2 business formats for organizing parties for children

My name is Sergey Shcherbakov, I am from the city of Novosibirsk. Over the past six years, I have been actively organizing holidays for people, and I have my own agency, “Anniversary”. The direction of the business is organizing performances by various artists, searching for presenters, renting cars (retro, limousines), ordering services in the media, organizing corporate and children's parties.

In general, my agency carries out any organizational events that are related to certain events in the lives of clients.

  • My initial business costs are from 500,000 rubles;
  • Staff – 5 people;
  • Monthly income – from 1 million rubles.

What does the agency do?

Your task is to organize holidays for people and resolve all issues related to decoration. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the customer and guests are satisfied with the event.

A good agency should organize anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, children's parties, seminars, presentations, various parties, corporate events and so on.

In general, the range of work is huge and requires creative thinking from employees and inexhaustible energy from you as a manager and owner.

Business Features

The main myth about organizing children's parties from scratch is that this requires an office. As a rule, clients agree on everything over the phone or on social networks, but if they want to meet in person, such a meeting can easily be held in a cafe. Therefore, an office is only needed if you are planning a large business with a whole staff of employees. In other cases, it can easily be replaced by a website or groups on social networks.

Important! Publish only original photographs on your resources. You should not post images taken from the Internet.

Today it is difficult to surprise children and their parents with anything, so we need to take the development of programs for children seriously. A good way to organize a children's birthday would be programs with animals, soap bubble shows, and scientific experiments. Animators should have costumes of popular cartoon characters.

Organizing a children's party is work that requires imagination to write interesting scenarios, organizational skills to hire the necessary staff and select props, marketing skills to attract clients and a negotiator to resolve all issues with them regarding the celebration. Business won't work if you make mediocre, boring productions.

It is also important to be able to find a common language with children. Professional skills in applying makeup will not hurt. For a business to become successful, you need to approach the organization of each children's birthday with all your heart, and not just earn money. This is exactly the case when you can make your favorite thing your profession and source of income.

In this niche, you can count not only on organizing birthdays for children, but also other events: for example, graduations.

How to open a successful event agency

What are the features of the business?

To stay afloat, you need to have at least 2-3 orders per month. Therefore, at the initial stage there is no need to hire a large staff.

It's better to find a few clear-thinking people who know how to organize holidays and know how to do it. Naturally, it is important to be able to fit flights of fancy into the financial framework of the customer.

If the customer is not limited by finances, then extreme entertainment can be arranged, for example, skydiving. Various competitions are very popular, so it is necessary to prepare a database of options and gain experience from existing agencies.

You must understand that it will be difficult to cover all areas at the initial stage, so it is better to focus on one thing, for example, birthdays, children's parties or weddings.

Business formats for organizing holidays

There are two main formats for holding holidays. The first is organizing only an entertainment program. Parents themselves decide where to hold the celebration, what to treat the children with and how to decorate the hall; your task is to provide the entertainment part. In this case, you only need animators, costumes and appropriate props. An hour of work for an animator starts at 2,000 rubles, but the price can reach tens of thousands if a whole team works and/or they organize a complex program or show.

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The second format is the organization of a turnkey holiday. In this case, parents voice their wishes, and you choose the options yourself - from the venue to the decoration of the tables. The price tag is much higher - from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles, and maybe more. Such a business can bring good income in large cities where there are paying customers.

And it's our name day

Modern mothers and fathers are increasingly returning to Orthodox traditions and naming their babies after the Month, giving them the name of the saint on whose day the baby was born. But this is not always the case. And often the baby’s birthday does not coincide with the Angel’s day. And this in itself is not bad, because we have an additional reason to organize a wonderful and touching holiday!

In Rus', the day of spiritual birth was given greater importance than the day of physical birth. Name days were celebrated very widely. Noble families held balls with birthday dinners, which were attended by relatives and friends. Not only children, but also adults danced with pleasure, had fun, and played noisy games. And of course, they presented the birthday boy with gifts, which were prepared with special care and trepidation. Often these were homemade gifts that kept a piece of the giver’s soul.

Talk about what the baby's name means and why you chose it for your beloved little sparrow. It is better to celebrate the holiday in a close family circle, setting a festive table with candles and birthday cake. Don't forget about gifts for the birthday boy. Let it be something small, but definitely pleasant and desirable. At the table you can play a family quiz, remembering one by one in which fairy tales, stories, poems, songs, films and cartoons the name of the hero of the occasion appeared. Or write an acrostic poem together. This is a poem in which each line begins with a specific letter. If you read these letters in a row, you should get some kind of word. In this case, this is the name of the birthday person:

Little girl eating apricots. Playful squirrel Ah, he doesn’t listen to me!

Believe me, such family rhyming will bring you a lot of funny moments and bursts of laughter. And of course, don’t forget to sing “Loaf” with the birthday boy, because this is the most birthday song: “Like a car’s name day...”

But not only children can celebrate their name days, right? Imagine how pleasantly surprised dad will be when he comes home from work if on his name day he finds a festive table at home, gifts, good wishes and amazing monogram cookies with the first letter of his name. Making these cookies is very simple. Make a “rope” from ordinary shortbread dough and place letter-shaped cookies from it on a sheet. Sprinkle sugar, cinnamon or coconut on top and bake. The monograms are ready. Or you can go to visit your grandmother on her name day, taking a cake, flowers and the most beautiful children's drawing. Can you imagine how pleased she will be? After all, it is very important to teach your child not only to enjoy the holiday himself, but also to be able to arrange a holiday, a surprise, a pleasant surprise for loved ones.

Step-by-step launch plan

Let's look at a step-by-step plan for starting a business.

Business registration

To register a business, you need to obtain individual entrepreneur status and decide on the taxation system. The simplified tax system for income with a tax rate of 6% is best suited for organizing and holding children's parties.

Attention! An application indicating the chosen taxation system is submitted to the fiscal authorities no later than 30 days after registration of the individual entrepreneur.

The registration itself follows a standard procedure. A package of documents is submitted to the tax office at the place of registration:

  1. Application for registration of individual entrepreneurs - form No. P21001. This is a 5 page document.
  2. Copy of the passport.
  3. A receipt stub indicating payment of the state duty. Its size is 800 rubles.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs is carried out within five working days. Suitable OKVED codes:

OKVED code 92.31.21 - Activities for organizing and staging theatrical and opera performances, concerts and other stage performances

OKVED code 92.31.22 - Activities of actors and representatives of creative professions performing on an individual basis.


You will need at least several animators. It is not necessary to hire them as staff - you can find suitable people through advertisements and agree on cooperation with them as new orders appear.

Software development

It is important to offer clients at least 10 different entertainment programs, taking into account the age of the child and his wishes. Programs must be worked out in advance. Rehearse them with the animators and update your repertoire regularly.

Purchasing costumes and equipment

The purchase of costumes and necessary elements (soap bubbles, ribbons, balls and much more - it all depends on your entertainment programs) will cost at least 100,000 rubles. If you don't have the money for this, you can use animators who already have costumes. In this case, your start-up costs will be reduced, but your potential earnings will also be lower, since animators with their own costumes and equipment are more expensive.

To attract customers you need to launch an active advertising campaign:

  1. Outdoor advertising: billboards, city lights, banners, posters.
  2. Distribution of leaflets with discounts for children's parties. This could be a costume act.
  3. Advertising on the Internet: thematic forums, social networks, third-party resources, city websites.
  4. Advertisements in newspapers and other media.
  5. Partnerships with children's cafes. Offer them the services of organizing holidays at their establishment in exchange for a percentage of the order.
  6. Word of mouth. Ask your clients to leave a written review or video review, give them discounts for the next holidays, ask them to recommend you to their friends. “Sarafan” can bring you a flow of customers without advertising costs, but for this you need to work hard for the first six months.

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The advertising budget can vary - from 20,000 to 500,000 rubles. But if you have start-up capital, you shouldn’t save on advertising. When the agency gets promoted, you will be able to attract new people through word of mouth, but at first you cannot do without advertising.

Autumn Festival

One of the sunny autumn days can turn into a wonderful autumn holiday. Just call it something more romantic. For example, “holiday of the autumn sun” or “day of yellow leaves.” To do this, you do not need to set a specific day in advance. We just looked out the window in the morning: oh, what wonderful weather! Let's have a real holiday today - an autumn holiday! Well, who would refuse a holiday? And let it be the most ordinary walk, but the very word “holiday” will certainly set the baby up for joyful anticipation. And you can introduce elements of something unusual into any ordinary thing. First of all, let’s dress in comfortable clothes that we don’t mind getting dirty, take with us a basket or children’s bucket to collect “autumn gifts” and go to the nearest park or square.

The change of seasons is also a real holiday! And we can help the child see the beauty of nature, teach him to enjoy the most ordinary things: colorful leaves, bright rowan berries, the first crust of ice on the morning puddles...

How fun it is to walk and run on fallen leaves, rake them with your feet, pick up full armfuls and throw them up, causing a real leaf fall. Yes, and sing it louder:

Leaf fall, leaf fall, Yellow leaves are flying!

Do not forbid your child to jump into a pile of leaves with a running start, lie there for a minute, looking up at the intertwined branches of autumn trees. This will give him new wonderful sensations and impressions. Don’t forget to remember with your child which trees these leaves attacked from. And then invite the running toddler to collect a beautiful autumn bouquet. Make a wreath of red and yellow maple leaves and decorate it with a sprig of rowan. And after the walk, take it home as a memory of the passing autumn or send it swimming in the nearest pond. It will be great if, while sitting on a park bench or walking along autumn alleys, you tell your child a few poems about autumn by Russian classical poets. You can take a collection of such poems with you and read them, and at the same time learn something you like.

At home, decorate your room or kitchen with collected leaves, and then make fun crafts with your little ones from collected natural materials. A tree drawn on a large sheet of paper with real leaves glued on looks beautiful. Or you can make an “autumn leaf” costume for your baby by cutting out a vest from paper or cellophane and pasting it with bright leaves using tape.

If it's raining outside, it doesn't matter. We immediately come up with an “umbrella festival”, put on a raincoat, rubber boots, of course, take umbrellas and go for a walk in the rain, measure puddles and sing “rainy” songs:

Rain, rain, drip and drip! You wouldn’t drip on dads, You wouldn’t drip on moms - You’d better come to us: For dads it’s damp, For moms it’s dirty, It’s wonderful for you and me! (M. Yasnov)

Organization costs

Holding children's parties does not require significant financial investments. The main expenses are equipment and costumes, you can buy them or sew them yourself. The second option will save money. The material part will require about 100,000 - 200,000 rubles, with a trampoline - 230,000 rubles. Rarely ordered suits can be rented for a specific order.

Business requires constant replenishment of the wardrobe and refinement of holiday programs. This is the only way to turn a children's holiday into a fairy tale, gain a clientele, beat competitors and ensure a stable income. It is not enough to develop programs once and calm down: you need to constantly explore the market in search of new ideas and come up with them yourself.

Part of the profit will have to be saved and reinvested in the purchase of new costumes and equipment.

Celebration of Summer Memories

What's the best activity for a rainy autumn evening? Of course, looking at summer photos! After all, they have so much sun, greenery, and joy! But you can not just look at them, but arrange a real holiday of summer memories. First, let’s take out the “summer accessories” from the mezzanine: an inflatable mattress and circle, a beach ball, a children’s pool, a mask with a snorkel, fins... From the outside it may seem that mother and child are doing complete nonsense. But you will see with what delight the baby will go through all this goodness, again and again remembering and experiencing a wonderful summer vacation, how, putting on a mask, he will pretend to be a swimmer or “sunbathe” on a mattress in dark glasses. To complete the picture, you can arrange an imaginary beach on the floor by laying out sea pebbles and shells. If your little dreamer likes the game, develop the theme further: now you are already on board a sofa ship with a map, compass, binoculars... And such a game will bring your child no less joy than the summer holiday itself!

Remembering the funny sea inhabitants you met at sea, make a few sea-themed crafts with your child. For example, a wonderful jellyfish is made from half a paper plate. This will be the torso. Now let your child cut the white paper into strips and glue the “tentacles” to the “dome” of the plate. Medusa is ready. All that remains is to paint it to your taste. And starfish will come out very similar to real ones if you draw them on paper, coat them with glue and sprinkle oatmeal on top.

Now let's move on to family viewing of photographs. Let the child comment on them, tell what kind of event is depicted on them. This is an excellent exercise for developing coherent speech. It’s also simply amazing what extraordinary memory our little ones have. Ask your child what happened before you photographed him, say, in the sunflowers of his grandmother in the village. And he will reproduce all the events for you with amazing accuracy. Remember some funny or unusual summer incidents. Share funny stories from the family archive with your little one. And the most striking events can be reflected in a homemade collage newspaper or a book about summer vacations. Take a sketchbook (or a large sheet of whatman paper), paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, old magazines, select suitable photographs. Now we remember, paste the photos into an album, draw funny pictures together, or paste in suitable clippings from magazines. And of course, we come up with funny captions for the photos.

Life and holiday

And finally, allow me one quote on this topic from the wonderful psychologist V. Levi. A sort of “translation from children’s”: “I offer you, I ask, I beg: let’s DECLARE WAR ON BOREDOM - at home! Here and now! Immediately! Let the laundry be unwashed and the dishes not washed once or twice, let the floor not always be mirror clean and the mark not always be the best, even if it’s not exactly like that, and even if it’s not always that way, even if everything is not the same!.. But let it be every day We will have at least the smallest holiday - our common holiday! And may we all be friends with each other on this holiday, may everyone belong to everyone!.. I don’t need gifts, not ice cream, not gimmicks with pictures - I need YOU, dad, I need YOU, mom. Parental soul in its purest form! Co-Being is needed with you - Co-Being! And Co-Being is created from events created together. Going on a hike - yes! And a puppet theater - yes! And fish!.. And a dog! Let’s also buy masks and organize masquerades and play all sorts of fairy tales! Understand, believe: the game for me is life! This is the most important thing, this is very serious!.. Let’s look for ways to fill every everyday moment with holiday, turn every grain of existence into an EVENT.”

Yulia Karpukhina Article from the magazine “Mom and Baby” No. 9, 2006

Published scripts

Includes sections:

  • Quizzes. Scenarios for quizzes and intellectual games 11643
  • High school graduation. Scenarios for graduation in kindergarten 7833
  • Winter. Scenarios for calendar holidays 8948
  • Quests for children. Scenarios for children's quest games 5937
  • National and folklore holidays. Scripts, entertainment 2832
  • Traffic rules Entertainment scenarios 4714
  • Gatherings 2058
  • Sports and physical education entertainment. Scripts 26599
  • Scenarios of competitive events 2564
  • Scenarios for puppet shows 474
  • Holiday scenarios for employees, teachers, educators, colleagues 601
  • Theatrical activities. Scripts 8307
  • Fair. Folklore entertainment 1559

By groups:

  • Senior group
  • Preparatory group
  • Middle group
  • Junior group

Showing publications 1-10 of 166749. All sections | Holiday scenarios. Entertainment, leisure, matinees



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