Happy birthday greetings to your sister with beautiful and kind words and actual wishes

I would like to make one of the most important holidays special for my sister, to find a lot of beautiful words and kind, relevant wishes. So that the day will be remembered with warmth and sincerity. After all, this is the closest, dearest and sweetest person. But you don’t always have the time, desire and opportunity to come up with a happy birthday greeting for your sister on your own. At such moments, it is better to delegate writing the text for a postcard or holiday speech to the site’s authors.

In this section you will find beautiful, sincere, touching, funny, unusual and original congratulations for your sister. There are short texts and poems of different formats to choose from. You can easily find and select a congratulation and wish that suits your sister. Please her with heartfelt lines, originality and creativity!

Beautiful congratulations to my sister

When you don’t want to repeat after other guests, say banal, overused expressions and words at the table, beautiful poems and free-form congratulations will come to the rescue. They can be added to postcards or read with expression during the celebration. Choose those texts that are in tune with your mood and thoughts. Even if they were not written by you, but read from the heart, beautiful congratulations will certainly please your sister.

Two sisters


Dear sister, congratulations on the most important and significant day for all of us, when the world first saw you! Since then, you have illuminated him with your open, sincere smile! Your kindness and gentleness accompany every step on the interesting path of life. I wish you, dear, not to lose hope, believe in the best and bathe in boundless love!


Dear sister, I wish you, my dear: to go through life with a happy smile, not to worry about insignificant trifles, to find joy and pleasure in every day you live, to love sincerely, with all your heart, to be unconditionally and infinitely loved!


Happy birthday my sister! I wish you simple and quiet female happiness: when the only and beloved person is nearby, family and friends are healthy, and children delight with obedience, attention and care! I wish you small and grandiose successes, unforgettable life moments, bright joy, peace in your soul and prosperity!


What can I wish for you, sister? You are just starting your journey. Let sadness move aside, And sadness does not disturb you at all. Let the road be smooth, without holes, potholes and obstacles. And let the path be easy, long, With a lot of surprises and rewards!


On this glorious festive evening, little sister, blow out the candles on the cake. Don’t forget to make your wish, And I will make a wish while you are blowing: So that what you dreamed about will come true sooner! And everything you planned was easily achieved!

Cool and original gifts

A special category of gifts is joke gifts. They are not suitable for everyone, but only for birthday girls with a good sense of humor who are able to appreciate this type of congratulations. Today there are thousands of options for such gifts. It could be a giant wad of counterfeit money; funnier panties with the inscription; funny T-shirts or mugs with the image of the birthday girl; original flash drives; pillows with sound effects; original mittens, hats, socks, accessories and jewelry and much more.

A more difficult task than buying a funny gift is making a truly original gift. Such a gift will surprise, delight and be remembered for a long time. This could be a voice message or SMS sent from an unknown number; congratulations live on the radio; billboard with the image of the birthday girl and words of congratulations; congratulatory poems in the newspaper; inscription on the asphalt, etc. For people with unlimited imagination and creative thinking, it will not be difficult to come up with something truly original and memorable.

Heartfelt congratulations to my sister

There is no dearer and closer friend than your own sister. She will always listen, support, encourage with a kind word, and come to the rescue in difficult situations. And it is your sister who will be the first to rejoice for your successes, good luck and achievements. Therefore, now, on her birthday, I would like to find a lot of warm words and sincere congratulations. Let kind lines, spoken with all sincerity, warm her feminine heart.

We are two sisters


Today all the touching, beautiful words and compliments, good wishes and sincere congratulations sound only for you, sister! And I myself want to join the general celebration, joy and fun! After all, on this day our sun appeared, warming us with its warmth and beauty! Be happy, sister!


The world is far from ideal; there are joys and disappointments in it! I wish you, little sister, to have a reliable shoulder, a loving heart, understanding eyes and an encouraging smile nearby in difficult moments, in any difficulties!


I will hasten to congratulate you, sister, Happy birthday. I will invite you to hear ringing laughter for fun, I will invite you to joy for the holiday. Let happiness be the main guest and stay here forever. We will not allow resentment to take place on the holiday. You and I - “don’t spill the water”!


You and I are like best friends, Dear, beloved sister! We often remember each other, Even though we each have our own family. In the midst of everyday affairs and bustle, Even when you are completely bogged down in everyday life, You will find time for calls, To chat with your sister .May it always be like this for you and me. Mutual support, friendly advice. We are not afraid of difficulties and storms, This is our little secret. On your birthday I wish you: Live in love, without sorrow and without troubles! Women's happiness, small children! For your husband to love for decades!


Don’t look at the fact that you’ve become a year older. You’re like expensive red wine. Every year it’s only better, more beautiful, You’re still a girl anyway! Dear sister, congratulations! Don’t be sad that another year has passed... Achieve everything you dreamed of! You will be fine!

Congratulations on your 60th birthday

A birthday is one of the most significant events in the life of absolutely any person. An anniversary is always exciting for the birthday person. It is filled with congratulations, good wishes and hope for a bright future. At such moments, we all try to find the perfect words, for example, to congratulate a brother on his 60th birthday.

Respectable age - 60!

Living it is not at all easy.

Among family, friends, grandchildren

We wish you to meet ninety!

Touching congratulations to my sister

On such a special, festive day, your beloved sister deserves a lot of warm, heartfelt lines addressed to her. I want to express to her everything that has been warming and stored in my soul for a long time. Our selection of touching congratulations, full of kindness, warmth and sincerity, will help you with this.

Congratulations to our little sister, even with our dog Jerry.


On this day, one day an angel came down, looked around and said the following words to me: “From now on, I will decorate your life with a smile, give the warmth of my heart. We will laugh and joke together. Sometimes argue, but always lend each other a helping hand in difficult situations. You will call me little sister!”


For me, you are not just an older sister, but also a reliable support, best friend, role model, source of ideas and motivation. I wish you, my dear birthday girl, the fulfillment of all, even the most daring and daring, ideas and goals. May your activities and hobbies bring you pleasure, and may your family please you every day and support you in any endeavor!


My beloved little sister! I remember you while still in diapers, your sweet toothless smile, timid steps with a doll in your arms. Now you have become quite big. The beauty has grown up and sparkled! You know everything, I’m ready to keep up the conversation. I’m proud of you, my dear fidget!


Sister, dear, dear! You are joy, my sunshine! Congratulations to you, my love! May your mood always be good and bright! And life is full of surprises. May the people around you only make you happy!

Happy Anniversary Congratulations to Sister

Dear sister, I congratulate you, After all, the anniversary is a special day. I wish you great love, good health, May your life be like a carousel. I wish you a beloved and faithful spouse, healthy, strong daughters and sons, a fast-paced career, or rather a friend on your anniversary!


Dear sister, happy anniversary! Let kindness illuminate your path! And let the sun warm your life, So that the cold does not touch your heart.

I wish you sincere friends, And I will help you overcome adversity, I value you and, as I know myself! I'll make the sky sing for you!


Dear sister, Today I want to congratulate you on your anniversary with all my heart! Do you remember how we played together, We fought for the dolls with you? We read books to each other, We ran home from school... Having grown up, we did not become strangers, And, as before, I run to you to tell you about the trouble and sadness that bothers my soul. You will always support, reassure, help you find a compromise, Happy anniversary, dear! Let life fulfill every whim! (Let every day be a surprise)


Romantic congratulations to your sister

Dear sister deserves the best that exists in this world: loyal friends, exciting work or study, small and big achievements, material well-being, good health and, of course, love! Romantic congratulations are just about this. Wish your young sister to meet her only and worthy soul mate. For the loving and married hero of the occasion - strong relationships and mutual understanding. Let her know, despite the cynicism of our time, true female happiness.


What can I wish for you, dear sister? Dazzling beauty? But you are already stunning and irresistible! Wisdom and intelligence? You are already smart and smart beyond your years! All the riches of the world? Happiness does not come from money and exquisite luxury! I wish you, dear, to find among empty hopes and expectations that same, true and mutual love!


My sister, on the best day, accept congratulations from loving hearts! Always strive through the wind of change, walk with a smile, a cheerful mood! Let your dreams burn in your soul. Don’t give up your hopes for a minute! I wish that you, like young Asol, will wait for your love early in the morning!


On your birthday, dear sister, I congratulate you with joy! I wish you happiness to shine in your heart. May you not lose yourself in the crowd. May you find a person worthy of you in the bustle of the modern age. May love carry you through the years. And may you never forget your sister !

Classic is always in fashion

Classic gifts are never a losing option. Even if the birthday girl doesn’t quite like the surprise, she is unlikely to be very upset, since the versatility of such a gift makes it possible to put it on a distant shelf and then take it out when the need arises. Another feature of this type of gift that everyone prefers to keep silent about is their use to congratulate other birthday people. The list of classic gift options is endless: mobile phones, household appliances, decorative items, jewelry, watches, toys, flowers in pots, cosmetics, albums and photo frames, books, ties, dishes, etc.

Cool congratulations to your sister

Happy birthday greetings to your sister, especially for a young girl or teenager, should be special, interesting, and devoid of platitudes. Don’t have time to come up with cool congratulations that will cheer up and cheer up the birthday girl? Our selection of funny poems and humorous texts will help you out in such a situation.


Little sister, I've been waiting for your birthday for so long that I'm getting hungry! I’m burning with impatience to pick at the salads and see all your gifts! I wish you a happy brother and great patience with him! And yet, I always knew this - you are the best, coolest sister in the world!


Congratulations, sister, on your day of abundant feasts and cool parties! I wish that you always have everything, and that you never have anything for it!


You have an amazing birthday today! Congratulations, sister! Let your photos drown in likes! Fewer haters, live without hype! Be positive in any movement! Respect and respect to you!


I know that today I will wish for you, Now I will get your slipped list. Oh! My sister's lip is no fool! Fashionable clothes - so that everything fits! A cool iPhone, so that you can take beautiful photos! A bag of money to get to the Maldives! Cool car, pump up your music! A rich husband, so that he can pay for it all!


You are stunningly beautiful! Smart, kind and fair! Always an example and a joy to me. You look, sister, just right! You know everything about fashionable looks. And your life does not remember boredom. So always be a style icon! Dressed fashionably and beautiful! Go through life, without knowing troubles, Easily, with a smile, and dreaming!

Happy birthday to sister, happy anniversary

For me, you are like a friend and a faithful adviser. You are the first healer of all my spiritual wounds.

Happy anniversary, my big sister. And I want us to chat, as before, until the morning.

I wish you great female happiness. And enthusiasm is always in the heart of only the mischievous.

*** To my dear sister on this wonderful holiday, I wish you love, both beautiful and passionate, Let your heart and luck beat in unison, A basket of success and happiness!

Such abundance that everyone would be the envy of everyone, So that the impossible in life can come true, Shine with happiness like the sun in July, Happy birthday to you, my sweetie!


I trust only you with all my secrets, congratulations on your anniversary and I wish you love!

Be smiling, sister, Kind, sensitive, mischievous, Laugh contagiously and loudly, it would be better with me!

Let the most delicious candies Always be at hand, And flowers and compliments Often given by the male gender!


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