8 unusual ideas for a DIY gift for your beloved guy

Gift: UGC A young man’s holiday is coming soon, but you don’t know what to give? Do not despair! Give your boyfriend a cool birthday gift with your own hands. You will find inspiration and ideas for gifts in the article.

Think giving a homemade birthday gift is a thing of the past? It’s completely in vain, because the meaning of the present is not at all in the amount of money that was spent on it. A gift is, first of all, attention and care. Therefore, do not give up the idea of ​​making a present for a young man yourself.

Let's tell you what to give a guy for his birthday:

Golden pineapple made from candy

You will need:

  • Glue gun;
  • Champagne;
  • Packaging of Ferrero Rocher or Golden Lily candies;
  • Light green corrugated paper;
  • Double sided tape;
  • Sackcloth;
  • Twine.

Manufacturing process

To make a gift for a guy with your own hands, you need to cut out long leaves from colored paper that will resemble pineapple greens. They are attached with double-sided tape to the neck of a closed champagne bottle; the greens should be positioned with the sharp parts facing the top.

Then the bottle needs to be placed in burlap so that the alcohol looks like “in a bag”. The burlap should cover the areas where the leaves were attached. The junction of burlap and colored paper should be beautifully wrapped with twine, securing its base with hot glue.

Candies are attached one by one to the burlap using a glue gun. They should completely cover the bottle up to where the green starts. Candies should be placed in one layer.

Another option for making candy pineapple

Memorable gifts

Such gifts include things that remind you of the giver. This is true if the surprise is addressed to a close relative or significant other. Options for handmade memorabilia:

  • themed photo frame;
  • panel;
  • collage;
  • puzzle or Rubik's cube with thematic images.

Such a gift will always remind you of a person’s place in life and will remain a tangible reminder of the happy moments spent together.

Balloon surprise

You will need:

  • Balloon;
  • Colored paper;
  • Money envelope;
  • Gift box;
  • Satin ribbon 0.5 cm wide.

Manufacturing process

Colored paper needs to be cut into small pieces of beautiful shapes. On each piece of paper you need to write reverent and exciting confessions and congratulations, and then carefully roll it into a small note. Cut the satin ribbon into equal pieces. Tie each note with them, making a neat bow.

Place all the notes in a ball; there should be as many of them as possible. Inflate the balloon with helium and tie a money envelope to the ribbon. An unusual ball with a load should be placed in a gift box and carefully closed. Such a gift for your beloved guy will be the most original and touching.

The balloon can be filled with many small balls in which declarations of love will be hidden

Incorrigible romantic

For a woman, the attention and care of her lover are almost more important than a gift. Show your romantic nature and give your girl one of these homemade gifts:

  1. Video clip. Edit a video clip for your loved one: take several photos and videos together, combine them into a film, add music that is meaningful to both of you. And feel free to present your creation on a flash drive or post it on social networks. Your beloved will be delighted with how tenderly and reverently you treat your history together.
  2. Love calendar. The lady of your heart will be happy if she can enjoy the manifestations of your love every day. To ensure that not a single day goes by without a girl thinking about you, give her a love calendar. Take a pack of thin paper sheets, sew them and make a book with dates. Under each date, place a small confession, a nice wish for the day, a quote about love, or a photo of you together. Every time a girl tears off another leaf, a sweet reminder of your boundless love will be waiting for her.
  3. Pair decoration. If you know how to work with wood or metal, make paired jewelry for yourself and your loved one. These can be wooden pendants in the shape of halves of a heart, identical keychains or bracelets. Such a simple piece of jewelry will amaze your beloved more than the most expensive piece of jewelry.

Girls are big lovers of romance. And such simple gifts will be the best expression of your love and will surely move the sentimental young lady to tears.

Original florarium

You will need:

  • Wide glass vase of unusual shape;
  • Fine gravel;
  • Soil for succulents;
  • Small succulents of rare species.

Manufacturing process

Place fine gravel on the bottom, 3 cm thick, in a wide vase. Then fill it halfway with soil. Succulents need to be planted in the ground in a beautiful order, using water. The finished florarium can be decorated with decorative stones or figurines.

A florarium will add coziness to a guy’s home

Clamshell box

This type of packaging allows you to create intrigue during the process of opening it and gives many vivid impressions. Thanks to the impressive size of the box, a person gets the impression that a huge gift is waiting for him inside.

First of all, you need to determine the dimensions of the craft. This should be done from the largest container, since it requires the use of the largest number of consumables. It is best to make a square-shaped product. The easiest way is to calculate dimensions. The size of each craft will be 3 cm smaller than the previous one.

The box is made of cardboard. You will need to take 5 identical corrugated sheets. They are laid out on the table surface as follows: one sheet in the center and others on the sides. There should be small gaps between them.


  • How to make candles with your own hands: instructions for making wax, gel, scented, homemade decorative candles with a wick

  • What you can make from foamiran with your own hands: we create flowers, Christmas tree decorations, snowflakes, three-dimensional paintings (photo + video)

  • DIY glass crafts: what can be made from glass bottles, liquid glass, broken glass (photo + video)

All sheet joints are glued together using tape. A square is cut out of wrapping paper to cover the outer bottom of the product. It is securely attached with double-sided tape. Next, cuts are made in the corners of the protruding parts of the wrapper and glued with glue.

Then the outer and inner sides of the craft are pasted over. The lid is made 1 cm larger than the base. It is done in the same way as a container, only the parts are glued together.

According to the first box diagram, the remaining blanks are created. We need to check whether they fit inside each other. You can decorate each of them or only the largest one.

The gift is hidden in a small box. After this, everything is assembled according to the matryoshka principle. To secure them, you can fasten them with a colored ribbon and decorate them with a bow or a cute card with wishes.

A box in a box is a gift that will suit anyone, regardless of age and gender.

Coffee topiary

You will need:

  • Coffee beans;
  • Twine;
  • Flower pot;
  • Glue gun;
  • Chocolate-colored satin ribbon;
  • Paper;
  • Paper tape;
  • Curved thick dry branch;
  • Gypsum.

Manufacturing process

The paper needs to be crumpled and compacted, forming an even ball of the desired size. The workpiece must be carefully wrapped with paper tape.

The branch must be cut to the required height. Using a glue gun, wrap it with twine until there is no bare trunk left. Make a hole in the paper ball and pour hot glue into it. Place the ball on the upper end of the barrel. Insert the branch into the flower pot with the lower end and fill it with plaster. Once the material has set and the homemade wood blanks are firmly adhered to each other, you can continue working.

You need to attach coffee beans to the entire area of ​​the paper ball using hot glue in one layer. This must be done carefully and carefully, without leaving bald spots. Cover the surface of the plaster with hot glue and also fill it with coffee beans. Place a large bow made of wide satin ribbon below the ball. This fragrant handmade gift for your loved one will become a designer decoration for the room.

An example of a coffee topiary design

More ideas ! Take a look at how else you can make a feminine gift for a guy with your own hands.

Mini photo album

Recently, mini-photo albums made by hand have become popular. To make it, you can use a sketchbook cut in half as a base.

In a small photo album, it is better to place one photo per page. You can use quotes, interesting signatures and drawings to decorate the photo album inside. The popular scrapbooking technique is suitable for decorating a souvenir.

Give gifts to your loved ones! Made with your own hands, they help you better share your feelings and bring you closer to something deeply intimate, truly feminine.

When choosing a gift, it is important to think about the person’s interests and the degree of his closeness. It is completely inappropriate to give an employee at work the checkbook described above with very intimate desires. Fortunately, in most cases, the boundaries of what is acceptable in communicating with colleagues are quite well guessed, and we know the desires of our family and friends quite well.

A gift given from the heart will add a homely warmth to your relationship and add value to a special occasion.
For a guy 2018-04-23 admin

Amazing papier-mâché

What you will need:

  • White paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Wide brush;
  • Balloon;
  • Cup;
  • Water;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • Industrial varnish.

Manufacturing process

Papier-mâché technology provides many ideas for gifts for your loved one that you can make yourself. One of them is used to make a large Kinder Surprise egg. White sheets of paper need to be torn into small pieces; you will need a lot of them, so the shredded paper can be placed in a bag. Dilute PVA glue and warm water in a 1:1 ratio in a container and mix thoroughly. Inflate the balloon to the desired size so that its shape resembles a regular egg. Place it on the glass, immersing the narrow base of the ball into it.

In a small bowl, soak some of the shredded paper in hot water. After 15 minutes, cover the surface of the ball with one overlapping layer of wet leaves. Proceed immediately with the second layer. Here you will already need a brush and adhesive mass prepared in advance. Carefully coat the areas of the ball, attach a piece of paper there, and also coat it with glue on top. Thus, you need to completely cover the ball a second time, only using glue. Leave the workpiece in a dry, warm place overnight. It will dry completely and set before morning.

The blank can also be made from newspaper. But if there is an edible surprise hidden inside, it is better to take clean paper

The next day, using glue and paper, apply several more layers to the ball. This will make the shape stronger. Once all the layers have dried, the ball located inside can either burst or be untied and carefully removed. The result is a thick paper egg. At this stage you can start decorating.

Using acrylic paints on the product, you must exactly repeat the design from the original chocolate egg. The fully painted product is varnished. This will make it mirrored. After the egg has dried, you need to make a small door in it with small holes through which it will be closed using tape. Inside you can put your boyfriend’s favorite sweets, money or other gifts.

The big Kinder surprise made of papier-mâché is almost ready

Presentation is also important ! See how beautifully and unusually you can wrap gifts with your own hands.

Photo album

A nice gift - a photo album with general photographs in a hand-made style. There are many techniques for making photo albums. It all depends only on the flight of fancy. To ensure that your photo album becomes a real family heirloom and preserves lovely memories together for a long time, take care to use high-quality materials.

How to give a guy an original birthday gift with his own hands in the form of a photo album? Decide on the topic that the collection of photographs will be devoted to. These could just be general images of you, or the photo album could be dedicated to a specific topic. In the latter case, the photo album can be dedicated to your vacation trip, celebrating the New Year with friends, or your loved one’s hobby.

For the simplest version of a photo album, in addition to a fairly large piece of cardboard, you will need a certain amount of material for the cover. If you care about the safety of the photographs you use, then it is better to use fairly durable materials for the cover, for example, leatherette.

  1. The cardboard is folded like an accordion and fixed with glue to form a book.
  2. Another simple version of a photo album can be obtained if pre-cut album sheets are fastened in any convenient way. Next, stick your photos on each page and decorate the photo album according to the theme. When decorating, you may need paints, felt-tip pens, old postcards, fur, beads, a stapler, nail scissors, and a hole punch.

Panel of scarlet threads

What you will need:

  • Small nails;
  • Scarlet floss thread;
  • Wooden panel;
  • Small hammer;
  • Pencil.

Manufacturing process

On a wooden base you need to draw a large, even heart with a pencil. You need to hammer in nails along the contour of the heart. They should hold tightly, but should not be completely clogged. They should be hammered in at an even distance, approximately 2 cm.

The tip of the thread must be firmly secured to one of the nails and begin to braid all the nails in random order. The procedure will have to be repeated until the entire heart is woven with red threads. Upon completion, the end of the thread must also be secured to the final nail.

An option could be a beautiful savannah landscape

Materials for production

A stylishly designed surprise will certainly delight and surprise the hero of the occasion. He will be much more pleased if the donor spends a little personal time on packaging himself.

Don't worry about how to make the box yourself. There is no particular difficulty in this. You can find detailed instructions and diagrams online. All that remains is to choose the best option, print and assemble the product according to the instructions. But before you start creating, you should stock up on materials:

  1. Thick textured cardboard.
  2. Glue.
  3. Ready template.
  4. Stationery: scissors, pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, ruler, thin transparent tape, compass.
  5. Wrapping paper.
  6. Decorative ribbons.

Advice. For convenience and accuracy of work, it is recommended to purchase a stationery knife.

Unique USB storage case

What you will need:

  • Creative small shape;
  • Flash drive;
  • Glue gun.

Manufacturing process

If the creative form is filled with something inside, then it must be completely emptied, making it hollow. The drive is inserted into the empty hole, and the entire space around it is filled with hot glue. Fixation occurs instantly. Finally, you can make a small decoration to hide traces of handmade work.

For a guy who loves guns, you can make a flash drive from an old cartridge

Another reason! Find out how to make a gift for your boyfriend on February 23rd with your own hands.

Certificate for fulfillment of a wish

It will take half an hour to make a gift certificate or coupon.

gift Certificate

You will need:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • printer or markers;
  • ready sample.

Use a printable template or write by hand and add color to your liking. Finally, decorate with ribbon, thread, lace, and beads.


LLC "Love and Relationships"

Gift certificate for fulfillment of wishes

This certificate gives the right to _________________________

order _____ wishes that ___________________________ undertakes to fulfill.

Certificate validity period ___________________

Signature _______________

Bouquet of a real man

What you will need:

  • Small sets of different nuts;
  • Several cans of beer;
  • Corrugated cardboard;
  • Penoplex;
  • Whatman;
  • Skewers;
  • Corrugated paper;
  • Glue gun;
  • Dry fish;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • Floral mesh.

Manufacturing process

As an unusual gift for your loved one, you can make a real men's bouquet. The workpiece must be cut out of polystyrene foam. Its thickness should be no more than 3 cm, length 45 cm, and width 25 cm. On the outside it needs to be pasted over with a duplicate figure from whatman paper. Next, you should cut out the same figure from corrugated cardboard and secure it on the back side of the base of the future bouquet. It is important to take into account that the bouquet will be heavy, so the preparation must include a strong frame of skewers (they can be placed between the layers). On the side, the seams are masked using parts made from whatman paper.

An appetizer for a men's bouquet is attached to skewers

At the next stage, the durable blank in the form of a large tennis racket must be given an ennobled appearance. To do this, you will need to cut out large, beautiful carved leaves from corrugated paper, which are larger than the base. Then cover the entire “racket” on all sides with green paper. Attach decorative leaves to the outside using hot glue.

On the back side at the top you need to attach a small plastic support. Its dimensions should be: length 5 cm, height 2 cm. The shape of the support should resemble a corner.

You need to thread a thin satin ribbon through the entire “racket”. This will be necessary to secure the tasty ingredients. First of all, you need to secure the beer cans well, then the dry fish. Food products are best used in transparent packaging.

You need to make sunflowers from nut packages. The petals are cut from yellow crepe paper and attached around the packaging using hot glue. The finished flowers must be beautifully arranged in the empty spaces of the bouquet. At the bottom of the “racket” you should attach several packages of fish slices. All that remains is to wrap the bouquet in a floral net and tie it with a beautiful ribbon.

A bouquet of beer, crayfish and fish will definitely be appreciated by a true lover

This will also come in handy ! Read what you can give your friend, made with your own hands.

Comic gifts

A very popular option today. As a rule, it is addressed to friends or relatives, just colleagues. Examples of funny gifts:

  1. A set of a real man. Essentially, it’s a decorated box filled with useful or useless things. As a rule, the gift is thematic in nature. For example, a young man who does not have a family is given a hammer, chocolate and a baby pacifier. For an older man, a bottle of whiskey, socks and shaving foam.
  2. Interesting packaging. Presenting a serious gift in the form of jewelry in gift wrapping is quite boring, so it’s worth considering a creative option. For example, in a chocolate egg. To do this, carefully open the package and cut the Kinder into 2 parts along the seam. The toy is taken out. In return they put a gift and a note of congratulations. The chocolate shell is then heated slightly and combined into a whole egg. All that remains is to return the wrapper and give it to the hero of the occasion.
  3. Functional gift. A familiar, useful item is remade to fit the required theme with a dose of humor. For example, shirt pillows, banknotes folded using the origami technique.

A sense of humor is the main driver of happiness. A man, having received a comic gift, will smile and receive a dose of positivity.

Cookies - a declaration of love

What you will need:

  • Water – 150 ml;
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Liquid jam – 100 ml;
  • Sugar – 90 g;
  • Soda – ¼ tsp;
  • Instant gelatin – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Coconut flakes – 20 g;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 tsp;
  • Margarine – 60 g;
  • Wheat flour – 220 g;
  • Heart shaped mold.

Manufacturing process

You need to add soda to the wheat flour. Pre-chilled margarine should be quickly grated on a coarse grater and mixed with half the flour. At this stage you will get flour crumbs; you need to add coconut flakes, the remaining flour and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and add the chicken egg. Form a dense dough from the resulting mixture, kneading it thoroughly.

Cover the short-lived dough with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. When the dough has cooled sufficiently, it will need to be rolled out on a prepared surface into a thin layer, no more than 5 mm thick. Using a heart-shaped mold, you need to squeeze out future cookies.

You will be able to cut out a lot of dough from the resulting dough.

All hearts need to be divided into two parts and the centers of one should be completely cut out in the form of hearts of a smaller diameter. The resulting rims need to be placed on solid hearts and glued well together. The dough pieces should be placed in the oven for 20 minutes. They are baked at 180 degrees.

At this time you need to have time to prepare the filling. Pour boiling water into any red jam, mix well and simmer on low heat until it boils. Pour the hot syrup into the gelatin, stir the mixture until it is completely dissolved. To start filling the dough molds with filling, you need to cool it to room temperature. Ready hearts need to be filled with chilled jam. Heart-shaped cookies are ready. It remains to be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the gelatin is completely set.

You can also make your own fruit roll or chocolate cake, sweet candies and pastries for your beloved guy. As you know, most men have a sweet tooth, so a guy will be pleased to try the culinary masterpieces of his beloved.

The cookies turn out beautiful and bright

Ideas for everyone ! Find out what gifts to make with your own hands for your birthday.

Personalized pillows

Creating a pillow takes minimal time.

Personalized pillow

You will need:

  • 2 pieces of plain fabric, taking into account the size of the pillow;
  • filler (holofiber);
  • ready-made embroidery applique with an inscription (name or initials of a loved one, heart, etc.);
  • sewing machine.

Place an inscription on the front side of the cut and iron it carefully. Sew two parts on three sides, put the filler. Sew the final seam.

Examples of thematic sets

You can please your loved one by creating a unique gift set. It will take a little longer than buying a ready-made item in a store, but it will be much more enjoyable. How to make a large souvenir box and choose the filling has already been described. All that remains is to talk about how to choose a memento that will suit a particular person.

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