Child baptism: rules for parents and recommendations from the church. What is needed for the baptism of a boy and a girl

Child baptism is one of the main Orthodox Sacraments of the Orthodox Church.

Once in the bosom of the Church, the child receives full protection, he is spiritually born and receives the right to participate in the remaining 6 Orthodox Sacraments.

You may be told that it is better to be baptized when the child is older. But it is recommended to do this as early as possible. After all, if trouble suddenly happens, those who are not baptized don’t even have a funeral service. They are not remembered later at services. And then, when the child grows up, it will be more difficult for him to endure the hour-long procedure and immersion in the font.

Why is it important to baptize children

The baptism of a child in a church is a very important event in the life of every family, which has strictly established rules and recommendations for implementation. The responsibility that adults bear for their children is enormous. However, for many parents the need for this sacrament is doubtful.

In order to dispel doubts that arise on this issue, it should immediately be clear that the Sacrament of Baptism is nothing more than the birth of a completely new life in its spiritual understanding, which will protect the child and in the future will allow him to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven.

At the same time, it is not worth baptizing simply because it is “necessary”. Parents must come to faith themselves and understand the necessity of this step. This is due to the fact that churchmen openly declare that there is no meaning in baptism if the education of the faith is not observed.

In some cases, parents, wanting to allow the child to make his own, more informed choice, carry out baptism only after their child is able to take a conscious step in this direction. But, as a rule, this process takes place much earlier - in infancy.

Festive table for a child's christening

When the baptism ceremony of a child is completed, you always want to pleasantly celebrate this event. To do this, you need to know some secrets, as well as traditions and signs.

We'll tell you how to prepare for your child's baptism and think through all the organizational issues.

How to set the table for a child's christening?

Initially, we note that the baby’s parents are involved in organizing the feast, and godparents and relatives help. If you want to celebrate a ritual according to ancient traditions, then it’s worth remembering how our grandparents did it.

For a child’s christening, dishes with the following names: “Babkina’s pies”, “Babkina’s porridge”, “Babkina’s cheesecake” are suitable. This is due to the tradition of honoring the midwife who helped the mother give birth.

So the midwife brought this porridge with her, and they called it kutya. The porridge was seasoned with butter, eggs, honey, cream, and milk was added. Decorated with eggs cut in half. There was a tradition in ancient times when a ransom had to be given for porridge.

A rooster was baked in baptismal porridge if a boy was born, and if a girl was born, then a chicken was cooked. Yeast pies in the shape of hearts, flowers, pretzels, horns, ears, birds, and buns were very popular.

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Any feast is not complete without signs and gifts for each other. The mother of a baptized child was given walnuts so that her milk would be nutritious and tasty. But the older children received nuts, peas or legumes. According to legend, guys with such gifts became good speakers. Our ancestors believed that if children were given various gifts, then fate would be favorable to them.

Best age for baptism

Baptism of a child - rules for parents, recommendations from the church directly and quite unequivocally say that this process should happen as early as possible. Despite the fact that this sacrament can be performed on people of any age, gender and race, infancy is the best period.

What does mom need to know? Not so little. The details will be taught by the priest from the church where the service will take place, and we will tell you briefly and remind you of what godparents should know.

And now it’s not so much about mercantile things like kryzhma, a place to celebrate an event, etc., but more about the spiritual.

So, mom and dad and their adoptive parents should know:

  • at what age can a baby be baptized?
  • on what days is the Sacrament performed;
  • what church name will be given to the baby;
  • what prayers you need to know;
  • how often to give communion to a child;
  • who can become a godfather (godfather);
  • how to prepare for the rite of baptism and so on.

Children are baptized at any age, and babies are often baptized on the fortieth day of life (when the mother enters the temple and the mother’s body has fully recovered from a physiological point of view during this period).

But this is also done on the 8th day from birth, if the little one is in danger. Everything is done on any day, even on fasting days and holidays, if possible.

In some cases, a child can be baptized within a few hours after his birth, but according to the practice accepted in the Russian Orthodox Church, this should be done after four dozen days and nights.

What is prohibited

There are no prohibitions regarding the age of a person, when one can or cannot be baptized. But the church still advises doing this as early as possible in order to be cleansed of original sin.

Until the age of 7, parents decide for their child whether to baptize him or not. From 7 to 14 years of age, the child’s consent will be required. But after turning 14 years old, the child himself has the right to decide whether to be baptized or not.

The bans exist for 40 days after the birth of the child. It is believed that at this time the mother cannot enter the church because she is unclean. In some cases, for example, with congenital diseases, the priest may baptize the child a few days after birth.

It is also prohibited for women - mothers and godmothers - to have their periods during the ceremony.

Choosing the Right Church

For parents at this time, the issue of choosing the place where the child will be baptized becomes important. Much depends on which church the sacrament will be performed in. The existing rules and recommendations do not say anything strict about this. If the baby’s father and mother go to a specific church, they may well have the baby baptized by their confessor.

In the same case, when along with baptism their full coming to faith takes place, then they can do this at their own discretion and choose the church and priest who will be closest to them morally. An important factor is the proximity of the temple to home, so that going there in the future does not become rare , but is carried out on a regular basis.

Well-known clergy also recommend, if possible, to baptize the baby in some very significant places for Orthodox people, which can give the child additional strength.

It is worth noting that each temple has its own schedule for rituals, so you need to agree on the timing with the priest. It is he who determines the day (it is advisable that it does not fall on the godmother’s critical days (she will not enter the temple).

He will also tell you what church name will be given to the baby. You can give communion to a child on any day, that is, on Sundays, Orthodox holidays and Angel's Day.

If this is not possible, then it is advisable to bring the baby to communion at least once a month. Then he will become accustomed to spiritual life.


The baptized person is allowed to take communion immediately. Further, the date of his first communion depends only on when his parents bring him. More often than not, parents take their child to communion for the first time when he can already understand what is happening, and this is 4-5 years old. At the same time, there is no prohibition on an infant who was baptized even the day before taking part in the sacrament of communion. Communion after the baptism of a child can be held from the next day.

If the child is under 3 years old, then he must be fed for the last time 2 hours before communion. Children over 3 years old must refuse food on the day of communion before it.

During communion, a pectoral cross must be worn. You should not take part in the sacrament of communion without a cross.

Shopping for a baby's baptism ceremony

Before performing the sacrament, a number of necessary purchases must be made, without which the process will be impossible to carry out in principle.

The most important expense items include:

  • baby shirt;
  • consecrated cross;
  • special towel.

All these goods can be found both in a regular store and in a special church shop, located, as a rule, directly at the entrance to the temple. Items can be purchased individually or as a special baptism set. Future godparents purchase them.

Choosing a christening outfit

When choosing a christening outfit for a child, you should choose the most delicate and soft fabrics that can only be found in modern stores. This is due to the fact that a baby’s skin is extremely sensitive and susceptible to various skin diseases and rashes, which in turn is fraught with crying and hysterics.

Sometimes a special bag is purchased into which the baby’s hair is placed after the ceremony.

Boy's shirt

There are no fundamental differences between the outfits for boys and girls, because clothes for baptism, as a rule, are of a universal type. Boys most often choose a white or pale blue shirt, which emphasizes their gender. The style can be different - from very short to long shirts that hide even a baby’s heels.

Often for boys, outfits with very elegant embroidery in the form of a cross are ordered. For very young children, take a clean shirt made of cotton, which is practically not decorated in any way. This is done so as not to cause any irritation to the skin.

For a slightly older child, shirts that look more like adults are often used. They have a neat cutout and are richly trimmed with many decorative elements made using fabrics of different colors.

Dress for girls

Despite the fact that for girls the classic baptismal outfit is not very different from those described above, now more exclusive and unique things are increasingly being sewn:

  1. First of all, these are light dresses, which are made with very complex, usually openwork, embroidery. They are decorated strictly in accordance with the rules of the church.
  2. Another popular option are shirts. They are used by those parents who want their child’s outfit to fully comply with ancient customs.
  3. The shirts for boys described above can also be used for girls, however, with minor changes in the embroidery features;
  4. Swing-type dresses have been actively gaining popularity lately, since dressing a child in them is disproportionately easier than all the above options.

For clothes for girls, the material can be exclusively natural fabrics such as linen or cotton. In some cases, viscose is used, especially often for embroidering decorative elements.

Christening towel

A special towel called kryzhma is of great importance in the baptism process . In fact, this term means a kind of diaper made in an openwork style. After the ceremony is completed, it is stored for many decades, and it becomes a real family treasure and heirloom.

In recent years, the date of the baby's baptism is increasingly indicated in the corner. Its main power is to heal a child if he becomes seriously ill in infancy. Famous clergymen recommend using kryzhma in combination with healing prayers along with traditional medical treatment. The towel is also purchased by godparents.

Choosing a pectoral cross

Another essential attribute is the cross. Many godparents, especially those who are not believers, are concerned about what material it should be made of and where it should be purchased.

It is important that the cross fully complies with all canons and rules established by the Russian Orthodox Church. And what material it is made of is completely unimportant. It can be gold, silver, or ordinary aluminum. You can even use an ordinary rope or thread as a chain.

The main thing is that the cross is not

decoration, but carries a special meaning, performs the function of protection and unity with God. It must be consecrated.

If the purchase is made in a shop at a temple, then it is such; after the store you should visit any temple and ask the priest to consecrate it.

Who buys a cross for a christening?

Rituals are always accompanied by folk beliefs and signs. So, people advise not to use red shades in baby’s clothes, and the kryzhma should be white.

In addition, the baby must be wearing a hat during the baptism process. It is recommended to continue wearing the cap for 12 weeks. And in order for the baby’s life to be successful, during baptism they place water in a cup on the window.

Let's find out, for example, who buys a cross for a boy's christening. There is a tradition according to which the godmother buys the cross for the godson, and the godfather gives the cross as a gift. It would be appropriate to give the child and his family a Bible, which in the future he will be able to read and join spiritual life.

The baptism of a baby is a big and important holiday for any religious family, so spare no time and effort to properly prepare for this important event.

The role of godparents in a child's life

A huge role in the development of a child is played by godparents, who must be people of faith or those striving for this. In addition, they must have high moral standards and pure thoughts. This is due to the need to help the baby throughout his life. As a rule, there are always two godparents, but, as a last resort, you can invite one person.

In the case of a boy, this is a man, but when the ritual is performed on a girl, then it is a woman. Age varies depending on gender. You can become a godfather from the age of 15, and a mother from the age of 13. This is confirmed by a special decree of the highest church body - the Synod. Godparents must be ready to take on the responsibilities of caring for and raising a child in the event that he or she loses his family.

The godparent is a witness in the Sacrament, a guarantor for faith and a person who must teach the child the true faith, helping him become a worthy member of Christ’s Church.

And godparents need to memorize, among other things, the basic Orthodox prayers, such as “Our Father,” “Creed,” and “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary.” They are in short prayer books that can be bought at the church store.

If educational conversations are held in the temple, it is advisable for the recipients to attend them. The mother must remember that grandparents, aunts and uncles, unrelated friends of the parents, and even, contrary to superstition, a pregnant woman can become the recipient of the child’s baptism.

But this must be an Orthodox Christian, and not a Catholic, Muslim or a good atheist, a church person. After all, the task of the godparents is to raise their godson in Orthodoxy.

You need to know that the godfather is not changed after Baptism, no matter what happens to him, he is alone. The rite of the Sacrament of baptism presupposes the presence of godparents during its execution. It is allowed without godparents if the priest is godfather.

Cannot become godparents:

  • monks and nuns;
  • unchurched people;
  • father and mother of the child;
  • Gentiles;
  • husband and wife (with the same child);
  • crazy;
  • ignorant of faith;
  • criminals;
  • notorious sinners;
  • minors.

Before the ceremony, the godparents need to learn the Creed, because they will recite it instead of the baby, whom they will hold during the ceremony, receive after the font, and so on.

There are other rules and regulations. Thus, the baptized person and the recipient can neither marry nor be given in marriage. A godfather cannot marry the widowed mother of his spiritual daughter.

Godparents pray for their godchildren, teach prayer, demonstrate virtues by their example - love, mercy, etc. They are supposed to introduce their pupils to the basics of religion, take them to church, give them communion and take part in education together with their biological parents.

If the godson is left without a father and mother, the godparents can take charge of him.

Choosing a godmother

When choosing, you should look for the person who will sincerely love the child and will be ready to sacrifice his health, well-being and even life for the sake of his salvation and a happy life. The godmother has many responsibilities; for example, she is the one who teaches the child all the basics of the Orthodox faith and teaches him the necessary prayers.

The godmother is the person with whom the child, as he grows up, can share his thoughts and experiences . She should gently guide him in the right direction of development and be always ready to help the child. Often godparents become the closest people after the mother.

Godfather's Choice

The role of the godfather is also very important and should not be limited to just paying for baptismal purchases and further gifts. He should be an authority and support for the child in the process of growing up, on whom you can always rely. Must help overcome life's difficulties and make the right choice in difficult situations.

The Godfather is the child's first and most important defense against the Devil. He also protects his natural parents so that they raise the baby correctly. The Church understands the complexity of this mission, but the godfather must steadfastly fulfill it, including in a comprehensive manner with parents.

Before the baptismal ceremony, it is customary for both them and their mother and father to confess and receive communion. True, this is not a dogma, but a wish. It is also important to remember that on the day of baptism, as later, on the day of the angel, you should not organize a feast, but spend it with your godson in the temple.

People come to church in clothes appropriate for the occasion and with a cross around their neck. Women are required to cover their heads with a scarf. Having heard the cry of her child from the baptism, the mother needs to prepare for the fact that this is a moment that must be experienced.

There are many superstitions about baptism and some unnecessary rituals. You don't need to listen to anyone. All information should come only from the priest. Well, it is advisable to spend the day of baptism piously.

Traditional gifts from godparents

Gifts for the child after baptism depend solely on the goodwill and financial situation of those guests who are present at the ceremony.

The Bible is considered a gift of recommendation from the church. According to the rules, such a book is given to a child by godparents after baptism.

Well-known clergy recommend giving things related to the church, ranging from the Bible to various church books and educational games. The godparents pay for the sacrament itself as a gift.

The icon of the heavenly patron and the cross are traditionally also given by godparents. Parents are not allowed into the baptismal sanctuary. They remain waiting in the temple.

Menu for baby's christening

Naturally, in addition to preparing traditional dishes, the tastes and wishes of the invited guests should be taken into account. So, young people will prefer salads, various desserts, and it wouldn’t hurt to prepare an original cake for the holiday.

You can choose several dish options and discuss them with godparents and relatives. For example, you can prepare a vitamin salad, a children's snack, cutlets with mashed potatoes, or a fruit cake with jelly.

Also a good option would be the following menu: chicken salad, stuffed vegetables, baked potatoes with cheese, fish in tomato sauce, cottage cheese cake with berries.

What is better and more appetizing is up to each family to choose independently, because the main condition remains a wonderful, friendly atmosphere, and not a specific delicacy.

Try to have several dishes on the table so that each guest can choose something to suit their taste.

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Of course, the holiday will not become truly memorable and bright if you do not take care of the cake. A real pie, made with your own hands, or a custom-made cake with a fancy design will equally delight both young and adult guests on the holiday table. The cake is also a gift from the godfather.

Carrying out the baptism ceremony

The baptism of a child is carried out according to certain rules established for parents and godparents. Depending on the church, the recommendations given by confessors directly regarding the process may differ slightly.

The ritual consists of a certain number of sequential actions, which are briefly formulated below:

  1. A name is given. As a result of this action, the baby officially receives a patron in heaven.
  2. After this, the confessor, using a special gesture, gives the child a blessing, which leads to the formation of heavenly protection.
  3. Then special prayers are read, with the goal of establishing a complete ban on the Devil coming to the child.
  4. Then the process of blessing the water by the priest takes place.
  5. The priest dips the baby in a font specially designed for this purpose, and then hands it over to the godfather or godmother, depending on the gender of the child, who puts a cross and special clothes on him.
  6. The ritual ends with the so-called anointing.

Signs familiar and unusual

On the day of such a big event, everything matters. You can try to predict the fate of the girl by carefully observing how the christening went, and also attract happiness with some rituals.


  • If a child cries during a christening, this is a good omen .
  • The baptismal dress and kryzhma should be stored. If you wrap your child in them to sleep in the first days after baptism, he will be calm and peaceful .
  • It is not good if the priest drops objects and confuses words during the ceremony.
  • It is not customary to widely announce that a family is going to baptize a child. He will be under better protection if unnecessary people do not know when the ceremony will take place.
  • After church, it’s better not to go anywhere, but to go straight home. This way the Guardian Angel will remain strong.

Rare and interesting signs

  • If a girl is passed over the church fence and brought into the house after baptism through the window, she will be healthy . Bringing it in through the door means, on the contrary, loosening it .
  • Getting caught in the rain during a christening is a sign of joy .
  • A girl sneezing during a christening is not good .
  • It is necessary to count the money on the day of christening so that the child grows up in prosperity .
  • When the family has left for church, those remaining at home should not open the door to anyone until the relatives return with the baptized girl, so as not to let trouble in .
  • Knitting, sewing, or making preparations on christening day is a bad omen .
  • If several people are baptized in a church at the same time and, moreover, they have the same names, this is unfortunate .

Differences in the baptism of a boy and a girl

The process of baptism for boys and girls is practically no different. The only significant point is that after receiving the boy from the font in the arms of his godfather, he is carried into the altar, but according to certain church canons and traditions, the girl is not.

Rules for choosing a name for a child according to the calendar

Choosing a name for a child at baptism is not the most difficult task. It is carried out with the help of the so-called Saints, which contain more than one and a half thousand different names, often out of circulation.

It's important to remember a few key points:

  1. The baby's name should be the one recommended for naming directly on the day of his biological birth.
  2. If there is no suitable name, you can look about a week in advance at the Saints and choose at your discretion.
  3. It is important to approach this process with the utmost care, because changing this name will be difficult. Only in rare cases do they resort to changing the name given at birth.
  4. You can use a name that is consistent with what is written in the passport, because parents often call their children names that are not mentioned in the Saints. It is also important that the child’s name be in consonance with the child’s patronymic and surname in his adult life.

Required gifts at baptism

There are a number of gifts that a child must receive at baptism. This is an established tradition that should not be violated. What a grandmother needs to know about baby christening gifts is a serious topic. It is the grandmother who gives the obligatory gifts. Traditionally, gifts related directly to the ritual and further to faith are given by godparents and grandmothers.

There are several obligatory gifts for christening:

  • Bible.
  • An icon can be the face of the baby’s patron saint, Nicholas the Wonderworker or the Virgin Mary.
  • Ladanka.

It is also an established tradition for a child to be given a silver spoon for his first feeding at baptism by his grandmother or grandfather. This is not just a beautiful object, but useful for the child, since silver ions have an antibacterial effect.

The baptism of a child is not just a traditional beautiful ritual that is supposed to be carried out, but the introduction of a little person to spiritual life. It is important to approach the ritual competently and with an understanding of what is happening. In the future, the child must, through the efforts of his parents and godparents, realize the importance of spiritual life and follow the rules of the Church.

Features of celebrating children's christenings

The baptism of a child is not just an ordinary event, but a great sacrament, which carries with it the need to comply with the rules of behavior that are established for parents in a variety of aspects.

Recommendations from the church also concern how exactly the christening celebration of infants should be celebrated. The cornerstone aspect is the celebration of the holiday meal.

How is it customary to celebrate christenings?

Of course, the baby's parents will want to celebrate the christening. No rules prohibit doing this; the main thing is not to forget about the reason for the celebration.

Invited guests are received in the baby's home. You can set the table at your discretion, but you should definitely prepare dishes such as sweet pies and cookies . In the past, traditional sweet porridge with butter . Nowadays porridge is not a mandatory dish. It can be replaced, for example, by a delicious apple pie or berry casserole . From ancient times to our times, the custom has come down to serving a young dad a special porridge - with a high content of salt and pepper. Dad needs to eat at least a few spoons of this dish so that, as is commonly believed, he can experience at least part of the hardships that a woman experiences during childbirth. A prerequisite for setting the table for a christening celebration is the presence of a variety of sweets on it , because christenings are considered more of a children's holiday than an adult one.

How can a child change after baptism?

For parents, the baptism of a child means the onset of a special stage. The baby is said to change completely and become much calmer. However, this is just the beginning. Recommendations from the church say that one should continue to fully raise the child in the Christian faith and teach him to follow the rules established by the Law of God.

To summarize, several quite clear conclusions should be noted. The Sacrament of Baptism is a truly unique event that happens to every person only once in their life. For parents who conduct a ceremony over their child, this is the most important step aimed at raising him in full accordance with the moral foundations that are embedded in the Christian faith.

This step is also important for the parents of godparents, who open their souls and come to the defense of the innocent baby. For a child, baptism means the possibility of achieving the Kingdom of Heaven in the future.

Preparation for the ceremony

Preparation for the baptism of a child is required from persons who are chosen as godparents. A few days before the sacrament, they must observe strict fasting, during which a complete renunciation of any entertainment and sexual contacts is also required. Also, before the ceremony, they receive communion after first confessing.

It will be good if the parents also confess and cleanse themselves before the sacrament. When it is best to do this is determined with the priest.

The godfather must also learn the prayer read at the baptism of a child - the “Symbol of Faith.” It is read 3 times during the sacrament. The godfather may also be required to read it over the baby by heart.

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