14 best games to play during recess at school

The profession of a teacher involves not only teaching a child a subject, but also helping in the formation of his personality. Extracurricular activities, which involve communication between the child and the teacher, help to cope with the second task.

According to school rules, there must be a class hour every week. This is the time that should be devoted to discussing problems, organizational activities, and team building. In general, an interesting classroom is a powerful weapon for a teacher, but few people actually use it. And if organizational issues and matters still have to be discussed, then games for class hours are not held at all. More often than not, students are simply sent home earlier.

At the same time, interesting games for class can develop children's tolerance, love for the world, respect for each other and elders, and the habit of protecting the environment.

Topics for homeroom at school

It is, of course, easier to get young children interested than teenagers. But it is more difficult to keep their attention on a certain topic for a long time. Because of this, it can be difficult to conduct classroom hours in 1st grade with a presentation, and it is better to organize them in an easy and playful format.

The following topics are suitable for elementary school:

  1. Red Book. What is it, who enters it, and why the number of animals in it is constantly growing.
  2. Folk art and folklore. Here you can simply talk about folk traditions, national music and dances, or you can get creative and prepare games for class and mini performances.
  3. Traffic Laws. This is a very necessary topic, and it is important to tell not just the rules, but to give real examples, prepare images for clarity, or act out small scenes on the topic.
  4. Everything about our country. This is a useful and interesting class hour for September 1st.
  5. Kindness is a great topic for a kids' classroom. Tell your children how important it is to be kind, to remember to help the elderly, those who are weaker than us, and those who are in trouble.
  6. Fire safety rules. This is also a very important topic; you will go through them in class, but a class hour in 3rd grade will help you consolidate the knowledge you have acquired.
  7. You can work with younger grades on the topic of aggression among peers. They may not understand everything, but this is an important moment in the education and development of children in society. You can even hold an open class hour in 4th grade with a presentation - this will also help improve the teacher's reputation and will be a good report on your work.

As for middle and high school, the topics may be the same, but they are studied in more depth. In high school, you can add topics on civil safety or health training. It’s easy to come up with competitions for class in these areas.

And in high school, you can discuss sensitive topics in sex education, which

so little time is spent at school.

Since class hours are held regularly, once every week or two, you will need to show your imagination and have to spend time on preparation. But we will suggest some games and competitions for 6 and older grades.

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This is a fun game where students answer a question that has been asked before.

For example, in a Russian language lesson, a teacher can prepare the following questions.

Question 1. Which verbs are transitive? The student does not answer.

Question 2. How to determine the conjugation of a verb? The student answers the first question

Question 3. Which verbs are heterogeneously conjugated? The student answers the second question

Question 4. What type of verb does not have present tense forms? The student answers the third question

Question 5. What is called verb conjugation? The student answers the fourth question

It is important that students keep the answer to the previous question and the question itself in memory, which requires additional concentration.

Games for class on the topic of goodness

Whether you are teaching an elementary, middle, or high school classroom, the theme of kindness will always be relevant. You can start a class hour with a presentation by talking about the enormous power of good and giving several examples in which good has prevailed. You could then ask students to talk about a good deed they did or observed that made an impression on them.

Game “The place next to you is free.” The point is that all participants sit in a circle one after another, and each player says the phrase: “The seat next to you is free, and I want First Name Last Name to sit on it.” In this case, it is necessary to justify why the student wants to see the named person nearby, and the typical formulations “he is a good friend” are not accepted. This is a game for 5th grade class time, but it is also suitable for older students. It helps to unite the team, open up and warm up emotionally.

The next simple one for 6th grade class is compliments. Everything is clear here: each student must say one compliment to the person sitting to his right and to his left. It is important that children do not sit next to friends in a circle, since the idea of ​​the exercise is that a compliment will help improve relationships with those classmates with whom the child does not yet communicate. The game is especially good for the 7th grade class; it is difficult for children of adolescence to open up, and this method will help them.

The next exercise for the 6th grade class in the form of a game is “Cobweb”. What is the antipode of good? Everyone knows it's evil. In this game, the teacher's goal is to show how students feel when they are laughed at. One student is chosen (not the one who is actually being laughed at) and stands in the center of the class. Each student tells what bad deed he committed, and with each story the teacher wraps a thread around the body of the student who stands in the center. When everyone has spoken, the teacher asks how the “victim” felt, how evil words and actions constrained his movements and thoughts. Then students say how they felt when they clearly saw the consequences of their actions.

And finally, the game “Give me your hand.” Each student traces the outline of their palm on a piece of paper and passes the paper around. All other participants write good wishes to him in the drawing. This will teach children to open their souls and change their thinking to a positive wave.

It is not necessary to hold themed games and competitions in class every week. You can simply play “Who Am I” or charades. But the main thing is that the children find it interesting and useful.

To keep up to date with interesting news and recommendations, we advise you to periodically visit a very useful website for teachers https://hedclub.com/.

Play teacher

This game is good to use at the beginning or end of a lesson. When used at the beginning of a lesson, the purpose of the game can be to repeat previously covered material, and if the game is used at the end of the lesson, it can be to summarize what has been covered in the lesson.

Divide the class into two groups. Ask each group to come up with five questions related to the material covered.

When the questions are prepared, each group chooses one representative to play the role of teacher. A representative from each group comes to the board and conducts part of the lesson, asking questions to other students.

If you teach this game regularly, you can tap into your students' competitive spirit and record team scores over a series of lessons. In my lessons, I ask students to ask questions that test the meaning of words and phrases. For example, after going through the “Sports” topic, students can ask the other team questions like:

Say three activities that use a net.

What's an example of a score when it's a draw?

What happens if someone cheats in a game?

Yes. No. Get up!

You can play with the whole class at the same time. The teacher asks a closed question to which only one answer can be correct (for example, in an English lesson during the topic “Sports” you can ask the following questions: - Is the score 1:1 a draw? - Yes. - Do you go to a gym to play football? - No.) Students listen to the question and answer: if the correct answer is “Yes,” then they stand up; if the correct answer is “No,” then they continue to sit. This game allows students not only to repeat the material they have covered, but also to do a physical warm-up.

Rules for playing games during recess

Moving changes are relaxation and healing. Leisure will fulfill its functions under several conditions:

  • Participation in the game is voluntary, optional.
  • Senior and junior schoolchildren are allocated separate places for this.
  • Playing several games at the same time gives children the opportunity to choose.
  • The rules should allow for changes in the composition of participants and be extremely simple.
  • The plot is familiar, interesting, and suits the physical fitness of the children.
  • The game must end 3 minutes before the bell for the next lesson.
  • When developing a scenario for active change, the teacher must take a differentiated approach to boys and girls, students with different temperaments and physical characteristics.

It would be a good idea to encourage children to play independently.

The role of games during recess at school:

  • Adaptation to new conditions for younger schoolchildren.
  • Development of dexterity, strength and intelligence, endurance, ability to navigate and quickly make the right decisions.
  • Physical release. During active movements, blood circulation throughout the body accelerates. This is the prevention of congestion and various pathologies.
  • By changing activities, children improve their mood. They develop a positive attitude towards classes.
  • Reduced visual tension.
  • Switching attention, preventing fatigue.


The class is divided into two teams (more are possible). Each team is shown a card or slide for two minutes on which 10-12 language units (words, phrases, idioms) are written. Players must remember as many of the units presented as possible. Players are not allowed to take notes while watching. After getting acquainted with the card (slide), players must remember as many units as possible that were presented to them within 5 minutes. The team that names the maximum number of starting units wins.

Express debate

The class is divided into two teams. Teams line up opposite each other in a line face to face. The teacher formulates a certain debatable statement, for example: “All schools in Russia should have a school uniform.” The team that supports the statement and the team that refutes the statement are determined by drawing lots.

Next, players from both teams take turns formulating arguments, alternating positions “for” and “against”.

The team whose member said the last argument wins.


The class is divided into teams of several people. The teacher can give each team a sheet on which the alphabet is printed and a space is left next to each letter. Another option is for students to write the alphabet on their own. Then the teacher asks a specific topic. Students in teams must write one word, phrase, or term that begins with each letter of the alphabet. For example, if we repeat the theme “Education”, then the beginning of the alphabet might look like this.

A - Assessment

B - Boarding Schools

C - Chemistry

The team that writes the most words in the allotted time wins.

I was once in a class where a game like this lasted 60 minutes! There is no need to do this. I would limit students to 7-10 minutes.


Students stand in a circle. The teacher determines a group of words that must be used in the game (for example, irregular English verbs) and passes the ball to the first player. The player calls the correct word and passes the ball to another player, who calls the next word, etc. You can complicate the game: do not pass the ball around, but throw it to any player. In this case, all players must be ready to give an answer at any time. The player who says the wrong word is eliminated from the circle.

Race of questions

The teacher prepares 15-20 questions or short assignments for the class in advance and writes each question on a separate strip of paper. The class is divided into groups of 5-6 people. Each group is given the first task. In a group, students complete the first task; after completing the task, the group representative runs to the teacher. The teacher checks the assignment. If the answer is correct, then the teacher gives the student the next question, with which the student returns to the team. The team that answers all the questions the fastest wins.


The class is divided into groups. Each group is offered a sheet on which text or individual sentences are written. In the text, some words are replaced by pictograms. The players’ task is to restore the entire verbal text within the allotted time (3-5 minutes depending on the complexity of the inserted units). The team that has restored the source text as completely and correctly as possible wins.

Materials (icons) for preparing the source text can be found on websites on the Internet, for example, this https://thenounproject.com/ .

Forfeits for children, tasks from 5 to 8 years

Forfeits will help entertain children of preschool and primary school age. Fun and easy tasks can be like this.

1. Look at your neighbor and describe him with a blindfold. 2. Finely chopped fruits should be eaten from the plate without using your hands. 3. Read the written tongue twister. 4. Find the hidden object in the room using the “hot or cold” game. 5. Draw some animal. 6. Five words are written on the card, you need to come up with a fairy tale with them. 7. Laugh without interruption for more than one minute. 8. Participate in a fashion show, the details for which must be ready. 9. Draw a portrait of one of the players with your foot. 10.Two people participate, one tells a short poem or fairy tale, the other shows it. 11. Eat a cake that is lying on a chair without your hands. 12. Stand on one leg and jump on it. 13. Come up with several decrees on behalf of the President and read them with expression. 14. Draw a snowman who melts under the sun. 15. Jump around the table like a frog and croak. 16. Feed several children with a spoon.

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