Child's first birthday: unusual ideas and organization tips

Organizing a first birthday is a labor-intensive and energy-consuming process, which often falls on the shoulders of the young mother. Who, if not her, wants to remember this joyful event, to do everything perfectly and better than everyone else? You will learn how to celebrate your child’s one-year anniversary without unnecessary fuss and difficulties in our article.



Determining a budget for your baby's first birthday

Sooner or later, an alarming thought knocks on every mother’s head: “Soon the child will be one year old! How to organize a holiday that everyone will remember?” Images of grandiose cakes, tinsel, and outfits immediately pop up. But you need to be a little realistic even in such a matter as celebrating a child’s birthday. Therefore, first of all, we check the available budget that you can spend. Sometimes the question in a family is posed bluntly: “How to celebrate a child’s 1st birthday and not go broke?” Believe me, a clear understanding of how much money you have will save both you and other relatives’ nerves.

We hire, order or take everything into our own hands

Now that the financial aspect has been resolved, you can clearly see what tactics for organizing a child’s 1-year-old birthday party you can afford. Namely:

  • get by with minimal costs, without using paid services, saving money on the main gift (you can delegate some of the tasks to relatives and friends if they are ready to help);
  • invest equally in both the main present for the birthday boy and the preparation for the child’s first birthday;
  • simplify the process as much as possible by entrusting everything to professionals in organizing celebrations.

Where and how to celebrate your child's first birthday

Choosing a place for a holiday should be given special attention.

Home Sweet Home

If your baby is anxious about a change of environment, you have never been with him for a long time in unfamiliar places, the weather is not favorable, and the establishments do not fit into your budget or personal preferences, then the obvious and logical option remains - to spend your child’s first birthday within the walls of the house.

For a little birthday boy, it’s not so important where, the main thing is with whom! Moreover, there are still many celebrations ahead for which you can go somewhere, but for now, enjoy the moment of peace and comfort.

Visiting relatives

For some reason, many people forget that a child’s birthday party can be held not only at home, but also in the apartment of relatives or close friends. This is especially true if a young family has not yet acquired a large living space, but wants to invite many guests. Of course, for this you need to obtain permission and agree on everything in advance with the owners of the apartment where the child’s birthday celebration will take place.


In the summer, you don’t have to hide in stuffy rooms. The street version of organizing a children's birthday of the 1st year of life will appeal to many. All you have to do is decide what suits you best: a summer cottage outside the city, a well-equipped children's playground, an amusement park or a picnic on the lake. Paraphernalia and the right attitude will help to recreate the holiday atmosphere.

Cafe, play area, shopping center

How to celebrate a child’s birthday if the family already has older children or will have guests with their older children? The best option is a place with a well-thought-out children's area and a separate dining area. Don't forget to check with the staff if there is a private area where you can feed, change your baby, or just be alone if needed during the height of the holiday.

Photo studio

The most unusual, but no less cool and modern option is to rent a room in a photo studio. Many establishments of this kind, in addition to standard filming, allow guests to organize festive events, so if you are ready to do it in a few hours, do without a global feast, and just have a fun time, at the same time taking cool shots as a memory, we recommend it.

By the way, when it comes to how to organize a child’s birthday, many people think of a festive shoot in the “My First Cake” style. The essence of which is that first they take more elegant and standard shots of a sweet treat and a child in a themed design, and then they allow the child to show off and get dirty in the cake, bite it off without using a spoon. But the tradition can be changed a little by holding such a photo session directly on your birthday in a rented photo studio.

Asyandi: one year old in Korean

Throughout the life of the Korean people, three important events are celebrated, which are usually celebrated on a large scale: the first birthday of a child - asyandi, a wedding ceremony and hangabi - the 60th anniversary. Today we will visit asyandi and find out how this holiday is celebrated, the brightest and most important for both the baby himself and his parents and all the numerous relatives.

The heroes of our report are a Korean-Russian family. Let's meet: Viktor Tsoi

, his wife
, their eldest son
and the hero of the occasion -
. And Yurik was born on the same day as our president - July 6th.

What does the word "asyandi" mean? Translated from Korean, “a” means child, “xyandi” means birthday.

The holiday is divided into two parts. The first part is a national Korean ritual, the “children’s table” (dolyabi). During the ceremony, the hero of the occasion must be dressed in national Korean clothing - hanbok. A headdress is put on the boy’s head - miniature, but just like that of an adult unmarried young man. And the brighter the clothes, the brighter and more joyful the child’s life will be.

The ceremony takes place until 12:00 local time. The ancestors believed that in Asyandi before noon the spirits are unusually friendly and supportive of the child, that they will help bring to life all the wishes that the guests express in their congratulatory speeches.

For a girl, the celebration begins a little earlier (so as not to stay too long in the girls), and for a boy - closer to 12:00 (so as not to rush to start a family early).

What is so important that happens during the “table”?

It is believed that on this day one can predict the future of the birthday person. For the ceremony, a low table is set so that the child can easily reach any object.

Cups of beans and rice, a pen or pencil, a notebook or book, scissors, money, thread and three cups of chartogi (rice bread) are placed on the table. As the legend goes, the fate of the little Korean will directly depend on the first three items he takes from the table.

Yurik chose chartogs, threads and rice, and then red beans and money caught his attention.

What does this choice mean?

For example, rice symbolizes wealth, life without need, goodness and happiness.

If the baby chooses beans, he will be a farmer.

It is believed that children who choose rice bread will have a satisfying, successful life and enough wealth for all family members. But this wealth will appear through hard work, just like when making bread.

A child who picks up a book or notebook may become a writer, journalist or teacher.

The words said above about the book will be true for a child who has chosen a pencil or pen. It is likely that such a child’s work and hobbies will be related to drawing, fine arts, archives, and generally quiet activities.

If the birthday person took scissors, he will earn a living by manual labor (tailor, hairdresser, sculptor, dentist) or will be capable of applied arts. Previously, scissors were placed only on girls, but nowadays parents also put scissors on boys, dreaming of his career as a dentist, surgeon or jeweler.

Threads symbolize long life.

Well, money - everything is simple here. Before you is a future successful entrepreneur or businessman.

Note that for many years in a row modern objects began to appear on the table: a synthesizer, a judge's gavel, a microphone, a laptop, a phonendoscope, bank cards. Again, this does not violate traditions, because with new times come new interpretations.

Then all the guests - and usually the closest relatives are present during this part of the celebration - congratulate the baby and give money, most often large bills.

So, the first part of the holiday is over. Guests are invited to a small home buffet. And our little hero needs a good rest and sleep, because next he will have to attend his first banquet in his life.

Let's meet Yurik and his big friendly family in the restaurant.

Asyandi is of such high importance that, if possible, all lines of relatives and friends come to celebrate it. Koreans believe that the more guests sit at the festive table, the happier and more successful the baby’s life will be. By the way, Koreans’ tables are simply bursting with treats, which must include three Korean salads, appetizers, Korean bread and sweets.

The festive feast usually begins with traditional Korean dances so that the child’s life is always festive and colorful.

And here is the solemn moment! All guests at the tables applaud the birthday boy, who appears before the guests in the presence of mom, dad and older brother.

The booming beat of the drums is simply mesmerizing. The drums disperse evil spirits and call upon the bright forces of good. This is a very ancient, but living ritual that Koreans religiously follow when they organize a big celebration and invite guests.

— Of all the Korean holidays, I like the one year anniversary the most. This holiday is very significant, and I think it is undesirable to miss it. This is the first time we are showing our child to people.

The main thing is to do the ritual with the table, and everything else is optional. Some people refuse to host a banquet at all due to finances. The table is simply set with the family. But no one blames them for this, says Viktor Tsoi.

VOX : How many guests are at the party today?

— We invited one hundred and twenty adults and about forty children. This is a children's party, and that's why I told everyone to come with their children.

— Our children are entertained by animators and life-size puppets. And today adults can expect a show program with dance groups, a light show and many competitions. The main thing is that not a single guest gets bored, everyone relaxes, has fun and is happy for the child.

VOX : Well, the wedding is understandable. Why exactly one year and 60 years are celebrated?

- Previously, many children did not live to see one year, and therefore one year is a happy event. And 60 years is the average life expectancy. It may happen that a person will no longer celebrate his seventieth birthday. And even in older age, it is no longer easy for people to walk and have fun at the holiday.

VOX : You also went through such a ritual


- Necessarily. But I don't remember this moment. I spent my year in the field - my father grew onions and watermelons then. Of course, the celebration was not on the same scale as in the restaurant, but there were guests, tables were set under awnings.

VOX : I heard somewhere that the celebration of asyandi is most often taken over by the grandparents on the father’s side.

- Yes it is. My father celebrated his eldest son's one-year anniversary. Nastya and I were young then, inexperienced, and we didn’t have much money. And the parents stood firmly on their feet.

Children's weddings should also be celebrated by their parents. But now children are celebrating hangobi—the sixtieth birthday of their parents.

It turns out that Koreans do not celebrate all three holidays for themselves.

It was not difficult for my parents to celebrate their anniversary. We are four children, and we all chipped in money.

VOX : Do you remember what Denis chose during the ceremony?

“For his one-year anniversary, during the ceremony, he chose beans - by the way, all children choose them, they love to fuss with them. He also took thread and money.

VOX : Is there room for Russian traditions in your family?

- Since Nastya is Russian, I am not against Russian customs if she wants it. This is a tribute to her traditions, and I respect them.

Koreans do not celebrate a child's forty days. But when Yurik was forty days old, we set the table with those closest to us and fried kebabs.

We also celebrate our eldest son’s birthday every year. He invites his friends, and we take them out somewhere to have fun, we invite animators.

— Nastya wants to baptize her children in the Orthodox Church, but I am of the opinion that while the children are small, this should not be done. We decided: when they grow up, they themselves will decide what faith they should be - Buddhist or Christian. A person must make an informed choice.

VOX : Vitya, tell me, are there any other traditions associated with the first birthday?

— One of the main ones: a child under one year old should not be cut, not even a little bit. Once the holiday passes, then the next day you can.

— I try to preserve our Russian traditions. In our family, absolutely all Orthodox holidays are celebrated. I even kept a fast once, and Vitya didn’t mind,” says Nastya. - And when it’s Vitya’s birthday, I still set the table and call my parents so that he gets used to the fact that this is also a holiday.

Korean customs of celebrating three holidays - I absolutely love it. I believe that turning one year old is a wonderful event for a child. This is a great opportunity to show the child to people: here he is - a person, he is already big, he can stand on his own feet and walk.

Yuri Tsoi and Lyudmila Pak, Victor's parents

VOX : Do you remember how you celebrated Vitya’s one-year anniversary?



“I remember how his grandparents took him and did everything themselves, I remember he chose money then.



— In the summer of 1985, we were working in the field, growing onions. But now I also barely remember how it all happened.

I have four children, and I celebrated both an asyandi and a wedding for each of them. According to Korean laws, if I had not celebrated their one-year anniversary, I would not have been able to celebrate the wedding. And if I had not celebrated their wedding, they would not have been able to celebrate my sixtieth birthday.

My eldest son has a daughter. And Vita’s son Denis is our heir to the family. Because the headship of the family is passed down through the male line, from son to son, and it is the eldest grandson who inherits it. I celebrated his one year anniversary. But Vitya is already celebrating Yurika.

VOX : How did you feel about your son’s choice when he was getting ready to get married?

“On the wedding day, when Vitya had to go pick up the bride, I sat him down and said: “You have 10 minutes to weigh everything well and refuse.”

And he said to me: “Dad, what about the wedding, the restaurant, the guests?” - "But how? It’s okay, we’ll take a walk and go our separate ways,” I joked. And he got up and went after Nastya.

VOX : Are you happy with your daughter-in-law?

- Very satisfied. She learned everything very quickly.



- Nastya is great! She really wanted to learn how to cook in Korean to please her husband, and she always asked me and listened to advice. And now he cooks Korean dishes even better than the Koreans. I'm always amazed how she does it. Only a loving wife can do this. She is smart, in a word!

Elena Khvan

, relative:

— Our traditions are already hackneyed, but they are still observed.

Now, what’s most interesting is that our Korean custom has spread to other nationalities. Both Russians and Kazakhs are already making such a table. And we have seen this more than once. But sometimes the Korean anniversary is celebrated on a larger scale than weddings among other nationalities.

VOX : Lena, what should you do if the children still want to have a hangabi, but the wedding was not celebrated by their parents?

“It even happens that if a wedding was not celebrated, in order to comply with the law, a table is laid for those closest to them, and then, a few days later, the father’s sixtieth birthday or the mother’s is arranged.

VOX : What do you think about interethnic marriages?

— Since Koreans are sociable, they live in harmony with all nationalities and know how to be friends. We have a lot of friends: Russians, Kazakhs, and Uighurs. And the fact that interethnic marriages are being created - and why not, if you are happy with this person. And the children are so beautiful!

Nastya has a wonderful family. And our Korean traditions have already mixed with Russian ones.

Margarita Zherebyonkova

, Nastya's mother.

VOX : How did you perceive your daughter’s choice when she got married?

— To be honest, it was not easy for me to accept it at first. After all, the cultures are different, and we didn’t know what would come of it. But I decided that my daughter’s happiness is more important to me.

I myself am happy, because I have a wonderful son-in-law and wonderful matchmakers. And I don’t like my grandchildren at all. And I will help my children in their upbringing as long as I live.

VOX : How do you feel about the fact that the first year is celebrated grandly, like a wedding?

- I think this is not bad. A child’s first year is a very serious year. And we all survived it together.

Boris Zherebenkov

, Nastya's father.

VOX : Well, did you approve of your daughter’s choice?

- How could I not approve if Nastya and Vitya sat at the same desk at school? And when they held hands after graduation and walked away, Lyudmila said: “Well, that’s it, we need to send matchmakers!” This is a love marriage and I am happy for my daughter. When children are happy, what else do we, parents, need? And Koreans are now dear people to us. And we now have common holidays.

It is also interesting to know the impressions of Russian friends from the Korean holiday.

Vladislav Pushkov


— This is my first time in a Korean year. I am impressed. It's like I'm at a wedding. I really liked the Korean girls in national costumes and Korean dances. The drums are breathtaking. Everything is very beautiful and impressive. We Russians don’t celebrate children’s birthdays this way. God willing, I will also attend a Korean wedding.

And I congratulate you, Yurka, on your first year and wish you to grow up healthy, happy and obey your parents.

Vasily Pirozhkov


— This is my first time at a Korean festival. It's even cooler than a wedding. I have already taken part in various competitions.

I am glad that my friend Victor had another son. There is one more Korean in the family.

I want to wish little Yurik to grow up to be a real man! And the main thing is that his father always has the opportunity to celebrate his children’s weddings on an even larger scale!

Vladimir Shmatov


— We grew up with Nastya. I was at their wedding and when their eldest son celebrated his one year anniversary. Koreans have three main holidays, but it seems to me that there should be more of them: for example, the thirtieth anniversary, the forty-fifth anniversary, the half-century anniversary...

VOX : Nastya, share, what is it like to be the wife of a Korean? Was it easy for you to master Korean cuisine?

— Vitya and I started dating back in school. When we got married, we had to live with his parents for the first few years so that I could learn to cook like his mother. He's used to his mother's food.

I didn’t have any difficulties with cooking, because initially I simply adored Korean cuisine. Koreans have their own secrets in adding spices. And I caught this taste and immediately hit the spot.

Of course, at first I didn’t succeed in some things. I remember once making puktyai soup. My mother-in-law was not at home then. Dad and Vitya came home from work, sat down to dinner and, so as not to offend me, began praising the soup: “What a delicious soup! How full we are!” And then, when I tried it, I poured it into the toilet. But, of course, I took into account all my mistakes.

“Vita’s parents are very friendly and kind, and during the five years that we lived with them, they never told me that I cooked poorly. On the contrary, they always taught me. And Vitya always tells me that I cook well. I know how to cook heh, and all the salads, and hot dishes, and kuksi... It happens, of course, if I forget something, I call my mother and ask.

— I am very glad that I married a Korean. What I like about them is that they honor and respect adults: as their parents said, so it will be. And Vitya tries not to contradict them.

In my family, of course, everything is simpler. I’m used to defending my position, but Vitya always explained to me that I couldn’t do that. Now, thanks to Vita, I have understood a lot and changed my attitude towards my parents.

I love my family very much and am happy that I have them.

This is how one of the main holidays of Yurik passed, which, surprisingly, he endured steadfastly - like an adult.

Of course, the birthday boy is unlikely to remember this day and will only know about it from the stories of adults, photographs and videos. But how great it is that, despite the modern way of life, Korean families continue to honor national customs and traditions.

Well, we, the entire editorial team, join in the congratulations and wishes of the guests. Grow up happy and healthy, baby!

A child is one year old: how to celebrate a birthday and not disrupt the routine

The next point in planning the holiday should be a daily routine, based on the baby’s existing sleep and waking patterns. We agree that when a child is one year old, almost no one knows how to organize a celebration at a certain time, because the birthday boy can sleep for 40 minutes or all of 2 hours, and perhaps switch from two sleeps to one or vice versa. In any case, it's definitely worth making a plan in advance, but there's no need to get upset if something goes wrong.

The main thing is not to force your child, because at one year old he will not yet understand why he is woken up earlier, and he can easily throw a tantrum from lack of sleep.

Features of games with a mirror for a baby

Thanks to the mirror, you can train your child's cognitive abilities. In particular, you can help your baby better navigate in space.

Take the child in your arms and bring him to the mirror so that the distance is less than 25 cm. This is required so that the baby can see the reflection. Once he notices the reflection, you can smile at him. Talk to your child, explain to him that this is you too. You will need a soft intonation so that the child does not get scared.

Child psychologists believe that mirrors help babies develop.

Therefore, from the age of 2 months you can introduce your child to the mirror. For him it will be about the same toy as blocks, cars and trains. Today, mirrors are produced that are shock-resistant and have sufficient strength.

Festive image of the birthday boy

You are already starting to figure out how to celebrate, so it’s time to think about an outfit for the birthday boy, as well as the rest of the family.

It is clear that the entire focus will be on the main character of the celebration. However, often mothers spend too much time on how to celebrate their baby’s one year anniversary, forgetting about how they themselves will look on this day.

So, when choosing an outfit for your child, consider first of all convenience and comfort.

Yes, a dress with a bunch of petticoats will look much more formal in the photo, but will my daughter be able to walk and run in it? And if the baby is still mostly crawling, then she won’t like this image all the more.

Sequins and rhinestones can fall off and go straight into your mouth, so give preference to either textured fabrics or bright elements.

How to arrange a holiday for your son without tying a bow tie around his neck is a mystery to some parents. After all, how else can you add solemnity to the boy’s image? If the baby doesn’t resist, great, otherwise you can look for a bodysuit with a tie pattern, or with a polo collar, complementing the look with a vest.

Be sure to prepare a change of clothes for the birthday boy, in case the first one gets dirty.

1 year old child's birthday: festive decoration ideas

Before you start creating or ordering holiday attributes, you need to think through the theme and concept. You need to build on the previously discussed points: budget, location, duration of the event and number of guests. Also consider how it will be more convenient for you to celebrate your child’s birthday - at a common table, in the form of a buffet table or in the style of a game.

The most used options for decorating a room are paper banners, posters with children's photos, balloons (both separately and as a composition), a themed photo zone or photo backdrop.

For those who don’t know how to celebrate a 1-year-old child’s birthday without making something with their own hands, we advise you to pay attention to the large figure in the form of a number. Here you can show your imagination. It is usually based on one principle: cut out a unit from cardboard and paste it with flowers from napkins, twisted paper spirals, multi-colored cotton balls, and feathers. In general, whatever your heart desires and whatever is at hand. You can make it even simpler - wrap the number with a satin ribbon and decorate it with a bow.

By the way, a non-obvious option is to buy a ready-made one if you can’t make it yourself.

Usually there is not much difference in how to celebrate a boy’s or a girl’s birthday, but still, in terms of decoration, we will consider both options.

How to spend a birthday for a 1 year old boy: choosing a theme for the celebration

Take a close look at your child’s hobbies, because the answer to the question: “How to celebrate your son’s first birthday?” lies on the surface. What the baby is most delighted with will be the best theme.

As examples: favorite cartoon characters, sports, nautical theme, gentleman (or play like a little man), steam locomotives, cars. You can get by with decor simply in a color scheme that suits the boy. Pay attention not only to blue, but also to green, yellow, turquoise, beige and khaki.

Entertainment is also selected in accordance with the given theme: sports games and competitions (in a form accessible to the child), watching the best cartoon episodes or attracting animators in character costumes, as well as racing toy cars or running a train on the railway.

Remember that when your son is 1 year old, how to celebrate the holiday is not such a difficult task, because the birthday boy will, in any case, be happy with the attention and new gifts.

How to celebrate your daughter's 1st birthday

Girly themes include, first of all, everything related to princesses, fairies, and dolls. A little less obvious - flowers, fruits and berries, birds and cute plush friends. The heroines of your favorite cartoons will also come in handy.

Don’t forget that while the child is one year old, you can celebrate your birthday in a neutral way, without reference to gender. This is especially true if there are opposite-sex twins in the family.

How to congratulate your baby on his first year of life?

You should immediately warn young parents that at this age your child will not need a magnificent banquet. On the contrary, the fewer guests there are, the better for both you and him. Let it be a narrow circle of your closest friends and relatives.

There are many traditions and you can see celebrations in villages or cities almost every year. In Africa, many ethnic groups maintain their mystical traditions with tenacity and stubbornness, defying the flattening of globalization, and the use of body painting, for example, during ceremonies is widespread, often in place of masks.

One of the most famous is the false lion dance. This is a popular event organized in many regions of Senegal to mark the most important holidays. It was originally a rite of ownership that dates back to a time when the country was covered in dense forests. Even today, in villages or popular areas of cities, the roar of a lion frightens and fills the entire population with madness!

Let your godparents and grandparents help you decorate your entire house or room with colorful balloons. Balloons will dominate the mood not only of the baby, but also of adults. Let it be various clowns, cars, dolls and other interesting figures.

Parents can also make a special album on whatman paper. Take photographs taken over the year and paste them one by one, marking the dates (months) and pointing with an arrow to the next photo. Take 12 photos: from the first birth to 1 year.

Another very ancient and very important event that is practiced almost universally is wrestling: initially it was used both as an initiation and as a preparatory exercise for warriors, but over time it also became a form of courtship, display of strength and masculinity, and later competition ; some wrestlers will have the opportunity to be seen training on the beach at any time of the day. Villages also host tournaments dedicated to this national sport, a sport that fills African stadiums!

The calendar can also have a different theme: the first tooth, the first step, the first word, etc. That is, you show what path your child has traveled this year and how he did it.

You can make a beautiful crown from gold foil and decorate the child’s head with it, as well as the parents.

Senegal with children: boat trips and much more

During a holiday in Senegal, a visit by boat to the island of Goree is certainly not to be missed: you expect hand-painted cakes with lettering and geometric shapes, gardens and paths full of lush bougainvillea, fabrics and paintings displayed by artists at the craft market. This island, so small and so vibrant today, has for centuries been the scene of incredible horrors such as the sale of people: we visit the slave museum, reflect on the cruelty of man and, feeling goosebumps, we allow ourselves to be carried away by its narrow streets, its history, colorful colonial houses, good food, a WWII tank perched on a hill and a spectacular sunset!

Child's first birthday: ideas for the festive table

If the baby is allergic to some foods or the mother is simply not yet ready to introduce sugar into the diet, then the question arises, how to celebrate the child’s first birthday without a cake? What should you treat your guests to?

For invited adults, a convenient and more rational solution would be a decorated candy bar, where they can enjoy themselves without attracting the attention of a child who is not yet allowed to do this.

And for the birthday boy himself, you can bake a dietary children's cake using approved products. Fortunately, there are now many recipes online that exclude this or that allergen. By the way, the cake does not have to be sweet - there are vegetable analogues, where instead of the usual cakes, pancakes coated with sour cream are used.

Don't miss out on different bold ideas; your baby's first birthday is a great opportunity to experiment!

Cool competition for attentiveness

This entertainment is entirely dedicated to the baby, or more precisely to what the relatives know about the birthday boy. Of course, parents who know exactly all the answers do not take part in the game.

You can write prepared questions on chamomile petals, which will be torn off one by one from its base. The person who gives the correct answer first is given a petal.

The winner is the guest who collects the most petals.

You can choose a wide variety of questions, and sometimes even funny ones. Have guests try to remember:

  • How much did the birthday boy weigh at birth?
  • How tall was the child at birth?
  • On what day of the week was the baby born?
  • Under what zodiac sign was the child born?
  • State the exact time of birth of the child.
  • When did he start sitting?
  • When did you take your first step?
  • When did the first tooth appear?
  • How many teeth does he have now?
  • What do the parents call the child?
  • What is his favorite toy?
  • What's your favorite fairy tale?
  • What does the birthday boy like to eat?

As a reward for the most attentive guest, prepare a drawing that the child will make with his small hands.

How to organize a 1 year old child’s birthday: choosing a gift

Perhaps the most difficult question that parents of a birthday boy face is what to give? Let's look at the best ideas for a child's first birthday.


A high-quality and carefully thought-out busy board will be a truly wonderful gift for a one-year-old child. Promotes the development of motor skills, new skills, and allows mom to free up some time for her own business. There are both large and small cube options. This is especially true for those who, when planning a holiday, are thinking about how to celebrate their child’s one-year anniversary without filling the apartment with unnecessary rubbish.

Wigwam or tent

Small children love to climb into something, so it’s better to have a cozy and safe “hut” than narrow and inaccessible places in the apartment.

Creativity kit

How to celebrate a child’s 1-year-old birthday so that gifts from relatives are useful and not gather dust idle in the corner? Ask them to buy supplies they always need: paints (including finger paints), coloring books, play dough, kinetic sand, pencils, stamps, cardboard and more. All this can be beautifully designed and presented, and most importantly, using it in the future, you will remember the donor with gratitude.

Lego set or other constructor

Lego Duplo, Magformers and other similar products are universal for any gender, suitable even for such kids, but at the same time they will be interesting in the future (secretly, even for adults).


Of course, such a gift is more logical for a boy. However, kids at this age love to watch a train moving along the rails, regardless of gender. And if all this is accompanied by sound and light effects, delight is guaranteed!

Dry pool with balls

When your long-awaited child is 1 year old, how can you celebrate his birthday without giving him something big and grandiose? If this sounds like you, then take a closer look at dry pools filled with balls. They come in different colors, so they are suitable for both boys and girls. And the impressive size of such a gift and the huge number of balls will not leave the child indifferent.

Tolokar or other transport

Do you know how to celebrate your son's first birthday without giving him a car? We are not. Therefore, we advise you to present the boy with a new personal vehicle, in which he can push off with his feet and ride around the house. By the way, such a gift is perfect for my daughter.

Several options for arranging things

Option #1

Life symbolism:

Establish rituals and family traditions that respect the spirit of Christmas and involve all members. This could be getting everything together, cooking dinner, assigning everyone a task, or writing letters to be exchanged, describing how what was done during the year was done. Whatever you choose, add an emphasis on “feeling” and sharing “instead of overcoming material gifts.” Don't get into debt just for the holidays. You don't need to buy expensive gifts, make them yourself. Many people prefer a handmade gift because they believe it comes from the heart. If you go within your limits, people will understand and you will become a great example of those who are free from the trappings of consumerism. Some gift ideas: bookmarks, photo frames with family photos you've taken throughout the year, Christmas cookies or candy, or "cookie sets." See how to create your own Christmas gifts for more ideas. Adviсe. Remember that your Christmas may not have snowy peaks, mountain gifts and heavenly choirs, but it is still your party and all you need is to give thanks. The rest is a bonus. Several families, especially German ones, placed a glass of cucumber on the tree. The first one to find it gets a special gift for being the fastest or being able to open the gifts first. According to tradition, this decoration takes last place. If you meet people who say you can't celebrate Christmas if you're not a Christian, avoid them or remind them that at home everyone can do what they want. Know that there are people who find Christmas a difficult time, especially if they have a sick family, family problems or have been affected by the mourning of loved ones. Do your best to reassure them and remember them in your prayers. Always enjoy Christmas with your friends by inviting them and having fun, baking cookies and meeting them online, celebrating sharing photos or having a group video call. Even if you believe that you are respected, you in turn value the beliefs of others. In the spirit of goodwill towards all, always seek the fundamental joy of this day. Choose rituals and traditions instead of “giving.” . Vanessa leads us to discover “her” Senegal, accompanying us into an unknown land, with lots of useful tips for living responsibly there.

  • Garlic is a symbol of health.
  • Keys are a symbol of prosperity.
  • Wallet - means wealth and prosperity.
  • Chocolate means a sweet and cheerful life (can be replaced with gingerbread).
  • A ball of wool promises long life.
  • A book is considered a symbol of knowledge and intelligence.
  • Brush - indicates that the baby has a knack for art.
  • Coin - symbolizes prosperity (can be replaced with dollars).
  • The ring predicts a successful marriage.
  • Glasses are a sign of attraction to science.

Option No. 2


Senegal with children: some information

“It takes a whole village to give birth to a child.”
An entry visa is not required for stays of less than 3 months. On the occasion of our last trip, we arrived at Dakar airport, where we had families with children, we quickly took out our luggage and our familiar taxi driver Ellagi was waiting for us with a big smile to take us 80 km to the south of Dakar, to Somona , to “Africa Itself.” You can order a baby cot and baby accessories; Next to the bungalow lives Ellagi, a driver who can accompany you for trips and excursions! Senegal, called the gateway to Sub-Saharan Africa, has a very pleasant climate, boasting 365 days of sunshine a year, a rainy season, from north to south it offers very different landscapes, between desert, ocean and rainforest in the south.

  • Wallet - the child has a tendency to become a banker.
  • Comb – by a stylist or hairdresser.
  • Ladle - a cook or a housewife.
  • The car is a transport driver.
  • The ball promises great achievements in sports.
  • Portfolio – management positions.

Senegal with children: what to do and where to go

The village of Somone, 2 steps from Ngaparu, is a beautiful seaside resort with its own natural pool: a lagoon!
This reserve is not very large, but hides a wonderful lake with mangroves where many birds nest. Menu: some traditional dishes or fresh fish, really fresh! The landscape is accented by Baobab. This safari offer is also suitable for children, as you can visit for half a day, a quarter of an hour's drive from Mbour. We will also take advantage of the exotic Ngurinj Park, just minutes from Somone, for an original tour that takes place in a large enclosure. The lush botanical garden is home to a variety of exotic birds: African and Amazon parrots that open their wings, crocodiles, llamas, pink flamingos that juggle in the ponds surrounding the restaurant and many other endemic and imported species. After visiting the park, a drink is offered at the park's restaurant, which also serves lunch.

Option No. 3


  • Doll - growing up as a ladies' man (if it's a boy).
  • Keys is a family, home-loving child.
  • Piggy bank is a thrifty child.
  • Empty wallet - money will be spent in the future without counting.
  • Threads - a neat person will grow up.
  • Paints is a creative person.
  • Mask is an artistic personality.

Option No. 4

  • Life (what the baby’s life will be connected with):
  • The book - a future scientist, an “eternal student” is growing up in a family.
  • Scissors - a jack of all trades was born (not necessarily a tailor, but just a man with golden hands.
  • A computer mouse will deal with computers or other types of high technology.
  • Pampers is a future mother (father) of many children.
  • It’s a small thing for the kid to be rich.
  • Garlic - will grow healthy
  • Chocolate - a sweet life awaits him/her.
  • A ribbon, a spool of thread or a ball - life will be long.
  • A flower (can even be in a pot) means a happy family life.
  • Ring - there will be great love in his life.
  • Keys to the apartment - symbolizes good well-being.

How to spend a child's first birthday so that adults don't get bored

No one argues that organizing a child’s first birthday is based mainly on satisfying the interests of the baby, however, you should not forget about adult guests. We suggest not organizing too banal competitions, but using light and fun alternatives.

Surely in the house where the first birthday is celebrated, there will be supplies of baby puree: broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, etc. Invite guests to blindfold and, while tasting the “delicacy,” guess what’s in the jar. At the same time, experience for yourself what yummy food your baby has to eat.

We've eaten the puree, now we can drink it. What do kids drink from? That's right, from a pacifier. Which guest will complete this task faster? It's worth checking and rewarding the fastest (or hungry).

How to celebrate a child’s 1 year birthday, at the same time remembering all the significant dates, numbers and events in the baby’s life? A fun quiz-questionnaire will come to the rescue. You can give a symbolic gift to someone who knows the baby best.

You can turn idle looking at photos into another competition - let adults try to guess how many months the birthday boy is in each of them.

Do you know how to celebrate a one-year-old child’s birthday and at the same time enlist the support of family for the future? Make up and write down promises for them on pieces of paper and offer to take yours out of the bag. Examples: “I’ll buy toys,” “I’ll help with homework,” “I’ll teach you how to ride a bike,” “I’ll take you on a mini-trip,” and so on.

How to organize a birthday party for your child and take a photo as a souvenir

The most obvious option, but also the most expensive, is to hire a photographer.

You can ask one of the guests who knows how to catch successful shots to photograph the holiday. In extreme cases, a tripod and a Bluetooth release button will help out.

Think in advance about what photos you want to get (for example, presenting gifts, blowing out candles, the whole family and individual portraits of the birthday person). Often mothers, spending all their energy and time thinking about how to spend their child’s one-year anniversary, forget about taking photos and videos during the celebration. As a result, at the end of the evening it turns out that there are simply no successful shots, which can be very upsetting for any parent.

First birthday: how to celebrate without forgetting about mom

In most cases, it is the mother who waits the most for the child to turn one year old. She also decides how to arrange the birthday. In this hustle and bustle, you can easily get so busy with things that there is no longer any festive mood left. To prevent this from happening, you need to not refuse help, plan everything well in advance and do it gradually so that there is no rush at the last moment. And remember that when the baby is one year old, adults are more concerned about how to celebrate the holiday, so if necessary, lower the bar if you feel like you can’t cope.

Birthday: how to celebrate without harm to the baby

I would like to draw attention to some not so obvious points in organizing the celebration. Namely:

  • All holiday paraphernalia must be safe and under adult supervision. Any child will want to explore new bright balloons, streamers, etc. The baby may begin to taste something that is not intended for this, and small parts are generally insidious, as they tend to get stuck in the most inappropriate places. If you doubt something, it’s better to exclude it from the decor altogether than to constantly worry about it later.
  • Despite the fact that a birthday is a fun holiday, the child’s psyche receives a kind of overload from the very fact of the abundance of emotions. Therefore, in the midst of the celebration, take breaks in silence and alone with your baby.
  • Be flexible, don't be upset if things don't go according to plan. Having spent your first birthday, you will certainly know better how to celebrate subsequent ones, because nothing can replace your own experience.

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The ritual of cutting the first lock of hair

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the hair of young children. And some of the rules of the ceremony have survived to this day in a distorted form. If your family has its own traditions, you should not look for answers to far-fetched questions, but simply observe them to the delight of your grandparents.

But if the parents are too superstitious or the traditions on the part of the father and mother strongly contradict each other, try to figure out where the roots of such rituals come from.

Perhaps information about signs for 1 year will help with this. In ancient times, children tried not to have their hair cut for as long as possible, since their hair symbolized a connection with the Universe, Cosmos, and something mysterious and sublime.

If we ignore the mysticism, it was believed that cutting the hair of young children literally deprived them of their health.

Since not all babies lived to be one year old, the haircut had a symbolic meaning. This means that the child will remain in the family, and the cut hairs will be kept as a talisman. If it was not possible to preserve the cut hairs, they were buried in an anthill, burned or floated on water.

By the way, in families of sorcerers, sorcerers, and traditional healers, it is not customary for children to have their hair cut at all until they are 12 years old.

As for modern traditions, they have changed a little. First of all, there is a new ritual of cutting a child's head. Mothers of girls especially resist this ritual. Even if the baby’s hair length at one year does not allow the use of elastic bands or jewelry, completely depriving her of hair seems blasphemous.

This tradition is justified by the fact that the hair will be thicker and stronger after cutting. Believe me, it has nothing to do with folk customs.

The baby's hair is cut in four places with a cross. Moreover, consecrated scissors are used for such a ritual.

If we talk about changing the hair structure after a haircut, then there is simply no scientific basis for such a technique. Visually, it seems that the new hairs are growing thicker, but this is due to their simultaneous growth.

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