60 years is one of the most significant anniversaries. How to celebrate your 60th birthday

Idea No. 1. Numbers

One of the best ideas for decorating a room for a 50, 55 or 60 year anniversary is numbers. They emphasize the respectability of the date being celebrated, and the variety of materials used for the manufacture of these decorative elements allows you to choose an option for every taste.

The numbers made from balloons are voluminous, so they look very impressive. Sometimes, to decorate a room, just them in combination with an arch or stands made of matching balls are enough. Especially if it's a man's anniversary.

Instead of compositions of balloons in the shape of numbers, you can use ready-made foil balloons. This is the ideal solution if you decide to decorate your anniversary with your own hands.

To decorate a woman's 55th birthday, a composition of larger balloon numbers printed or drawn on paper is ideal.

To make original numbers, you can use anything. For example, photographs of the birthday boy. We really liked this idea! And you?

Also, beautiful ladies will appreciate large volumetric paper numbers, decorated with pompoms made from napkins and photographs of the hero of the day.

Numbers made of shiny paper can be hung chaotically from the ceiling. This decor is suitable for a holiday for both men and women.

Although fruit and table decoration - such a number “50” will become a spectacular and tasty decor for the event. Strawberries, grapes and pineapple slices will definitely please the birthday boy and his guests.

DIY gift for a friend or colleague

Handmade gifts are especially important. Indeed, in this case, you can show the importance of a person, it’s easy to buy and find, but spending time and effort has a completely different connotation.

DIY gift for 60th birthday:

  • Collage - if you have common pictures, you can combine them, print them and place them in a frame.
  • Video – record congratulations from close relatives or friends and record them on a flash drive.
  • Painting - now there are many offers of creative gifts, so you don’t have to have creative abilities to create a masterpiece.

These are all great ways to show significance. Every woman should remember that she is loved, appreciated, expected, remembered, and set as an example.

Idea No. 2. Inscriptions

Bright “Happy Anniversary” inscriptions are perfect for anniversary decorations for men and women. You can use ready-made cardboard banners, which are sold in holiday goods.

Or compositions of inscriptions, balls or flowers, similar to huge postcards.

Have fun celebrating our 60th anniversary

Sixty years is a respectable age worthy of respect. By this time, the woman has usually already been a wife, mother, and grandmother for a long time. Congratulations on the anniversary should be special and the holiday can be held according to an interesting, pre-prepared scenario. We suggest using a ready-made cool option suitable for a woman in honor of her 60th birthday. It is important to prepare everything in advance, taking into account all the characteristics and preferences of a particular person.

Idea No. 3. Posters

Do you think that congratulatory posters are a thing of the past, along with school wall newspapers? The Holidays Workshop will convince you otherwise!

A modern banner (press wall) with a photo of the birthday boy will fit perfectly into the decoration of the hall for the 60th anniversary.

But this option, carefully prepared by her friends, will definitely be appreciated by the woman celebrating her anniversary. The photographs may be black and white, but they show the birthday girl’s whole life. This poster will not only decorate the room, but will also make an excellent gift.

Posters for anniversary decoration can be different. The main thing is that they are made with love!

Preparing a script for the 60th anniversary

The anniversary should begin with warm words addressed to the hero of the day, presenting flowers and gifts. Next, you can awaken warm memories by talking about the outstanding deeds and achievements of the birthday girl. Don't forget to mention her children and grandchildren - as a separate reason for pride. An excellent solution would be to plunge headlong into the past by showing the audience memorable photographs and videos from the life of the birthday girl using a projector. At any anniversary, a scenario with competitions, humor, and dancing is an integral part of the holiday. Don’t forget that small children can come to the party - you should set up a separate table for them, prepare a special menu, and also surprise them with several cool competitions. It would be great to help them congratulate their grandmother or even prepare a separate scene with songs and poems with them. Such a decision will definitely bring its share of warmth and joy to such a holiday.

Idea No. 4. Flowers

An anniversary without flowers? No, It is Immpossible! Decorating anniversaries with flowers adds solemnity to the holiday. To decorate the hall, you can use bouquets, compositions and single flowers. Everything is determined by the style of the event and who the birthday person is - a man or a woman.

Beautiful compositions can be placed in the corners of the hall.

A win-win option is flowers in baskets.

Compositions of fresh flowers in large vases look very beautiful.

One flower in a tall vase looks no less impressive when decorating a hall for an anniversary.

And what decoration of the hall for your 50th, 55th, 60th anniversary will you choose?

Scenario for 60th anniversary at home

Scenario for 60th anniversary at home

The 60th anniversary is a holiday that is eagerly awaited. In particular, of course, the relatives and friends of the hero of the occasion. The main figure of the holiday tries not to notice this day, even to forget, although, naturally, no one succeeds. On the contrary, such a holiday, as usual, is noisy, gathering at one table all the people close to the hero of the day. Among them are relatives, friends and even colleagues. Such a birthday is celebrated in a special way and they even look for a script for a 60th anniversary at home. But even without renting a cafe or restaurant, you can have a fun celebration, so that all guests will remember the great time for a long time.

Of course, a successful scenario for a 60th anniversary at home must take into account who exactly needs to be congratulated: a man or a woman. Depending on who the hero of the day is, the festive program is chosen. But there are moments that every hero of the occasion will equally enjoy, and which make up any anniversary scenario.

1. Meeting guests. The holiday atmosphere should be felt from the doorstep. Therefore, the meeting of guests must be conducted in an original way. You can give each guest at the door a ball with a surprise note hidden inside (there may be a wish for the guest from the hero of the day), or give a forfeit card with a specific task.

2. Seating the guests at the table. The principle of seating can be any, but, as a rule, the people closest to him sit on the right and left hand of the hero of the day. Sometimes the table is visually divided into two parts, each of which is represented by the older or younger generation of those gathered. Then these teams will participate in competitions, competing with each other.

3. The holiday menu can also be included in the scenario of a 60th anniversary at home. Even if this point is not spelled out, it is still meant, since food is not the least important in the atmosphere of the celebration. You can make the number 60 out of food, or write it on a birthday cake; the feeling of solemnity and specialness of the event also comes from the impression of the feast and the culinary delights on the table.

4. Decoration of the room. Even if you are looking for a 60th anniversary scenario at home, you need to decorate the room in which the event will take place. Balloons are suitable as decoration, preferably helium ones, which will hang near the ceiling. You can attach photos of different years of the hero of the day to the balloons; this idea will definitely appeal to guests who will be happy to look at the photo. Candles and flowers are also often used to decorate a room. If you are planning a themed party, then it is necessary that the decoration of the room corresponds to the stated theme.

These are the main nuances that you need to pay attention to when choosing a 60th anniversary scenario at home. But the most important point, undoubtedly, is the list of competitions and games at the festival. Guests may know each other very well, or may not know each other at all, but just sitting at the table and eating will be boring in any case. Therefore, entertainment is what makes such a celebration truly unforgettable. The competition program can be short or long, include funny, active or intellectual ones, while containing congratulations, toasts, in poetry or prose, where would we be without them! And don’t forget that guests need to take breaks for dancing, it’s good if the area of ​​the room allows it.

Here are several options for games and competitions that can significantly decorate your 60th anniversary scenario at home and will definitely interest your guests.

To organize such a competition, you need to prepare several pieces of huge-sized “family” panties for men and an identical number of scarves for women. Couples - ladies and gentlemen - take part in the competition. They are offered a set: panties and a scarf. A man must wear underpants over his clothes, a woman must cover her head with a scarf. The couples begin to dance to the music. As soon as the music stops playing, the man and woman must quickly exchange clothes - the woman puts on panties, the man wears a scarf. The pair that completes this task the slowest is eliminated from the game. The last couple left wins.

What to give to your grandmother or mother for your 60th birthday

There are several win-win options that will please any woman. For example:

  • Perfumery - it’s better to choose together with the birthday girl or give a certificate to the store so that she can choose a gift without looking at the price tag.
  • Cosmetics – knowing your preferences, you can choose an excellent set.
  • Flowers are a universal addition to any gift.
  • Jewelry will please a lady at any age.

At the age of 60, women begin to value attention and care even more. If you want to cheer up and make the day special, you need to take into account your hobbies and hobbies. You can find out what is needed long before the holiday. It is advisable to avoid household appliances; they are usually given for no reason or on common holidays (New Year, Easter).

Birthday gift ideas don't end there. As at any age, impressions, attention and memory are valued. The best way to surprise and get out of creative stagnation is to organize a personal holiday. Come up with a themed party, organize a real home concert with the participation of children and adults. Such a memory will warm you for many years to come, become a source of vitality, and give a charge of positive emotions to improve your health.


  • A trip is a trip within the country. To avoid boredom, you can organize a family outing. It is best to choose places where there is something to do, something to see. These can be historical monuments, temples, museums, theaters.
  • A ticket to the theater, to a concert of your favorite band, to an opera - children can team up and organize a common trip without unnecessary people. Grandmother or mother will enjoy spending time alone. Such a family trip will show her that she raised worthy people.
  • A trip to a spa or beauty salon is a win-win option for a woman who wants to feel desired and beautiful again. It's never too late to change your image.

Certificates are in the TOP; the lady chooses the procedures herself. They organize the celebration in secret, calling close friends whom she has not seen for many years.

For residents of villages or villages there will be optimization of life. Technology and equipment for growing poultry and vegetables will be positively received at an advanced age.

Photo zones for the anniversary. please yourself and your guests.

An anniversary is always a significant event that you want to celebrate, if not on a grand scale, then in a way that will be remembered for a long time. Taking photographs for memory is one of the components of the holiday. And in order for the pictures not to look boring and monotonous, it is necessary to prepare a special area where people can relax and take pictures.

The peculiarity of such a photo zone is that its organization requires a background and a certain amount of material for decoration. Photos taken in such an area will be much more interesting and brighter, and the photo session itself will be remembered for a long time.

Place for photo zones for anniversaries

The location of the photo zone completely depends on your desire and time of year. In order for the birthday person’s anniversary to be remembered for a long time, and when viewing photos the mood immediately improves, it is advisable to allocate enough space to set up a stand and accommodate guests in the location.

The theme should be chosen based on the wishes of the birthday person.

The ideal solution would be to organize a photo zone in a banquet hall or on the street. In the first case, no weather conditions will spoil the holiday, and in the second, provided the weather is good, the guests will be comfortable and comfortable. In addition, if the holiday takes place in a park or garden, there is always the opportunity to save on a stand and use the natural beauty of nature instead of a background.

Photo zone design rules

By adhering to the rules below, you can properly organize a photo zone for the anniversary of both men and women:

  1. The placement of the banner should be planned in such a way that it does not interfere with the passage of guests. That is, it is advisable to install a photo zone somewhere nearby. Be sure to warn guests about its availability.
  2. If the event is held outdoors, make sure that the structure is stable and will not fall in a gust of wind. And also all decor should be well fixed.
  3. You don't need too many decorations and props. If it is the anniversary of a young girl or guy, then at the discretion of the birthday boy and the number of guests. And if the 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th anniversary is celebrated, then modesty and harmony are welcomed.

Materials for decoration

To ensure that the photo zone is beautifully decorated, you can use the following materials:

    Air balloons. This is an integral attribute of any holiday, so they can be used in any quantity, the main thing is to follow the chosen style. With the help of balls, entire figures, large flowers and arches are created, under which it is fun to take pictures.

Fairy lights. Rain, figures cut out of colored paper, and fresh flowers are used as garlands. In order for flowers to last a long time without water, you need to buy them in specialized stores, where their tips are treated with a composition that allows them to retain moisture. Another option is to use a New Year's garland with lights. It is carefully hung on an arch behind a tulle base and the cascading lights on the cards look blurry and interesting.

Colored paper. This is simply a universal material for creating jewelry. You can cut out any details from it: bows, butterflies, geometric shapes, etc. Then the cut out elements are strung on a thread and hung like garlands or hung like rain from an arch.

  • Ribbons and fabrics. Beautiful stands are obtained using various flying and flowing fabrics, with which you can create a drapery effect.

Types of photo zones for anniversaries

There are no special rules for creating a photo zone for an anniversary. The theme can be any, but the main thing is that the hero of the occasion likes it. Use your imagination, show creativity and a sense of humor. Differences may be in the design of the stand for the 30th anniversary or 60th.

Banners on structures

The so-called press wall or stand background are very popular when holding any holiday or special event. Previously, they were installed only at social parties, presentations or other official meetings, but now they are used everywhere.

With special effort, the structure can be made independently from wooden beams or metal pipes. And then the canvas is attached to the base. The background, which is on the canvas, is applied in a printing house or drawn independently.

The advantage of such a banner is its low cost and the ability to rent. The stand in the form of a screen is especially easy to transport and assemble. By the way, it doesn’t look as flat as a standard press wall. The disadvantage of the design is the windage, so it will not be possible to install it outdoors in the wind. And it looks very formal and restrained.

But oddly enough, it’s suitable for a man’s anniversary.

Flower stand

A completely gentle and stylish design is suitable for a girl or woman both for a 30th anniversary and for a 55th anniversary, and will truly become a decoration for the holiday. Celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday with such a photo zone will be pleasant and memorable.

Features and traditions of a 60th wedding anniversary

Sixty wedding anniversary - what is it called? V. Lin in the book “Wedding, Wedding...Traditions, Rituals, Scenarios” says that the sixtieth wedding anniversary is a diamond or diamond-gold wedding.

Diamond is considered the strongest and one of the most valuable minerals. Likewise, a marriage that has lasted sixty years is distinguished by its strength. This union is unique and rare. Over the years they have lived together, the partners have accumulated serious material and spiritual capital. Marriage has become a model of fidelity, sincerity, and love.

Celebration traditions

Since ancient times, such a major anniversary has been celebrated on a grand scale. What are the traditions of celebrating a diamond wedding? The following rituals are performed on the sixtieth anniversary:

  • The partners dress in wedding attire.
  • The celebrants write letters to the younger generation, in which they share their experiences and secrets on saving a marriage.
  • If a husband and wife purchased new wedding rings for past anniversaries, old family heirlooms are passed on to the younger generation.

Sixtieth Anniversary Diamond Wedding: Pixabay

How do you celebrate your 60th wedding anniversary?

Yu. Anokhina in her book “The Most Golden Wedding” says that a grand celebration is held at a diamond wedding, friends and acquaintances are invited, all family members with children. Children and grandchildren are often involved in organizing the holiday.

The anniversary is celebrated in a restaurant or at home. If partners want to retire and remember their youth, the younger generation organizes a vacation trip for them, for example, to a sanatorium. The opportunity to celebrate an anniversary in such an institution is not only a practical, but also a very beneficial gift for the health of elderly spouses.

If you decide to celebrate the holiday not on vacation, but in the company of loved ones, you should take care of creating a cozy and interesting atmosphere. The room in which the celebration will take place can be decorated in a retro style.

The tables are decorated with white vintage tablecloths and delicate bouquets of flowers. If the spouses still have a porcelain or earthenware set from previous wedding anniversaries, they must put it on the table. Photographs of anniversaries at different moments in family life are hung on the walls. The holiday is decorated in pastel colors:

  • beige;
  • pink;
  • peach

Roses for holiday decoration: Pixabay
To match the symbolism of the anniversary, cutlery and glasses are decorated with artificial diamonds. Signs for guests are made in the shape of a stone.

The menu includes traditional family dishes. The festive meal ends with a multi-tiered cake. The dessert is usually made in soft colors so that it resembles a wedding treat, and decorated with the initials of the hero of the day and the anniversary numbers.

60th anniversary - how to celebrate: toasts, congratulations, scripts

Turning sixty is an unusual holiday. If there is such a hero of the day in the team, then colleagues should take this event very seriously and take direct part in preparing and holding the holiday.

Scenarios for the 60th anniversary

When choosing a scenario for an event, you need to take into account all the nuances. Firstly, the gender of the hero of the day matters. The scenario should be different for a man and a woman. In the scenario for celebrating a woman’s anniversary, as a rule, tender songs and flowers prevail, the bias is towards romance and the value of the family hearth.

Celebrating 60 years anniversary

The main emphasis in the script for a man is placed on achievements in work, strength and courage. Competitions are usually more fluid and mobile. Secondly, you also need to take into account the interests of the audience who will be relaxing. It is better to coordinate the scenario with the organizers, ask their opinion about this or that competition. The hardest thing is to choose a gift for the hero of the day, especially a gift for a man who has everything. >

What is considered inappropriate for men


Before we begin discussing ideas and possibilities, it is necessary to find out what should not be given to a man if he turns 60 years old. Highlighted options may offend. What not to give:

  • Everyday banalities - machines, perfumes, gels. A man of advanced age can afford to buy it himself.
  • Books and pajamas remind us of old age.
  • Certificates for taking tests are a losing option that will remind you of your health.

These items should be strictly crossed off the list, even if the book is interesting or the perfume is really good. A gift for a man who turns 60 should carry more symbolism, remind him of masculinity, strength, and give vital energy.

Music at the holiday

It goes without saying that without music there simply won’t be any celebration. Moreover, an unsuccessfully selected musical repertoire can even ruin the most expensive holiday. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the musical compositions that will be played at the banquet in advance.

If the anniversary is held in a cafe or restaurant, then the musicians working in it should be informed about the musical preferences of the hero of the day and the company of guests directly. It is also recommended to familiarize the musicians with the competitions, quizzes and games that are planned for the banquet. This is due to the fact that musicians will be directly involved in their conduct, providing a musical background.

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