The meaning and organization of school holidays. article on the topic

To unite children studying in the same class, educational conversations and lessons are not enough. There is nothing better in this matter than competently organized holidays. New Year, Halloween or a children's fair - you can always come up with something original and unusual. The main thing is a great mood!

So that the holiday does not turn out to be burdensome for schoolchildren, their parents and the class teacher, it is worth considering all the details of holding it right within the walls of the school. The location of the celebration depends on the scale of the celebration - the venue can be a classroom, an assembly hall, or even an area on the street. Usually the parent committee does this and, as a rule, teachers meet halfway and do not refuse such an opportunity.

If more than one parent is preparing the holiday, then it is better to correctly distribute responsibilities: organizing a sweet table, preparing a script, decorating the venue in the style of the event. Program development can also fall on the shoulders of parents or become a field of activity for specialist animators. It's just a matter of budget. When a good team is found, you can begin to implement the main idea.

The menu is important!

The menu is a particularly important point in organizing a school holiday. It is very important to think through many nuances “from” to “to”. Since schoolchildren will not have to sit at tables, food should be as simple and light as possible. It is optimal to decorate the holiday table with snacks and delicacies that can be eaten without cutlery. It is better to prepare the simplest and safest products for the table: sandwiches, fruit and vegetable slices, cookies. You can add chocolate or cakes to the list.

The meaning and organization of school holidays. article on the topic

The meaning and organization of school holidays.

In a person’s life there is always an alternation of everyday life and holidays. A weekday is an ordinary day filled with everyday household and work activities. These days are often similar to one another and can be dull and difficult, joyful and light, successful and unsuccessful. Everyday life is always contrasted with a holiday - this is a day filled with joy and fun. The word holiday is borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language and literally means “not busy with business, free from work.” On such a day, adults and children feel emotional uplift, joy, and good mood.

Childhood is the happiest, but, unfortunately, fleeting time of life. The brightness and richness of childhood impressions often remain in a person’s memory for a lifetime.

A holiday is an occasion to express yourself and express attention to other people. A holiday is a feeling of a joyful atmosphere, high spirits, and happiness. The holiday shapes a person’s spiritual world and nurtures the best traits of his personality. Holidays connect their participants with the life of the country and the planet as a whole, develop creativity, aesthetic and moral qualities, and bring joy. Holidays enrich life with bright, imaginative experiences and give children and adults a meaningful rest. And here it is impossible not to quote the words of Academician Yu.G. Kruglova that holidays are associated not only with the rhythm of life, but also with traditions, customs and rituals. We can say that there is no rhythm without repetition, and repetition is already a tradition or custom, the means of expression of which is ritual, ritual actions. On the other hand, a holiday is far from idleness.

Idleness is not opposed to action! The holiday is not only joy, but also an activity aimed at physical and mental relaxation, and at the implementation of social requirements.

And I believe that a child needs a holiday like air for full development. “Let everyone remember their childhood, and he will see that a holiday for a child is not at all the same as for us, that it is really an event in a child’s life, and that a child counts his days from holiday to holiday, just as we count our years from one important event our life to another. And vice versa, this childhood would be dull and gray if these holidays were thrown out of it…” wrote K.D. Ushinsky.

Riddles, entertaining tasks or other educational games are excellent helpers in the intellectual development of children. The school is a team. It is in festive concerns that the educational richness of collective work is revealed. On holidays, as well as on weekdays, we need to take care of everyone’s mood and the general atmosphere of a festive state. This state in children is associated with the expectation of something pleasant and fabulous. Children's imagination is fed by previous experiences - previously seen, read, experienced. It itself completes what is called the anticipation of pleasure and happiness. As the great Russian playwright A. Vampilov wrote: “Happiness is in the anticipation of happiness.”

I am sure that preparations for a school holiday should arouse children’s special interest in the upcoming celebration; On the basis of this interest, their moral and ethical qualities and artistic taste are formed. Activities on pre-holiday days and during the celebration of any event bring together children and adults, between whom useful cooperation arises.

It is important that the child is not a passive contemplator, observer and listener. The teacher-director must help give vent to children's aspirations; promote the desire of children to participate in games, dances, performances, and take an active part in the process of decorating the hall and school stage. This ensures the child’s socialization, forms an active position and introduces him to human culture, traditions and customs of the Russian people. When preparing a holiday, the teacher must not only help create a joyful mood for children and evoke a positive emotional upsurge, but also tell students about the tradition of the holiday, its organization, the rules for inviting guests and guest etiquette. The culture of the holiday is made up of the culture of play, the culture of words, the culture of movement, the culture of musical sound, the culture of fashion, costume, etiquette, custom, ritual - in a word, from the totality of different cultures.

When organizing a school holiday, the teacher solves several problems:

-psychological - creates in children a state of emotional comfort, a feeling of joy

-social - strengthens the school community, children of different ages, communication between children and adults

- pedagogical - instills in children an interest in the culture, history, musical, artistic and literary heritage of the country

— creative – develops children’s abilities in theatrical and performing arts, music, choreography, etc.

Another very important aspect: how children will relax when they grow up, how they will behave in their leisure time, what values ​​they will cherish, what they will enjoy, what they will strive for. All this is laid down in childhood, during school holidays.

There have always been many holidays in Russia. The very first holidays were associated with the agricultural calendar. They were called calendar or annual because they began from the moment when “the sun turned to summer,” that is, in December, and lasted almost the entire year, ending in late autumn with the completion of the harvest. These holidays were based on pagan ideas about the structure of the world, about the interaction of people with the cosmos, nature, and deities. The holiday was represented in the image of a wheel of time, which constantly rotates from the winter to the summer Solstice - the crown of summer.

In Rus' in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Along with pagan holidays, many holidays of the Orthodox Church were celebrated. They were introduced after the adoption of Christianity, gained popularity from the end of the 16th century and have survived to this day. Religious holidays are not just a tribute to the past, not blind fulfillment of traditional rituals - they are an opportunity to join the mystery, to know something different, to believe in God. Christian holidays are divided into two large groups: transitional, mobile, that is, moving around the calendar depending on the day of Easter, and fixed, that is, falling on the same day of the month. Orthodox holidays are held in honor of significant events in sacred history, especially revered saints, and miraculous icons. The main holiday for all Orthodox people was and remains Easter. The great holidays of the Orthodox Church are the twelve - twelve holidays a year glorifying Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, as well as five holidays dedicated to Gospel events. The most significant holidays are the Nativity of Christ, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Epiphany of the Lord, the Holy Trinity, the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Divine services on holidays are distinguished by brightness and solemnity, since it is the splendor of the ritual of the service that helps strengthen people's faith in God and the memory of the saints.

During the reign of Peter the Great, civil holidays were introduced in Russia: New Year celebrations (on the night of January 1st), birthdays of the royal family, holidays in honor of the victory of Russian weapons, etc. They instilled feelings of patriotism and love for the Motherland in children and adults.

In addition to the above holidays, “semi-holidays” - small holidays - were celebrated among village communities and urban areas. They were held in honor of the patron of a craft, animals, and the days of the beginning and end of field work. Christmas Eve was considered a small holiday - the day before the big holiday, as well as Sunday - the day of the week, which was considered a day of rest.

Each holiday had its own customs and traditions, its own “scenario”. The originality of traditions depended on the idea of ​​the holiday, its significance for society, so each holiday had its own main and secondary characters, attributes, songs, spells, specific dishes, games, round dances and, most importantly, special rituals in church services.

Holidays have played and continue to play a big role in people's lives. They help bring together residents of the same village, village, city. A prayer service and religious procession gather and unite many people, whose experiences and thoughts are permeated with the idea of ​​the holiday. The holiday also helps bring relatives closer together. At the same time, it has an educational function, since people, having met at the holiday, exchange news, talk about events that have happened in the country or locality where they live.

Nowadays, when working with children at school, we can distinguish the following types of holidays:

-folk and folklore (holidays of the folk calendar): Christmastide, Kolyada, Maslenitsa, the holiday of Ivan Kupala, spring-summer games and fun, Autumn.

— state and civil: New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, Knowledge Day, City Day, etc.

-international: Mother's Day, Children's Day, International Women's Day.

- Orthodox: Christmas, Easter, Palm Sunday, etc.

- household and family: Birthday, Primer holiday, Last call.

-non-traditional (original): World Internet Day, Balloon Festival

When organizing holidays as a special type of use of free time, one should observe the principles that are characteristic of Russian leisure - spiritual elevation and enlightenment, the unity of people, the disclosure of their creative powers, the expression of the collective structure of life, a state of universal harmony. I believe that preparation for the holiday is of great importance for the formation of a child’s general culture: he gains knowledge, gets acquainted with traditions and customs, learns to preserve them; gradually acquires skills and abilities in organizing festive fun. In order to form a festive culture, the teacher must arouse the child’s interest in the upcoming holiday, outline joint actions of the entire school staff and children so that the upcoming day is fun and interesting. First of all, you should think over the holiday program.

It is very important to involve children in decorating the room, using their drawings and crafts. This contributes to the development of artistic taste, the development of interest in productive activities (drawing, appliqué, design, etc.). Recently, computer presentations have been used for school holidays. High school students prepare them with pleasure, which makes the holiday more visual, informative and vibrant.

When decorating a room for a holiday, you should remember the following rules. The design should:

- correspond to the content of the holiday, be artistically understandable for children;

- develop artistic and aesthetic taste;

-create a joyful mood, arouse a sense of interest in upcoming events.

The holiday is very important for children, so it is important to take its content seriously and thoughtfully. All selected material must be accessible to children; the capabilities of each student and the team as a whole should be taken into account and the holiday should not be overloaded with difficult works. When writing a script on any topic, you need to ensure:

- a bright and solemn start to the holiday

- development of the plot, which reflects the main idea, the informative part, performances, games, dances, musical numbers, reading poetry, which go along the line of increasing emotional uplift

- a climax, at the end of which it is appropriate to give a final dance or a common song that unites all participants in the stage action and enhances the emotional state of not only the performers themselves, but also the audience.

So, a school holiday is a great opportunity to get together with your students in an atmosphere of celebration and comfort, when conditions are created for live personal communication, education of feelings, mastering the culture of artistic perception, revealing to students the features of artistic culture, its role in people’s lives, mastering the language of art . This is a unique form of educational work that uses interdisciplinary connections between the disciplines of the aesthetic and humanitarian cycles.

Such important little things!

The second big aspect that is worth mentioning is - believe it or not - incentives for participating in competitions. Usually, in the chaos, all the small details are forgotten. Therefore, they should be provided for in advance. And we’ll give you a hint right away: children will definitely like some small toys such as the sensational “trollastics”. They created a sensation among schoolchildren, so there is no doubt about the choice of prizes for a long time. Eraser figurines in the shape of Trolls cartoon characters will be useful for them in school lessons, so this gift will be very useful, and avid collectors will be lining up to participate in one or another competition as soon as they learn about future prizes.

Let us remind you: “trollastics” are given for purchases at Pyaterochka for 555 rubles or the purchase of promotional goods. Erasers can also be purchased at the checkout for 49 rubles.

In order for the holiday to pass with minimal problems, you should think in advance about purchasing disposable tableware: plates and cups made of plastic or special cardboard. Don’t forget about garbage bags and napkins – it’s better to buy them in large quantities.

Tip: If none of the parents agree or can help with cleaning up after the holiday, you should make an agreement in advance with one of the technical staff.

And the last important issue in preparing a school celebration is the festive decoration. Here again, you can trust the specialists, or you can organize everything on your own. Paper garlands or balloon compositions are most often used to decorate a room for a party - they look great in photographs and are easy to dismantle.

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