Modern fun home farewell to the army: competitions, skits, games, gifts. Farewell to the army: cool scenario, signs, traditions

Farewell to the army: signs and traditions

For every young man, such a home event as seeing off to the army is an exciting event. It is important not only for the future soldier himself, but also for his entire family. Since ancient times, it was customary not only to celebrate this event with a magnificent table, but even with festivities. This family “holiday” has many interesting traditions, customs, and also signs.

INTERESTING: The first farewells to the army and service were held during the reign of Peter the Great. The fact is that at that time few of the soldiers returned home (they died in battle or from illness). That is why the men were seen off as “on their last journey.”

Of course, over time, the wires have changed their meaning, and the service itself has become much simpler and “faster” (the number of years has decreased). However, the traditions of the ordinary Russian people remained unchanged. Relatives still follow the basic rules : they set the table, lament, wish to return healthy, and not die in battle.

INTERESTING: From a psychological point of view, seeing off is an important part of setting a young man up in a positive mood and helping him perceive service as an important and kind mission.

Farewell is an important event in the life of every conscript


  • The farewell was always made cheerful , so as not to spoil the mood of the departing young man in any way.
  • A large number of guests were invited to the farewell : relatives, loved ones, friends, neighbors.
  • The female half of the guests must restrain themselves so as not to spoil the event with their tears and bad mood.
  • Crying and being sad at the wire is the worst omen , which can bring hard service to a young man.
  • farewells “on the ground ,” so if you live in an apartment, you should prepare a dacha or a private house for the organization.
  • It is a good tradition to ask one of the men who already had service experience to organize a send-off.
  • Dishes that the departing young man loves should be prepared for the table.
  • An interesting tradition: prepare a pot of pearl barley porridge (like in the army) and treat guests to it.
  • The young conscript must be seated at the table in the main place : he must see everyone clearly and everyone must see him.
  • The first parting speech at the table should be given by the oldest man, it’s good if he previously served in the army or was in the war.
  • After this, each person present in turn should make a toast at the table with parting words and wishes for a happy service.
  • The conscript's mother must also make a fairly eloquent speech. After this, she must cross him behind his back and wish him health.
  • After the solemn part, relatives and parents had to visit the church to pray for their child.

IMPORTANT: Since ancient times, it was customary to hang a small ribbon on the front wall of the house when seeing off a son to the army. This ribbon symbolized the young man and, in his absence, reminded his parents of their son. No one was allowed to remove, rehang, or touch the ribbon. Only the soldier himself, upon returning to his parents' house, could remove this tape.

Seeing off a soldier to the army: signs, customs, traditions


  • A good omen is to sprinkle the young man with water previously blessed in the church for Candlemas. On the way you need to say: “The Lord will protect you.”
  • It is a good sign to send your son to the army with a cross on his chest.
  • A good sign is to throw a coin at a departing bus and keep the one that hit the vehicle. She will serve as a talisman.
  • It is a good omen for a conscript to leave the house with his back facing forward , but a bad omen is the opposite.
  • words and prayers for protection to her son on the way

INTERESTING: In ancient times, there was a sign that allowed sons to return home after service. She suggested that the young man should cut off a lock of hair with a cross and put it behind the icon.

How to properly escort a conscript to the army?


This competition for a fun company will help people who find themselves at the same holiday table get to know each other better.

Prepare papers with questions in advance. Place them in a hat and pass it around. Guests take turns choosing a piece of paper with a question at random and reading it to their neighbor.

The questions can be very different, for example:

  • Is it true that after drinking a glass of wine, you fall in love with the first person you meet?
  • What time of day do you prefer to play pranks?
  • Have you ever hidden in a closet?
  • How often do you have erotic dreams?
  • They say you are often seen on the nudist beach. This is true?

It's better if they have a bit of humor. Then table games for a cheerful company will turn into exciting fun.

What do they give as a send-off gift to the army?

An event such as a farewell necessarily “requires” gifts from every guest present at the table. However, every guest must take into account the fact that the young man will not be able to take all the gifts with him. That is why you need to carefully think through all the ideas for gifts so that the conscript will definitely like them, and most importantly, they will come in handy.

A gift from your girlfriend is the most important. Here it is not the cost that plays a big role, but the significance of the gift. A great idea is to order a calendar for the entire duration of the conscript’s service, where a joint photograph will be printed. The young man will always have such a thing with him and will be able to use it regularly.

On the other hand, a notebook or notepad is also a very useful thing. It will definitely come in handy for a young soldier. The main thing is to choose a compact product, you can match it with a pen and print a photo by putting it inside (surprise). It would be good if a girl could embroider a handkerchief for a young man with her initials or other important signs.

Friends who come to see you off can confidently agree and buy the necessary things for use and on the road . For example, personal hygiene products, a shaving machine and cosmetics for daily use: lotion, cream, balm (what a person uses). If the conscript is a smoker, he will need such a thing as a cigarette case. To prevent anyone from stealing it, you can engrave it with initials and important words.

IMPORTANT: The send-off itself will serve as a parental gift for the young man. If parents really want to give something, then the best thing they can give the young man is money, which will definitely come in handy for expenses.

What kind of gift should I give to a conscript as a farewell gift?

Why does a person ask this question: reasons

In addition to the answer, many people want to understand why such a question was suddenly asked and what it means?

Friends whose company is doing well are unlikely to be interested in such topics. What sparked the dialogue about friendship, relationships and devotion? There are several options:

  1. A person cannot understand whether he loves you or wants to be friends. By asking the question: “Why do you need me?”, the guy wants to understand your attitude and find reciprocity.
  2. There is another person in your company to whom you pay more attention. A fairly common reason is that an “ex” friend is trying to get you back, which is why he asks such questions.
  3. The guy wants to say that he needs you. He expects the same answer in the style: “I need you more than life!” and shows how important you are to him.
  4. The guy has doubts about your fidelity. If some important secret or photo you posted is in the wrong place, your friend may think that you are making fun of him.
  5. The guy is afraid to confess to you. In modern society, it is believed that open confession is too wrong and harsh. Therefore, you can resort to a simpler option.

In a long-term friendship, a guy or girl is ready to hide their feelings for a long time when communicating with you. They are afraid to confess and lose their better half, so they resort to indirect questions.

Cool farewell to the army: script

There are many types of scenarios for sending a young man off to the army, but they all have the same structure. As already mentioned, wires are best carried out “on the ground”. It is believed that this element will contribute to the successful service of the young man, bring him good luck and give him strength. There are several options for organizing an event for such a holiday:

  • Celebrate a farewell in nature in the form of a picnic with food cooked on the grill and barbecue.
  • Rent a private house in which to arrange farewells, gatherings and competitions.
  • Celebrate the farewell at the dacha
  • Rent a cafe with an outdoor terrace in the fresh air

Wiring scenario:

  • First part: receiving guests, congratulating the conscript with gifts, inviting guests to the table.
  • Second part: a solemn toast from the father or grandfather (the oldest and most experienced man in the family) with parting words.
  • Third part: alternate congratulations and toasts to the guests with wishes and parting words.
  • Part four: final toast to the mother with prayers. Rebaptism of a son.
  • Fifth part: drinking songs about the army. It’s good if among the guests there is a musician with a guitar. If you don’t have one, you can replace it with karaoke songs.
  • The sixth part is entertaining. Guests offer skits and competitions for everyone present. You can read poetry, sing ditties, dance, or demonstrate a previously recorded video clip.
  • The seventh part is the final one. As a rule, it happens in the evening. Tired guests remember the youth of the young man, thank him and praise all his merits in order to inspire the young man to a happy service.

How to properly and cheerfully send off a conscript?

Ball of fate

Not only are birthday contests memorable for guests, but also the end of the evening. At any party, it would be appropriate to pay a little attention to the guests; for preparation you will need several balloons (according to the number of those present, plus a few in reserve), and notes with good rhymed wishes - when the invitees begin to leave or you need to change the mood to a more positive one, invite the guests to choose their own balloon fate and burst it.

Collective readings of good wishes are usually accompanied by good-natured laughter and lift everyone’s spirits.

Examples of wishes can be downloaded below, and then printed and cut out:

Over time, you will collect your own collection of cool birthday contests and, based on the mood of the guests, you will understand which holiday contests will go with a bang, and which ones are better organized while lightly drinking.

Universal ideas and tips

Save yourself universal competitions for the company - this way you can be sure that you will find something to do in any situation. If you are a novice presenter and do not have much experience, then it is better to have a separate notebook for table games and competitions, and also prepare props - for example, some games require sets of cards with the names of songs or films written down.

As a rule, competitions for drunken company are often very obscene, and this is understandable - adults become liberated when drunk.

Contests and skits to see off the army

The most popular competitions:

  • “Strongman” - several couples take part in the competition. The task is to take the lady in your arms and in this state dance the entire song. Whoever survives to the end is the winner.
  • “Footcloth” is a simple and very positive competition at the same time. The task is quick, and the main thing is to tie the footcloth correctly on your leg. Not everyone can do it beautifully or at all.
  • “Minefield” - the participant needs to bandage his eyes. Place empty bottles on the floor in the room. The task is to go through and hit a minimum of bottles.

Competition “Which couple is ours?”

Guests take turns to come up with an epithet that describes the newlywed couple, starting with the letter “A”, and then the second letter of each subsequent epithet! For example, Our couple: artistic - luxurious - charming - wonderful - successful, etc. Those who cannot come up with epithets are eliminated. The winner is the last person remaining and receives a small prize.

I wish you a great holiday, Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, author of competitions.

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Games on wires to the army

Most popular games:

  • “Army crocodile” - using gestures and movements, without a single word, you should depict a figure or thing associated with the army.
  • “Epaulettes” is a dance during which two light paper napkins are placed on the shoulders of men. The task is to dance the entire song and try to keep the napkins on your shoulders.
  • “Morning in the Army” - dressing for speed. All men present at the celebration take part.

Wishes, toasts, poems, ditties, farewell songs to the army

Funny rhymes and songs will brighten up the event. They can be read aloud or written on greeting cards. In addition, such congratulations and jokes will decorate congratulatory posters.

Wishes, toasts, poems, ditties, farewell songs:

Today we have gathered because there is a good reason for this. We are escorting you from home, Our conscript, you are a true man!

There are countless beautiful words and wishes for you today. Your country has called you and for a man this is an honor!

Let our sadness not burden you, We are sad and happy without a doubt! You are like a hero, your appearance today gives us pride and respect!

Let your courage “not gather dust in the archives.” Love your country and boldly defend it. Let everyone be proud of you, And everyone will be happy for you - you know this!

Be hard like stone, be strong like steel. Be patient with breaks and sleep. We wish you to avoid the mine points on the map of the fearless evil enemy!

Here everyone loves you and is only waiting for you to return. You, too, have pity on your family, loved ones, everyone. Take care of yourself, live out your entire service with merit and respect and earn success!

Today you have not yet become a soldier, we call you “conscript.” And tomorrow you will run around with a machine gun, defending everyone, like a true “man”!

The beloved cries bitterly, the mother wipes away the tears. You were little, today you are leaving for the army. Be fearless and strong, boldly go ahead, We are waiting for you at home with hugs, come to us soon!

Why did a person I don’t know well ask such a question?

You can also highlight the following reasons that are suitable for a short-lived friendship:

  1. Diffidence. Some friends, over time, realizing what a good person you are, may think that they are unworthy of such friendship. Alas, both strong and insecure people can take the path of breaking up a relationship.
  2. Desire to receive a compliment. Even if this person is not very close to you, do you really want to offend him? Therefore, in most cases, you will support him and say a couple of compliments.
  3. Self-love. If this question begins to be asked too often, then in most cases the reason is to show off. Well, at the same time, check whether your friend is still important to you.
  4. Wants to get rid of friendship and any relationship with you. By asking such a question, a person forces you to think and hopes that you will not be able to find a significant answer. If the answer is still not found, then you can blame you for breaking contacts, clearing yourself.

If you have successfully figured out the reason, then you can move on to the next point, which will help you formulate the correct answer to the question posed.

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