From the official status of Russian Bar Day to International Lawyer Day!

Date in 2021: May 31, Monday.

On the last day of May, it’s time to congratulate all lawyers on their professional holiday. They help defend the rights of citizens in court, while complying with and honoring the law. History knows many outstanding lawyers, thanks to whom hundreds of people avoided imprisonment or premature death. This is a very important profession, without which the existence of a legal state is impossible.

When is it celebrated?May 31 annually, no additional day off
When was it foundedIn 2005, following the results of the Second All-Russian Conference of representatives of the domestic legal profession
TraditionsDuring ceremonial events, representatives of the legal profession accept congratulations from regional and federal authorities, the best representatives of the profession are awarded, and festive corporate events are held in law firms

Lawyer's Day is a holiday that is celebrated on a grand scale. Despite the official Lawyer's Day, which is celebrated in December, the government decided to allocate a separate professional holiday to defense lawyers. Advocacy is an important and necessary profession. This job values ​​honesty, integrity and integrity, as well as erudition and a high level of intelligence.

history of the holiday

The event does not yet have an official status, secured by a presidential decree. Numerous appeals to the head of state to establish a professional holiday were unsuccessful.

The celebration became widespread in 2005. At the Second All-Russian Congress of Lawyers, held in Moscow, resolution No. 4 was adopted. It recorded the decision to hold annual celebrations on May 31 in relation to these specialists. The date chosen by the organization has a symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the adoption in 2002 of the law “On advocacy and the legal profession in the Russian Federation.”

Advocacy Day: congratulations and wishes

In Russia, May 31 is celebrated as Advocacy Day. This holiday was established in 2005 by the Second All-Russian Congress of Lawyers to commemorate the date of adoption of the law regulating their activities. This year the Russian legal profession turns 15 years old. In connection with this event, talked with leading lawyers and jurists of the country, and they, in turn, congratulated readers on the holiday.

Yuriy Pilipenko, lawyer, president of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers, professor, Doctor of Law. n.

15 years ago, on May 31, 2002, the law on advocacy and the legal profession was adopted, on the basis of which the Russian legal profession, for the first time in its history, was organized into a single independent self-governing professional corporation.

On May 31 we celebrate the Day of the Russian Bar. I am sure that this is a holiday not only for lawyers, but also for everyone who values ​​law, law and justice.

Congratulations to you, dear colleagues and friends, dear readers of the competent and authoritative information and legal resource “”! I wish you creative energy, reasonable optimism, creative upswings and professional victories!

Svetlana Volodina, lawyer, vice-president of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers

Happy Advocacy Day to everyone! I wish all of us that the holiday becomes a national holiday! I wish lawyers not to despair! Real professionalism and independence of the court, interesting legal problems and their solutions, a fundamental change in the role of a lawyer in criminal proceedings!

What does it take to be successful? You need to be able, willing and able.

Be able to effectively formulate and implement a position (know the legal situation, case materials and law enforcement practice). Maintain position and strike, and also control yourself. Comply with ethical requirements. Effectively engage in professional communication. Love the profession and understand people and their aspirations.

Viktor Blazheev, Rector of the Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin (MSAL)

An excellent practicing lawyer is 60% knowledge and 40% communication. I'm talking about the ability to build a business-like relationship with a client, with a procedural opponent, with a judge, with a prosecutor. The compatibility of the lawyer with other participants in the process is also extremely important. After all, every time he has to convince the judge of the correctness of his position. And here not only legal factors matter, but also psychological aspects.

On this day, I would like to wholeheartedly congratulate my colleagues on Bar Day, wish them good and successful processes, so that they have more wonderful and simply pleasant professional moments in their lives. Good health and good luck to them!

Henry Reznik, Vice-President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers

A lawyer should not be a fool and a coward! Professionalism is achieved through hard work.

I congratulate the country and civil society on the fact that the legal profession existed, the legal profession exists, and the legal profession will continue to exist! Good luck to all!

Hasan Mirzoev, lawyer, President of the Guild of Russian Lawyers, Rector of the Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notariat, Honorary Lawyer of Russia, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Law. n.

It is a holiday for us that the law on the legal profession and advocacy was adopted. However, I do not agree that the day the law was adopted was named Advocacy Day. The Russian legal profession dates back to the reform of Alexander II in 1864, when judicial regulations were created. So the countdown must be based on real history.

Nevertheless, I wish all readers of health, personal and family well-being, peace on earth and every success in their profession. And I also wish my colleagues legal victories for the benefit of our Russian justice. Human rights always need to be protected. It is always easier to accuse than to defend. Therefore, lawyers have a hard time, they need great patience and luck.

Anatoly Kucherena, lawyer, professor, doctor of law. Sc., member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation

Once, in a circle of writers, someone suggested finding the most original characteristic by which all of humanity could be divided. Yuri Olesha said that he has long been dividing all people into those who studied at the 5th Odessa Classical Gymnasium and those who never studied there. The essence of this sad joke was that at the moment when these words were spoken, of all those who had ever studied at the 5th Odessa gymnasium, no more than 5-6 people remained in the world.

For my part, I would divide all of humanity into lawyers and those who are not. First, on the eve of the professional holiday, I would like the percentage of acquittals in our courts to be equal to what it was in pre-revolutionary jury trials, and the second would be to never seek the services of a lawyer.

Andrey Yakovlev, lawyer, managing partner, chairman of the Moscow Bar Association “Yakovlev and Partners”

In my opinion, the role of the lawyer in the process is strengthening compared to the times of the USSR, and the painstaking work of the defenders is bearing fruit. Not always as quickly as we would like, but nonetheless.

I wish my colleagues good health! And so that everyone remembers that work is for life, and not life is for work. I would like to specifically wish lawyers to never forget that the main purpose of a woman is family and children, and profession is secondary. Be happy!

Alexander Bolomatov, lawyer, legal partner:

Dear friends and dear colleagues! Congratulations to all lawyers on the common professional holiday - Russian Bar Day, which we have been celebrating for more than 10 years! I am happy to be part of a professional environment that plays a vital role in social life and strengthening the institutions of civil society. From year to year, our corporation, which, do not forget, is an element of justice, does not stop in its development - it adequately responds to the challenges of the time. Every year it is gratifying to note that in its movement forward the legal profession relies on centuries-old traditions, thereby reflecting the continuity of generations of lawyers.

I have no doubt that our corporation will adequately cope with all the tasks assigned to it. This will require the continued contribution of every lawyer, every trainee and assistant (I congratulate them too). I wish all lawyers in Russia to remain devoted to their chosen cause of upholding the rule of law and freedom!

Alexander Zabeida, lawyer, managing partner of Zabeida and Partners Law Firm

The status of the legal profession has changed greatly over the past ten years. The success of a lawyer is no longer determined only by the number of victories or high income - he must meet the requirements of the market. And the requirements are quite simple - the presence of deep expertise, good service and behavior that complies with the standards of professional ethics. In addition, citizens judge the legal profession as a whole by its individual representatives. Therefore, it is so important for a lawyer to maintain the high quality of his work, to have a professional reputation, moral principles and beliefs, and to emphasize the special status of the profession.

I would like to wish my colleagues health, success, luck and good mood on the occasion of the upcoming holiday!

Andrey Knyazev, lawyer, chairman of the Moscow firm Knyazev and Partners

Lawyers are slowly and carefully, but still gaining more powers, more freedom in matters of protecting clients. The legal profession is now one of the most important, independent and independent institutions of the rule of law and civil society in Russia.

Congratulations to all lawyers on our professional holiday! A lawyer is not only a profession, it is a calling and life. I express my confidence that we will make a worthy contribution to the development and strengthening of the traditions of the Russian legal profession. I wish each of you success in your work, professional growth, bright prospects and fair winds!

Mikhail Tolcheev, lawyer, first vice-president of the Moscow Region Bar Association

I would like to congratulate all readers of on the upcoming holiday. On this day, all lawyers will definitely remember their victories that marked the past period. Let them become only a prelude to the achievements ahead of them! And all lawyers who have not yet joined the lawyer’s corporation would like to wish to find themselves in the legal profession, to find in it the support that the corporation provides to its members, that security and confidence that is so unusual for a simple lawyer in the conditions of constant Russian changes. The Law Corporation always welcomes new members who have realized the commonality of their future with the high title of Russian lawyer.

Ilya Nikiforov, managing partner of Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev and Partners law firm

Happy holiday, colleagues!

I am grateful to fate that from the first days of my professional career I took the path of advocacy. Our law office is a clear example of successful work within a law corporation, and I am pleased to be part of a team of true professionals. I wish you good luck, victories and new achievements in this difficult matter - defending justice.

Evgeniy Zabuga, lawyer, laureate of the National Award in the field of advocacy and advocacy in the “Debut” nomination, Ph.D. n.

A lawyer strives for success throughout his entire professional career, which cannot be called easy or simple. Lawyers do not have the powers of power and the apparatus that works for them, so the main key to success for people in our profession is intelligence, unbending will and the desire every day to be better than yesterday.

I wish my colleagues not to rest on their laurels when working in various types of legal proceedings, to believe in their strengths and to increase the prestige of the entire corporation through daily conscientious work.

I wish all readers of not to lose interest in daily events in domestic jurisprudence and to correctly evaluate the information received.

Anastasia Rastorgueva, partner of the Moscow City Agency “Barshchevsky and Partners”

To become successful, a lawyer needs the ability to communicate with people (both clients and opponents, colleagues, etc.), professionalism (continuous professional development), confidence in his position and the ability to convey his arguments to the court.

Congratulations to lawyers and future lawyers! And for those who are still thinking, perhaps it will help to realize the nobility and social significance of the profession.

Denis Turovets, managing partner of Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev and Partners (Minsk)

Congratulations on Russian Bar Day! I must say that this day, which precedes the Belarusian Advocacy Day, has become to some extent a professional holiday for us, because we have been working closely with the Russian offices of our bureau for many years. Let your honorable mission bring benefit to business, society and the state, and let the results of your work inspire you to conquer new professional heights!

Holiday traditions

On this day, tradition involves organizing feasts among colleagues, relatives, friends and acquaintances. Those gathered addressed the heroes of the occasion with congratulations, wishes for health and success in responsible work. The management presents valuable gifts, certificates of honor and diplomas.

Officials of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation send official letters regarding the memorable date. Their appeals note the responsible role of the legal profession in the functioning of the legal system and its improvement. The achievements and difficulties of the country's legislative sphere are mentioned.

Television and radio stations broadcast programs on legal topics and talk about prominent figures in the industry. The main characters share their memories of high-profile trials and the course of trials. The programs describe the procedure for providing legal assistance.

On the eve of the professional holiday Russian Bar Day 2022, scientific and practical seminars, conferences and lectures are being organized in Russia. Advanced training courses are conducted, innovations in legislation and their interpretation are explained. The students thank the specialists for their work.

How lawyers came to Russian land...

The profession of a lawyer did not take root so quickly and well in Russia. The court has long been the personification of truth, state power and justice. And since the lawyer was on the side of the defense of the accused, it was believed that he was speaking against those in power and those anointed by God. Therefore, emperors like Peter the Great could not appreciate the legal profession and support the development of this field. Despite the fact that in Europe things were completely different in this area. Only in 1864 was a judicial reform carried out, which made it possible to organize the practice of law. Thus, real legal professionals appeared in Russia only in the second half of the 19th century. One of the most world-famous domestic lawyers is Anatoly Fedorovich Koni. He became the author of many literary works about court cases and enjoyed teaching legal sciences to students.

Interesting Facts

  • The emergence of the legal profession dates back to the times of Ancient Greece, in which there was a “Crowd Court”. The most important thing in this event was considered to be a beautiful and correct speech. During this period, logographers arose - orators who are considered the harbingers of lawyers.
  • Historical figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, Vladimir Lenin and Fidel Castro were lawyers by profession.
  • In the United States, until 1920, women did not have the right to vote. In 1872, lawyer and women's rights advocate Susan Anthony tried to vote. For this she was arrested and fined $100.
  • In the Catholic Church until 1983, there was a position called “Devil’s Advocate.” His duties included arguing against the canonization of righteous candidates. His opponent was the "Defender of God", who performed the opposite functions.
  • During the times of Rus', judgment was carried out according to the principle of God's judgment. One of the ways to resolve disputes was a duel. People believed that higher powers would ensure victory for the one who was right.

What to give a lawyer: gift ideas for your professional holiday

  • Designer pen. A designer pen with personal engraving will be an ideal gift for a lawyer on the occasion of his professional holiday. He will use this accessory in his daily work and it will become an integral part of his business style.
  • Male lawyers can be presented with a “classic” set of a men’s belt, cufflinks and tie pins. Give preference to the most traditional and versatile models that are sure to match most suits.
  • Case. A spacious leather briefcase will be a practical and stylish gift for a man in the legal profession. This will allow you to easily carry and have the necessary documents at hand.
  • The statue of Themis is almost a traditional attribute of any law firm. You can choose the classic version, but various humorous interpretations of the goddess of justice are also allowed.
  • Gift certificates. Lawyers come from an emotionally charged line of work, so they will appreciate a gift that will allow them to relax and relieve their adrenaline. To do this, you can give a gift certificate for an exotic massage, horse riding, parachute jumping or piloting an airplane.
  • A business card holder would also be a good option—business people often keep this accessory in plain sight.


“I congratulate all human rights defenders on the Day of the Russian Bar! I wish you great potential, a strong grip, prudence and a cold heart in the specifics of your work. Let your work life be rich and full. I wish you health, development, professional growth, victories and satisfaction!

“Happy Advocacy Day to the true guardian of the law. Considering the high social significance of this profession, I would like to wish you patience and inspiration. Let professionalism, perseverance and perseverance lead to the goal, and Themis serve as the most faithful adviser and wise protector. I wish you career growth and prosperity."

“On Advocacy Day, may the laws of happiness and good luck be on your side, and may fate protect you from all sorts of troubles! I wish to delight my clients with my knowledge and hard work, and let them, in turn, amaze you with the amounts of rewards and immeasurable gratitude. Be a fair, honest and open person!

Congratulations in prose

Let justice always prevail in the personal and professional lives of respected lawyers! Good luck in your professional activities and easy trials!

I would like to wish human rights defenders perseverance and the ability to defend their position, protecting people’s rights. Let life be bright, and let your work bring only joy and positive emotions!

Figure 2. Human rights defenders help make the world a fairer place


Business card holder. A stylish leather business card holder will serve as a discreet business gift for a lawyer.

Stationery. An expensive exclusive pen, desk organizer, document folder, leather-bound diary will be a useful and practical gift.

Coffee maker. The coffee maker will be a wonderful gift for your office. In addition to such a gift, you can present exclusive coffee or a set of coffee cups.

Decor for the office. Photo frames, paintings, figurines or wall clocks are good gift ideas that will decorate your office.

How to congratulate?

Since the state has not yet undertaken to congratulate lawyers on their professional holiday, this responsibility falls on the shoulders of their bosses, colleagues or acquaintances. If there is a lawyer among your friends, you must remember to congratulate him on such a special day.

What gift can you give to a lawyer you know? You can't go wrong with a trip to a bookstore that has a large selection of office supplies. Lawyers are serious people. Therefore, it is customary to give them only the highest quality and strict accessories for work: wallets, pens, notebooks, a set of writing instruments, a paper organizer and other necessary little things. Brown, black, white colors and leather, wood, metal as manufacturing materials are the ideal choice. If you don't have enough money for an expensive business gift, you can buy something simpler.

For example, a thermos mug to make it more convenient to drink coffee on the way to work, or a regular ceramic one for the office. The main thing is not to get into trouble again by choosing a product with funny bright designs. And so, mugs in the workplace, as you know, get old very quickly, it’s always nice to replace it with a new one. As a souvenir, you can present a blanket, for a more productive home holiday, and other household goods. Still, like rest, so does work. Both must be of high quality.

Thank you to the lawyers for defending the interests of clients and helping thousands of people across Russia every day fight for their rights and take actions that require legal knowledge.


Art competition For the competition you need to prepare markers, whatman paper or a drawing board. The presenter asks the first participant of the competition a line or verse from a famous song that he must portray. The first one to name the composition is the next to enter the game.

Toast in alphabetical order Participants of the competition are asked to make a toast. Each participant pronounces a sentence, which must be in alphabetical order. The participant who cannot pronounce a congratulation starting with the corresponding letter is eliminated from the competition. The most creative participant wins.

Taster Participants of the competition are blindfolded and offered to try festive dishes and drinks. The winner is the participant who names all the treats without mistakes.

About the profession

Lawyers are engaged in providing legal assistance. They are an integral part of any legal process. The path to the profession begins with obtaining a legal education.

Their activities are closely related to the interpretation of legal norms. During the proceedings, specialists perform the function of supervising and ensuring the legal activities of organizations, institutions, and citizens. If signs of a violation are detected, the necessary authorities are contacted with a statement about their commission or a petition for qualification.

You can become a specialist by fulfilling all the necessary requirements imposed by the established procedure. The profession of a lawyer belongs to the category of prestigious and highly paid, especially in terms of economic disputes.

How to become a lawyer - features of the profession

A lawyer is one of those professions that cannot be acquired without special education. In addition, the range of activities that professional lawyers have to engage in is extremely broad. Lawyers are engaged not only in applying the Law in practice, but also in its constant study, research and development. The general concept of “lawyer” actually includes several specializations of a narrower profile: lawyers, prosecutors, judges, legal advisers, investigators. But all these professions have one thing in common - they require a good knowledge of laws, both current and those that have lost their force. You also need to be able to apply these legal norms in practice.

All lawyers are classified according to their type of activity. They may be judges, defense attorneys, prosecutors, legal experts, and professors teaching students. Representatives of all these professions will celebrate Lawyer's Day in 2021. The field of law affects a variety of spheres of human activity: civil, commercial, labor, administrative, financial and legislative, criminal procedure, and so on. A lawyer's responsibilities include preparing employment contracts, commercial contracts, and legal opinions. Consulting lawyers provide assistance to citizens regarding legal issues that interest them. The company's legal adviser provides the administration and management with the necessary legal assistance during all kinds of negotiations. A lawyer must be able to analyze the current legislation well and competently draw up documents on all kinds of legal issues.

Most representatives of this profession have good opportunities for career advancement. As a rule, immediately after graduation, a graduate begins his career as a legal assistant. As they gain the necessary work experience, they can expect to be promoted, join a more prestigious firm, or even open their own private practice. Senior lawyers coordinate the activities of junior lawyers; the management of the law firm deals with the most complex and responsible cases. As a lawyer advances in his career, he can expect higher compensation for his work.

Both women and men are engaged in legal activities with equal success. There is no gender division here.

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