How to connect balloons for different decorative compositions: several options

A garland of balloons is an affordable, uncomplicated and extremely versatile way to decorate any room for the holiday. From the outside, the usual two-/three-color design looks quite complex and solemn, although anyone can do it. There is a wide variety of garlands for which you can use both round and oblong balls. To create a garland of balloons with your own hands, you will need a minimum of consumables.

Due to the absence of a rigid frame, the finished product can be easily attached to a variety of surfaces. The flexible design allows you to frame door and window openings, individual elements of the interior and exterior. To create an arch or other free-standing element, you should use a simple frame made of rigid wire. In order for the finished garland of balloons for a wedding or other holiday to be dense and beautiful and easy to install, you must strictly follow the instructions of the specialists. Professional decorators of the aerodesign studio “Shar Podarych” are ready to share the secrets of their work.

How to make a garland of balloons

If you want to beautifully decorate the room when some celebration is approaching, then a garland of multi-colored balls will be very useful.
There are many ways to make such a garland and we will offer you several. They are quite simple, which means you won't spend too much time.

For the balloon garland you will need balloons and fishing line.

Before you start making a garland, you need to know at least a couple of compositions from them. For example:

This is the most popular item for which you need four 9-inch (large) and one 5-inch (small) balls.

We begin to inflate and tie each balloon individually. It is important that all the large balls are the same size (just place them next to each other to compare).

Using a regular knot, we tie two 9-inch balls together to form “petals.”

Twist the two ready-made pairs that you have already connected with each other and you will get a “four”, i.e. a bunch of four balls (petals). We tie a small ball to the center of the petals.

In fact, this is the same “Flower”, to which another “four” of large 12-inch balls is simply added.

Two-color garland

The most classic option is a two-color garland. It is applicable at many official events. We recommend the following as matching shades:

  • Red and white;
  • Yellow-black;
  • Orange-blue spiral.

To make a two-color garland, follow our instructions:

  1. First you need to inflate the balloons. This should be done with a special pump, since if you work alone, you simply will not be able to inflate all the balloons.
  2. Let's start making connections. We take two or three balls of the same color and tie them together with a strong rope. This makes one bundle. We do the same with the remaining balls. Thirty balls are needed for one meter of fastening. After ligaments of one color, we move on to performing with another.
  3. We create an arched base. It is made from several layers of fishing line.
  4. At one end of the arch we firmly fix the tips of both ligaments.
  5. We begin to intertwine one bundle with another. If there is a lot of space between the ligaments, try to collect this whole picture more closely and secure it inconspicuously with thread.
  6. Tie the resulting ends of the spirals.
  7. The garland is ready!

How to make a garland of tricolor balloons?

How to assemble a garland of balloons of three colors?

The most difficult thing in this process is to inflate the balloons in such a quantity as to make a large garland. If you have a pump, then this is not a problem at home.

Take balls of three different colors.![text on hover][1]

The front side of this weave will look like this.

The reverse side of the weave looks like this.

But the picture shows a diagram of weaving balls of three colors.

Preparation of tools and materials

We list the main materials and tools that are needed when creating garlands of balloons:

  1. Inflatable rubber balls. Depending on the intended color scheme of the design, balls with one or several shades are purchased. It is advisable to buy durable products. The fact is that various manipulations will be performed with their tails during the creation of the garland. Poor quality balloons will burst or will not last long. It is important to consider the size of the object being designed. If you need to decorate a large entrance to a hall, then it is preferable to choose balls with a diameter of about 30 cm. For small rooms, products with a diameter of 22 cm or less are suitable.
  2. Pump. You can do without it if the garland should be small. But to inflate 20 or more balloons, it is still better to buy a portable pump. It is usually sold in specialized stores for organizing holidays.
  3. Fishing line. It is advisable to choose transparent, durable and flexible. The fishing line binds the entire structure and allows it to hold on.

How many balls will be needed to create a garland? It all depends on the area of ​​the room being designed and the diameter of the products themselves. For 1 meter it takes about 16 balls with a diameter of 30 cm. For the same length you will need approximately 28 inflatable products with a diameter of 22 cm. But it is always better to make purchases with a reserve, since in the process of creating a garland some balls will burst anyway.


Today there are a lot of decorative additions used to create a festive and friendly atmosphere. One of the most popular and spectacular products are garlands. In their manufacture, balls are used, which are characterized by a different-sized design. Such solutions look very interesting and attract a lot of attention. As a rule, decorations of this form fit seamlessly into many interior ensembles. Moreover, they can be used for a variety of occasions.

Three-color garland

A three-color garland looks more interesting than the classic version, but not everyone manages to beautifully combine three colors at once. We recommend the following shade options:

  • White, red and green;
  • White, red and blue;
  • White, green and yellow.

To make such a garland, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Inflate the balloons.
  2. Start making the bundles as we described in the first option. The only thing, don’t forget that now there should be one more ligament.
  3. Prepare an arched base using fishing line.
  4. At the base of the fastening, firmly fix the ends of the prepared ligaments.
  5. Carefully layer the three bundles on top of each other, creating a single spiral of three colors.
  6. Tie the ends of the three spirals to the second base of the fastening.
  7. The garland is ready!


Beautiful garlands of balloons come in different varieties. Often at various events you can find standard versions in the shape of an arch, but this is far from the only way to create such decoration. Let's get to know them better.

From balloons

Most often there are simple (but no less attractive) specimens in the shape of an arch. The second most popular designs are those in the shape of a large heart. Such decorations may contain both single-color and multi-color balls. In both cases, original and attractive decorations are obtained that never go unnoticed. Garlands of balloons can have very different structures.

The main advantages of this decor are:

  • affordable price - anyone can afford to buy a similar decoration or make it with their own hands, because balloon garlands are inexpensive;
  • possibility of use at large events - a garland assembled from balloons can be used to decorate not only a modest holiday, but also a large-scale celebration with many guests;
  • speed of production - a beautiful bunch of balloons can be made in just a few minutes, so decorating a festive room will not take much free time;
  • long service life - despite the fact that balloons are not the most durable products, the decor made from them can last for several days without any loss (of course, to achieve this result you need to adhere to the garland manufacturing technology);
  • versatility - such decorations are used to decorate not only various rooms, but also cars (most often, such festive decorations are used when decorating cars from a wedding cortege).

Sources: -trikolor.html

Necessary materials

To make a beautiful garland, you need to stock up on all the necessary materials. For 4 meters of three-dimensional two-color decoration you will need:

  • About 40 balls (20 of each color, for example, let's take red and white) with a diameter of 28 centimeters. If you use a smaller diameter to decorate with balloons for a wedding, you will need more products.
  • Next, you will need a strong fishing line that will allow you to stretch the finished product well.
  • A small electric compressor or a special hand pump will be required
  • Calibrator or a square sheet of paper 25 centimeters wide.

For decorations up to 6 meters, only fishing line is sufficient; longer structures must be reinforced with rope or replaced with a synthetic cord of small diameter.

What do you need for a garland?

The process of creating such a festive attribute is not at all difficult. The main thing is to prepare the necessary materials and follow a certain algorithm.

Prepare the following:

  • Balloons. Decide on the color and size of the balls. The garland can be one-color, two-color, or consist of balls of different colors. It depends on your desire and the color scheme of the room being decorated. For a garland that will be placed outside, choose larger balls than for the one that will decorate the room inside. There are an average of 28 balls with a diameter of 22 cm per meter of garland length.
  • Fishing line. Your product will be held on the fishing line. It is better if it is thick, transparent and always flexible. Calculate the length of the fishing line with a margin of 2 meters.
  • Pump. If you decide to inflate the balloons yourself, it is advisable to do this using a pump. It is very difficult to inflate many balloons without it.

What can you make from a garland?

The prepared garland can be used in any way you like. The most common option is to install decorations at the entrance to the venue.

In addition to this option, the frame can also be mounted on the wall, but this will require a less voluminous structure. Wall decoration looks very festive and always attracts the attention of others. The garlands also look impressive in the registry office at the registration table. It's an incredible sight to see a young couple walk through the unusual decoration to tie the knot. Such an event will be remembered by its guests for a long time, and will also look great in photographs.

The process of making garlands

Having studied the technology of how to make a garland from balls of the simplest standard type, you will be able to make more complex products and combine types in the future. If you need information on how to make a balloon garland step by step, it is recommended that you follow specific instructions.

Be sure to buy an ordinary fishing line, which will serve as the basis. In addition, you will need the balloons themselves and devices for inflating them. They could well be a pump or compressor. To create a long product, you will need strong rope and tape designed to additionally secure the balls to the base.

First, try tying a garland using links that number 4 balloons. This is the best option, since knitting it from 3 balls is not very beautiful, and a more complex product needs to be mastered after having already gained some experience. Having received it, you will no longer ask the question of how to make a garland of balloons, but will be able to teach others how to do it yourself.

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