Halloween at school: how to celebrate, ideas for scripts, competitions, videos. DIY Halloween costume for school, photo

How to celebrate Halloween at school, ideas

There are different ways to celebrate Halloween at school. The most popular scenario is a festive concert with elements of a masquerade and a disco. Also at school you can hold a competition for the scariest costume made by yourself. Another option is to write a holiday script in the style of a popular program or event. For example, an unforgettable and interesting evening can be achieved if the script is designed in the style of an Oscar, but for “representatives” of evil spirits. Plus, you don't have to wait until an evening event at school. You can organize small thematic skits and competitions in honor of All Saints' Day before classes or during breaks. For example, select several high school students, dress them up in scary costumes and leave them to wait for those students and teachers who are late for classes. All latecomers will face “terrible” tests, for example, eating an apple with gummy worms or squash caviar from a children’s pot. For more interesting scenarios and ideas on how to celebrate Halloween at school, watch the video below.

Interesting holidays for high school students: “Very scary” Halloween scenario

Recently, it has become increasingly common among schoolchildren and students to celebrate various fun holidays that came from the distant West. This is a romantic Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14) and a creepy, but at the same time terribly interesting scenario for Halloween (October 31), which for some reason is usually called All Saints' Day.

Since the month of October is already upon us, the most appropriate description would be All Saints’ Day, which, in turn, has gained enormous popularity recently, especially among young people. However, you don’t have to think that Halloween is only suitable for celebrating among high school students, because kids also adore it. Moreover, the presence and active participation of children from primary school is considered an integral part of the celebration itself.

If you wish, you can celebrate this fun and bright holiday together for senior and junior classes, although most still prefer the option of celebrating it separately, since in this case you can decorate your own classroom at your own discretion and come up with a wonderful scenario together with your classmates. Further in the text, the combined celebration of All Saints' Day will be considered.

First of all, it stipulates that kids should dress up in all sorts of “frightening” costumes and go from house to house (in this case, to classes), telling short horror stories to high school students and teaching staff or singing creepy melodies, in return receiving some kind of prize (usually , we are talking about sweets), naturally, after full agreement with everyone about this course of events.

Alternatively, you can download some melodies or ringtones to your phone to match the holiday and turn them on as soon as the door opens and someone looks at the threshold. It’s a good idea to come up with horror rhymes yourself or find them on the Internet to tell them to your elders. Usually, after their mini-performance, children say a funny phrase “gift or death.” Naturally, high school students and teachers should be prepared for this in advance and give the kids some goodies in the form of lollipops, delicious sweets or small souvenirs (balls, mini-puzzles, chocolate eggs with a toy inside, etc.).

In any case, you need to think in advance or agree on who will sponsor the holiday. Usually these issues are resolved at the parent committee and parents decide how much to donate to the general fund, what to buy and who will take on additional tasks (tailoring suits, purchasing gifts, accessories and decorations for the classroom, preparing a sweet table, if there is one provided).

After the kids have gone around everyone who is supposed to with their performances, they are seated on chairs in a room prepared in advance, decorated in the appropriate style, where one of the elders tells them various terrible stories (don’t be scared, as usually none of this is goes beyond acceptable limits). Against the backdrop of everything that is happening, frightening music must be playing, from which “a chill creeps down the spine.”

It’s not bad if there is a projector in a dedicated room or office on which you can play harmless Disney cartoons, which often used the Halloween theme (“Tom and Jerry”, “The Adventures of Donald Duck”, etc.). When everyone is properly “scared”, you can go to the classrooms, where each class will expect a delicious thematic feast prepared in advance by parents and students (if we are talking about graduating classes).

Some may be surprised, but over the years of its existence, All Saints' Day has developed its own very interesting and tasty menu, which includes children's dishes in a funny design to match the holiday. The hallmark of Halloween, when, according to legend, all the evil spirits come out of their lair and roam the earth, is rightfully considered to be delicious shortbread cookies with the terrifying name “Witch’s Fingers.”

To do this, add green natural dye to the dough, form thin sausages out of it, specially giving them the shape of ugly, hook-shaped, knotty fingers, attach a pointed almond nut instead of a nail (red jam is used for gluing) and bake at 230 degrees until fully cooked. . The finished cookies are decorated with melted chocolate to imitate dirt or jam instead of blood. And although this delicacy looks very dubious and intimidating, it is difficult to imagine more tasty and aromatic homemade baked goods.

And there are a great many such interesting, original recipes, as they say, for every taste, color and budget. This includes a cake in the shape of an eye, covered with a decorative, but at the same time absolutely edible plastic glaze made of marzipan or marshmallow, and chocolate spiders, and a fruit salad served in a colorful pot made from a real pumpkin (you just need to hollow out the middle of it), and bloody cocktails (any juice or natural drink in scarlet and burgundy shades will do). Don’t forget about such children’s “treats” as gummy worms and jaws, skulls made of colored marshmallows.

In addition to a delicious table, the design of the classroom in the appropriate theme is also of great importance. And the first violin in this case is played, of course, by Her Majesty, the pumpkin, or rather a huge number of them. Since it is quite difficult to clean the pulp from them, it is enough to simply apply the appropriate design (an ominous face, traditional for the holiday of All Saints) on the unpeeled fruits, leaving a few pieces for more decorative crafts.

So, from the widest and potbellied specimen you can make a kind of tureen with a lid to serve some tasty delicacy for children in it. Long fruits are suitable for making vases in which you can put lush, bright bouquets of inexpensive autumn flowers or even fallen leaves. Small pumpkins will become a kind of flower pot for candles, the flames of which will wonderfully highlight carved eyes and a crooked grin. All crafts can be roughly divided into boys and girls, attaching pirate hats or eye patches to some, and bows made of silk ribbons to others.

Don’t forget about such decorative interior things as all sorts of baskets, lanterns, stuffed black crows, pointed witches’ hats, thick ropes, skeletons, etc. By the way, such things don’t have to be purchased at their full cost and can simply be rented at specialized departments for the sale of New Year's and carnival costumes. There you can also purchase costumes for schoolchildren (witch, astrologer, Dracula, magician, etc.) for temporary use.

Having started organizing such a holiday at school, parents and their children will not even notice how they will be drawn headlong into this fascinating process and Halloween will become a mandatory tradition not only for their class, but even for each family individually.

Halloween scenario at school for high school students, video

Since high school students are often involved in organizing Halloween at school, writing a script for the celebration is part of their responsibilities. Consequently, they have to think through in detail not only the script itself, performances, competitions, but also elements of hall decoration and other details that create the right atmosphere. As a rule, high school students write the Halloween script itself in a humorous style with elements of mysticism. For example, such a scenario could be built around famous sinister characters who, according to the script, end up in comic stories, and high school students and concert participants help them get out of them. For example, a scenario about how Dracula lost his memory or Koschey the Immortal decided to marry Baba Yaga could be funny. By the way, the heroes of the script can be not only “overseas” zombies and vampires, but also our traditional kikimoras with goblins.

Funny Halloween scenes at school for high school students

In the script for Halloween at school, special attention should be paid to funny scenes and funny numbers. Moreover, almost any traditional school number can be adapted for this holiday. For example, a scene in which famous anti-heroes take part in a dance competition can be very funny. According to the script, each of them must dance in a certain style and to specific music. For example, Baba Yaga and Leshy can dance a hot tango, and Koschey can dance a “robot”. A funny scene can also be staged about the fact that today’s youth are very difficult to scare, which is why all villains and monsters suffer from depression.

Fun Halloween contests at school, video

As for competitions in the Halloween scenario at school, there should be a lot of them, and they certainly should be fun. Therefore, preference should be given to themed Halloween competitions with moving tasks for ingenuity and attentiveness. Below are some examples of fun competitions for a Halloween script at school.

Blind artist in Halloween

2-3 volunteers are called onto the stage, blindfolded, and then asked to draw a person standing next to them on whatman paper. The participants themselves do not see those whom they must draw in advance, and portraits must be drawn by touch. The only thing the participants know is that they will draw villains. Naturally, high school students in monster costumes and, for example, the kindest teacher in school are chosen as models. When the portraits are ready, but the artists themselves have not yet seen their models, they are always asked who they think posed for.

Edible and inedible for Halloween

Participants are asked to try different treats while blindfolded and then guess what they ate. Among the delicacies offered may be, for example, gummy worms, meatballs, and pickled eggs. The main thing is that the smell of the food should be difficult to guess right away, and that it should be repulsive to the touch. Participants try food in a circle, and can refuse one dish per competition. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

Halloween Costume Contest

The most traditional Halloween competition. Anyone can participate in it in interesting costumes. There should be several nominations, for example, “The most terrible costume”, “The most realistic embodiment”, “The kindest image”, etc. The winners are chosen by voting after the applause of the guests in the hall.

Halloween script for high school

On October 31, 2021, we celebrate a fun and scary holiday - Halloween. On this day, many educational institutions organize parties for high school students. We offer one of the options for how you can spend this holiday at school.

Halloween scenario at school for high school students

Decorate the room where the celebration will take place. Pumpkin lanterns, lit candles, or a “web” made of woolen threads or gauze stained with red paint are suitable for this purpose.

Hang up posters or banners with the words: “Halloween”, The Halloween Party. Hang garlands with small cardboard pumpkins, images of vampires, ghosts, skulls, etc. on walls, windows, and doorways.

You can put two pumpkins on top of each other, put a smaller hat on the top one, and you will get a funny figure. You can also make spiders out of small pumpkins by attaching black legs made of curved wire or some other material to the fruits.

Place a ballot box at the entrance to the hall. Each guest will need to write the name of the king and queen of the holiday on a card and place it in a box.

To make the Halloween holiday interesting and fun at school, organize team and individual games and competitions. Prepare gifts in advance for awarding competition winners. Make sure there are enough prizes for everyone.

The Halloween holiday for high schools will begin with a speech by the presenters (a sorcerer and a witch) who will congratulate the children on the holiday: - We welcome you, our terrible, evil, scary, dear guests! Welcome to the party of the best creatures of this Universe! Today is a magical night!

– The holiday that we celebrate today is popular in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Singapore, Japan and some CIS countries.

– And in the countries of Western Europe, Halloween has been known for over two thousand years. On the last night of October, when the sun retreats before the forces of darkness, the ancient Druids celebrated the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. At this time, it was customary to honor the dead.

– It was believed that on this night the door to the other world opens, and spirits come out to people. Therefore, the ancient Celts staged masquerades, dressing up as werewolves, sorcerers, mermaids and nocturnal animals. And although in the 7th century Pope Boniface IV established the holiday of All Saints' Day on November 1 in order to eradicate pagan customs, ancient traditions were still preserved.

Then at the school Halloween, according to the script, a costume contest will begin among high school students.

Host: - Come on, show up, come on, wake up! Run here from the narrow crevices and corners of the Earth! Faster, enemies of people, faster, People need to ruin their lives quickly! When you show up, introduce yourself and don’t be scared of each other!

Each participant must talk about the character they represent. You can sing a song, perform a dance of your character. Then hold a competition for the scariest or funniest grimace.

Then the children can guess riddles about folklore characters.

- The old woman has a hut, The hut has legs. And everyone always leads to that hut. That old lady is very angry and flies around in a mortar. She has a broom in her hand. “Ugh, I’ll boil you in soup!” (Baba Yaga).

- On a very black mountain, And in a black, very black palace, Bony, lives an old man. In a very long time ago, he hid his Immortality in a casket, But about this secret - keep quiet! (Koschei the Deathless).

- He looks for a victim at night, To enjoy the blood. Can become a bat. Only he's afraid of garlic! (A vampire).

“He’s ugly and huge.” My hands feel like they're gone. His mind is dark like soot. This is scary... (Goblin).

- This is true or fable: Girls live in the lake. They come out of the water, dance in circles and sing, and then play tag. Who lives in the water? (Mermaids).

– It is dressed in white and translucent. In general, the creature is completely nondescript. But when he appears in a cold castle at night, the one who sees it urgently needs a doctor! (Ghost).

Halloween Contests for High School Students

The Halloween celebration at school will continue with fun games and competitions. Participants in the broom relay will need to hold the broom between their legs and “fly” the required distance on it without knocking over objects standing in the way, representing mountains, forests and clouds.

Participants in the Mummy competition will be divided into pairs. One plays the role of the Mummy, the other must wrap him with toilet paper from head to toe as quickly as possible, leaving only his eyes, mouth and nose free. The first participants to complete the task win. If the paper breaks, the team is eliminated from the game.

A Halloween scenario for high school children may also include the game “Walk through the swamp,” for which you will need A4 sheets. Participants are given two sheets. You need to walk through the room - the “swamp” - stepping only on sheets of paper, which are transferred one after another.

The participant who puts his foot on the floor is “dragged into the swamp” and is eliminated from the game. Those who complete the task first win.

Presenters: – One of the symbols of Halloween has become a pumpkin, and here’s why. According to legend, old Farmer Jack liked to drink and often gambled.

– Once he managed to outwit the devil himself, who promised not to take his soul. But Jack couldn’t go to heaven because of his sins. And until the Day of Judgment comes, he will wander the earth with a jack-o'-lantern.

Then a competition will begin to draw the coolest pumpkin, for which two sheets of whatman paper are attached to the wall. Choose two people who are blindfolded and given brushes, paints or markers.

Another version of this competition: participants are given balloons, threads and black markers. They will need to inflate the balloons and then make a scary or funny face on them as quickly as possible.

As prizes, the winners of the competitions will be given spiders, worms, snails, etc., which you can buy at a joke store or make yourself.

The school Halloween scenario for high school students can also include concert numbers: a funny song by Babok-Ezhek, a dance of bats, witches with brooms, etc.

Finally, the jury will sum up the voting results and announce the king and queen of the holiday, who will perform a pair dance.

Presenter: – The newly made king and queen must drink fresh blood! (The guys will be served glasses of tomato juice.) Well, your health!

And the holiday will end with a feast. You can serve salads that will be decorated with “spiders” made from olives, pumpkin dishes, the “Bloody Fingers” dessert, the “Vampire’s Joy” drink, etc.

Dishes can be decorated with a web of mayonnaise or thick sour cream and sugar, poured with red jam that imitates blood, etc.

DIY Halloween costumes at school, photo

Speaking of Halloween costumes for school. The most accessible and economical option for children, including high school students, is to make a Halloween costume for school with your own hands. Moreover, there are plenty of step-by-step master classes on the Internet, and if you show a little perseverance and desire, you can make a very impressive and interesting outfit. Among the popular and easy-to-make DIY costumes for children for Halloween at school are the following images: witch, vampire, zombie, goblin, mermaid. If the budget of schoolchildren is completely limited, then you can add a competition to the Halloween scenario at school with artistic painting of scary monsters and villains by everyone. Almost every image of an evil character can be realized with just makeup. Even without costumes, you can celebrate Halloween in a fun and interesting way at school if you use competitions and a script to convey the atmosphere of this holiday. But for those who are looking for interesting ideas for DIY Halloween costumes for school, our next selection of original photos.

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