Fun competitions for corporate parties on February 23 – it won’t be boring

February is very rich in holidays. Emotions have not even had time to calm down after Valentine's Day when February 23rd is already knocking on the door. And although most men claim that they expect absolutely nothing from this day (a day is like a day), in fact, many of them want attention, care and bright impressions. As you understand, neither an expensive perfume, nor several pairs of socks or panties as a gift can cause real joy. But a good party with competitions and entertainment can do this.

In order to make the strong half of humanity happy on this holiday, it is enough to organize a truly exciting and interesting celebration, where every man can express himself and prove his superiority. After all, being winners in life is in their blood. You can, of course, not bother too much and hire a good presenter. Or you can turn on your imagination and creativity and organize everything yourself. A little effort and time spent will bring long-awaited results - a joyful and cheerful mood for the heroes of the occasion.

Party in honor of February 23: ideas for holding

First of all, you need to decide what style your party will be held in. There are actually a lot of options: it all depends on what you want. This may well be a fairly traditional military-style holiday, where guests are dressed in costumes associated with military service. Or you can not get attached to the troops, but hold, for example, a party:

  • hussar;
  • pirate;
  • cowboy;
  • boxing;
  • gentlemanly;
  • heroic;
  • Sultan's;
  • historical and others.

There are many options. The main thing is to organize everything correctly. First of all, decorate the room where the fun will take place, choosing those attributes that will match the theme. Secondly, guests should be warned about the style of suits they should wear. Thirdly, do not forget about the holiday menu: it must also correspond to the chosen style. For example, if the party is a pirate party, then there must be seafood and rum on the table. If the party is heroic, then you need a lot of meat dishes, beer and kvass. And you can come up with quite original names for the appetizers (the “Heroic Strength” salad, the “Mermaid’s Kiss” appetizer, corsair sandwiches).

And fourthly, you need to take care of competitions and entertainment. After all, they will be the highlight of your evening. You can use well-known games, or you can find more original competitions, in which you can win prizes. What these prizes will be is up to you and your budget to decide. But alcohol, various snacks, funny gifts, socks, perfume, playing cards, sweets are suitable rewards...

Catch those looking for gifts

By February 23, sales are growing because girls are looking for gifts in droves. If your product or service is appropriate for a holiday, don’t forget to tell your audience about it.

You can come up with a promotion or discount, or you can simply emphasize that it is your products that all real boys dream of.

Unobtrusive hints for February 23

A selection of gifts should work too.

Competition "Beer Belly" (for the fastest)

It's no secret that among men there are a lot of lovers of the foamy drink - beer. It is also known that the more beer you drink, the more your stomach grows. And this competition is dedicated to all beer lovers.

4 men are participating. It is desirable that they be approximately the same build (but this is not important). Each of them is given one inflated balloon, which they need to place under their shirt, T-shirt or sweater (depending on what they came to the party in), simulating a beer belly. After that, 20 pairs of socks are randomly scattered on the floor in front of the participants. The socks can all be the same, or they can be completely different, depending on how difficult you want to make this task. Next, at the signal, the participants must collect socks from the floor, but the ball must not burst. In addition to collecting them, they also need to be arranged in pairs. Whoever has the most pairs of socks wins.

If you decide to use socks of completely different colors, then an additional condition appears: the socks must be paired by color, and unpaired socks will not be counted.

Cool table competitions for corporate parties


On the tray there is a paper imitation of a flower. In the middle is the name of the competition, corresponding to the name of the flower, along the edges there are white petals. The petals are turned white side up. The task of each player is to take one petal and be sure to complete the task. Examples could be:

  • Tell a funny incident from school life;
  • Answer a tricky question from one of the participants in the feast;
  • State your number of years in tangerine terms (1 tangerine = 1 month of life);
  • Name three Spanish dances;
  • Tell a children's poem about Soroka (The White-sided Magpie cooked porridge...).


Event participants are given a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. The players' task is to write phrases for the fairy tale. 2-5 words will be enough for a successful continuation of the plot. Only 1 phrase is required from 1 participant. The paper is passed around the table. You need to write on the very top line of the sheet, then the line is folded up so that the participants do not see the contents. Thus, the result should be an accordion; if there are a lot of people on the team, then the accordion can be turned over. At the same time, the leader carefully ensures that no one peeks at the previous neighbor. At the end, the toastmaster reads the received text. Delight and good mood after this are guaranteed for the whole team.


The participants of the feast compete between two teams. Each side of the table needs to guess as many words as possible in 1 minute. After the command “Start!” The first representative of the team turns over the card, reads the first word and says a few words that he associates with this meaning. Words of the same root and consonant cannot be pronounced. The team with the most guessed words wins. The game can be played in several stages by going through the entire deck of cards.


We welcome all passengers aboard the cruise ship. Today we are setting sail to different countries. Each of today's guests will visit abroad. But you need to guess your country. There are envelopes in front of you, you need to open them and read the riddles. Behind each description lies the name of a particular country. If you guess it, then you will go directly to the cruise ship. You can’t look on Wikipedia, but you can consult with your neighbors. The one who does not guess the country from the envelope loses. Examples for solving:

(Australia) This country is named after its continent. Previously, it belonged to the British Empire, however, and now on an official basis the country is under the influence of the Queen of England. Kangaroos live here and there is the Simpson Desert.

(Belarus) A neighboring country of Russia and Ukraine, the father rules here, and the most delicious dishes are prepared from potatoes.

(Bulgaria) A country rival to modern Turkey, owner of the Golden Sands resorts and a beautiful capital under a beautiful female name.


A uniquely small country that has the smallest population and the smallest area.


A country beloved by all children, as it looks like a boot. That is why it is most quickly remembered when studying the globe.


A favorite dietary salad is named after this Mediterranean country. This state is recognized as one of the most favorite tourist destinations.

(Dominican Republic)

Popular state of the Caribbean. If you go to this hot country by plane from Moscow, the flight will take 10-11 hours, but already at the airport upon arrival you will see the streets where they perform salsa and bachata.


A country of kings and pharaohs, which has smooth borders on the political map from the south and west. The owner of the colored sea, so suitable for diving and snorkeling.


The country's sacred animal is the cow, the largest overwater bridge in the world is located here, and in the capital you will find the largest spice market. And of course, the signature souvenirs of this country are postcards with elephants and tea.


This country is the birthplace of hockey, and in the northwestern territory of the second largest country in the world there are license plates in the shape of a bear.

Running for elimination

4-5 people are required per table. The leader puts the guys in one line, with chairs in front of them. At the musical command, players must run around the chairs. As soon as the music stops, everyone needs to take their chair. The children's game is still relevant. Anyone who does not have time is eliminated from the game. It is advisable to hold such a competition at a time when all participants have had a couple of strong drinks.

Competition "Ladies' Man" (for the greatest connoisseurs of women)

A real man is not only one who is strong, resilient and courageous, but also one who is ready to do anything for a woman. Even something that is, in principle, not inherent in men. In a word, a real man is one who is ready to please his chosen one in everything, even in the most unthinkable.

For this competition you will need nail polishes, cardboard-cut female hands with unpainted nails, and the participants themselves. The number of competitors is limited by the available number of props.

At the signal from the presenter, the competitors must carefully apply varnish without going beyond the boundaries of the painted nails. This competition evaluates not only the speed, but also the quality of the work done. The winner is the one who most skillfully and efficiently copes with the task.

Find more content ideas

See what other SMMers are posting using holiday hashtags. I also like to use the Pepper.Ninja parser - there you can set up parsing posts by keyword, and then sort the most popular ones.

Here's a good article on how to use parsers to create content.

Catch cool ideas, study the interests of your target audience - and you will have the coolest content by February 23!

Competition “Armed and very dangerous” (for the most convincing)

What would a party be on February 23 without weapons-themed competitions? This entertainment is also good because it does not require any additional props. All you need is to prepare pieces of paper in advance with the names of various weapons according to the number of competitors. And both several people and all those present can participate here.

All participants take turns pulling out pieces of paper with the name of a weapon. For example, it might read:

  • saber;
  • sword;
  • grenade launcher;
  • a gun;
  • halberd;
  • boomerang;
  • nunchucks.

Do not use options such as a pistol and a machine gun. They are too light.

The task is quite simple: to show, using facial expressions and gestures, the weapon that has fallen out. It is clear that the contents of the leaflet are kept secret. The winner is the one whose pantomime is solved the fastest. Therefore, in this competition the winner is determined using a stopwatch.

The cleverest

Women can also take part in this competition. Divide the team into teams of three or four people and play “What, Where, When.” The questions should be tricky, the thinking time should be a minute. For each correct answer, the team is given a medal, and for the answer to the first question - one, for the second - two, and so on, in increasing order. The team with the most medals will win. We will provide examples of questions.

  1. In the Soviet Union, it was fashionable to give children names with meaning. For example, “Dozdraperma” - long live the first of May. “Vilena” - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Decipher the name "Kukutsapol". (Corn is the queen of fields).
  2. Previously, these two sports were considered one game, and their names were synonymous. Then the games were recognized as different. The main difference is the smooth rubber and hard sandpaper coating. What games are we talking about? (tennis and ping pong).
  3. A football move that bears the name of an American landmark. (Statue of Liberty).
  4. Play an excerpt from a famous song and ask them to guess the artist.
  5. Play a clip from a movie that is not very memorable and ask them to guess the movie.
  6. Show a photo of a landmark in any city and ask them to guess the city.
  7. For this process I use: wax, electronic devices, laser. What process are we talking about? (depilation)
  8. How many words can you get by rearranging the letters in the word “mountain”, if any order of them is considered a word? (24, this is a simple combinatorics problem).
  9. It boils spontaneously and cools down without external reasons. It easily interacts with metals considered precious and is an effective cleaning and detergent. Can serve as a stress reliever, although it is sometimes a source of stress. What is this? (Woman).
  10. In Turkey, at the court of the Sultan, turtles were trained - they were taught not to stand still, but to constantly move. This was necessary so that they performed one important function at court evenings. What function are we talking about? The answer closest to the truth will be counted. (the turtles served as moving illumination - candles were attached to their shells).

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Game “Koloboks are investigating” (for the most perceptive)

It is carried out simultaneously with all guests. They are presented with three mysterious stories that need to be solved. After getting acquainted with each of the stories, the presenter can ask clarifying questions that can only be answered “Yes” or “No”. Questions requiring other answers will not be taken into account. The one who finds the answer first wins. There may be several winners, because there are also several riddles.

Secret story No. 1 "Real case"

Every night, a truck full of stones arrives at the Pyramids of Giza, which workers scatter on the ground. Why are they doing that?

Answer: Tourists really like to take pebbles with them after an excursion as a souvenir. And if everything continued like this, then there would be nothing left of the pyramids. Therefore, the authorities adopted such an original solution to the problem that had arisen.

Secret History No. 2 "Unusual Behavior"

Every day Evgeniy enters a small room, stands there for some time, after which he leaves and goes about his business. He performs this procedure several times a day. What's happening?

Answer: Evgeny gets into the elevator and goes to the floor he needs.

Secret History No. 3 "Paradox"

Business partners made a bad investment and suffered losses. But at the same time they remained millionaires. How is this possible?

Answer: They were billionaires before the failed investment.

Come up with a creative competition

For example, here’s a competition that a group of... ferret lovers came up with. Yes, yes, photographs of ferrets dedicated to Defender’s Day - but it’s cute, right?

I would suggest placing an emphasis on user-generated content: collecting photos or stories that fit the theme of the holiday.

Don't limit yourself to repost competitions, come up with something unusual

Competition “Three Olives for Cinderella” (for the most dexterous)

Every man is a prince for his beloved. And princes, as you know, are ready to do various crazy things for the sake of love: find rejuvenating apples, fight a dragon or defeat a giant.

Of course, you won’t have to do any of the above. But it will be necessary to show your dexterity. Three “princes” and three “Cinderellas” (preferably, these are couples in love) participate in the competition. The girls are given an empty saucer in one hand, and a tall glass of water in which three olives are floating in the other. Young people receive sushi chopsticks and a task: use these chopsticks to get three olives onto a plate. In this case, the olives should not be damaged: they should not be pricked on sticks, crushed too much, or pulled out only with the help of sticks. The one who does it the fastest and meets all the requirements becomes the winner.

Fast connection

For this competition, you need to prepare sheets of paper in A4 format with inscriptions of the titles of films about defenders of the Fatherland, separating each title into 2 parts, for example, on one sheet it is written “They are going into battle”, and on the second - “Only old men”, on one sheet it is written “ They fought”, and on the second - “For the Motherland” and so on. Such preparations must be made in accordance with the number of fellow participants. Each man receives a stack of sheets of film titles (scattered) and the same number of files. At the “start” command, participants must “connect” the names of the films, putting each film in a separate file. The colleague who completes the task faster than the rest will receive a prize.

Competition “Family Breadwinner” (for the most resourceful)

Men, as you know, not only protect the family hearth, but also make sure that the family is provided with everything necessary.

At the very beginning, volunteers are selected who will have to demonstrate their resourcefulness, ingenuity, speed and endurance. When the participants are identified, the presenter announces the rules. They consist of finding, upon a signal, as quickly as possible in the hall an object whose name begins with a letter announced by the presenter. You cannot use anything that the players were wearing before the start of the competition. All selected items must remain with the player until the end of the competition. And this is precisely a competition, since the one who finds the object last or violates the conditions is eliminated. The game continues until only one remains. He then becomes the winner.

Scene No. 6. Musical group “Pilots-Airmen”

First Presenter: And now on stage - one of the most popular and sought-after female groups! Meet us! Musical group “Pilots-Zaletchitsy!”

Four joyful girls quickly appear on the stage. They are constantly smiling.

The backing track of the song “It’s time to hit the road” plays. You can take a recording of karaoke music:

Song-remake No. 3.1 verse. 1st soloist: We are brave, brave, brave women! All the bald, curly-haired people admire us! 2nd soloist: We will line our lips red, And we will find adventures, And later we will sing a funny song! Chorus: sing in chorus. It's time for men! I want love so much, I want it, I want it in the morning! Forget about wrinkles. You'll cover half your face with powder!

Verse 2 3rd soloist: Even if you’re already over - damn, let it be! Don't let go of your main dream! We will judge strictly! Grab the man and run away!

Chorus: sing in chorus. It's time for men! I want love so much, I want it, I always want it! Forget about wrinkles. You'll cover half your face with paint!

Verse 3 4th soloist:

We are smart, beautiful, stylish girls! And we love it when strong men are around! And if the guy calls, we’ll go on a hike after him! And hardly anyone will blame us for this.

Chorus: sing in chorus. It's time for men! We want affection, we want it, we always want it! Forget about wrinkles! You'll cover half your face with powder!

Again everyone smiles joyfully and widely. They bow and walk away to applause with a model gait.

Draw “Bound by one chain” (for the strongest)

Liven up your February 23rd party with a fun prank.

You will need two chairs, two scarves made of thick fabric and two ropes. There are also two participants. They sit on chairs with their backs to each other at a distance of one meter. They are blindfolded and informed that now the left leg of the first participant will be connected with one rope to the right leg of the second participant. They will do the same with the right leg, tying it to the opponent’s left leg. The contestants' task is to lift the opponent's left leg off the floor.

The catch is that the opponents' legs are not actually connected to each other. And with the help of a rope threaded through the legs of a chair, the legs of each individual contestant are tied. So, when trying to lift the opponent's left leg with his right foot, the competitor is actually pulling his own leg.

The laughter is usually indescribable. And the reaction of the participants when their eyes are untied at the end is amazing.

Original gifts for employees

Nowadays, original gift stores offer a lot of products with which you can amuse your serious employees. It's worth checking out one of the online stores and checking out the products they have for the February 23rd theme. This:

  • mugs,
  • flying alarm clocks,
  • anti-stress pears,
  • book lamps,
  • flash drives,
  • notepads,
  • stickers,
  • computer mice of unusual shapes and colors.

Currently, medals and orders with original inscriptions are also widely offered, which can be ordered separately, giving each employee his own individual award. These can be inscriptions such as “The most fun”, “The fastest”, “The most responsible”, “The most responsive” and others. Giving out such festive “rewards” will turn into a fun event, which can be celebrated with a small feast at the end.

Competition “Ships Entering the Harbor” (for the fastest)

Many people dreamed of being ship captains as children. This competition can help make unfulfilled dreams come true.

You will need several matchboxes, painted in the shape of boats. You can even make sails from matches and a piece of paper. You also need a table with a smooth surface.

The number of participants may be different, because the game will be eliminated. Two participants place their boats on one edge of the table. They need to bring their ships to the harbor, which is located on the opposite edge of the table. And you can do this by blowing on your ships. Helping yourself with your hands and other objects is prohibited. The ship must not capsize or fall. The one who brings his ship to the harbor first wins. The loser is eliminated from the competition. The winners of the pairs compete with each other. The competition lasts until only one captain remains.

Share holiday ideas

Make a selection of ideas on how to create a gift for February 23rd with your own hands. Recipes, packaging ideas, and tips on how to decorate your home for the holidays are perfect here. This is what people are searching for the most online right now.

Don't forget that it's best to post step-by-step instructions or videos - it's visual.

The closer to the holiday, the more videos in the spirit of “How to make a gift with your own hands” will be posted.

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