Costume skit “psychic at a man’s anniversary”

Men are our support, protection and love! When preparing for a loved one’s birthday, it is important to secretly come up with an entertainment program so that it becomes a real surprise for both the birthday person and the guests.

For those who want to celebrate their birthday brightly and cheerfully, to give their man emotions, feelings and a bit of soul, we present funny scenes! They will help not only diversify the planned holiday program, but also present memorable gifts to the birthday boy in an original way, with humor and invention.

Scene “Gypsy Fortune Telling”

You will be incredibly lucky: You will go pheasant hunting, And you will bring home a wild boar - The freezer is full until spring!
Finding no reason for this, Buy yourself a car! Finding no reason for this, you will sell it a little later!

While stocking up in the store, you will find five hundred rubles in the basket. Put them on your phone and there will be a festive ringing!

One day, when you go to work, you will say: “Fuck it! Reluctance!" The boss will call you, you’ll fire them, you’ll say: “Well, so what!”

Running past the shop windows, you will exclaim: “Dear Mom! I want this bullshit!” And you'll go broke.

The moment will come. Everything will get boring to the core. And embroidery. And TV. And an ottoman. Take up belly dancing!

And a long youth awaits you, a cycle of pleasant travels. You will see the whole world and more than once, so save your money now, right away.

Blood will beat in your veins, Great love awaits you. And happy at the same time, Choose who you need.

A long line of luck - There will be a dacha in the Canary Islands, And all this without deception, Pockets full of money.

My advice for you is this: Always keep your tail up, If you don’t miss the moment, You will be our President.

You will soon become rich, Because you will find the treasure, Just don’t yawn for too long, Start digging tomorrow, Don’t rest for a minute, Dig all 24 hours a day, You will dig for three months, And then you will swim in wealth.

If you want to be happy, then this is my advice: Eat three kilograms of salt And a big bag of sweets, Then drink it with vodka, You will be happy, even if it kills you.

Scene for a man’s anniversary “Time Machine”

Recommended for celebrants 35, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 years old.

Props and decorations of the festive hall:

Children's toy large telephone.

Preliminary preparation:

Recording song excerpts:

  • “Dance while you’re young, boy”;
  • “I’m going, I’m going to the neighboring village, to the disco”;
  • “And I like him, like him, like him”;
  • “You tell me, you tell me, what do you need, what do you need, maybe I’ll give you, maybe I’ll give you whatever you want”;
  • “It must happen, it must happen, it must happen! You must, you must, you must fall in love with someone like that”;
  • “Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced”;
  • “Stomp, stomp, stomp baby”;
  • “Only a glass of vodka on the table”;
  • “Are you my brother, or not my brother”;
  • “The most important thing is the weather in the house”;
  • "We wish you happiness";
  • "Fine! Everything will be fine".

Presenter: Today an unusual gift for our hero of the day arrived in the mail - the latest gadget. Most modern! And it has the newest “time machine” feature! Let's try it? Let's go back a few years earlier and see how the life of our dear birthday boy turned out. Want to? Do not mind? Just watch, all the secrets will come out!

So let's see how it happened...

He presses the button on the toy phone and approaches the hero of the day. The song plays: “Dance while you’re young.”

Host: Maybe I made a mistake?.. I’ll check the settings now.

Honey mushrooms approaches him. The song “I’m going, I’m going to a neighboring village, to a disco” plays.

Host: Yeah, I caught the wave, everything is correct! Go ahead…

Approaches the birthday boy's wife. The song “And I like him” plays.

Host: Yeah! All clear! We liked each other immediately!

Points at her again. The song “Tell me what you need!” Maybe I’ll give you whatever you want.”

Host: These are the feelings between our lovebirds! Wow... What did the mother-in-law think about this topic?

He approaches her. The song “It had to happen” plays.

Host: What a turn! What's next?

It affects the whole family. The song “Oh, this wedding, sang and danced” sounds.

Host: Well, of course... And then?

The song “Stomp, stomp, stomp baby” sounds.

Presenter: Clear! The baby is born! What about our birthday boy?

Points at him and the song “Only a glass of vodka on the table” plays.

Presenter: But of course! Is it possible without this? I wonder what your friends said?

He approaches his friends and catches the wave, the song “Brother, are you or not my brother” sounds.

Host: Everything is clear with you! Washed as expected! What about a young family?

Approaches the husband and wife in turn. The song “The most important thing is the weather in the house.”

Host: You say it correctly! What about now?

The song “We wish you happiness” plays.

Host: Great! Let's check with this super-duper modern gadget what will happen in the future in this family?

He turns and presses buttons. The song “Okay! Everything will be fine!".

Host: That’s great! This is worth drinking for, friends!

Costume performances

The main difference between them and the rest will be only the costumes in which the participating actors are dressed for believability. Usually the guests themselves are the actors. Their participation is agreed upon in advance by the relatives of the hero of the day, who are preparing the holiday and want to give an additional gift.

Traffic police inspector and hunters

Three men are participating. You need to choose the appropriate costumes - a traffic police uniform for one and a gun, boots and bandoliers for the other two. “Hunters” can be exchanged for fishermen, fans or anyone else. It depends on the interests of the hero of the day.

Progress of the scene

Two hunter friends, accompanied by a traffic police officer, enter the hall where the feast is taking place. They were just on their way to today's anniversary to congratulate their friend, but they violated traffic rules and were stopped by an inspector. We explained the situation to him - well, it’s impossible not to congratulate a good man! Of course, the inspector agreed to take them to the celebration site. After congratulating friends and presenting gifts, the inspector comes forward and himself joins in the congratulations. He reads out, and then hands the wife of the hero of the day a certificate of technical inspection of a special vehicle - the birthday boy himself (his last and first name is announced) on the occasion of his 50th birthday (the number can be any) and the corresponding conclusion.

Technical inspection

Conclusion of the traffic police

  1. The condition is excellent.
  2. The owner claims that this vehicle can still be driven and driven.
  1. Refuel only with high-quality fuel - octane number not less than 40. If the octane number is lower, more fuel is needed.
  2. Regular lubrication of the filler part is recommended: on vacation, after hunting and bathing, on birthdays, etc.
  3. Using a vehicle by proxy is not permitted.
  4. The owner must remember that for normal operation the vehicle needs affection, love and regular lubrication.
  5. The next technical inspection is recommended after 50 years.

Italian guests

This skit also requires three participants - two men who will be Italian guests, and a female translator. The costumes are quite simple; you don’t even have to completely change the actors’ clothes, but simply choose the appropriate accessories - dark glasses, black wigs and mustaches, brimmed hats. For the translator - visual glasses and a stack of paper. As gifts - pasta, olives, wine. At the height of the fun, the actors of the scene quickly enter the hall and head towards the hero of the day. They take turns congratulating the birthday boy, and the translator repeats each phrase in Russian. 1st guest

: Nashente zdravizhilento yubelento e druzente – lubente alcoholento pipento!
: We want to greet our hero of the day, as well as his dear friends.
2nd guest
: Come to Chertente on Kulichkent and tell at least something!
: We came to your wonderful city to join everyone’s congratulations.
1st guest
: Pozhelanto ne glotanto tabletanto and not znanto vrachevanto!
: We would like to wish you the best health.
2nd guest
: There was a lot of money in my wallet and my belly was always full!
: May financial well-being and lasting happiness accompany you throughout life.
1st guest
: Puskaento druzilento nigogdento na krysento!
: Let there be reliable friends nearby.
2nd guest
: We wantetto handed over figinetto and jurundento!
: These wonderful gifts from sunny Italy are for you.
1st guest
: Don't obzhirante and don't blivante, pusento not lopnento.
: Eat to your health and enjoy.
2nd guest
: Posminente nascente prizedente – Italiano podarente.
: Remember us, always your Italians.

Strange salaries

A small costume scene that should accompany, and possibly open, the gift-giving ceremony. There are two actors. It is advisable that they be women - thin, short and tall:

  • The small one is “weighed” with a small amount of money - this can be either coins or small denomination bills. You can simply draw them on large sheets of paper so that they are clearly visible.
  • A tall woman is dressed more richly - there are no coins at all, but there are a lot of large bills.

Before presenting gifts, they take turns approaching the hero of the day and congratulating him.

Congratulations to Little Salary

Don’t look, dear birthday boy, that I’m still so little. I wish you all the most beautiful things in the world. May, with my help, you be able to provide yourself with a life worthy of the king himself! To make this happen, I invited my older sister here. I hope that together we can please you.

Congratulations to a Big Salary

Maybe I don’t look very much like a lucky lottery winner, but together with my younger sister, we are the best gift that will be useful to you in any situation, will take you on vacation and will bring you many pleasant minutes! Congratulations! After this speech, all guests who decided to choose an envelope with money as a gift present it to the birthday person. You can prepare a large envelope in advance and put the entire amount into it at once.

“The pension didn’t come” - a funny scene for the 60th anniversary

Dear spouses, reverent friends! Have you decided to make a pleasant surprise for the 60th birthday of your beloved man? Then take good advice and organize the party at the highest level.

At the height of the feast, Edita Piekha’s song “Family Album” will sound, and photos of the hero of the day from childhood to the current moment of a happy family life appear on the screen. The guests look at the memorable selection with beautiful photographs with emotion, and the hero of the occasion with tears in his eyes. At the end, the lights come on and the host of the gala anniversary evening appears on stage.


They say it’s time for us to congratulate the hero of the day, But... I don’t believe yet that the hand there has weakened, And those wide pants are not the same... (suspiciously). What shall we check, guests?

Guests in chorus: Yes!

Strength test No. 1: An oilcloth is unrolled in the center of the hall, a table and a row of empty bottles of different sizes are placed on it. The hero of the day is given a basket of chicken eggs, and his task is to knock down all the bottles with eggs from a short distance. The test begins to cheerful music, the audience cheers and applauds.


Yes, I knew, the hand is strong, It has not weakened one iota. Who said retirement has arrived? You are going, do you know where?

The audience laughs...

Strength test #2:

A large number of balloons (20-30 pieces) are brought into the hall. The hero of the day’s task is to pop all the balloons with his feet. The fun begins to the tune of a cheerful melody, the hero of the day runs around the hall and destroys balloons. The guests are delighted; the children help their grandfather complete the task.


Ladies, have you seen this miracle? How much passion and where? We will check this very hour, How do men love you?

Strength test #3:

The hall is twilight, an oriental melody sounds, and a lady (disguised spouse or beloved girl) in a bright outfit and with her face covered floats up to the hero of the day. The mysterious person drags the man into the center of the hall and dances with him. The hero of the day responds to provocation, and the celebration turns into rioting.

The presenter concludes:

You are witnesses, friends! A loving fire burns inside him, Maybe tonight, by accident or on purpose. Will our wonderful hero of the day show everyone a master class?

How to love soup - gu need? And how to preserve strength, To prolong youth? Please, please, dear! Happiness, peace, God be with you...

Music is playing, couples are spinning on the dance floor, and the hero of the day hugs his beloved wife. Everyone is happy!

Author of the article: Irina Mamedova.


It is important to pay special attention to decorating the room in which the celebration is planned to create a festive atmosphere. There is a “Happy Birthday” banner hanging on the wall; from photographs of the birthday girl you can make an applique in the form of a number - the age of the hero of the occasion. Guests will be interested to see how the birthday girl has changed with age.

You can entertain your guests with a photo zone, which you can easily make with your own hands. For example, create a wall of paper flowers of different sizes or decorate with balls. You can download a photo zone template on the Internet and make a large-format print.

Scene: “Fabulous congratulations”

There is a knock on the door. The lady of the house opens the door and says: “Eh, who are you?” She enters the hall in surprise, followed by fairy-tale characters: Koschey, Baba Yaga and Ivanushka the Fool.

Hostess: Are you lost for an hour? We're celebrating an adult's birthday here. We are not expecting any fairy tale characters...

Koschey: Don’t worry, citizen, we’re on an important matter. Koschey, Baba Yaga and Ivanushka examine the guests and greet them

Koschey, Baba Yaga and Ivanushka examine the guests and greet them.

Baba Yaga (points to the hero of the day): Here he is, a handsome fellow! Hello! We came to congratulate you!

Ivanushka: We have been following the path since childhood! Koschey rattled with bones, I died on the way, Baba Yaga limped by the time we reached your hall. Oh, how important and courageous he has become! I remember you as a snotty boy, when you read fairy tales in a book. I drew horns for different authors and wrote awkward words in the book...

Baba Yaga (pulls Ivanushka): Well, well, enough of the pranks to remember, it’s time for us to congratulate the birthday boy. We brought a whole bag of gifts and want to congratulate our dear hero of the day. Koschey, do you have a bag?

Koschey: Yes, here it is, hidden in the dungeon. We were waiting for the right moment to give you fabulous items, but necessary for adult life.

Ivanushka (takes out an apple from the bag):

Here's a refreshing and rejuvenating apple for you, so that it always adds strength to you. So that you take vitamins every day, never grow old and delight everyone!

Baba Yaga (takes out boots):

Here are your walking boots, so that your legs are strong and fast. Things were resolved with lightning speed... These boots cannot be demolished!

Koschey (takes out a ball):

Ah, this ball provides a guideline, With it you can walk and explore the whole world! I give it to you so that you don’t become a homebody, so that you don’t become a lazy and dozing grandfather.

Ivanushka (takes out a tablecloth):

To the table on all weekdays and early in the morning, You need to put a self-assembled tablecloth on the table, So that the delicious dishes in the hut do not run out, Relatives and guests always treat themselves!

Baba Yaga (takes out a chicken foot):

When I hurried here, I took the part with me to the path, I grabbed a part from the hut on legs, I give you a symbol as a reminder, So that diligence is shown in the household.

Koschey thoughtfully rummages in his pants pocket and takes out an egg.


And, finally, I’ll say the most important thing, I’ll give you my egg, Koshchei. May you live for many, many, many years, without knowing illness, boredom, pain or troubles.


We bow to you! (bow)

Eh, finally, grandma, bring the harp! Let's dance merrily, Oh, the guests will admire us!

An incendiary song plays, fairy-tale heroes lift the hero of the day and dance with him, showing the movements.

At the table

Scene No. 1 “Harmful cleaning lady”

At the height of the holiday, the “cleaning lady” appears with a bucket and mop in her hands. The bucket should be high so that it is not noticeable what lies at the bottom. She starts grumbling something under her breath and mopping the floor.

One of the guests : Citizen, what are you doing?! It's actually our birthday here!

Cleaning lady : Why should I care? I do my job and don't bother anyone.

(A quarrel begins between the guest and the cleaning lady. It is advisable for this guest to sit next to the birthday boy).

Guest : Don't you see that we are celebrating an anniversary? The guests have gathered, and you are here with your bucket and mop.

Cleaning lady : Oh, is it a holiday here? And where is the birthday boy?

(They show the birthday boy to the cleaning lady).

Cleaning lady : So it’s because of you that they don’t let me work? So it was because of you that they found and trampled here? So here are my congratulations to you!

(Takes a bucket and pours confetti on the birthday boy, which lies at the bottom of the bucket. Stormy reaction of the guests, laughter, applause).

Scene No. 2 “Congratulations from friends”

Each person has two balls in their hands: orange, red, blue and green. They sing an adaptation of a song to the tune of “The blue ball is spinning and spinning.”


The years, like birds, fly by in succession. But as before, you are young. We came to visit you for our anniversary and brought you a cool gift.

1 friend

We will give a red balloon to the bolder ones, Accept it quickly as a sign of respect, Lots of warmth, many sunny days, Your life will become even more fun!

2 friend

So that you are happy all year round, take a green ball from adversity. Let your family and friends be nearby, You are the best of all, I say without concealment.

1 friend

We want to give peace of mind and reward you with a blue ball on this day. He will save you from sadness, And only goodness will find its way into your home!

2 friend

The orange ball is like a dream, may it never leave you. More money, love and warmth, They will be with you for centuries.


There were other balls, but we didn’t bring them to you. No, not from greed, not from miserliness, Now let’s explain what’s going on.

There was a yellow ball - it decorated the bouquet, But it is changeable, a treacherous color. The yellow ball is a test in fate, so we won’t give it to you.

We found a black ball, but they didn’t bring it either. He carries sadness and separation within himself, And we only wish you happiness!

(The text of the song will need to be beautifully written on parchment and presented to the birthday boy to the applause of the guests).

Scene No. 3 “Compliments”

For this congratulation you will need a presenter, whatman paper and markers.

1. On whatman paper, the presenter writes the name of the birthday person horizontally or vertically (whichever is more convenient).

2. The guests’ task is to come up with an adjective for each letter that characterizes the birthday person in a positive way.

3. At the end, the presenter gives the birthday boy a gift for being so perfect. The gift can be some kind of award (diploma, medal, cup) as a keepsake.

Scene No. 4 “Hidden Gifts”

The guests are sitting at the table, the host is holding a bag of gifts in his hands. Selectively approaches guests with a request to take a gift out of the bag. Each gift should be hidden in a box or any wrapper. The host leaves a note for the guest who received the gift, and he himself approaches the birthday person with the gift. The guest first reads the text of the note, and then the presenter gives the gift to the birthday person.

1. Homemade, exclusive, Oh, I’m giving you a wonderful gift. With him you will be like candy, Because there... (The birthday boy unwraps the gift and says that there is a “napkin”).

2. Wear for the joy of your dear wife, And remember your guests more often, I have exactly the same ones on me, So now you and I are brothers. (Gift - panties with a gag).

3. You never know what life will bring to us. Take it with you in addition, it will save you from awkwardness. Perhaps the best reward from us is a gift for you... (Gift - toilet paper).

4. Have you thought about giving something like this? We decided that you are independent, and that you are capable of making your dreams come true! Therefore, my friend, accept without regret, Our gift is a bottle... (Gift is a bottle of port).

Scene No. 5 “Wishes from a psychic”

Psychic (enters the room, moves his hands mysteriously): Hello! Who's the birthday boy here? Why am I asking, I know it myself! You! (Points with finger). Let me probe your aura! (Runs his hands over his head, whispers mysteriously). I see... I see that your aura is good! Positive moments attract! So, I’m telling you what awaits you: 364 days of prosperity and carelessness! Don’t, don’t ask what’s there in day 365, I don’t see well, it’s vague, your wife, and your mink coat flashes all the time... These are the steps to success and dreams (Steps back and forth with long strides)! So, then again it’s vague - everything is pure banality: happiness, health, love, luck... But what will be, will be - I just can’t lie! (Theatrically presses his hand to his heart, rolls his eyes and falls to the floor, lies there for a second, gets up, hugs the birthday boy tightly and kisses him on the cheek). Fate itself just contacted me! She said that she was kissing you and told you to give you gifts! (Gives a gift).

Costume scene Countrymen from Kazakhstan.

Presenter: Dear birthday person, fellow countrymen from Kazakhstan have come to see you, they have come a long way to congratulate you and bring greetings. Meet my fellow countrymen! A Kazakh folk song sounds, Kazakhs come in in Kazakh national costumes with the flag of Kazakhstan on horses (you can make horse heads from cartoa and glue them to sticks).

1st Guest from Kazakhstan: Yes, you have climbed far It was not easy for us to get there But your fellow countrymen came to congratulate you with all their hearts Play, button accordion, ring, dombra: I wish you peace and goodness, Health and patience, Excellent mood, No matter where you live , which country We wish you happiness throughout the whole world. 2nd Guest: We brought you greetings from the President of Kazakhstan. Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev sends you his congratulations. (They hand the birthday boy a congratulatory telegram.) The presenter reads the telegram: May Aspan be kind to you, Arman always comes true, And the ram multiplies, There is always a lagman for dastarkhan! I wish you with all my heart Kurgan Tenge big-big! So that the ditch would rustle under the mound, and an altyn balyk would live in it. I wish you light and warmth and eat tea from a bowl! So that every day there will be a bezhbarmal in the boiler, so that the baursak will bloom life after life, do not forget about your fellow countrymen! Countrymen invite you to dance, Serik Musalimov's song sounds - “My Kazakhstan.

Gypsy prediction options

1. Ah, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will buy a cottage outside the city, because you will pay off the apartment for debts, but now give me a coin, my rich one, gild your pen. 2. Wow, dear, I see you’ll be a big boss: you’ll gain fifty kilograms! 3. Wow, dear, be on your guard: avoid the cold from your partner of the opposite sex, otherwise you will get sick! 4. My golden one, great love awaits you. Very big. Weighs 120 kilograms! 5. Wai-wai, honey. Take your drink seriously... Don't let it pass your mouth! 6. Fruitful work with a spoon and fork at today’s table will bring certain results by the evening! 7. Today you may have a tendency to be alone with someone! 8. Today, be careful and don’t fall asleep on your neighbor’s plate! 9. Come on, handsome, gild your pen, and I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow! Oh, I see, I see everything! You'll have a hangover tomorrow! 10.Vai, dear, you will feel bad tomorrow, you will have to go to work 11.And for you, I know exactly what will happen tomorrow! Sunday! (If today is Saturday.) 12. I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you’ll run after beer, in the evening you’ll run after girls! 13.Oh, my dear, they’ll have their eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then there’s the heart, the liver, the tongue, and on top there’s something long and thin... hard to see... ah, a herring! 14.You will sing so that your neighbor will cry. The rest will fall asleep! 15. You will sleep sweetly, curly, you will sleep softly until the cake is pulled out from under you! 16. Today they will give you two bags of happiness, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette! 17. There will be friends around you tonight. Friends are faithful, devoted. Tell me what to call them? Sharik, Bobik and Polkan! 18. Endless distances, unknown distances await you. You'll spend half a day thinking about it before you realize where you woke up! 19. Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one you will lose today. 20. Prepare for a big battle! Have you eaten red caviar? Pink salmon will come for revenge! 21. A great loss awaits you. You'll lose your tie. You'll search all night, and you'll find it in the morning. On my neighbor's belt. 22. Wow, what a heavy blow awaits you!.. In the morning, when you stand on the scales 23. Tomorrow morning, beauty, you will be a star, a berry, a pussy, a fish, and if you give me a beer, you will become a wife again. 24. Do you like to watch horror films in the morning? And tomorrow you will have to, when you see yourself in the mirror!

Scenario of costumed congratulations.

Presenter: A guest from Japan itself came to congratulate the bride and groom (our hero of the day), and since she wanted to wish our newlyweds (our hero of the day) a fabulous life, she tried to learn one of the Russian fairy tales. But the Russian language turned out to be very difficult, especially the endings of words could not work out, so dear (name of the guest in disguise)-san will tell the tale as best he can, and I will give a little hint so that you understand what it is about.

Sounds "A Million Scarlet Roses" in Japanese

(The “Japanese woman” comes out, dances a little, then bows and begins to read a fairy tale.)

Text of the fairy tale “Turnip” from a Japanese woman.

(Thanks to the author of the idea Drozdovoy S.G.)

(the presenter or one of the guests can act as an interpreter)

Japanese woman: Po. De. Re.

Translator: Grandfather planted a turnip. Japanese woman: You. Re. Bo.Translator: The turnip has grown big.Japanese: Po. De. Re. Cha. Translator: Grandfather went to pull the turnip. Japanese woman: Cha. By. Cha. And you. Not. Mo. Translator: He pulls, he pulls, but he can’t pull it out. Japanese woman: Po. De. Ba.Translator: Grandfather called grandma.Japanese: Ba. Behind. De. De. Behind. Re. Cha. By. Cha. And you. Not. Mo.Translator: Grandma for grandfather. Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Japanese woman: Po. Bah. Grandmother.Translator: The grandmother called her granddaughter.

Japanese woman: Innu. Behind. Bah. Bah. Behind. De. De. Behind. Re. Cha. By. Cha. And you. Not. Mo. Translator: Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandfather. Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull, but they cannot pull.

Japanese: Po. Vnu. Zhu. Translator: The granddaughter called Zhuchka. Japanese woman: Zhu. Behind. Vnu. Vnu. Behind. Bah. Bah. Behind. De. De. Behind. Re. Cha. By. Cha. And you. Not. Mo.Translator: A bug for my granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandfather. Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Japanese woman: Po. Zhu. Co. Translator: Bug called the cat. Japanese woman: Co. Behind. Zhu. Zhu. Behind. Vnu. Vnu. Behind. Bah. Bah. Behind. De. De. Behind. Re. Cha. By. Cha. And you. Not. Mo.Translator: Cat for Bug. A bug for my granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandfather. Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Japanese woman: Po. Co. We. Translator: The cat called the mouse. Japanese woman: We. Behind. Co. Co. Behind. Zhu. Zhu. Behind. Vnu. Vnu. Behind. Bah. Bah. Behind. De. De. Behind. Re. Cha. By. Cha. And you. Re! Translator: A mouse for a cat. Cat for Bug. A bug for my granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandfather. Grandfather for the turnip. They pulled and pulled and pulled out the turnip. Applause for our guest

(everyone applauds, the “Japanese woman” bows and continues her congratulations)

A playful introduction to the dance of young people (celebrants).

Japanese: Spa. Ho ra and ta kra le about lyu prelyu.

Presenter: Thank you. I want to tell, with the help of dance and music, another beautiful legend about great love, which is what I wish for the newlyweds (the hero of the day).

The song “A Million Scarlet Roses” is playing in Japanese in the background

(“Japanese woman” dances, the presenter tells the content of the song and dance)

Presenter: An old Japanese legend says that two centuries ago a poor artist Nobu lived in Kyoto. One day, walking through the square with his easel, he saw a beautiful girl in the window of the palace and immediately fell in love. Her name was Kimiko, she was from a wealthy ruling family and would never even look in the direction of a poor artist. Having learned that the girl would soon have a wedding (birthday), Nobu decided not to waste time and sold everything he had: his house, his brushes and all his paintings. And he bought flowers with all the money and strewed them all over the square in front of his beloved’s palace. Kimiko looked out the window, saw the unfortunate Nobu and a sea of ​​beautiful flowers, her heart trembled, she ran out into the square, street musicians began to play their instruments and the young people began to dance in a dance of love. And all the passers-by admired them, picked up flowers and showered them on the lovers. Since then, the tradition has arisen of showering the newlyweds (birthday girl) with rose petals on their wedding day (birthday) for good luck.

...(names of the heroes of the occasion) we ask you to go to the center of the circle, and the guests to come out and support them

“Japanese”, a handful of petals are distributed to everyone, the couple dances in the center, the guests around create a round dance and shower them with rose petals.

A melody sounds for the newlyweds to dance (or the hero of the day with her husband)

Author Nadezhda Khudyashova

Especially for the site

Birthday script for adults

A very good, funny and detailed script, with games, competitions and congratulations for the birthday boy.

A melody from the TV show “Visiting a Fairy Tale” is heard in the hall. The toastmaster welcomes the hero of the occasion, guests and announces that this birthday will be held in the style of “remember childhood”: with elements of funny fairy tales, games and fun.

A melody from the TV show “Visiting a Fairy Tale” is heard in the hall. The toastmaster welcomes the hero of the occasion, guests and announces that this birthday will be held in the style of “remember childhood”: with elements of funny fairy tales, games and fun.

At the beginning of the holiday there is a traditional congratulatory part. Guests give gifts to the birthday boy or girl, say toasts and congratulations. As an additional “trick” you can use “congratulations with sign language translation”: when one guest makes wishes or a toast, and the other depicts everything that was said using gestures and facial expressions. It turns out to be fun.

Congratulations and gifts are replaced by a gaming part with competitions and sweepstakes. The toastmaster asks everyone to forget for a while that they are adults, respectable people, that there is work and responsibilities somewhere, and immerse themselves in the magical world of children's joys.

An excerpt from the song “Childhood” (from the repertoire of Yuri Shatunov) is played.

Toastmaster: Time rushes by unnoticed, Year after year, day after day. Here comes the birthday - We don’t recognize ourselves! How quickly we grew up, gained weight, became more important, and have completely forgotten who, friends, we used to be. Remembering your golden childhood is such happiness! Birthday boy, don’t yawn, remember with us!

The toastmaster gives the birthday boy toys to remind him of his childhood years.

Toastmaster: We were all once tiny babies. When our dear birthday boy was a baby, there was no better gift for him than this.

Gives the birthday boy a rattle.

When the birthday boy grew up a little, his favorite toys were divided according to gender.

He gives a car if the birthday boy is a man, or a naked doll if he is a woman.

Then he (she) gravitated towards outdoor games (gives a ball (to a man) or a jump rope (to a woman).

And only then I reached out to the light of knowledge - to reading, to learning!

Gives a book of Russian folk tales.

Well, what child doesn’t love fairy tales? It’s fairy tales that we’ll talk about now. Or rather, we will take part in them!

A fairy tale in a new way

Those listed in the fairy tale participate in the game; you can add new characters if there are a lot of guests. The toastmaster reads the text of the fairy tale. Those whom he names come out to him and portray their characters (except for the birthday boy - he can watch from the side):

The hen Ryaba began to clean her feathers and beak.

The bun was smeared with oil for shine.

Sister Alyonushka washed her brother Ivanushka.

Vasilisa the Wise began to make herself a new dress.

The Bear began to rehearse an original congratulatory growl, and the Wolf and Fox began to rehearse a special dance.

Even Princess Nesmeyana smiled her Hollywood smile and giggled!

And Ilya Muromets began to plan a new club out of wood - you know, you never know what can happen at the feast! (Ilya Muromets is given an inflatable baton or a long balloon.) Then they gathered in a tight circle and thought about what to give the birthday boy? And they came up with it! They took a large bag (players are given a bag) and went through the forest to ask who would give what. (Players must approach the guests and collect “gifts”; guests give anything: some small change from their pocket, candy from the table, etc. Everything valuable will be returned later.)

. And they collected a bag full of gifts! They come back skipping and rejoicing. Suddenly, an enraged Nightingale the Robber jumped out of the thick thicket with a scream! And let's take away the bag of gifts! Everyone got scared and trembled.

Who should I give it to?

Such a sweet set is a universal gift, but it is intended at least for those with whom you are more or less familiar

Such gifts should be given especially carefully to partners and managers.

If you are not sure that your gift will be understood correctly, it is better to give something more neutral. At the same time, this is one of the best surprises for family and friends - who doesn’t love sweets!


Andrey! Congratulating you on your anniversary, We do not spare words (and feelings) for you! Your 50 is just the middle, and there is no serious reason to worry. We came here willingly today and brought you many gifts. By the time we got there, we wandered around a bit... The road to you turned out to be a long one.

1. Here is a box of CANDIES... True, there are no more of them in it. On the way we ate them... Sorry - we couldn’t resist!

2. Who, tell me, has not been taught to wash their hands with odorous SOAP? Everyone is ready to wash their hands... (Voice from the audience): So that there are no worms!

3. You have noticeably lost weight... Maybe you haven’t eaten for a long time? Here in the glass there is MUSTARD - a very tasty thing!

4. If the soup with veal heart is not hot enough, Here's a bag of PEPPER - it will start a fire in your mouth!

5. If your mouth is burning, then you need to drink a glass... of lemonade. Do not endure severe torture - Dilute the DRINK with water.

6. I put one ICE CREAM on the bottom... (rummaging in the basket) - Apparently, it melted, only leaving a stick!

7. So that your teeth don’t hurt, so that there is no trouble, here is a TOOTHPICK - made from spruce: Better - for meat food!

8. There is one place in the house... It is called by the gentle word “toilet”. Here's a “balloon bouquet” for you! We don’t feel sorry for this DEO: It will smell like violet there!

9. In the evening you freshen up in the shower, wash your head, feet and ears there. LIQUID SOAP - for children it... Will wash away the fuel oil... And wash away... Wine.

Answer: For Andreeva’s hairstyle, this comb is enough!

11. Here is a JAR... FROM UNDER LIQUID CREAM. It’s a pity that it’s empty?... I don’t see a problem - Do you need it? With such and such a face! You're still doing great without the cream!

You can store buttons in a jar, Maybe your wife won’t forget to sew them on...

12. You’re a teetotaler here, aren’t you? If you drink for an hour, then with this gift you will immediately hit your shoes! (Shoehorn)

13. Cologne is a bit old - he arrived from the Union. Scent yourself with this rubbish and you will become an indoor geranium.

14. Here is a CITRAMON TABLET. Take it as soon as that cologne gives you a headache.

15. From “economic” feelings, as well as romantic ones, I’ll give you another CANDLE! And I want to tell you: Use a reasonable amount of electricity!

16. If you are alone now, Smell WINE CORKS! Memories of parties and dates will come to life.

17. If you have problems with hearing, with your left or right ear, so that you can listen to your wife - know: it’s time to clean your ears! (“EAR CLEANERS”)

18. If the lot has become bitter, If the white light is not sweet, Here is a VALIDOL tablet - It will revive the ardor of the heart!

19. Are you going to bed? Teeth on the shelf! Here is the COOKIDENT. This thing is not without meaning! Take your jaw out of the glass in the morning - you will become handsome! I'm not lying!

20. And another ENVELOPE without a stamp - Yellow, yellow, bright, bright! Although it looks simple and is still empty...

But I want to make you happy with this envelope: You can put 100 euros in it. I'll give you a little to start with, but report the rest yourself!

If desired, similar scenarios can be found on my page:

"A Dozen Comic Gifts"

Congratulating a man on his anniversary is easy and difficult at the same time: easy if you know well the tastes and hobbies of the hero of the day, difficult if he takes his hobby very seriously - then you may not please. Men, as a rule, like to receive either practical gifts or cool ones - so a wonderful option for a man's anniversary would be a congratulation in which you can combine both.

For example, before presenting a truly valuable gift (an envelope with money or a gift certificate), you can arrange the presentation of comic gifts that tell about the profession or hobby of the hero of the day - this will certainly please the recipient himself and create an atmosphere of festive fun at the table.

With the help of an invented funny instruction or eyeliner, you can give the hero of the day a very practical and ordinary gift in an original way: a bottle of vodka, a watch, etc.
This is a great way to bring joy to the hero of the day and add variety to the series of, albeit beautiful, but stereotyped wishes..
Here are the best ideas on the Internet (thanks to the authors) on how to arrange comic congratulations with gifts for a man’s anniversary.


Scene No. 7 “Congratulations to the King!”

Characters : Courtiers (2), Guests (5). Props : King's throne, court costumes (or at least attributes).

Courtier 1 : Your Majesty, King (Name)! Please sit on this throne! You are the great ruler of your country, and on behalf of all your subjects, let me read you congratulations!

(He unrolls the scroll with importance. He looks around in fear and calls another courtier).

Courtier 1 (whispers): Hey, but there's nothing there! Empty. Where is the congratulations?

(Courtier 2 shrugs, then raises his finger. Throws away the scroll.)

Courtier 2 : Our king, we will now show how well we know you! Gentlemen, I say - show me! How angry is King (Name)? (Guests show). How does the king dance at a cheerful discus, sorry, ball? How did the king drink too much wine and make his way into his payment room without his wife noticing? (Guests try to portray a drunken birthday boy).

Courtier 1 : Oh! Class! Are you satisfied, our king? And here are the overseas gifts! Accept, King (Name), congratulations!

Courtier 1 : Count De (guest's last name) from the mysterious county (Street or area where the guest lives) presents you with a secret paper! Show it and any product is yours! (Give a certificate).

Courtier 2 : Princess (name) from a beautiful country brings you an enchanting aroma! With him you can do anything! Neutralize your enemies and gain allies! (They give perfume).

Courtier 1 : We know that you, our wonderful king, dream of catching a golden fish so that all your wishes come true! Prince (name) from (...) gives you the opportunity to do this! (They give fishing equipment).

Courtier 2 : Our dear king, the next gift is a worthwhile thing! A magic potion that intoxicates the mind, leading to a state of euphoria and bliss! Allow me to present you with this wonderful drink! (Gives cognac).

Courtier 1 : And I make a generous contribution to the treasury, Your Majesty! Grab this treasure chest! (Gives an envelope made in the shape of a chest with money).

Scene No. 8 “Three brooms”

Three women will be needed for congratulations. Each of them has a broom in their hands. In total you need three brooms: oak, birch, eucalyptus.

First woman

For a healthy man, we give him an oak broom. We will soar you from adversity and all sorrows with a broom. (A woman with an oak broom lightly pats the birthday boy).

Second woman

Don’t fuss and don’t suffer, but rather get a birch broom. Let's walk over the shoulders, over the head, so that you are as healthy as a bull on a cow.

Third woman

Here it is a eucalyptus broom. So that all sorrows disappear, let’s soar him boldly. To prevent your bones from creaking and your lower back from aching, let’s walk with a broom just below your lower back.

Scene No. 9 “Congratulations from oriental beauties”

Characters : Girls dressed as oriental beauties (roles can be divided according to the number of gifts). The girls enter the ceremony and leave after presenting gifts to oriental music, performing oriental dance movements.

Girl 1 : Today you are Sheikh al-Sheikh, you are the best today! Gulzia, Ramza, Thames, they all came to congratulate you!

Girl 2 : You are a lover of bright life, accept gifts quickly!

Girl 3 : So that everything in life is smooth, not unsteady, hold on, we are giving you a fish! (You can arrange a “bouquet” of several types of salted fish, or just sets of appetizers).

Girl 1 : So that your wife dotes on you, you are wearing a set of tea!

Girl 2 : Well, of course, we prepared sweets for tea! With cognac!

Girl 3 : But there are no sweets (shrugs). Here, hold this bottle! (Gives a bottle of cognac).

Girl 1 : For you, who likes to swim in a warm river in the morning, we will give you, no, not panties, but we will give you a boat! (Or a spinner, or other fishing accessories, then simply replace it with the words “that’s what!”)

(Elements of oriental dance are danced, then as in a flash mob, all the guests gradually repeat these movements, and everyone is already dancing. The girls run away).

Scene: “Fishing Anniversary”

Two fishermen with fishing rods enter the room. They joyfully greet the birthday boy.

Fisherman 1: Oh, hello, dear, they let you go with us! How amazing! My wife didn’t swear too much, what, you decided to spend your birthday fishing? (The hero of the day answers)

Fisherman 2: That's great! Let's sit and celebrate in the company of men. We have everything for this. Look what a great clearing, come and sit with us.

The fishermen sit on the floor. The hero of the day sits down next to him. The fishermen spread a newspaper on the floor and take out a bottle from their backpack with the inscription “Moonshine”.

Fisherman 1 (winks): Look what we have! Now let's drink a glass for your health!

Fisherman 2: Wait, I’ll get a snack (takes “Sprat in Tomato” out of his backpack and opens the jar, puts it on the floor. He takes out a fork and a piece of bread from his pocket and puts it next to it) Just like in the best houses of London and Paris! Let's (name of the hero of the day) for your health! (They pour out the contents of a bottle, which contains champagne instead of moonshine) For you, my friend, be healthy and happy!

The fishermen and the Jubilee clink glasses and drink.

Fisherman 1: Oh, that went well! So, where's my fishing rod? I'll catch you a whole bucket of fish as a gift. The fisherman throws his fishing rod into the doorway. At this time, the wife of the hero of the day puts various objects on the fishing rod. The fisherman pulls out an empty bottle.

Fisherman 1: Oh! I give you this bottle as a sign of friendliness and hospitality. May you always have time for close friends to gather in a friendly company.

Fisherman 2: Come on, now me! (throws out a fishing rod, takes out a sock) This symbol speaks of warmth. May you always be surrounded by the warmth and care of your loved ones.

Fisherman 1 (throws a fishing rod and pulls out a tin can): I wish you not to know the need, but to live in abundance and wealth.

Fisherman 2 (pulls out a chest with the inscription “Treasure”): Oh, and here is a treasure, what’s in the chest... Oh, there is a paper with the inscription “Health”. That's right, my friend, the most important treasure in life is health!

Fisherman 1 casts his fishing rod and cannot pull it out.

Fisherman 1: Wow, what a catch, come on, help me! The Little Mermaid must have been hooked.

The fishermen seem to be pulling the fishing rod with force and “pulling out” the wife of the Jubilee.

Fisherman 2: Ah, this is the most expensive prize: your Goldfish, it will fulfill your most cherished desires, and now you definitely want this beauty to kiss you. Advice and love to you for many years to come!

The wife kisses the hero of the day to the applause of the fishermen and guests.

Funny scenes for a man's birthday - 10 table options to funny congratulate the birthday boy!

Men are our support, protection and love! When preparing for a loved one’s birthday, it is important to secretly come up with an entertainment program so that it becomes a real surprise for both the birthday person and the guests.

For those who want to celebrate their birthday brightly and cheerfully, to give their man emotions, feelings and a bit of soul, we present funny scenes! They will help not only diversify the planned holiday program, but also present memorable gifts to the birthday boy in an original way, with humor and invention.

Sketch from the group “Polygamist”

There are two chairs in the center of the hall. The presenter solemnly announces the beginning of the funny miniature. The birthday boy is seated on one of the chairs, and an actor (one of the guests) sits next to him.

Guest: My dear friend, I have an important announcement to make! On this solemn day I confess... I have a big family!. Behind the door are three girls with their faces covered and in long outfits like a burqa.

They run into the hall one by one when their names are announced.

Behind the door are three girls with their faces covered and in long outfits like a burqa. They run into the hall one by one when their names are announced.

Guest: Come in, dears! Gyulchatai! Zulfiya! Maryam!

The girls stand with their heads down. The guest gets up, walks from side to side and sighs heavily.

Guest: You know how much I love you all. But the time has come for us to part. The girls are shocked and excitedly whispering and looking at each other.

Guest: From now on you are free and free to control your destiny. I can't hold you back.

There is a moment of silence, then the song “If I were a Sultan” sounds.

The girls circle around their husband, dance and at the end take off their burqas. Together they take a step forward towards the guests.

Gyulchatay indignantly: He abandoned us! He doesn't love us!

Zulfiya angrily: And, for sure, he never loved. Deceiver!

Maryam sadly: This is terrible! What a betrayal!

Gyulchatay and Maryam hug and cry. Zulfiya takes matters into her own hands.

Zulfiya: Since he didn’t value us, we will find someone who will!

Gyulchatay: How will we do this?

Zulfiya: Just look around! There are so many wonderful men around. We will definitely find our happiness.

Maryam enthusiastically: Yes! And they will truly love us!

All three turn to their ex-husband and fold their arms over their chests.

Zulfiya: Okay, darling! If so, we'll leave!

Gyulchatay: And we will find our happiness!

Maryam uncertainly: Yes. And you...will regret leaving us!

The girls proudly turn away and walk throughout the hall, peering at the men. They actively discuss something, comment, reflect. At the end of the round, they return to the center of the hall and freeze in thought.

Zulfiya: We've arrived! It's harder than I thought!

Gyulchatay wearily: We won’t find anyone until the end of our lives.

Maryam wants to cry again: Let's remain old maids!

Zulfiya looks around and glances at the birthday boy.

Zulfiya whispers: Girls! How we missed it! Look!

Gyulchatay interestedly: And he is neat, stately and handsome. Not bad. What do you say, Maryam?

Maryam enthusiastically: How good. He is kind, interesting and has a sense of humor. What we are going to do?

Gyulchatay is the first to approach the birthday boy: Well, hello, (name)! Happy birthday!

Zulfiya catches up: We wish you happiness, joy, love!

Maryam: And we have a gift for you, yes!

Gyulchatay takes out a pen from his pocket, and Zulfiya takes out folded paper. They ask you to sign in unison. Having received the signature, they jump joyfully and show everyone the large inscription on the unfolded paper “Marriage Certificate”.

To the song “My Half,” the three of them put on the birthday boy a prepared white cape to the floor, a turban (or crown) and drag him off the stage. The audience is delighted!


Such scenes usually do not take much time. They are staged with the help of one or two actors. Very rarely more is needed.

It is convenient to insert them before the next toast in order to somehow diversify the usual course of the feast and entertain the hero of the day and his guests.

Urgent medical examination

A man fully dressed as a doctor enters the hall. He is wearing glasses, a white coat, a stethoscope, and shoe covers. In his hand he holds a small “medical case”. Doctor

: Allow me, let me! Before congratulations can be heard, I am forced to examine our today's hero. He goes straight to the hero of the day and begins an examination: he examines the face, ears, pupils, asks to touch the tip of the nose, listens to breathing with a stethoscope and performs other medical procedures. During this impromptu medical examination, the doctor comments on his actions with various remarks: “So, sir,” “let’s see what we have here,” “yeah, yeah,” “that’s what I thought,” and the like. After this he makes a short speech.

Doctor's speech

I have conducted a full examination of our patient and am ready to make a full report on his health! So…

  • Jubilee (last name, first name, patronymic).
  • Age - in the prime of life, that is, blooming.
  • The pulse is a real fountain, there is no way to measure it.
  • Blood type - only red cells, sometimes white ones are also found (in strictly measured quantities). This is real “blood and milk”!
  • The heart rate - as it should be on your own anniversary - either jumps or freezes from a complete overabundance of feelings.
  • The vital tone is completely versatile.
  • Vision is perfect. This way you can notice any little thing.
  • Hearing is truly universal, which is very rare.
  • The sense of smell is very subtle, with a probability of error of 3% it can determine with whom the spouse communicated today. Such an acute reaction occurs only in males.
  • Chronic diseases are an inexplicable hibernation after a delicious lunch, a lovingly prepared dinner. More often this occurs next to a working TV.
  • The daily routine is mixed: walking, sitting, lying down.
  • The general conclusion is that this is only the beginning of the life of a given organism. It is recommended to take from life everything you want and what you didn’t get.

Urgent telegram

A man with a bag over his shoulder, a hat with earflaps and a glued-on mustache enters the hall. He portrays a well-known character - postman Pechkin. Hello! It's me, postman Pechkin. I brought you an urgent telegram. It must be read aloud. To do this, I definitely need to wet my throat. He demands a filled glass, drinks it, then reads the telegram. It can be written down on this form.

Telegram text

I dreamed of coming dot I couldn’t tour dot I cordially congratulate you dot I wish you hello dot I dream of being there dot yours Alla Pugacheva This sketch can be staged instead of the next toast. And in conclusion, a cool fairy tale scene awaits you about forest animals, a hunter and dragonflies in love - watch the video:

A cool birthday scenario “Everything for you” is intended for celebrating at home with family and friends. Suitable for women of any age and designed for a company of up to 30 people.

Additionally, you need to organize funny congratulations from unexpected guests, gifts from children, and other entertainment - this will help create the right mood for everyone present. Guests and the birthday girl will receive a charge of humor, positive emotions and vivid memories of a fun birthday.

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