Here are the best Halloween looks for girls and boys, children and adults.
There will be about 135 best examples with photographs.
Therefore, if you don’t know what to wear to a holiday, then this material is for you.
Both beautiful and very scary images that are made with your own hands will be presented here.
The latter can really scare even adults. And in older people, in general, a heart attack can happen.
Take a look and see for yourself. All photos can be enlarged.
Since Halloween is associated with dark forces and mysticism, people prefer to dress up as antiheroes.
But there are also some pretty cute characters. As a rule, children are dressed up in them. This can all be done simply and at home.
In general, below I suggest you look at interesting and creative ideas for transformations. It will be very interesting!
DIY costume ideas
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A doll's Halloween costume has a number of distinctive features. This is, first of all, a terrifying image that can be created independently, or can be taken from films. Particular emphasis on makeup, or rather, make-up. You will need special accessories and paraphernalia, which must be purchased in special stores or made independently. In this article we will look at the most popular options for such doll costumes, which you can make yourself, spending a minimum of money.
Scary image
For Halloween, rather scary images are often chosen; let’s look at how to make a doll costume for Halloween so that the chosen image can scare you.
If the image of a dead doll is chosen, then the outfit of this character should not be neat. An ideal option would be last year's doll costume, which you don't mind ruining. But if there is no suit left from last year, you can take any dress, preferably with a full skirt. The clothes will need to be thoroughly damaged, namely:
- make a couple of holes or sloppily tear off the hem if the dress was long;
- burn a hole in your clothes or leave several scorch marks (when following this step of the instructions, you need to be especially careful so as not to provoke a fire);
- get your clothes dirty.
And to make our zombie doll especially scary, her clothes can be stained with artificial blood.
If you plan to make an image of a killer doll, then you cannot do without artificial blood. You can try to reproduce the image of a specific doll from the film (for example, the image of Chucky or his bride Tiffany), or come up with a character yourself. The costume will be completed with a fake plastic knife in the belt.
A rather interesting version of a carnival costume is a voodoo doll. This is a rag doll that sorcerers sew from matting to perform black magic rituals. To target a person, pins are stuck into a doll named after him.
Let's try to make a costume for this character with our own hands, we will proceed in stages:
- to create a costume you will need matting or burlap (you can take a ready-made bag);
- if the suit is made of fabric, then you need to cut out two rectangular parts and sew them together, leaving slits for the head and arms. The seams do not have to be particularly neat; they can be laid along the front side;
- the bottom edge and seam allowances should be loosened a little to form a fringe;
- You can sew several colored patches onto the prepared suit, sewing them on with large, sloppy stitches;
- An important detail of the costume is the heart, pierced with a pin. To make it, you need to cut out a heart-shaped piece from red fabric and sew it onto the bag so that it is located on the left side of the chest. Then take several knitting needles, put colored ping pong balls on them and stick them into the heart sewn onto the burlap. For safety, it is better to take plastic knitting needles that can be coated with chrome paint to make them look like metal pins.
Our costume is almost ready. You need to wear it over regular clothes (for example, you can wear trousers and a turtleneck underneath).
If you don’t have time to sew a suit from burlap and matting, then you can take any old clothes that you don’t mind. “Artistically” tear it in different places, and sew an image of a heart on the left side of the chest and stick “pins” into it. All that remains is to create a suitable hairstyle and apply scary makeup.