How to decorate a room for a child’s (boy, girl) birthday with your own hands + 140 PHOTOS of bright ideas

Discharge from the maternity hospital and ideas for meeting mother and baby are the topic of this article. Indeed, the event is worth celebrating beautifully, joyfully, cheerfully, creatively. A new man has been born! And he, this little man, will for the first time cross the threshold of the house in which he will grow up, comprehend life and himself, gain intelligence and wisdom, learn to love, compassion and believe. So to treat such a great event trivially would be sinful and wrong in every sense.

So, what is the best way to greet the baby and his mother upon discharge from the hospital?

Why is it important

Discharge from the hospital is always an important event

The new father usually takes a special part in the event, often enlisting the support of his parents, mother-in-law or other loved ones. In large cities, and even in many villages, numerous agencies offer their services for decorating a room and organizing a family holiday.

Decor for creating a holiday

All you need to do is just pay them and all organizational issues fall on their shoulders. However, it is best to prepare for the meeting of the newborn yourself. After all, first of all, this is a holiday for the baby himself and his mother. Who, if not close relatives, knows what style and features of the event will be most suitable?

Choose a jewelry style to suit your child's gender

At first glance, the idea of ​​decorating a room for the birth of a child may seem complicated. In fact, by spending a minimum of money and showing perseverance and creativity, you can create an unforgettable atmosphere with your own hands.

Creativity has not been canceled

Where to begin

First you need to choose a decoration theme, having previously assessed the space in the premises. If parents have the opportunity to give their child his own room, that’s great, because then the whole room is a “springboard” for creativity.

The room as a springboard for creativity

Unfortunately, not everyone has this opportunity, so some have to limit themselves to decorating only part of the room allocated for the child. Usually a bright, cozy, warm place is chosen for this, so you don’t need to create decor in the entire parent’s room, but only in a certain corner.

Corner for little ones

Before you start preparing the decoration, you need to take care of cleanliness. Even if you do not take hygiene into account, it is unlikely that the most beautiful garland will look attractive next to a sagging cobweb. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning.


Perhaps the most popular decoration for any event involving children is balloons. This is not surprising, because using this simple accessory has advantages:

1Just change the color scheme and the balloons will be suitable for any event. For example, you can come up with a design in advance, and then, after making sure that your daughter is born, you can embody the idea in pink, and if you have a son, in blue;

2You can buy balloons inexpensively. Almost anywhere you can get a good discount for purchasing in bulk;

3Inflating balloons is easy. If you buy those that are inflated with helium, then you don’t need to bother at all.

Balloons are a popular holiday decoration

The only thing you need to think about carefully is the composition of the balloons. You can lay them out on the floor, you can attach them to the ceiling (helium ones), and you can make an entire inscription out of some of them. It is also important to think about how to quickly remove the balloons after the child arrives from the hospital, as they can burst and greatly frighten him.

Arrangement of balloons for welcoming a child

In some stores you can find balloons to decorate the room for the birth of a child. They can be in the form of angels, children's faces, feet, strollers and other items of a suitable theme.

Original idea for a balloon bottle

Balloons on a cornice look great. Using the most ordinary, cheap balls, you can create entire compositions. It's very easy to make flowers: inflate 5-6 balloons of the same color to a small size, and choose one, the middle of the flower, of a different color.

A simple idea for creating a composition

Make several such compositions, attach them with tape or tie them with threads, and attach elongated green balls (leaves) between them.


A newly born baby has very low immunity. This means that the apartment to which he will be brought from the maternity hospital must first be cleaned with a special degree of care.

To achieve an ideal result, you should follow these simple recommendations:

  • the cleaning process should cover the entire apartment, and not just the children's room;
  • dust should be eliminated even from the most inaccessible places, including top shelves and cabinets;
  • remove all dust-collecting trinkets;
  • It is recommended to wash the toilet and sink with particular care, since a particularly large number of pathogenic bacteria and microbes accumulate in these places;
  • Carpets must not only be vacuumed, but also beaten and treated with special compounds to get rid of dust mites.


  1. Mikhail Nikolaevich Marchenko Theory of state and law. Textbook for bachelors; Prospect - M., 1978. - 108 p.
  2. Nikolyukin S.V. International commercial arbitration; Justitsinform - M., 2009. - 791 p.
  3. Alexander Ivanovich Travnikov Legal regime of airspace. Air navigation and safety. Monograph; Prospect - M., 2001. - 984 p.
  4. Citizen and Law No. 03/2017; IL - Moscow, 2021. - 906 p.
  5. Methods for conformity assessment No. 12 2013; Standards and quality - M., 2013. - 455 p.


The ideas for making modern cakes are very different from what they were thought of 10-20 years ago. Nowadays, a cake is not just cakes soaked in cream and decorated with roses. Masters make masterpieces that are dedicated specifically to a specific celebration.

Sweet masterpieces

An important nuance that needs to be taken into account is that making a cake takes a lot of time, usually at least three days, so you need to take care of this in advance. A good idea is to decorate the cake with fondant figures of the appropriate theme. This could be a baby in a stroller, baby supplies and other decorations.

Mastic cake corresponding to the theme

Cakes with photographs are also popular. You can add the baby’s mother, where she is in her final stages, and baby paraphernalia nearby. You can complement the decor with the help of holiday candles.

The best moments in family life

A special option is to use a cake in cases where the light is supposed to be turned off. In such an atmosphere, a birthday cake with candles will look especially appropriate.

A good idea is a biography cake, which indicates information about the born baby: first name, middle name, last name, height, weight, parents’ names and other interesting information. Of course, the child himself will not remember such a cake, but they will admire it years later, looking at the photo.

Good idea for a biography cake


Preparing a bouquet is definitely a “male” job. Of course, all invited guests, if there are any, will come with flowers, but the task of the young dad is to surpass everyone else with a bouquet prepared in advance. Naturally, decorating a room at the birth of a child with a bouquet is intended more for the mother, however, the needs of the baby must also be taken into account.

A bouquet that will exceed all expectations

Fresh flowers for decoration are not always a good idea. A weakened child's body may not perceive the smell of flowers and even cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, if you give fresh flowers, you need to immediately prepare a place with a vase in another room, where they can then be rearranged.

Find a place for a bouquet with a vase

There are many options for decorating a room with bouquets that would not harm the baby, but at the same time would look aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. If previously bouquets of artificial flowers were considered exclusively for mourning, modern decor ideas make it possible to adapt them even to such an event as the birth of a child.

Original toy made from fresh flowers

To make flowers, corrugated paper of different, bright shades can be used. They can be placed either in ordinary bouquets wrapped in paper or in a basket. A fashionable idea is also to give a bouquet of soft toys. The undoubted advantage of such room decoration is originality and practicality.

Choose a bouquet without harming the child

The bouquet will remain in its original form for several months, and then it will gradually be disassembled into “spare parts”, and the growing child will have ready-made toys. Such practicality of bouquets of soft toys justifies their high cost.

You can prepare several bouquets and fill a whole children's table with them. There may be fresh flowers, which will then be transferred to another room, or a bouquet of soft toys, which will last for a long time.

Even guests will not be left without attention

You can also complement the room decor with bouquets of sweets that will please your guests. Considering that the baby’s mother can hardly eat sweets, you can prepare another option for her - a bouquet of fruits.


The idea of ​​drawing a holiday poster turns out to be appropriate for almost any celebration. When it comes to decorating your baby's room, there are many ways to do it. Here are just a few of them:

With photos

You can make a whole collection of photographs, placing in it pictures taken during pregnancy, ultrasound results, happy shots from the maternity hospital and other family photos.

Glue a photo and get a cool decor

With wishes

You can collect wishes from all your loved ones and design the poster as follows: attach a photo of the person next to his statement. You can ask for this not only from relatives, but also from family friends.

Poster for writing wishes for relatives

With quotes

On the Internet you can find many funny quotes that are appropriate for such an event as the birth of a child. They can be printed on a printer or written with multi-colored markers.

Use your imagination, there will be something to remember later

There can be several posters; they can decorate not only a room or a corner of a newborn, but also the entire apartment or house. This will help create a special, cozy festive atmosphere.

Gift for wife

Greeting his wife from the maternity hospital with a beautiful bouquet is the duty of every man. But you shouldn't limit yourself to just flowers. Women are extremely vulnerable during pregnancy and childbirth. Surround your spouse with attention and care, prepare a gift not only for the child, but also for her. It can be jewelry, earrings, ring, chain, pendant. First of all, men come to mind to give themed jewelry, such as a pendant in the shape of a baby stroller or pacifier, or a ring with a baby's heel.

However, it is better to discuss this issue with your wife and find out her preferences; most likely, such jewelry will gather dust in the box. If you want to present a themed decoration, you should opt for a bracelet with charms. The very idea of ​​such a bracelet is to keep reminders of pleasant events. A charm in the form of a stroller or pacifier will always be appropriate on him.

An excellent gift would be a drawing of a mother and a newborn, made from a photograph. Such a gift will be unexpected and will preserve the memory of this moment forever.

You can also give your wife something that she has dreamed of for a long time, but could not afford. 9 months is enough time to find the time and finances to make her dreams come true.

Other ideas

Ideas for decorating a room for the birth of a child:

Fairy lights

Some people associate garlands exclusively with the New Year holidays. But this is in vain, because you can hang them not only on the Christmas tree. You can make it yourself or purchase garlands in pink or blue tones that will fit perfectly into the interior design.

Decorate your baby's room with garlands


You can cut out the baby's name from polystyrene foam - this is the most accessible and budget-friendly way for many. You can display the letters on the floor, for example, along with balls. Also, the baby’s name can be made in any other way - cut out letters from wood, make them out of paper in the form of an applique, or simply lay it out of balloons.

Put your baby's name on the entire wall

Souvenirs for guests

You can prepare special small vases in which to place special souvenirs for all your family and friends. It can be anything: magnets, trinkets, etc. The main thing is to attach or write memorable words on them. For example, this could be the phrase “Thank you for sharing with us the joy of the birth of (child’s name).”

Even a sweet souvenir will not leave guests indifferent

Kids toys

You can place soft toys of different sizes throughout the house or apartment - this will be a symbol of the fact that now different orders reign here, which are adjusted to the new family member.

Soft toys to create a mood

Paper pom poms

It is hardly possible to imagine decorating a room more magnificently than this. It is better to use large pom-poms of different colors. You can make them yourself from corrugated paper, or you can buy ready-made ones, especially since they are not expensive. You can attach pompoms anywhere: to a chandelier, cornice, curtains, to the ceiling.

Paper pompoms as one of the holiday attributes

Preparation for registration

At the preparatory stage, be sure to carry out a thorough cleaning. Wash the curtains, clean the windows, get rid of unnecessary things. Be sure to do wet cleaning, because dust is a source of infections and bacteria. All your work will be compensated by the warm words and happy eyes of your wife. Don't forget to ventilate the room.

After the above procedures, you can start decorating the room. This matter should be taken seriously. The right decision would be to draw up a small design plan, then it will become clear what and how many attributes are needed. A small number of elements is not admirable, but there is no point in having too many.

Wall decoration

After drawing up a rough plan, go to the store. You should start working on the case a couple of days before discharge in order to have time to implement all your plans. Some decorative attributes are made to order and it will be impossible to find them on the day of discharge from the hospital, so prepare in advance.

Decorating a living room or kitchen

If relatives and friends are invited to the event, you need to make sure that every corner of the house or apartment reminds you that it has a festive atmosphere. Some happy dads are so impressed by the long-awaited change in their lives that they decide to decorate the entire yard or entrance, and thus share the joy with the people around them.

Decorate the entrance according to the theme of the event

To decorate your rooms, you can buy new curtains. Choose a bright option with flowers or another festive print. If a small family feast is planned, then the atmosphere at it should also be appropriate.

Even curtains will change the attitude towards the event

An excellent option would be to decorate tablecloths and tables. If a girl was born, then everything can be done in pink tones. You can also use “girly” elements - bows, beads, etc. If a boy was born, then you can arrange airplanes, cars or elements with their image, while choosing a masculine color scheme - blue, dark blue, green.

Tablecloth to match the holiday

Even banal, everyday items can be transformed, giving them a festive look. You can put a figurine of a stork bringing a baby on the TV, napkins with baby faces on the table, and magnets with the appropriate theme on the refrigerator.

Figurines throughout the apartment

Thus, decorating a room for the birth of a child is an activity that can be done. The main thing is:

  • think through everything in advance;
  • choose a room and theme;
  • choose available decor options;
  • involve all relatives and friends;
  • don’t stop your imagination and get creative.

Flight of fancy and your creativity

VIDEO: Decorating a room for the birth of a child


The choice of transport must be taken seriously. If you don’t have a personal car or it’s not suitable for some reason, you can rent a car. The main requirement for a car is spaciousness; a young mother and baby should fit freely and comfortably in it. The trunk should fit all the things that were taken to the maternity hospital, and there are always a lot of them. You should also take care of the safety of the newborn and purchase a child car seat in advance. If you don’t have your own car, you can rent such a chair on the day of discharge.

The car can also be decorated with balloons, flowers or inscriptions. Inscriptions of gratitude “Thank you for your son/daughter” are considered common. But, besides them, you can write words of love for your wife or how happy the young father is.

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