Hello, dear first-graders and their parents! And a big hello to everyone who is planning to return to their home school on September 1st! The beginning of autumn is an exciting period. Teachers are preparing for the school year, and children are trying on school uniforms and putting new, pleasant-smelling notebooks into their briefcases.
September 1st is a big holiday! This is the All-Russian Day of Knowledge and the first bell in all educational institutions of the country. Imagine how many children wake up early in the morning on this significant day, and how many mothers and grandmothers tremblingly lead their students to meet their first school mentor. Let's make this exciting day more joyful and beautiful, prepare funny scenes for September 1 together with parents and teachers!
On this page you will find suitable scenarios for Knowledge Day, performances with humor for first-graders and their parents. Take note of the funny skits, and your debut day at school will be fun and successful!
Parting slogans
On this day, teachers traditionally receive bouquets of flowers. In addition to this wonderful tradition, we invite you, dear parents, together with your children, to congratulate your beloved teachers with unusual parting slogans:
- Knowledge Day is a holiday of books,
Flowers, friends, smiles, light! You have to be kinder, people - The most important thing today is!!! Khrebtishcheva E.Yu.
- Knowledge is gained! Skills are building! Relationships are living! Teacher - be human!
- Be young and happy
We wish you health and much strength!
Don’t be known as a “tormentor” among children,
May each of them be good! —Elena Sokolova 08:47, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Live long, spare no effort,
So that every student takes away from school
A start to life and the best memory of you! —Berezhetskaya Lyudmila 09:54, August 28, 2009 (UTC)
- Be kinder, more attentive and more delicate!!!—Yulia Nikolaevna Sharova 10:22, August 28, 2009 (UTC)
History and traditions of September 1st
Many people think that “Knowledge Day” has existed for a long time, but in fact it is a “young” holiday. It was officially approved in 1980, and previously it was a completely ordinary school day, but the first lesson was a class hour dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War.
After the holiday date was approved, “Knowledge Day” began to be celebrated with a solemn line. The traditional scenario involves an official part, during which congratulations are heard from the school management and parents of students. Children present teachers with bouquets of flowers, a small concert is held, after which the “First Bell” sounds: a first-grader ringing a bell is carried on the shoulder of a graduating class student. The rest of the eleventh graders walk the new students by the hand to the office. Then the children go to their classes and the first lesson of the new school year begins.
Photo report
It's always nice to share with each other your impressions of the holidays and your vacation. Take part in our virtual photo exhibition "Summer, ah, summer."
- Post photos in this section
The sea and beautiful nature are what you need for a complete vacation!!!
Northern nature in summer!—Berezhetskaya Lyudmila 09:56, August 28, 2009 (UTC)
Delicious beauty butterfly! —Baranova Ekaterina 11:08, August 28, 2009 (UTC)
It’s not a fiction, it’s not a beautiful lie.
The Blue River flows across the earth...—Ekaterina Baranova 11:34, August 28, 2009 (UTC)
Bouquet as a gift.—Baranova Ekaterina 11:34, August 28, 2009 (UTC)
In the sky over Oludeniz—Skulenkova 14:10, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
Sunny! —Oksana Petrova 17:12, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
First grader in the summer! —Marina Leonova
- Post a link to your online photo album
https://openclass.ru/albums/50567 (Khrebtishcheva E.Yu.)
Scenarios for first graders
First graders have already passed the stage of saying goodbye to kindergarten. Now school life begins to captivate them. Organizing an exciting competition program for children 6-7 years old is not difficult. We have found several options for you for a competitive and entertainment program.
The main goal of the competition is to demonstrate creative abilities during the activity. Children insert their hands into pre-cut A4 templates. The task is to draw your self-portrait. Whoever is funnier is the winner!
Find the word
We prepare a template in advance, where letters are scattered on a white sheet. The child’s task is to form a word from these letters. Congratulations to whoever does it faster.
Children are given a regular calendar, but with a catch. The months on it should be scattered in a chaotic manner. The presenter says several dates, and the children must quickly find them on the calendar.
Music quiz
An exciting quiz will provide adventures in the musical field. Children will be asked to play guess the melody or remember the words of popular songs. The music quiz can be found here.
Come alive
Children are given roles from fairy tales. The participants’ task is to reproduce the popular fairy tale in action, making a performance for educators and parents. The result will be an emotional and interesting game. The main thing is to choose a fairy tale where the number of people in the group will correspond to the number of heroes in the fairy tale.
Your ideas
Share with your colleagues your original ideas (techniques, forms, tips, scenarios...) for holding this holiday in the classroom:
- This year they are offering to hold classes on the topic “I am a citizen of Russia.” I held a similar event 4 years ago. I cut out the outline of a map of Russia and glued pictures of nature onto it in the form of a collage. Pictures (puzzles) must be selected according to the number of students in the class. and leave a space in the center for a photo of the whole class. The students took turns putting together puzzles and gluing pictures onto a map of Russia. The teacher pastes the last picture - Russia is huge, beautiful - we are responsible for it, we are its inhabitants, etc. It went great, then this card spent the whole year in the classroom. Khrebtishcheva E.Yu.
- One of the elements of the first class hour I can suggest is a fun task that is very active and perceived by children with interest. Task: determine the parameters of the class. Any, of your choice. They have fun going through tasks to determine the physical characteristics of the class: height, weight, foot size, etc. The indicators are measured, summed up and a certain physical image of the class is created. And if there is something else to compare with (with previous years, for example, or with physical parameters before the holidays), then it will be even more interesting! The class works in groups, everything is fast and fun! The students like it!—Drobot Lyubov Ivanovna 08:35, August 28, 2009 (UTC)
- On the first day of school, you can compile a newspaper of wishes for the entire school year. To do this, students are given pre-prepared colored blots cut out of paper (or asterisks, dots, commas - whatever you fancy) and are asked to write wishes to the whole class. Then all the wishes are glued to whatman paper and their results are summed up. And at the end of the school year it will be possible to analyze what has been accomplished and what has not!!!—Elena Sokolova 09:02, August 28, 2009 (UTC)
- We put together a poster map of our travels over the summer. Inside the country or outside it doesn’t matter, here and there we are citizens of Russia. This is exactly what the guys wrote an essay about. Together we chose “favorable areas” for Russians to travel.—Skulenkova 14:17, August 28, 2009 (UTC)
A sketch with humor for September 1 at school
On the stage is the school office of the future - a desk, a teacher’s chair and a liquid crystal board. A student sits at a desk with a bunch of textbooks and an antenna on his head. A teacher comes in in a space suit.
Teacher : Hello children... (sees only one student) Oh, where are the rest?
The student sadly throws up his hands and shrugs his shoulders: Probably half of them were captured by aliens along the way, while others played with the teleport and ended up in some black hole.
Teacher : Okay, we will still teach the first intergalactic lesson. Write down the topic: integrals of a matrix system.
A first-grader looks at the teacher in surprise.
Teacher : Yes, what were you thinking, young man. In the era of superluminal spaceships, will we learn the alphabet? Or add 1+1?
The student opens his notebook and writes down the topic with a knowing look.
Teacher : Now we will solve the example together and create a one-hundred-by-one matrix. Ready?
The student shrinks and hides behind the textbook.
Teacher : Okay, this will be a homework assignment, but now we’ll test your knowledge at the board!
The student sighs with relief.
The teacher takes the remote control and turns on the board; complex formulas, scary monsters from outer space, and the faces of aliens flash on the screen.
The student covers his head with a notebook.
Teacher : Yes, my friend, what did you want? It was in the quiet 21st century that students sat in spacious classrooms and wrote letters in notebooks in a line. They had school uniforms, beautiful backpacks, and in the yard they played football and volleyball. Eh...
The teacher sighs and looks sternly at the student: And now, in our technical 23rd century, you will have to master driving a comic scooter, quickly reload a beam blaster and calculate in your head whether there will be enough fuel to reach the next inhabited planet.
The student freezes and begins to slowly slide under the desk.
Teacher : Don't drift, little defender of the Earth, I will teach you to fly between the stars, but first you need to master integrals!
The student sits under the table and gives SOS signals to mom and dad.
At this time, the school principal enters the classroom. She is wearing a combat suit, a fantastic weapon on her belt, and a walkie-talkie in her hands.
Headmistress : Hello, Andrey Borisovich. How is the first lesson going for first-graders? I see that we have a problem with attendance.
The teacher throws up his hands, the student awkwardly crawls out from under his desk.
The headmistress's radio is flashing, she answers the signal: Reception, reception, are they already close?!
Get your light guns ready!
Teacher takes out a blaster: Another invasion of Smurziks? Well, that’s okay, now we’ll show them!
Headmistress : Andrey Borisovich, please give a crash course to the young fighter. We need the strength of all students!
The student is shocked. The teacher gives him a blaster and shows him where to press.
At this time, a bunch of little aliens burst into the classroom, a battle begins, the teacher and student fight together against the invaders.
Curtain, the audience laughs, the actors come out to bow.
Parental input
And, of course, it is impossible to imagine this holiday without the active participation and help of parents. Dear parents, please write how you can help make this day bright and cheerful, using the well-known “Fish Bone” technique
- It’s good to spend September 1st by going out into nature with the whole class together with your parents. The program may include: a picnic, competitions, entertainment. This is how one of the class groups of the Tyamshan gymnasium celebrated the first day of school for several years - Ekaterina Baranova 11:50, August 28, 2009 (UTC)
- Since our schools are in nature, the outing is short-range and easy to organize. It’s a tradition to clean up the lakeside and of course have fun events.—Skulenkova 14:18, August 28, 2009 (UTC)
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high school
In middle school, teenagers may want to throw a party themselves, but if they still decide to hold it at home, then the holiday should be approached with no less responsibility than for kids. The celebration no longer has to be held after school class; you can gather in the evening. Children at this age often love the same group or series of books, so your holiday can easily become themed. Let your child choose their own treats, drinks and entertainment, or be creative in this process together.
Room decoration
For children at this age, “adult” decor should already be used. Pay attention to detail and cut out hearts and boats from old geography atlases. Collect pine cones and dry leaves in advance to make garlands or decorative panels from them. They can also be used to decorate the table: simply place them on the tablecloth or fold them into half of an unnecessary globe, which can also be used as a bowl for sweets.
The menu for teenagers, of course, should be different from the menu for kids. Here you can offer cold cuts, salads, main dishes and other dishes that are usually found on the “adult” table. But make sure that the colors of the products and presentation match the autumn theme. As an alternative, order or bake your own pizza, prepare homemade crackers or chips, in other words, prepare a “youth” menu. But despite the different treats, still invite guests to tea with a delicious themed cake for September 1 at the end of the evening.
Teenagers love board games, and the best way to entertain them is with a twister mat, a Mafia card set, and Activity, Jenga and Monopoly will also be enthusiastically received. “Crocodile” and “Hat” don’t even require anything special, you just need to explain the rules.
High school students are already very good at entertaining themselves, so adults usually do not take part in this part of the holiday. The only exceptions may be themed parties, for example, “Harry Potter Lovers” or “Hunger Games Fans”. In this case, you must work through the script and act as a behind-the-scenes master.
Games for elementary school
In elementary school, children are not only entertained, but also sent to all-Russian competitions and games. Therefore, organizing a competition program becomes more difficult.
Add a nose
Participants draw a funny face on a sheet of paper in advance. Next, the sheet is attached to the wall. The players’ task is to mold a nose out of plasticine, which then needs to be attached to the sheet. The difficulty is that at a distance of several meters from the sheet the participant is blindfolded.
Accurate shooter,
A target is attached to the wall. Participants take turns throwing balls or darts at it.
Important! When playing with darts, ensure children's safety by placing them within an acceptable distance from the darts.
A good old competition where chairs are placed in a circle. Children walk around them to the music. As soon as the music stops, you need to take a seat on a chair. If there is not enough chair for one person, he drops out. In the second stage, one chair is removed. This continues until the stage where there will be 2 participants and 1 chair.
Participants draw a mood or genre of dance and a melody number. The task is to dance the chosen dance to the chosen music. It will be funny if you have to perform, for example, a ballet to energetic music.
Finish the song
Popular children's songs are played for participants. She can stop at any moment. The player's task is to finish singing the song on his own.
Competitions for teachers and parents
It's not just kids who have fun. Parents and teachers also deserve a competition program with fun and laughter. Let's give the adults a fun break.
Last summer
In advance, students write on pieces of paper in one sentence what they did last summer. Then the teacher pulls a piece of paper out of the box, reads what is written and guesses which student this action belongs to.
My own master
The competition is suitable for parents. The point is that the school has run out of pointers, and without them there is nowhere. Parents are given tape and toilet paper. They only have 5 minutes of time and an insane desire to help the school carry out its lessons.
Back to first grade
Parents should pack their own backpack for school. Children don't help them. It is unlikely that our participants will remember all the details that are so necessary in the first grade.
School disco
The competition will be suitable if the required number of male students and female parents/teachers are present. When the music starts, the little heroes invite the ladies to dance. There are no winners, but everyone will enjoy it!
The meaning of the holiday September 1st “Day of Knowledge”
This is a holiday not only for teachers and students, it is also intended to emphasize the importance of education. The academic year in modern Russian schools begins on September 1 and lasts until the end of May. It is divided into quarters, with vacations between them. At the end of each quarter and at the end of each year, students receive final grades in all subjects studied. In our country, education in grades 10 and 11 is not compulsory. After completing the 11th grade, the student is issued a Certificate of Complete General Education. After this, he can enter a secondary or higher educational institution. After 9th grade you can only enter a secondary specialized educational institution. Almost all schools today work 6 days a week, with Sunday being the day off. There are 4-7 lessons every day, each lesson lasting 45 minutes. There are 10-20 minute breaks between lessons. There are also music, art and sports schools in Russia.