for children 8 years old

The best riddle is the one that makes us laugh! Here are some of our favorite funny riddles for kids aged 8 years old.

Here is the mountain, and at the mountain

Two deep holes.

The air wanders in these holes,

It comes in and out.



Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain?



Why does the cow lie down?

Because he can't sit down


How to catch a tiger in a cage?

There are no checkered tigers, all tigers are striped


She’s capricious and stubborn, she doesn’t want to go to kindergarten...

Daughter, not mom


Which cow, tell me, hasn’t given milk to anyone yet?



One eye, one horn, but I'm not a rhinoceros. Answer.

A cow peeks out from around the corner


Under what tree does the wolf sit when it rains? Answer.

Under the wet


There are two ears on the body, but no head.



What will the teeth reach the back of the head?



I held your tail tightly in my hand. You flew suddenly - I ran after you.



Who gets free cheese in the mousetrap?

Second mouse


The frost is crackling in the yard - You put your hat on...

Not on the nose, but on the head


I was able to choose for myself

a pair of mittens for...

Not for the feet, but for the hands


I catch mice in the house

Entertaining the kids.

Tell me, children, out loud,

I call myself...

A cat, not a rooster


Who's chewing a pine cone on a branch?

Well, of course it is...

A squirrel, not a bear


Curled up in a ball - come on, touch it!

Prickly on all sides...

Hedgehog, not a horse


Daughters and sons

teaches you to grunt...

A pig, not a sparrow and not an ant


Everything is dressed in white snow -

So it's coming...

Winter, not summer


The whole street heard

How she mooed...

Cow, not chicken

Riddles for children 8 years old with answers

It flies like a bird in the expanses of heaven, The route is visible on the controller’s monitors, The radars also record the flight, After all, this, guys, is flying... an airplane

Her slender figure is graceful, Juice gives us the real one. Dressed in a white sundress, With a green leaf in summer. In autumn the foliage rustles, yellow-red, golden. Birch

He can fly high, He soars in the clouds like a bird, He is inflated with helium, steam, His name is... hot air balloon

Boys play football with me, They write poems and children's books about me. They score a goal, What do they all call me? Ball, ball

It is wet, there are many inhabitants in it, Sometimes the road to it is so far away, You have to take a vacation and fly, To swim and look at it. On its smooth vast expanse, ships sail. Let's call it... the sea

There is a wick, it makes it light, When you light it, it gives warmth. When our lights are turned off, People immediately turn on. Candle

Long, stately and handsome, He is tall, like a crane. Will not fit in the apartment, will not lie down on the sofa. As tall as a closet, the animal is called... giraffe

He knows the answer to everything, And what’s not in him. Games, photos, internet, everything fits in... tablet

They say he knows better - After all, he is taller than all people, It’s cool to be tall, isn’t it? It's just hard to eat and drink... giraffe

There is customs there, of course - the security is impeccable! Undesirable persons will not pass through... the border

She is our helper in everything, There is steam and rain. It will help us wash our things, it will help us become clean. And food is prepared with it, Everywhere, everywhere you need... water

She came to us without paints, But she dressed everything for us in gold. The grass was green, and then suddenly it turned yellow. It’s very beautiful at this time, When autumn comes to visit

The cobweb network has filled the whole world, They gave it a name - ... Internet

She makes noise, she thunders, she shoots lightning. It will pour over the entire earth above it and rush beyond the horizon. Storm

The fragrant ripe fruit just makes you want to put it in your mouth: It hangs high, so what? But it looks like a light bulb! Pear

I was walking in the entrance, on the steps, I found someone’s... money

Yuri Gagarin has already visited it, He held the rockets, perhaps at the helm, He opened the Galaxy, the stars for us... So, what is the name of that wonderful world? Space

Leaden clouds float in the sky, In the morning the rooks no longer sing to us, The parks have thrown off their motley attire, The trees stand sadly and dejectedly. It’s cold, there are no kids in the yard, What month is on the calendar? November

I’ll put groceries in it, I’ll put my shift in it, It’s often needed - Cheap, but priceless! Plastic bag

There is such a strange sign, It reduces the numbers. It seems like a dash of everything, But there is nothing more insidious than him. Minus sign"

Complex riddles for children 8 years old

Who said challenging riddles for 8 year olds can't be fun? Kids will love these fun puzzle games.


I boil one egg for three minutes,

I like to cook eggs very cool,

How long will it take us?

If I cook about three hundred?

Same three minutes


How to catch a tiger in a cage?

All tigers have stripes, but there are no tigers in checkered patterns


Large firewood is stored in the barn,

We took 4 logs, left...

Unknown because we don't know how many there were originally


A man jumped out of a plane without a parachute. He landed on hard ground but remained unharmed. Why?

The plane was on the ground


Sveta is Nina's granddaughter. Nina is Maria's neighbor. Who might Nina Sveta be related to?



Stepan and Kolya climbed the oak tree. Stepan climbed higher than Kolya. Who was taller on the oak tree than Stepan?



The log was cut into 5 parts. How many cuts did you make?



What question will no one ever answer “yes” to?

Are you sleeping?


How many months in a year have 28 days?



What rocks are not in the sea?



How to say correctly: “I don’t see the white yolk” or “I don’t see the white yolk”?

The yolk cannot be white


There are 25 coconuts in a box. The monkey stole all the nuts except 17. How many nuts were left in the box?

17 nuts left


Each of the 5 sisters had two brothers. How many brothers were there in total?

Two brothers


A flock of ducks was flying: two in front, two behind, one in the middle and three in a row. How many are there in total?

Just three ducks


There are 100 sheets of paper on the table. For every 10 seconds you can count 10 sheets. How many seconds will it take to count 80 sheets?

Need 80 seconds


Where do people pay for what is taken from them?


Interesting riddles for children 8, 9, 10 years old

The saucepan is boiling, the tea will be brought soon, steam is coming out, something is gurgling, what is the name of the saucepan? Kettle

From gate to gate He flies back and forth. They kick him together and don’t touch him with their hands. Soccer ball

From dusk to dawn, She is dressed in moonlight. The rays of the sun are driven away, Because it is... night

A field, a lawn, a sea of ​​flowers around, Every child is ready to pick them. A large moth flies over the field, He chose a flower for rest... cornflower

It contains fairy tales and poems, It has a font, it also has strokes, It contains stories, detective stories, The genres in it are always beautiful. The silent chatterbox, This is, guys, ... a book

This month has the fewest days in the year. He is frosty, but he sheds tears and is no longer cheerful. After all, spring is coming behind him, Everyone wants warmth and sun, And he says goodbye for the year With fierce, snowy frost. February

One, two, three, four, five, At school you have to count them, Examples are made up of them, They say them in stores. Numbers

Sometimes it's two-wheeled, sometimes it's three-wheeled. Sometimes it slips on slopes. There is no tank, there is no gasoline, This is... a bicycle

The pile is beautiful, soft, warm, its color is not faded at all. Pleasant to the touch, pleasing to the eye, saves your feet from the cold... carpet

We don’t have to go to school, Dad is nearby, this is the reward, Mom is also resting, Congratulates everyone on this day, Let’s throw everything away, After all, today is... a day off

Our entire world is in the form of a book, The outline is also a landmark, Seas, rivers, islands, There are also cities there, The animal world is indicated in it, A country path, a dense forest, Maps in it of various structures In the form of factory books. Atlas

The board is squared, and on it are regiments of knights and kings. And they all enter into battle, walking clearly among themselves! Chess

She, too, is my pet, Although she doesn’t bark in the morning, She swims when she’s fed, And there’s water all around her! Fish

Look, there are vitamins around us, natural, not made from clay. Beautiful, incredibly, sweet Motherland, Grows in my city: raspberries,... currants

How to say it kindly - You can make everyone happy. And to express yourself in an evil way - Sadness can spill over everyone. In a conversation it is very important, Said only once. Word

This tree is big, They say it’s centuries old, Acorns grow on it, What does everyone call it. Oak

He jumps, has fun, and obeys his hands, To make friends with him, We need a mirror! Sunny bunny

A giant, like a crane, but it is called differently. Shines at night for ships, foretelling good luck for them. Lighthouse

There is only one lady at school, She is like relatives to us: She worries about us, Although we are just class to her. Classroom teacher

A branchy “tree” on my head, I can hide in the thick foliage, I’m not too lazy to disguise myself, After all, I am a noble... deer

The benefits of riddles for children

Riddles are not only fun, but also a great way to expand your children's vocabulary and develop creative thinking. Riddles usually involve a new way of looking at something common or at words with hidden meanings. Therefore, to answer a riddle, your child must know what the words in the riddle mean and their different variations. For example, when you ask, “what has a head, a leg, and four legs?” your baby should know that the concept of “legs” applies not only to animals, but also to beds and chairs. If they don't know this, well, a riddle is a great way to teach and expand their horizons and vocabulary.

Even something as simple as a riddle can do wonders for children in many ways. Here are some of the benefits that riddles have for children.


  • Riddles strengthen children's relationships with their parents. After all, there is nothing better than time spent together. Children really appreciate this.
  • Help children overcome social problems when they interact with others. For example, to start a conversation, you can play riddles. Such sweet and cheerful communication will definitely allow you to find and win over new friends.
  • Helps to find solutions to problems and develop critical thinking in childhood, which are the most important skills in life. Riddles force them to think creatively and use their heads.
  • Riddles are useful for improving children's vocabulary. When children hear new words that they don't understand, they try to figure out what they mean.
  • Understanding is an important part of learning in school. Children can understand words or phrases from context and identify details that would otherwise be ignored.
  • Laughter and humor are vital, and riddles often provide intelligent humor. They relax children by teaching them in a way that they find interesting.

Riddles for children Riddles for children

Riddles for children are one of the most important parts of many early development methods. This game develops the mind, imagination, and logical thinking of preschoolers and schoolchildren. On our website there are 15910 riddles for children with answers. This is the largest collection in the online space. And to make it easier to navigate their diversity, charades are grouped into categories. Here you will find riddles about space, weather phenomena, marine life, and cars. With our riddles about letters for children with answers, children at the age of 3-4 will master the alphabet, and with riddles about numbers - counting.

Riddles for children are a great workout for the brain. With funny, smart poems, girls and boys will learn to concentrate well on the desired object, become more diligent, and expand their vocabulary. Puzzles actively stimulate the formation of imaginative thinking and imagination. Gently switch overly active children to quiet activities with the help of riddles for children. In addition to everything, riddles are a first-class parenting tool, giving a wonderful chance to spend an extra minute with your child, spend more time, and become not just a good parent, but a good friend for your baby.

The main thing is to choose the right riddles for children. Overestimate the possibilities, give too difficult questions - and an interesting, fun event will turn into a boring, useless pastime. However, this will also happen in a situation where the puzzles turn out to be too simple. In this case, the child will quickly lose enthusiasm.

When choosing riddles for children, we recommend that you use the principles below. Children must not only solve what is proposed, but be able to pronounce the answer. Therefore, take those puzzles that your little one can answer with confidence.

Ask riddles for children that are relevant at the moment. For example, playing charades about animals, birds, trees, and flowers is best for walks in the park. During the trip - about transport, cities, geographical names. At breakfast - about food, fruits, vegetables, dishes. At family celebrations, a suitable option is riddles about mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa.

Take age into account. So, for very young children, the answer must be right before their eyes. Older kids can think more abstractly; they should be offered riddles for children, the answers to which lie out of sight. And students in grades 1-2 are able to freely operate with abstract categories, so it’s not difficult for them to solve riddles about geometry, geography, and mathematics. For children 5-6 years old and younger, offer rhyming riddles for children that do not contain complex metaphors. But those who are 7-8 years old can already be given tasks with difficult comparisons and references.

So why are riddles for children so attractive and interesting?

Firstly, children like the form itself: short rhyming puzzle poems are perceived as exciting fun, awakening curiosity, a thirst for adventure, and knowledge of the world. Secondly, the content of the puzzles reflects different aspects of everyday life that are very familiar to girls and boys. Habitual life, relationships, surroundings - all this is in riddles for children.

Thirdly, riddles for children are universal. In the anthology of riddles for children with answers, which we are pleased to offer you, you will find texts suitable for all ages and occasions (hikes in the forest, matinees in kindergarten and school, birthdays). Such problems are appropriate in almost any environment. Play riddles for children, turn ordinary lessons into an exciting adventure and become even closer with your baby.

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