How to introduce your mother-in-law for congratulations on her anniversary

How to introduce guests at a wedding

A wedding is the largest and grandest event not only in the lives of young people. At such events, it is better to divide the guests into several groups/companies, this makes it easier to hold competitions and also introduce people. Companies can be grouped by profession, hobbies, motorists, hunting/fishing enthusiasts, etc. Such mini-companies have a lot in common; they are easily included in games and competitions.


The comic performance of the guests adds some zest to the celebration. Today, comic songs for each guest and inscriptions on badges are considered quite popular. It is also important to put on musical cuts that welcome mini companies, informing the city of arriving guests, professional activities, hobbies. Short poems work great; they quickly lift the spirits of not only the arriving company, but also all the guests.

A rather interesting option is introducing a hint or a riddle. This comic form allows guests to easily remember who is who.


A presentation with all the regalia, kinship, first and last names is considered correct, but completely boring. Another thing is the informal presentation by the presenter, which at the same time amuses and fascinates with its meaning, removes awkwardness and allows you to easily plunge into the festive atmosphere. The presentation should be interesting, kind, without familiarity and vulgarity.

in verse

Introducing each guest in poetry is possible if there are not many guests. Then short quatrains will cause a storm of joyful emotions and will not take much time. For large wedding events this is a completely bad option.

The presenter can read out the main part of the rhyme himself, leaving one or two words for the guests to complete the presentation. The poem must rhyme, this is the basic rule. Well, good, you can’t do without it!

Who is this?

The host chooses any of the guests and blindfolds him. After this, the host begins to describe one of the other guests, for example, blue eyes, not blond, tall, looks like Brad Pitt, wears a cool watch. And the blindfolded guest must guess who we are talking about. If he guesses correctly, he receives a prize; if not, he fulfills the company’s wish. Then another participant enters the game. And the host describes the other guest. The game continues until all the guests have been described and guessed.

For matches

Each guest receives a piece of paper and a pen. At the command of the host, the guests simultaneously write specific words on their pieces of paper, without peeking at each other, for example, the host commands: animals. And the guests each write their own animal on their own piece of paper, for example, cat, dog, elephant, and so on. Then the leader commands: flower, drink, country, item of clothing, color, fish, and so on. After each command from the presenter (when the guests have written their options on their pieces of paper), one of the guests stands up (starting with the first, after the second command - the second, after the third - the third, and so on) and names his option. And, if this guest has a match with someone (that is, both this guest and someone else wrote the same option: cat and cat), they drink to something good. So, for each coincidence, the guests drink and get to know each other better.

Congratulations sketches

You can congratulate the hero of the day in different ways, for example, say a beautiful toast or sing a song, dance a dance, or you can congratulate her with a skit. Such a congratulation will diversify the event, and if you approach it with imagination, then it will turn out not only beautiful and original, but also cool.

Starfall of wishes

Portrait of the hero of the day

Talking balls

Sand of wishes

Green – excellent health.

Blue – peace of mind.

Yellow – material well-being.

Purple – harmony in everything.

To congratulate a colleague, you don’t have to wait for an official invitation to the holiday. You can arrange congratulations at your workplace.

All this can be accompanied by music, firecrackers, sparklers.

My name in someone else

It is better to hold this competition at the beginning, when the guests have not had time to introduce themselves to each other. The task of each of the guests is to explain his name through some personality, without mentioning the name itself. Everyone in this life knows someone from celebrities and world famous personalities with the same name as his. The first guest explains, for example, “I sing songs, slim and cute, married to a curly-haired man with a guitar.” And the second guest must guess (Angelica). Then the second guest explains, for example, “I am one of the three heroes, but not Popovich and not Nikitich.” And the third guest guesses (Ilya), after which he explains his name. Thanks to this competition, guests will get to know each other, and at the same time stretch their minds and memory.

Who are you?

Each of the guests takes turns saying a phrase that relates to their profession, but without naming it itself, for example, “I come to work and put on a hard hat” or “Most of my work consists of roads and travel”, or “My work smells delicious and makes you full” and so on. If one of the guests guesses who a certain guest is by profession, he raises his hand and names his option. For the correct answer there is a prize, and the guest who guessed correctly is given a napkin on the plate to make it clear that he has been revealed. If you haven’t guessed correctly, the game continues and the guests speak according to the second phrase. The game lasts until all the guests have been guessed by profession.

Happy Anniversary Congratulations to Sister

Today is your holiday, my sister. I want to congratulate you on your anniversary! I wish you, my dear person, to remain as you are now forever, be loved by everyone and right in everything, let laughter and warmth fill your home, good luck, success in everything and always. Don't be afraid that time flies - it doesn't matter! Beloved, dear, be happy, And in happiness, of course, don’t forget me!

Look how beautiful you are, your eyes shine with happiness. I want to tell you, my sister, these words: “Be cheerful and be happy, Be beautiful, unique, Healthy, sweet, young, With a crystal clear soul”! Make a wish today - It will come true, believe me. Today everything will be magical, because the anniversary is on the doorstep!

Happy anniversary, dear sister! I wish you to become prettier every day, to feel happy, to feel free. Little sister, may there be no problems or difficulties in life, may every day begin with something joyful and end with something festive. I wish you health, eternal beauty and surrounding harmony.

More congratulations in prose →

It’s hard to even choose what to wish for you, After all, you are the only one I have - My beloved sister. And it’s not every weekday that you celebrate an anniversary! Still, we must congratulate. And I want to tell you: So that you don’t change, And remain the same, Smart, kind and beautiful, And cheerful, and funny. After all, I’ll tell you a secret - there’s simply no better sister. And I hope that my poem will give you a laugh.

There is no one in the world dearer than my dear sister. And today, on your anniversary, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I wish you to always be the happiest in the world and always, despite the years, remain as beautiful! Let your eyes shine with a smile, Let all your dreams come true, Let love surround you And flowers bloom everywhere!

My dear sister, I congratulate you on your anniversary! Let your eyes glow with happiness, And your smile shine like a ray. Never count the years, Don’t even attach importance to them, And let May settle in your soul For all months without exception! Let men of a thousand roses line the road before you, And let one give you a star - It will be neither less nor more. My dear sister, there is no one closer and dearer than you. Always be incomparable like on your birthday today!

Happy anniversary, I wish you from the bottom of my heart, sister, to be healthy, and to live happily. So that joy covers you, Life does not throw you harshly, Brings you positivity, Strength, warmth. Be energetic, sister, wise, cunning, eccentric, so that luck and dreams will always be where you are!

Happy birthday, sister, We hasten to congratulate you: I wish you a life as sweet as condensed milk from the bottom of my heart. Misfortunes will bypass you, Troubles will not be found anywhere, I wish you happiness in your personal life and work, to be cheerful and happy both today and always, and to be just as beautiful in all the coming years.

My beloved sister, It’s always brighter for me with you, Recently you were a girl. Well, now it’s your anniversary. Success, joy, health, Smiles, eternal warmth. And of course, of course - More money in your wallet. In spite of all the troubles and bad weather, you get better every year, dear, I wish you happiness and more crazy friends!

We played together, grew up, And are always close in life, Now it’s time to celebrate anniversaries And dates. On your best and happiest birthday, a joyful day, I would like to wish you happiness, good and faithful friends! And I, as always, will always be by your side throughout life, Any sorrows and troubles are not a problem for us, sister!

A great occasion - an anniversary! I want to hug my sister quickly, Let's raise a toast to your success: Let there be career growth, May your family appreciate and love, And there is a pleasant ringing in your wallet, Success accompanies everything, Only laughter can be heard in the house, Your soul strives for a dream, ... and the heart is never angry. Dear, live brighter than anyone else, catch luck by the tail!

Scenario for a woman’s anniversary “Special day or Birthday girl with love!”

Preparation for the holiday: to celebrate an anniversary or birthday according to this scenario, no special preparation is required, because The course of the holiday and the lead-up to each number are fully spelled out, ready-made musical accompaniment is proposed, the organizers only need to make small adjustments, depending on the composition of the guests. Also, for some moments it is necessary to print out pictures in advance and prepare inexpensive, but very important for the spectacle of the event, festive props, specific versions of which are prescribed in the relevant entertainment.


Holiday programs

The festive program is a program that runs like a red thread throughout the holiday. You can go the simplest way and order a toastmaster with his details. Or you can do it yourself and make all the necessary details yourself.

General program for 50, 60, 70 years for eternal pioneers

A well-known theme for all guests with competitions, songs and dances. Best done outdoors or in a large room.

The toastmaster and the hero of the day put on pioneer ties in advance; they should be prepared for the rest of the guests.

At the beginning of the holiday, all guests stand on the pioneer line to the beat of drums and bugles.

Each new member of the organization must take an oath of allegiance (you can do it in chorus).

“I (name, surname), am joining the ranks of a new pioneer organization named in honor of the birthday girl (last name, first name, patronymic) and while at this solemn event, I swear that I am ready to love her selflessly. Try to live by her principles and learn to be as cheerful and life-loving as she is.”

The host and the birthday girl tie ties to everyone, shake hands, and hug.

The whole team goes to the festive table, gives gifts, and congratulates the hero of the day. While everyone is sitting at the table, we find several of the most active guests and ask them to help lay out the clues with the tasks.

Toastmaster: - Tell me, what should pioneers protect, even sometimes their own lives?

Those present: - Pioneer banner!

Toastmaster: - to find him, I will give hints where you will find tasks. Having completed which, it will be easier for you to find the banner.

Hint first: - on the tree with apples, you will find tasks. Each fruit has its own competition, you must go through all the competitions to find the lost banner.

Apples can be placed on any tree if you are celebrating in nature or in your own home. If in an apartment, then they can be laid out in an adjacent room or attached to a large indoor plant.

While everyone is busy with the competitions, the hero of the day disappears. Now the guests must find the birthday girl.

Again, the clues are laid out, and the guests, completing tasks, approach her. Competitions can be varied, it all depends on the readiness of those invited.

When the birthday girl is found, everyone is invited to sit down at the table again. They congratulate you, give you gifts, and wish you all the best.

Toastmaster: - the last competition is the most difficult. It will show what kind of pioneers you were and whether you remember the main tenets of the organization.

At the end of the holiday, if you spend it outdoors, you can gather around the Pioneer bonfire. Here, according to custom, you can make wishes, congratulate the birthday girl, and sing with a guitar.

If you are celebrating at home, then you can gather everyone present in the next room and organize a small pioneer gathering, with songs, wishes, and dancing to the guitar.


In fact, the game is quite simple, but fun, because at first it will be easy, but then you will have to be smart and delve into your memory. The game is a knockout game. Starting with the first guest at the table, participants say one greeting at a time, for example, hello or hello, good afternoon or greetings. Greetings can be said in all languages ​​of the world. The most cunning ones can even use the Internet on their phone. The presenter himself may hint about this. A participant who cannot say greetings is eliminated from the game. And the most persistent participants, for example, three or five who remained until the end of the game and managed to name the most different greetings, are awarded prizes.

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