That was not boring! Modern games for the younger generation

Hello everyone! Evgenia Klimkovich is in touch.

Last Sunday, my oldest children, son Denis, who is already 19 years old, and daughter Alexandra, who will soon turn 11, attended an exciting event. They returned home happy and told me about new interesting games for teenagers, which they learned at this event.

They shared with me, and I hasten to share with you, dear readers, because the games are really interesting.

But first, I’ll briefly tell you about the event itself and where it took place.

Club "Fujiyama"

So, we have a Fujiyama club in Lipetsk. There, children are taught various martial arts, dancing, chess and other interesting things. I enrolled my youngest son Artem in this club, he goes to aikido. Denis looked at Artem and also wanted to take up this sport. So now we have two aspiring Aikido practitioners in our family)

And one day, the club administrator Anna told me that it was planned to open a “School of Leaders” on the basis of the club. I immediately thought about my Sashka, since this is exactly what she (with her irrepressible energy and desire to organize everyone) needs.

And so, this Sunday, Fujiyama held an open day. Where everyone who wanted to attend the “School of Leaders” could learn more about what it is. The children came with their parents. I was at work, so my children went there on their own.

For adults, a meeting was arranged with a psychologist who talked about how to communicate correctly with children, how to help them study, about other important things and answered questions of interest.

Well, the kids, all mostly aged 10 years and older, went to the next room with their instructor Petya in order to get to know each other and learn new interesting games.

As far as I understand, the games were selected taking into account the fact that this is, after all, a “School of Leaders”. Each of them is aimed at developing a specific skill that will certainly be useful in life to any person, and especially to a leader. In two hours we managed to play seven games, which I want to present to you.

Dating game

I knew about this game for a long time; we did something similar at weddings when we were still working at our holiday agency, in order to introduce all the guests. But I liked the version of the game presented in Fuji more.

Everyone sits in a circle. The first participant begins to talk about himself. For example,

"My name is Sasha. I'm landlubber. I am 10 years old. I'm in the 5th grade. I like to dance and travel and I don’t like to draw.”

What does land have to do with it? And despite the fact that you definitely need to come up with an adjective for yourself that starts with the same letter as your name. The word “land” came to Sasha’s mind first, so she said it. I think it's very original)

The next player's task is to briefly introduce the previous player again and then talk about himself. Again, an example: after Sasha, a girl named Katya was sitting in the circle. So Katya says:

“This is Sasha. She is land-based. And my name is Katya. I am beautifull. I am 11 years old. I'm interested in singing"

The third person in the circle represents the two people sitting before him, and then himself. For example,

“This is Sasha. She is land-based. This is Katya. She's beautiful. And my name is Yana. I’m bright, I’m 10 years old, etc.”

That is, each subsequent person represents all the previous ones and then himself.

During this game, remembering the names of all participants is not a problem. I think that adjectives are used in the game for a reason; they also include figurative memory in the memorization process.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive server parameters

  • mp_restartgame 1 - restart the server.
  • bot_kick - disable bots.
  • bot_add_ct — connect a bot for ST.
  • bot_add_t — connect a bot for T.
  • mp_maxmoney 25000 — defines the cash limit.
  • mp_startmoney 2500 - assigns the amount of money at the beginning of the battle.
  • mp_warmup_end — end of warm-up.
  • mp_warmuptime 235 - indicates the warm-up time.
  • mp_limitteams 0 - removes the limit of players in teams.
  • mp_autoteambalance 0 - disables auto balance in teams.
  • mp_roundtime 10 - use if you need to change the match time.
  • mp_maxrounds 200 - changes the maximum number of rounds.
  • mp_timelimit 40 — match time in minutes.
  • mp_c4timer 30 — time before bomb activation.
  • mp_freezetime 0 - removes the freeze time at the beginning of the match.
  • mp_buytime 2500 — defines the purchase time in seconds.
  • mp_buy_anywhere 1 - Use the command to buy weapons throughout the map.
  • ammo_grenade_limit_total 6 - the ability to buy an unlimited number of grenades.

Global CS:GO server settings

  • sv_cheats 1 - allows players to use cheats.
  • sv_visiblemaxplayers 10 - maximum number of players (in our case 10).
  • sv_specnoclip 1 - Allows players in spectra to pass through walls and objects.
  • sv_specspeed 1.5 - changes the speed in spectrum mode.
  • sv_forcepreload 1 - players are connected only after the server is fully loaded.

Zeeb. Zeb. Zab.

I heard about this game for the first time from my children; I had never played it before. This fun helps develop reaction speed and observation.

Again, the players stand in a circle.

The first player sharply throws his hand out in front, pointing at someone standing in the circle and says loudly: “Zib!”

The player pointed to by player number one also sharply throws his hand forward, points to someone else and says the word “Zeb!”

This third player again points at someone with a sharply thrown out hand and says: “Zab!”

And so on: “Zib! Zeb! Zab! Zeeb! Zeb! Zab!..” It is important that this series is not broken.

This game seemed very simple to me. But Alexandra said that everything is not as simple as it seems. Firstly, you can gape and not notice that they pointed specifically at you. And secondly, you can (and this happened often) say instead of “Zib”, for example, “Zab”, that is, get out of line. The one to whom this happens is eliminated from the game.

Commands for bots

  • bot_add - connects a bot to the smallest team.
  • bot_add_ct - connects a bot for counter-terrorists.
  • bot_add_t - connects a bot for terrorists.
  • bot_kick - removes all bots.
  • bot_kickBob - removes a bot with the specified name.
  • bot_kill - kills all bots.
  • bot_zombie 1 - freezes all bots.
  • bot_dont_shoot - stops bots shooting.
  • bot_difficulty - allows you to configure the difficulty of bots from 0 to 2.
  • bot_stop — stop bots.
  • bot_mimic 1 - bots will begin to repeat the player’s actions.
  • bot_mimic_yaw_offset 0 - bots will stop repeating the player’s actions.
  • bot_crouch 1 - bots start crouching.
  • bot_place - the bot appears opposite the player.

Where's the coin?

A game aimed at developing observation skills. So, all players stand in a circle and join their palms in this way.

The right palm lies on the left palm of the player standing on the right, and on the left palm of the player lies the right palm of the player standing on the left.

If the previous sentence is not clear, try re-reading it once or twice)

First, the presenter goes out the door, and one of the players takes a coin in his hand and hides it in his palm. When the host returns, the game participants begin to pass the coin to each other clockwise. From hand to hand. From palm to palm. The presenter’s task is to determine who is currently holding the coin in their hands.

Everything would be very simple if not for one thing. The fact is that the movement of the hands is performed not only by the one who currently has the coin, but by all participants in general. That is, it seems that each player has a coin and they all pass these coins to the neighbor on the left.

If the leader determines the correct coin holder, then that player becomes the leader, and the leader stands in a circle.

Budget teams

  • budget_averages_window 0 - The number of frames to count when displaying the panel's average frame rate.
  • budget_background_alpha 0 — transparency of the panel.
  • budget_bargraph_range_ms 12.6666 - assigns a chart limit in seconds.
  • budget_history numsamplesvisible 0 — number of segments to draw the chart.
  • budget_history_range_ms 5 — chart limit in seconds.
  • budget_panel_height 184 - Defines the height of the panel in pixels.
  • budget_panel_width 522 - Defines the width of the panel in pixels.
  • budget_panel_x 0 - x position of the window from the left edge of the screen.
  • budget_panel_y 50 - y position of the window from the left edge of the screen.
  • budget_peaks_window 0 - number of frames to count for displaying the statistics window.
  • budget_show_averages 0 - turns off the average value in statistics.
  • budget_show_history 0 - turns off graphics history.
  • budget_show_peaks 0 — turns off the display of peaks in statistics.
  • bugreporter_uploadasync 0 - Uploads applications asynchronously.


This game is somewhat similar to the previous one. Everyone stands in a circle. The presenter goes out the door. The players, while the leader is not present, agree on which of them will be the “frog”. The leader returns and stands in the center of the circle. His task is to determine who is assigned to the role of “frog”.

What is the frog doing? The frog shows his tongue (sticks it out and puts it back in). But she does this only when the presenter is not looking at her, for example, when he turns his back to the “frog”. Well, when the one who drives turns to face the “frog”, then she tries not to give herself away in any way.

It happens that the presenter turns around precisely at the moment when the “frog” has not yet had time to hide his tongue. It happens that the “frog” is given away by the looks of other participants in the game who are looking at it. So here the presenter needs to be very careful and learn to read faces, the “frog” needs to be careful not to get caught, and the rest of the players need to remain calm.

Network settings

  • net_channels 0 - Shows channel information in the console.
  • net_graph 1 - connects the connection information panel.
  • net_graphheight 40 - defines the height of the net_graph panel.
  • net_graphmsecs 400 - changes the block update rate.
  • net_graphpos 1 - net_graph location.
  • net_graphproportionalfont 0.5 - allows you to change the size of net_graph.
  • net_graphshowinterp 1 - Displays the interpolation line.
  • net_graphshowlatency 1 - shows ping and packets.
  • net_graphsolid 1 - removes the transparency of the lagometer.
  • net_graphtext 1 - connects the text in the block.
  • net_maxroutable 1160 - Defines the maximum fragmentation in bytes per packet.
  • net_scale 3 - changes the size of the graph.
  • rate 50000 - specifies the number of bytes that the client can receive from the server per second.


Do you know what wampum is?

Wampum are cylindrical beads strung on cords that served the North American Indians for various purposes.

well, now you know)

The role of wampums was played by small pieces of paper, which were tied to strings and placed around the necks of the players.

Everyone is divided into two teams. And at the signal they begin to play. The task is simple. Rip wampums off your opponents and prevent them from ripping off their wampums. The team whose player remains last with wampum around his neck wins.

If you think about it, it becomes clear that you can win this game if you develop cunning team tactics and choose one of your players, who will be protected by everyone else from the attacks of the enemy team, while simultaneously trying to pick wampums from their opponents.

But of course it’s difficult to understand this the first time. So everyone acted alone. As a result, Sashulya was the first to lose her wampum) By the way, there is a small piece of video from this outdoor game.

Computer mouse settings

  • sensitivity 2.3 - determines the sensitivity of the mouse.
  • m_customaccel 0 - deactivates acceleration.
  • m_customaccel_exponent 0 - removes the measurement of the acceleration proportionality coefficient.
  • m_customaccel_max 1 — acceleration proportionality coefficient.
  • m_customaccel_scale 0.02 — default mouse acceleration value.
  • m_forward 1 - equips the forward mouse control sensitivity multiplier.
  • m_mouseaccel1 0 - speeds up the gaming mouse twice (Windows).
  • m_mouseaccel2 0 - speeds up the gaming mouse four times (Windows).
  • m_mousespeed 1 — gaming mouse acceleration coefficient (Windows).
  • m_pitch 0.022 — mouse inversion.
  • m_rawinput 1 - using this command allows direct connection of the mouse, due to which the PU settings in the operating system are ignored.
  • m_side 0.2 - adjusts the sensitivity of movement speed.
  • m_yaw 0.039 — controls the left-right turn speed sensitivity multiplier.

Find your match

In order to play this game, you need to break into pairs. Each pair comes up with a phrase for themselves. For example, Sasha and the boy with whom she was paired came up with “Old Man Hottabych.” Sasha had the word “old man”, the boy - “Hottabych”. Everyone closes their eyes. The game director separates the pairs. It simply takes one of the players somewhere away from the other.

And then, at the signal, the couples should try to connect. Only you can’t open your eyes. You need to shout out your word loudly and try to hear the word of your partner and follow this call. It must be cool when 20 people in the hall are shouting, each loudly and each with their own word.

But you need to try to isolate from this polyphony exactly the voice and the word that you need, and at the same time do not forget to shout out your word so that your partner has a chance to meet you. Interesting, isn't it?

Graphic component

  • mat_autoexposure_max 1 - determines the maximum screen brightness.
  • mat_autoexposure_min 0.8 - defines the minimum screen brightness.
  • mat_debug_postprocessing_effects 0 — disables display of algorithms in screen quadrants.
  • mat_disable_bloom 1 - removes the bloom effect.
  • mat_monitorgamma 2.2 — gamma setting, where 1.6 is light, 2.6 is dark.
  • mat_queue_mode 2 - Enables multi-core rendering.
  • mat_savechanges - adds video settings to the operating system registry.
  • mat_setvideomode 1366 768 1 - determines the screen resolution.
  • muzzleflash_light 0 - removes dynamic light from flashes.
  • r_cheapwaterend 0 - changes the value of drawing the bottom and water.
  • r_dynamic0 — setting dynamic reflections from objects.
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