About the kit
- The New Year's quest for 1st and 2nd grade students at school or at home includes a set of tasks, each of which is hidden in a certain place. The solution to each riddle reveals the location where the next clue is hidden. This creates a chain of tasks that must be completed step by step in order to find the hidden surprise.
- The set provides a variety of versatile places at home or at school where you can hide riddles and the surprise itself.
- You can make any number of stages, and hide the clues in any order, that is, there is no imposed script, which is very convenient for the quest organizer.
- It is possible to divide players into 2 or 3 teams.
- The quest contains 12 types of colorful New Year-themed tasks based on word games and various types of ciphers with several keyword options. In addition, 6 tasks are additionally presented in the form of templates for self-editing. If some keywords do not fit, you can change them.
- A set of New Year's packaging , which is offered for this kit, can be useful for packaging souvenirs or sweets for completing the quest. The simplest option: buy chocolates, remove the store-bought wrapping from them, leaving only the foil, and then pack the chocolate with wrapping paper with a different background - and sweet gifts are ready!
- The kit is intended for students in grades 1 and 2 , but it may be interesting for older children.
- Please note: this set is a complete analogue of the quest “New Year Quest for children 7, 8 years old at home or at school”
View other New Year's quests
Quest script for children for the New Year
: Greetings, players. The New Year 2022 promises many interesting events. But for it to pass brightly, you need to find all 4 of its digits in the room. Each of them has a password word written on the back; if you say a 4-letter phrase, we can move on to the next game.
You need to hide 4 numbers made of cardboard in the room, behind which thematic words or expressions will be written, for example: “The Snow Maiden forgot to take the gifts.”
They say that in Cuba the New Year's holiday is celebrated so that everyone has 12 grapes, which must be eaten during the chiming clock. Imagine that we are in Cuba. Find 12 photos of grapes, each of which is like one chime. Without 12 strokes, the New Year will not come.
Children look for images of grapes that are pre-attached to walls, windows, furniture and other places.
Our New Year is about to come. The chimes will strike soon. But bad luck, a gear disappeared from the clock. She needs to be thrown into the mechanism. To do this, you need to test your dexterity.
It would be appropriate to hold the “Catch” competition described above here.
Finally, our chimes can strike the cherished 12 beats. The holiday is already coming. The President will now speak. You are ready? But only he lost his speech. Help me collect it. Find 5 envelopes containing text.
To make this moment more interesting, place in the envelopes links to books in the house and an indication of certain lines from them. This will make it more interesting for children to collect speech.
Congratulations! The New Year has finally arrived. You tried very hard so that the birth of the holiday would not be disrupted. That's why Santa Claus has prepared gifts for you. Where is he? Let's call him!
At this moment the participant's name is Santa Claus. You can call an animator, who will unexpectedly enter the room with a bag of gifts and hand them to the children.
Team quest game
Using the “New Year's quest for 1st and 2nd grade students at school or at home” , you can conduct a quest for two or three teams. Each hint is made in several versions, with different keywords - so that the teams have equal chances, and victory depends on the speed of reaction and intelligence of the players. And those who are planning a quest for one child or one team will have a choice of the most convenient places in the room to create a search chain.
How to write a quest for the New Year?
Games and competitions for the New Year's quest can be completely different, but in general they can be divided into:
- movable;
- table
It all depends on the idea of the quest, the time available, the capabilities of the location and other details. For a private house and street, you can choose one game scenario, which is not suitable for an apartment or cafe hall.
For a children's quest, it would be ideal to combine both types of entertaining competitions, since children like to actively have fun, but also do not refuse several intellectual tasks. But for adults, on the contrary, give preference to the table format of playing the game. Such participants will definitely not want to run and jump for 1-2 hours, unlike kids.
To create fun riddles, analyze available materials on the Internet. You can find many suitable tasks for both home and street quests.
It is important not just to take a set of competitions, but to create a set of entertainment from a sequential chain. The team must play and with each new stage open the so-called next door of the adventure. And don't forget about the tips. They can be placed in secluded places on the territory of the location, which players can find in envelopes.
Set design
To make the start of the game interesting and exciting, the kit includes:
New Year's envelope to start the game , which you will need to glue together yourself, envelope format - A4. When finished it looks like this:
Letter from Santa Claus to start the game
The kit also includes a letter from Santa Claus in doc format with the ability to edit in Microsoft Word.
Registration of quest tasks
Quest scene No. 3
The room should have a TV, an oven, a shoe box, and a refrigerator.
If this is a school, then you can attach pictures with these items to simple medium-sized cardboard boxes or paint the boxes to look like equipment.
Objects (boxes) are located in a variety of different and unexpected places, so that children are interested not only in solving riddles, but also in searching.
Snow Maiden in disguise: Listen to my first Riddle.
1. It’s cold not only there in the distance,
It's cold behind these doors too! What is this? (fridge).
One of the guys runs up to him and finds Snowflake there with the following riddle. It is written there:
2. Soft silent walks
We walk with our feet on...(we wear slippers!)
The kids must find the shoebox that contains the next Mystery Snowflake. It says:
3. We watch it day and night
And we watch all the cartoons (TV)
Children find a TV or a box depicting it and take out the next riddle Snowflake. It is written there:
4. Pies and pies
There they bake “one, two, three” (oven)
Children find an oven or a box with a picture of it. Snowflake is there with the next task.
An indignant Snow Maiden in disguise jumps onto the stage. A smiling, satisfied Santa Claus is walking.
Disguised Snow Maiden: What is going on, good people!!! All of them, these children, win and win in all tasks! And I? When will I win! Oh... I'll run... Oh... In short, when will you lose?
The children laugh at her.
Santa Claus : And I didn’t doubt our guys at all, by the way!
Disguised Snow Maiden: But wait! What is written in the next Snowflake? Come on, read!
Santa Claus takes Snowflake from the children with a task.
Santa Claus: Here, kids, is the next difficult task of our New Year's quest! Reads: “Complete the New Year’s obstacle course,” consisting of two tasks. 1st – “Letter Classics”, 2nd – “Winter Web”
Description of tasks
(key places where you can hide hints and surprises are indicated in brackets)
- New Year's picture (board, wall, bag, your option). A fun mindfulness challenge. To find out the next search location, you need to form a word from the letters under the correct image.
- Father Frost or Santa Claus? (pencils, plasticine, computer, your choice). Educational quiz. Players will have to remember how our Father Frost and foreign Santa Claus differ from each other.
- New Year's code (album, magazine, chair, fruit). You need to read the keyword using a colorful New Year's code.
- Naughty snowmen (bag, pencil case, shelf). An entertaining task in which you need to find the differences in two seemingly identical pictures.
- New Year's arithmetic (Russian language textbook, literary reading textbook, mathematics textbook, your version) .
To find out where to look for the next clue, players will have to count
- Penguin shadows (gloves, plant, bedside table). A task for composure and attentiveness. You need to find the correct penguin shadows and read the keyword.
- New Year's puzzle (mirror, drink, presenter, your option). Players need to collect a New Year's picture cut into strips and read the clue.
- New Year's track (newspaper, pocket, backpack). The original key will help you decipher the clue word.
- Magic objects from fairy tales (battery, notebook, diary, your choice). An interesting task for quick thinking, in which you need to connect disparate words and pictures.
- Hidden letters (envelope, box, notebook). A fascinating task for observation, you need to find 7 hidden letters in the picture.
- A fun walk (door, book, hat, your choice). An original task for logical thinking.
- New Year's coloring book (window, scarf, wardrobe). To find out the next search location, you need to color only certain pictures.
Not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance
Attention! The set includes task templates “New Year’s picture”, “Father Frost or Santa Claus?”, “New Year’s arithmetic”, “New Year’s puzzle”, “Magic objects from fairy tales”, “Merry walk”: if the keywords do not suit you, you you can yourself .
Attention! The kit is offered in electronic form - you need to print everything you need yourself on a printer (sheet format when printing A4).
Features of the New Year's quest
You need to start with how long the participants will play and what the average age of the participants is. How to arrange the further game will depend on this. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main stages of organizing a quest to make it easier for you to achieve the final goal and prepare a magical New Year's quest.
How to start a New Year's quest?
If you are planning a surprise for a child or family, then try not to show signs during the preparatory part.
You can start the game in an original way: give the child a large box, supposedly with a gift, and inside there will be a letter with a note, which will become the first task for the players. With the help of the “hidden” quest format, you can give children more emotions and joy than when they are ready to play.
After delivering the first note, announce the conditions to the participants and you can begin the main game according to a pre-prepared scenario.
Another interesting way to start the game is to hide a note in an unusual place. For example, if you are planning a family quest in the morning, then place the letter in the drawer with washing supplies. The baby will not guess what kind of letter it is and why it is intended for him. And to make the holiday game more interesting, let the authors of the first letter not be the parents, but Father Frost or the Snow Maiden.
What props will be needed?
Depending on the games and competitions chosen for the children's quest, the props will be different. But since we create entertainment ourselves, we can use improvised objects that can be found in any home on the eve of the New Year and Christmas to help us decorate:
- New Year tree with themed toys;
- a toy in the form of a favorite cartoon or fairy tale character, or a symbol of the New Year 2022;
- skis, sled, snowboard, if needed for playing outside;
- paper and stationery;
- sweets and fruits;
- other things that cannot be avoided during the quest.
Selection of places and objects
A themed winter quest can be held absolutely anywhere. There are many locations in Moscow that are conducive to organizing a children's event.
If the holidays have not yet arrived, then it is quite possible for preschoolers and junior and senior school students to do an original quest trip within the walls of a group or class. To do this, educators and teachers prepare the room, find props and gather the children in a designated place at a certain time.
For a home quest, everything is much simpler. It’s easy to organize, since any household item can become a decorative element or prop. However, it is worth deciding on the quest route and drawing up a plan for the movement of players. As a rule, the task of a quest is to find a specific item. At home, children will do this quickly, as they know every corner. Try to make the tasks not trivial and original in order to prevent the game from being completed quickly.
Registration of assignments
It’s not enough to just come up with cool and interesting tasks. It is important to present them to the participants in an original way. It’s one thing if a player finds a white piece of paper with a riddle in plain text, another thing is an original box or box with a code, which contains a hint to the next stage of the game.
Modern children love technology, so try to create tasks in an interactive format:
- electronic crossword;
- competition with Shazam;
- QR codes;
- challenge in the style of YouTube or Tik Tok, etc.
This way the game will be more interesting to the little participants, and they will be more involved in the process. And if you use phones and tablets, the players will not be taken away from the quest.
Contents of the kit
- New Year's envelope (pdf file)
- letter from Santa Claus for editing (doc file with the ability to edit text in Microsoft Word)
- instructions for preparing and conducting the quest (pdf file)
- assignments and answers (pdf file)
- task templates “New Year’s picture”, “Father Frost or Santa Claus?”, “New Year’s arithmetic”, “New Year’s puzzle”, “Magic objects from fairy tales”, “Merry walk” (pdf file)
- gift - New Year's packaging set (jpg files)