What to give to a 1 year old child? The best gift ideas. What can't you give?

The baby's first holiday is approaching - his birthday. And even if he doesn’t yet fully understand the meaning of this important day, he will clearly be delighted with the gifts. But only if parents and relatives approach the issue of choosing a gift for a 1-year-old baby thoughtfully.

A boy at this age is easy to please - any bright, sounding, moving, entertaining toys will attract his attention. But will such fun be useful? We will try to rank the most useful and original gifts for a one-year-old baby.

Life hack: How to quickly choose a gift for a one-year-old birthday boy

#Lifehack: How to quickly choose a gift for a child

For those who don’t want to choose for a long time or simply don’t have time => Go to one of the trusted children’s online stores, where toys are recommended by age - there is an age selection filter, for example Daughters Sons (filter 1-2 years) or Toy.ru ( filter 1-3 years) and choose any toy from the 1-2 / 1-3 years category. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake - if you buy any toy you like from a given age category a little “for growth”, nothing bad will happen - kids grow sooooo fast..=)

Where to buy: popular children's online stores with delivery

Where can I buy:

Daughters&Sons, Toy.ru, Obstetrics


Our recommendation: If you are going to a friend’s child’s birthday party, consult with his parents ... (click here to expand)

Maybe they have wishes for a gift for their son or daughter, or they are already aware of what other guests will give, so as not to give everyone the same thing. Adults can also suggest what their baby likes to play with or what activities he likes.

Perhaps parents will prefer money to a gift, then play it up beautifully and give a certificate to one of the online stores where you can order not only children's goods, but almost everything.

Don't worry, you can make a surprise in the form of a memorable inscription or by choosing bright colors and gift packaging, but now at least you will know the direction of movement.

If, as usually happens, parents say: “No, you don’t need anything, everything is already there, the main thing is come,” read below about the options for “time-tested” gifts that will definitely please every child and his parents.

The gift should be safe and not contain small parts - a baby at this age can easily swallow them.

Don't delay!

It is better to order a gift in advance , because... there is a very high probability that on the way to the holiday, the nearest children's store will not have what you wanted to give..


Soft constructor. Made from soft polymer, like baby teethers. Therefore, such constructors can even be chewed.

Magnetic constructor. The parts stick to each other. Therefore, collecting figures is easy and fun.

LEGO DUPLO. The series was created specifically for young children. The sets consist of large parts that are easily connected to each other.

MEGA BLOKS. The designer was invented specifically for kids. The sets contain large blocks that are easy for a small child to take. You can build a house, assemble a car, a dinosaur and much more.

More ideas


When a child is over 12 months old, toys should develop some skill in the child; simple rattles will no longer be suitable.

Large machine/tolokar/gurney

Children of this age are indescribably delighted with everything that rides.

And if you can tie a string to this car and put your favorite toy on it, or even ride it yourself, it’s double delight!

If you decide to buy a wheelchair, it is advisable that it have some bright and movable parts that can be twisted and moved. Also, according to observations of children on playgrounds, 90% of children are interested in tolokars with music.

There are also gurneys with flashing lights, they also attract attention, but, in our opinion, this is not the most important attribute of a good gurney.

Another, and often more budget-friendly, option is a small manual gurney, which comes in two versions: on a stick (you have to push it in front of you) and on a string (the baby will pull it and carry it along with you).

They also come with music and educational functions.

Where to choose:

Toy.ru, Obstetrics (push with legs), Obstetrics (hand), Daughters & Sons

Rocking chairs

Children's rocking chairs help develop coordination, motor skills, dexterity, and strengthen muscles.

Rocking chairs often have sound effects, especially for horses, such as clattering, neighing, and can move - the horse opens its mouth and wags its tail.

Where to choose:

Obstetrics, Daughters & Sons

Carriages for dolls

At this age, babies are already starting to walk on their own, love wheelchairs and are already beginning to imitate adults, so a stroller for dolls will be an excellent gift option.

Despite the fact that on many strollers manufacturers indicate an age of 3 years or older, according to our observations, children from 1-1.5 years old love strollers. Maybe they don’t associate themselves with mothers yet (=)), but they really love to play with their favorite toys.

Nowadays you can often see little boys pushing their toys in a stroller, there is nothing wrong with that, but we still recommend giving a stroller to girls, even if it is made in dark colors.

It is highly desirable that the stroller body be made of metal. There are a lot of cheap strollers on the market, the frame of which is made of low-quality, “thin” plastic. Not only will such a stroller not last long, but leaning on it, the baby may get injured, since the entire base shakes.

Don’t buy very expensive strollers, there are also a lot of them on the market, and they sometimes cost more than a regular stroller for the child himself! It's not worth it. If you have already set aside a decent amount for a gift for your child’s 1st birthday, it is better to buy something else useful, or just give it to the parents in a beautiful envelope, it will be much better.

Where to choose:

Toy.ru, Obstetrics, Daughters & Sons

Bicycle with handle

An excellent replacement for a stroller. The steering wheel handle (turns the front wheel) is intended for parents, but the child will have the feeling that he controls the “equipment” himself, which is very important at this age. We know kids who don’t want to ride in a stroller at all, they all bend over and whine, as soon as you put them on a bike, feeling involved and independent, the baby calmly rides, holding the arms with an important look, and studies the situation around them.

Also, such a bicycle is also a gift for growing up - the handle is removable, the footrests and sides are also removable, and in a couple of years the child will be able to pedal and steer without the help of adults.

We advise you to take a bicycle if the baby no longer falls asleep in the stroller and sleeps at home, since it may be possible to fall asleep in a bicycle, but it will definitely not be comfortable to sleep. Or choose a bike with an adjustable backrest angle.

A deep hood will also be a good advantage when choosing a bicycle - it will allow you to hide your child from both rain and sun rays.

But keep one thing in mind - such a bicycle should be given as a gift if there is somewhere to store it, since this is a fairly large gift.

Where to choose:

Obstetrics, Daughters & Sons


In the winter or approaching winter season, you can make your baby happy with a sled.

If you choose a sled with wheels at the end of the runners, slightly raising the front part, you can transport the sled on asphalt, and when entering a room, you do not need to carry the sled in your hands - you can simply roll it. Such a walk will be very comfortable for both mother and baby.

As an addition to the sled, you can buy a soft mattress for the sled and a seat insert to make it more comfortable for your baby to travel.

Where to choose:

Daughters Sons

Play tent or house

For a relatively low price, you can give your child his own secret corner. Perhaps not all children will immediately understand the beauty of the gift, but sooner or later they will appreciate it.

Remember yourself as a child, when we built “huts” under the table and blankets.

Sometimes tents come with labyrinth pipes, and kids love them too.

Where to choose:

Daughters Sons (tents), Daughters Sons (houses), Midwifery (Children's play tents), Midwifery (Playhouses), Daughters & Sons, Children's store (Children's houses), Children's store (Children's tents)

Play center/inflatable ball pool

As a rule, it is a great success with children, especially if you immediately show him how to use the pool. In addition, the child will find use for the balls outside the pool.

But be prepared (or prepare the parents of the birthday boy) that these same balls will be evenly distributed throughout the apartment.

Many doctors believe that such a toy has a very good effect on the physical development of the baby.

If you don't find a center you like, just buy a regular inflatable pool and fill it with balls!

Where to choose:

Daughters, Sons (balls for a dry pool), Obstetrics, Daughters and sons


It's a rare child who doesn't like to swing.

Today you can choose children's swings for both indoors and outdoors.

This is a great gift for a child who has his own dacha, or who has a horizontal bar in the house.

Large, stationary swings are very risky to give as a gift, they require a lot of space and not every family is ready to build a playground at home, especially since there are such ones on the street.

Where to choose:


Doll/Baby doll

You can already give the girl a doll.

It is advisable that her clothes be removed, then the baby can be taught to dress and undress the doll.

Little ones really like talking dolls with closing eyes. And if the doll has hair that can be combed, the baby will definitely try to do it!

Among other things, complete with a doll you can give doll dishes without small parts, as well as a toy crib and stroller.

We strongly advise you to buy dolls that look like people. It is desirable that the proportions of their body parts be preserved. For example, you should not buy a doll with a huge head and skinny legs and arms, etc. The child must see that this is a person and should be treated as a person, and not look for similarities and differences with him.

Where to choose:

Daughters&Sons, Obstetrics

Entertaining gifts for a one year old boy

In addition to educational and passive games, a one-year-old boy will also strive for something active, because he is already learning to walk, he wants to take on a lot. We are not talking here about a simple rearrangement of objects, but about rolling cars, a ball and other things that can arouse the interest and delight of the little ones.

Entertaining, simple, but at the same time necessary gifts for a 1 year old boy include:

  1. Gurneys. They come with a cord, by which you need to pull the toy, and on a plastic handle, when the gurney is in front of the baby. By the way, it is better to choose them for a one-year-old boy because, firstly, there is an additional support for him - a reed, and secondly, it is interesting to watch, because such mechanisms are filled with all sorts of wheels, turntables, balls and other things;
  2. Cars. Interactive toys at this age will still not be clear, but the simplest ones are just right. But in order not to repeat yourself and not to choose a car from an often already considerable collection of cars, you can purchase special equipment: ambulance, fire truck, garbage truck, tractor, aerial platform, dump truck;
  3. Toy crane. On the one hand, there is nothing developmental, but on the other hand, it is an indispensable thing for a mother if the child is afraid or does not like to swim. The miracle faucet runs on batteries and is attached to the walls of the bathtub, thus completely imitating a real faucet, which distracts the baby from unpleasant procedures;
  4. Tolokar - many have already heard about such transport, and all because children love them very much. With its help, the child moves freely - either sitting on top and pushing off with his legs, or holding on to it - using it as a support. In addition, these cars have sound and a trunk in which you can put toys;
  5. Swing. A classic attraction for children that can be installed even in a small apartment;
  6. Rocking chair. It’s very easy to please your baby by giving a rocking chair in the shape of a horse, as many people love them. In addition, the variety allows you to choose a rocking chair even for the most picky: wooden, plastic, soft, covered with fabric, with a sound effect and in the form of various animals - it all depends on the price.


Developmental, educational table/center

There are many different models on sale, but their essence is the same – a large set of various educational games, concentrated on one table.

Usually this is a sorter, a pyramid, or a constructor. A one-year-old birthday boy will learn to distinguish objects by shape, size, color. The toy develops perseverance, coordination, and logic.

Where to choose:


Musical educational mats

Musical educational rugs are colorful rugs with light and sound effects that help your baby develop. They help train movement coordination, stimulate motor activity, rhythm and hearing.

Where to choose:

Daughters Sons

Floor puzzle rugs

Children's puzzle rugs are not just rugs and not just puzzles. They have at least 4 useful functions.

  • This is a great educational game. The child trains attention, logic, and motor skills.
  • The baby learns letters or numbers in a fun and relaxed way.
  • Comfortable, warm and soft play mat.
  • Children's puzzle rugs look impressive. A great solution for decorating your little one's room!

We would especially like to mention orthopedic massage mats.

A very useful gift for a child’s health (and, by the way, for adults too). Why are they so good and why do orthopedists recommend them? Orthopedic mats are:

  • prevention of flat feet and other foot deformities;
  • promotes the correct formation of physiological vaults in children;
  • massage and reflexogenic effects on the plantar surface of the foot;
  • training the muscles of the plantar surface of the foot;
  • active impact on reflexogenic zones;
  • improves the functional state of the musculoskeletal system.

Where to choose:

Daughters Sons

Training shoes

These are soft, bright shoes, with the help of which the baby will be able to develop fine motor skills - lace up shoes, use Velcro, etc.

In addition to the educational function, the gift also has a practical meaning - you can simply walk around at home in such shoes.

Where to choose:

Daughters and sons

“Interesting” for swimming

There are kids who simply love to swim!

They can sit in the bathtub for hours and play with their favorite toys.

It is for these little ones that we offer this gift option.

These can be magic taps that are attached to the tiles with suction cups and, thanks to a special pump, supply water to the molds, causing the carousel to spin; and bubble blowers; water flutes, floating musical instruments, ball-ring sets, sippers and other interesting toys for bathing.

Where to choose:


Busy board (bizidom)

A business board is a development board with a large number of different locks and switches. This will help keep your baby occupied for the whole day.

Features and characteristics of educational bodyboards:

  • The models have bright and interesting pictures that the baby will certainly like and be interested in;
  • Busyboard will help develop fine motor skills, coordination, perseverance, attentiveness and logical thinking;
  • In addition to opening many locks, you can learn colors, numbers, animals, shapes and much more;
  • Any model is suitable for children from 1 year;
  • The board is compact in size and light weight, allowing you to take it with you on the road;
  • High quality materials and hypoallergenic paints.

With any model of a busy board, your baby will be able to gain with interest new knowledge that is necessary at his age.

Where to choose:

Obstetrics, Daughters, Sons

Wooden educational center + Easel + educational games

At this age, kids already love to draw. Of course, these are not “Repins” and “Aivazovskys” yet, but they are growing and trying! Therefore, a gift such as an easel will come in very handy.

And if, in addition to the easel, the development center offers the child exciting games that competently combine entertainment and learning: an abacus, a clock, a geometric labyrinth, the alphabet, a white and slate board for drawing, an easel - then this is generally a godsend for both the child and the child. parents.

The company I'm Toy (pictured) makes very good centers. There are educational game centers I'm Toy 3 in 1, 5 in 1, 7 in 1.

Ideal for several children playing at the same time.

We consider this toy one of the best gifts!

Where to choose:

Universal development cube

This is also an interesting variation. The universal cube is a high-quality toy with a wide variety of possibilities for play and development. There are five educational games on the five faces of the cube. A clock with rotating hands showing the time from 0 to 24 hours. Abacus – five levels with 10 dominoes, allowing you to teach counting up to 50. Sorters with ten inserts of different shapes and colors.

Large finger labyrinth with three wires. The wires are static and cannot be bent. The child moves the figures along the paths without lifting their hands, turning the pieces as they go. The labyrinth is not attached to the cube, it is installed on top, like a roof; if necessary, it can be removed and placed inside the cube, so the toy will take up half as much space when stored.

Great gift!

But there are bigger centers! Move beads along the rods, spin the wheels, slide up and down the zigzag slide, draw on the slate board, rotate geometric shapes. Large-format active toy 5 in 1. Two people can play - there's enough space!

The toy will help develop logical thinking, spatial imagination and fine motor skills of the baby's hands. Characteristics: Material: Wood, metal.

Where to choose:

Daughters, Sons, I take,

Musical instruments

Musical instruments will help develop your child comprehensively, paying due attention to creativity and music.

At first, the baby will look at new interesting objects with interest, then slowly touch and make his first sounds. At the same time, you will learn to understand cause and effect.

Musical toys help to perceive the world in all its diversity, develop and maintain a healthy and strong nervous system. The game not only entertains the baby, but also develops manual dexterity, dexterity and coordination of movements, develops fine motor skills of the fingers, and also stimulates the development of mental abilities in children.

Nowadays there are even entire musical sets on the market - developmental centers, made in the form of a small cute table on which a variety of instruments are located.

They perfectly develop the baby's hearing. That is why they are recommended for children with special needs. In addition to hearing, the toy has a positive effect on hand coordination and sense of rhythm.

Where to choose:

Daughters, Sons, Obstetrics,

Logical, educational toys (matryoshka dolls, sorters, cups, pyramids, puzzles)

Child psychologists say that a fundamental logical skill is the ability to add small shapes into large ones. Therefore, such toys will come in handy.

These toys will help your baby learn to distinguish shapes, colors, numbers and surrounding objects.

As a gift, you can find “developers” that can spin, flash lights, say funny phrases and play funny melodies.

Remember that there should be no small parts!

By the way, if you know how to do something well with your own hands, you can make a sorter from baby food jars and give it as a creative part of the gift.

Where to choose:

Daughters&Sons, Toy.ru

Constructors, cubes

The designer develops a whole range of knowledge and skills: spatial thinking, imagination, fantasy and hand-eye coordination.

The main point when choosing a designer is that the blocks should be large enough, there should be no small parts!

Where to choose:



In our opinion, this is a very unusual and original gift option.

While playing bowling, the child actively moves, he develops dexterity, dexterity, and coordination of movements. comparison of the eye with objects. A variety of colors develops vision, surfaces that feel different to the touch contribute to the formation of tactile sensations. Promotes the development of the baby from birth, encourages him to be active. While playing with other people, the child develops communication skills.

Skittles differ from each other in color, shape and surface texture. All skittles are made in a shape that is comfortable for children's hands, so they are easy to pick up. The child will be able not only to learn how to hit a target with a ball, but also to place figures in a certain order, learn colors, etc.

The game location can be moved to the water, which will add variety to the gameplay. The child will develop while playing in the water. Skittles are also used as a water sprinkler; to do this, you need to pour some water into it.

Where to choose:


Interactive books, books/toys, donut books

The most popular among children and parents are “talking” books, in which the text or its fragments are voiced. The sound appears when you press the buttons.

Kids simply love to study books with their parents - they persistently point their little fingers at the images and demand an answer from an adult - what is this?

Studying books is a good activity before bedtime; the baby switches his attention from active games and calms down.

Books can be about animals, shapes, colors, fairy-tale characters, the world around us, etc.

Don’t be afraid of the inscriptions 2+, 3+, the baby can already begin to get acquainted with these books, the main thing is the absence of small details. It’s still too early to buy puzzle books with small parts (everything will get lost and, most likely, will end up in your mouth), but with large ones, 1 piece per page, is an excellent option.

The main thing to remember is that the pages of the book must be dense so that the child does not tear them.

A good gift would be a book made to order for a child - usually the baby's name is embroidered on it. The book contains a lot of elements for the development of fine motor skills: zippers, rings, beads, buttons. But, despite the fact that small details are usually sewn on conscientiously, you need to look at such books under the supervision of your parents!

Where to choose:


Practical and useful gifts

They will be more likely to be appreciated by the parents than by the child; for them it will be a very necessary gift. That’s why we put the label “gift for parents.” Even if it won’t come in handy right away, from our experience it will definitely come in handy! You can’t play them, but that doesn’t make the benefits of such gifts any less.

Bed linen/towels/pillows/blankets

Too banal, you say? Maybe so, or maybe on the contrary, your gift will be the most useful on this day. Ask the birthday boy’s mother if she was given a million bedding sets during the first year of her child’s life. And if not, then feel free to give one.

In addition, you can decorate a pillowcase or towel with embroidery or appliqué with a dedicatory or personal inscription, and then the gift will also become memorable.

In the same category of gifts are a children's pillow and blanket. Children under one year old are usually not recommended to sleep on a pillow and cover themselves with a blanket, so it is quite possible that the birthday boy does not yet have these accessories.

Where to choose:

Daughters, Sons (bed linen), Daughters and Sons (blankets and bedspreads)

Clothes and shoes

Fashionable and high-quality clothes are a very good gift for a 1-year-old child, but it is advisable that the clothes be a little larger. But don’t overdo it, so that, for example, summer T-shirts don’t fit your child by winter, and even after two years.

We do not recommend buying shoes, because... When choosing shoes, you need to take into account a lot of nuances, and this, usually, only parents can do. But, if you still really want to choose “clothes for your baby’s feet,” we strongly recommend reading the article on how to choose the right shoes for your baby.

Where to choose:


A high-quality toothbrush (or several), a set of toothpastes with different flavors, a hygiene kit

From the age of one year onwards, it is recommended that babies be taught to brush their teeth.

You can give several brushes of different designs (it is recommended to change them more often), as well as various children's pastes - this will be both an inexpensive and useful gift!

At this age, babies are almost always worried about teething, so you can also include a good teether as a gift.

Where to choose:

Daughters Sons

First birthday

This date is a celebration of special importance, because it is the very first birthday of the child. Parents should definitely take care of the best celebration for their little boy, because nothing compares to the emotions received on such an occasion.

In order to make this day even more joyful and memorable, each guest tries his best, carefully choosing a present for the birthday person.

Unfortunately, a child of this age group does not yet fully understand the reason for such a huge number of congratulations, but everyone always enjoys receiving gifts, and one-year-old babies are no exception. After a while, watching family videos and photos, the child will certainly remember this wonderful day, the atmosphere of joy that surrounded him and the emotions from the guests and gifts.

However, the main difficulty lies in choosing a gift for a boy, especially if, for some reason, there is no way to find out from the parents what their child prefers.

Memorable gifts

Often the closest people want to give such gifts, such as grandparents to their grandchildren or godmothers and fathers to their godchildren, as well as close friends and family friends. If you do not belong to one of these groups of invitees, but really want to give an unusual and memorable gift, read the article further and choose a gift as a keepsake.

Silver spoon (with engraving), children's silver table set, silver cup

If you haven’t gotten one for your “first tooth” yet, now is the time!

The child will have his own spoon, which will later take its place in the chest with family memorabilia.

Where to choose:

Bronnitsky jeweler

Jewelry (decoration)

This is clearly a gift for growth.

As a rule, they give a pendant or chain.

Where to choose:

Bronnitsky jeweler, Lines of love

Silver box

A silver box is usually given for the first tooth. But not necessarily - this is a very useful thing!! There you can put the first hairs from the first haircut, and the first jewelry of little fashionistas and fashionistas, and some small but dear things to you and your baby.

A very original gift!

Where to choose:

The sky is in diamonds

Book about a baby

Your baby will go in search of his own name. He will sequentially find letters, each of which has its own story. This is an exciting adventure where your child is the main character!

Where to choose:


Photo album in scrapbooking style, photo books, photo souvenirs, photo puzzles, photo calendars, etc.

Ask the parents for the best photographs of the child from birth, and make a photo album (either yourself, or order it from a scrapbooker).

The gift will create a sensation. Leave a blank spread at the end of the album, where you can later paste a photo from your first birthday.

Where to choose:


Photo session for a baby

This gift will create a sensation even greater than the previous one.

Parents will be very happy to receive a certificate for a photo shoot, since as a result the family will have high-quality photographs that will be a reminder of a happy childhood.

Where to choose:

Any good photo studio in your city

Height meter

As soon as the baby can stand on his own, it is time to start making notes of his growth. Previously, a door frame served as a height meter. Today there are few fans of this ancient method left, so a gift will come in handy.

Where to choose:

Ozon (+receive 500 rubles to your account for new customers when you activate the code OZON538KN in your personal account).

Impression kit

You can use it to make clay/plaster prints of your baby's hands and feet.

If the parents have already made such casts of the newborn’s arms and legs, then the “one-year-old” casts will remain as a keepsake for comparison.

Where to choose:

Daughters Sons


A gift for a child, deferred for at least 17 years =)
There used to be a custom - to bury a bottle of wine in the ground when a child is born in the family, and uncork it after 18-20 years, when the child can already drink, and the wine will infuse to its perfect taste .

Give an expensive vintage wine with an unlimited shelf life, attaching a “Drink on your coming of age” tag to it. Make the parents promise that they will hide the wine away and will not open it until the child’s 18th birthday under any circumstances.

Now imagine his 18th birthday, when the dusty bottle will be uncorked to fanfare and applause, and the wine will be savored with pleasant memories of the birthday boy’s first birthday.

Where to choose:

Any store in your city that sells vintage wines

Don't forget about mom!

A child’s first birthday is also his mother’s holiday. It was she who did not sleep for long nights, endured the whims and taught her son to walk and sit. The mother gives the baby a huge part of her time. It is not for nothing that the word “mother” is the first one a child pronounces.

If you know the baby’s mother well, then you should choose a gift based on her preferences. If you have no idea what you can give her for such a holiday, then money in an envelope will be the best option.

Expensive earrings or personal care products would be a nice gift.

Gold earrings. Photo: www.fascinatingdiamonds.com

List of unwanted gifts

Unwanted gifts include

  • Rattles and other toys for younger children – the baby will be interested in them for a couple of minutes at most
  • Toys intended for children aged three years and older. The birthday boy will have to wait too long before he can enjoy the game. In addition, by the age of three, he may simply spoil or break a toy without having time to use it for its intended purpose.
  • Toys with small parts that can cause a child to choke.
  • Stuffed Toys. You cannot perform many different actions with them, and this is extremely important for the child now.
  • Toys not made from environmentally friendly materials.
  • Radio-controlled toys. The baby still doesn’t know how to control them, but he can get scared by a sharp sound.
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