9 cool competitions for homecoming evening

How to arrange a meeting of classmates

My school years are far behind me, but the memories of that time will never fade from my memory. Fun breaks, school proms, and of course, first love! The years have flown by so quickly that you can’t immediately understand how much has happened in your life, both in yours and in the lives of your classmates.

Thanks to the popularity of social networks, it is possible to easily find everyone you remember from school. And, no matter how sad it is, even such an opportunity as the Internet does not help people who were once friends and loved each other to become closer.

The most effective way to awaken nostalgia in your soul is to gather as a class or try to arrange a reunion of the entire graduating class.

Often, such a thought arises among all members of the once-former class, but the bravest ones get down to business. Yes, the brave ones – because organizing this kind of event is not an easy task! The organizers are responsible for all the issues: finding premises, renting sound and even transporting guests home - everything needs to be thought out in advance.

In order for the meeting to be a great success, the organizer must work hard, and it is better if it is not one person, but at least two or three.

— The first thing you need to do is notify people, possible participants in the meeting, in advance (a month or two in advance). The most effective way would be to create a group or event on a social network, an announcement in a hometown group or a group related to your school. It is also worth writing personal messages to everyone, clarifying all the details of the event and asking them to spread the information. Thus, the participants will be notified quite quickly and will be able to plan matters that may affect the gathering of classmates.

— Of course, it’s worth coming up with several plots for meetings in advance, telling all your classmates about them. Perhaps, for the sake of fairness of the decision, it is worth conducting surveys on the topic: where to hold, when to hold and how to hold the meeting. The option of the majority of those who voted or expressed their opinion will “win”.

— It is very important not to overdo it with organization. Of course, many have achieved heights after school and take a place in a leather chair

But there are also simple, average civil servants who chose the path of family rather than a big career. Therefore, in view of tact, you should not choose pretentious and expensive options. A roomy, cozy cafe or even a country house that can be rented for a day or two is always suitable.

— Fundraising should also start in advance. Decide on the amount and divide it by the approximate number of participants. With the remaining money (if you have any), buy some nice little things for competitions or order commemorative calendars.

— Traditionally, meetings are held in the city where the school itself is located. This gives you the opportunity to visit your “native land”, take pictures and remember the past. If your teachers live in the city and are in good health, do not forget to invite them too.

— Take into account the fact that unexpectedly more guests may come. Someone will decide to take their significant other or children with them. And in general, take into account any possible outcomes and be prepared for this, because if you have taken responsibility for the meeting, you will have to be its main organizer until the very end and respond to all possible incidents.

— Ideally, you should hire a bus and take a ride around your hometown. On it, after the evening, the driver will take the most honored guests home - namely, elderly teachers! If the funds raised allow, it will be very wonderful if there is a professional photographer at the celebration. You yourself can hold competitions and give speeches, but again, this requires a lot of preparation. If the funds raised allow, hire a special presenter.

Don't expect that one day you will be invited to this kind of meeting. Take matters into your own hands and create a wonderful evening of nostalgia, because if you don’t, someday it will be too late, and many simply will not be able or will not want to come, because, according to statistics, every year people are increasingly reluctant to meet, and Only at a very mature age does such a desire appear, but the opportunities, as a rule, are few. Take care of your childhood and youth in your soul with the warmest and most grateful feelings.

News → Organization of a children's party

Interesting → ​Organizing a holiday in nature

Miscellaneous → The Food Festival will be held for the first time at the Afisha Picnic

“How to get money?”

For those people who understand the value of money. Tools for the event: empty containers with plastic lids and a huge number of small coins. The competition takes place between fictitious “rich people”, huge admirers of money. Before playing, you need to make a hole in the lids for coins to pass through. Some coins are placed in containers and covered with lids. Before the competition, check the passage of coins through the slots. The goal of the “rich” is to quickly extract all the funds from the narrow hole in the lid. Whoever quickly takes the coins, if you do not use your hands and other things when achieving the goal, you will become the owner of a valuable prize. A persistent and money-loving participant can win.

Sketch “Reverse School”

Teachers sit at their desks like students. One of the former students and a female student are sitting at the teacher’s table. There is an exam in progress. Tickets with questions are laid out on the table. There is a magazine on the teacher's desk.

Male teacher: So, for the first time, within the walls of our native school, an exam is being held, in which everything is mixed up and everyone has changed places. You, our dear students now, will have to answer difficult questions. To begin with, the simplest block of our unique Unified State Examination.

Female teacher: Warm-up, so to speak. Your task, as in a lesson, whoever knows the answer raises his hand and answers, after the teacher’s permission, of course.

Male teacher: Let's remember who was the smartest student in our class?

Teachers (students) remember, raise their hands and say their first and last names. Most likely, they will name excellent students.

Male teacher: This is the wrong answer! The smartest was the one who always copied successfully and unnoticed by teachers (calls the student by his full name).

Female teacher: Who from our class was the most sociable? And who do you think he works now?

Teachers (students) answer, assumptions are made, and then the former student himself answers.

Male teacher: We warmed up a little, remembered and now we move on to the tickets. Each of you must take turns to come up, choose a ticket and answer. If anything, our other students can help, or, more precisely, advise their friend, just as we did.

  1. “Students” come out and draw tickets with the following questions:
  2. Which of us was the most fun and what profession did he (she) choose?
  3. Which of your former students holds a high position, and what character traits helped him in this?
  4. Who has two or more children?
  5. Which of us is not yet married or unmarried?
  6. How many of us have been married several times?
  7. Which of us has the largest foot size?
  8. Which of us sings and dances best?
  9. Who has pets and what kind?

Female teacher: Well, the third block of our Unified State Examination includes the most difficult questions. Name your school nicknames and nicknames!

The “students” recall their youth and school years, give names and nicknames, and explain why they were called that. They remember funny stories from their school life.”

At the end of the skit, teachers announce grades for the Unified State Exam. Of course, everyone only got A's!

Thank you very much for the sketches written specifically for the site “Island of Positivity”, Natalya Yuryevna Reshetnyakova. I recommend reading the finished script for an evening meeting with classmates.

“Make a catchphrase”

The presenter selects four people. We prepare the necessary tools: paper, leaflets with expressions, felt-tip pens. If you have received everything you need, you are required to depict your catchphrase. Catchphrases need to be selected in advance. Expressions can be of the following type: “For work and for getting paid, pens of different lengths”, “The wealth of the strong is hands, the wealth of the smart is thoughts.” All players use their creative abilities. Five minutes are allotted to complete the task, so the drawing must qualitatively reflect the meaning of the expression. Then the masterpieces are exhibited for popular approval. Everyone is trying to guess the meaning of these images. If the image is guessed correctly, that person is considered the winner.

Scenario for school graduation party

It is necessary that the evening is not boring. To do this, it needs to be diluted with games, competitions and skits.

Sample graduation scenario:

  • Presenter 1: “Hello our graduates. Today the school door has opened in front of you again, and you can hear the bell. How nice it is to remember with nostalgia about school time, classmates and little pranks.”
  • Presenter 2: “Yes, school is not only classes and strict teachers, it is also an opportunity to have fun. Let's remember how it was." Children are invited to the stage to dance or sing a song about school. It is advisable to make the number comic and cheerful
  • Presenter 1: “Many of you have found the knowledge gained at school very useful. Let's try to see if you remember school subjects and basic rules well." An erudition competition is being held. You can ask very simple questions. For example, who was Newton's co-author (Apple), or who was eaten by the aborigines (Cook)
  • Presenter 2: “Unfortunately, many of you no longer remember all the teachers; some are already retired. Let’s remember and ask the teaching staff to come on stage.” Teachers come out and congratulate graduates
  • Presenter 1: “It’s great that the school is forever young, because first-graders are brought here every year. Soon you will bring your kids too. Let's remember what the first call was like for you." First-graders are invited with a bell. Children dance happily to the music
  • Presenter 2: “It’s nice to look at the energy and uncertainty of the kids. Let's try to return to childhood." There is a drawing competition. The evening ends with congratulations. All graduates go to their classes to talk with the class teacher. Next, graduates go to a restaurant

Impromptu interview

To liven up the atmosphere, the presenter, imitating reporters, conducts an impromptu interview with a group of classmates on the topic of what prank during their time at school, in everyone's opinion, turned out to be the most striking. The main question is hidden under a lot of additional ones:

  • Where do you think childhood goes?
  • How often have you run away from class?
  • Have you falsified grades in your diary?
  • Which subject of study was the most difficult for you?
  • Who could you copy from?
  • Have you ever thought about burning a cool magazine?

Cool scenario for a school reunion 20 years later

Evening in a cafe, classmates at the table.

Host: Fate brought you together to study in the same class; for many years you lived the same life for everyone and together you learned to overcome barriers. Let's raise a glass to you, classmates! Who wants to say a few memorable words first? Graduate: 20 years have passed, quite a long time. But each of us, I think, remembers his desk, his friend and his class. Do you remember our prank in... class? We had a great time then. And, of course, everyone remembers our savior, the class mother (name, patronymic of the class teacher). Please accept words of gratitude from each of us, forgive us for our pranks and accept this bouquet. Presents the class teacher with a present. Speech by the class teacher. Class leader: I propose to appoint people on duty so that the glasses do not remain empty. The attendants perform their duties, the feast continues. Presenter: I pass the written work around in a circle, the topic: “How to find me.” Please provide any of your contact information. Class teacher: And I suggest you remember the alphabet. We will start toasts or congratulations one by one with each letter of the alphabet. I will begin:

Other options

Host: Let's test the imagination of our boys and girls. You will go to the center of the table and each person will take one item from their backpack. You need to convince everyone that the thing you got will certainly be useful at school.

The portfolio contains the following items:

  • Sunscreen
  • Screwdriver
  • Shoe covers
  • Children's car
  • Beanbag
  • Washcloth
  • Medical mask

Presenter: I ask the attendants to pour some into the glasses. Feast. Host: Let's sing together. But first you must collect a song.

The verse is cut into 2 lines.

Host: The entertainment program is coming to an end, but it’s too early for our graduates to leave the evening, because they need to talk a lot. Happy meeting day, graduates, 20 years later. The holiday continues!

Wipe the board

The board in the class is divided into 4 equal parts, 4 participants are selected for the competition. On each part of the board, the teacher writes the same number of words, half of them with errors, and half of them correctly (the errors in words on all parts of the board are the same in the same words). At the command “start”, participants take a rag in their hands and wipe off words only with mistakes. The participant who erases the required words (with errors) correctly and faster than others will receive a prize. For the competition, it is better to choose words that will be difficult for even an experienced teacher to write correctly, for example, appeal, half-turn, half-turn, mean, intellectual, backhand, by touch, at random, on the move, intellectual, legitimate, privilege, come, phantasmagoria” and so on.


Of course, the most important thing is to come up with entertainment for the event. Singing songs with a guitar or doing karaoke is good, but you can’t do it during the entire holiday. Therefore, you need to choose (or invite) a presenter who will announce competitions and games.

  1. Quiz. The questions can be very different, but it is best if they are related to what the guests of the celebration learned. You can also remember some significant events for those gathered and come up with questions about these events.
  2. Descriptions. Each guest writes in a few words about any of his classmates or classmates, as he remembers them. Then the presenter will read the descriptions, and the audience will have to guess who they are talking about. In order not to forget anyone, you need to cast lots - who will get who, and you need to write about that.
  3. Briefcase. Two backpacks are prepared in advance, where the most unexpected items are placed. The presenter calls two people and offers them, taking out these items, for which they will definitely be useful at school or university.
  4. Abbreviations. Participants are invited to decipher well-known abbreviations in their own way, but connect them with their studies. For example, GBDD - “where can I get a diploma” or “geometry will be, dear friends,” etc. You can play this game differently: give abbreviations related to studies (Unified State Examination or the abbreviated name of the university: Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinematography, etc.) , and you can decrypt them any way you like.
  5. Speaker. If a small company has gathered, you can organize a competition for the best speech. But official statements are not suitable here; it is best to ask to write a quatrain, where the first letters in each line are the letters of the name of a former student or letters from the name of the educational institution (acrostic).

Don’t forget that, most likely, everyone will want to move, so you need to take care of the musical accompaniment of the evening: invite a DJ or, possibly, an instrumental group.

Get to know yourself

For this competition, school teachers remember each class and the brightest “heroes” of each class, preparing a short description for each of them, for example, “a fidget from class “A” graduated 10 years ago, a lover of disrupting a math lesson, apparently very I didn’t like numbers and the multiplication tables, but in physical education I was the first in everything.” In turn, teachers read out descriptions for each of the “heroes,” and these same “heroes” must guess which one they are talking about. Whoever guesses the most correctly based on the students' descriptions (it is even possible that it is not the student himself who guesses, but his classmate or friend), will receive a prize.

Gifts for the director and teachers at the meeting evening

A few years after graduation, most people are already working, so you won’t have to take money for gifts from your parents. The gift depends on the age of the person, so you should not give fashionable equipment and gadgets to older women.

Make an agreement with your classmates in advance and discuss the idea of ​​gifts. Be sure to give a bouquet of flowers, and it should not be an ordinary bouquet of roses in cellophane. It is necessary that the bouquet be strict and tastefully assembled. It is best if it consists of expensive and rare flowers.

Gift ideas for the class teacher and director:

  • Gift certificate to a cosmetics or household appliances store
  • Expensive and rare book. Find out in advance which edition you need to purchase.
  • Decorations. Moreover, take into account the teacher’s age and financial situation. There is no point in giving the director a thin gold chain. The gift must be substantial. Typically, the position of director is occupied by middle-aged women, so small rings or tiny pendants around the neck will look cheap and stupid. It is best if it is silver jewelry with semi-precious stones
  • Appliances. This gift is appropriate if the teacher is young and able to understand the technology
  • Photo album with old photographs. This gift is suitable if you are going to give it exclusively on your own

"The most exciting races"

In the competition, participating couples need to show the heroes of the “Golden Key” story, but reach the finish line even faster than their opponents. The competition must take place between two pairs of opponents. The couple consists of a man - the cat Basilio, a woman - the fox Alice. To fully match the image, a woman needs to bend one leg and hold it with her hand. To embody a cat, a man needs to cover his eyes with a dark cloth. These impromptu pairs compete in the speed of movement along a distance. You need to overcome the distance while maintaining a fictitious image. If a pair of amazing thieves reach the end first, they receive the approval of the observers. In addition, they receive a bag of coins specially allocated for these purposes.

Comic exam for alumni meeting

The main thing for a person is not money, but, naturally, happiness. Therefore, if a person is an elder, then the world is already turned upside down for him, sorry, upside down. And then, when the only one who is unknown will be white, so he, the only one who is unknown, will already be like a pockmarked one! Film "Chasing Two Hares"

The article is primarily devoted to holding an alumni meeting. However, it can also be useful in preparing for other events related to learning - various holidays at school, international student day (November 17), Tatyana's day (January 25 - traditional Student Day in the CIS countries), "slide", the end of the exam, sessions, ... Oh, how many reasons can students alone find!

Many of us are graduates of at least one educational institution - school, school/college, university, etc. And this means that from time to time the most active among us ask ourselves the question - how to gather people, whether it is necessary to prepare entertainment or do without it, and in general - is it worth dealing with this issue or maybe, well... - let others do it?

I think we should start with the last, most important question on this list - “To be or not to be?” On the one hand - why Me? After all, I, too, have a lot of worries and troubles of my own... But on the other hand, think about the fact that if each of us shifts the worry of organizing the meeting to others without making our contribution to its preparation, the meeting will never take place. This doesn't mean you need to take on all the worries yourself. The main thing is to organize the process. Think about how to fairly distribute responsibilities among party participants. For example, some are engaged in notifying graduates, others are engaged in finding a suitable institution and renting transport (if necessary), others are preparing an entertainment program (including music and photos), etc. and so on.

Now about the entertainment. If you wish, you can come up with a huge variety of options to diversify the meeting. As one of the options, I can suggest holding a fun nerd party. You don’t need to worry about a suit for a long time: boys put on a checkered shirt, suspenders, glasses, comb their hair neatly, girls wear short dresses, braid their hair or just tie bows and that’s it – the image of a diligent (or almost diligent :)) student is ready!

A good option for entertainment at a graduate meeting can be a quiz in the form of a comic exam. It is suitable for both a nerd party and simply to liven up the atmosphere. To do this, you need to come up with a series of fun questions, print them out and cut them up. Each participant draws a ticket and answers it. Any questions of a personal nature such as “What have you achieved in life?”, “What position do you hold?” etc. and so on. are strictly prohibited.

Here is an example of comic exam cards for meeting classmates:

Ticket No. 1 Discipline: Biology

Does it belong to the legume family?

a) SpongeBob b) Bob Marley

c) Beans

Alumni reunion scenario one year later

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear graduates. Only a year has flown by and now you have returned to the walls of your home school as guests. Over the course of the year, many events have happened that you will be happy to tell each other about. And our meeting opens with a gentle waltz. High school students dance a waltz on stage. Children come on stage to recite poems.

Former graduate: Today we want to present flowers and an honorary diploma to our beloved class teacher (name, patronymic). Thank you for your help and participation in our school life! The diploma confirms that you have the following knowledge and skills:

Presenter: Former students prepared a song for the class teacher.

Host: Let's remember the early years. When you came to school, together you all weighed 1320 kg. They were exemplary, but still managed to break 2 window panes and 8 glasses in the school cafeteria. You also wrote 9 km of paper during your studies and received 3,000 bad marks. You learned the ability to see what a classmate sitting 2 desks in front of you was writing, you got tattoos with scientific formulas on your knees and arms so as not to fail a test. You learned to read sign language and understood sign language even better than normal. I suggest spending the past childhood with applause.

Dance number.

Host: Let's do a little roll call:

  • Who managed to enter the university in our city?
  • Who studies in another city?
  • Who is the ringleader in the group?
  • Who took up additional study (courses, languages)?
  • Who managed to visit abroad this year?
  • Who met their love?
  • Are there those who have already managed to work part-time and earn their first money?

Host: I also suggest immersing yourself in memories and listening to poems from the younger generation.

Presenter: In conclusion, we will give the floor to the school director.

Director's word.

Presenter: Dear graduates, no matter how many years have passed since graduation, you will always be welcome at school. Come visit and don't forget your school. Graduates are invited to their classes for a sweet table.

Games and competitions for the alumni meeting “Fun Lessons”.


Clear day. September. Chamomiles. Bow. Braids. First graders. Two by two. Primer. Five. First class cleaning. Pharaohs. Globe. Map. Painted desk. Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids. Lev Tolstoy. Straits. Notes. State exam. Farewell ball. Joy mixed with sadness. Certificate. Flowers in the window. Why am I so sad?.. What am I talking about? Yes, that all this is already behind us. But today you have the opportunity to turn back time and remember your school days!

The bell is ringing

First stage: planning

How does a meeting of classmates begin? From a preliminary (2-3 months in advance) discussion in a narrow circle of graduates who decided to become an initiative group that will plan a meeting of classmates. The scenario for the future action must be chosen from the possible options:

  • initially a meeting within the walls of the school simply in a close circle;
  • participation in organizing graduate day throughout the school or only for your class (parallel classes);
  • the location of the unofficial part of the celebration;
  • Possibility of using transport and office equipment.

If the initiators come to an agreement on the choice of option, they proceed to the second fundamentally important stage of preparation - calling or otherwise notifying classmates.


If only a year has passed since graduation, many still do not even have time to miss their classmates. What if people haven’t seen each other for many years? In this case, you need to take care of memorable gifts for everyone. The simplest thing is to order badges that depict the symbol of a school, lyceum, college or university, and also indicate the year of graduation from the institution.

Another option is to organize a ceremony for presenting “awards” in different categories (you can present chocolate medals, diplomas, etc.):

  • the most sociable;
  • the most beautiful;
  • best voice of the class/group/course, etc.;
  • king of handymen;
  • the most faithful friends (awarded to two people at once);
  • best mathematician;
  • best physicist/lyricist;
  • for best behavior in all lessons;
  • for the funniest joke (awarded to the person whose action or statement is still remembered with laughter), etc.

To create intrigue, there may be several contenders for victory in each category. But in the end, everyone should definitely receive an award.

Something similar is carried out under the slogan “If the stars light up...”. In this case, each person present is given a “star” (made of any material), which indicates what makes him unique. For example, someone who travels a lot receives the title “Road Star,” and someone who has always loved physical education receives the title “Sports Star.” Also, for sure, in every team there will be those who will receive the title “Stars of the Stage”, “Stars of Cooking”, etc.

When organizing such events, we must not forget about those who taught those gathered. If there is such an opportunity, you should definitely invite them to the holiday and, of course, give them flowers and gifts.

Scenario of meeting classmates in a cafe 30 years later

Presenter: 30 years have passed and now we all gathered together at the festive table to remember pleasant moments and learn about the lives of our classmates. Let's do a roll call.

He takes out an improvised magazine.

Host: Is there Leontyev? Right, Belinsky? Ivleeva? After roll call, glasses are filled and a toast is offered to the class leader. Presenter: Now let’s refresh our memory and conduct a small quiz. Don't be shy, raise your hands and earn yourself points.

  1. Who did Petrova sit at the same desk with in first grade?
  2. Name the desk on which Belinsky was sitting?
  3. What did Ivleeva do during recess?
  4. What lesson did Lenontieva not like?
  5. Who was Maslyakov in love with at school?
  6. Can you name the top students in our class?
  7. Who was the main ringleader in the class?

Host: Now let's talk a little. Remember our literature lessons? Let's each tell us the name of their favorite book, but only in the format of the game "Crocodile", with the help of gestures. Game "Literary Crocodile". Presenter: And now a toast to the most friendly class that was able to get together 30 years after graduation. For you, successful and talented ones.

Dance break.

Presenter: I suggest singing collectively or one by one at karaoke any song about school. We can even break into teams and compete. Karaoke with songs about school. Presenter: It’s exam time. I have tickets, they are not difficult, but it is advisable to answer them correctly.


Dance break.

Presenter: After the exams, graduation is traditionally held. Let's remember who wore what to prom: for guys - the color of the suit and style, for girls - a fluffy or fitted dress, or a suit. And you can check it out from the graduation photo that I have. Classmates remember the outfits of former students. Presenter: Usually, graduation is not complete without a waltz. Let's remember this dance. A waltz sounds, classmates are dancing. Presenter: I would like to sum up today's results and highlight the classmate and classmate who showed themselves most clearly in today's competitions. We give them the title of King and Queen of today's meeting. I would like to wish that you remember your school years, today’s meeting and each other for a very long time, and that your memories are only warm.

Features of the celebration for graduates of older age groups

The scenario of a meeting of classmates 35 years later brings together peers of pre-retirement age. Their children have already grown up, their professional heights are behind them. Life is ordered and follows a well-trodden track...

What would be ideal for a presenter would be his ability to revive and stir up such a contingent. When starting an informal meeting, you should immediately “take the bull by the horns.” As an option, we can offer to make “home preparations” - brief humorous descriptions of those present. They should be voiced, mentioning funny episodes from school life and successes. The main thing is that it sounds short and not boring.

In the meeting program for age groups of graduates, greater emphasis is placed on logical and intellectual competitions. There are few dance breaks, they consist of several slow dances.

Alumni evening toast

  • My classmates, how wonderful it is to meet after a certain time and remember your cheerful childhood years. No one can share past life memories like you, who also remember them clearly. Let's meet more often so that, remembering our youth, we can immerse ourselves in carefree memories and lift our spirits and make our souls look younger (even though we are not old yet!).
  • I look at you and don’t believe that everyone is already so mature and accomplished. Seeing you, I felt young and carefree. I raise a glass to the youthful souls of my classmates and to the wonderful tradition of meetings!

Magic ball of memories

Together with a classmate, with whom we were friends during our school years and loved to fool around, we decided to dress up as wizards: put on caps (the kind, you know, for birthdays), pick up “magic” wands and a “magic” glass ball (any symbolic toy will also do).

At the very beginning, even before reincarnation, stand up and say:

- Remember, school “Ogonki”? Just like now, we got together and organized fun competitions and dances. Let's go back to those years, play and have fun!

And here we change clothes and go out in the guise of wizards:

— We brought a glass ball with us. This ball is not simple, but magical. He is able to revive memories and transfer a person’s memory several years ago! Anyone who picks it up will remember the most vivid event from his school life that has stuck in his memory (it could be a prank, a joke, or, conversely, something touching and sincere).

Those sitting at the table take turns passing each other a ball (or another “magic” symbol) and name a bright event from school life that they remember.

“How to create your own planet?”

You need to prepare - balloons, threads, thick markers with rounded tips. Players are required to create their own planet. After the event, each player realizes how difficult it is to be a creator. Planets are created by players from inflatable balloons. The player inflates it and ties it with thread so as not to spoil it. After that, they must show living creatures on the makeshift planet. Then you should use a felt-tip pen to create living creatures. If in a limited time a participant can create another planet and depict many figures on the surface of the ball, then you win a wonderful competition. If a player's ball bursts in his hands, he automatically loses. The winner will receive a prize and approval from the guests of the holiday.

Cool scenario for an evening meeting of classmates 40 years later

At the entrance, guests are greeted by a “40 years later” poster. There is a Whatman paper hanging on which you can leave your wishes. Alumni registration book, on the cover it is written:

You must leave your email address, phone number, and write your profession. Presenter: We solemnly invite to the hall those who, after graduating from school, were already able to go halfway. Meet graduates (year of graduation)!

Former classmates enter.

Host: It’s joyful to see your faces, which show that you are all part of us and were once a friendly school family. Today you met to plunge into memories 40 years ago, when you left school and entered adulthood. School students perform with the song “Childhood”.

Children read poems:

Host: And now we will learn a little about our classmates. Those present must answer my question with the phrase:

Host: Let's remember our school years. Let's look at the photo on the screen, it's allowed.

There are slides of scanned school photographs.

Host: I propose to solve the riddles.

The song “It’s great that we are all here…” is performed.

Presenter: I invite graduates to speak. We expect from everyone a little information about themselves and warm words about the school.

Graduates speak.

Presenter: The floor is given to the director.

Director's speech.

Host: Let's honor with a minute of silence those teachers who are no longer alive. Host: The meeting does not end here; everyone is invited to the sweet table for a friendly conversation.

Competition "Ring for real boxers"

Pair competition for brave and serious guys. Inventory: boxing gloves and candy wrappers. The presenter calls a couple of men ready to fight each other. Competitors receive boxing gloves, and the ladies cheer on their fighters. Observers surround the makeshift arena. The presenter tries to heat up the atmosphere, instructs the competitors on how to prepare before the competition. You need to try to fight with an imaginary opponent, they conduct a kind of psychological attack. When everything is ready, they are invited to the battle center. The presenter tries to clearly explain the rules: do not hit below the belt, do not leave bruises, the fight will continue until first blood. The participants are ready for the fight and suddenly the judge gives them candy in bright packages. At this moment there is a competition. They are required to quickly release the candy from the packaging for their woman without taking off their boxing gloves.

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